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Computers and Chemical Engineering 114 (2018) 130–144

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Smart manufacturing and energy systems

Thomas F. Edgar a,∗ , Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos b
The University of Texas, Department of Chemical Engineering, 200 E. Dean Keeton St. C0400, Austin, TX 78712, United States
Energy Institute and Artie McFerrin, Department of Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University, 3122 TAMU Room 200, College Station, TX 77843,
United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: While many U.S. manufacturing operations utilize optimization for individual unit processes, smart man-
Received 31 May 2017 ufacturing (SM) systems that integrate manufacturing intelligence in real time across an entire production
Received in revised form 19 October 2017 operation are not pervasive in industry. A vendor-agnostic SM platform is under development that inte-
Accepted 25 October 2017
grates information technology, models, and simulations driven by real-time plant data and performance
Available online 7 November 2017
metrics. By utilizing existing process control and automation systems, manufacturing organizations can
manage systems at a much lower cost, optimizing process knowledge and improving energy productivity.
Three case studies are presented: steam methane reforming to make hydrogen, optimization of a heat
Smart manufacturing
Advanced control
treatment furnace for metals processing, and a fuel cell system, all of which utilize high fidelity models as
Smart sensors a starting point for optimization and control. The Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition has led the
Process modeling national effort in SM, and the recently established National Manufacturing Innovation Institute funded
Energy efficiency by DOE, private industry, and state governments will be described.
Optimization © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Smart Manufacturing was validated at a 2006 NSF industry-

academic-government workshop as an emerging IT infrastructure
Smart Manufacturing (SM), as defined by the Smart Manufactur- capability called “cyberinfrastructure” (Davis, 2006). The outcomes
ing Leadership Coalition (SMLC) (SMLC Report, 2011) is the right of the 2006 Workshop were extended in 2008 where the first SM
data in the right form, the right people with the right knowl- operations and technology roadmap was developed (Davis and
edge, the right technology and the right operations, whenever Edgar, 2009). The roles of data, time, modeling, prediction, work-
and wherever needed throughout the manufacturing enterprise. force and the enterprise nature of SM emerged as key elements.
Exploitation of data with SM changes the manufacturing approach According to the 2006 NSF workshop report, “The Smart Plant is
with advanced sensor, modeling, control, automation, and opti- composed of smart assets that not only provide their basic process
mization technologies. Production metrics for SM include product function but provide proactive feedback on the economic, environ-
quality, economics, sustainability/emissions, energy consump- ment, health and safety performance of that asset in aggregation
tion/efficiency, safety, and workforce performance. SM combines with the other assets and in the moment. Smart plants operate
operations technology (OT) with information technology (IT) to to tighter specifications and involve a much greater understand-
accomplish manufacturing objectives by adding platforms, mod- ing of the processes, greater automation and decision support,
ularization and standards, automation and human-in-the-loop expanded use of automation, data and data interpretation, and a
management, data analytics, dashboards, real-time data and cloud new-generation workforce that is trained and oriented toward a
technologies, data sharing, infrastructure scaling, and information knowledge and information mindshare.”
security. SM business practices are stimulated by broad enterprise, In 2011, the Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition (SMLC), a
value chain and supply chain use of data assets, and a workforce nonprofit business league comprised of industry, university, NGO’s,
(smart workers) who can take advantage of this new manufacturing and government agencies, was formed around the importance of
environment. coupling manufacturing innovation and innovation in new prod-
ucts (SMLC Report, 2011). In a 2011 industry-focused SM workshop,
information and manufacturing intelligence are used to integrate
the voice, demands and intelligence of the customer throughout the
∗ Corresponding author. entire manufacturing supply chain. This allows a quick response
E-mail addresses: (T.F. Edgar), to the customer and minimizes energy and material usage while
(E.N. Pistikopoulos).
0098-1354/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T.F. Edgar, E.N. Pistikopoulos / Computers and Chemical Engineering 114 (2018) 130–144 131

maximizing environmental sustainability, health and safety, and to examine equipment degradation, product quality, and disposal
economic competitiveness, aided by the ability of diverse devices, issues. During the manufacturing process, mathematical models
machines, and equipment to communicate seamlessly. tied to advanced sensing provide decision support. Models are also
More recently, SM was referenced in key national reports, necessary for control of the manufacturing process, use of online
notably the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership (AMP) 2.0 reports fault monitoring methods, and implementation of state estimation
from the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology techniques. At a higher level, plant-wide or industrial-scale models
(AMP Report, 2014). There is closely analogous terminology in can also tie into product and process models to improve quality and
national initiatives in other countries, notably Germany’s Industrie efficiency by supporting business decisions. Models are currently
4.0, China’s Intelligent Manufacturing and the European Union’s used for many different applications, but there is still a need to
Factories of the Future (Stephen, 2016). As a linchpin in a U.S. integrate modeling efforts across multiple scales, from the molec-
manufacturing energy strategy, the U.S. Department of Energy ular level to macro plant level, and to blend empirical (data-driven)
(DOE) has awarded the Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Innova- models with high fidelity models. The NSF Workshop on Smart
tion Institute (CESMII) led by the Smart Manufacturing Leadership Manufacturing discussed key research areas in ASCPM, which are
Coalition starting in 2017. This $140 million public-private partner- summarized below:
ship focuses on increasing efficiency and accelerating the adoption (S) Sensors and Monitoring – Low-cost sensing technology
of smart manufacturing technologies such as advanced real-time will play a key role in future development for smart manufactur-
sensors, monitoring, data analytics, and digital controls in U.S. man- ing. This measurement data is key to making improvements in the
ufacturing operations. Two key goals are to (1) demonstrate at least manufacturing process. Smart sensing includes new sensing meth-
15% improvement in energy efficiency in first-of-kind demonstra- ods, real-time process analysis, wireless connectivity, and sensors
tions at manufacturing plants or major processes within five years integrated with new cyber technologies. These advanced sensors
of Institute operation, supporting a goal of at least 50% improve- may be able to autonomously manage and evaluate sensor health,
ment in energy productivity in 10 years; and (2) develop tools continuously quantify measurement uncertainty, and support effi-
and technologies to reduce the cost of deploying Smart Man- cient calibration procedures. Smart sensors enable a wide range of
ufacturing in existing processes by 50% relative to the existing advanced manufacturing capabilities. Product sampling for qual-
state of the are within five years. In CESMII SM will encompass ity control testing can be reduced when advanced measurement
machine-to-plant-to-enterprise real time sensing, instrumenta- information is properly integrated into the production process.
tion, monitoring, control, and optimization of energy; enables Sensors provide information for validation and improvement of
hardware, protocols, and models for advanced industrial automa- models. A mathematical model has limited use until measurements
tion; requires a holistic view of data, information, and models in are used for model validation. As a system changes with time,
manufacturing; leverages high performance computing for high process sensor values can be used to update the process models,
fidelity process models; significantly reduces energy consump- allowing for various advanced manufacturing improvements. Addi-
tion and GHG emissions and improves operating efficiency with tionally, better sensing leads to quantification of process variability
20%–30% potential; and increases productivity and competitive- and uncertainty. Improvements in sensor capabilities and indus-
ness across all manufacturing sectors with a special focus on trial networking will provide large amounts of data. This “big data”
energy intensive and energy dependent manufacturing processes. problem leads to issues related to visualization and informatics.
Energy use in these industries include Primary Metals (1608 TBTU), Without strong visualization and analysis techniques, big data can
Petroleum Refining (6137 TBTU), Chemicals (4995 TBTU), Wood result in limited usefulness. Data cleaning, compression, and data
Pulp and Paper (2109 TBTU), Glass and Cement (716 TBTU), and security are also relevant issues that must be addressed. Practical
Food Processing (1162 TBTU), which totals about 20% of the U.S. concerns include integration of new sensor systems with legacy
energy consumption of 95 quadrillion BTUs (Brueske et al., 2013). machines and processes. Data and models can be used to diag-
Similarly, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) has recognized nose abnormal situations while helping in mitigation of negative
the importance of digital design and manufacturing for customized consequences.
products and has sponsored the Digital Manufacturing Design Insti- (C) Control and Automation – Opportunities exist for smart
tute (DMDI) led by UILabs. These two institutes are focused on the control and automation to support optimal decision-making, enter-
role of data and next generation IT and are two of the ten current prise modeling, and process analytics, but current technologies
national Manufacturing USA Institutes. SM is now linked or refer- do not readily support rapid integration across various business
enced with digital product design, smart products, IoT (Internet of and production applications. Simulation-based control strategies
Things), and IIC (Industrial Internet Consortium) which are parallel such as nonlinear model predictive control can be used to improve
efforts. the production process. Future control methods should better
support short-term scheduling, longer-term planning, and eco-
nomic optimization. Supply chain management and scheduling
2. ASCPM: advanced sensors, control, platforms, and challenges include improving the models used to represent the
models for manufacturing manufacturing systems. More efforts should be directed towards
capturing, characterizing and mitigating uncertainty in the oper-
A 2014 NSF Workshop President’s Council of Advisors on ation of manufacturing systems (caused, e.g., by variability of
Science and Technology (AMP Report, 2014) focused on contrast- orders and deliveries, but also, increasingly, by fast fluctuations
ing smart manufacturing with digital manufacturing and adopted such as those observed in, e.g., energy prices). The use of histor-
the acronym ASCPM (Advanced Sensors, Control, Platforms, and ical data for improving system models and uncertainty models
Modeling) for manufacturing. Modeling is the underlying founda- should be extended, and methods for verifying the quality of solu-
tion of ASCPM, as the lingua franca for simulating and analyzing tions obtained by accounting for uncertainty should be developed.
a physical system. Models can be used at every point in the Moreover, these modeling and analysis efforts should be directed
product life cycle. Design models are used to optimize a product towards systems of ever larger scale; as a complementary direc-
and investigate product quality, reducing the requisite amount of tion, significant work will be required to expand the capabilities
expensive or impossible experimental validation. Models are also of current numerical optimization algorithms, such that very large
used in manufacturing for control and operation and optimiza- scale problems can be addressed in practical amounts of time.
tion of supply chains. Models may also be used post-production
132 T.F. Edgar, E.N. Pistikopoulos / Computers and Chemical Engineering 114 (2018) 130–144

