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YOU MAY; yeah, much obliged, but nope) SERVITUDE

TRUE OR FALSE Art. 1167. If a person obliged to do something

fails to do it, the same shall be executed at his
1. If the debtor obliged to do something fails to cost.
do it, an action for specific performance will
prosper. This same rule shall be observed if he does it in
contravention of the tenor of the obligation.
A. FALSE, because a judgment on an action for
specific performance of an OBLIGATION TO On Lease – usurpation by third persons.
DO necessarily compels someone “to do”
and it will amount to involuntary Art. 1663. The lessee is obliged to bring to the
servitude. The remedy is to enter into a knowledge of the proprietor every usurpation
contract with another for the performance or untoward act committed by 3rd persons upon
of an obligation to do at the debtor’s the property leased; as well as the necessity for
expense. (You cannot enter into “another its repairs. If lessor fails to make urgent repairs,
contract” with someone who reneged in his the lessee may cause the reparation at the
obligation to you, it’s absurd.) lessor’s cost.

EXCEPTION: On Contract for a Piece of Work

 If the order “to do” is a punishment
for a crime (e.g., community cleaning; Art. 1715. The contract shall execute the work
very sharp ehh?). at the quality of work agreed upon with no
defect which would destroy, or lessen the value
Constitution on Bill of Rights - SECTION 18 (2) or fitness for ordinary or stipulated use of, the
No involuntary servitude in any form shall property.
exist except as a punishment for a crime after
due conviction. Should the work be not of such quality, the
employer may require that the contractor
Civil Code on Work and Labor - Article 1703. remove the defect or execute another work. If
No contract which practically amounts to the contract fails or refuses to comply with this
involuntary servitude, under any guise obligation, the employer may have the defect
whatsoever, shall be valid (invalid daw, wak removed or another work executed, at the
malito). contractor's cost.

Art. 1721. On the other hand, if it is the

employer who delays or fails to perform an act
required in the execution of the work, the
contractor is entitled to a reasonable

On Common Carriers (Contracts for Common


Art. 1765. The common carrier’s repeated

failure to comply with his duty to observe
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extraordinary diligence shall be a ground for Art. 1226. In obligations with a penal clause, the
the cancelation of the certificate of public penalty shall substitute the indemnity for
convenience granted to it. damages and the payment of interests in case
of noncompliance, if there is no stipulation to
the contrary.
2. In conditional obligations, the obligation
arises upon the happening of the condition. Art. 1163. Every person obliged to give
something is also obliged to take care of it with
A. FALSE. There are different kinds of the proper diligence of a good father of a
conditional obligations. It is only true with family, unless the law or the stipulation of the
respect to conditional obligations wherein parties requires another standard of care.
the obligation itself and the acquisition of Art. 1174. Except in cases expressly specified by
rights therefrom, only arise upon the event the law, or when it is otherwise declared by
of the suspensive condition. A conditional stipulation, or when the nature of the
obligation which has a resolutory condition obligation requires the assumption of risk, no
extinguishes the obligation upon the event person shall be responsible for those events
of the resolutory condition. (Art. 1181) which could not be foreseen, or which, though
foreseen, were inevitable.

3. In case of non-compliance of obligations with Art. 1262. When by law or stipulation, the
a penal clause, the penalty shall substitute the obligor is liable even for fortuitous events, the
indemnity for damages and the payment of loss of the thing does not extinguish the
interest. obligation, and he shall be responsible for
damages. The same rule applies when the
A. FALSE. The statement is not absolute. A nature of the obligation requires the
stipulation to the contrary is always an assumption of risk.
exception (oh believe me, that “stipulation
to the contrary” will pester you every time Art. 1178. Subject to the laws, all rights
so here I’ll save you the time and get acquired in virtue of an obligation are
pestered now) transmissible, if there has been no stipulation
to the contrary.

That “stipulation to the contrary” that Art. 1200. In the existence of multiple and
everyone loves: you may designate it as alternative prestations within an obligation, the
“stipulation to the contrary doctrine”. It right of choice belongs to the debtor, unless it
signifies primacy of stipulation being the law has been expressly granted to the creditor.
between the parties. Believe me it’s
important; a lot of our brethren died because Art. 1236. The creditor is not bound to accept
they ignore it. Do you remember that payment or performance by a third person
allowance of partial consignation that you who has no interest in the fulfillment of the
cannot find anywhere in the code? It’s within obligation, unless there is a stipulation to the
that phrase. contrary.

EFFIN EXAMPLES: (general to all obligations, Art. 1225. However, even though the object or
you try to find per contract, I’m tired) service may be physically divisible, an
obligation is indivisible if so provided by law or
intended by the parties (stipulated!)
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in a conventional subrogation. (o ibig sabihin

Art. 1247. Unless it is otherwise stipulated, the nito, may conventional subrogation lang kapag
extrajudicial expenses required by the payment stipulated – pag sinabe mong stipulated, ibig
(or performance) shall be for the account of the sabihin “agreed” or may “agreement”.
debtor. With regard to judicial costs, the Rules Fantastic, iba talaga nagagawa ni stipulation..
of Court shall govern. eazzyyy!, gngwa mue?….; op! we end here.
Bahala na kayo sa contracts, di ko pa exam yan)
Art. 1252. In cases of various debts of the same
kind in favor of one and the same creditor;
unless the parties so stipulate, or when the
application of payment is made by the party for
whose benefit the term has been constituted,
the payments shall not be made to apply on
debts which are not yet due.

Art. 1255. Payment by cession, unless there is

stipulation to the contrary, shall only release
the debtor from responsibility for the net
proceeds of the thing assigned. (Here it is. So, 4. The insolvency of one debtor will increase the
partial consignation extinguishes an obligation liability of his co-debtors.
if it is stipulated).
A. FALSE. This does not always apply. The
Art. 1248. Unless there is an express stipulation liability will not increase if the obligation is
to that effect, the creditor cannot be compelled joint.
to partially receive the prestations in which the
obligation consists. Neither may the debtor be Art. 1217. When one of the solidary debtors
required to make partial payments. (eto cannot, because of his insolvency, reimburse
naman, partial payment, sabe ko sayo his share to the debtor paying the obligation,
importante yan eh) such share shall be borne by all his co-debtors,
in proportion to the debt of each.
Art. 1251. There being no express stipulation
and if the undertaking is to deliver a No law compels able joint co-debtors to pay off
determinate thing, the payment shall be made the insolvent co-debtor’s debt.
wherever the thing might be at the moment
the obligation was constituted.
5. That an obligation to deliver, or to do, would
Art. 1299. In novation, if the original obligation result in delay only upon the time when the
was subject to a suspensive or resolutory obligee judicially or extra-judicially demands
condition, the new obligation shall be under from them the fulfillment of their obligation.
the same condition, unless it is otherwise
stipulated. A. FALSE. Judicial or Extra-Judicial Demand is
not the only situation when an obligor incur
Art. 1303. Subrogation transfers to the persons in delay. Delay shall also incur, without
subrogated the credit with all the rights thereto necessity of demand, when: a) there is a
appertaining, either against the debtor or law or stipulation providing that there is no
against third person, be they guarantors or need for a demand for incurring in delay; b)
possessors of mortgages, subject to stipulation when the designation of the time of
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delivery or service is a controlling motive expressly so states, or when the law or the
for the establishment of the contract; c) nature of the obligation requires solidarity.”
when the obligor has rendered the
obligation beyond his power to perform,
making the demand useless; d) in 9. When the fulfillment of the condition
reciprocal obligations, from the moment depends upon the sole will of the debtor, the
one of the parties fulfilled his obligation, obligation shall be void.
delay by the other begins. (Art. 1169)
A. FALSE. A resolutory condition which
depends upon the sole will of the debtor is
6. Proof of actual damages suffered by the not void because such event does not give
creditor is not necessary in order that the rise to an obligation and its consequential
penalty may be demanded. rights and liabilities, rather it extinguishes
the same. A resolutory condition is an event
A. TRUE. Express provision, Art. 1228. which extinguishes an already existing right
or obligation. The law does not care on
A penalty clause is largely governed by whose will the resolutory condition
stipulation. The courts can only reduce it if depends (Art. 1182 only refers to suspensive
unconscionable. condition because it vests rights and
obligations; take note as well that in Art.
1197, the courts shall also fix the duration
Art. 1229. The judge shall equitably reduce the of the period when it depends upon the will
penalty when the principal obligation has been of the debtor).
complied with partly or irregularly by the
debtor. Even if there has been no performance,
the penalty may also be reduced by the courts
if it is iniquitous or unconscionable. Resolutory Events

Art. 1179. Every obligation which contains a

7. An obligation which is payable upon the resolutory condition shall also be demandable,
death of Mr. X within five years from its without prejudice to the effects of the
execution is a conditional obligation. happening of the event.

A. TRUE. The obligation shall arise upon the Art. 1193. Obligations with a resolutory period
death of Mr. X; the phrase “within 5 years” take effect at once, but terminate upon arrival
is only a period of payment. A condition is of the day certain.
an event.
A day certain is understood to be that which
must necessarily come, although it may not be
8. Solidarity may exist although the creditors known when. If the uncertainty consists in
and the debtors may not be bound in the same whether the day will come or not, the
manner and by the same periods and obligation is conditional.
Art. 1231. Obligations are extinguished, among
A. TRUE. Art. 1207 provides that “there is a others, by fulfillment of a resolutory condition.
solidary liability only when the obligation
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Art. 1299. In novation, if the original obligation When only one prestation has been agreed
was subject to a suspensive or resolutory upon, but the obligor may render another in
condition, the new obligation shall be under the substitution, the obligation is called facultative
same condition, unless it is otherwise obligation (Art. 1206)
If the obligation consisted of performing all
Art. 1465. Things subject to a resolutory multiple prestation, it is a conjunctive
condition may be the object of the contract of obligation (rules on alternative obligations do
sale. not apply).

Art. 2091. The contract of pledge or mortgage Art. 1204. The creditor shall have a right to
may secure all kinds of obligations, be they pure indemnity for damages when, through the
or subject to a suspensive or resolutory fault of the debtor, all the things which are
condition. alternatively the object of the obligation have
been lost, or the compliance of the obligation
has become impossible. The indemnity shall be
10. In conjunctive obligations, the right of based on the last prestation lost or which has
choice belongs to the debtor, unless it has been become impossible. Damages other than the
expressly granted to the creditor. value of the last thing or service may also be
A. FALSE. There is no right of choice in a
conjunctive obligation. The rules on Art. 1265. Whenever the thing is lost in the
alternative obligations do not apply. A possession of the debtor, it shall be presumed
conjunctive obligation is one where the that the loss was due to his fault. This
debtor has to perform several prestations presumption does not apply when the loss
and is only extinguished by the happened in the event of an earthquake, flood,
performance of all of them. storm, or other natural calamity.

