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Multiplex Theatre



1.1 Introduction to computer graphics

To draw a picture say, bus moving on the road. Suddenly will get an idea to use paint,
but the degree of accuracy, quality of image is not satisfied and become very sad. There is
no need to worry, for every problem there will be a solution, so this problem of creating fish
moving inside the water can be solved using COMPUTER GRAPHICS without any
Computer Graphics become a powerful tool for the rapid and economical production of
pictures. There is virtually no area in which Graphical displays cannot be used to some
advantage so it is not surprising to find the use of CG so widespread.

Although early application in engineering & science had to rely on expensive &
cumbersome equipments, advances in computer technology have made interactive computer
graphics a practical tool.

Computer Graphics is used in a diverse area such as science, engineering, medicine,

business, industry, government, art, entertainment, education and training.

Now it can be answered about computer graphics as generalized tool for drawing and
creating pictures and simulates the real world situations within a small computer window.

1.2 History

William fetter was credited with coining the term Computer Graphics in 1960, to
describe his work at Boeng. One of the first displays of computer animation was future world
(1976), which included an animation of a human face and hand-produced by Carmull and
Fred Parkle at the University of Utah.

There are several international conferences and journals where the most significant
results in computer-graphics are published. Among them are the SIGGRAPH and Euro

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graphics conferences and the association for computing machinery (ACM) transaction on
Graphics journals.

1.3 Applications of Computer Graphics

Nowadays Computer Graphics used in almost all the areas ranges from science,
engineering, medicine, business, industry, government, art, entertainment, education and

1.3.1 CG in the field of CAD

Computer Aided Design methods are routinely used in the design of buildings,
automobiles, aircraft, watercraft, spacecraft computers, textiles and many other applications.

1.3.2 CG in Presentation Graphics

Another major application area presentation graphics used to produce illustrations for
reports or generate slides. Presentation graphics is commonly used to summarize financial,
statistical, mathematical, scientific data for research reports and other types of reports.2D and
3D bar chart to illustrate some mathematical or statistical report.

1.3.3 CG in Computer Art

CG methods are widely used in both fine art and commercial art applications. Artists
use a variety of computer methods including special purpose hardware, artist’s paintbrush
program (lumena), other pain packages, desktop packages, mathematical packages,
animation packages that provide facility for designing object motion. Ex: cartoons design is
an example of computer art which uses CG.

1.3.4 Entertainment

Computer graphics methods are now commonly used in making motion pictures,
music, videos, games and sounds. Sometimes graphics objects are combined with the actors
and live scenes.

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1.3.5 Education and Training

Computer generated models of physical financial, economic system is often as

education aids. For some training application special systems are designed. Ex: specialized
system is simulator for practice sessions or training of ship captain, aircraft pilots and traffic

1.3.6 Image Processing

Although the methods used in CG image processing overlap, the 2 areas are
concerned with fundamentally different operations. In CG a computer is used to create
picture. Image processing on the other hand applies techniques to modify existing pictures
such as photo scans, TV scans.

1.3.7 User Interface

It is common for software packages to provide a graphical interface. A major

component of a graphical interface is a window manager that allows a user to display
multiple window area. Interface also displays menus, icons for fast selection and processing.

1.4 Statement of the Problem

To draw the computer version of the simple ‘Multiplex Theatre’ and it’s role in daily
life. It is the graphical representation of Multiplex Theatre and it’s working. The Multiplex
Theatre show the real life graphical implementation of what happens in a multi-screen
cinema, how people choose their cinema according to language. It also show the ticket
selling as well as how people comes to buy popcorn in the middle of cinema.

1.5 Objectives

 The interactive demo of Multiplex Theatre.

 Graphical approach towards understanding the Multiplex Theatre.

