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( A unit of CavinKare Academy )

(Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to Anna University)
Jayaram Nagar, Chellangkuppam, Cuddalore – 607 003.





1. What is meant by tuned amplifiers? (A/M 2010)

Tuned amplifiers are amplifiers that are designed to reject a certain range
of frequencies below a lower cut off frequency ωL and above a upper cut off
frequency ωH and allows only a narrow band of frequencies.

2. Classify tuned amplifiers.

1.Single tuned amplifier.

2.Double tuned amplifier.
3.Synchronously tuned amplifier.
4.Stagger tuned amplifier.

3. What are the advantages of double tuned amplifier?

 In double tuned amplifiers, the tuning is done both at the primary and
 The double tuned amplifiers provide a wider bandwidth, flatter pass band
and a greater selectivity.

4. Define resonance.

The reactance of the capacitor equals that of the inductor reactance.

i.e ωC. = 1 / ωL.

5. What is Quality factor? or Define Q factor of the capacitor. (Nov 2016)

The ratio of inductive reactance of the coil at resonance to its resistance is

known as quality

factor. Q = XL / R

6. Define gain bandwidth product of a tuned amplifier.

The gain bandwidth(GBW) product is a figure of merit defined in terms of

mid band gain and upper 3-db frequency fh as
GBW = | Aim fh | = gm / 2πc

7. What is the other name for tuned amplifier?

Tuned amplifiers used for amplifying narrow band of frequencies hence it

is also known as “ narrow band amplifier” or “Band pass amplifier”.

8. What is a synchronously tuned amplifier?

When tuned amplifiers are cascaded if all the amplifier stages are identical
and tuned to same frequency fo then it is called as synchronously tuned amplifier.
This results in a increased in gain and reduction in bandwidth.

9. What is meant by neutralization? (N/D 2012)(N/D 2015)

It is the process by which feedback can be cancelled by introducing a

current that is equal in magnitude but 180o out of phase with the feedback signal
at the input of the active device. The two signals will cancel and the effect of
feedback will be eliminated. This technique is termed as neutralization.

10. What is unilateralisation?

It is the phenomenon by which a signal can be transmitted from the input

to the output alone and not viceversa. In an unilateralised amplifier both resistive
and reactive effects are cancelled.

11. What is stagger tuned amplifier? (N/D 2011)

In this configuration one or more tuned amplifiers are cascaded each

amplifier stage is tuned to different frequencies. This results in decreased gain and
increased bandwidth.

12. What is the effect of ‘ Q’ on stability?or what is relation between

bandwidth and quality factor?(M/J 2012)

Higher the value of Q,provides better selectivity, but smaller bandwidth

and larger gain. Hence it provides less stability.

Bandwidth = frequency / quality factor

13. What is the application of tuned amplifiers? (N/D 2007)

The application of tuned amplifiers to obtain a desired frequwnct and

rejecting all other frequency in

(i). Radio and T .V broadcasting as tunning circuit.

(ii). Wireless communication system.

14. What is meant by unloaded and loaded Q of tank circuit. [ APR - 2003]

 unloaded Q is the ratio of stored energy to dissipated energy in a reactor or

 The loaded Q (or) QL of a resonator is determined by how tightly the
resonator is coupled to its terminations.

15. Mention the applications of class ‘c’ tuned amplifier.[APR – 2003]

 One of the most common applications for mixer is in radio receivers. The
mixer is used to convert incoming signal to a lower frequency where it is
easier to obtain the high gain and selectivity required.
 Mixer circuits are used to translate signal frequency to some lower frequency
or to some higher frequency. When it is used to translate signal to lower
frequency it is called down converter. When it is used to translate signal to
higher frequency, it is called up converter.

16. Mention the need for stagger-tuned amplifier.

The double tuned amplifier gives greater 3 db bandwidth having steeper

sides and flat top. But alignment of double tuned amplifier is difficult. To overcome
this problem two single tuned amplifiers are cascaded.

17. What are the advantages of tuned circuit?[ Nov 2016]

 High selectivity
 Smaller collector supply voltage
 Small power gain.