Art. 1200. In the existence of multiple and

alternative prestations within an obligation, the
right of choice belongs to the debtor, unless it
has been expressly granted to the creditor. The Art. 1199. A person alternatively bound by
debtor cannot choose prestations which have different prestations shall completely perform
become impossible, unlawful, or impracticable. one of them. (ONLY ONE OF THEM; if the
obligation consisted of performing all multiple
Art. 1205. When the choice has been expressly prestation, the obligation is not alternative;
given to the creditor, the obligation shall cease instead, it is a “conjunctive obligation” which
to be alternative from the day when the has nothing to do with the rules on alternative
selection has been communicated to the obligations)
The creditor cannot be compelled to receive
An alternative obligation consists of multiple part of one and part of the other undertaking.
prestation in which payment or performance of (The debtor cannot also be compelled to deliver
any one of them extinguishes the obligation. or serve partly; both not absolute when the debt
is in part liquidated and in part unliquidated; in
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such case, the creditor may DEMAND and the However, when the debt is in part liquidated
debtor may EFFECT payment of liquidated debts and in part unliquidated, the creditor may
without waiting for liquidation of the other). demand and the debtor may effect the
payment of the former without waiting for the
liquidation of the latter.
In relation to divisible /indivisible obligation
Art. 1304. A creditor, to whom partial payment
Art. 1225. An obligation to give determinate has been made, may exercise his right for the
things or to give things not susceptible of partial remainder (in a separate action), and he shall
performance is deemed an indivisible be preferred to the person who has been
obligation. On the other hand, if the obligation subrogated in his place in virtue of the partial
has an objective to execute the prestation for a payment of the same credit.
certain number of days, or for a certain
measurement, or for analogous prestations
which are susceptible of partial performance, it 11. It is a concept that derives from the
shall be a divisible obligation, unless stipulated principle that since mutual agreement can
otherwise. create a contract, __________ by the parties
can cause its extinguishment.
In obligations not to do, divisibility or
indivisibility shall be determined by the B. Mutual disagreement or dissent (This is a
character of the prestation in each particular contractual principle contemplating void or
case. annullable contracts due to lack of
consent, preventing a meeting of the
There is partiality in the following situations: minds, that they disagreed on something or
they did not consent on to something, and
 In obligations having an objective to it has nothing to do with rescission
execute the prestation for a certain because rescission is a remedy which
number of days; presupposes a prior meeting of the minds
 In obligations having an objective to between the parties, it’s just that the other
execute the prestation for a certain failed to comply with the agreement in one
measurement; way or another; also, it has nothing to do
 In alternative obligations stipulating an with reformation of instruments because
allowance or compulsion upon the again, it presupposes a prior meeting of the
parties to deliver or serve, and/or minds, and it’s just that the true intention
receive a part of one and a part of of the parties was not expressed in the
another. contract – the inactions caused here is
manifested in the act of stipulation, and
In relation to payment or performance not manifested in vitiation of consent
[reformation of instruments may be done
Art. 1248. Unless there is an express stipulation through a petition for declaratory relief in
to that effect, the creditor cannot be case there is no actual damage yet]).
compelled partially to receive the prestations
in which the obligation consists. Neither may
the debtor be required to make partial Art. 1359. If mistake, fraud, inequitable
payments. conduct, or accident has prevented a meeting
of the minds of the parties, the proper remedy
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is not reformation of the instrument but following are its exceptions: i. Art. 1241 ii. Art.
annulment of the contract. 1242 iii. Payment was delivered to the original
creditor other than the new creditor. 16.
Art. 1231. Obligations are extinguished, among Obligations requiring payment in foreign
others, by annulment (among the grounds of currency must be discharged in Philippine
which is mutual dissent or lack of consent, currency as provided by RA No. 8183. a. FALSE.
others are found in Art. 1390, i.e., vitiation of RA 8183 allows the payment in different
consent, or incapacity to give consent) currency. In the absence of agreement,
payment should be made in Philippine Peso.
What the law specifically prohibits is the
12. Where an application for a loan of money is payment in currency other than legal tender.
approved, there arises a perfected contract (Ponce v. CA) b. RA 529
even before the delivery of the object of the
contract. 17. An agreement to pay a promissory note in
dollars, while null and void under RA No. 529,
A. TRUE. does not defeat a creditor’s claim. a. TRUE.
While an agreement to pay in foreign currency
Art. 1934. An accepted promise to deliver is declared null and void and of no effect, the
something by way of commodatum or simple law does not defeat a creditor’s claim for
loan (mutuum) is binding upon parties, but the payment because what the law specifically
commodatum or simple loan itself shall not be prohibits is the payment in currency other than
perfected until the delivery (the law really legal tender. (Ponce v. CA) 18. A __________
contemplates consummation because of the implies that the check is drawn upon sufficient
phrase “binding upon parties”) of the object of funds in the hands of the drawee, that they
the contract. have been set apart for its satisfaction and that
they shall be so applied whenever the check is
presented for payment. a. Certification. 19. The
13. If the obligation has been substantially delivery of the promissory notes payable to
performed, the obligor shall recover as though order, or bills of exchange or other mercantile
there had been a strict and complement documents produces the effect of payment. a.
fulfillment. FALSE. Under Art. 1249, delivery of such
documents shall only produce the effect of
A. FALSE. Performance has to be in good faith. payment only when they have been cashed, or
Art. 1234 provides: If the obligation has when thorough the fault of the creditor, they
been substantially performed in good faith, have been impaired. 20. The creditor cannot be
the obligor may recover as though there compelled to partially receive the prestation in
had been a strict and complete fulfillment, which the obligation consists. Neither may the
less damages suffered by the obligee. debtor be required to make partial payments. a.
FALSE. As a general rule, the creditor may not
14. When the obligee accepts the performance, be compelled to accept partial fulfillment. The
knowing its incompleteness or irregularity, the following are exceptions to this rule: (1)
obligation is deemed fully complied with. a. substantial compliance in good faith, as
FALSE. The acceptance must be without provided under Art. 1234; (2) waiver, as
expression of any protest or objection. Art. provided under Art. 1235; or (3) application of
1235. 15. Payment by a judgment debtor of the payments if the debts are equally onerous, as
wrong party does not extinguish judgment debt. provided in Art. 1254(2). 21. The fact that the
a. FALSE. This is only the general rule. The debtor had sufficient available funds on or
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before the grace period for the payment of its whenever the creditor cannot accept or refuses
obligation does not constitute proof of tender to accept payment. a. Consignation. 27. Tender
of payment. a. TRUE. Tender of payment of payment may be extrajudicial. a. FALSE.
presupposes not only that the obligor is able, According to Jurado, tender of payment is, by
but more so in the act of performing his nature, always extrajudicial. 28. Consignation of
obligation. 22. A certified personal check is not the amount required is not necessary to
legal tender nor the currency stipulated and preserve the right to redeem. a. TRUE. The right
therefore cannot constitute valid tender of to redeem is a right, not an obligation. Thus,
payment. a. FALSE. "Though a check is not legal consignation of the amount required is not
tender, and a creditor may validly refuse to necessary to preserve the right to redeem.
accept it if tendered as payment, one who in (Immaculata v. Navarro) 29. Difficulty of service
fact accepted a fully funded check after the authorizes release of obligor but does not
debtor’s manifestation that it had been given to authorize courts to modify or revise the
settle an obligation is estopped from later on contract between the parties. a. TRUE. Difficulty
denouncing the efficacy of such tender of of service authorizes the release of the obligor
payment." (Far East Bank v. Diaz Realty, August but does not allow the courts to remake,
23, 2001.) 23. The rule that in case an modify or revise the contract stipulated with
extraordinary inflation or deflation of the the force of law, so as to substitute its own
currency stipulated should supervene, the value terms for those covenanted by the parties
of the currency at the time of the establishment themselves. (Occena v. Jabson) 30. Performance
of the obligation shall be the basis of payment is is not excused by the fact that the contract
an applicable to obligations arising from tort. turns out to be hard and improvided(?),
a. FALSE. From the employment of the words unprofitable or unexpectedly burdensome. a.
“extraordinary inflation or deflation of the TRUE. 31. Consent is an essential requisite of
currency stipulated”, it can be seen that the obligation.
same envisages contractual obligations where a a. FALSE. It is not one of the essential elements
specific currency is selected by the parties as because there can be an obligation even
the medium of payment. Thus, this is without the consent of one of the parties. 32. A
inapplicable to obligations arising from torts thing is indeterminate if it is not physically
and not from contracts. (Velasco v. MERALCO) segregated from all others of the same class. a.
24. Under the principle of dation in payment, FALSE. This statement is not absolute. A thing
the mere delivery of the mortgaged motor may still be determinate even if not physically
vehicle by the mortgagor results in the transfer segregated, as when the object is particularly
of ownership to the mortgagee even without designated. 33. In obligations with a term, the
the consent of the latter. a. FALSE. 25. There obligation arises upon the arrival of the period.
can be no consignation when there is no a. FALSE. The term or period has no effect upon
obligation to be extinguished. a. TRUE. the existence of the obligation, but only their
Consignation is the act of depositing the thing demandability or performance. 34. In
due with the court or judicial authorities obligations with a penal clause, the debtor may
whenever the creditor cannot accept or refuses exempt himself from the performance of the
to accept payment and it generally requires a obligation by paying the penalty. a. TRUE. The
prior tender of payment. (Likako v. Tedoro) b. In debtor cannot pay the penalty to relieve himself
order that consignation may be effective, the of the principal obligation, unless that right is
debtor must show that there was a debt due. expressly granted to him. The payment of the
(De Leon v. Santiago Syjuco, Inc.) 26. penalty in lieu of the principal obligation can be
__________ is the act of depositing the thing made only by express stipulation. 35. The
due with the court or judicial authorities insolvency of one debtor will increase the
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liability of his co-debtors. a. FALSE. The covenanted by the parties themselves. (Occena
insolvency of a debtor does not increase the v. Jabson) 43. It is a concept that derives from
responsibility of his codebtors, nor does it the principle that since mutual agreement can
authorize a creditor to demand anything from create a contract, mutual disagreement can
his co-creditors. 36. The indivisibility of an cause its extinguishment. a. TRUE. 44. Where an
obligation necessarily gives rise to solidarity. a. application for a loan of money was approved,
TRUE. Express provision. 37. Whenever a period there arises a perfected contract before the
is designated in an obligation, it is for the delivery of the object of the contract. a. TRUE.
benefit of both the creditor and debtor. a. 45. If the obligation has been substantially
FALSE. The rule under Art. 1196 is that the performed, the obligor shall recover as though
period is presumed to have been established for there had been a strict and complete
the benefit of both creditor and debtor, unless fulfillment. a. FALSE. Performance has to be in
from the same or other circumstances it should good faith and less damages suffered by the
appear that the period has been established in obligee. Art. 1234 provides: If the obligation has
favor of one or the other. 38. When the been substantially performed in good faith, the
fulfillment of the obligation is dependent upon obligor may recover as though there had been a
the sole will of the debtor, the conditional strict and complete fulfillment, less damages
obligation shall be void. a. FALSE. Art. 1182 suffered by the obligee. 46. When the obligee
provides that when the fulfillment of the accepts the performance knowing its
condition, not the obligation, is dependent incompleteness or irregularity, the obligation is
upon the sole will of the debtor, the conditional deemed fully complied with. a. FALSE. The
obligation shall be void. i. Even if condition, if acceptance has to be without expressing any
condition is resolutory, obligation is not void. protest or objection. 47. Payment by a
39. In facultative obligations, the right of choice judgment debtor to the wrong party does not
belongs to the debtor unless it has been extinguish judgment debt. a. FALSE. This is only
expressly granted to the creditor. the general rule. The following are its
a. FALSE. The power of the debtor to make exceptions: i. Art. 1241 ii. Art. 1242
substitution is absolute. 40. Consignation, to be b. Payment was delivered to the original
valid, generally requires a prior tender of creditor other than the new creditor. 48.
payment. a. TRUE. As a rule tender of payment Obligations requiring payment in foreign
is not necessary for a valid consignation; but it currency must be discharged in Philippine
is necessary if the consignation was made when currency as provided by RA 8183. a. FALSE. RA
the creditor to whom tender of payment was 8183 allows the payment in different currency.
made refused to accept it. 41. Consignation of In the absence of agreement, payment should
the amount required is not necessary to be made in Philippine Peso. What the law
preserve the right to redeem. a. TRUE. Since the specifically prohibits is the payment in currency
right to redeem is a right, not an obligation, other than legal tender. (Ponce v. CA) b. RA 529
consignation of the amount required is not 49. An agreement to pay a promissory note in
necessary to preserve the right to redeem. dollars, while null and void under RA 529 does
(Immaculata v. Navarro) 42. Difficulty of service not defeat a creditor’s claim. a. TRUE. While an
authorizes release of obligor but does not agreement to pay in foreign currency is
authorize courts to modify or revise he contract declared null and void and of no effect, the law
between the parties. a. TRUE. Difficulty of does not defeat a creditor’s claim for payment
service authorizes the release of the obligor but because what the law specifically prohibits is
does not allow the courts to remake, modify or the payment in currency other than legal
revise the contract stipulated with the force of tender. (Ponce v. CA) 50. Consignation
law, so as to substitute its own terms for those presupposes not only that the obligor is able,
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ready, and willing to pay, but mores so in the FALSE. 57. Consignation is necessarily judicial. a.
act of performing his obligation. a. TRUE. 51. “A TRUE. Art. 1258, “deposit to judicial
proof that an act could have been done is no authorities.” b. It is judicial for it requires the
proof that it was actually done” supports the filing of a complaint in court. 58. Demand is
concept known as tender of payment. a. FALSE. necessary to make an obligation due. a. FALSE.
Tender of payment presupposes not only that Demand is not necessary to make an obligation
the obligor is able, but more so in the act of due but to set the other party in delay and to
performing his obligation. 52. A certified effectively toll applicable prescriptive periods.
personal check is not the legal tender nor the b. As to when an obligation becomes due is not
currency contemplated, therefore cannot dependent on the existence of demand in a
constitute valid tender of payment. a. FALSE. pure obligation. Every obligation the
"Though a check is not legal tender, and a performance of which does not depend on a
creditor may validly refuse to accept it if future or uncertain event, or a past event
tendered as payment, one who in fact accepted unknown to the parties, is demandable at once.
a fully funded check after the debtor’s The same is true in obligations with resolutory
manifestation that it had been given to settle an condition or a resolutory period, without
obligation is estopped from later on denouncing prejudice to the effects of the happening of the
the efficacy of such tender of payment." (Far condition or the arrival of the period. c. Also, in
East Bank v. Diaz Realty, August 23, 2001) 53. a reciprocal and simultaneous obligation, from
The rule that in case of extraordinary inflation the moment one of the parties fulfil his
or deflation of the currency stipulated should obligation, the other party must be ready to
supervene, the value of the currency at the time comply with what is incumbent upon him, or
of the establishment of the obligation shall be else delay will set in without the necessity of a
the basis of payment of obligations arising from demand. i. However, in a reciprocal obligation
law. a. FALSE. From the employment of the which is not simultaneous, demand is generally
words “extraordinary inflation or deflation of necessary, again not to make the obligation due
the currency stipulated”, it can be seen that the but for delay to set in upon the party who is not
same envisages contractual obligations where a able to comply in the proper manner with what
specific currency is selected by the parties as is incumbent upon him. d. Further, demand is
the medium of payment. Thus, this is made only upon the obligation becoming due. A
inapplicable to obligations arising from tots and demand made upon an obligation that is not yet
not from contracts. (Velasco v. MERALCO) due and demandable will not set the other
54. Under the principle of dation in payment, party in delay. Thus, demand is futile. e. There
what is transferred is merely possession of the are other instances when demand is not
property. (ownership) a. FALSE. Dation in necessary as to when the obligation becomes
payment is the delivery and transmission of due, as in: i. when the law or the obligation
ownership of a thing by the debtor to the expressly so declares, as for example, in a pure
creditor as an accepted equivalent of the obligation and those subject to a resolutory
performance of the obligation. (Filinvest v. Phil. condition or period, which are due and
Acetylene) 55. There can be no dation in demandable at once;
payment when there is no obligation ii. when from the nature and circumstances of
extinguished. a. TRUE. Dation in payment is the the obligation it appears that the designation of
delivery and transmission of ownership of a the time of fulfilment is the controlling motive
thing by the debtor to the creditor as an of the establishment of the contract; and iii.
accepted equivalent of the performance of the when demand would be useless, as when the
obligation. (Filinvest v. Phil. Acetylene) 56. obligor has rendered it beyond his power to
Tender of payment may be extrajudicial. a. perform. 59. The arrival of a period or the
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happening of a condition gives rise to an presupposing that a contract was entered into
obligation. a. FALSE. This statement is true only between them. In obligations arising from law,
as regards obligations subject to a suspensive quasi-contracts, delicts and quasi-delicts, the
condition or suspensive period, wherein the applicable law or statutes should govern.
efficacy of the obligation is suspended until the 1. Consent is an essential requisite of
happening of the suspensive condition or the obligations. a. FALSE. Not all obligations require
arrival of the suspensive period. b. First, there consent; only contracts require consent. 2. A
could be an obligation which is not dependent thing is indeterminate if it is not physically
upon any future or uncertain event. A pure segregated from all others of the same class. a.
obligation is demandable at once upon FALSE. This statement is not absolute. A thing
constitution. The same is true in obligations may still be determinate even if not physically
subject to a resolutory condition or resolutory segregated, as when the object is particularly
period, without prejudice to the effects of the designated. 3. In obligations with a term, the
happening of the condition or the arrival of the obligation arises upon the arrival of the period.
period, which extinguishes the obligation. 60. a. FALSE. The term or period has no effect upon
No person shall be responsible for those events the existence of the obligation, but only their
which could not be foreseen, or which though demandability or performance. b. The effect of
foreseen, were inevitable. a. FALSE. This arrival of a period only goes into the
statement is generally true, but the civil code demandability. 4. In obligations with a penal
admits of exceptions. b. First, in an obligation to clause, the debtor cannot exempt himself from
give, the statement is true only when what is to the performance of the obligation by paying the
be delivered is a determinate thing. If it was a penalty. a. FALSE. This must be expressly
generic thing, the obligation will not necessarily granted to the debtor. 5. In obligations with a
be extinguished by the happening of a penal clause, the penalty shall substitute the
fortuitous event, because of the principle that indemnity for damages and the payment of
genus never perishes. c. The exceptions to this interest. a. FALSE. The statement is not
rule as provided by the civil code include, when absolute; an exception is if there was an
the parties expressly so stipulates the person to agreement. 6. The insolvency of one debtor will
be responsible even for fortuitous events; or increase the liability of his co-debtors. a. FALSE.
when the law so provides; or when the nature This does not apply in obligations where the
of the obligation requires the assumption of debtors are joint. 7. The indivisibility of an
risks; or when the obligor is in delay upon the obligation does not necessarily give rise to
happening of the fortuitous event; or when he solidarity. a. TRUE. Express provision. 8.
has promised to deliver the same thing to two Whenever a period is designated in an
or more persons who do not have the same obligation, it is for the benefit of both the
interest, then the statement will not necessarily creditor and the debtor. a. FALSE. This is a
be true anymore. 61. The value of the currency disputable presumption. b. The rule under Art.
at the time of the constitution of the obligation 1196 is that the period is presumed to have
shall be the basis of payment in case of been established for the benefit of both
extraordinary inflation or deflation. a. FALSE. creditor and debtor, unless from the same or
This statement will only be true as regards other circumstances it should appear that the
obligations arising from contracts, in case an period has been established in favor of one or
extraordinary inflation or deflation of the the other. 9. When the fulfillment of the
currency stipulated should supervene. The condition depends upon the sole will of the
same provision already has an exception, where debtor, the conditional obligation shall be void.
the parties agree on the contrary. The provision a. FALSE. This will only apply if the condition is
speaks of parties and of agreement, thereby
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suspensive. If the condition is resolutory, the