(P) Platforms and Standards – Machine-to-process-to-plant- modeling and high performance computing, visualization and vir-
to-enterprise-to-supply-chain aspects of sensing, instrumentation, tual reality.
monitoring, control, and optimization include hardware and soft-
ware platforms for industrial control and automation. A new 3. Using SM to save energy
generation of networked-based information technologies, data
analytics and predictive modeling is providing unprecedented Many U.S. manufacturing operations are data rich and
capabilities as well as access to previously unimagined poten- knowledge poor, resulting in operating with a constrained
tial uses of data and information not only in the advancement of decision-making process, even in operations using sophisticated
new physical technologies, materials and products but also the modeling and control technologies. SM systems that integrate man-
advancement of new, radically better ways of doing manufactur- ufacturing intelligence in real-time across an entire production
ing, processing materials and interoperating with material and operation are rare in large companies, and virtually non-existent
energy resources. The platform is the informatics infrastructure in small and medium size organizations. An important example of
that allows industry to develop and deploy relevant smart applica- the need for SM systems is real-time management of energy con-
tions. This allows for consistent applications to be joined together, sumption. In U.S. industries, energy is frequently the second largest
even between businesses. Open interfaces, protocols, and stan- operating cost; while approximately 30% for the energy deliv-
dards will aid in platform development, allowing for plug-and-play ered to a manufacturing site is lost as waste heat. Unfortunately
interoperability in the platform. A vendor-agnostic Smart Manufac- a cost-effective infrastructure to integrate manufacturing intelli-
turing (SM) platform could support reuse and ready application of gence in real-time across an entire production operation does not
models and analytics at the level of need and readiness. The SM Plat- currently exist, and business decisions are typically implemented
form similarly should support a mechanism to identify, exercise, with incomplete knowledge of the relationship between product
and evaluate emerging manufacturing technologies from research output and energy use.
organizations, as model elements of larger scale commercial sys- A smart system that not only sought to recover waste heat, but
tem design emerge. The infrastructure allows for virtual test and also to generate less heat initially, would be a cost-effective tool
analysis in early design phases using model representations in a optimizing the relationship between energy use and product out-
free market library available to qualified commercial entities. put together. This demonstration of smart manufacturing to save
(M) Modeling – Process models and product models are moving energy was the focus of a proposal funded by the U.S. Department
toward more complexity. Large-scale models attempt to provide of Energy that was carried out by SMLC beginning in 2013. Led by
a much higher level of detail. Efforts to extend models from 1D UT-Austin and involving ten different participating organizations
or 2D to 3D often lead to computational complexity. Increased (industry, academia, NGO’s), the overall project objective was to
sensing and access to data leads to problems related to unstruc- develop an industry-accepted SM Platform that can be scaled to a
tured information, correctness verification, model clarity, and diverse set of manufacturing operations. The project scope was to
model resilience. Development of large-scale, hierarchical, high (1) design and demonstrate the application of a prototype SM Plat-
fidelity models presents challenges for process control and opti- form for two diverse commercial test beds, (2) demonstrate a 30%
mization. Specifically, advancements could be made in control of reduction in waste heat generation at each of the test beds, and
difficult (nonlinear, stochastic, hybrid) systems, planning, and use (3) work with a group of leading automation and software ven-
of unstructured information. There is a perceived gap between dors to investigate low-cost commercialization of the technology
models used for process scheduling and for process control. Meth- developed.
ods should also attempt to account for uncertainty in operations A new platform was created in the project to expedite model and
in order to allow for robust operations. For example, historical simulation development and deployment in a cloud-based environ-
data could potentially be used for determining the extent of model ment using a novel workflow as a service capability. In addition,
uncertainty. Uncertainty leads to difficulty in verification of pro- energy productivity metrics and application toolkits were defined
cess control and optimization solutions. Additionally, uncertainty so that they could be tailored to a specific business situation. The
in cost variability is rarely included in scheduling and optimization project’s two test beds, one in a hydrogen production plant oper-
work. ated by Praxair and the other in a forging, heat treatment, and
What are the new business opportunities with SM after 40 years machining operation at a General Dynamics (GD) plant, utilize
of IT applied to manufacturing? There is industry convergence on sensor-driven modeling, measurement, and simulation systems.
advanced manufacturing business objectives/drivers − increased This allows energy productivity to be managed in real-time by an
demand dynamic manufacturing, market growth with higher energy dashboard throughout the plant and enterprise. The project
precision products and higher velocity, value-added products, rad- developed the most highly instrumented steam-methane reformer
ically increased economic, energy, material, asset and workforce (SMR) in the U.S. using infrared cameras and thermocouples. Real-
productivity, zero incidents and overall reduced energy usage time data were streamed to high fidelity and reduced-order models
and improved environmental sustainability. There is also wide for analysis. A CFD model was parallelized in the SM Platform cloud
agreement that next generation Information Technology (IT) of environment, with an increased speed of 5–10×. This is the first
interest to manufacturing includes network-based data, unprece- real-time optimizing of business productivity of a steam reformer
dented modeling and prediction, and new ways of model-based using high fidelity and data-driven models to balance natural gas
and data-based operational visualization, control and optimiza- flow to the reformer tubes. In this hostile environment, newly
tion. Considerable IT discussion centers around new, extensively installed infrared cameras outperform thermocouples in coverage,
deployed sensor-based measurements, high throughput connec- accuracy, reliability, and cost effectiveness. The forging test bed
tivity, IT clouds, data lakes and cybersecurity that go far beyond included new instrumentation for data capture analysis, modeling,
today’s applied IT approaches in manufacturing. The list of existing and simulation to be integrated into SM Platform workflows so that
and expected commercial IT and OT technologies is staggering and business performance could be managed in real-time. Metrics were
growing at an accelerated rate: e.g., high performance wireless and developed in the SM Platform to drive improvements in energy pro-
wired networking, cloud-based data center, infrastructure, plat- ductivity, environmental performance, safety, asset management,
form and software as services, high performance computing, high costs, and overall operations. Table 1 summarizes the impacts of
performance databases, IoT devices, advanced model-based con- modeling, control, and optimization on the two test beds. The two
trol and automation, artificial intelligence, real-time, high-fidelity DOE test beds are discussed in more detail in Case Studies 1 and 2.
T.F. Edgar, E.N. Pistikopoulos / Computers and Chemical Engineering 114 (2018) 130–144 133

