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MATRIC NO: 150409056


This is to certify that the content of this report is written and carried out by UMEOKOLI DANIEL
EMEKA with Matric number 150409056 of the department of Physics And Electronics, Adekunle
Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria.

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This report is dedicated to Almighty God for his mercies and faithfulness, his grace and his divine

This report is also dedicated to my loving, caring and kind parent, siblings and the family as a
whole for their support morally, spiritually, financially. I pray may the good God grant you your
heart desires.


Praise, Gratitude and Adoration to Almighty God the most beneficent and merciful who by His

grace and providence sustained my life to complete this seminar report successfully , may He

continue to shower his mercy on me forever.

My special and sincere appreciation goes to my supervisor Dr. Fayose who took time to read my

various write-ups despite his tight schedule of duties as a lecturer. I thank and appreciate him for

his tolerance, pedantic advice and the optimistic degree of inspiration and motivation. God will

continue to increase him intellectually, honourably, financially and make his entire dreams come

true. I really want to express my profound gratitude to my ever caring parent , the best dad in the

world , MRS. &MRS.UMEOKOLI for their guidance and constant supervision as well , provision

in all ramifications I wish you good health and long life and may you reap the fruit of your labour.

Thank you.

Table of Contents




Table of Contents.....................................................................................................5

CHAPTER ONE.................................................................................................7

1.0 Abstract…………………..…………………………………………………….7
1.1 Introduction………………….…………………………………………….…..7-8
1.2 Introduction to Energy…………………………………………………………9

1.3 Forms of Energy……………………………………………………………….9

1.4 Units of Energy………………………………………………………………..10

1.5 Types of Energy……………………………………………………………….10-12

1.6 Conservation of Energy……………………………………………………….12

CHAPTER TWO………………………………….……………………………..13
2.0 Renewable Energy……………………………………………………............13
2.1 Types of Renewable Energy …………………………………………………13-18

2.2 Importance of Renewable Energy………………………………..…………..18-19

2.3 Advantages of Renewable Energy……………………………………………19-21

2.4 Disadvantages of Renewable Energy…………………………………………21-22

2.5 Application of Renewable Energy……………………………………………22-27

CHAPTER THREE.............................................................................................28

3.0 Nonrenewable Energy……………………………………………….……….28

3.1 Type of Non renewable Energy......................................................................28-33

3.2 Advantages of Non renewable Energy...........................................................34

3.3 Disadvantages of Non-renewable Energy......................................................34

3.4 Application of Non-renewable Energy..........................................................35-39

CHAPTER FOUR……………………………………………….……………..40
4.0 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………...40

4.1 References……………………………………………………………………41



The world is fast becoming a global village due to the increasing daily requirement of energy by all
population across the world while the earth in its form cannot change. The need for energy and its
related services to satisfy human social and economic development, welfare and health is
increasing. Returning to renewable to help mitigate climate change is an excellent approach which
needs to be sustainable in order to meet energy demand of future generations. The study reviewed
the opportunities associated with renewable energy sources which include: Energy Security, Energy
Access, Social and Economic development, Climate Change Mitigation, and reduction of
environmental and health impacts. Despite these opportunities, there are challenges that hinder the
sustainability of renewable energy sources and nonrenewable energy sources towards climate
change mitigation. These challenges include Market failures, lack of information, access to raw
materials for future renewable resource deployment, and our daily carbon footprint. The study
suggested some measures and policy recommendations which when considered would help achieve
the goal of renewable energy thus to reduce emissions, mitigate climate change and provide a clean
environment as well as clean energy for all and future generations.


The world is fast becoming a global village due to the increasing daily requirement of
energy by all population across the world while the earth in its form cannot change. The
need for energy and its related services to satisfy human social and economic development,
welfare and health is increasing. All societies call for the services of energy to meet basic
human needs such as: health, lighting, cooking, space comfort, mobility and communication
and serve as generative processes. Securing energy supply and curbing energy contribution
to climate change are the two-over-riding challenges of energy sector on the road to a
sustainable future . It is overwhelming to know in today’s world that 1.4 billion people lack
access to electricity, while 85% of them live in rural areas. As a result of this, the number of
rural communities relying on the traditional use of biomass is projected to rise from 2.7
billion today to 2.8 billion in 2030.

Historically, the first recorded commercial mining of coal occurred in 1,750, near
Richmond, Virginia. Momentarily, coal became the most preferred fuel for steam engines
due to its more energy carrying capacity than corresponding quantities of biomass-based
fuels (firewood and charcoal). It is noteworthy that coal was comparatively cheaper and a
much cleaner fuel as well in the past centuries. The dominance of fossil fuel-based power
generation (Coal, Oil and Gas) and an exponential increase in population for the past
decades have led to a growing demand for energy resulting in global challenges associated

with a rapid growth in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. A significant climate change has
become one of the greatest challenges of the twenty-first century. Its grave impacts may still
be avoided if efforts are made to transform current energy systems.


