Adverse Psychiatric Effects of Nonpsychotropic Medications

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BJPsych Advances (2016), vol. 22, 325–334  doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.115.


Adverse psychiatric effects ARTICLE

of non-psychotropic medications
Ankit Gupta & Rakesh K. Chadda

( have potential psychiatric adverse Ankit Gupta is a Senior Resident

SUMMARY in the Department of Psychiatry at
effects. Further, with the advent of newer drug
Patients presenting to psychiatrists frequently the All India Institute of Medical
molecules and improved surveillance, the list Sciences, New Delhi. Rakesh K.
have comorbid medical conditions for which they
of implicated medications is steadily increasing Chadda is Professor of Psychiatry
are receiving treatment. A range of medications at the All India Institute of Medical
(Turjanski 2005; Rudorfer 2012). Mechanisms
used for treatment of these conditions can have Sciences, New Delhi. His area of
adverse effects resembling psychiatric symp­toms. for the psychiatric effects of some drugs are well
interest includes consultation–
This article presents the results of our review of the understood, but for others they are unexpected liaison psychiatry, somatisation, and
literature on psychiatric adverse effects of various and only partially comprehended (Desai 2004; community and forensic psychiatry.
non-psychotropic medi­cations, and discusses the Turjanski 2005). Adverse effects can occur Correspondence Professor
Rakesh K. Chadda, Department
mechanisms of such effects, their assess­ment and at usual therapeutic doses as well as at toxic
of Psychiatry, All India Institute
management. Among the commonly prescribed doses, and they may resemble symptoms seen of Medical Sciences, New
drugs found to have psychiatric adverse effects in other psychiatric disorders (Tango 2003). Delhi 110029, India. E-mail:
are corticosteroids, anti-Parkinsonian drugs, anti- These psychiatric symptoms are wide ranging
epileptics, antiretrovirals, antibiotics, anticancer
and include non-specific behavioural changes,
drugs, analgesics, drugs targeting endocrine and
anxiety, depression, frank psychotic symptoms,
cardiovascular disorders, immunosuppressants,
skeletal muscle relaxants and bronchodilators. compulsive gambling and suicide (Holvey 2010).
Some adverse effects are predictable and dose The symptoms usually remain unrecognised
dependent, whereas others are rare and idiosyn­ in medical settings and become apparent only
cratic, and psychiatrists need to be aware of them when they are severe or interfere with treatment.
for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. In clinical practice, recognition, diagnosis and
management of psychiatric symptoms in patients
with medical conditions poses a challenge for both
• Appreciate the existing evidence and method­
physicians and psychiatrists. Early identification
ological issues in studying adverse psychiatric
effects of non-psychotropic drugs of these adverse effects and prompt intervention
may significantly reduce the healthcare burden
• Improve knowledge about adverse psychiatric
and associated psychological distress.
effects of commonly prescribed drugs for various
medical disorders
• Develop a structured approach towards diag­
Harmful consequences of adverse
nosing and managing adverse psychiatric effects psychiatric effects
of non-psychotropic drugs The unwanted psychiatric effects of commonly
DECLARATION OF INTEREST prescribed non-psychotropic drugs may have
None harmful consequences in the form of increased
emotional suffering and subjective distress on
the part of the patient (Desai 2004; Parker 2012).
Adverse psychiatric effects are unintended and Further consequences may include increased
potentially harmful mental and behavioural length of hospital admission and increased
sy mptoms and sy ndromes resulting from utilisation of healthcare services and resources.
administration of a drug for therapeutic purposes. Occurrence of severe psychiatric adverse effects
Such adverse effects have been well studied during medical treatment can also increase the
and recognised in the context of psychotropic risk of disability, morbidity and even mortality
medications and psychoactive substances. (Desai 2004). Major symptoms such as agitation,
However, many non-psychotropic medications psychosis and depression also carry a significant
regularly prescribed for var ious medical risk of harm or aggression towards self and
conditions are known to cause similar adverse others. Such aggressive or suicidal behaviours
psychological effects. Almost two-thirds of all the may sometimes warrant an urgent psychiatric
drugs included in the Physicians’ Desk Reference admission, as they are unlikely to be managed