Fig. 1. Modeling spectrum and the models developed for the SMR furnace.

Table 1
Smart Manufacturing Test Beds: Platform-enabled Modeling, Control, and Optimization Impacts.

Energy Use Optimization/Waste Heat Praxair Steam Methane Reformer (SMR) GD Heat Treatment Furnace (Metal parts)

Distributed sensing, model-based control of Image analysis via array of IR cameras 2-D modeling of radiation heat transfer
zone temperatures
Optimized sensor and actuator locations Distributed actuation (70+ burners) Dynamic part movement
High-fidelity models used to gain operational Hybrid (data/physics) reduced-order model Optimization of gas flow setpoints to decrease
insight (e.g., CFD) with data reconciliation energy use (8% natural gas reduction)
Optimization of burner flows Heat recuperation reduces convective heat
losses (∼30% natural gas reduction)
Optimal camera and automatic valve
placement (reduce number of MVs, CVS = $)

4. Case study 1: steam-methane reformer energy utilization. Several experiments were performed where the
fuel valve positions were varied via a systemic methodology. These
The steam-methane reformer (SMR) is a highly energy-intensive data clearly suggest that the fuel stream valve positions are conve-
process and typically consumes ∼105 GJ per day and was the subject nient and effective for improving SMR energy utilization.
of the smart manufacturing research project described in the pre- Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models of the SMR firebox
vious section. Mathematical modeling of SMRs is a crucial tool for provide exceptional insight in system operation, supplementing
achieving high energy efficiency. The development of mathemati- the data obtained from the sensors described above. However,
cal models was accompanied by online deployment for automation the simulation (solution) times of CFD models are long (an SMR
and control purposes and supported by an IT infrastructure that model will be solvable within hours with reasonable computational
includes (1) capabilities for acquiring appropriate process data resources) and thus not appropriate for real-time decision-making.
via systematically placed sensors, (2) adequate high-performance Thus low-order models of the furnace that are amenable to on-line
computational resources for just-in-time computations, and (3) a use were developed. The model development efforts for the SMR
user-friendly visualization interface for operator use. The model- furnace were aimed towards finding a right combination of model
based computations were a sequence/workflow of calculations simplification and model accuracy such that the developed model
being executed in series or parallel. An IT infrastructure allowed can be used for on-line optimization of SMR furnace. Several model-
intensive computations to be performed in the cloud and intercom- ing methodologies were studied and employed as depicted in Fig. 1
munications between various components of the workflow, and below.
provided appropriate database management capabilities. On one end of the modeling spectrum are high fidelity CFD
The SMR test-bed was challenging because the high temper- models where all the physical phenomena in the SMR furnace are
ature environment makes temperature measurements difficult. described using first-principles models over a very granular system
Common practice involves placing thermocouples on only a few mesh. On the other hand lies the completely empirical approach
tubes (due to economic constraints); the resulting limited informa- where the relationship between the input and output variables are
tion is insufficient for furnace balancing. Consequently, industrial obtained using experimental data. As can be seen from the figure,
practitioners rely on separately optimizing the tube-side (e.g., by several combinations of these two approaches were considered.
monitoring the steam-carbon ratio) and the flue-gas side of the The EC-SMR (egg-crate SMR) model is more of a first-principles
furnace (e.g., by monitoring the oxygen content of the exhaust modeling approach vs. a purely data-driven OLS (ordinary least
gas). In this study an array of state-of-the-art infrared cameras squares) approach. While model parameters are estimated by min-
was installed around the furnace giving unprecedented continu- imizing the differences between the model predictions and the
ous stream of TWT (tube wall temperature) measurements (Kumar experimental observations, the model structure is motivated by
et al., 2016a, 2016b). physical behavior. Several disadvantages of data-driven OLS mod-
The energy utilization of an SMR unit is related to the temper- els exist:
ature distribution of the reformer tubes that are suspended in the
SMR furnace. For a given SMR that is already in operation, the heat 1. OLS models are linear and may not capture nonlinearities well
distribution inside the furnace can be manipulated to influence the 2. It is not clear how to appropriately customize OLS models to
temperature distribution. From a practical viewpoint, this can be incorporate, if desired, the nonlinear interactions, fuel redistri-
achieved by changing the fuel flow rate distribution through the bution.
burners. Alternatively, it is also possible to use the fuel stream valve 3. Due to fuel redistribution, the fuel-stream valve manipulations
positions itself to change the fuel distribution and hence influence have both long-range effects (temperature changes observed
the temperature distribution. The temperature data obtained from far away from the manipulated burner) and short-range effects
the infrared cameras were used to study the possibility of using (temperature changes observed near the manipulated burner)
the fuel valve positions as manipulated variables to optimize SMR on the tube temperature distribution. It is crucial to appro-
134 T.F. Edgar, E.N. Pistikopoulos / Computers and Chemical Engineering 114 (2018) 130–144