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1.6 Organization of the Report

Chapter 1 introduces the computer graphics and its applications. Chapter 2 provides
brief Introductions to OpenGL, Chapter 3 deals with the Multiplex Theatre, Chapter 4 deals
with design and implementation inbuilt graphics functions and hardware and software
requirement with results obtained, and contains the results and snapshots of the output,
Chapter 5 concludes the project and also mentions the future scope, at the end the references
used for the project are listed.

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OpenGL is a software interface to graphics hardware. This interface consists of about
150 distinct commands that are used to specify the objects and operations needed to produce
interactive three-dimensional applications.

OpenGL is designed as a streamlined, hardware-independent interface to be

implemented on many different hardware platforms.

Most of the application will be designed to access OpenGL directly through functions
in three libraries. Functions in the main GL (or OpenGL in windows) library have names that
begin with the letters gl and are stored in a library usually referred to as GL (or OpenGL in
windows). The second is the OpenGL Utility Library (GLU). This library uses only GL
functions but contains code for creating common objects and simplifying viewing. All
functions in GLU can be created from the core GL library but application programmers
prefer not to write the code repeatedly. The GLU library is available in all OpenGL
implementations; functions in the GLU library begin with letters glu.

To interface with the window system and to get input from external devices into the
programs, at least one more system-specific library is needed that provides the “glue”
between the window system and OpenGL. For the X window system, this library is
functionality that should be expected in any modern windowing system.

Fig 2.1 shows the organization of the libraries for an X Window System environment.
For this window system, GLUT will use GLX and the X libraries. The application program
can use only GLUT functions and thus can be recompiled with the GLUT library for other
window systems.

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GL Frame
application Xlib, Xtk


Fig 2.1 Library organization

2.1 OpenGL Command Syntax

OpenGL commands use the prefix gl and initial capital letters for each word making
up the command name. Similarly, OpenGL defined constant begin with GL_, use all capital
letters, and use underscores to separate words (like GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT).

Some extraneous letters are appended to some command name (for example, the 3f in
glColor3f() and glVertex3f()). It’s true that the Color part of the command name
glColor3f() is enough to define the command as one that sets the current color. And more
than one such command has been defined so as to use different types of arguments. In
particular, the 3 part of the suffix indicates that three arguments are given; another version of
the Color command takes four arguments. The f part of the suffix indicates that the
arguments are floating point numbers. Having different formats allows OpenGL to accept the
user’s data.

Some OpenGL commands accept as many as 8 different data types for their
arguments. The letters used as suffixes to specify these data types for ISO C implementations
of OpenGL are shown in table 2.1 along with the corresponding OpenGL type definitions.

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B 8-bit integer Signed char GLbyte
S 16-bit integer Short GLshort
I 32-bit integer Int or Long GLint,GLsizei
F 32-bit floating- Float GLfloat, Glclampf
D 64-bit floating- Double GLdouble,GLclampd
Ub 8-bit unsigned Unsigned char GLubyte,Glboolean
Us 16-bit unsigned Unsigned short GLushort
Ui 32-bit unsigned Unsigned int or GLuint,GLenum,GLbitfield
integer Unsigned long

Table 2.1: Command suffixes and argument data types

2.1.1 Pixel Operation

Pixels from an array in system memory are first unpacked from one of a variety of
formats into the proper number of components. Next the data is scaled, biased, and processed
by a pixel map. The results are clamped and then either written into texture memory or sent
to the rasterization step. If the pixel data is read from the frame buffer, pixel transfer
operations (scale, bias, mapping, and clamping) are performed.

Then these results are packed into an appropriate format and returned to an array in
system memory. There are special pixel copy operations to copy data in the frame buffer to
other parts of the frame buffer or to the texture memory. A single pass is made through the
pixel transfer operations before the data is written to the texture memory or back to the frame

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2.2 OpenGL as a State Machine

OpenGL is a state machine. It is put into various states (or modes) that then remain in
effect until it is changed. The current color is state variable. The current color can be set to
white, red or any other color, and thereafter every object is drawn with that color until current
color is set to something else.
Many state variable refer to modes that are enabled or disabled with the command
glEnable() and glDisable().
Each state variable or mode has a default value, and at any point the system can be
queried for each variable’s current value. Typically one of the following six commands can
be used to do this: glGetBooleanv(), glDoublev(), glGetFloatv(), glGetIntegerv(),
glGetPointerv(), or glEnabled().

