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Volume 10 Issue 2 November 14, 2010 www.moosemountainchurch.

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The Five Most Important Questions By Stan Helton
When Jesus formed the regard. He once framed what he focus, we can be sure that it involves 1 Christina Street
church, he had at least two aims in called “The Five Most Important loving God and loving “other” peo- Box 184
mind. Church would first of all be Questions” any organization must ple. So who are the church’s custom- Kenosee Lake, SK
about loving God with heart, soul, ask if it wanted to remain true to its ers? Again, Jesus helps us here: God
mind and body (or strength) and, mission. I think you might find them and “other” people. When the
secondly, that this group of people instructive as we seek God’s specific church views her members as the
would love their p r i m a r y
Assembly Times:
neighbors as themselves “customers,” her
(Mark 12:28-34). While
“neighbor” might in-
clude other church
what is our mission? mission will always
get redirected to
“our” perceived
Bible Class
members, Jesus nearly needs. Members
always used the term to push us missional vocation for Tammany should see themselves more Full Family
toward those who are different from Oaks. as customer service representatives Fellowship
us. Given the centrality of this teach- 1. What is our mission? who are eager to please God and 11:03am
ing for Jesus, it would be hard to serve others.
suggest that the church should be 2. Who is our customer? The final two questions are Thursday Evening
doing something other than fulfilling 3. What does the customer value? the hard ones, and as such, deserve Bible Study
these commands. more of our attention than I can give 7:00pm
4. What are our results?
Since Jesus says these are here. However, we should be able to
the most important commands, any 5. What is our plan?* see that the answers lie near the two Life Groups
other command we find in the Bible I have found these greatest commands. Alternating
must somehow fit under questions very helpful in What are the markers of a Thursdays in various
thinking out where God
these. Addition- “successful” church? Two of the communities
ally, any un- might be leading us. While makers, of course, would be that a
derstanding of the church is not a busi- successful church loves God and
ness, it is in the ***
any of the other people.
lesser command business of So what is the church’s
that ignores or bypasses plan? While the answer Leadership:
to this question needs to
have specifics based on Minister
where God has placed each
Rolland Bouchard
congregation, we can be sure the
these two must be seen as an mis- announcing the kingdom of plan should be the outworking of
interpretation of the lesser com- God and our “success” can loving God and others. Elders
mand. be measured in how well __________ Jim Sedor
So, if these are the core we are doing that and lives * Peter F. Drucker, The Five Most Important
that are transformed be- Questions You Will Ever Ask about Your Non- Cameron Husband
values of Jesus for the church,
cause of it. profit Organization (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Dale King
how are we doing? 1993).
I have found Peter So what is our Harold Floyd
Drucker, the well-known business mission? While each con- Stan Helton

specialist, to be helpful in this gregation needs a specific


Announcements and Upcoming Events Ministries:

THRIFT STORE DAYS information talk to Pam today. Benevolence

We will be working the thrift store Harold Floyd
November 30 & December 2 LADIE’S CHRISTMAS DINNER
December 28 & 30 On December 7 at 6:30pm all ladies are invited to
join the party. There will not be a gift exchange this Fellowship
POTLUCK REQUEST year. However, we will be sending everyone home Monica McMillan
We want to thank you all for your generous dona- with a gift. We are asking the ladies of our congrega-
tions to our potluck lunches. Because of known aller- tion to donate $5.00 towards items that will be pur- Worship
gies within our congregation we ask that you do not chased. See Judith or Laurie. Cameron Husband
bring any items containing pork. Thanks!
HOMEMAKERS CIRCLE! Attention gentlemen, the ladies would love your help
Dec 7th - Ladies Christmas Dinner in the kitchen on the evening of the Christmas Laurie Bouchard
Jan 14th - Spa Night dinner. Please talk to Judith or Laurie to volunteer.
Feb 8th - Cake Decorating *** Outreach
Mar 19th - Ladies Day / Theme Supper CHRISTMAS PARTY Jim Sedor
April 8/9th - Mini Retreat There is a kids Christmas fun day in the works for
May 24th - Kennedy Memorial Gardens December. Volunteers are needed to make it work.
June 14th - Tea House, Fairlight A sign-up sheet will be posted when a date is solidi-
Owen King
*** fied. For more information talk to Judith or Laurie.
John McMillan is teaching our adult Bible class for FUNERAL—KIPLING Maintenance
November using the book “In His Steps”. Please read Bill Roluf passed away on Thursday, November 11th. Garnet Goud
the book and be prepared for the series. Bill has been a friend and neighbour to the church
*** here for many years. His funeral will be at the Kipling
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD united church on Monday at 1:00pm.
Mark Olson
All contributions need to be in today. For more
Volume 10, Issue 2 November 14, 2010

 All of those walking through grief.