priately distinguish between these effects, particularly in the While the data driven models like the OLS model and EC-SMR
presence of noise in the temperature measurements, which is model are computationally very efficient, they have the drawback
obscured in the OLS model. of potentially poor model predictions when the plant deviates from
the conditions at which the model training data were collected.
The expression below represents the basic structure of the EC- Moreover, extensive sets of experimental data are not always
SMR model. It states that the change in tube-wall temperature of readily available for a statistically good estimation of the model
any ith tube due to closing jth valve by 1◦ is related via an expo- parameters. Therefore, in order to improve the model accuracy, we
nential form. Note that specification of an exponential kernel form again move to the left on the modeling spectrum diagram in Fig. 1.
is not an necessary requirement; the kernel should simply possess A physics-based furnace model was developed, with appropri-
the property that the kernel’s value diminishes as it goes farther ate simplifications, for furnace balancing (Kumar et al., 2016a).
from the jth valve. Burner specific parameters such as ˇj and f j A limited set of model parameters are defined which are fitted
allow different models to have different heating properties. Exper- using temperature measurements obtained from the infrared cam-
imental data shows that temperature changes around the burner eras. The use of a physics-based approach removes the need for
are not necessarily symmetric; the formulation below allows for several modeling assumptions made in empirical models, lead-
this non-symmetric behavior. ing to a lower number of estimated parameters. In this model the
⎧  2  various physical phenomena that occur in the SMR furnace are

xij kxj yij2 kyj
incorporated explicitly, though simplified forms are used. These

− −

2 2
xj yj

⎪ fj × ˇj e ifxij > 0, yij > 0 phenomena include radiation heat transfer, convection heat trans-

⎪ fer, energy transfer, species balance and reforming reactions inside

⎪  2 

⎪ reformer tube, etc. These phenomena are modeled for a discretized

xij yij2 kyj

− − furnace system where each reformer tube is divided into 15 sec-

2 2
xj yj

⎪ fj × ˇj e ifxij < 0, yij > 0 tions and the furnace region outside the tubes is divided into 360
⎨ subunits. The noteworthy feature of this model is the technique
Ti,j |p =1 =  2 

xij kxj yij2 used to describe/mimic the non-symmetric temperature distribu-

⎪ − −
tion observed in the real plant. Parametric perturbations in the


fj × ˇj e radiative heat transfer into the reformer tubes are introduced and

⎪ ifxij > 0, yij < 0

⎪  2  these parameters are estimated using the plant experiment data.

⎪ xij yij2

⎪ −
ifxij < 0, yij < 0 The convenient update of the model parameters based on the

yj 2
current temperature distribution snapshot shows one of the advan-

⎩ fj × ˇj e tages of first-principles models over empirical deviation models of
SMR available in the literature. A deviation model by definition
Closing fuel valve of any burner will have an indirect effect, apart does not depend on the current state (TWT distribution) of the
from the direct effect given by the above expression, due to fuel furnace. New experiment data are generally required to update a
redistribution. The indirect effect through burner k is given by: deviation model or a completely empirical model if the plant con-
 ditions change considerably. The physics-based empirical model
fk |pj =1 × ˇk × ˚ik ∀bk =
/ bj developed can be updated if the TWT distribution changes by
Ti,k |p =1 = recomputing the radiative heat transfer perturbation parameters.
jk × fj × ˇk × ˚ik
Based on the favorable computational time, provision of conve-
 jk determines the fraction of fuel displaced from burner j that nient update of model parameters, and prediction capability over
reaches to burner k. ˚ik represents the exponential kernel. Assum- a diverse range of furnace operating conditions, the use of the
ing linear relationships between fuel flow rate and temperature physics-based furnace model is superior to the OLS and EC-SMR
changes, between valve positions and fuel flow rate changes, a final models for furnace temperature optimization.
expression for the temperature change of the following form for any The EC-SMR (egg-crate SMR) model, when used for furnace bal-
valve position changes is obtained. ancing, took about a minute to compute the optimal fuel stream
⎛ ⎞ valve position adjustments. Upon actual implementation in the


plant, a 44% reduction in the standard deviation of the tube wall
Ti |p = pj × ⎝fj ˇj ˚ij + − ˇk ˚ik ⎠ temperature distribution was obtained. The application of the
k=1,k =
/ j physics-based empirical model takes about 35 min for furnace bal-
 ancing calculations to execute; this was expected because of greater
∀i ∈ 1, 2, . . ., N
granularity of model description in this model which increases
In the above expression, M is the number of burners. the computational overhead. Note however that this is still an
A significant advantage of the EC-SMR model over an OLS model acceptable computation time because the furnace temperature dis-
is that it gives more spatially ‘smooth’ predictions for TWT changes. tribution does not change very frequently. In the furnace balancing
In OLS model predictions, a number of regions are observed where program with the physics-based model, the maximum tube wall
significant differences in the temperature changes for neighboring temperature was used as the optimization objective instead of the
(along a tube row) tubes are predicted, which is not reasonable. standard deviation. Simulated application shows a 20% reduction
Such ‘non-smooth’ behavior for OLS model predictions can be in the maximum temperature.
attributed to the lack of data or the number of experiments in the For the SMR, the infrared cameras allowed detailed investigation
training set used to fit the parameters. The plant measurements of TWT distribution relationship with the fuel distribution among
are subject to corruption due to various disturbances, leading to the burners (which, in turn, is manipulated through fuel valves)
abrupt differences in neighboring TWT changes. Such non-physical through an extensive set of experiments performed on the furnace.
behavior is then manifested in the model parameters estimated by An empirical SMR furnace model (Kumar et al., 2016a) was devel-
the OLS model, which can cause ‘non-smooth’ predictions. The EC- oped that allows in-situ measurement-noise filtering during model
SMR model, by virtue of its fuel-redistribution-based formulation, parameter estimation of an exponential response surface model.
is robust to such noise in the data, and thus gives spatially smoother Data-driven models were complemented with high-fidelity mod-
predictions. els, e.g., CFD models, to generate model predictions with greater
T.F. Edgar, E.N. Pistikopoulos / Computers and Chemical Engineering 114 (2018) 130–144 135

