The Role of The Thymus in The Pathogenesis of Myasthenia Gravis

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Tohoku J. Exp. Med.

, 2005, 207, 87-98

Myasthenia Gravis and Chemokines 87

Invited Review

The Role of the Thymus in the Pathogenesis of

Myasthenia Gravis

Department of Neurology, Tohoku University School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan

ONODERA, H. The Role of the Thymus in the Pathogenesis of Myasthenia Gravis.

Tohoku J. Exp. Med., 2005, 207 (2), 87-98 ── Myasthenia gravis is an organ-specific au-
toimmune disease characterized by the production of anti-acetylcholine receptor antibod-
ies. In this review, I describe the pathophysiological importance of the altered chemokine
receptor-mediated signaling in the thymus and peripheral blood of myasthenia gravis pa-
tients. The epidemiological and clinical features of myasthenia gravis are also discussed.
──── chemokine; myasthenia gravis; thymus
© 2005 Tohoku University Medical Press

Myasthenia gravis (MG) is an autoimmune The induction and sustained production of

disease characterized by the production of autoimmune antibodies is dependent on regulato-
anti-acetylcholine receptor (AchR) antibodies ry T cells, and the thymus is a critical organ for
(Lindstrom et al. 1976). The autoantibodies im- the T cell education and elimination of autoreac-
pair neuromuscular transmission by blocking the tive T cells. Ninety percent of MG patients dis-
function of AchR at post-synaptic sites of the neu- play thymic abnormalities, such as hyperplastic
romuscular junctions. Ocular symptoms with thymus (70%) and thymoma (20%), and thymec-
fluctuating diplopia and ptosis are the commonest tomy is an important choice for MG treatment. In
manifestation of the disease and, in the majority Early-onset MG (EOMG), defined as presenting
of patients, MG symptoms become generalized, before the age of 40, hyperplastic thymus is com-
affecting the proximal parts of limbs, axial mus- monly observed, while thymoma is more frequent
cles, and bulbar muscles. Based on the findings in older patients (Vincent et al. 2001). Thus, the
that the removal of immunoglobulin in the blood thymus has been the most attractive target of MG
by plasma exchange resulted in a temporary im- research and many pathological and immunologi-
provement of the muscle strength and the passive cal studies have been done. However, the regula-
transfer of sera from patients to mice caused mus- tory system for the T cell-mediated antibody pro-
cle weakness in the animals, the existence of au- duction in MG and the immunological difference
toantibodies against nicotinic muscarinic recep- between patients with hyperplasic thymus and pa-
tors was found in the blood of MG patients tients with thymoma are not well understood.
(Lindstrom et al. 1976). Here, I will discuss the role of the thymus in the

Received August 2, 2005; revision accepted for publication August 2, 2005.

Correspondence: Hiroshi Onodera, M.D., Ph.D., Department of Neurology, Tohoku University School of
Medicine, 1-1 Seiryomachi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8574, Japan.
Dr. H. Onodera is a recipient of the 2004 Gold Prize, Tohoku University School of Medicine.
88 H. Onodera

