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z/OS JCL Advanced Topics

Experienced programmers, opera-

Unique Features
tors, analysts, support staff and * Multi-volume data sets
Course materials developed by Steve
users who need to know how to
Comstock using classroom experi-
code JCL to run jobs in a z/OS envi- * Extended Format data sets
ence since 1975.
ronment. Anyone who needs to
work with procedures, handle JCL * Striped data sets
Instructor: Instructor has worked in
errors, and design / code JCL to
the IBM Mainframe Environment, sup-
deal with multi-volume data sets, * HFS files
porting DOS/VSE, MVS, OS/390,
restart, SMS data sets, or HFS files
z/OS, CICS/VSAM, IMS and DB2 since
* Utilities: IEFBR14, IEBGENER, IEB-
PRE-REQ.Attendees are expected to
Duration: 3 Days
have a working understanding of * Introduction to IDCAMS
Format: Classroom (with five stan-
* Conditional JCL: IF/THEN, ELSE,
dard exercises and two optional exer-
Students who complete this course ENDIF
cises, all hands-on.)
will be able to code JCL to run test
and production batch jobs, use * Cataloged procedures
Certification: All attendees will
some common batch utility pro-
receive an attendance certificate.
grams, and use a Sort / Merge pro- * Symbolic parameters in proce-
gram product, including using sym- dures and in open JCL
bolic names; debug many JCL
errors; set up JCL for restart; use * JES internal readers
some JES2 or JES3 control state-
ments. * Step restart, checkpoint restart

* JES control statements

Major Topics Include:
* SMS - Storage Management Sub-
system and PDSEs
* Data sets and libraries; DASD orga-
nization, VTOCs and catalogs
* z/OS organization and workflow OGS CONSULTING
* Sort / Merge, including multiple WWW.OGSCONSULT.COM
* Introduction to Work Load Manag-
er (WLM)
output files and symbolic name CSRADM@CONSULT.COM
capabilities +65-9626-7045
* JCL: rules of syntax

* JOB, EXEC, DD, OUTPUT state-


* OPEN processing

* Sources of Information

* Debugging JCL
z/OS JCL Advanced Topics - Topical Outline
IBM Utilities
Day One IEFBR14
Operating system concepts IEBGENER
Operating system concepts IEBCOPY
The Application Program Environment IDCAMS
MVS - Multiple Virtual Storages Computer Exercise: Using Utilities
The Road to z/OS
z/OS Workflow SORT
JES - the Job Entry Subsystem Introduction to SORT
Introduction to Work Load Manager JCL for SORT
Initiators and scheduling SORT Control Statements
Allocation Computer Exercise: Using the SORT
JCL syntax
JOB, EXEC Statements Some Advanced Sort Topics
Additional COND Tests
Symbolic names
Introduction to Data Management The OUTFIL Statements
Data Set Organizations Generating reports
DCBs / ACBs Computer Exercise: Symbolic names and multiple
DDNAMES output files
JOB Step setup
OPEN Processing
SYSIN-type data and SYSOUT-type data OUTPUT Statements
Introduction to OUTPUT Statements
Named Data Sets The REGION parameter
Tape and Disk Data Sets The MEMLIMIT parameters
Tape Layout
DASD Concepts
Data Set Naming Rules
Units, Volumes, Catalogs Day Three
JCL Procedures
Tape DD Statements Cataloged Procedures
Tape Output - DD Statement Procedures and Inserts
Tape Input - DD Statement Procedures and Overrides
Symbolic Parameters
SMS - System Managed Storage SYSUID
ISMF The INCLUDE statement
Private Proclibs: JCLLIB
DASD Concepts Nested Procedures
DASD Track Layout Computer Exercise: Using Nested Procedures and
DASD Organization
DD Statements for DASD Additional Techniques
Temporary data sets GDGs - Generation Data Groups
Concatenation Internal Readers
Step Restart
Condition Code Testing and JCL Debugging PDSEs - Partitioned Data Set, Extended
IF / THEN / ELSE / ENDIF Statements JES Control Statements
The JOBRC parameter
JCL problem solving Some Additional JCL Statement Parameters
Sources of Information (IBM Publications, BookManag- JOB Statement Parameters: GROUP, PASSWORD, PER-
er, QuickReference) FORM, SCHENV, SECLABEL, USER
Computer Exercise: JCL ONION EXEC Statement Parameter: PERFORM
DD Statement Parameters: DCB, DDNAME, SPIN
Optional Exercise: Using OUTPUT Statements
Day Two
Special DD Situations
Virtual I/O - VIO
Reference and Affinity
Multi-volume Data sets
Extended format data sets
Striped data sets
Hierarchical File System (HFS)
JCL and HFS files
Computer Exercise: Accessing an HFS file

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