2.3 Display Lists

All data, whether it describes geometry or pixel, can be saved in a display lists for
current or latter use. When a display list is executed, the retained data is sent from the display
list just as if it were sent by the application in immediate mode.

2.4 Evaluators
All geometric primitives are eventually described by vertices. Parametric curves and
surfaces may be initially described by control points and polynomial functions called basis
functions. Evaluators provide a method to derive the vertices used to represent the surface
from the control points. The method is a polynomial mapping, which can produce surface
normal, texture coordinates, colors, and spatial coordinate values from the control points.

2.5 Primitive Assembly

Clipping, a major part of primitive assembly, is the elimination of portions of
geometry which fall outside a half-space, defined by a plane. Point clipping simply passes or
rejects vertices; line or polygon clipping can add additional vertices depending upon how the
line or polygon is clipped. In some cases, this is followed by perspective division, which
makes distant geometric objects appear smaller than closer objects. Then viewport and depth
(z coordinate) operations are applied. Is culling is enabled and the primitive is a polygon, it

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then may be rejected by a culling test. Depending upon the polygon mode, a polygon may be
drawn as points or lines.

2.6 Pixel Operations

Pixels from an array in system memory are first unpacked from one of a variety of
formats into the proper number of components. Next the data is scaled, biased, and processed
by a pixel map. The results are clamped and then either written into texture memory or sent
to the rasterization step. If the pixel data is read from the frame buffer, pixel transfer
operations (scale, bias, mapping, and clamping) are performed. Then these results are packed
into an appropriate format and returned to an array in system memory.
There are special pixel copy operations to copy data in the frame buffer to other parts
of the frame buffer or to the texture memory.
A single pass is made through the pixel transfer operations before the data is written
to the texture memory or back to the frame buffer.

2.7 Texture Assembly

An OpenGL application may wish to apply texture images onto geometric objects to
make them look more realistic. Some OpenGL implementations may have special resources
to accelerate texture performance. There may be specialized, high-performance texture

2.8 Rasterization
Rasterization is the conversion of both geometric and pixel data into fragments. Each
fragment square corresponds to a pixel in the framebuffer. Line and polygon stipples, line
width, point size, shading model, and coverage calculations to support antialiasing are taken
into consideration as vertices are connected into lines or interior pixels are calculated for a
filled polygon. Color and depth values are assigned for each fragment square.

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2.9 Fragment Operations

Before values are actually stored into frame buffer, a series of operations are
performed that may alter or even throw out fragments. All these operations can be enabled or
The operation which may be encountered texturing, where a texel (texture element) is
generated from texture memory for each fragment and applied to the fragment. Then fog
calculations may be applied, followed by scissor test, the alpha test, the stencil test, and the
depth-buffer test.

2.10 Need of OpenGL

The intension of this chapter is to give basic concepts in OpenGL. OpenGL is a
device and operating system independent library for 3D-graphics and rendering. OpenGL
was originally developed b Silicon Graphics Inc (SGI) for use on their high end graphics
workstations. Since then, OpenGL has become a widely accepted standard with
implementations on many operating system and hardware platforms including Windows NT
and Windows X operating systems. The purpose of OpenGL library is to render two or three-
dimensional objects into frame buffer. OpenGL is a library of high-quality three-dimensional
graphics and rendering functions. The library’s device- and platform- independence make it a
library of choice for developing portable graphical applications.
OpenGL drawings are constructed from primitives; primitives are simple items such
as lines or polygons, which in turn are composed of vertices.
The OpenGL library assembles primitives from vertices while taking into account a
variety of settings, such as color, lighting, and texture. Primitives are then processed in
accordance with transformations, clipping settings, and other parameters; at the end of the
rasterization process is pixel data deposited into a frame buffer.
Because of high visual quality and performance any visual computing application
requiring maximum performance-from 3D animation to CAD to visual simulation-can
exploit high-quality, high-performance OpenGL capabilities. These capabilities allow
developers in diverse markets such as broadcasting, CAD/CAM/CAE, entertainment,
medical imaging, and virtual reality to produce and display incredibly compelling 2D and 3D