MG pathophysiology based on clinical and immu- cases showed hyperplastic thymus. Generally,
nological studies. thymoma was observed in patients > 30 years old
at a male : female ratio of 1 : 1, while the
Epidemiology and clinical features of myasthe- male : female ratio in EOMG (most of them had
nia gravis hyperplastic thymus) was 1 : 2. Thymoma-bearing
Once the diagnosis of MG is made, an ace- MG patients were rare in cases < 30 years old.
tylcholinesterase inhibitor is chosen to improve It takes a relatively long time to achieve
the muscle weakness by increasing the acetylcho- clinical improvement after the initiation of MG
line concentration in the neuromuscular junction. therapies. During the follow up period of > 12
Usually, immunosuppressive therapy is also em- months, MG patients without thymoma showed
ployed to suppress autoreactive T cells and to re- significantly better clinical courses compared with
duce the production of autoantibodies. Although the patients with thymoma (Table 1). During the
there are few double-blinded placebo-controlled long-term observation period, approximately 30%
studies for the treatment of MG, glucocorticoid of the non-thymoma cases could be treated with-
has been the usual choice for immunosuppressive out glucocorticoid, whereas glucocorticoid was
therapy. Thymectomy has been an important successfully discontinued only in 10% of the thy-
choice for MG therapy in most countries includ- moma cases. In a longer follow up period (> 5
ing Japan (Kawaguchi et al. 2004). For patients years), approximately 90% of the thymoma cases
with thymoma, thymectomy is necessary to pre- had survived, while death in non-thymoma cases
vent death by tumor invasion and/or metastasis. was quite rare (Ohuchi et al. 2000 and unpub-
However, no evidence-based studies for MG lished data). This could be explained by the high-
treatment are available and a recent study, which er average age of the thymoma cases compared to
summarized previous reports concerning the clini- that of the non-thymoma cases. The causes of
cal outcome after thymectomy, showed no signifi- death in the patients with thymoma were invasion
cant benefit of thymectomy in MG patients with- and/or metastasis of thymomas, stroke, ischemic
out thymoma (Gronseth and Barohn 2000). heart disease, and other malignancies. Our results
However, many reports have found that the clini- suggested that thymectomy in non-thymoma cases
cal benefit of thymectomy is greatest in EOMG. I (most of them had hyperplastic thymus) was ben-
will discuss the clinical benefits of thymectomy in eficial. Many previous reports described the ben-
MG therapy based on data obtained in Tohoku efit of thymectomy in EOMG based on non-blind-
University Hospital and branch hospitals (Ohuchi ed results (Vincent et al. 2001). However, a
et al. 2000 and unpublished data). We followed double-blinded study on the effect of thymectomy
422 cases for 1 to 25 years after therapeutic thy- in MG is practically impossible and the therapeu-
mectomy plus glucocorticoid. Before MG thera- tic effects by thymectomy and glucocorticoid can-
py, 25% of the patients had only ocular symptoms not be analyzed separately, which makes an evi-
and 75% of the patients showed the generalized dence-based estimation of MG therapy quite
form of MG. Thymoma was observed in 28% of difficult. The therapeutic effectiveness of thy-
the patients. More than 80% of the non-thymoma mectomy could be estimated by an analysis of the

TABLE 1. Late results of MG therapy (thymectomy plus glucocorticoid)

non-thymoma thymoma
(n = 304) (n = 118)
Remarkable improvement 70 55 (%)
Moderate improvement 25 30
No improvement 5 15
Myasthenia Gravis and Chemokines 89