18. Mention the bandwidth of a double tuned amplifier.

Bandwidth(ω2 – ω1) = ωo / Q √ (b2 –1) + 2b

Where, ωo is the resonance frequency in cycle per sec.

Q is the Quality factor of the coil alone.

B is a constant.

19. What is principle of Hazel tine neutralization?

Hazel tine introduced a circuit in which the troublesome effect of the

collector to base capacitance of the transistor was neutralized by introducing a
signal which cancels the signal coupled through the collector to base capacitance.

20. List the performance measure of a tuned amplifier.

 Selection of a desired radio frequency signal.

 Effective quality factor.
 Gain,Bandwidth.

21. What are the characteristics of an ideal tuned amplifier?

 Selects a single radio frequency and amplifiers the same by rejecting all
other frequencies.
 Bandwidth is zero.
 Harmonic distortion is zero.

22. Write down the relationship between bandwidth and effective Q of

a tuned amplifier?

Bandwidth = ωo / Q effective.

23. What are the different methods of coupling? (or) Point out different
methods of coupling the
load to a tuned amplifier.
The different methods of coupling the load to a tuned amplifier are:
 Capacitive coupling.
 Inductive coupling.

24. Why tuned amplifier cannot be used at low frequency?

For low frequencies the size L and C are large. So the circuit will be bulky
and expensive, hence the tuned amplifiers cannot be used at low frequency.

25. What are band pass amplifiers?

Band pass amplifiers are amplifiers circuits which allows a certain range of
frequencies in between two cut off frequencies (f 1,f2) and attenuates all the other
frequencies or rejects all other frequencies.

26. What are the drawbacks of a single tuned amplifier?

 Narrow bandwidth on smaller pass band, which will result in poor production
of the audio signal.
 The sides (and the top) of a gain versus frequency curve are not steeper.

27. The band width of sing tuned amplifier is 20 KHz. If four such stages
are connected in series,
What is its effective bandwidth.[APR/MAY 2015]
Solution :
The bandwidth of ‘n’ number of tuned amplifiers connected in series is,
BW T = BW1
Where, BWT = Total (effective) Bandwidth.
Bw1 = Single tuned amplifier bandwidth.
n = number of stages.

BW for 4 stages i.e n=4


BW T = 20*1000
BW T = 8.60KHZ
28. Draw the small signal model of tuned amplifier. [APR/MAY 2015]

29. What is the effect of Q in resonant circuit? [MAY/JUN 2016]

Consider a circuit where R, L and C are all in parallel. The lower the parallel
resistance, the more effect it will have in damping the circuit and thus the lower
the Q.

30. Draw the ideal and actual response of tuned amplifier? [MAY/JUN

1. Explain the following:[MAY/JUN 2009] [APR/MAY 2012]

(i) Hazeltine neutralization.
(ii) Coil neutralization.

2.(i) Draw a class C tuned amplifier and drive its efficiency.[NOV/DEC

2009, 2016,APR/MAY 2017]
(ii)Describe any one method of neutralization used in tuned amplifier.

3. (i)Draw the single tuned amplifier and explain the frequency response.
[APR/MAY 2013][NOV/DEC 2013,2016,2017,MAY/JUN 2016]
(ii)Describe the expression for its gain and cut off frequency.
(iii) What is meant by synchronous tuning of tuned amplifier?

4. With a circuit, explain the narrow band neutralization technique.

[APR/MAY 2010]

5. Draw the equivalent circuit of capacitance coupled single tuned

amplifier and derive the Expression for bandwidth? [MAY/JUN2007,
APR/MAY 2018]

6. Write short notes on

(i) Stagger tuned amplifier. [NOV/DEC 2017]
(ii)Hazeltineneutralization. [APR/MAY 2107, NOV/DEC 2017,
MAY/JUN 2016]

7. (i) What is the need for neutralization is tuned amplifiers ?[APR/MAY

(ii) Explain the narrow band & broadband neutralization methods

8. Draw the circuit of double tuned amplifier and using equivalent circuit
derive the 3 db bandwidth.[APR/MAY 2010, 2017]
To amplify the selective range of frequencies, the resistive load, R c is
replaced by a tuned circuit. The tuned circuit is capable of amplifying a signal over
a narrow band of frequencies centered at f r. the amplifiers with such . a tuned
circuit as a load are known as tined amplifier.