Gupta & Chadda

easily in non-psychiatric in-patient or out-patient Scopus databases from inception until June 2015.
settings. Intolerable or unmanageable adverse Owing to the non-specificity of the term ‘non-
effects may further lead to discontinuation of the psychotropic medication’, several other terms,
primary therapy and complicate recovery from including ‘nonpsychotropics’, ‘non-psychiatric
the underlying medical condition (Turjanski drugs’, ‘commonly prescribed drugs’ and the
2005). Untreated psychiatric symptoms are also names of specific drug classes (e.g. corticosteroids,
implicated in poor adherence to medical treatment antiretrovirals), were used to extract previous
in the long term (Pachi 2013). reviews and original papers. Other terms used
for searching in PubMed included ‘psychiatric’,
Problems of identifying adverse psychiatric ‘neuropsychiatric’, ‘adverse events’, ‘side effects’,
effects ‘complications’ and specific syndromes such as
Adverse psychiatric effects are often poorly ‘mania’, ‘depression’ and ‘psychosis’. Published
characterised in clinical drug trials, because textbooks on consultation–liaison psychiatry
they are usually rare events in standard clinical were also searched for information on psychiatric
practice (Holvey 2010). The majority of these adverse effects. To maintain clinical relevance,
effects only become apparent after licensing of the focus of this review was limited to either the
drugs and widespread clinical use, and in post- most commonly used drugs or those commonly
marketing surveillance (Holvey 2010). associated with psychiatric adverse effects.
There are several methodological challenges in
studying psychiatric adverse effects during drug Mechanism of adverse effects
development. The absence of commonly accepted Drugs belonging to different classes act on the
and available animal models of mental disorders central nervous system (CNS) through various
and symptomatology makes it difficult to study pathways, leading to a spectrum of neuropsychiatric
these effects in preclinical phases (Rudorfer 2012). adverse effects. The pharmacological mechanisms
Pre-marketing clinical trials are also of a short- implicated in neurotoxicity or neuropsychiatric
term nature and thus do not offer an opportunity adverse effects of drugs can be broadly categorised
to observe adverse effects that emerge after months into pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic
or even years (Rudorfer 2012). In the recent past, mechanisms. Pharmacodynamic mechanisms
reports of increased risk of suicidal thoughts and involve the modification of major neurotransmitter
behaviour during treatment with some newly systems by the drug molecule. The mode of action
developed drugs have provoked concern among may involve a direct influence on neurotransmitter
consumers regarding drug safety (Meyer 2010). systems (e.g. dopamine agonists, interleukins) or
These findings brought a much-needed focus on it may occur in a more indirect manner, such
the necessity of considering potential psychiatric as corticosteroids or sex steroids acting on the
complications of new drugs at an earlier stage of hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal axis (Tango
development (Meyer 2010). Regulatory agencies 2003). Pharmacokinetic mechanisms are relevant
have mainly responded by issuing appropriate in the case of drugs that follow a known dose–
war nings for prescr i bing physicians and response curve. Low clearance of the drug owing to
consumers (US Food and Drug Administration disease state, hepatic enzyme polymorphisms and
2009). Several new drugs have either been drug interactions leading to metabolic inhibition
withdrawn by manufacturers (e.g. the anti-obesity are the main pharmacokinetic mechanisms
drug rimonabant and the antitubercular drug (Ferrando 2010). The risk of neuropsychiatric
iproniazid) or received warnings from regulatory effects, as well as other adverse effects, may
agencies in recent years (e.g. the anti-smoking increase as the concentration of the drug (e.g.
drug varenicline, anti-acne drug isotretinoin mefloquine, macrolides) increases.
and anti-epileptic drugs) owing to their adverse Risk factors for development of psychiatric
psychiatric effects (Rudorfer 2012). However, adverse effects (listed in Box 1) may be related to
intangible evidence of such a risk for many drugs the treatment regimen or certain specific patient
(e.g. anti-epileptics) is still missing, owing to a lack characteristics (Alomar 2014). Drugs with a
of formal prospective post-marketing testing or narrow therapeutic index have a higher propensity
trials for psychiatric adverse effects. to cause adverse effects. Complex treatment
regimens involving multiple medications from
Our literature search different classes increase this risk owing to
We conducted a literature search for psychiatric possible synergistic actions and pharmacokinetic
adverse effects of non-psychotropic medication interactions. Polypharmacy is common, especially
using the Medline (PubMed), PsycINFO and in the case of older patients, and may involve