duration between the onset of MG symptoms and differentiate and proliferate in the thymic epitheli-
thymectomy. al space, and of a peripheral region, where T lym-
phocytes migrate from the peripheral circulation
Immune pathogenesis of myasthenia gravis into the perivascular space. Normally, the amount
Thymus of thymic epithelial space decreases with age.
The thymus is the primary organ for T lym- The hyperplastic MG thymus has numerous T
phocyte production. Precursor T-cells migrate cells in the perivascular space (Flores et al. 1999),
from the bone marrow to the thymus throughout whereas the true epithelial space is atrophic in
life and the early T cell precursors (CD3−CD4− many MG thymuses, reflecting the decreased per-
CD8−) localize in the thymic cortex (subcapsular centage of immature double positive cells.
area). Maturating cells undergo cell division and Another important pathology of the hyperplastic
T-cell receptor (TCR)-chain rearrangement, and thymus is the formation of germinal centers,
develop into double-positive CD4+CD8+ thymo- where B cells produce anti-AchR antibodies. In
cytes. Immature T-cells undergo either positive or most thymoma cases, the tumor cells are of thy-
negative selection and, finally, CD4+ or CD8+ sin- mic epithelial origin and there are no germinal
gle-positive T cells located in the thymic medulla centers or B cell clusters. Interestingly, the co-ex-
leave the thymus to enter the peripheral circula- istence of hyperplastic thymus and thymoma is
tion. After adolescence, the thymus undergoes a observed in some MG patients, suggesting a simi-
progressive reduction in size due to the reduced lar pathophysiological background.
volume of thymic epithelial cells and a decrease Interleukin-2 receptor. Interleukin-2 (IL-2)
in thymopoiesis, which results in the decrease in is an essential cytokine for T cells. IL-2 receptor
the output of newly developed T cells and reduced complex is formed by alpha, beta, and gamma
numbers of naive T cells in the peripheral blood. subunits. Beta and gamma subunits are necessary
Histologically, there is a marked decrease in the for IL-2 signal transduction and the alpha subunit
volume of the thymic cortex, while the reduction plays a role in increasing the affinity between
in the size of the medulla is milder. This suggests IL-2 and IL-2R complex (Nakamura et al. 1994).
that the age-related thymic involution induces a The gamma subunit is expressed in the majority
reduction of the early stage T cell development, of mature T cells and beta subunit expression is a
leaving the function of the thymic medulla un- critical step for the regulation of IL-2 signaling in
changed. However, the age-related change of the both control and MG thymocytes. In mice, IL-2R
population of thymocytes is minimal (Table 2). beta subunit-negative/high TCR cells are generat-
Although the mechanism of this thymic involu- ed through the mainstream T cell differentiation
tion is not fully understood, cytokines or bone in the thymus, while IL-2R beta subunit-positive
marrow transplantation can partly increase the na- cells are generated via an extrathymic pathway or
ive T cell production. an alternative intrathymic pathway. In normal
MG thymus. The thymus is a chimeric organ thymus, less than 1% of thymocytes express beta
comprised of a central region, where thymocytes subunit. Interestingly, human thymic T cells ex-

TABLE 2. The effect of aging on the T cell percentages in the normal thymuses
< 12 years old > 35 years old
(n = 5) (n = 5)
Double positive 77.4 ± 5.3 78.7 ± 5.5
CD4 single positive 9.0 ± 0.6 7.6 ± 0.7
CD8 single positive 3.8 ± 9.5 4.4 ± 1.3
Mean ± S.D.
90 H. Onodera

press lower levels of both alpha and beta subunits transducing adaptor molecule (STAM), which
than mouse thymic T cells do. The gamma sub- transduces IL-2 receptor-mediated signals, has
unit has been shown to be expressed in a variety been reported to induce c-myc expression
of lymphoid cells, including T, B, and natural kill- (Takeshita et al. 1997). The STAM mRNA ex-
er (NK) cells. In human thymocytes, the gamma pression in the MG thymus was similar to that in
subunit is expressed on few double negative or the control thymus. Interleukin-7, an important
double positive cells, and is expressed on the ma- cytokine for T-cell differentiation, is produced by
jority of single positive cells. thymic epithelial cells and can induce c-myc
There are no significant differences in the mRNA expression in thymocytes. However, we
population of thymocytes (double positive cells, failed to observe a difference in the level of IL-7R
CD4+CD8− single positive cells, and CD4−CD8+ mRNA between control and MG thymuses. The
single positive cells) expressing alpha, beta, or NFkappaB family of transcription factors regu-
gamma subunits between control and MG thy- lates a number of genes, such as c-myc and p53.
muses. Thymocytes obtained from MG patients However, the mRNA levels of c-rel and p65, sub-
show higher sensitivity to IL-2 treatment than units of NFkappaB, were unaltered in MG thy-
those from controls (Kaminsky et al. 1993). muses. The interpretation of the reduced level of
These findings could be explained by the fact that max mRNA in MG thymuses is rather complicat-
the MG thymus has a greater number of single ed. Unlike c-myc, the steady-state level of max is
positive cells, which exhibit more IL-2 receptor not affected by proliferation or differentiation
complex and can react more strongly to exoge- stimuli. Treatment of human myeloid leukemia
nous IL-2 than double positive cells. Less than cells with protein phosphatase inhibitors resulted
4% of double positive cells from normal and MG in the down-regulation of both c-myc and max
thymuses express the gamma subunit. gene expression followed by apoptosis. Many
Thymic expression of genes associated with putative target genes of c-myc have been reported,
apoptosis. Our systematic microarray and poly- such as ornithine decarboxylase, cdc25A, prothy-
merase chain reaction (PCR) analysis showed that mosin-alpha, p53, and cdc2. Prothymosin-alpha
the messanger RNA (mRNA) levels of apoptosis- is known as a thymic hormone whose function is
associated molecules, such as bcl2, bcl-xL, bad, related to cell proliferation. However, the mRNA
and caspase-3, in MG thymuses were similar to levels of prothymosin-alpha in control and MG
those in the control thymus (Nagata et al. 2001 thymuses were similar.
and unpublished data). Thus, the basic function
of positive and negative selection for thymocytes Chemokines
is not abnormal in the MG thymus. However, the Chemokine receptor CXCR3 (Fig. 1)
mRNA levels for c-myc and max were markedly Chemokines are a group of structurally-relat-
decreased in the MG thymuses compared with the ed heparin binding cytokines essential in the im-
control thymuses (Nagata et al. 2001). In con- munological processes because they recruit selec-
trast, the mRNA levels of mad-1, max’s another tive subsets of lymphocytes to the target
heterodimerization partner, were unaltered in MG compartments. Chemokines and their receptors
thymuses. In the myc family genes, transcription- play critical roles in T cell activation, immune
al activation is mediated exclusively by Myc : Max surveillance, and tolerance. Moreover, distinct
heterodimers, whereas Max : Max and Mad : Max chemokine receptors are associated with the po-
complexes mediate transcription repression larization of T-helper (Th) 1 and Th2 cells. The
through identical binding sites. The expression of chemokine receptors are differentially expressed
c-myc is associated with cell proliferation since on T cells according to their functional polariza-
c-myc expression increases in proliferating cells tion. Chemokine receptors CXCR3 and CCR5
and decreases with terminal differentiation. The are preferentially expressed by Th1 cells, while
intracellular signal transduction molecule signal- CCR3 and CCR4 are expressed by a subset of
Myasthenia Gravis and Chemokines 91