accuracy. Incorporating these high-fidelity models, required high losses due to downstream idling. Real-time measurement or qual-
performance computing (HPC) resources to enable business deci- ification of the metallurgical properties from the heat treatment
sions in reasonable time. Unfortunately, HPC is still out of reach furnace makes it possible to dynamically optimize energy use in the
of many manufacturers due to the high investment cost of setting heat treatment operation, manage scheduling of the CNC machines,
up a HPC infrastructure or the lack of expertise in launching an and reduce defective parts by constraining temperature excursions
analysis workflow (comprising multiple software packages) on a of the metal parts during heat treatment.
cloud-based HPC tool. A MATLAB-based ‘Optimizer’ computed the In metal processing plant, reheating and heat treating furnaces
required adjustments in the valve positions using the SMR model account for 65%–80% of the overall energy use (Pellegrino et al.,
and the ANSYS Fluent-based CFD model verified the recommen- 2004; Thedki, 2010). The energy use is intensified by inherent
dations before final implementation (Kumar et al., 2015). The SM furnace inefficiencies (20%–60%) and ineffective control strategies
platform, described later, facilitated the assembly and deployment (Thedki, 2010). Part temperatures, especially the core, cannot be
of the workflow by providing an easy access to the HPC resources sensed and measured directly. Hence, in practice, the operators
and easy-to-use workflow service. Also incorporated in the SM Plat- tend to overheat the parts such that a minimum temperature
form layered cloud services are Workflow as a Service (WfaaS) threshold required for processing is reached, which causes excess
integrated with Software as a Service (SaaS). fuel consumption. Another reason for overheating is that if some
An important aspect of SM was to present the data in a dash- portions of the fabricated part are not heated sufficiently, then the
board. Such visualization and interpretation of data immerses plant entire part will not meet the quality standards, resulting in material
personnel in the decision-making process. Data visualization can waste and the energy used to make the defective parts. Therefore,
assist in process analysis, or it can be used for keeping the plant the monetary gain in energy minimization while heating must be
personnel engaged by providing continuous plant performance balanced by the potential loss due to scrapping of defective parts,
feedback. To provide real-time plant performance metrics, these although as shown below, both objectives can be achieved with
visual modules were interfaced to the data historian and manufac- positive outcomes.
turing intelligence modules. Fig. 2 shows the operator dashboard An austenitization furnace for heat treatment is a primary target
deployed for the SMR testbed. It shows the current TWTs and for advanced model-based analysis and control. The equation-
the predicted optimal distribution along with the required valve oriented model of the furnace under consideration is built around
adjustments upon SMR model-based furnace balancing and is auto- a two-dimensional (2D) geometry to balance computational effi-
matically updated at regular intervals. Note that actual numeric ciency with the ability to capture long range radiation interactions
values have not been shown for proprietary reasons. (Heng et al., 2017; Ganesh et al., 2017a). The model neglects
The SMP cloud-based IT infrastructure provides easy access to the interactions between parts, loaded on an individual tray. The
the automation system under one umbrella and thus acts as the ensemble of a tray and its contents is modeled as a rectangular
enabler for overcoming the aforementioned limitations in adopt- structure with equivalent metal mass and referred to as a part, and
ing the best practices of SM (Davis et al., 2015). Cloud infrastructure the movements of the parts inside the furnace are captured. The
is attractive from a manufacturer’s viewpoint due to the provision (nitrogen) gas-to-surface heat transfer occurs only through con-
of low-cost scalable computing resources and the advantage of col- vection and surface-to-surface heat transfer in the furnace loaded
laborating with third-party experts by connecting them with plant with parts occurs only through radiation. The furnace is discretized
data securely outside of plant premises. A typical case of furnace into a series of control volumes to calculate a discretized gas temper-
balancing resulted in a 44% reduction in TWT non-uniformity. ature profile within the furnace. For temperature control purposes,
Another distinguishing feature of the SM platform is the adjacent burners are grouped together and the fuel flow rates
community-driven industrial App marketplace analogous to are adjusted simultaneously for each group of twelve burners. The
smartphone Apps. Here, several customizable industrial process furnace is divided into four such groups of burners (four control
solutions (process, control, optimization models) in the form of valves) referred to as temperature control zones. The middle insu-
standardized Apps are provided by App vendors. Manufacturing lating surface of the ceiling of each zone has a temperature sensor
users can use these standalone Apps or combine them to form and used for control. The inputs to the model are the dimensions of
execute composite workflows, e.g., furnace balancing solution. the steel parts and its physical properties. The model evaluates the
Data-driven models like the SMR model can be easily customized energy consumption of the furnace and part temperature distribu-
for a general furnace. Since the ‘right’ models are readily available tion as a function of time and position within the furnace (Heng
on a pay-per-use basis, it cuts down the development cost and et al., 2017).
time, and thus allows quick low-cost deployment. For burner surfaces, the temperatures and heat duties are the
input variables. A burner model relates the heat duty as a func-
tion of the fuel flow rate and assumes that the temperature of the
5. Case study 2: forging, heat treatment, and machining of burner surface is constant. The overall energy balance equation for
metal parts part and insulation surfaces within the furnace is solved for the heat
duties and surface temperatures using a double iterative algorithm.
A metal processing plant operated by General Dynamics in The computed heat duties define a Neumann type boundary con-
Scranton, PA uses forging, heat treatment, and machining facil- dition to evaluate the part temperature distributions. The resulting
ities to make a variety of finished precision metal parts from two-dimensional unsteady state heat equation is solved using the
metal billets. It is a line operation comprised of upstream energy Crank-Nicolson finite difference technique. A proportional-integral
intensive operations followed by downstream computer numer- (PI) tracking controller controls the temperature of each zone by
ical control (CNC) machining and finishing stations. The entire appropriately adjusting the mass flow rate of fuel to the burners of
line operation can be viewed as a set of modularized interop- the respective zone. The temperature set points of the PI controller
erable batch operations managed as a virtual enterprise, which directly affects the temperature distribution of parts in the furnace
oversees the billet-to-finished-part properties to meet changing and thus its energy consumption (Ganesh et al., 2016).
production orders. Real-time measurement of geometrical toler- During the heat treating process, controlling the microstructure
ance changes of the metal parts leaving the forging press ensures in addition to temperature is important in achieving a defect-free
managed demand on the downstream machining, predicts mainte- and structurally sound product. The microstructural changes occur
nance on the forging press and makes it possible to manage energy at smaller length scales (micro-scale) compared to the changes
136 T.F. Edgar, E.N. Pistikopoulos / Computers and Chemical Engineering 114 (2018) 130–144

Fig. 2. Operator dashboard for furnace balancing.

Table 2
CESMII R&D Portfolio.

Early Stage R&D Technology Development Product Integration

• Advanced sensors • Reference architectures • Security requirements

• Models and computational tools • System configurations • Human-technology interfaces
• Data structures and configurations • System models • Data management
• Process controls • Interoperability standards • Process models
• Hardware • Business change management
• Software • Workforce skills development