326 BJPsych Advances (2016), vol. 22, 325–334  doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.115.015735

Adverse psychiatric effects of non-psychotropic medications

with the same drug usually cannot be justified for

BOX 1 Risk factors for development of ethical reasons. The World Health Organization
psychiatric side-effects
(WHO) and the Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC)
Treatment-related factors have developed a standardised causality assessment
• Polypharmacy and complex treatment regimens system for drug monitoring in consultation with the
national centres participating in the programme
• High dosage of drugs
on international drug monitoring (WHO 2005).
• Route of administration (e.g. intravenous, intrathecal)
The WHO–UMC system for standardised case
• Rapid administration (by any route) causality assessment is meant as a practical tool
• Narrow therapeutic index of the drug for the assessment of case reports of medication
adverse effects. Several factors (listed in Box 2)
Patient-related factors
are considered important in ascertaining the
• Present or past mental illness
strength of the causal relationship between the
• Poor metabolic status drug and the adverse effect (Edwards 2000). The
• Increased permeability of blood–brain barrier (e.g. first presentation of psychiatric symptoms in a
meningitis) patient with pre-existing medical illness requires
• Very young or elderly patients detailed assessment and investigation. Assessment
• Postpartum state should consist of focused psychiatric and medical
• Other stressful situations (e.g. intensive care unit) history-taking, examination and investigations.
All biological and psychosocial risk factors for the
development of psychiatric symptoms in a given
individual should be identified and considered.
several non-essential medications, increasing the Particular attention should be paid to making a
risk of side-effects in general and psychiatric side- detailed chronological treatment review in order to
effects in particular (Desai 2004). Intravenous or identify the ‘certain’ or ‘probable’ offending drug.
intrathecal route of administration, higher doses
(e.g. of corticosteroids or antimicrobials) and a Differential diagnosis
faster rate of administration also increase the risk Psychiatrists have to be careful in differentiating
of psychiatric adverse effects. various possible causes of presenting symptoms.
Among the patient characteristics, current Differential diagnoses should include probable
mental illness or history of mental illness are physical illnesses with psychiatric symptoms
important risk factors for higher incidence of (e.g. multiple sclerosis, metastasis, electrolytic
psychiatric side-effects during treatment with disturbances), aggravation of pre-existing
the drug in question (Tango 2003). Specific psychiatric illness, first psychiatric decompensation
patient populations, such as very young or elderly in individuals with no evident susceptibility, as
individuals and postpartum women, are also well as adverse psychiatric side-effects at usual
at increased risk (Alomar 2014). Furthermore, doses and intoxication-related or withdrawal-
increased permeability of the blood–brain barrier related adverse effects (e.g. after discontinuation
and poor metabolic status of the patient (e.g. of anti-Parkinsonian agents, benzodiazepines,
hepatic or renal insufficiency, slow metabolism antidepressants, anabolic androgen steroids)
or other metabolic disturbances) may also lead (Tango 2003).
to higher drug concentrations and consequent
adverse effects (Ferrando 2010). Knowledge of
these risk factors is important in order for the
BOX 2 Factors determining causal
clinician to suspect, identify and manage common relationships between medications
or predictable psychiatric symptoms arising and psychiatric side-effects
during medical treatment.
• Temporal relationship between the drug exposure and
Assessment the psychiatric side-effect
• Definitive pharmacological or phenomenological
The first step in the assessment of psychiatric
evidence of specific psychiatric side-effects
adverse effects is establishing the link of causality
• Presence or absence of alternative explanations for
between the medications and the adverse effects.
symptoms (e.g. disease, other drugs)
However, several confounding factors may lead
to difficulty in establishing causality: the adverse
• Response to withdrawal of drug
effects are rarely specific to the implicated drug, • Effect of rechallenge with the same drug
diagnostic tests are usually absent, and rechallenge

BJPsych Advances (2016), vol. 22, 325–334  doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.115.015735 327

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Important drugs with adverse psychiatric disorders (manic or depressive), anxiety symptoms,
effects agitation and suicidal behaviour may also be seen
but are less common (Ferrando 2010; Holland
Table 1 lists psychiatric adverse effects of major 2013). Some chemotherapeutic agents, such as
non-psychotropic drug groups prescribed in vincristine, vinblastine, procarbazine, asparaginase
clinical practice. and tamoxifen, may produce depressive symptoms
(Mehta 2015). Delirium has been associated
with methotrexate (intrathecal or intravenous),
Cancer patients frequently suffer mental and 5-fluorouracil, vincristine, vinblastine, bleomycin,
behavioural changes, which can present at carmustine, cisplatin, asparaginase, procarbazine,
any stage of the illness. The changes may be cytosine arabinoside and ifosfamide (Mehta 2015).
multifactorial in origin, i.e. secondary to the ‘Chemobrain’ or cancer therapy-associated
disease process, adverse effects of the treatment cognitive change is a phenomenon identified
and the psychological distress associated with in patients who have received chemotherapy
cancer diagnosis (Holland 2013). It is thus difficult and hormonal therapy and have experienced
to recognise the adverse effects and specifically difficulty in executive functions, multitasking,
attribute them to a drug from the prescribed short-term memory recall and attention (Mehta
combination of chemotherapy. 2015). These cognitive changes seem to be dose-
Almost all chemotherapeutic agents are associ­ dependent, and certain chemotherapeutic agents,
ated with significant psychiatric adverse effects. including methotrexate, fludarabine, cytarabine,
Commonly reported adverse effects include cognitive 5-fluorouracil and cisplatin, are associated with
impairment (≈75%), delirium or confusional worse cognitive effects (Wefel 2015).
state (≈30%) and psychotic symptoms (Ferrando If the psychiatric symptoms are severe, active
2010; Janelsins 2011). Predisposing factors such psychiatric intervention is required. Psychotropic
as age, dementia, functional impairment, nature drugs must be carefully selected to avoid adverse
and severity of illness, and malnutrition increase interactions with chemotherapeutic agents, including
the risk of experiencing delirium during hospital interactions that potentially limit the therapeutic
admissions (Holland 2013). Mood symptoms or efficacy of chemotherapy (Holland 2013).