Fig. 1. The percentages of CXCR3-positive CD4+ T cells in the peripheral blood of the MG patients and
the control subjects. Note the marked decrease of CXCR3-positive cells in the thymoma group and
their recovery after MG therapy.

Th2 cells (Sallusto et al. 1998; Imai et al. 1999). with the pathophysiology of MG, particularly for
CCR2 is expressed on activated and memory T those with thymoma. Interestingly, the frequen-
cells polarized to both Th1 and Th2 subclasses. cies of CCR5-positive CD4+ cells were normal in
Th1 signals have been reported to be critical the hyperplasic thymus and the thymoma before
in inducing experimental autoimmune myasthenia and after MG therapy. The CXCR3-positive
gravis (EAMG). Interferon (IFN)-γ (Th1 cyto- CD4+ cells can accumulate at sites of Th1-type in-
kine) expression in the neuromuscular junction flammation and produce IFN-γ , irrespective of the
induces a MG-like syndrome (Gu et al. 1995) and presence or absence of CCR5 expression. In
IFN-γ deficient mice but not IL-4 (Th2 cytokine) rheumatoid arthritis, a well-known Th1-type dis-
deficient mice are resistant to EAMG induction ease, infiltrating T cells in synovial fluid are high-
(Balasa et al. 1997). However, in human MG, ly positive for CXCR3 and much less frequently
AChR-specific CD4+ cells of patients could pro- positive for CCR5 (Suzuki et al. 1999). The pro-
duce both Th1-type and Th2-type cytokines (Yi et portion of CXCR3-positive CD4+ T cells is in-
al. 1994). We observed a significant decrease in creased in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of pa-
the frequency of CD4+ T cells expressing Th1- tients with sarcoidosis (Katchar et al. 2003).
type chemokine receptor CXCR3 in the peripheral Thus, the thymus or neuromuscular junction may
blood of untreated MG patients (Onodera et al. be an important target tissue, which could explain
2003). Importantly, there was a significant in- the reduced frequency of CXCR3-positive periph-
verse correlation between the percentage of eral blood CD4+ cells in MG. Since the frequency
CXCR3-positive CD4+ T cells of untreated pa- of CXCR3-positive CD4+ single positive thymo-
tients and the disease severity. As mentioned cytes from thymomas is higher than that from hy-
above, MG patients with thymoma are more resis- perplastic thymus, thymoma may be one of the
tant to treatment compared with patients with hy- targets of CXCR3-mediated immune reactions.
perplasic thymus. Since the frequency of Another target of the CXCR3-positive T cells is
CXCR3-positive CD4 + cells of the thymoma the neuromuscular junction, where lymphocytes
group was lower than that of the hyperplasia and immune-complex accumulate. The muscle
group, it may be attractive to hypothesize that may contribute to the disease progression of MG
CXCR3-mediated signaling is closely associated by producing soluble factors that influence the ac-
92 H. Onodera