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2.11 Advantage of Using OpenGL

 Industry standard: An independent consortium, the OpenGL Architectural Review

Board, guides the OpenGL specification. With broad industry support, OpenGL is the
only true open, vendor-neutral, multiplatform graphics standard.
 Stable: OpenGL implementations have been available for more than seven years on a
wide variety of platforms. Additions to the specification are well controlled, and
proposed updates are announced in time for developers to adopt changes. Backward
compatibility requirement ensure that existing applications do not become obsolete.
 Reliable and Portable: all OpenGL applications produce consistent visual display
results on any OpenGL API-compliant hardware, regardless of operating system or
windowing system.
 Evolving: Because of its thorough and forward-looking design, OpenGL allows new
hardware innovations to be accessible through API via the OpenGL extension
mechanism. In this way, innovations appear in the API in timely fashion, letting
application developers and hardware vendors incorporate new features into their
normal product release cycles.

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3.1 History

The history of ‘Multiplex Theatre’ said to be started in 1915 when two adjacent
theatres in Moncton, New Brunswick was built by same owner. In early day the multiplex
theatre was showing same cinema with different price for the tickets. On February 25, 1940,
the Patricia Theater made news by becoming what is believed to be the first two-screen
theater showing different movies when operator added a screen to an adjoining building and
shared a common box office.

In early days only screen were initiated for showing the different cinemas. Gradually
the growth in the cinema all around the world lead to development of cinema with more than
2 i.e 3, 4, 6 or 8 etc. screen stars showing the cinema at one place in different part of world.

Since the 1960s, multiple-screen theaters have become the norm, and many existing
venues have been retrofitted so that they have multiple auditoriums. A single foyer area is
shared among them. In the 1970s many large 1920s movie palaces were converted into
multiple screen venues by dividing their large auditoriums, and sometimes even the stage
space, into smaller theaters. Because of their size, and amenities like plush seating and
extensive food/beverage service, multiplexes draw from a larger geographic area than smaller
theaters. As a rule of thumb, they pull audiences from an eight to 12-mile radius, versus a
three to five-mile radius for smaller theaters (though the size of this radius depends on
population density). As a result, the customer geography area of multiplexes typically
overlaps with smaller theaters, which face threat of having their audience siphoned by bigger
theaters that cut a wider swath in the movie-going landscape.

3.1.1 Effects

During a high period of growth in many towns, the competition presented by a

multiplex would often put the town's smaller theaters out of business. Multiplexes were often
developed in conjunction with big box stores in power centers or in suburban malls during

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the 70s and 80s. The expansion was executed at the big-box pace which left many theater
companies bankrupt while attempting to compete — almost all major movie theater
companies went bankrupt during this hasty development process.

3.1.2 Mall and Multiplex

As Economy grows many malls start building in the big cities. As people able to buy
groceries, cloths, foods etc at same place, there was necessity of having cinema at the mall.
The mall owners start having multiple screen in their mall. As cinema don’t have barrier of
language we have cinema in almost all the languages. So mall owner have used the
opportunity of different cinema lovers from different part of country speaks different
languages. The malls have screens with different language cinema in them.