TABLE 1 Important psychiatric adverse effects of major drug groups prescribed in clinical practice

Drug group Major implicated drugs Important adverse effects

Anticancer/chemotherapy 5-fluorouracil, asparaginase, bortezomib, ifosfamide, More common: cognitive impairment, delirium, psychosis
vincristine Less common: depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation
Immunomodulators Ciclosporin, corticosteroids,a interferon-a, interleukins, More common: anxiety, insomnia, depression
isotretinoin, tacrolimus Less common: mania, psychosis, agitation, delirium
Cardiovascular drugs ACE inhibitors, alpha and beta adrenergic blockers, More common: fatigue, sleep disorders
anti-arrhythmics,b statins Less common: depression, anxiety
Anticonvulsants Carbamazepine, levetiracetam, phenytoin, topiramate More common: sedation, cognitive impairment, agitation
Less common: depression, suicidal ideation, delirium
Anti-Parkinsonians Anticholinergics, dopamine agonists,c entacapone Agitation, sleep disorders, psychosis, delirium
Antiretrovirals Efavirenz, ritonavir, zidovudine More common: anxiety, fatigue, sleep disorders, depression
Less common: euphoria, agitation, psychosis, delirium
Antitubercular antibiotics Cycloserine, isoniazid, rifampicin Sleep disorders, depression, psychosis, delirium
Other antimicrobials Mefloquine, metronidazole, quinolones Anxiety, insomnia, psychosis, delirium
Oral hypoglycaemics Glimepiride, metformin Anxiety, depression, irritability, cognitive impairment
Anabolic and androgenic steroids Testosterone and its derivatives Irritability, mania, psychosis, dependence
Antihistaminics Cimetidine, promethazine Sedation, agitation, psychosis, delirium
Analgesics Aspirin, ibuprofen, indomethacin Sleep disorders, fatigue, agitation, anxiety, mood changes
Surgery and critical care Anaesthetics, propofol, suxamethonium Cognitive impairment, delirium
Respiratory system drugs Beta adrenergic agonists, decongestants Agitation, insomnia, euphoria, delirium
Muscle relaxants Baclofen, dantrolene Anxiety, agitation, mood changes, delirium
ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme.
a. Corticosteroids can also cause dependence.
b. Anti-arrhythmics can also cause delirium.
c. Dopamine agonists can also cause dopamine dysregulation syndrome.