tivities of the immune system. The chemokine MG thymi are markedly higher than those in the
signaling of T cells in MG patients could be influ- control thymuses, while those in the thymomas
enced by chemokines produced in the muscle. To are within a normal range. Accordingly, very
identify the chemokines important for the disease strong CCL21 immunoreactivity is observed in
activity of MG, it is necessary to study the expres- stromal cells of the hyperplastic thymuses, where-
sion of CXCR3 ligands, as well as the frequency as other structures, such as lymphocytes, follicu-
of CXCR3-positive CD4+T cells, in the neuro- lar dendritic cells, or dendritic cells, lack CCL21
muscular junction. The frequency of CXCR3- immunoreactivity. In contrast, the CCL19 mRNA
positive CD4+ T cells in the peripheral blood re- levels and CCL19 immunostaining intensities are
turns toward the control level long after therapy. similar in the control and hyperplastic thymuses.
The percentage of CXCR3-positive CD4+ T cells Thus, in the hyperplastic thymus, CCL21 is selec-
and the elapsed months after thymectomy were tively overexpressed by a specific type of stromal
found to be significantly correlated. CXCR3 in cell. The total number of dendritic cells is similar
the peripheral blood could be used as a marker of between hyperplastic thymus and thymoma.
the disease activity. We observed no significant However, the CD83-positive mature dendritic cell
changes of the Th2-type receptors CCR3 and density is significantly higher in hyperplastic thy-
CCR4 in MG. Thus, the signals mediated by the mus than in thymoma. The frequencies of single
Th1-type chemokine receptor may play a critical positive T cells are similar in hyperplastic thy-
role in the immune dysfunction of MG. muses and thymomas and more than 90% of sin-
Myasthenic symptoms are sometimes worsened gle positive cells expressed CCR7 in both hyper-
after infections, and chemokines are tightly inte- plastic thymuses and thymomas. However,
grated in both innate immunity and adaptive im- thymic cells separated from hyperplastic thymus-
munity. Modulation of the biased CXCR3 signal- es efficiently migrate to CCL21 in a concentration
ing may be a promising candidate for future MG dependent manner, while those from thymoma
treatment, particularly for patients with thymoma. migrate poorly to CCL21.
Although CCL21 and CCL19 share CCR7 as
Chemokine receptor CCR7 their chemotactic receptor, their roles in T cell
CCR7 is essential for the localization of na- migration are different. Normally, CCL21 guides
ive T cells and central memory T cells to the thy- the migration of developing T cells from the cor-
mus and secondary lymphoid organs. The ho- tex to the medulla, while CCL19 guides the emi-
meostatic chemokines CCL19 and CCL21 use gration of mature T cells out of the thymus.
CCR7 as their specific receptor and play distinct CCL19 localizes in the medullary vessels, where-
roles in lymphocyte migration in the thymus as CCL21 localizes in the epithelial cells sur-
(Yoshie et al. 2002). Mice with targeted disrup- rounding these vessels. Thus, the extraordinarily
tion of CCR7 show morphological abnormalities high levels of CCL21 and the normal levels of
in the lymphoid organs, with severely impaired CCL19 in the hyperplastic thymus may prevent
homing of lymphocytes and dendritic cells to the emigration of mature T cells and keep them
these organs. Mature dendritic cells also migrate within the thymus. In addition, recirculating T
into lymphoid organs with the guidance of CCR7 cells can home to secondary lymphoid organs
ligands and present antigens to T cells. The ecto- guided by CCR7 and cell adhesion molecules.
pic expression of CCL21 in mice can induce the Thus, peripherally circulating CCR7-positive T
infiltration of T cells and dendritic cells, which is cells (naive and central memory T cells) may also
followed by the development of secondary lym- migrate into the hyperplastic thymus. Since
phoid organ-like structures, including germinal CCL21 overexpression alone can induce an ab-
centers. In peripheral blood, > 80% of T cells are normal accumulation of T cells and dendritic cells
positive for CCR7. that eventually lead to the development of sec-
The CCL21 mRNA levels in hyperplastic ondary lymphoid organ-like structures, many
Myasthenia Gravis and Chemokines 93