obligation shall be deemed valid
10. In facultative obligations, the right of choice
belongs to the debtor, unless it has been
expressly granted to the creditor. a. FALSE. The
choice only belongs to the debtor. The power of
the debtor to make substitution in facultative
obligations is absolute.
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LAWS ON TORTS AND DAMAGES The willful act of the employee shall cause
vicarious liability on the employer although
1. The defense of a good father of a family is a such employees may have acted beyond the
complete and proper defense in delict. scope of their authority or even in violation of
the instructions of the carrier, if the act resulted
a. FALSE, The invocation of the accused of to death of others (e.g. in contracts of common
Article 2203 providing that the party suffering carrier).
loss or injury must exercise the diligence of a
good father of a family to minimize the Art. 2180 The obligation imposed by Article
damages resulting from the act or omission in 2176 (obligation arising from quasi-delict) is
question” would not exonerate him of the civil demandable not only for one's own acts or
liability of actual or compensatory damage. It omissions, but also for those of persons for
will only lessen the amount of damage if, whom one is responsible.
indeed, the injured party failed to exercise due
diligence of a good father in minimizing the 3. The liability of the employer for the acts of
damage. its employees is a subsidiary liability.

Take note that the accused, in this sense, will a. FALSE, (See Art. 2180) an action predicated
not use the defense of due diligence for himself on quasi-delict means that the employer’s
saying that he exercised the same during his act liability for the negligent conduct of the
or omission since it would be absurd (there is subordinate is direct and primary.
no diligence in commission of a crime, if any (vicarious/imputed, solidary)
then it would be the clandestine making
thereof); rather, he will use it as a contention 4. Employers shall be liable for the damages
against the injured party, that the latter failed caused by their employees and household
to exercise the same. helpers acting within the scope of their
assigned tasks, only if they (the employers) are
The defense of due diligence in the selection engaged in any business or industry.
and supervision of employees is also not
available as a defense in damage action based a. FALSE, employers are liable even though they
on culpa-contractual. are not engaged in any business or industry.
(Art. 2180, par. 4)
2. A willful act may be the basis of a liability
under a quasi-delict. 5. It is conclusively presumed that a driver was
negligent, if he had been found guilty of
a. FALSE if "any willful act"; TRUE if "A willful reckless driving or violating traffic regulations at
act" least twice within the next preceding two
What willful act? It is GROSS NEGLIGENCE or the
willful disregard of the safety of others. Found a. FALSE, the negligence of the driver is only a
under the law on common carriers on Article disputable presumption with regard to his
1758 - When a passenger is carried gratuitously, previous guilt. (Art. 2184)
a stipulation limiting the common carrier's
liability for negligence is valid, but not for willful Also, Rule 131, Section 3 on disputable
acts or gross negligence. presumptions. What I’m trying to tell is said rule
is not exclusively enumerated.
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6. Respondeat superior applies to vicarious even collecting for such services through legal
liability of employers. action, if necessary. The court then concluded
that there is no reason to exempt hospitals
a. FALSE, not always. PUTANGINA MAGULO TO from the universal rule of respondeat superior.
Recent years have seen the doctrine of
Respondeat superior doctrine is a kind of corporate negligence as the judicial answer to
vicarious liability. It holds an employer or the problem of allocating hospital’s liability for
principal principally liable for his employee’s or the negligent acts of health practitioners,
agent’s wrongful acts committed in furtherance absent facts to support the application of
of the employer’s interest. In some instances, respondeat superior or apparent authority. Its
vicarious liability attaches even if the employee formulation proceeds from the judiciary’s
acted outside of its duties, i.e. in contracts of acknowledgment that in these modern times,
common carriers. the duty of providing quality medical service is
no longer the sole prerogative and
A derivative of this provision is Article 2180, the responsibility of the physician. The modern
rule governing vicarious liability under the hospitals have changed structure. Hospitals
doctrine of respondeat superior now tend to organize a highly professional
medical staff whose competence and
On the liability of the other respondents, the performance need to be monitored by the
Court of Appeals applied the "borrowed hospitals commensurate with their inherent
servant" doctrine considering that Dr. Estrada responsibility to provide quality medical care.
was an independent contractor who was merely
exercising hospital privileges. This doctrine Li was authorized by the company to use the
provides that once the surgeon enters the company car "either officially or socially or even
operating room and takes charge of the bring it home", he can be considered as using
proceedings, the acts or omissions of operating the company car in the service of his employer
room personnel, and any negligence associated or on the occasion of his functions. Driving the
with such acts or omissions, are imputable to company car was not among his functions as
the surgeon. While the assisting physicians and assistant manager; using it for non-official
nurses may be employed by the hospital, or purposes would appear to be a fringe benefit,
engaged by the patient, they normally become one of the perks attached to his position. But to
the temporary servants or agents of the impose liability upon the employer under
surgeon in charge while the operation is in Article 2180 of the Civil Code, earlier quoted,
progress, and liability may be imposed upon the there must be a showing that the damage was
surgeon for their negligent acts under the caused by their employees in the service of the
doctrine of respondeat superior. employer or on the occasion of their functions.
There is no evidence that Richard Li was at the
No longer were a hospital’s functions limited to time of the accident performing any act in
furnishing room, food, facilities for treatment furtherance of the company's business or its
and operation, and attendants for its patients. interests, or at least for its benefit. The
Modern hospitals actually do far more than imposition of solidary liability against defendant
provide facilities for treatment. Rather, they Alexander Commercial Corporation must
regularly employ, on a salaried basis, a large therefore fail. We agree with the respondent
staff of physicians, interns, nurses, court that the relationship in question is not
administrative and manual workers. They based on the principle of respondeat superior,
charge patients for medical care and treatment, which holds the master liable for acts of the
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servant, but that of pater familias, in which the robbery with violence against or intimidation of
liability ultimately falls upon the employer, for persons unless committed by the innkeeper's
his failure to exercise the diligence of a good employees.
father of the family in the selection and
supervision of his employees. It is up to this Art. 103. Subsidiary civil liability of other
point, however, that our agreement with the persons. — The subsidiary liability established
respondent court ends. Utilizing the bonus in the next preceding article shall also apply to
pater familias standard expressed in Article employers, teachers, persons, and corporations
2180 of the Civil Code, an employer is jointly engaged in any kind of industry for felonies
and solidarily liable for the damage caused by committed by their servants, pupils, workmen,
an accident. apprentices, or employees in the discharge of
their duties.
So titignan mo san ba liable si employer, sa
employee’s act in furtherance of his interest ba, Before the employers subsidiary liability is
sa selection and supervision of employees ba, enforced, adequate evidence must exist
kung may company oversight ba when it comes establishing that (1) they are indeed the
to quality management. employers of the convicted employees; (2) they
are engaged in some kind of industry; (3) the
IBA YUNG SUBSIDIARY LIABILITY.. ETO PO YUNG crime was committed by the employees in the
SUBSIDIARY LIABILITY MGA BRODDIE.. SA CRIM discharge of their duties; and (4) the execution
YAN SA CRIM.. PAG DELICT ANG against the latter has not been satisfied due to
PINAGUUSAPAN SUBSIDIARY LIABILITY ANG insolvency. The determination of these
TAWAG HA? conditions may be done in the same criminal
action in which the employees liability, criminal
Art. 102. Subsidiary civil liability of innkeepers, and civil, has been pronounced, in a hearing set
tavernkeepers and proprietors of for that precise purpose, with due notice to the
establishments. — In default of the persons employer, as part of the proceedings for the
criminally liable, innkeepers, tavernkeepers, execution of the judgment.
and any other persons or corporations shall be
civilly liable for crimes committed in their TANGINA YUNG NASA CIVIL CODE PANG QUASI-
establishments, in all cases where a violation of DELICT YUN AH! Sa QUASI DELICT
municipal ordinances or some general or special SOLIDARY/VICARIOUS/IMPUTED/PRINCIPAL ang
police regulation shall have been committed by liability okay? WALA TAYONG PAGUUSAPAN NA
them or their employees. INSOLVENCY SA QUASI-DELICT HAAAHH??

