00001914-Payment Term Scenario

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Payment term scenario

1.payment term configuration

If the baseline is date is less than 15th - due is on 25th of the same month
else, 25th of next month

2.Our Client wants the Following scenario to be achieved through payment terms in the
30 Days Due Net 20th of the subsequent month
If an invoice gets posted on 01.04.2011- The Invoice should get overdue on 20.05.2011
If an Invoice gets posted on 25.04.2011t the invoice should get posted on 20.06.2011 (20th

3.Posting Date is the Base line date.

- If vendor invoice falls between 1 to 15th of the current month, due date should be 22nd of
the current month.
- If vendor invoice falls between 16 to 31st of the current month, due date should be 22nd of
the next month.

4. I have created Z006 payment term in OBB8.

Term condition is like.......
1. from 1st to 15th of posting date its due date is 21st of this month.
2. from 16th to 31st of posting date its due date is 7th of next month.

5. Please give me the solution for the following issue to create payment terms.
01st to 10th=> Due date 11th
11th to 20th=> Due date 21st
21st to month end=> due date first day of the next month
How many payment terms can we create in this scenario and what is the logic behind this?

6. How to create Terms of payment for the following scenario :

Payment cut off date is 25th of every month
If the document date is 03-Aug-2011 it should falls due on 25-Aug-2011
If the document date is 26-Aug-2011 it should falls due on 25-Sep-2011
7. Could you please let me know how to configure the payment terms under below stated
Document date - 08.01.2010
From the document date 30 days and end of the month of 30th day, from the end of the month
15th day is due date.

8. 50% now
20% 15 days later
10% 30 days later
20% 45 days later
How we map in sap

9. Scenario as follows :
The sales done from 1st of the month to 27 of the month should start calculating the due date
from the 27th of the month +the due days. ( for ex due days is 30)
So when the invoice is raised on 4th of Jan , then the due date should be calculated from 27th
of jan +30 days ... ie. of 27th of Feb
But if the invoice is raised on 28th jan , the due date should start getting calculated from 27 of
Feb plus 30 days ...i.e 27of March

10. Due date

if invoice date is 1st-15th, 25th of following month
if invoice date is 16th-31st, 10th of 2nd following month
Discount Date
if invoice date is 1st-15th, 25th of current month
if invoice date is 16th-31st, 10th of following month
how we mapping in sap

11. Invoices dated from 01.03.08 till 09.03.08 should be paid on 10.04.08.
Invoices dated from 10.03.08 till 31.03.08 should be paid on 10.05.08.

12. Our client requirement is as follows for payment terms. Details are as follows :
1 .If the payment made before 7 days discount is 3%
2. If the payment made before 14 days discount is 2%
3. If the payment made before 1 days discount is 1%
4. Afterword there is no discount.
As per Standard SAP , it is not possible for maintain 1 % discount.
Can you advise me how to come out from this.
13. We have to create a payment term between 25th of the months payment 25th of the next
Example: invoices posted between 26th May to till 25th June should become due on 25th
And 26th June to till 25th July should become due on 25th August
.Can you guide me how to create the payment terms for this particular one.
14. I need to maintain a new payment term say ZT10 for which the Logic is
due date should be calculated from the End of the Month plus 10 days Irrespective of any
document date. This scenario is for some specific Vendors in our client.
Scenario: Say I am posting invoice on Oct 5 th I have to pay the vendor before Nov 10th. That
means Oct 31st ( End of Month ) plus 10 Days = Nov 10th.
10 days due net should be calculated from the end of the month...

15. I want to have an invoice split based on payment term

I want this process for retention. Customer pays 90% of invoice amount and pays the rest
10% after certain period of time.