in macroscopic variables like heat duty and temperature. Hence,

a multiscale modeling approach is used that bridges the calcula-
tion of macroscopic variables with the prediction of microstructural
evolution of the workpieces and its consequent effects on the hard-
ness and toughness of the quenched product (Table 2).
The trade-off between temperature distribution and product
quality of the metal parts must be addressed in optimizing furnace
operation. Steel is a polycrystalline material composed of many
crystallites or grains, and the crystallinity of a solid has impor-
tant effects on its physical properties. The boundary between two
grains is called a grain boundary, which is the single-phase inter-
face with identical crystals on each side of the boundary, except
in orientation. The grain boundary contains the atoms that have Fig. 3. Discretized regions of the part. The pentagons represent the precipitated
been perturbed from their original lattice sites and the impurities austenite grains.
in the crystal lattice and is a crystal structure defect. A system is
thermodynamically stable when it is in its lowest energy state.
Hence, as the number of grains per unit volume decreases, the the order of a few seconds, much smaller than the simulation time
average grain size per unit volume increases and the energy per step size of four minutes. Therefore, during furnace simulation,
unit volume decreases resulting in a state of higher thermodynamic after the temperature of a region exceeds the austenite transfor-
stability. Grain growth occurs by diffusion when the temperature mation temperature, the grain size is calculated as a function of
is high enough and the amount of time the material is subjected time and temperature. The size of the austenite grains determines
to heat treatment is long enough. The semi-empirical modeling of the toughness of the quenched product. As the grain size increases,
austenite properties has been described by Ganesh et al. (2017a). the brittleness increases and the toughness of the quenched prod-
The metal is assumed to be composed of 0.85% C, 0.62% Mn, 0.25% uct is reduced. In Fig. 3, the high temperature regions are the ones
Si, 0.03% Cr, and 0.03% Al (Anelli, 1992). close to the surface of the part and have larger grain sizes. On the
In the model, the part is discretized into regions, where the size other hand, the interior of the part has lower temperatures, thus
of a region is selected such that the temperature differences within smaller grains.
it is minimal and the grain size calculated at the maximum permis- The objective of the furnace is to heat the parts past the
sible furnace operation temperature is less than the dimensions of required temperature threshold with minimum temperature vari-
the region. A part with dimensions 1.25 m × 0.5 m is discretized into ations within the part, and avoid overheating. In order to ensure
6 × 3 regions. The transformation of steel to austenite is rapid and in toughness of the product, the austenite grain size must be kept
T.F. Edgar, E.N. Pistikopoulos / Computers and Chemical Engineering 114 (2018) 130–144 137

Fig. 4. Optimized Set Points – Grain Size Evolution of Part No. 20.

within an upper limit. The model (Ganesh et al., 2017a) is used to the part will have lower temperatures that increase gradually,
solve a nonlinear program with the zone temperature set points thus the regions that are close to the part surface will have larger
of the existing feedback controllers. The following optimization grain sizes and those in the core will have smaller grains.
problem is solved: min Energy Input per Part, subject to The maximum grain size in the optimal operation mode is
73.80 ␮m compared to 93.60 ␮m in the heuristic operation mode.
1000K ≤ Tsp,i ≤ 1300K Hence, the quenched product in the optimized case is tougher or
less brittle than the heuristic operation case, although in this case
Tsp,i + Tdiff ≤ Tsp,i+1
energy can be saved while improving the part quality (3.5% less
Tpart, exit ≥ 1100K energy).
part, exit
≤ 0.05
T̄part, exit 6. Case study 3: renewable hydrogen production and utility
testbed (REHPUT)
dpart,exit ≤ 90m

where Tsp,i is the temperature set point of zone i, Tdiff is the enforced As renewable energies gain more traction due to improving effi-
temperature difference between adjacent consecutive (in the direc- ciencies and decreasing costs, there will be a gradual shift away
tion of part movement) zones. Tpart,exit is the minimum temperature from dependence on fossil fuels toward the deployment of carbon-
neutral energy technologies. The time and spatial variations of the
of the part at the exit of the furnace, T̄part, exit is the average of the
availability of some renewable energy source has created a need for
temperature distribution of the part,  is the standard deviation
suitable energy carriers. One such energy carrier is hydrogen, which
in temperature of the part, and dpart,exit is the grain size at the exit
also has enormous potential as a renewable fuel for vehicle mobil-
of the furnace. The objective function of the optimization problem
ity and electricity generation. Currently, 48% of global hydrogen
is the energy input per part. The zone temperatures are bounded
production is from natural gas through Steam Methane Reform-
from both sides of the zone so that the obtained solution lies in
ing (SMR) (Wang et al., 2014). Conventional electrolysis is energy
the austenite phase region. In order to ensure that the parts do not
intensive because of the amount of energy required to produce one
lose heat to the furnace walls, a positive temperature difference
mole of hydrogen:
between adjacent consecutive zones is enforced.
The calculation of radiation interactions makes the model pro- 237.2kJmol−1 48.6kJmol−1
cedural, which is a considerable impediment in calculation of H2 O + + ⇒ H2 + 0.5O2
Electricity Heat
gradients required by modern optimization solvers. Hence, a sur-
rogate model that captures the input-output relationships of the Electrolysis for medium to large scale applications is currently
detailed model was used for fast simulation and optimization pur- more expensive than SMR. However, integration of renewable
poses (Myers et al., 2009). The input variables are the four zone power sources like solar and wind with electrolysis can greatly
temperature set points. The output variables are the minimum and reduce its production cost (Lewis, 2007). The PEM (Portion Pro-
the average part temperature distribution and the maximum grain ton Exchange Membrane) electrolyzer is a relative new electrolyzer
size of the part. technology with immense potential and controllability, with high
The optimal solution for the zone temperature set points are current densities, high voltage efficiency, good partial load range,
[1012 K, 1042 K, 1184 K, 1214 K]. As shown by Ganesh et al. (2017b), rapid system response, compact system design, and high gas purity.
the minimum part temperature is 1088 K, the average part temper- The PEM smart manufacturing testbed at TAMU currently has a
ature is 1155 K, the standard deviation of temperature is 50.5 K, and fully integrated fuel cell rig as its hydrogen utility component. The
the total enthalpy change is 1114 MJ. The coefficient of variation renewable hydrogen production and utility testbed (REHPUT) is
(standard deviation over mean) in temperature of the part at exit represented in Fig. 5. When fully integrated, REHPUT can produces
is 0.044, which is within the desired value of 0.05. Therefore, the hydrogen using a PEM electrolyzer, purify the produced hydro-
temperature differences within the part are minimal. gen, store hydrogen in a metal hydride, and use the hydrogen to
In Fig. 4 the grain size distribution of the 20th (middle of the generate electricity.
batch) part is shown as a function of its processing time. The surface The PEM electrolyzer used for REHPUT is made of four cells;
of the part will have higher temperatures and the interiors of each cell is made up of the anode, the membrane electrode assem-
138 T.F. Edgar, E.N. Pistikopoulos / Computers and Chemical Engineering 114 (2018) 130–144

Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of the REHPUT.