Innkeepers are also subsidiarily liable for the IBA PA YUNG TAKE SA DAMAGES HA KASI
restitution of goods taken by robbery or theft GENERAL UNG DAMAGE GENERAL YON,
within their houses from guests lodging therein, APPLYING SA LAHAT NG OBLIGATION YON.
or for the payment of the value thereof, KAYA PAG NALILITO KA SAMPALIN MO SARILI
provided that such guests shall have notified in MO. PAG NAGAARAL KA NG CAUSE OF ACTION.
advance the innkeeper himself, or the person WAG MO MUNA IDAMAY SI DAMAGE, AWARD
representing him, of the deposit of such goods YUN AWARD, HINDI YON CAUSE. SI INJURY UNG
within the inn; and shall furthermore have CAUSE HNDI SI DAMAGE. PAALALA MO SA
followed the directions which such innkeeper or SARILI MO NA SI INJURY MUNA GUSTO MO
his representative may have given them with PAGARALAN DI SI DAMAGE okee? Okay!
respect to the care and vigilance over such
goods. No liability shall attach in case of
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7. In motor vehicle mishaps, the owner is

solidarily liable with his driver, if he was inside MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS
the vehicle at the time of the mishap.
1. As a source of obligations, quasi-delicts may
a. FALSE, owner must have had the be distinguished from the delict in that, in
opportunity, by use of due diligence, to prevent delict:
the misfortune. a. Proof requires is only preponderance of
Eto lang yung may presumption of negligence b. Right violated is a private one
sa culpa-aquiliana. c. There must be no pre-existing contractual
relation between the parties
Etong mga nasa quasi-delict, ano to eh… d. The defense of “good father of a family” is
Laging circumstantial mga broddie. Bakit?
Bakit? Kasi sa HUMAN RELATION EHH.. taena BALIK KA DON! BALIK KA DON sa T or F sa 1st
catch all catch all principle ehh.. ayaw magkaron question. Hindi talaga defense yan. Yung
ng legislative vacuum eh, kaya bahala si korte accused-defendant yung nag iimpute sa injured
mag interpret. Abogado pa more! party-plaintiff nyan.

8. In quasi-delicts, the defendant shall be liable 2. the following are required to exercise
for all damages which are the natural and utmost diligence or the highest degree of
probable consequences of the act or omission diligence, except:
complained of.
a. Stevedoring companies
a. TRUE, Art. 2202. In crimes as well. Dameng b. Doctors
hanash ng mga tanungan eh noh? Mastery ba c. Banks
mastery. d. Public utilities
e. None of the Above – KAGAGUHAN! (well
9. The father, and in case of his death or tignan mo yung tanong. D nmn ksi tinatanong
incapacity, the mother, are responsible for the kung sino required to exercise utmost
damages caused by their children who live in diligence. Ang dating eh, lahat daw sila
their company. required to exercise utmost diligence. Wrong
yung question pero kelangan mo sagutan.
a. FALSE, minor children dapat, Art. 2180, par2 Baka ka ma DQ broddie. So tingin ka sa baba)

10. Moderate damages, which are more than The business of banking is one imbued with
nominal but less than compensatory damages, public interest. As such, banking institutions are
may be recovered when the court finds that obliged to exercise the highest degree of
some pecuniary loss has been suffered but its diligence as well as high standards of integrity
amount cannot, from the nature of the case, and performance in all its transactions (i-SERGE
be provided with certainty. MO!)

a. FALSE, “proved” not provided, Art. 2224 Public Utilities must exercise extraordinary
typo error lang. tangina pati ba naman to. Alam diligence. Common carriers are public utilities.
mo broddie, may mga bagay na akala mo ay Utmost diligence not required.
kaartehan lamang, pero importante tlaga yan.
Mastery ba.
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The relationship therefore between the thing or things that a physician or surgeon of
consignee and the arrastre operator must be ordinary skill, care and diligence would have
examined. This relationship is much akin to that done under like or similar conditions or
existing between the consignee or owner of circumstances, and that the inquiry complained
shipped goods and the common carrier, or that of was the direct result of such doing or failing
between a depositor and a warehouseman. In to do such thing or things.
the performance of its obligations, an arrastre
operator should observe the same degree of SO SA PHYSICIANS, KELANGAN MO NG EXPERT
diligence as that required of a common carrier OPINION NG KABARO NILA. IN ESSENCE,
and a warehouseman as enunciated under VARIABLE ANG DILIGENCE REQUIRED SA
Article 1733 of the Civil Code and Section 3(b) PHYSICIAN. DEPENDE SA LUGAR, KUMBAGA
of the Warehouse Receipts Law, respectively. MGA DOKTOR SA BARIO IBA SA DOKTOR SA
Being the custodian of the goods discharged KAMAYNILAAN. PRIVATE, PUBLIC, MGA
from a vessel, an arrastre operator's duty is to MALALAKING HOSPITAL ST. LUKES GANON..
take good care of the goods and to turn them HNDI TLGA HIGHEST DEGREE AGAD AGAD.
over to the party entitled to their possession.
FOR NURSES: a higher degree of caution and an
The public policy considerations in legally exacting standard of diligence in patient
imposing upon a common carrier or a management and health care are required of a
warehouseman a higher degree of diligence is hospital's staff (para sa nurses and other staff,
not present in a stevedoring outfit which mainly not doctors), as they deal with the lives of
provides labor in loading and stowing of cargoes patients who seek urgent medical assistance. A
for its clients. There is no specific provision of certain degree of promptness and diligence in
law that imposes a higher degree of diligence responding to the patient's call for help is
than ordinary diligence for a stevedoring required. Once negligence of the employee is
company or one who is charged only with the shown, the burden is on the employer (hospital)
loading and stowing of cargoes. to overcome the presumption of negligence on
the latter's part by proving observance of the
Sa doctors naman, eto ang malupit required diligence.
pukinanginey… The standard contemplated for
doctors is simply the reasonable average merit
among ordinarily good physicians. That is 3. A conclusive presumption of negligence
reasonable diligence for doctors or, as the Court arises when:
of Appeals called it, the reasonable "skill and
competence . . . that a physician in the same or a. An animal causes damage
similar locality . . . should apply." Tengina diba? b. A thing thrown from a building causes
damage to another
It is clear that the standard of care required of c. The driver involved in a vehicular mishap had
physicians is not an individualized one but of been found guilty of violating traffic regulations
physicians in general in the community. In order at least twice within the next preceding two
to establish medical malpractice, it must be months – PRIOR ACTS NOT CONCLUSIVE ON
shown by a preponderance of the evidence that THE CURRENT ACT
a physician did some particular thing or things d. The driver, at the time of the mishap, was
that a physician or surgeon of ordinary skill, violating any traffic regulation
care and diligence would not have done under e. None of the above
like or similar conditions or circumstances, or
that he failed or omitted to do some particular
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ORDINARY NEGLIGENCE is the failure to take roads and bridges since it exercises the control
the reasonable precautions that any prudent and supervision over the same. Failure of the
person would take and their actions cause defendant to comply with the statutory
someone else harm, their actions could be provision found in the subject-article is
considered negligent. tantamount to negligence per se which renders
the City government liable.
Gross negligence is the extreme indifference to
or reckless disregard for the safety of others. Art. 2189. Provinces, cities and municipalities
Gross negligence is more than simple shall be liable for damages for the death of, or
carelessness or failure to act. It is willful injuries suffered by, any person by reason of the
behavior done with extreme disregard for the defective condition of roads, streets, bridges,
health and safety of others. It is conduct likely public buildings, and other public works under
to cause foreseeable harm. their control or supervision.

HOW DO YOU PROVE NEGLIGENCE? Etong susunod, hindi to negligence per se kasi
If you have been hurt in an accident caused by disputable pa rin..
someone else’s negligent actions, you will have
to prove the presence of four main elements, Art. 2190. The proprietor of a building or
including: structure is responsible for the damages
resulting from its total or partial collapse, if it
DUTY – The defendant owed the injured party a should be due to the lack of necessary repairs.
legal duty to take reasonable precautions to
protect him or her from harm under the Dapat may lack of necessary repairs.
BREACH – That legal duty was breached by the Eto pa isa, violation ng traffic rules at city
actions of the defendant. ordinance.. pero take note, doon lang sa
CAUSATION – The actions, or in some cases particular act n yon.. hndi subsequent acts.
inaction, of the defendant directly caused injury
to the plaintiff. Sa culpa-contractual naman, the fault or
DAMAGES – The plaintiff was harmed by the negligence of the employee is conclusively
actions of the defendant. presumed to be the fault or negligence of the
employer, if pasok ditto sa mga instance na to:
plaintiff proves existence of negligence of the 1. Where the mishap results in the death of a
faulty party, or of the employee. If proven, then passenger.
the faulty party or the employer may rebut by 2. Where it is proved that the carrier was guilty
showing of diligence of fraud or bad faith, even if death does not
WELL WELL WELL, punta na tayo ditto sa
conclusive negligence or NEGLIGENCE PER SE.. If hindi pasok sa dalawang instance na to,
in negligence per se, di mo na kelangan mag disputable presumption yung negligence. Ang
prove ng negligence. Conclusive nga eh… kelan kaibahan, in conclusive presumption, di ka na
meron ganito? Eto.. pwede magsabe na nag exercise ka ng due
diligence para mafulfill ung contract.
The provisions of Article 2189 of the New Civil
Code capsulizes the responsibility of the city Again, yung negligence na pnpressume sa culpa-
government relative to the maintenance of contractual eh yung negligence in the
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performance of contract, hindi selection of

employee. Wala kinalaman dito yan. si HR Manager, employee lang din yan. Di pde
Respondeat superior jan.
Kung titignan mo, gross negligence ng employee
yan. Again, in all instance, kahit sa quasi-delict, eto mga vicariously liable:
pag gross ang negligence, conclusive ang
negligence. Art. 2180. The obligation imposed by Article
2176 is demandable not only for one's own acts
4. The degree of diligence that should or omissions, but also for those of persons for
ordinarily be observed in the absence of a whom one is responsible.
stipulation to the contrary is:
The father and, in case of his death or
a. Extra ordinary diligence incapacity, the mother, are responsible for the
b. Diligence of bonus paterfamilias damages caused by the minor children who live
c. Utmost diligence in their company.
d. Highest degree of diligence
e. None Guardians are liable for damages caused by the
minors or incapacitated persons who are under
bonus pater familias is the latin term for their authority and live in their company.
diligence of a good father of a family in the
selection and supervision of employees The owners and managers of an establishment
or enterprise are likewise responsible for
5. The following may be held liable under damages caused by their employees in the
quasi-delict, except: service of the branches in which the latter are
employed or on the occasion of their functions.
a. Minors (and insane)
b. Appointive officials of the government Employers shall be liable for the damages
c. Private corporations caused by their employees and household
d. All of the above helpers acting within the scope of their assigned
e. None of the above tasks, even though the former are not engaged
in any business or industry.
liable lang si minor and insane kapag wala n
syang parents or guardians. Pag ulila na. The State is responsible in like manner when it
acts through a special agent; but not when the
Art. 2182. If the minor or insane person causing damage has been caused by the official to
damage has no parents or guardian, the minor whom the task done properly pertains; in which
or insane person shall be answerable with his case what is provided in Article 2176 shall be
own property in an action against him where a applicable.
guardian ad litem shall be appointed.
Lastly, teachers or heads of establishments of
6. The liability of this person is a vicarious arts and trades shall be liable for damages
liability caused by their pupils and students or
a. Minors apprentices, so long as they remain in their
b. Incapacitated persons custody.
c. State
d. Human Resource Manager of a corporation 7. Where both parties are negligent, but the
e. None negligent act of one is appreciably later in time
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than that of the other, or when it is impossible being the defendant's lack of due care, the
to determine whose fault or negligence should plaintiff may recover damages, but the courts
be attributed to the incident, the one who had shall mitigate the damages to be awarded.
the last clear opportunity to avoid the
impending harm and failed to do so is Art. 2214. In quasi-delicts, the contributory
chargeable with the consequences thereof. negligence of the plaintiff shall reduce the
This doctrine is NOT the: damages that he may recover.