3.2 Multiplex in India

In India, the mushrooming of multiplexes since the mid-80s has changed the
dynamics of Indian cinema. India's first multiplex was MARIS theatre [now LA CINEMA’S
] with 5 screens in Trichy, Tamil Nadu Which was inaugurated on 1980. While in the North
India, Rave 3 (3 screens) in Kanpur was the first multiplex inaugurated in 2002 which later
on was sold to BIG Cinemas

Indian cinema chains such as INOX, PVR, Carnival Cinemas, SPI Cinemas,
Cinepolis , k sera sera miniplex and Big Cinemas have been able to make in roads into tier II
and III cities in the world's largest film viewing industry.

The largest multiplex in India is the 16-screen Mayajaal in Chennai.

3.3 Features of the Multiplex Theatre

1. The Multiplex Theatre have building with multi-screen, multi-language cinema inside

2. At the start of project show the multi-store building with name board at top of the

3. Outer part of Multiplex Theatre have some are with tree and car parking.

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4. Inside the Multiplex Theatre the four language – English, Hindi, Tamil and Kannada
language screen are there.

5. The Multiplex Theatre have ticket counter where people purchase the ticket for the
cinema which they like to watch.

6. After buying ticket people go to the screen for which they purchase and then go to
that screen.

7. At the particular cinema say Hindi cinema screen, people can go to buy the popcorn
to the popcorn counter and come back to watch the cinema again.

8. There is restriction that once a language of cinema is chosen, you cannot choose
another language except you can go to purchase the popcorn. After leaving, the
Multiplex Theatre, you can go again and choose the another language.

3.3.1 User Interactions

Multiplex Theatre have following user interaction in it-

1. Press left mouse button to view inside multiplexer

2. Press 'm' to get inside theatre and go to ticket counter
3. Press 'h' to go to hindi movie
4. Press 'k' to go to kannada movie
5. Press 't' to go to tamil movie
6. Press 'e' to go to english movie
7. Press 'p' to go to popcorn counter
8. Press right mouse button to exit multiplexer

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4.1 Flow Diagram


Display Multiplex Front Mouse function

Left mouse button

Inside of Multiplex If(pressed)

Keyboard function Mouse function

Find Key Pressed

If( e or E) English Movie Right mouse button

no Keyboard function
If( h or H) Hindi Movie
no yes
yes Popcorn
If( t or T) Tamil Movie

If( k or K) Kannada Movie End

Fig 4.1: Flow chart

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The program execution begins with the main(). It calls the display function which
consists of then mouse function allows to enter the multiplex. Then the keyboard allows the
user to visit the particular cinema and buy popcorn, mouse function again allow to go out of
multiplex theatre, with all instruction being displayed at the console.

4.2 User defined functions

The main functions used in the multiplex theatre program are

 BOX(); This function let draw the theatre , building, stand etc in front and inside the
multiplex theatre.

 LINE(); This function draws a line, helps in drawing walls.

 BUILDING(); This function draw the Multiplex theatre building at the beginning of
program .

 MAN();MAN1();MAN2(); These function used to draw the peoples at ticket counter,

popcorn counter and person who visit to see the movie.

 POPCORN(); This function draw the popcorn counter.

 TC(); This function draw the ticket counter.

 ENGLISH(); This function draw the English movies theatre screen.

 HINDI(); This function draw the Hindi movies theatre screen.

 TAMIL(); This function draw the Tamil movies theatre screen.

 KANNADA(); This function draw the Kannada movies theatre screen.

 THEATRE(); This function draw the theatre.

 CHAIR(); This function draw the chair inside the theatre.

 CAR(); This function draw the car at front of multiplex theatre.

 MYMOUSE(); This function provides a mouse interaction to our program. And make
our game more users friendly.
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 MYKEY(); This function provides a keyboard interaction to our program. And make
our game more users friendly.

 DISPLAY(); This function displays the front and inside of multiplex. It display all the
objects and movements of the man from one place to another.