328 BJPsych Advances (2016), vol. 22, 325–334  doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.115.015735

Adverse psychiatric effects of non-psychotropic medications

Immunomodulators to severe mood disorders, psychotic disorders,

delirium and reversible dementia (Kenna 2011;
Immunomodulator drugs modulate (i.e. stimulate
Judd 2014). Dependence is an unusual but serious
or suppress) the activity of immune system and
adverse effect of corticosteroid use and is based on
are widely used in clinical practice. These drugs
the propensity of these drugs to induce euphoria
are generally prescribed for the treatment of
as well as a characteristic withdrawal syndrome,
cancers, lymphomas and auto­immune disorders,
in addition to directly influencing reward circuitry
as well as post-organ transplantation and in the
(Kenna 2011). Transient mild to moderate
management of allergies. They include cytokines
subsyndromal psychiatric symptoms are seen
(interferons), interleukins, calcineurin inhibitors,
in approximately 13–62% of patients, while the
corticosteroids, retinoic acid compounds and anti­
incidence of major or severe symptoms ranges from
histamines. Adverse effects of immunomodulators
5 to 10% across studies (Warrington 2006). These
include mood disturbance, insomnia, cognitive
adverse effects have a rapid onset after starting
impairment and delirium (Heinrich 2009).
corticosteroids (usually within 1–2 weeks), and
Calcineurin inhibitors (ciclosporin, tacrolimus)
the likelihood of psychiatric symptoms follows a
are reported to produce neurotoxic effects in
40–60% of organ transplant recipients (Bechstein striking dose–response correlation. Hypomania
2000). The risk increases with biochemical and and mania are the most common acute adverse
electrolyte derangements, intravenous drug admin­ effects, while the risk of depression increases
istration or disruption of the blood–brain barrier after long-term or chronic corticosteroid therapy
(Bechstein 2000). Interferons and interleukins (Kenna 2011; Judd 2014). The risk of adverse
have been implicated in psychiatric adverse effects effects is not significantly associated with history
such as depression, anxiety, psychosis, suicidal of psychiatric disorder or prior episodes of steroid-
ideation, hypomanic symptoms and cognitive induced psychiatric symptoms (Kenna 2011).
impairment (Myint 2009). Interferons are
frequently associated with affective disturbance, Cardiovascular drugs
with depressive disorders seen in 16–58% of Numerous medications acting on the cardio­
individuals. The disturbance may appear weeks vascular system have been associated with
or months into treatment and is more frequently neuropsychiatric adverse effects, ranging from
associated with high-dose therapy (Raison 2005; mood symptoms to cognitive effects to psychosis
Myint 2009). Depressive disorders are more of a (Huffman 2007). Among the antihypertensives,
concern with interferon-α (especially interferon- calcium channel blockers, angiotensin-converting
α2b) than interferon-β (Raison 2005). Isotretinoin enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin II
is known to be associated with depression, receptor antagonists are associated with mood
suicidal ideation and psychosis (Borovaya 2013). symptoms, psychosis and delirium, although
The frequency of depressive disorders during the rates are low (Ferrando 2010; Parker 2012).
treatment with this drug varies from 1 to 11% in However, diuretics may cause confusion and
different studies, but it is unclear whether this is delirium secondary to electrolyte imbalance.
a consequence of isotretinoin therapy (Borovaya Centrally acting agents such as clonidine,
2013). The effect is not known to be related to dose methyldopa and reserpine are consistently
or duration of treatment, or to previous psychiatric associated with fatigue and sedation (Huffman
illness. Antihistamines are known to be associated 2007). Depression was previously thought to
with sedation, cognitive impairment, agitation, be associated with beta-blockers (especially
psychosis and delirium (Turjanski 2005; Simons propranolol), methyldopa and reserpine. However,
2008). These effects are more pronounced with recent syntheses of data suggested that these
first-generation H1 antagonists and are rarely seen associations are much weaker than originally
with newer agents (Abramowicz 2008; Simons believed (Celano 2011; Parker 2012). Fatigue and
2008). H 2 antagonists (especially cimetidine) sedation are common adverse effects with clonidine
have a risk of causing cognitive impairment (35%), beta-blockers (>10%) and ACE inhibitors
and delirium in elderly and seriously ill patients (>5%) (Sidhu 2008). Several anti-arrhythmic drugs
(Abramowicz 2008). are associated with psychosis and delirium. Lipid-
Corticosteroids are the most commonly lowering drugs (statins) have previously been the
prescribed immunomodulators and are used focus of controversy, owing to concern regarding
for a variety of medical conditions. Psychiatric suicidal ideation and behaviour; however, several
complications are not rare and range from large prospective studies and meta-analyses failed
clinically significant anxiety, insomnia, emotional to establish a causal association (Celano 2011).
lability, irritability and cognitive impairments Most of the literature on major adverse effects

BJPsych Advances (2016), vol. 22, 325–334  doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.115.015735 329