a. Doctrine of supervening negligence Art. 1762. The contributory negligence of the

b. Doctrine of last clear chance passenger does not bar recovery of damages for
c. Doctrine of last fair chance his death or injuries, if the proximate cause
d. Doctrine of discovered peril thereof is the negligence of the common
e. Doctrine of concurrent causes carrier, but the amount of damages shall be
equitably reduced.
Doctrine of discovered peril - The rule states
that a plaintiff who was contributory negligent 8. This is only a partial defense
may recover from a defendant if the defendant a. No causal relationship between the act and
had the last opportunity to prevent the harm the damage
but failed to use reasonable care to do so. The b. Damnum absque injuria
doctrine aids a plaintiff to rebut the c. Double recovery
contributory negligence defense in those few d. Contributory negligence
jurisdictions where contributory negligence bars e. None
recovery. It is also known as last clear chance
doctrine, subsequent negligence doctrine or see above
supervening negligence doctrine; also last fair
chance. 9. Proof of pecuniary loss is required for the
award of:
Under the doctrine of "last clear chance" (also a. Lucro cessante
referred to, at times as "supervening b. Temperate
negligence" or as "discovered peril"), petitioner c. Exemplary damages
bank was indeed the culpable party. d. Nominal
e. None
Stated differently, the rule would also mean
that an antecedent negligence of a person does Lucro cessante means lost profits. It is an award
not preclude the recovery of damages for the in addition to actual or compensatory damages
supervening negligence of, or bar a defense under 2200.
against liability sought by another, if the latter,
who had the last fair chance, could have Indemnification for actual or compensatory
avoided the impending harm by the exercise of damages shall comprehend not only the value
due diligence. (Philippine Bank of Commerce v. of the loss suffered but also that of the profits
CA) which the obligee failed to obtain. (Art. 2200)

Art. 2179. When the plaintiff's own negligence Pecuniary loss suffered by one entitled to actual
was the immediate and proximate cause of his or compensatory damages must be duly
injury, he cannot recover damages. But if his proved. (Art. 2199)
negligence was only contributory, the
immediate and proximate cause of the injury
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10. In case of death caused by a quasi-delict, 1. Where the mishap results in the death of a
the following may be awarded moral damages passenger.
except: 2. Where it is proved that the carrier was guilty
a. Spouse of fraud or bad faith, even if death does not
b. Father result.
c. Grandmother
d. Illegitimate child TRUE OR FALSE
e. None
1. The defense of a good father of a family is a
Actual and Compensatory Damage ang meron. complete and proper defense in delict.
Quasi delicts causing physical injuries lang ang
pwede maconsider, not death. a. FALSE. It is a defense in quasi-delict.
b. The liability of an employer when the source
Art. 2206. The amount of damages for death of the liability is culpa criminal is:
caused by a crime or quasi-delict shall be at
least three thousand pesos, even though there Subsidiary (Art. 103, RPC) and he cannot relieve
may have been mitigating circumstances. In himself of liability by proving due diligence of a
addition: good father of a family. This is so because of the
very nature of his obligation. (Jurado)
(1) The defendant shall be liable for the loss of
the earning capacity of the deceased, and the The defense of due diligence in the selection
indemnity shall be paid to the heirs of the and supervision of employees is not available as
latter; such indemnity shall in every case be a defense in damage action based on culpa-
assessed and awarded by the court, unless the contractual
deceased on account of permanent physical
disability not caused by the defendant, had no 2. A willful act may be the basis of a liability
earning capacity at the time of his death; under quasi-delict.
a. TRUE. The concept (of a quasi-delict) covers
(2) If the deceased was obliged to give support not only acts not punishable by law but
according to the provisions of Article 291, the also those punishable “whether intentional
recipient who is not an heir called to the and voluntary or negligent. (Elcano v. Hill)
decedent's inheritance by the law of testate or
intestate succession, may demand support from Gross negligence is intentional disregard of the
the person causing the death, for a period not safety of others. Also, in criminal cases where in
exceeding five years, the exact duration to be the accused was not proven guilty beyond
fixed by the court; reasonable doubt:

(3) The spouse, legitimate and illegitimate Article 2176, where it refers to "fault or
descendants and ascendants of the deceased negligencia covers not only acts "not punishable
may demand moral damages for mental by law" but also acts criminal in character,
anguish by reason of the death of the deceased. whether intentional and voluntary or negligent.
Consequently, a separate civil action lies against
In culpa-contractual, the following are only the offender in a criminal act, whether or not
instances where moral damages are he is criminally prosecuted and found guilty or
recoverable: acquitted, provided that the offended party is
not allowed, if he is actually charged also
criminally, to recover damages on both scores,
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and would be entitled in such eventuality only

to the bigger award of the two, assuming the Note: sa contract of carriage, ang due diligence
awards made in the two cases vary. depende kng may public interest. Pag private
carriage, ordinary diligence lang; pag common
In other words, the extinction of civil liability carriage, extraordinary diligence
referred to in Par. (e) of Section 3, Rule 111,
refers exclusively to civil liability founded on 3. The liability of the employer for the acts of
Article 100 of the Revised Penal Code, whereas its employees is a subsidiary liability.
the civil liability for the same act considered as a. FALSE. It depends on the source of the
a quasi-delict only and not as a crime is not obligation:
extinguished even by a declaration in the i. if culpa aquiliana and culpa contractual, it is
criminal case that the criminal act charged has direct and primary – specifically kapag
not happened or has not been committed by aquiliana, vicarious liability/ imputed liability/
the accused. Briefly stated, we here hold, in solidary liability/ apparent liability;
reiteration of Garcia, that culpa aquiliana ii. if culpa criminal, it is subsidiary. (Jurado)
includes voluntary and negligent acts which
may be punishable by law. 4. Employers shall be liable for the damages
caused by their employees and household
CULPA is ikaw.. joke. CULPA is FAULT.. FAULT is helpers acting within the scope of their
NEGLIGENCE. assigned tasks, only if they are engaged in any
business or industry.
CULPA CRIMINAL is CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE. a. FALSE. Art. 2180 provides that employers
These are negligent acts or omissions shall be liable even though they are not
punishable by law. if the act punishable by law engaged in any business or industry.
is not borne by negligence or fault, then it might
be by deceit or dolo. it is DOLO CRIMINAL, it is 5. It is conclusively presumed that a driver was
an intentional or willful crime. Whether culpa negligent, if he had been found guilty of
criminal or dolo criminal, both are delict. reckless driving or violating traffic regulations
at least twice within the next preceding two
NEGLIGENCE. It contemplates intentional and a. FALSE. The presumption is disputable. (Art.
voluntary (gross negligence) and faulty acts or 2184)
omission, not punishable by law, which causes
injury to another in the absence of a contract. 6. Respondeat superior applies to the vicarious
liability of employers.
CULPA CONTRACTUAL is an act or omission a. FALSE.
negligence in the performance of contract. It is b. The doctrine of imputed negligence or
breach of contractual obligation; in the sense vicarious liability is not the same with
that it is incidental during the performance of respondeat superior.
the obligation. Like magdedeliver ka sana ng i. The doctrine of respondeat superior (“let the
paso, lagpas na sa dedline. Nagmamadali ka, eh superior make answer”) holds an employer or
nadulas ka, nabasag yung paso.. yan culpa ka. principal principally liable for the employee’s or
Culpa contractual yan agent’s wrongful acts committed within the
scope of employment or agency or in pursuance
Culpa contractual IS NOT QUASI-CONTRACT! Iba of the principal’s interest. Respondeat superior
yon! is applicable only in employment or agency and
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in partnership wherein the partner acts as the a. FALSE. The owner will only be solidarily
agent for the partnership WITH REGARD TO liable, if while he was in the vehicle during the
CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS. Wherein the motor vehicle mishap, he could have, by the use
negligent contemplated is the failure to make of due diligence, prevented the misfortune.
the terms of the contracts due to the (Art. 2184)
negligence of the employee or agent.
eto lang yata ang instance na may disputable
Vicarious liability applies to QUASI DELICT. presumption sa culpa-aquiliana

In that regard, this Court finds it significant to

take note of the following differences between 8. In quasi-delicts, the defendant shall be liable
quasi-delict (culpa aquilina) and breach of for all damages which are the natural and
contract (culpa contractual). In quasi-delict, probable consequences of the act or omission
negligence is direct, substantive and complained of.
independent, while in breach of contract,
negligence is merely incidental to the a. TRUE. Art. 2202
performance of the contractual obligation; i. Alternative answer: FALSE, because this only
there is a pre-existing contract or obligation. In applies for actual or compensatory damages.
quasi-delict, the defense of "good father of a
family" is a complete and proper defense Well, yang 2202 under yan ng actual or
insofar as parents, guardians and employers are compensatory damages. Yung ALL DAMAGES na
concerned, while in breach of contract, such is tinutukoy jan is actual or compensatory damage
not a complete and proper defense in the plus loss of profits (lucro cessante)
selection and supervision of employees.76 In
quasi- delict , there is no presumption of 9. The father and, in case of his death or
negligence and it is incumbent upon the injured incapacity, the mother, are responsible for the
party to prove the negligence of the defendant, damages caused by their children who live in
otherwise, the former’s complaint will be their company.
dismissed, while in breach of contract,
negligence is presumed so long as it can be a. FALSE. Art. 2180 provides that the father or
proved that there was breach of the contract the mother is responsible for the damages
and the burden is on the defendant to prove caused by their minor children who live in their
that there was no negligence in the carrying company.
out of the terms of the contract; the rule of b. Art. 221 of the Family Code provides that
respondeat superior is followed parents and other persons exercising parental
authority shall be civilly liable for the injuries
In quasi-delict, the liability of the employer for and damages caused by the acts or omissions of
the negligent conduct of the subordinate is their unemancipated children living in their
direct and primary subject to the defense of company and under their parental authority,
due diligence in the selection and supervision of subject to appropriate defenses provided by
the employee. law.

7. In motor vehicle mishaps, the owner is 10. Moderate damages, which are more than
solidarily liable with his driver, if he was inside nominal but less than compensatory damages,
the vehicle at the time of the mishap. may be recovered when the court finds that
some pecuniary loss has been suffered but its
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amount cannot, from the nature of the case, be

provided with certainty.

a. FALSE. Art. 2224 provides that moderate

damages may be recovered when the court
finds that some pecuniary loss has been
suffered but its amount cannot, from the nature
of the case, be proved with certainty.

Additional… since hindi natanong…

Res ipsa loquitur is a Latin phrase which literally

means "the thing or the transaction speaks for
itself." It relates to the fact of an injury that sets
out an inference to the cause thereof or
establishes the plaintiff’s prima facie case. The
doctrine rests on inference and not on
presumption. The facts of the occurrence
warrant the supposition of negligence and they
furnish circumstantial evidence of negligence
when direct evidence is lacking. Simply stated,
this doctrine finds no application if there is
direct proof of absence or presence of
negligence. If there is sufficient proof showing
the conditions and circumstances under which
the injury occurred, then the creative reason for
the said doctrine disappears. (PARA TONG
absence of direct evidence, ganon..)