16. I'm new to creating complex payment term the specific requirement are:
- 30 days end of month
- 60 days end of month
Please find scenario below:
30 days end of month
if the invoice is on 10/2 => payment term should be 31/3
If the invoice is on 25/2 => payment term should be 31/3
60 days end of the month
if the invoice is on 10/2 => payment term should be 30/4
If the invoice is on 25/2 => payment term should be 30/4

17. How to create Payment Terms for this scenario please.

10% advance, 10% against drawing approval, 70% after receipt of material and 10% after
18. From our client we have received new requirement in the Payment Term.
How to maintain Payment Term in SAP for multiple day wise discounts?
It means for an instance Payment Term would be 90 days net and for each day of period
payment there will be applicable of different % rate discount.
Kindly suggest me whether this can be possible to set.
19. I would like to setup a payment term of 7, 14, and 21 days with the following scenario:
The baseline date is 21 of each month, with the following additional criteria:
If the transaction is before 21 of the month, say 20 Jan 2010, then the baseline date is 21 Jan
2010, and first dunning will be on 28 Jan 2010
If the transaction is after 21 of the month, say 22 Jan 2010, then he baseline date is 21 Feb
2010 (yes next month), and first dunning will be on 28 Feb 2010.
How can I set up this kind of payment term?
20. I have a question on payment term setting. Not sure how SAP can handle this scenario.
The payment term is based on GRN received, cut off date on every Sun and payment is due
every Wednesday.
Eg: 3 GRNs received on 8 May (Tue), 10 May (Thurs), 14 May (Mon). Since the cut off day is on
Sun and payment due every Wed, thus GRN for 8 and 10 MAY are due on 16 May. Then the
payment due date for GRN on 14 May will be due on 23 May.
How can SAP handle this?

21. how to create a payment term 20% advance against Performa Invoice and balance after
60days from date of PO.

22. I want to set up a payment term with which is due after 30 days but the discount
percentage is same even after it is due, so for example, if 7% Net 30 Days, so if the invoice is
paid after 30days I still want to take 7 % discount.

23. The baseline date should be document date.

System should add 45 days to the baseline date with a fixed calendar date which is the 30th
of each month.
Billing date: 20/07/09
System should add 45 days => 04/09/09
Then, the fixed calendar date => 30/09/09.
30/09/09 should be the due date for net payment.
How can I make this possible ?

24. can any body help me in the following scenario.

1)the customer has to pay 25%(as down payment) of total invoice amount with in 15 days
from the date of purchase order
2) 15% of amount with in 30 days(1st installment)
3)30% of amount with in 45 days(2nd installment)
4)30% of amount at the time of unloading(Final installment)
the client is NOT ALLOWING ANY DISCOUNTS for customers
we are trying to configure this scenario using TCs OBB8 and OBB9
25. My client requirement. The delivery date in PO: 25-09-2008. If the vendor pays goods
delivery to us after 25-09-2008 he want to deduct 2% on po value as Late Delivery Fees. My
client is asking automation of this scenario. Automatically at that time of GR this entry should
happened based on above requirement.
Where we can do customization for this?

26. I have a requirement that is new payment term creation for the following conditions:
Payment term: Due date at the end of each quarter – March 31, June 30, Sep 30 and Dec 31.
Example: Invoice posted in Jan, Feb and March - the due date is 31st March.
Same way invoice posted in Aril, May and June - the due date is 30th June.
Please advise, how to define this payment term.

27. I have a scenario as below based on the 'payment terms', these discounts are apart from
other discount:
If old bills are cleared within 7 days............3%, 14 days......2%, 21 days.......1% discounts are
how are these can be configured,

28. My Management wants to regulate its cash flows and want to use terms of payment in
such a way that customer invoicing should be due on whole month evenly
Proposed payment plan is that
if invoices are created with 01 to 15th of the month, term of payment should be 40 days due
if invoices are created with 16 to 25th of the month, term of payment should be 30 days due
if invoices are created with 26 to 30th of the month, term of payment should be 25 days due
so according to above scenario, plan should be
Invoice date Payment terms payment due date
9/1/2011 40 10/11/2011
9/15/2011 40 10/25/2011
9/16/2011 30 10/16/2011
9/25/2011 30 10/25/2011
9/26/2011 25 10/21/2011
9/30/2011 25 10/25/2011
Please advice how to cater it through OBB8
29. I have a question on payment terms because my understanding about it is unclear..
I have created a Payment term: Discount = 2%, Fixed date = 7 and Additional months = 1;
And here is its description: Before 7 of the next month 2 % cash discount.
If my understanding is correct, the 2% discount applies before the 7th day of the next month?
If so, the discount will not apply to the 7th day? only the 6th day?
And after the 7th day, it will be net due?

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