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of cardiovascular drugs is based on case reports hobbies, punding and dopamine dysregulation
and case series, and results from the few available syndrome are other serious side-effects of
well-controlled trials are mixed and inconclusive. dopaminergic medications (Raja 2012). The
Cardiovascular drugs may not consistently estimated prevalence of impulse control disorders
cause neuropsychiatric symptoms in the general is as high as 14% among patients with Parkinson’s
population, although idiosyncratic reactions are disease treated with these medications (Raja
possible (Huffman 2007). 2012). The propensity to develop adverse effects
is highest with anticholinergics, followed by
Anticonvulsants amantadine, dopamine agonists and catechol-
Adverse psychiatric effects associated with anti­ O -methyltransferase (COMT) inhibitors, and is
convulsants are observed in about 15–20% of least with the use of levodopa (Zahodne 2008).
patients with epilepsy (Perucca 2012). Major For management of adverse effects, drugs are
effects of these drugs are behavioural and sequentially reduced or withdrawn. When this
personality changes, mood disorders (especially strategy is not successful, antipsychotic treatment
depression), suicidal behaviour and psychosis may be more appropriate. Quetiapine is the
(Ferrando 2010). In early 2008, the US Food and antipsychotic of choice in such cases, owing to
Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning of an more favourable tolerability than clozapine and
increased risk of suicidal ideation and behaviour other antipsychotics.
during treatment with anticonvulsant drugs. The
warning was based on a meta-analysis of 199 Antiretroviral drugs
trials focusing on 11 anticonvulsants prescribed Antiretroviral drugs are known to be associated
for various conditions, including epilepsy and with a wide range of symptoms, varying from
psychiatric disorders, and later in the same year it sleep disturbance and mood disorders to
was amended to include all anticonvulsant drugs cognitive impairment and psychosis (Abers 2014).
(FDA 2008). However, no black box warning Establishing aetiology is challenging because of the
or prescription restrictions were imposed. considerable overlap between the adverse effects
Subsequent efforts at replicating the FDA meta- of antiretroviral drugs and the complications
analysis and conclusions primarily by means of of HIV infection. Variable cerebrospinal fluid
post-marketing observational studies have had penetration of individual antiretroviral drugs
mixed results. The risk of developing adverse may contribute to differences in potential effects
psychiatric effects varies considerably among (the greatest effects are found with efavirenz, and
anticonvulsants, with comparatively higher the least with tenofovir) (Suvada 2013). Adverse
risks associated with barbiturates, vigabatrin, effects are usually dose related. Patients with a
tiagabine, topiramate, levetiracetam, zonisamide psychiatric history are more vulnerable. Among
and felbamate (Perucca 2012). Recent evidence the antiretrovirals, efavirenz has been associated
suggests that individual susceptibility plays an with the highest risk of adverse effects (>50%),
important part; for example, a positive psychiatric with depression and sleep disorders being the most
history is reported as an important risk factor for common effects (Abers 2014). These significant
developing adverse psychiatric effects with some and distressing adverse effects may lead to poor
anticonvulsants (e.g. topiramate, levetiracetam) adherence and interruption of antiretroviral
(Perucca 2012). The extent of suicide risk therapy. Pharmacological management of these
associated with anticonvulsants remains an open effects is complicated by significant interactions
question, requiring caution and a high level of between antiretroviral and psychotropic drugs,
suspicion on the part of the clinician. which may necessitate withdrawal of a drug or
change in treatment regimen.
Anti-Parkinsonian drugs
Almost all anti-Parkinsonian drugs are associated Antitubercular drugs and other antibiotics
with psychosis (20–30%), sleep disturbance, Adverse reactions have been mainly reported
cognitive impairment and mood changes (Zahodne with cycloserine (9.7–50%), isoniazid (1.9%),
2008). Patients with advanced disease, prolonged ethionamide (1–2%) and fluoroquinolones (1–
duration of treatment, cognitive impairment and 4.4%) (Pachi 2013). The risk of adverse reactions
dyskinesias are at higher risk of developing these is increased with age, malnutrition, history of
adverse effects (Ferrando 2010). Impulsive and hepatitis, and HIV or hepatitis C virus infection
compulsive behaviours, including pathological (Pachi 2013). Several classes of antibiotics have
gambling, hypersexuality, compulsive shopping, side-effects ranging from minor confusion and
compulsive eating, excessive engagement in irritability to severe encephalopathy and suicide