Further, the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur applies

where, (1) the accident was of such character as
to warrant an inference that it would not have
happened except for the defendant’s
negligence (in tagalong, hindi sana nangyari yon
kundi dahil sa kanyang katangahan); (2) the
accident must have been caused by an agency
or instrumentality within the exclusive
management or control of the person charged
with the negligence complained of (in tagalong,
bukod tanging siya lang ang may kakayahang
gumawa ng katangahan na yaon); and (3) the
accident must not have been due to any
voluntary action or contribution on the part of
the person injured (in tagalong, dapat never
naging tanga yong nasaktan).
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LAWS ON AGENCY a. FALSE, as a general rule, the agent is the one

directly bound in favor of the person with
TRUE OR FALSE whom he has contracted, as if the transaction
were his own, except when the contract
1. Notice of the revocation in a newspaper of a involves things belonging to the principal. (Art.
general circulation is a sufficient warning to 1883, par. 2)
third persons.
a. TRUE, Art. 1922. Art. 1883. If an agent acts in his own name, the
b. FALSE, only true if the agent had general principal has no right of action against the
powers for it won’t prejudice 3rd persons who persons with whom the agent has contracted;
were not personally served of the notification neither have such persons against the principal.
of revocation.
In such case the agent is the one directly bound
Art. 1922. If the agent had general powers, in favor of the person with whom he has
revocation of the agency does not prejudice contracted, as if the transaction were his own,
third persons who acted in good faith and except when the contract involves things
without knowledge of the revocation. Notice of belonging to the principal.
the revocation in a newspaper of general
circulation is a sufficient warning to third The provisions of this article shall be
persons. understood to be without prejudice to the
actions between the principal and agent.
2. If two or more persons have appointed an
agent for a common transaction or In short, respondeat superior will not attach if
undertaking, they shall be solidarily liable to agent acted beyond or outside his authority
the agent for all the consequences of the
agency. 4. The agent may retain in pledge the things
which are the object of the agency until the
a. TRUE, Art. 1915. principal effects the reimbursement and pays
the agency for all the damages which the
The several principals shall be solidarily liable execution of the agency may have caused the
respondeat superior. latter, without fault or negligence on his part.

Art. 1915. If two or more persons have a. FALSE, because the agent may also retain in
appointed an agent for a common transaction pledge the things which are the object of the
or undertaking, they shall be solidarily liable to agency not only for all the damages, but also for
the agent for all the consequences of the the sums advanced (abono) by the agent for the
agency execution of the same. (Art. 1912 and 1913)

3. If an agent acts in his own name, the Art. 1912. The principal must advance to the
principal has no right of action against the agent, should the latter so request, the sums
persons with whom the agent has contracted; necessary for the execution of the agency.
neither have such persons against the
principal. Should the agent have advanced them, the
principal must reimburse him therefor, even if
the business or undertaking was not successful,
provided the agent is free from all faults.
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The reimbursement shall include interest on the Art. 1874. When a sale of a piece of land or any
sums advanced, from the day on which the interest therein is through an agent, the
advance was made. (1728) authority of the latter shall be in writing;
otherwise, the sale SHALL BE VOID.
Art. 1913. The principal must also indemnify the
agent for all the damages which the execution IN CONTRAST, a sale of every real property,
of the agency may have caused the latter, whether through an agent or not, must always
without fault or negligence on his part. be in writing to OTHERWISE UNENFORCEABLE.

Art. 1914. The agent may retain in pledge the Art. 1403 (2)(e) An agreement of the leasing for
things which are the object of the agency until a longer period than one year, or for the sale of
the principal effects the reimbursement and real property or of an interest therein.
pays the indemnity set forth in the two
preceding articles. 8. The agency may remain (not shall!) in full
force and effect even after the death of the
5. The agent shall be liable for damages if agent.
there is a conflict between his interests and
those of the principal. a. TRUE, as a general rule, the death of the
agent extinguishes the agency. However, if the
a. FALSE, because the agent will only be liable agency was constituted (a) for the benefit of
for damages, if, there being a conflict between both parties or (b) for the benefit of a third
his interests and those of the principal, he person who accepted the benefit, then that
should prefer his own. (Art. 1889) agency shall continue even after the death of
the agent (medyo akin sa trust relationship to
Art. 1889. The agent shall be liable for damages pero hindi. Sa trust kasi, si beneficiary hindi nya
if, there being a conflict between his interests nid magaccept on the onset of the trust.
and those of the principal, he should prefer his Kadalasan nga hindi alam ng beneficiary na may
own. ganon). (Art. 1930)

6. Special power of attorney is necessary to Art. 1930. The agency shall remain in full force
loan or borrow money. and effect even after the death of the principal,
if it has been constituted in the common
a. TRUE, as a general rule interest of the latter and of the agent, or in the
b. FALSE, the special power of attorney is NOT interest of a third person who has accepted the
NECESSARY in loan of money IF there is urgency stipulation in his favor.
or it is for the preservation of the things which
are under the agent’s administration. (Art. Also, in Art. 1884. The agent is bound by his
1878, par. 7) acceptance (AGENCY is perfected through
consent/accepctance) to carry out the agency,
7. When a sale of a piece of an immovable and is liable for the damages which, through his
property is through an agent, the authority of non-performance, the principal may suffer.
the latter shall be in writing; otherwise the
sale shall be void. He must also finish the business already begun
on the death of the principal, should delay
a. FALSE, because the law provides “sale of a entail any danger.
piece of land”, not immovable. (Art. 1874)
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9. The principal is not liable for the expenses

incurred by the agent if the agent acted in Art. 1868. By the contract of agency a person
contravention of the principal’s instructions. binds himself to render some service or to do
something in representation or on behalf of
a. FALSE, the principal may still be liable for the another, with the consent or authority of the
expenses incurred by the agent even if the latter.
latter acted in contravention of the former’s
instructions when the principal wants to avail of
the benefits derived by the agent (tacit
ratification). (Art. 1918)

Art. 1918. The principal is not liable for the MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS
expenses incurred by the agent in the following
cases: 1. A feature which is common to agency,
negotiorum gestio and guardianship is:
(1) If the agent acted in contravention of the
principal's instructions, unless the latter should a. The relationship created by law
wish to avail himself of the benefits derived b. Based on trust and confidence
from the contract; c. There is representation
d. One has control over the other
(2) When the expenses were due to the fault of
the agent; 2. The following acts may not require an SPA
to be enforceable except: - malabo ung tanong
(3) When the agent incurred them with at
knowledge that an unfavorable result would choices. isipin mong mabuti ha.
ensue, if the principal was not aware thereof;
a. to make payment
(4) When it was stipulated that the expenses b. to waive an obligation
would be borne by the agent, or that the latter c. to accept an inheritance
would be allowed only a certain sum. d. to make gifts
e. to loan or borrow money – if there is
10. By the contract of agency, a person renders urgency or if for the preservation of things
some service or does something in which are under the agent’s administration, the
representation or on behalf of another, with SPA will not be necessary.
the consent or authority of the latter.
3. The performance of the following acts may
a. TRUE, Art. 1868. be delegated by a person to his agent, except:
i. Alternative answer: FALSE, not all acts in
representation or on behalf of another result to a. to vote in a stockholders’ meeting
agency. Art. 1868 does not contemplate social b. to enter into a contract of lease over his real
and political representation. In order to have a property for more than 1 year
contract of agency, the purpose of the agency c. acts of strict dominion
must be the execution of a juridical act; the act d. to represent the principal in a meeting of
that will be executed by the agent on behalf of board of directors’ of a company.
the principal should create, modify, or
extinguish a legal relationship between the 4. If the 3rd person with whom the agent
principal and a third person. (Uribe lecture) contracted was aware that the agent was
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acting outside the scope of his authority (BAD

FAITH): 9. If the agent has been empowered to borrow
a. The contract is void and the principal will be a. he cannot be the lender without the consent
liable to 3rd persons of the principal – walang nasasabe sa batas
b. the contract is void and this contract cannot b. he may himself be the lender at the current
be ratified rate of interest – current rate of interest ung
c. the contract is void and the agent will be term na ginagamit in entering contracts, not
liable to 3rd persons legal rates. Legal rates are the basis of the
d. The contract is void and the agent will be court in determining the appropriate rates in
liable to the 3rd person if he undertook to case of disputes.
secure the principal’s ratification – Art. 1898 c. he may himself be the lender at the legal rate
e. None of the above of interest – legal rate is determined by courts
d. he may himself be the lender but the loan
5. A SPA may be valid even if: may comply with the Usury Law – wala nang
a. not signed by the principal usury law
b. not in writing
c. if it is not acknowledged (hindi notaryado) Art. 1890. If the agent has been empowered to
before a person authorized to administer oaths borrow money, he may himself be the lender at
d. no authority is given the current rate of interest. If he has been
authorized to lend money at interest, he cannot
6. The following are characteristics of agency borrow it without the consent of the principal.
as a contract:
a. consensual 10. Even if the agents bound themselves
b. essentially onerous solidarily, they will not be held solidarily if:
c. preparatory – this is the distinguishing
characteristic. Agency is not an accessory a. the agent who caused damages acted in bad
contract ok? Pero hndi rin sya yung principal faith
contract. U wont enter into an agency for b. the agent who caused damages acted
naught. So hndi sya principal. negligently
d. principal c. the agent who caused damages acted in bad
7. The agent shall not be personally liable if: d. only one of them caused the damage
a. he acted in his own name beyond the scope of their authority
b. he expressly binds himself
c. he acted fraudulently Art. 1894. The responsibility of two or more
d. he exceeded his authority but the 3rd agents, even though they have been appointed
person was are of the limits of his authority simultaneously, is not solidary, if solidarity has
not been expressly stipulated.
8. If the agency is couched in general terms; it
comprises Multiple agents have separate responsibilities

a. all the business of the principal Art. 1895. If solidarity has been agreed upon,
b. only one or more transactions but not all the each of the agents is responsible for the non-
business of the principal fulfillment of agency, and for the fault or
c. only acts of administration – Art. 1877 negligence of his fellows agents, except in the
d. all acts of strict dominion
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latter case when the fellow agents acted 1. Principal transmits his power of attorney to
beyond the scope of their authority. (n) the agent who receives it without any
TRUE OR FALSE 2. Principal entrusts to the agent by letter or
telegram a power of attorney with respect to
1. The authority of the agent must be in the business in which the latter is habitually
writing in order for the contract that will be engaged as an agent and he did not reply to the
entered into by the agent with a 3rd person to letter or telegram.
bind the principal. (Art. 1872)

a. FALSE, agency must be in writing only in the

instances provided under Art. 1878. (SPA)

GENERAL AGENCY IS A CONSENSUAL CONTRACT 3. When a sale of an immovable is through an

BETWEEN THE AGENT AND THE PRINCIPAL. IT agent, the authority of the latter shall be in
COVERS ACTS OF ADMINISTRATION ONLY IN writing; otherwise, the sale shall be void.
PRINCIPAL AND HIS BUSINESS. SUCH PURPOSE a. FALSE, because the law provides “sale of a
MAKES AGENCY A PREPARATORY CONTRACT “in piece of land”, not immovable. (Art. 1874)
the pursuance of the principal’s business”
4. Agency is onerous, unless there is proof to
Art. 1869. Agency may be express, or implied the contrary.
from the acts of the principal, from his silence a. FALSE, it is only presumed to be onerous (for
or lack of action, or his failure to repudiate the compensation), unless there is proof to
agency, knowing that another person is acting the contrary. (Art. 1875)
on his behalf without authority. (ostensible
agency) 5. A SPA is necessary to abandon a prescription
already acquired.
Agency may be oral, unless the law requires a a. TRUE, Art. 1878, par. 3.
specific form (that is when a form of special
powers of attorney is needed). 6. A SPA is necessary to loan or borrow money.
a. FALSE, an SPA will not be required to loan or
2. The acceptance of the agency (by the agent) borrow money when there is urgency
may be implied if the principal delivers his and is indispensable for the preservation of the
power of attorney to the agent and the latter thing under administration. (Art. 1878,
receives it without any objection. par. 7)

a. FALSE, a distinction must be made if the 7. The object of a contract of agency is a thing.
acceptance is between persons who are present a. FALSE, it is the execution of a juridical act.
and between persons who are absent:
8. Any act which one may lawfully do
i. In an acceptance between persons who are personally can be delegated to an agent.
present, the statement is true. a. FALSE, there are acts that are purely personal
(Art. 1871) and cannot be delegated to an agent such as
ii. In an acceptance between persons who are voting in national elections, and appearances in
absent, acceptance cannot be implied from the board meeting.
silence of the agent except –
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Voting in stockholder’s meetings can be 3. Who has the burden of proving that a
delegated. contract of agency is gratuitous?
a. the principal
9. A person capable of acting for himself can b. the agent
be an agent of another. c. whoever alleges that the contract is
gratuitous (because it is presumed onerous)
a. FALSE, in a contract of agency, as far as third d. the third person with whom the agent
persons are concerned, what is important and entered into a contract on behalf of the
material is the legal capacity OF THE PRINCIPAL principal
to enter into a contract. e. no one