4.3 Graphic functions

4.3.1 void glBegin(glEnum mode);

Initiates a new primitive of type mode and starts the collection of vertices. Values of mode

4.3.2 void glEnd( );

It terminates a list of vertices.

4.3.3 void glColor3f[ i f d ] (TYPE r, TYPE g, TYPE b);

Sets the present RGB colors. Valid types are int ( i ), float ( f ) and double ( d ). The
maximum and minimum values of the floating-point types are 1.0 and 0.0, respectively.

4.3.4void glClearColor(GLclampf r,GLclampf g,GLclampf b,GLclampf a);

Sets the present RGBA clear color used when clearing the color buffer. Variables of
GLclampf are floating-point numbers between 0.0 and 1.0.

4.3.5 int glutCreateWindow(char *title);

Creates a window on the display. The string title can be used to label the window. The return
value provides a reference to the window that can be used where there are multiple windows.

4.3.6 void glutInitWindowSize(int width, int height);

Specifies the initial height and width of the window in pixels.

4.3.7 void glutInitWindowPosition(int x, int y);

Specifies the initial position of the top-left corner of the window in pixels.

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4.3.8 void glutInitDisplayMode(unsigned int mode);

Request a display with the properties in mode. The value of mode is determined by the
logical OR of operation including the color model (GLUT_RGB, GLUT_INDEX) and

4.3.9 void glFlush( );

Forces any buffered any OpenGL commands to execute.

4.3.10 void glutInit (int argc, char **argv);

Initializes GLUT. The arguments from main are passed in and can be used by the application.

4.3.11 void glutMainLoop( );

Cause the program to enter an event processing loop. It should be the last statement in main.

4.3.12 void glutDisplayFunc(void (*func) (void));

Registers the display function func that is executed when the window needs to be redrawn.

4.3.13 gluOrtho2D(GLdouble left, GLdouble right, GLdouble bottom, GLdouble top);

Defines a two-dimensional viewing rectangle in the plane Z=0;

4.3.14 void glutBitmapCharacter(void *font, int char);

Renders the character with ASCII code char at the current raster position using the raster font
given by font. Fonts include GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_10 and
GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_8_Y_13. The raster position is incremented by the
width of the character.

4.3.15 void glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);

To make the screen solid and white.

4.3.16 void MouseFunc(myMouse);

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It is used for the implementation of mouse interface.

Passing the control to void myMouse(int button,int state,int x,int y);

4.3.17 void KeyboardFunc(key);

It is used for the implementation of keyboard interface.

Passing control to void key(unsigned char key,int x,int y);

4.3.18 void glLoadMatrix[fd](TYPE *m);

Loads the 16 element array of TYPE GLfloat or GLdouble as a current matrix.

4.4 Hardware and Software requirements:

Hardware Requirements:

 Processor of 2.2G Hz or higher speed

 20MB Hard Disk Space


 32 Bit color monitor

Software Requirement:

 Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0

 Windows-xp/vista/win7 Operating System

 Graphics package available in Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0

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4.5 Results and Snapshots

Fig 4.2: Front of Multiplex Theatre

Fig 4.3: Inside Multiplex Theatre

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Fig 4.4: In Kannada Cinema

Fig 4.5: In Hindi Cinema

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Fig 4.6 : In Popcorn counter

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The Multiplex theatre has been drawn and displayed using the computer graphics, while
showing how it’s works in general. The demo is made more interactive with a keyboard and
mouse interaction module in the program.


Even though demo designed is enriched with many options, it is a two dimensional
demo, in future it can be re designed with 3D animation and sound effects. By using this
demo further for no of screen from user’s choice can be implemented.

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1. Edward Angel - Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top-Down Approach using

OpenGL Fifth Edition, Published by Pearson Education, 2009

2. Computer Graphics Using OpenGL - F.S. Hill Jr.

3. The OpenGL Programming Guide, 5th Edition. The Official guide to learning OpenGL
Version 2.1 by OpenGL Architecture Review Board.



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