 Arnold Lawrence
 Marie McMillan
 Verna Reed
 Lanny Lawrence—is home from Hospital after
open heart surgery.
 Bernard and Alicia Krogsgaard - Missionaries in
 Joe Fox—recovery from surgery.
 Verna’s Sister Linda was in a car accident is recov-
 Chris Cornforth—continued health concerns.
 Joe Cornforth, continued emotional and health
Last Sunday during our congregational meeting the missions ministry presented
issues. three proposals on mission works we wish to partner with. For those who could
 Catherine Taylor– seeing continued success and not be present for the meeting I am including some brief information about each
healing after her surgery. couple and the work they are doing. One of our goals for 2011 is to develop a set
of criteria to use in the future for determining what mission works to partner
 Rolland’s Grandmother is recovering well from with. We have set a target of June 30th, 2011 to have this finished and at that
surgery after being diagnosed with cancer. time we will review all mission works we currently are involved with. If you seek
 Nancy Martinson—(Heather Kings Sister-in-law) more information, please contact any one of the members of the ministry - Owen,
Sandra, Margaret Husband, Rolland or John.
Pray for success in cancer treatments.
 Candy Wise—undergoing another surgery for an 1. Aaron and Amy Etheridge, Vancouver, B.C. - we met the Etheridges through
aneurism. Pray for success. John and Carolyn and they were out here to meet with some of the ministry team
during the week before Lectureship at WCC. They are Americans who have
 Tammy Palmer—waiting on test results, feeling committed to working in the inner city of Vancouver. Their shortfall for 2011 is
better, medication is working. only $230 a month or $2760 for the year. They will be losing some support after
 James and Shelly, Congratulations on the birth of 2011 so there is potential to partner with them in a greater way in the coming
years. We recommend sending them $2760 immediately to come out of the dis-
your new baby girl Jamie!
bursement fund.
 Neil Palmer—Verna’s Cousin recovering from five
bypass surgery 2. Bernard and Alicia Krogsgaard, Lazaro Cardenas, Mexico - we all should be
familiar with the Krogsgaards as we have been giving their work $8000 a year for
 Pam’s Uncle, John Dyck had open heart surgery. the past two years. We recommend sending them $6000 this year and review
 Pam’s cousin Julie’s husband passed away from their work by June 2011. Once the review is done we will decide whether we will
cancer leaving behind 2 young sons and a widow. be partnering with them after 2011.

 Bill Roluf—neighbour to the church passed away 3. Travis and Alicia Sass, Cuenca, Ecuador - the Sass family was recently here
on November 11th. Pray for his family so most of us should be quite familiar with them and their future plans. They
spent five years working in Salvador, Brazil and are now committing to at least
 Joe’s brother Dan was in a roll over with his
five years in Cuenca, Ecuador. They face rather significant initial costs to get
tanker truck. He sustained some neck and back their family and possessions moved down to Ecuador and they are also in need
injuries and will be out of work for a while. of about $700 a month above what they were receiving when they were in Bra-
 Krista Dolphin’s arm is broken, pray for a speedy zil. Therefore we are recommending to send them $5000 now from the disburse-
recovery. ment money and $700 a month for 2011. We are also recommending to increase
the monthly amount by $50 a month for every year past 2011 to help compensate
 Mary Elford—recently diagnosed with cancer. for inflation and other rising costs. We are encouraging anyone from the congre-
She is trying to get in for surgery as soon as possi- gation to consider going to Ecuador sometime during the year to go encourage
ble. Travis and Alicia. A special collection would be done to cover costs for such a
 Harold Floyd—was in Kipling hospital this week.
Having problems with his leg. Your input into our support of these missions is invited. We would like to respond
 Joe, travelling to Alberta to see his brother. to each of these missionaries by the end of November, with the proceeds coming
from the disbursement fund. Please talk to Owen or any of the missions commit-
 Upcoming weddings: Trevor and Raysha, and tee, or submit your response in writing before then. Thank you.
Abby Hannah (recently engaged).

Puzzles and Cartoons used with Permission. For rights and permissions see and

And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing
in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the
truth, they have received their reward in full.
Matthew 6:5

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