pathologic features of the hyperplastic thymus

could be explained by the CCL21 overexpression.
The thymic myoid cells express acetylcholine re-
ceptors and hyperplastic thymus shows an abnor-
mal distribution and faster degeneration of myoid
cells, which may increase the level of autoanti-
gens available for dendritic cells. Thus, naive and
central memory T cells in the hyperplastic thymus
could have a higher chance of being activated by
mature dendritic cells, which also accumulate be-
cause of the elevated levels of CCL21 and poten-
tially present autoantigens pathogenic for MG.

Chemokine receptor CXCR5 (Fig. 2)

Non-Th1 and non-Th2 effecter T cells, which
express chemokine receptor CXCR5, localize in
B cell areas in secondary lymphoid organs and
provide help to B cells. These CXCR5-positive
CD4+ T cells, called follicular B helper T cells
(TFHs), play a pivotal role in the B cell help func-
tion in the B follicles of the secondary lymphoid
organs (Moser et al. 2002). CXCR5 is also ex-
pressed in the majority of B cells, whereas mature
B cells differentiated in the B follicles and plasma
cells do not express CXCR5. TFHs and B cells lo-
calize to the B follicles of the secondary lymphoid
organs attracted by the CXCR5’s only ligand,
CXCL13 (also known as B cell-attracting chemo-
Fig. 2. The percentages of CXCR5-positive CD4 T
cells in peripheral blood of the MG patients
and the control subjects.
  (A) The patients at severer disease stages
showed higher percentages of CXCR5-positive
CD4+ T cells. Bars indicate mean values. Hy-
perplasic thymus (open circles), thymoma
(filled circles). (B) The frequency of CXCR5-
positive CD4+ T cells decreased after therapy.
(C) The percentages of CXCR5+CD4+ T cells
in the peripheral blood of the MG patients
were compared between the MG patients hav-
ing other autoantibodies (either anti-nuclear
antibodies, anti-thyroglobulin antibodies, anti-
peroxysome antibodies, anti-thyroglobulin an-
tibodies, or rheumatoid factor) together with
anti-AChR antibodies (Abs) and those having
only anti-AChR autoantibodies. The former
group had significantly higher TFH percentag-
es. C
94 H. Onodera