The capacity of the agent is of no moment. The 4. A SPA is not necessary to:
agent’s personality is merely an extension of a. to accept an inheritance – (Art. 1878, par. 13)
the principal’s personality. If the principal has b. to sell the car of the principal – (Art. 1878,
the necessary capacity, that is enough. par. 15)
10. The object of a contract of agency is the c. to bind the principal in a contract of
execution of an act in relation to a third partnership – (Art. 1878, par. 10)
person. d. to lease the land of a 3rd person for 3 years –
a. FALSE, must be a juridical act; not all acts in (Art. 1878, par. 8)
relation to a third person are juridical acts. e. none of the above – all necessary

MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 5. If the agent sold an immovable property of

the principal without a SPA, as a rule, the
1. This is an essential requisite of a contract of contract of agency is:
agency: a. void
b. voidable
a. that the agent is of age (it is the principal who c. valid – TAKE NOTE, the question is about the
needs to be of age) contract of agency, NOT THE CONTRACT OF
b. that the agent shall act in representation of SALE. A contract of agency is a preparatory
the principal (what do you call it? contract which means that there is another
c. execution of a juridical act – which makes a contract that will be entered into. SO THE
contract of agency a preparatory contract AGENCY IS VALID..
d. the promise of the principal to pay his agent d. unenforceable – well if you insist, yes, IF THE
his commission (it is only presumed to be QUESTION IS ABOUT THE CONTRACT OF SALE.
onerous) e. rescissible

2. This act may be delegated to an agent: TRUE OR FALSE

a. execution of a will
b. making of an affidavit 1. The commission agent who does not collect
c. to vote – take note “MAY”; a principal may the credits of his principal at the time when
ask his agent to vote in stockholder meetings; they become due and demandable is liable for
this is a better answer than NONE OF THE damages.
d. purely personal acts a. FALSE, commission agent will not be liable if
e. none of the above he proves that he exercised due diligence in the
collection of credits.
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Art. 1903. The commission agent shall be a. FALSE, when the principal is insolvent, the
responsible for the goods received by him in the agent will not be required to advance the
terms and conditions and as described in the necessary funds. (Art. 1886)
consignment, unless upon receiving them he
should make a written statement of the 3. Should the commission agent receive on a
damage and deterioration suffered by the sale his commission, he shall bear the risk of
same. (n) collection.
a. FALSE, this pertains to a guarantee
Art. 1904. The commission agent who handles commission. (Art. 1907) It is only true if what is
goods of the same kind and mark, which belong received is a guarantee commission aside from
to different owners, shall distinguish them by the ordinary commission.
countermarks, and designate the merchandise 4. If the agent has been empowered to borrow
respectively belonging to each principal. (n) money, he may himself be the lender.

Art. 1905. The commission agent cannot, a. TRUE, Art. 1890. Take note that the agent
without the express or implied consent of the must lend at the current rate of interest.
principal, sell on credit. Should he do so, the
principal may demand from him payment in 5. If the commission agent sold the goods on
cash, but the commission agent shall be entitled credit, without the consent of the principal,
to any interest or benefit, which may result the sale is void
from such sale. (n)
a. FALSE, the sale is valid. The implication of
Art. 1906. Should the commission agent, with such sale is that the principal may demand from
authority of the principal, sell on credit, he shall the agent payment in cash, but the commission
so inform the principal, with a statement of the agent shall be entitled to any interest or benefit
names of the buyers. Should he fail to do so, the which may result from such sale. (Art. 1905)
sale shall be deemed to have been made for Sakto lang yan, eh yung commission lang naman
cash insofar as the principal is concerned. (n) ni agent makabenta eh. Tubo nya na yung
interes ng pahulugan.
Art. 1907. Should the commission agent receive
on a sale, in addition to the ordinary Sale on credit by an agent is on 1905-1906.
commission, another called a guarantee Notification thereof to the principal is essential.
commission, he shall bear the risk of collection Failure to do so would make the accountability
and shall pay the principal the proceeds of the redound to the agent.
sale on the same terms agreed upon with the
purchaser. (n) 6. The acts of the substitute appointed against
the prohibition of the principal shall be void.
Art. 1908. The commission agent who does not a. TRUE, Art. 1892.
collect the credits of his principal at the time
when they become due and demandable shall Sub-agency
be liable for damages, unless he proves that he
exercised due diligence for that purpose. (n) Art. 1892. The agent may appoint a substitute if
the principal has not prohibited him from
2. Should there be a stipulation that the agent doing so (IBIG SABIHIN, KAHIT DI SYA BINIGYAN
shall advance the necessary funds, he shall be NG POWER TO APPOINT, PWEDE PA RIN BSTA
bound to do so. SYA RESPONSIBLE); but he shall be responsible
for the acts of the substitute:
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powers granted by the principal yet they still

(1) When he was not given the power to pursue on the contract. (Art. 1898)
appoint one (respondeat superior does not
apply.. but if power was given, respondeat 10. A 3rd person cannot set up the fact that
superior applies); the agent has exceeded his powers if the
principal ratified the agent’s acts
(2) When he was given such power, but without a. TRUE, Art. 1901.
designating the person, and the person
appointed was notoriously incompetent or hmmm.. going back to damages.. ung 3rd
insolvent. (may power to appoint, pero subject person, meron syang cause of action kapag
to approval ni principal.. kapag hindi pina good faith sya kasi wala n syang pwede ipag rely
approve, kargo pa rin nya. Respondeat superior kundi yung pinakitang dokumento or SPA.. pde
does not apply) sya magkaso both kay principal and agent under
respondeat superior rule.
All acts of the substitute appointed against the
prohibition of the principal shall be void. (1721) Kapag bad faith naman sya, yung contract
entered into by him with the agent SHALL BE
Art. 1893. In the cases mentioned in Nos. 1 and VOID. Hindi nya maano si principal kasi alam
2 of the preceding article, the principal may nya n walang consent. Eh diba element ng
furthermore bring an action against the contract consent.
substitute with respect to the obligations which
the latter has contracted under the HERE ARE THE PROVISIONS WITH REGARD TO

7. Private or secret orders and instructions of Art. 1897. The agent who acts as such is not
the principal do not prejudice 3rd persons who personally liable to the party with whom he
have relied upon the power of attorney or contracts, unless he expressly binds himself or
instructions shown them. exceeds the limits of his authority without
giving such party sufficient notice of his powers.
a. TRUE, Art. 1902. (1725)

8. The agent who acts as such is not personally Art. 1898. If the agent contracts in the name of
liable to the party with whom he contracts. the principal, exceeding the scope of his
authority, and the principal does not ratify the
a. FALSE, the agent may be personally liable contract, it shall be void if the party with whom
when he binds himself to the third person or he the agent contracted is aware of the limits of
exceeds limits his authority without giving such the powers granted by the principal. In this
party sufficient notice of his powers. (Art. 1897) case, however, the agent is liable if he
undertook to secure the principal's ratification.
9. If the agent contracts in the name of the (n)
principal, exceeding the scope of his authority,
and the principal does not ratify the contract, Art. 1899. If a duly authorized agent acts in
it shall be void. accordance with the orders of the principal, the
a. FALSE, the contract may be valid. It is valid if latter cannot set up the ignorance of the agent
the 3rd person is in good faith. It will only be as to circumstances whereof he himself was, or
void if the third party with whom the agent ought to have been, aware. (n)
contract with is aware of the limits of the
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Art. 1900. So far as third persons are concerned, 1. If the 3rd person with whom the agent
an act is deemed to have been performed contracted was aware that the agent was
within the scope of the agent's authority, if such acting outside the scope of his authority:
act is within the terms of the power of attorney, a. Contract is void and the principal will be
as written, even if the agent has in fact liable to 3rd person – wrong, no consent.
exceeded the limits of his authority according to b. Contract is void and this contract cannot be
an understanding between the principal and the ratified – still subject to ratification, implied or
agent. (n) express.
c. Contract is void and the agent will be liable to
Art. 1901. A third person cannot set up the fact 3rd person – alam eh so hndi liable.
that the agent has exceeded his powers, if the d. Contract is void and the agent will be liable
principal has ratified, or has signified his to 3rd person if he undertook to secure the
willingness to ratify the agent's acts. (n) principal’s ratification and he failed to do so. –
alam pero may underlying promise so
Art. 1902. A third person with whom the agent nagcreate ng obligation.
wishes to contract on behalf of the principal
may require the presentation of the power of 2. By the fact that the agent acted in excess of
attorney, or the instructions as regards the his authority, the contract that he entered into
agency. Private or secret orders and can never be:
instructions of the principal do not prejudice
third persons who have relied upon the power a. enforced against the principal – if good faith
of attorney or instructions shown them. (n) si 3pt
b. unenforceable – same as above
Art. 1903. The commission agent shall be c. voidable – wala ngang consent eh, hindi
responsible for the goods received by him in the naman vitiated ang consent e.
terms and conditions and as described in the d. void – if bad faith si 3pt
consignment, unless upon receiving them he
should make a written statement of the 3. If a commission agent sold the goods in
damage and deterioration suffered by the installment basis with interest without the
same. authority of the principal to sell on credit:

Art. 1910. The principal must comply with all a. the principal will be entitled to the interest –
the obligations which the agent may have agent ung entitled
contracted within the scope of his authority. b. the agent will not be entitled to his
As for any obligation wherein the agent has commission – entitled pa rin kasi valid pa rin
exceeded his power, the principal is not bound ung sale
except when he ratifies it expressly or tacitly. c. the principal can demand payment from the
agent in cash – Art. 1905
Art. 1911. Even when the agent has exceeded d. the principal can recover the things sold from
his authority, the principal is solidarily liable the buyer – no, there can be no rescission kasi
with the agent if the former allowed the latter wala naming breach na naganap.
to act as though he had full powers.
4. Even if the agents bound themselves
MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS solidarily, they will not be held solidarily if:

a. the agent who caused damage acted in good

faith – within the scope sya
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b. the agent who caused damage acted

negligently – ito ung act 2. If the agent has exceeded his authority, the
c. the agent who caused damage was at fault – principal is jointly liable with the agent if the
ito ung act former allowed the latter to act as though he
d. the agent who caused damage acted beyond had full powers.
the scope of his authority – ung dalwang act,
outside the scope a. FALSE, the principal is solidarily liable, not
jointly, with the agent. (Art. 1911) RESPONDEAT
5. If the agent has been empowered to borrow SUPERIOR
a. he cannot be the lender without the consent 3. If two or more persons have appointed an
of the principal – HE CAN agent for a common transaction or
b. he may himself be the lender at the current undertaking, they shall be jointly liable to the
rate of interest agent for all the consequences of the agency.
c. he may himself be the lender at the legal rate
of interest a. FALSE, solidarily liable. (Art. 1915)
d. he may himself be the lender but the loan
must comply with the Usury Law. 4. The principal is not liable for the expenses
incurred by the agent when the agent incurred
TRUE OR FALSE them with knowledge that an unfavorable
result would ensue.
1. If the agent dies, his heirs must notify the
principal thereof, and in the meantime adopt a. FALSE, this will only apply if the principal was
such measures as the circumstances may not aware that an unfavorable result would
demand in the interest of the latter. ensue. (Art. 1918, par. 3)
a. TRUE, Art. 1932.
Art. 1918. The principal is not liable for the
It means that responsibility of agency can be expenses incurred by the agent in the following
succeeded. cases:

DEATH OF PRINCIPAL – generally extinguishes (1) If the agent acted in contravention of the
agency. Except when common interest of both principal's instructions, unless the latter should
of them or in the interest of a third person wish to avail himself of the benefits derived
from the contract (implied ratification);
Art. 1930. The agency shall remain in full force
and effect even after the death of the (2) When the expenses were due to the fault of
principal, if it has been constituted in the the agent;
common interest of the latter and of the agent,
or in the interest of a third person who has (3) When the agent incurred them with
accepted the stipulation in his favor. knowledge that an unfavorable result would
ensue, if the principal was not aware thereof (if
Art. 1931. Anything done by the agent, without the incurrence);
knowledge of the death of the principal or of
any other cause which extinguishes the agency, (4) When it was stipulated that the expenses
is valid and shall be fully effective with respect would be borne by the agent, or that the latter
to third persons who may have contracted with would be allowed only a certain sum. (n)
him in good faith. (1738)
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5. Agency is extinguished by the death of the one of them cannot revoke the same without
principal. the consent of the others.