bly (MEA), and the cathode. Purified, deionized water flows into (beta phase). The kinetics of the absorption is dependent on the
the cathode to the catalyst-laced MEA. The voltage (theoretically temperature and the pressure of the system. A lower temperature
∼1.23 V per cell) from the supplied power creates a potential decreases the Gibbs energy (favoring absorption), while a higher
that enables current flow. The current flow enables exchange of temperature increases the Gibbs energy (favoring desorption). The
electrons at the electrode and subsequent formation of H+ . The ratio of the hydriding pressure and the equilibrium pressure deter-
hydrogen ions pass through the membrane from the anode to the mines the hydriding rate and thus the rate of heat generation. To
cathode dragging along some water molecules. The membrane is maintain a faster filling rate, the heat generated should also be dis-
a sulfonated polymer membrane (Nafion) characterized by high sipated at approximately the same rate. To control the temperature,
proton conductivity, low gas crossover, relatively high operating a jacket is built around the metal hydride canister. The jacket allows
pressure and low membrane thickness. The proton H+ is reduced the passage of coolant to remove the heat generated. Fig. 6b above
to hydrogen molecules (gas) H2 at the cathode and is let off. Before shows a P&ID of the metal hydride testing station that is fabricated
startup, the cathode has no water but as the operation proceeds, with thermocouples placed inside. The temperature of the coolant
water builds up in the cathode, thus the hydrogen gas produced and the flow rate are also important data needed for the modeling
contains water in it. The gas is passed through a water separator of the hydrogen storage unit.
and dryer that removes about 80% of the water content. The exit gas The fuel cell is the reverse of the electrolyzer. The test rig in
from the water separator still contain traces of water molecules and Fig. 7 is supplied with hydrogen gas (99.999%, 3 barg pressure) to
oxygen. It is sent to a purifier for further processing. The hydrogen the anode. A thermal mass flow controller is used to measure and
purifier is a palladium membrane that allows exclusive passage control the hydrogen gas flow to the anode. The interaction of the
of the hydrogen gas. The process prepares the hydrogen gas for hydrogen gas and the catalyst in the anode produces H+ and elec-
compression and or storage. trons. Air is supplied to the cathode and the oxygen from the air,
The measured current across the electrode is used to estimate interacts with the protons and electrons generated at the anode
the theoretical hydrogen produced. It is compared against the through the electrode/catalyst to produce water. Both gases are
actual flow of hydrogen produced. This essential data determines humidified with deionized water. A regulation valve maintains a
the current losses and hence the efficiency of the system. Before given stoichiometric ratio with relation to the oxygen consumed.
experimental operation, a model is developed to perform simula- Nitrogen is used to purge the system before and after the use to
tions. The simulation provides information regarding the type of prevent corrosion of the internal parts of the fuel cell. The gases
data needed to validate the model and where to place the sensors. are fed to the plant using a pressure handling system and gas inlet
Sensors are strategically placed in the system to capture the tem- manifold. All the overpressure and exhaust gases from the fuel cell
perature of the stack, the pressure of the hydrogen gas before and stack are safely vented out of the lab by using the exhaust mani-
after clean up, and the humidity of the hydrogen gas before and fold. This fuel cell pilot plant consists of 1 kW PEM fuel cell stack
after clean up. made up of eight cells. The test bed is flexible so that developed
Hydrogen can be stored as a compressed gas, a cryogenic liquid designs can be optimized rapidly and effective control policies can
and in a solid form. Hydrogen can be stored in a metal complex to be developed. Hydrogen can also enter the system from a recycle
form a metal hydride. Absorption and desorption of hydrogen in loop from a dilution vessel (Manthanwar 2016).
the metal hydride are exothermic and endothermic respectively.
The metal alloy used is the Lanthanum-Nickel alloy (LaNi5 ). During 7. PAROC framework
the absorption process, the hydrogen gas enters the metal hydride
canister and diffuses to the surface of the metal alloy and perco- The PARametric Optimization and Control (PAROC) frame-
lates into it. The rate of flow of hydrogen to the alloy surface is work enables the representation and solution of demanding
fast since the alloy grains are loosely placed in the canister and the model-based operation optimization and control problems
storage pressure is usually higher than the equilibrium pressure using high-fidelity modeling, approximation techniques and
(usually >1 atm, a property of the alloy), i.e., the flow of hydrogen is optimization-based strategies, including multi-parametric pro-
not the rate-determining step. The equilibrium pressure is used to gramming (Pistikopoulos et al., 2015). The PAROC framework has
describe the sorption isotherm of the LaNi5 metal hydride alloy (see the ability to adapt to several classes of problems through its pro-
Fig. 6a) since it is a well-studied material. The design of the hydro- totype software platform.
gen storage was done in collaboration with Hydrogen components The first step of the PAROC framework shown in Fig. 8 is high
(HCI). fidelity modeling that correctly describes the various components
The hydrogen molecule adsorbs to the surface of the alloy of the system. PSE’s gPROMS Model Builder software allows direct
(physisorption) and the alloy consequently absorbs it (chemisorp- communication with MATLAB through gO:MATLAB for further
tion) (Bérubé et al., 2007). The hydrogen starts accumulating within analysis. Three high fidelity models describe the electrolyzer and
the alloy lattice (alpha phase). The nucleation grows to saturation other hydrogen production peripheral units, hydrogen storage, and
T.F. Edgar, E.N. Pistikopoulos / Computers and Chemical Engineering 114 (2018) 130–144 139

Fig. 6. (a) Plot of the equilibrium pressure change with H/M at 25 Celsius. (b) P&ID of the hydrogen storage testbed.

the fuel cell. Simulations of the models demonstrate the dynamic models for optimal design decisions, their complexity may make
phenomena and produces a saturation curve for the hydrogen stor- model-based strategies computationally expensive. Consequently,
age model and polarization curves for the electrolyzer and the fuel it is necessary to simplify the representation of the model with-
cell at several temperature and pressure. Model validation using out compromising its accuracy. In PAROC, this is addressed by the
experimental data tunes the model accuracy. Having a more accu- following two approaches:
rate model, we perform optimization on the model to improve the
performance metric.
All sensors and actuators are hardwired to a analog and digi-
tal data acquisition hardware. The controllers are connected to a 7.1. System identification
PC using ethernet and the operation of the system is controlled
through NI LabVIEW software. A series of simulations of the high-fidelity model for different
The fuel cell rig (Fig. 7) is designed to use several PI controllers initial states is used to construct a meaningful linear state-space
but is adaptable to a real-time explicit model predictive control in model of the process using statistical methods. One of the most
the PAROC framework. Although it is possible to use high-fidelity widely applied tools within this area is the System Identification
Toolbox from MATLAB.
140 T.F. Edgar, E.N. Pistikopoulos / Computers and Chemical Engineering 114 (2018) 130–144

Fig. 7. (a) Schematic diagram of the fuel Cell Rig (b) image of the fuel cell testbed.

7.2. Model-reduction techniques lem changes considerably. The last step of the PAROC framework is
the closed-loop validation, i.e. the testing of the controller against
While system identification relies on the user in terms of inter- the original high fidelity model and the testbed. The closed loop
pretation of the data and processing of the results, model-reduction validation is an important procedure since it verifies the accuracy
techniques can automate the reduction process (Pistikopoulos and robustness of the controller. Depending on the outcome of the
et al., 2015). The model reduction technique can be data driven procedure, the controller design is evaluated.
or model based model approximation (such as model linearization, Applications of the PAROC framework on a fuel cell system and
system identification) (Van Overschee and De Moor, 1994; Ljung a metal hydride system are shown in Figs. 9 and 10 below.
and Söderström, 1983). The first block shows the schematic and the polarization curves
After the model approximation step a state-space model is for the fuel cell. The polarization curves are based on simulation
obtained that is used for the development of receding horizon poli- of the fuel cell model. The second block shows the model reduc-
cies. The calculation of such policies, e.g. in the form of control laws tion step where the original high fidelity model is compared with
or scheduling policies, traditionally requires the online solution of a more tractable model that is amenable for control studies. The
an optimization problem, which might be computationally infea- third block shows the solution mapping of the control actions at any
sible (Pistikopoulos et al., 2015). Therefore, the PAROC framework state within the allowable bounds. It gives a preconceived idea of
employs multi-parametric programming, where the optimization the possibilities of the system. The states could be actual measured
problem is solved offline as a function of a set of parameters. In states or observed uncertainties in the system. The fourth block
addition, depending on the cost function and the characteristic of represents the application of the control action and its comparison.
the system considered, the complexity of the optimization prob-
T.F. Edgar, E.N. Pistikopoulos / Computers and Chemical Engineering 114 (2018) 130–144 141

Fig. 8. PAROC framework for optimization and control.