Energy plays an essential role both in everyday events and in scientific phenomena. You can no
doubt name many forms of energy, from that provided by our foods, to the energy we use to run our
cars, to the sunlight that warms us on the beach. You can also cite examples of what people call
energy that may not be scientific, such as someone having an energetic personality. Not only does
energy have many interesting forms, it is involved in almost all phenomena, and is one of the most
important concepts of physics. What makes it even more important is that the total amount of
energy in the universe is constant. Energy can change forms, but it cannot appear from nothing or
disappear without a trace. Energy is thus one of a handful of physical quantities that we say is


We can define energy as the strength to do any kind of physical activity. Thus, they say, ” Energy is
the ability to do work “. Physical or chemical resources are processed to generate energy which is
further used to provide light or heat for domestic or industrial purposes. We have also heard people
comparing two persons (A & B) and concluding that A has more energy than B. Thus, we can
conclude that different types of energy which can never be created nor destroyed. Energy can only
be transformed from one form to another. (


There are two types of energy:

 Kinetic energy (working)

 Potential energy (static)

There are two forms of energy sources:

 Renewable source of energy

 Non renewable source of energy

Following are the examples of types of energy based on their sources:

Renewable source:

 Solar energy
 Wind energy
 Geothermal energy
 Non-renewable source:
 Natural gas
 Coal
 Petroleum products


The SI unit of energy is Joules (J) which is nothing but a term for Newton-meter. When a certain
amount of force (Newton) is applied to an object and it moved a certain distance (meters), then the
energy applied is said to be Joules (Newton-meters).


There are different forms of energy but the distinction between them is not always clear. As
Richard Feynman, a famous physicist once said, “The notions of potential and kinetic energy
depend on a notion of length scale. For example, one can speak of macroscopic potential and
kinetic energy, which do not include thermal potential and kinetic energy. Also what is called
chemical potential energy is a macroscopic notion, and closer examination shows that it is really the
sum of the potential and kinetic energy on the atomic and subatomic scale. Similar remarks apply to
nuclear “potential” energy and most other forms of energy.” Today we will discuss some important
types of energy and their features:

Kinetic Energy

It is the energy of motion of a body. For example, when a child is swinging on a swing. No matter
in which direction the swing is moving forward or backwards, the value of the kinetic energy will
never be negative. Few examples of Kinetic Energy are: moving ball, flowing water, etc.

Kinetic Energy (K.E) =1/2m×v^2


m = Mass of the object

v = Velocity of the object

Potential Energy

It is the energy of an object’s position. For example: When a child swinging on a swing reaches the
top of the arc, she reaches maximum potential energy. When she reaches the ground, its minimum
(0). Potential Energy can be said as the energy stored in an object and is measured by the amount of
work done. Few examples of Potential Energy are: a pen on a table, water in a lake, etc.

Potential Energy(P.E) =m×g×h


m = Mass of the object (in kilograms)

g = Acceleration due to gravity

h = Height in meters

Mechanical Energy

It results from the movement or the location of an object. It is the sum of kinetic and potential
energy. For example, a moving car has kinetic energy. If you move the car up the hill, it has kinetic
and potential energy. It is the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy that is the energy
associated with the motion & position of an object is known as Mechanical energy. Thus, we can
derive the formula of mechanical energy as:

Mechanical Energy = Kinetic Energy + Potential Energy

Mechanical Energy=1/2m×v^2+m×g×h

Solar Energy

The light and heat from the sun, harnessed using technologies like, solar heating, photovoltaics,
solar thermal energy, solar architecture, and artificial photosynthesis is known as solar energy. It is
the prime source of renewable energy.

Wind Energy

It is one of the various forms of energy. The energy present in the flow of wind, used by wind
turbines is called wind energy. This energy is a major cheap source to produce electricity. In these
phenomena, the kinetic energy of the wind is converted into mechanical power.

Nuclear Energy

The energy present in the nucleus of an atom is known as nuclear energy. The particles of an atom
are tiny and need the energy to hold them. Nuclear energy is that enormous energy in the bonds of
an atom which helps to hold the atom together. Nuclear energy can be used to make electricity.

Geothermal Energy

The energy or heat present inside the Earth is known as geothermal energy. It is a cheap &
convenient heat and power resource and use of this energy don’t have a side effect like greenhouse
gas emission etc.

Tidal Energy

Tidal energy or tidal power is a form of hydropower (energy present in water), which converts the
energy present in the tides to produce electricity.

Biomass Energy

Biomass is organic matter obtained from living organisms. The energy produced from biomass is
called biomass energy.

Electrical Energy

The energy caused by moving electric charges is known as electrical energy. Electric energy is a
type of kinetic energy as the electrical charges moves.