330 BJPsych Advances (2016), vol. 22, 325–334  doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.115.015735

Adverse psychiatric effects of non-psychotropic medications

(Turjanski 2005). Delirium is the most common mechanism is unclear, although it is hypothesised
adverse effect and is seen especially at high doses to be a probable consequence of impairment in
and in the presence of other risk factors. Quinolones neurotransmission modulated by prostaglandins
and penicillins have higher risk of causing major in susceptible individuals (Onder 2004). Therefore,
psychiatric symptoms, including psychosis NSAIDs should be used with caution in high-risk
(Ferrando 2010). Amoxicillin (a penicillin-group individuals with pre-existing psychiatric illness
antibiotic) is among the top ten most commonly and in the postpartum period. NSAID-related
prescribed drugs associated with psychiatric side- psychiatric adverse events have most commonly
effects (Hubbard 1991). Commonly prescribed involved indomethacin and selective COX-2
antimalarial drugs (mefloquine, chloroquine inhibitors.
etc.) have also been reported to be associated
with psychiatric adverse effects, including sleep Surgery and critical care
disorders, anxiety and depression (Holvey 2010). Post-operative cognitive dysfunction is not
uncommon after a major surgery and is usually
Drugs for endocrine disorders short lived (Parker 2012). It is more common
Apart from corticosteroids, relatively little with general rather than regional anaesthesia,
information is available regarding the psychiatric especially in the presence of other risk factors and
adverse effects of drugs acting on the endocrine medications. Malignant hyperthermia is a rare,
system. Adverse effects of oral hypoglycaemics potentially fatal adverse effect of some anaesthetics
are secondary to hy poglycaemia or their and neuromuscular blockers in genetically
insulin-like psychiatric effects, which include susceptible individuals (Ferrando 2010). Delirium
anxiety, dysphoria, irritability and confusion is a major adverse effect of drugs commonly used
(Ferrando 2010). Previous reports have suggested in surgery and critical care.
that hormone replacement therapy and oral
contraception may be associated with negative Respiratory drugs and muscle relaxants
mood changes in women, but findings have been Beta agonists used for bronchial asthma and
inconsistent. However, more recent findings chronic obstructive pulmonary disease may
indicate the potential benefits of these therapies lead to psychiatric symptoms secondary to their
in the prevention of depression among women sympathomimetic actions (Sidhu 2008). Over-the-
(Keyes 2013; Gordon 2014; Cheslack-Postava counter drugs used for respiratory conditions,
2015). There is evidence in support of oestrogen- such as combinations of antihistamines and
based therapies in the treatment of depression decongestants, can potentially lead to psychosis
among perimenopausal and early postmenopausal and delirium (Abramowicz 2008). Skeletal muscle
women, but not women who are well into the relaxants may also induce a variety of psychiatric
postmenopausal period (Gordon 2014). Anti- symptoms.
thyroid medications have not been documented to
cause any psychiatric side-effects. Good-quality Herbal remedies
evidence suggests that supraphysiological doses Various alternative medicinal products are used
of anabolic steroids can directly cause hypomanic by patients for a wide range of physical and
or manic symptoms, extending to aggression and psychiatric conditions, either alone or concomitant
violence (Kersey 2012). The risk of dependence with allopathic medicine. With a few exceptions,
and development of depressive symptoms on there is a lack of systematic research and reliable
drug withdrawal has also been documented data about the efficacy and safety of these herbal
(Kersey 2012). Dopamine agonists used for medicines (Ernst 2003, 2007; Bersani 2015).
hyperprolactinaemia also carry a risk of psychosis. However, data are gradually accumulating
data on adverse effects of some of these drugs,
Analgesics which are widely available without prescription
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) over the counter and online. These effects may
are frequently used in clinical practice, accounting be associated with the primary ingredient or
for approximately 5–10% of all drug prescriptions the contaminants found in the preparations.
(Onder 2004). Psychiatric symptoms are rare but Confusion, encephalopathy, psychotic symptoms,
relevant, considering the common use of these drowsiness and mood disturbances have been
drugs. Major adverse effects include changes in reported in the literature, although their exact
cognition, mood state (rarely psychosis), sleep prevalence is unknown (Ernst 2003, Bersani 2015).
disturbance, and precipitation or exacerbation of Panax ginseng, ephedra, yohimbine, jimson weed,
pre-existing psychiatric disorders. The underlying passionflower, liquorice, kava, ginkgo and St John’s