The above figure shows the tuned parallel LC circuit which resonates
at a particular frequency. The resonant frequency and the impedance of tuned
circuit is given as,

The response of tuned amplifiers is maximum at resonant frequency and it falls

sharply for frequencies below and above the

In the figure 3 dB bandwidth is denoted as B nad 30 dB bandwidth is

denoted as S. the ratio of 30 dB bandwidth (S) to the 3 dB bandwidth (B) is
known as skirt selectivity.

At resonance, inductive and capacitive effects of tuned circuit cancel

each other. As a result, circuit is like resistive and cos φ = 1 i.e. voltage
and current are in phase. For frequencies above resonance circuit is like
capacitive and for frequencies below resonance it is like inductive. Since
tuned circuit is purely resistive at resonance.


The tuned circuit consists of a coil. Practically, coil is not purely

inductive. It consists of few losses and they are represented in the form of
leakage resistance in series with the inductor.

The total loss of the coil is comprised of copper loss, eddy current
loss and hysteresis loss. The copper loss at low frequencies is equivalent
to the d.c. resistance of the coil. Copper loss is inversely proportional to
the frequency.

Therefore, as frequency increase, the copper loss decreases. Eddy

current loss in iron and copper coil are due to currents flowing within the
copper or core cased by induction. The result of eddy currents is a loss due
to heating within the inductors copper or core.

Eddy current losses are directly proportional to the frequency.

Hysteresis loss is proportional to the area enclosed by the hysteresis loop
and to the rate at which this loop is transversed.

It is function of signal level and increases with frequency. Hysteresis

loss is however independent of frequency.

The total loss in the coil or inductor is represented by inductance in

series with leakage resistance of the coil.
Obtain the quality factor for a parallel resonant circuit. Derive the
loaded and unloaded Q.
Quality factor:
Thus in tuned amplifier Q is kept as high as possible to get the
better selectivity.

Such tuned amplifiers are used in communication or broadcast

receivers where it is necessary to amplify only selected band of

Requirements of tuned amplifiers:

The basic requirements of tuned amplifiers are;

 The amplifier should provide selectivity of resonant frequency
over a very narrow band.

 The signal should be amplified equally well at all frequencies in

the selected narrow band.

 The tuned circuit should be so mounted that it can be easily

tuned. If there are more than one circuit to be tuned, there
should be an arrangement to tune all circuit simultaneously.

 The amplifier must provide the simplicity in tuning of the amplifier

components to the desired frequency over a considerable range or
band of frequencies.


2015, APR/MAY 2015,MAY/JUN 2016]

Tuned amplifiers are amplifiers that are designed to reject a certain range
of frequencies below a lower cut off frequency ωL and above a upper cut off
frequency ωH and allows only a narrow band of frequencies.

The output across the tuned circuit is coupled to the next stage through the coupling
capacitor. The tuned circuit is formed by L and C resonates at the frequency of

The admittance of the inductor along with resistor R is given by

The Lp and Rp are in shunt. quality factor of the coil at resonance is given by

Qo = WoL/ R

Figure shows double tuned Rf amplifier in CE configuration.Here volyage developed
across tuned circuit is coupled inductively to another tuned circuit. Both the tuned
circuits are tuned to the same frequency.

The equivalent circuit for double tuned amplifier is given by

The simplified diagram for double tuned amplifier is similar to the single tuned


 In order to obtain the overall gain,several tuned amplifiers can be used in

cascade. The over all voltage gain is the product of voltage gain of the individual
stages.At the same time the high voltage gain is obtained by a narrower
bandwidth than for a single stage amplifer.