kine 1), which is produced by follicular dendritic in the peripheral blood have a higher risk to de-
cells in B follicles. Animals with disrupted velop other autoimmune diseases.
CXCL13 gene or CXCR5 gene (Forster et al. It is of particular interest that, compared with
1996) show impaired localization of the TFH and the pretreatment group, a significant decrease of
B cells into B follicles and very low levels of an- the TFH frequency was observed relatively long
tibody production. The homeostatic chemokines, after initiation of MG therapy. There was a sig-
which include CXCL13, are constitutively pro- nificant inverse correlation between the percent-
duced at discrete locations in lymphoid tissues age of CXCR5+CD4+T cells and the duration after
and immunological stimuli can induce CXCR5 therapeutic thymectomy. The gradual normaliza-
expression on CD4+ T cells. Immunization with tion of the TFH frequency after therapy may reflect
antigen can induce antigen-specific T cells to up- a slow correction of the immune dysfunction, and
regulate CXCR5 expression and acquire respon- may also relate to the slow decline of the anti-
siveness to CXCL13, while these cells simultane- AChR antibody titer and the gradual recovery
ously become less responsive to ligands for the T from muscle weakness.
zone chemokine receptor CCR7. CXCR5 expres-
sion is induced in vitro by both type-1 and type-2 Natural killer T cells and Natural killer cell
dendritic cells (Moser et al. 2002). (Fig. 3)
MG patients with hyperplastic thymus and The disease activity of MG is frequently as-
thymoma show significant increases in the per- sociated with various types of stress and infection.
centage of CXCR5+CD4+ T cells in the peripheral NK cells and NKT cells participate in the innate
blood (Saito et al. 2005). There is no significant immune responses and contribute to combating
difference in the CXCR5+CD4+T cell frequency viral and non-viral infections. Immune cells with
between hyperplasia and thymoma patients before NK markers can influence both Th1 and Th2
treatment. Patients with the generalized form functions. NK cells activate Th1 helper effecter
show higher percentages of CXCR5+CD4+T cells cells by secreting IFN-gamma. NKT cells can
than patients with ocular symptoms alone. promote Th2 development by secreting a large
Among patients with generalized MG, those at amount of IFN-4 (Yoshimoto and Paul 1994), and
severer stages show higher percentages of the suppression of NKT cell function could in-
CXCR5+CD4+T cells compared with patients at duce Th1-type diseases. Human NK cells can be
milder stages. Since concomitant autoimmune divided into two subsets CD16+CD56dim NK cells,
diseases are not uncommon in MG, we analyzed and CD16 −CD56 bright NK cells (Cooper et al.
whether the coexistence of autoantibodies (associ- 2001). CD16+CD56dim NK cells are more cyto-
ated with rheumatoid arthritis, Graves disease, toxic, whereas the CD16−CD56bright subset can se-
Hashimoto’s disease, and systemic lupus erythe- crete cytokines but has lower cytotoxic activity.
matosus) together with anti-AchR antibodies We analyzed the subpopulations of NK and NKT
could influence the proportion of CXCR5+CD4+T cells in the peripheral blood and thymuses of MG
cells. The percentage of CXCR5-positive CD4+T patients. Mature NKT cells are defined as those
cells in the MG patients having other autoantibod- with the TCRValpha24+CD161bright phenotype and
ies was significantly higher than in those having immature NKT cells as those with the
no additional autoantibodies. The increased per- TCRValpha24+CD161dim phenotype. The popula-
centage of CXCR5+CD4+T cells in the patients tion of mature NKT cells in the peripheral blood
having multi-autoantibodies in their sera suggest- mononuclear cell (PBMC) of the normal subjects
ed that some MG patients have systemic abnor- was very low, comprised only 0.2%. Before MG
malities in the antibody production system medi- therapy, the percentages of mature NKT cells in
ated by TFH. A follow up study will be able to the blood of the patients with hyperplastic thymus
answer the question of whether the MG patients were significantly elevated in comparison with
with higher percentages of CXCR5+CD4+T cells those of the control subjects (Suzuki et al. 2005).
Myasthenia Gravis and Chemokines 95

