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All Tenses Review Valme’s English Corner

A. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets (Present Simple, Present Continuous,
Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect Simple, Future Will or Future Be
Going to):
1. We __________________________ (already / take) all the exams.
2. Ross and Rachel _______________________________ (have) a baby next month.
3. The experts think that the Sun __________________ (burn) the Earth in the future.
4. While Jenny ______________________ (argue) with David, Steven ____________
(come) home.
5. My friends and I ____________________________ (dance) at the party all night.
6. Every Mondays, Michel _______________________ (practise) tennis with his classmates.
7. __________ you and Karen ___________ (travel) to New York this weekend?
8. Well, I’m not very sure, but I hope we __________________ (get) the flight tickets.
9. Before I ____________ (tell) my parents the truth, they ___________________ (discover) it.
10. Since 1996, Lara Croft _________________________ (star) in a Hollywood film.

B. Complete the sentences with the correct tense:

1. Yesterday, we __________________ (see) Carol at school.
2. My friend and I ______________________________ (study) all afternoon.
3. Tom __________________________ (drive) for two hours.
4. Everyday, I ____________ (go) to school on foot, but today,
my father ____________ (take) me by car.
5. What ________ you ________ (think) about football business?
6. _________ you _________ (lend) me some money, please?
7. In July, we _____________________________ (organise) a tour around Italy.
8. They ___________________________ (just/decide) to watch a film.
9. When _________ she __________ (work) tonight?
10. While Jason _____________ (paint) the walls, he __________________ (fall) down.

C. Complete the sentences with the correct tense:

1. I __________________________________ (study) geography for two years.
2. Last month, she _______________________ (write) a lot of novels.
3. We _______________________________ (not / often / go) to the cinema.
4. _________ you _____________________ (talk) to Jane all day.
5. I think we _________________________ (bring) you the food later.
6. John _____________________ (play) the guitar very well.
7. Tomorrow morning, Susan and I _____________________ (meet) for lunch.
8. When Michel ___________________ (dance) with Rachel, Sarah ________________ (get) angry.
9. At the moment, the leaders _________________________ (celebrate) the victory.
10. Since I _______________ (leave) school, I ______________________ (live) in Dos Hermanas.

D. Complete the sentences with the correct tense:

1. Where ___________ (be) you last night?
2. Mr Green ________________________ (already/speak) to her mother.
3. In 3000, the experts say that the world ___________________ (disappear).
4. What ________ you _______________ (do) in July?
5. This time next year, we __________________________ (finish) our exams.
6. Mary ________________________ (play) tennis from 6 till 8 o’clock.
7. When they ________________ (arrive), they ____________ (find) the man on the floor.
8. I hope we __________________ (pass) all our exams.
9. She ________________________ (look) at the magazines at present.
10. As soon as the alarm clock ____________ (ring), I _________________ (wake) up.

E. Write the correct tense:

1. Last week, it ________ (be) the Holy Week and we _________ (see) many floats in Seville.
All Tenses Review Valme’s English Corner
2. _________ you ever _________ (see) the processions?
3. Yes, my family and I ______________ (usually see) them in my town and in Seville.
4. When Paul _____________ (arrive), we _________________ (wait) for the bus for an hour.
5. What _________ you _________ (do) tomorrow morning?
6. Well, I ____________________ (come) to school.
7. What _________ she _________ (do) at Holy Week?
8. I think she ______________ (go) to the beach last week.
9. We hope the next Holy Week _______________ (not be)
so freezing!
10. What ________ you _________ (travel) next holidays?
I think we ________ (travel) to Paris.

F. Write the correct tenses:

1. The train _____________________ (leave) at six o’clock.
2. We ________________________ (collect) all the stamps yesterday.
3. Susan ______________________ (not / often / go) to the gym.
4. Next summer, I think we ________________________ (travel) to Australia.
5. They _______________________ (not see) her family since Christmas.
6. ___________ you __________ (come) to the cinema with us this Saturday?
7. My friends and I ______________________ (dance) all night.
8. This time next week, all of us ____________________ (study) English.
9. While I _______________ (listen) to the radio, I _________________ (do) these sentences.
10. We ________________ (not be) born in 2000.

G. Fill in the gaps with these tenses.

1. Ruth _______________ (drive) when I ____________ (see) her last night.
2. My sister _________________ (fly) home today. Her flight ___________________ (arrive) in an hour.
3. They ___________________ (walk) for about 10 minutes when they suddenly ____________________ (realise) that the stadium was in
other direction.
4. By the time they ______________ (reach) Tokyo, they __________________ (travel) for 14 hours.
5. I _________________ (break) my leg yesterday. So I _____________________ (not walk) on it for a few weeks.

H. Complete the sentences with a suitable verb and tense:

1. In 2022, __________________________________________ my own house.
2. Yesterday in the evening, ________________________________________ .
3. While Sandra was taking me to the station____________________________ .
4. Everyday, my friends and I _______________________________________ .
5. Becky _________________________________ university three months ago.
6. I’m sure he ___________________________________________________ .
7. Before I talked to Richard, _____________________________________ .
8. Next week, we ______________________________________________ .
9. She _________________________________ meeting John at six on Friday.
10. How long ______________________________________________ English?

I. Fill in the gaps with the correct tense. Read these sentences carefully:
1. I was surfing on the internet when ____________________________
2. ________________________________________ since he was born.
3. I hope ____________________________________________________ .
4. - Why are you calling Rachel? –Because __________________________ .
5. - I’ve got a terrible headache! - Oh!, I __________________________ .
6. When she arrived home, her friends __________________________ .
7. The weatherman says that ___________________________________ .
8. Next weekend, my friends and I _______________________________ .
9. They _________________________________________________all day.
10. In 2003, __________________________________________________ .

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