 Consider n stages of single tuned amplifier are connected in cascade. The

relative gain of the single tuned amplifier woth respect to gain at resonace
frequency is given by


The double tuned amplifier gives greater 3dB bandwidth having steeper
sides and flat top. But alignment of double tuned amplifier is difficult.

To overcome this problem two single tuned cascaded amplifiers having

certain bandwidth are taken and their resonant frequencies are so adjusted
that they are separated by an amount equal to the bandwidth of each stage.

Since resonant frequencies are displaced or staggered, they are known

as stagger tuned amplifiers.

The advantage of stagger tuned amplifier is to have better flat,

wideband characteristics in contrast with a very sharp, rejective, narrow
band characteristic of synchronously tuned circuits (tuned to same resonant

Fig.3.23 shows the relationship of amplification characteristics of

individual stages in a staggered pair to the overall amplification of the two

Analysis of stagger tuned amplifier:


Stability of tuned amplifier is achieved by neutralization

i) Hazeltine neutralization

ii)Neutrodyne neutralization

 In a tuned RF amplifier the transistor are used at the frequency near to their
unity gain bandwidth. To amplify the narrow band of high frequencies .
 At this frequency interjection capacitor b/w base and collector of transistor
(Cbc)of transistor becomes dominant

 As a reactance of Cbc at Rf is low and its provide feedback path from a collector
to base.
 If some feedback signal reaches the input from output in a positive manner with
proper phase shift then the circuit is unstable, generating its own oscillation.
Amplifier, it was necessary to reduce stage gain to a level that ensures the
circuit stability.
This can be achieved in several ways
i) favering the stability factor of the tuned circuits
ii) loose coupling b/w stages
iii) increase looser element into the element .

 To achieve stability the professor Hazeltine introduced a circuit in which the

troublesome effects of the cbc was neutralised by introducing a signal coupled
through the Cbc .


 This is the neutralization technique employed in tuned RF amplifier to maintain

stability .
 The undesired effect of collector to base capacitance of the transistor is
neutralized by introducing a signal which cancels the signal coupled through the
collector to base capacitance

 This is achieved by a small variable capacitance (C N)is connected from the

bottom of coil to the base of the transistor .It introduce a signal to the base of
the transistor such that it cancels out the signal fed to the base by Cbc
 By properly adjusted Cn exactly neutralized achived.

 Modified version of Hazeltine neutralization called neutrodyneneutralization.

 In a neutrodyne neutralization technique ,Cn is connected to the centre trapped
to the secondary coil.
 Hence it is connected with Vcc which ensures that it is insensitivity to any
variation is supply voltage Vcc .Hence provided higher neutralization for the
tuned amplifier.
 In principle, the circuit functions is the same manner as thehazeltine neutralizing
capacitor does not have the supply voltage across it.


1.Explain the following:(M/J 09) (A/M 2012)
(i)Hazeltine neutralization (8)
(ii) Coil neutralization (8)

2.(i) Draw a class C tuned amplifier and drive its efficiency(8)(N/D 2009),
(ii)Describe any one method of neutralization used in tuned amplifier?(8)

3.(i)Draw the single tuned amplifier and explain the frequency response?(6)(A/M 2013)
(N/D 2013),
(ii)Describe the expression for its gain and cut off frequency (6)
(iii) What is meant by synchronous tuning of tuned amplifier (6)

4. With a circuit, explain the narrow band neutralization technique (6)(A/M 10)

5. With a circuit, explain the band neutralization (16)

6. Draw the equivalent circuit of capacitance coupled single tuned amplifier and derive the
Expression for bandwidth?(16) (M/J 07),

7. Write short notes on

(i) Stagger tuned amplifier?,
(ii)Hazeltine neutralization?,

8. Draw the circuit diagram of a single tuned amplifier and obtained expression for its
gain(16) (N/D 07),

9. (i) What is the need for neutralization is tuned amplifiers ?

(ii) Explain the narrow band & broadband neutralization methods used?,

10. Draw the ckt of double tuned amplifier and using equivalent circuit derive the 3 db bandwidth.
(A/M 2010),


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