Maintenanace of Crew Accommodation

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The Maritime Labor Convention (MLC) and the standards set out by
the ILO have taken the aspect of crew welfare to a whole new level.
Stringent rules have come into play, mandating the right upkeep of
the crew accommodation as well as general welfare.

1. Accommodation spaces, in general, must be kept clean and free of

dirt and dust.

2. All fittings must be checked, from the door hinges to the porthole
hinges, to be in working order and are in place.

3. Clothes must be arranged and not thrown around the cabin.

4. Lifejacket and immersion suit must be kept in the space marked

for the same.

5. All cabin portholes must be checked for water tightness.

6. Any rust should be removed and primed/painted to ensure

integrity in rough weather.

7. All cabins should be checked for running hot and cold water in
the washrooms.

8. The accepted temperature for hot water designated by the MLC

must be maintained.

9. Shower heads, curtains, knobs etc. must be checked and replaced

if damaged.
10. The bed, being the abode of every seafarer after work, must be
checked for clean sheets, washed linen and overall tidiness.

11. Stewards should be informed in case fresh linen, towels etc are
required to be supplied. A requisition must be made for the same
if the stores have run out.

12. The heating and ventilation in every cabin as well as common

accommodation spaces, including the recreational room, should
be checked for operational integrity.

13. The temperature must also be gauged so as to maintain the

right temperature in the cabins/spaces and repairs made if not in

14. Smoking areas must be provided with the ubiquitous covered

ashtrays. Open ashtrays tend to spill, leaving room for a probable

15. The lighting of the accommodation spaces should be checked.

16. Adequate natural light as well as artificial lightings are to be

judged by the Master for compliance.

17. Any broken/non-functional lights must be replaced at the


18. The laundry room must be inspected for working order.

19. The washing machines, separate for civil clothes and boiler
suits/overall, adequate supply of detergent, the dryer’s
maintenance must all be given a thorough check.

20. A non-functional laundry room causes a lot of discomfort and

results in an unhygienic environment.

21. Sanitary facilities in the common spaces as well the cabins are
to be checked for good order.

22. Supplies of personal care products, cleaning material to keep

the space clean is imperative and be supplied to all crew at the
beginning of every month.

23. Garbage segregation must be checked for in a room. The

dustbins shouldn’t be overflowing and causing any unnecessary

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