In contrast, the patients with thymoma showed determined by factors outside the thymus.
normal frequencies of mature NKT cells. The We classified the NK cells into CD3 −
frequencies of immature NKT cells were similar CD16 + CD56 dim NK cells and CD3 − CD16 −
among the control subjects, the MG patients with CD56bright NK cells. The CD16+CD56dim NK cells
hyperplastic thymus, and the MG patients with comprise the majority of peripheral blood NK
thymoma. The percentages of both NKT cell sub- cells. Before MG therapy, the percentages of
populations (TCRV alpha24+CD161bright NKT cells CD16+CD56dim NK cells in the peripheral blood
and TCRV alpha24+CD161dim cells) in the control of the patients with thymoma were significantly
and MG thymuses were below the limit of detec- lower than those of the control subjects (Suzuki et
tion. The thymic origin of NKT cells is proved al. 2005), while those in the patients with hyper-
by the fact that NKT cells develop in fetal thymus plastic thymus were also lower, though not sig-
organ culture and that NKT cells are completely nificantly. The percentages of CD3 − CD16 +
absent in athymic nude mice (Habu et al. 1986). CD56dim NK cells in the patients with thymoma
However, NKT cell maturation and activation oc- returned to normal after therapy. Both patient
cur extrathymically. Thus, unaltered percentages groups showed normal percentage ranges of
of NKT cells in MG thymuses and thymomas CD3−CD16−CD56bright NK cells before and after
suggest that the thymic contribution to the NKT treatment. Although CD3 −CD16 +CD56 dim NK
cell function is minimal. Since NKT cell matura- cells are the major NK subclass in the blood, the
tion occurs after emigration from the thymus majority of NK cells in the thymuses were CD3−
(Habu et al. 1986), the frequencies of NKT cells CD16−CD56bright NK cells in the control thymuses,
of MG patients with hyperplasic thymus could be hyperplasic thymuses, and thymomas. There

Fig. 3. Natural killer cell subsets in blood of myasthenia gravis patients with thymic hyperplasia or thy-
moma and in healthy controls. Data are expressed as the percentages of peripheral blood mononu-
clear cells.
96 H. Onodera

were no significant differences in the frequencies cular junction, where immune cells accumulate.
of the two NK subclasses in the hyperplasic thy- It is necessary to compare the NK cell density in
mus and thymomas compared with the control the neuromuscular junction between patients with
thymus. With their poor proliferative response hyperplasic thymuses and those with thymomas.
and higher cytotoxicity, CD16+CD56dim NK cells Since patients with thymoma are more resistant to
are believed to be more mature than CD16 − treatment than those with hyperplasic thymus, the
CD56bright NK cells. As CD16+CD56dim NK cells disease activity of patients with thymoma may be
have strong antibody-dependent cellular cytotox- modulated by NK cells, particularly when their
icity (Cooper et al. 2001), the present result is conditions are exacerbated by infection.
consistent with a previous one showing that the The pathophysiology of MG with hyperplas-
NK activity in the blood of MG patients was low- tic thymus is becoming clearer and the intrathy-
er than that of controls (Kott et al. 1990). The de- mic antibody production, increased number of ac-
velopment of NK cells occurs outside the thymus tivated dendritic cells, and enhanced production
and NK cells are present in nude mice. of autoreactive T cells can explain why thymecto-
Circulating NK cells survey pathogens and home my has a therapeutic effect in EOMG (Fig. 4).
into such areas as those having inflammation. However, the MG pathomechanism of thymoma-
Thus, the decrease of CD16+CD56dim NK cells in bearing patients remains to be clarified. Altered
the blood of patients with thymoma may reflect intercellular signaling via chemokine receptors
the mobilization of these cells into the neuromus- can explain many immune abnormalities in MG.

Fig. 4. Pathogenic model for myasthenia gravis with hyperplastic thymus. The extraordinarily high lev-
els of CCL21 and the normal levels of CCL19 in the hyperplastic thymus may prevent the emigra-
tion of mature T cells and keep them within the thymus. Furthermore, recirculating T cells can
home to secondary lymphoid organs attracted by CCL21. Thus, peripherally circulating CCR7-
positive T cells (naive and central memory T cells) may also migrate into the hyperplastic thymus,
attracted by the high CCL21 concentration. The thymic myoid cells express acetylcholine receptors
and the higher rate of myoid cell degeneration in the hyperplastic thymus can increase the level of
autoantigens available for dendritic cells. Taken together, T cells in the hyperplastic thymus may
have a higher chance to present antigens of the neuromuscular junction. The increased number of
CXCR5-positive CD4+ T cells may enhance the antibody production by B cells. Altered Th1-type
chemokine signaling via CXCR3 influences the cellular autoimmunity in the neuromuscular junc-
Myasthenia Gravis and Chemokines 97

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