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wort are some of the implicated herbal remedies such as maintaining hepatic and renal function,
(Ernst 2003; Bersani 2015). Use to the extent of correction of electrolyte disturbances, control
dependence has been reported with products with of superimposed infections, increasing sensory
stimulant-like properties (e.g. ephedra, yohimbine) stimulation and reducing stress in ICUs (e.g. with
(Bersani 2015). regular family visits or pain control) may help
in reducing psychiatric symptoms. Similarly,
Principles of management pharmacotherapy for primary medical illness can
Non-psychotropic medication-induced psychiatric be modified by either changing timings or reducing
symptoms can be encountered in diverse clinical doses of the drugs associated with adverse effects,
situations. These symptoms are often a focus of and by stopping unnecessary or non-essential
attention for psychiatrists working in general hos­ drugs to avoid interactions. Major changes such as
pital psychiatry, more commonly in consultation– discontinuation or switching of medications may
liaison settings such as medical wards, intensive be required in the case of severe or life-threatening
care units (ICUs) and emergency services. There­ symptoms. This should be done after taking into
fore, a good knowledge of psychiatric adverse account the relative risks and benefits of such
effects of commonly prescribed non-psychotropics interventions. Generally, the ‘offending’ drug is
is essential for general as well as consultation– switched to another drug if an equally effective
liaison psychiatrists. Such knowledge needs to but safer alternative is available. If no safer
be integrated into routine clinical practice for alternatives are available, and pharmacotherapy
accurate diagnosis and appropriate management for primary illness is essential, then psychotropic
of these symptoms. drugs should be used for management. Switching
The management of non-psychotropic adverse to less effective alternatives may be considered
effects involves close coordination with other in the case of persisting severe adverse effects,
medical specialties to formulate a structured man­ if psychotropic agents are either not tolerated or
agement plan (Box 3). The general principles of ineffective in controlling symptoms.
management focus mainly on reducing risk factors The psychiatric management plan should be
for psychiatric adverse effects and optimisation of communicated effectively and explicitly to the
pharmacotherapy of the primary medical illness. treating medical specialists. Psychotropic agents
In the case of severely ill patients, measures should be used cautiously for management in
such cases, with gradual increments in doses and
targeted minimum effective doses. In addition
to the usual factors, the choice of psychotropic
BOX 3 Principles of management of
agent in such patients depends on its interaction
medication-induced psychiatric
adverse effects with both the primary medical illness as well as
the non-psychotropic drugs. Closer monitoring
• Establish the probability of psychiatric symptoms being for adverse effects of psychotropic drugs is also
induced by medication important, owing to a higher risk in patients with
• Work in close coordination with the primary treatment severe medical illnesses. Psychoeducation aimed
team and effectively communicate the management at the patient and family members is also required
plan to help patients make accurate attributions and
• Perform a comprehensive psychiatric and medical conclusions concerning their psychological
assessment (especially for risk factors) changes. A comprehensive psychoeducation pro­
• Monitor and reduce the modifiable risk factors for gramme helps in avoiding the stigma, distress and
development or maintenance of adverse effects other costs of unjustified long-term psychiatric
• Optimise and rationalise pharmacotherapy for the treatment.
primary medical illness
• Reassure the patient and manage minor or transient Conclusions
symptoms with non-pharmacological approaches Numerous drugs used for non-psychiatric
• Decide whether to discontinue or switch drugs only illnesses are linked with adverse psychological
after weighing the potential risks and benefits effects (Table 1). It is important for psychiatrists
• Prescribe psychotropic agents judiciously and monitor to recognise such effects and differentiate them
regularly for any emerging adverse effects from other causes. For the majority of these
• Psychoeducate the patient and family members drugs, psychological adverse effects are relatively
regarding aetiology of psychiatric symptoms and the infrequent and usually do not interfere with
management plan treatment. However, some drugs, including
steroids, dopamine agonists, interferons, efavirenz

332 BJPsych Advances (2016), vol. 22, 325–334  doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.115.015735

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MCQs c dopaminergic agents are commonly associated c psychosocial factors do not contribute to
Select the single best option for each question stem with various impulse control disorders the risk of developing adverse psychiatric
d psychosis is a rare adverse effect of effects
1 As regards adverse psychiatric effects of
dopaminergic agents d the WHO–UMC system is a tool for the
e olanzapine is the drug of choice for assessment of psychiatric adverse effects in
a severe psychiatric complications are
drug-induced psychosis in patients with clinical settings
seen in 20–30% of the patients receiving
Parkinsonism. e psychiatric manifestation of the underlying
medical disorder is an important differential
b chronic exposure is more commonly associated
with hypomanic and manic symptoms than with
depressive symptoms
c corticosteroid use is not associated with risk of 3 Depression is a common adverse effect of: 5 As regards the management of
developing dependence a oral contraceptives medication-induced psychiatric
d the risk of adverse psychiatric effects increases b interferon-alpha symptoms:
with the increase in prescribed doses c beta-blockers a pharmacotherapy with psychotropic agents is
e psychiatric symptoms occur only in patients d ritonavir the mainstay of treatment
with history of psychiatric illness. e atorvastatin. b increasing sensory stimulation and reducing
stress in intensive care units may help in
2 As regards medications used for treatment 4 As regards the assessment of medication- reducing the psychiatric symptoms
of Parkinson's disease: induced psychiatric adverse effects: c the choice of psychotropic agent depends only
a the risk of developing adverse psychiatric a rechallenge with the suspected problem drug on its drug–drug interactions with the problem
effects is highest with levodopa and least with is the most common method of establishing drug
anti­cholinergic drugs causality d discontinuation of the drug or switching to
b patients at an early stage of Parkinsonism are b drugs with narrow therapeutic index have another drug is indicated in most cases
more prone to developing adverse psychiatric a lower risk of causing adverse psychiatric e non-pharmacological approaches have no role
effects effects in management.

334 BJPsych Advances (2016), vol. 22, 325–334  doi: 10.1192/apt.bp.115.015735

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