a. FALSE, when the agency is one coupled with a. FALSE, any one of the principals may revoke
interest. (Art. 1930) the agency without the consent of the
others. (Art. 1925)

6. Notice of the revocation in a newspaper of 10. An agency cannot be validly revoked if a

general circulation is a sufficient warning to 3rd bilateral contract depends upon it.
a. TRUE, Art. 1922. a. TRUE, Art. 1927.
Only true if the agent had general powers Art. 1927. An agency cannot be revoked if a
bilateral contract depends upon it, or if it is the
Art. 1922. If the agent had general powers, means of fulfilling an obligation already
revocation of the agency does not prejudice contracted, or if a partner is appointed manager
third persons who acted in good faith and of a partnership in the contract of partnership
without knowledge of the revocation. Notice of and his removal from the management is
the revocation in a newspaper of general unjustifiable.
circulation is a sufficient warning to third

7. The agency is revoked if the principal 1. The principal must reimburse agent for the
directly manages the business entrusted to the sums advanced by him which shall include
agent, dealing directly with 3rd persons. interest on the sum advanced
a. TRUE, Art. 1924.
a. from the time the agency was perfected
Art. 1924. The agency is revoked if the principal b. from the time the agency was made
directly manages the business entrusted to the c. from the time demand was made by the
agent, dealing directly with third persons. agent
d. within 30 days from demand
The purpose ceases. The purpose is essential e. from the day on which the advance was
element of agency. PERO PARA LANG TO DOON made
PRINCIPAL. Kasi baka may nauna na kontrata si 2. When two persons leased the same thing,
agent ehh. Pag nagconflict, ung point oftime one of them with the agent and the other with
ang considered the principal, and the two contracts are
incompatible with each other:
8. A general power of attorney is revoked by a
special one granted to another agent, as a. the contract earlier entered into shall be
regards the special matter involved in the preferred – vested rights largely depends on
latter. point of time when there is no problem as to
a. TRUE, Art. 1926. personalities.
b. the contract entered into by the agent shall
9. When two or more principals have granted a be preferred if the agent acted in good faith
power of attorney for a common transaction,
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c. the contract entered into by the principal d. only the agent will be liable
shall be preferred if the principal acted in good
d. the contract which was first registered in
good faith SOME SHITS:

3. The principal is NOT liable for the expenses Ratifications in AGENCY

incurred by the agent in the following cases:
Art. 1878. Special powers of attorney (given to
a. if the agent acted in contravention of the agents) are necessary in the following cases
principal’s instructions – may be liable if (acts of dominion):
principal ratified tacitly
b. when the expenses were due to the fault of (1) To make such payments as are not usually
the principal – OBVIOUSLY LIABLE SI PRINCIPAL. considered as acts of administration;
TANGINA K BA? the law provides that the (2) To effect novations which put an end to
expenses were incurred due to the fault of the obligations already in existence at the time the
AGENT, not the principal. (Art. 1918) agency was constituted;
c. when the agent incurred them with (3) To compromise, to submit questions to
knowledge that an unfavorable result would arbitration, to renounce the right to appeal
ensue – may be liable if principal is aware from a judgment, to waive objections to the
d. When it was stipulated that the expenses venue of an action or to abandon a prescription
would be borne by the agent already acquired;
e. All the above (4) To waive any obligation gratuitously;
(5) To enter into any contract by which the
4. If two or more persons have appointed an ownership of an immovable is transmitted or
agent for a common transaction or acquired either gratuitously or for a valuable
undertaking, they shall be: consideration;
(6) To make gifts, except customary ones for
a. solidarily liable to the agent for all the charity or those made to employees in the
consequences of the agency – most complete business managed by the agent;
answer (7) To loan or borrow money, unless the latter
b. jointly liable to the agent for all the act be urgent and indispensable for the
consequences of the agency preservation of the things which are under
c. solidarily liable to the agent for all the administration;
consequences of the agency only if stipulated – (8) To lease any real property to another person
agency may be oral. In general agency for more than one year;
d. solidarily liable to third persons – incomplete (9) To bind the principal to render some service
answer without compensation;
(10) To bind the principal in a contract of
5. If the agent has exceeded his authority and partnership;
the principal allowed the agent to act as (11) To obligate the principal as a guarantor or
though he had full powers surety;
a. the principal will be jointly liable with the (12) To create or convey real rights over
agent immovable property;
b. the principal will be solidarily liable with the (13) To accept or repudiate an inheritance;
agent (14) To ratify or recognize obligations
c. only the principal will be liable contracted before the agency;
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(15) Any other act of strict dominion. Well, ratification is available in every act kahit
acts of dominion pa yan.. ang ano lang, si 3rd
So, in acts of dominion, hindi to pwedeng “ma- person, no habol kay principal kapag walang
deemed performed” kung walang SPA under SPA. Bahala si principal mag ratify non if gusto
1900. Consent is different for ratification. nya.
Consent is given before the transaction while
ratification comes later thereafter Art. 1403. The following contracts are
unenforceable, unless they are ratified:
Art. 1898. If the agent contracts in the name of
the principal, exceeding the scope of his (1) Those entered into in the name of another
authority, and the principal does not ratify the person by one who has been given no authority
contract, it shall be void if the party with whom or legal representation, or who has acted
the agent contracted is aware of the limits of beyond his powers.
the powers granted by the principal. In this
case, however, the agent is liable if he Art. 1408. Unenforceable contracts cannot be
undertook to secure the principal's ratification. assailed by third persons.

Art. 1899. If a duly authorized agent acts in Art. 1317. No one may contract in the name of
accordance with the orders of the principal, the another without being authorized by the latter,
latter cannot set up the ignorance of the agent or unless he has by law a right to represent him.
as to circumstances whereof he himself was, or
ought to have been, aware. (n) A contract entered into in the name of another
by one who has no authority or legal
Art. 1900. So far as third persons are concerned, representation, or who has acted beyond his
an act is deemed to have been performed powers, shall be unenforceable, unless it is
within the scope of the agent's authority, if such ratified, expressly or impliedly, by the person on
act is within the terms of the power of attorney, whose behalf it has been executed, before it is
as written, even if the agent has in fact revoked by the other contracting party.
exceeded the limits of his authority according to
an understanding between the principal and the Between Partners
Art. 1850. A general partner shall have all the
Art. 1901. A third person cannot set up the fact rights and powers and be subject to all the
that the agent has exceeded his powers, if the restrictions and liabilities of a partner in a
principal has ratified, or has signified his partnership without limited partners. However,
willingness to ratify the agent's acts. without the written consent or ratification of
the specific act (below are specific acts) by all
Art. 1910. The principal must comply with all the limited partners, a general partner or all of
the obligations which the agent may have the general partners have no authority to:
contracted within the scope of his authority.
(1) Do any act in contravention of the
As for any obligation wherein the agent has certificate;
exceeded his power, the principal is not bound (2) Do any act which would make it impossible
except when he ratifies it expressly or tacitly (by to carry on the ordinary business of the
writing or by implied acts, i.e. enjoyment of the partnership;
benefits). (3) Confess a judgment against the partnership;
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(4) Possess partnership property, or assign their (a) An agreement that by its terms is not to be
rights in specific partnership property, for other performed within a year from the making
than a partnership purpose; thereof (magkakalimutan yan after one year);
(5) Admit a person as a general partner; (b) A special promise to answer for the debt,
(6) Admit a person as a limited partner, unless default, or miscarriage of another
the right so to do is given in the certificate; (makakalimutan yan);
(7) Continue the business with partnership
property on the death, retirement, insanity, civil (c) An agreement made in consideration of
interdiction or insolvency of a general partner, marriage, other than a mutual promise to marry
unless the right so to do is given in the (ay jusko po. Ibg sbhn neto ung mga
certificate. paghahanda regarding marriage ah, kasi walang
“promise to marry” talaga);

In Negotiorum Gestio turned Express Agency (d) An agreement for the sale of goods, chattels
or things in action (PUBLIC AUCTION SALES by
Art. 2149. The ratification of the management sheriff), at a price not less than five hundred
by the owner of the business produces the pesos, unless the buyer accept and receive part
effects of an express agency, even if the of such goods and chattels, or the evidences, or
business may not have been successful. some of them, of such things in action or pay at
the time some part of the purchase money
UNENFORCEABLE CONTRACTS nagkabigayan na eh); but when a sale is made
by auction (PRIVATE AUCTION) and entry is
Art. 1403. The following contracts are made by the auctioneer in his sales book, at the
unenforceable, unless they are ratified: time of the sale, of the amount and kind of
property sold, terms of sale, price, names of the
(1) Those entered into in the name of another purchasers and person on whose account the
person by one who has been given no authority sale is made, it is a sufficient memorandum
or legal representation, or who has acted (tignan mo yung word “memorandum”.. so
beyond his powers (AGENCY); pagpapaalala. Ung statute of frauds about sa
pagpapaalala yan. Oi tangina m may asawa ka
(2) Those that do not comply with the Statute of na ganon.. See reference to memorandum in
Frauds (PARA HINDI MAGKALIMUTAN) as set rules of court for witnesses na makakalimutin
forth in this number. lalo na kung may utang o asawa);

In the following cases an agreement hereafter (e) An agreement of the leasing for a longer
made shall be unenforceable by action, unless period than one year, or for the sale of real
the same, or some note or memorandum, property or of an interest therein;
thereof, be in writing, and subscribed by the
party charged (or under seal), or by his agent; (f) A representation as to the credit of a third
evidence, therefore, of the agreement cannot person.
be received without the writing (kelangan pa ba
sabihin to?. Well, substantial law precedes over (3) Those where both parties are incapable of
remedial law. See Parol Evidence Role), or a giving consent to a contract.
secondary evidence (you mean parol evidence)
of its contents:
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or UNSEALED agreements. Art. 1357. If the law requires a document or
other special form, as in the acts and contracts
Art. 1358. The following must appear in a public enumerated in the following article, the
document: contracting parties may compel each other to
observe that form, once the contract has been
(1) Acts and contracts which have for their perfected. This right may be exercised
object the creation, transmission, modification simultaneously with the action upon the
or extinguishment of real rights over immovable contract.
property; sales of real property or of an interest
therein a governed by Articles 1403, No. 2, and Art. 1407. In a contract where both parties are
1405; incapable of giving consent, express or implied
ratification by the parent, or guardian, as the
(2) The cession, repudiation or renunciation of case may be, of one of the contracting parties
hereditary rights or of those of the conjugal shall give the contract the same effect as if only
partnership of gains; one of them were incapacitated.

(3) The power to administer property, or any If ratification is made by the parents or
other power which has for its object an act guardians, as the case may be, of both
appearing or which should appear in a public contracting parties, the contract shall be
document, or should prejudice a third person; validated from the inception.

(4) The cession of actions or rights proceeding Art. 1408. Unenforceable contracts cannot be
from an act appearing in a public document. assailed by third persons.

All other contracts where the amount involved Art. 1317. No one may contract in the name of
exceeds five hundred pesos must appear in another without being authorized by the latter,
writing, even a private one. But sales of goods, or unless he has by law a right to represent him.
chattels or things in action are governed by
Articles, 1403, No. 2 and 1405. A contract entered into in the name of another
by one who has no authority or legal
Art. 1404. Unauthorized contracts are governed representation, or who has acted beyond his
by Article 1317 and the principles of agency in powers, shall be unenforceable, unless it is
Title X of this Book. ratified, expressly or impliedly, by the person on
whose behalf it has been executed, before it is
Art. 1405. Contracts infringing the Statute of revoked by the other contracting party.
Frauds, referred to in No. 2 of Article 1403, are
ratified by the failure to object to the IN NEGOTIORUM GESTIO
presentation of oral evidence to prove the
same, or by the acceptance of benefit under Art. 2144. Whoever voluntarily takes charge of
them. the agency or management of the business or
property of another, without any power from
Art. 1406. When a contract is enforceable under the latter, is obliged to continue the same until
the Statute of Frauds, and a public document is the termination of the affair and its incidents, or
necessary for its registration in the Registry of to require the person concerned to substitute
Deeds, the parties may avail themselves of the him, if the owner is in a position to do so. This
right under Article 1357.
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juridical relation does not arise in either of

these instances:

(1) When the property or business is not

neglected or abandoned;

(2) If in fact the manager has been tacitly

authorized by the owner.

In the first case, the provisions of Articles 1317,

1403, No. 1, and 1404 regarding unauthorized
contracts shall govern.
In the second case, the rules on agency in Title X
of this Book shall be applicable. (1888a)

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