Fig. 9. PAROC framework on a fuel cell system (Ziogou et al., 2013).

8. New DOE institutes from the City of LA and the University of California Los Angeles
(UCLA). CESMII launched in partnership with the Department of
On January 3, 2017 the Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coali- Energy’s (DOE) Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) within the
tion (SMLC) announced the launch of the Clean Energy Smart Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)
Manufacturing Innovation Institute (CESMII). A public-private part- The Institute will accelerate Smart Manufacturing adoption
nership, CESMII is headquartered in Los Angeles through support through integration of advanced technologies and intelligence, rad-
142 T.F. Edgar, E.N. Pistikopoulos / Computers and Chemical Engineering 114 (2018) 130–144

Fig. 10. PAROC Framework on a Metal Hydride reactor (Panos et al., 2010).

ically improving precision, performance, quality, sustainability and SM Business Practices, Enabling Technologies, SM Platform Infras-
energy efficiency. New and better manufacturing jobs for the exist- tructure, and Workforce Development (
ing and future workforce is a hallmark of Smart Manufacturing technology-roadmap). SM has the potential to transform the U.S.
permeating U.S. manufacturing. CESMII provides infrastructure and manufacturing sector into an engine for open innovation and skills
services to every type and scale of manufacturer, provider or user development, facilitating sustainable real-time business improve-
of Smart Manufacturing assets, no matter technical acumen, size, ments.
or financial status To facilitate implementation of new manufacturing solutions
By combining manufacturing, digital, and energy efficiency and integration of operational technologies and information tech-
expertise, technologies developed by the Institute will give Ameri- nologies (OT/IT), CESMII will address knowledge gaps and advance
can manufacturers unprecedented, real-time control of energy use innovation in SM technology, processes, and workforce as shown
across factories and companies, increasing productivity and saving below.
on energy costs. Test beds for smart manufacturing are a key component of
CESMII includes a national network of Regional Smart Manu- CESMII; some examples include:
facturing Centers across the United States. Advancements in the
Institute’s technology focus areas of sensors, controls, platforms • Shift error prone product forecasting to customer demand driven
and modeling will be interlinked by an open Platform and mar- production and reduce inventories in food industry
ketplace for Smart Manufacturing. The regions will leverage these • Proactive supply chain management for predictive recipe man-
technologies and their service capabilities to form the virtual net- agement and chain of custody as a product value in food industry
work of linked resources targeted towards each region’s clean • Sensors and controls for increased precision in specialty glass and
energy, industrial and workforce objectives. Diverse projects will ceramic products
accelerate RD&D and rapid and less costly adoption of shared solu- • Enhanced sensing, modeling and controls for optimizing black
tions. New contributors to revolutionary solutions are encouraged, liquor evaporators in pulp and paper
and have an enabling pathway to co-develop among themselves • Advanced controls across a microelectronics manufacturing sup-
and with existing technology and service providers. Academia, ply chain to optimize material, energy and water use
community colleges and other organizations will have new avenues • High temperature sensing and modeling for real-time precision
to develop and certify the best skilled Smart Manufacturing work- positioning of hot steel sheets in steelmaking plant
force in the world. Partners have engaged with CESMII to tap into • Real-time optimization of aerospace sheet and plate manufac-
these resources and opportunities for wide impact. turing through in-situ sensing, integrated monitoring, advanced
To improve the productivity, performance, efficiency, and ulti- control, adaptive modeling and predictive analytics
mately the global competitiveness of U.S. manufacturing, the
CESMII Roadmap (Table 3): 2017–2018 outlines strategic objec-
Another DOE institute called RAPID ( was
tives, an R&D Portfolio, and near-term action plans for advancing
established in 2017 as the tenth manufacturing institute and lead
T.F. Edgar, E.N. Pistikopoulos / Computers and Chemical Engineering 114 (2018) 130–144 143

Table 3
Key Initiatives in CESMII Roadmap.

Business Practices Enabling Technologies Workforce Development

To facilitate widespread SM integration, Through collaborative R&D, advance key SM To build and sustain a skilled and innovative
develop a clear and compelling SM value technologies—including advanced sensors, SM workforce with expertise in SM technology
proposition; address and mitigate business data analytics tools, process controls, models, and practices, develop, continuously update,
risks; and provide strategies, tools, and best and computational platforms—for integration and deploy customizable, interdisciplinary
practices for SM integration and cyber security into robust, secure, and easy-to-configure SM training resources and programs.
• Assessment and Benchmarking • Cross-cutting R&D and Reusability • SM Platform training

• Integration • Process & Controls • Technology & Marketplace Training

• Workforce Alignment • Sensors • Training Delivery

• Data, Modeling & Analytics

Table 4
Overview of RAPID Roadmap Research with Six Focus Areas.

Chemical and Natural Gas Upgrading Renewable Biproducts Intensified Process Modeling & Simulation Module Manufacturing
Commodity Processing Fundamentals

• Rxn/Separation • Selective Conversion • Primary Separation • Scale-Out Methods • PI Software Tool • Intensified

• Non-Thermal Drivers • Separations • Water Management • Fundamental Data • Data Availability • Standard Designs

• Batch Systems • Process • Couple Rxn/Spn/Hxt • Predictive Models • PI Assessment Tools • Distributed
Consolidation Processing

by AIChE. It consists of six focus areas with areas of emphasis as the optimal flow of hydrogen while maintaining the temperature
identified in the 2017 RAPID roadmap shown below in (Table 4). in both the metal hydride system and the fuel cell system, thus
RAPID is less focused on operations and concentrates on process enabling energy savings. The three case studies demonstrated both
redesign for process intensification (PI). energy savings and productivity improvements through the use of
modeling, advanced sensors, control and optimization.
Through the CESMII initiative, technology solutions can be
9. Conclusion
made available to the community in the marketplace for smart
manufacturing. This will facilitate the implementation of new man-
In this work we presented an overview of the smart man-
ufacturing solutions and standards enabling the integration of
ufacturing initiative and how the implementation of its various
operational technologies and information technologies (OT/IT) in
elements facilitates the integration of existing process control and
the manufacturing sector.
automation systems into manufacturing facilities and processes
in a controlled environment, optimizing process knowledge and
improving energy productivity. Smart manufacturing leverages the Funding
technology advancement in IT and the expertise in operational
technology to bring an unprecedented, real-time optimization of This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy
energy use across factories and companies, increasing productivity [Grant No. DE-EE0005763].
and saving on energy costs.
Three case studies; SMR, Heat Treatment, and Electrochemical Acknowledgments
Hydrogen Production and Utility were presented to demonstrate
the concept of smart manufacturing and the various aspects of the The authors would like to thank Hari Ganesh, Ankur Kumar, and
ASCPM were implemented in these systems. High-fidelity models Michael Baldea for their assistance in research and preparation of
and data from advanced sensors were used to describe the sys- this manuscript.
tems and improve the predictability of the developed models. The
energy intensive SMR testbed used infrared cameras that enabled References
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