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I. Read the restaurant review and mark sentences 1 to 7 True (T) or False (F).


Charlie’s is a new American restaurant, near the subway on Fifth Avenue. It is open 365
days a year,including Christmas. The prices are very reasonable – that’s probably why it’s
popular with young people and parents with kids. Charlie’s does good hamburgers and
chips, but why are there hardly any salads or vegetables? There is karaoke every evening
from 10.00 pm to 3.00 am. It’s a relaxed and informal restaurant and there are always lots
of customers. Service is very nice, fast and helpful. Go there with all your friends and
have fun but not if you want to stay slim!

Charlie’s restaurant:

1) doesn’t have any music. T / F

2) isn't open everyday. T / F

3) is always full of people. T / F

4) has a healthy menu. T / F

5) is perfect for groups. T / F

6) is quite cheap. T / F

7)doesn't have events T / F

8) has friendly waiters. T / F

9)you can be slim with their food T / F

10)it isn't open on Christmas T/F

II.Fill in the blanks with the Present Simple, Present Continuous or Future:

1.Ted ____________ (take) a shower right now.

2. A: I'm moving house tomorrow.

B: I ______________ (come) and help you.

3. My brother __________________ (have) a daughter and a son.

4. I __________________ (not / solve) some math problems at the moment.

5. My grandfather often _________________ (come) over for dinner at the weekends.

6. We ____________ (have) dinner at a nice restaurant on Saturday

7. What time ________________ (you / wake up) on weekdays?

8. What ________________ (you / do) tomorrow night?

9. I usually ____________ (not / work) on Sundays but today I _______________


10. She _______________ (not / sleep) now, she _______________ (study).

11. How often _________________ (you / review) your lessons?

12. I _________________ (not / go) on holiday this summer.

13. Can you speak slowly please, I ___________________ (not / understand) you.

14. She _________________ (work) as a secretary in a big company.

15. I _____________ (to see) my sister in April.

16. It _______________ (be) usually so humid here in summer time.

17. Don’t forget to take your coat, it ___________________ (be) cold outside.

18. This flower __________________ (smell) so good.

19. That coat over there ___________________ (not / belong) to me.

20. Look at the clouds - it ______________ (to rain) in a few minutes.

III.Complete the sentences with the approprate pronoun or possessive adjective

1. Where is Brian? ........ is in the garden.

2.My name is Pierre. ..... am French.

3. This is Mark”s skateboard. It is ....... .

4.Fiona is in her room.Is Katie with ........?

5.Sara and Lisa are friends. ......... are fourteen.

6. Mary”s coat is on the bed and ....... scarf and gloves are on the table.

7. Helen is my sister. ...... is 17 years old.

8. Look at Jim. Look at.........

9.Is is ..... bag? No. It's my mom'.

10.I have a big family. ..... has 10 members.

IV.Translate into English

1.O vacanta la Paris nu este niciodata completă fără o vizită la Turnul Eiffel.

2.Rochia lui Kate este nouă.

3.Unii oameni cred că orice persoană din California este înaltă, blondă și slabă.

4.Picioarele scaunului sunt lungi si groase.

5.El a fost la film săptămâna trecută.

6.Sper să ai o vacanță minnată sîptîmâna viitoare.

7.Casa pe care o vezi acum este a mea.

8.Ea nu a venit la petrecere seara trecuta.

9.Vremea este foarte plăcută vara, iar noi ne petrecem serile impreuna la restaurant.

10.La Disneyland, distractia nu se termină niciodata. Acesta este locul preferat al copiilor.

11.El își face acum tema. Nu-l suna!

12.Tu poti citi instructiunile daca nu stii sa folosesti acest televizor.

13.Cangurul este un animal cu picioare lungi si puternice.

14.A fost ziua lui Jhon ieri.

15.Oamenii care studiaza in fiecare zi, vor avea succes in viitor.

16.Cartea pe care tu o citesti acum este despre animale salbatice.

17.Dintii lui sunt albi, el se spala de doua ori pe zi, dimineata si seara.

18.Bunica mea are cinci rațe și șase gâște.

19.Șoriceii urăsc pisicile.

20.Ea a muncit ieri la acest proiect.

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