Thermal Energy

As the name suggests, thermal energy is the energy obtained from heat. It is a microscopic,
disordered equivalent of mechanical energy. Thermal or heat energy is the temperature difference
between two systems. For example, a cup of hot coffee has thermal energy. Heat generates and has
thermal energy with respect to the environment. There may be instances where object posses more
than one type of energy. For example, boiling water, posses both kinetic and potential energy along
with heat energy.

Chemical Energy

It generates from chemical reactions between atoms or molecules. For example, chemical energy in
an electrochemical cell or battery.


The law of conservation of energy is one of the basic laws in physics. It governs the microscopic
motion of individual atoms in a chemical reaction. The law of conservation of energy states that “In
a closed system, i.e., a system that isolated from its surroundings, the total energy of the system is
conserved.” According to the law, the total energy in a system is conserved even though the
transformation of energy occurs. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only be
converted from one form to another. (



Renewable energy is any natural resource that can replace itself quickly and dependably.
Renewable energy sources area unit exuberant, property and environmentally
friendly creating them an excellent alternative for USA humans and our planet! Unlike fossil
fuels, renewable energy sources will not ever run out, as they are constantly replenished no
matter how much we use. So whereas provides of fossil fuels like coal and oil can eventually be
depleted, renewable energy sources will always be there. The most common definition is that
renewable energy is from associate energy resource that's replaced apace by a activity like power
generated from the sun or from the wind. Most renewable forms of energy, other than geothermal
and tidal power, ultimately come from the Sun. Some forms are stored solar energy such as rainfall
and wind power which is considered short-term solar-energy storage, whereas the energy in
biomass is accumulated over a period of months, as in straw, or through many years as in wood.
Capturing renewable energy by plants, animals and humans does not permanently deplete the
resource. Fossil fuels, while theoretically renewable on a very long time-scale, are exploited at rates
that may deplete these resources in the near future. Renewable energy resources may be used
directly, or used to create other more convenient forms of energy. Examples of direct use are solar
ovens, geothermal heating, and water- and windmills. Examples of indirect use which require
energy harvesting are electricity generation through wind turbines or photovoltaic cells, or
production of fuels such as ethanol from biomass. (


There are many forms of renewable energy. Most of these renewable energies depend in one
way or another on sunlight. Wind and hydroelectric power are the direct result of
differential heating of the Earth's surface which leads to air moving about (wind) and
precipitation forming as the air is lifted. Solar energy is the direct conversion of sunlight
using panels or collectors. Biomass energy is stored sunlight contained in plants. Other
renewable energies that do not depend on sunlight are geothermal energy, which is a result
of radioactive decay in the crust combined with the original heat of accreting the Earth, and
tidal energy, which is a conversion of gravitational energy. Below are the types of
renewable energy:

 Wind Energy
 Solar Energy
 Biomass
 Hydropower
 Geothermal Energy


The wind is a clean, free, and readily available renewable energy source. Each day, around
the world, wind turbines are capturing the wind’s power and converting it to electricity. This
source of power generation plays an increasingly important role in the way we power our
world. Wind is simply air that is moving. It is produced as different types of land and water
absorb the Sun's energy at different rates. Wind can be used to generate electricity using
wind turbines. Today, people are realizing that wind power "is one of the most promising
new energy sources" that can serve as an alternative to fossil fuel-generated electricity. With
today's technology, wind energy could provide 20% of America's electricity (or about the
amount nuclear power provides) with turbines installed on less than 1% of its land area. And
within that area, less than 5% of the land would be occupied by wind equipment-the
remaining 95% could continue to be used for farming or ranching. By the year 2020, 10
million average American homes may be supplied by wind power, preventing 100 million
metric tons of CO2 emissions every year. Lessening our dependence on fossil fuels is
critical to the health of all living things, and wind energy can do just that. The 3 billion kWh
of electricity produced by America's wind machines annually displace the energy equivalent
of 6.4 million barrels of oil and avoid 1.67 million tons of carbon emissions, as well as
sulfur and nitrogen oxide emissions that cause smog and acid rain. In other words, "more
wind power means less smog, acid rain, and greenhouse gas emissions.


Solar energy is energy produced from the sun. It is a renewable energy, which means it will
never run out. Solar energy can be converted into electricity, or used to heat air, water or
other fluids. Solar energy is heat and light that comes from the sun's rays. This is known as
radiant energy, because the sun radiates (or sends out) a huge amount of this energy every

The Sun is an extremely powerful energy source, and sunlight is by far the largest source of
energy received by Earth, but its intensity at Earth’s surface is actually quite low. This is
essentially because of the enormous radial spreading of radiation from the distant Sun. A
relatively minor additional loss is due to Earth’s atmosphere and clouds, which absorb or
scatter as much as 54 percent of the incoming sunlight. The sunlight that reaches the ground
consists of nearly 50 percent visible light, 45 percent infrared radiation, and smaller
amounts of ultraviolet and other forms of electromagnetic radiation. The Earth receives an
incredible supply of solar energy. The sun, an average star, is a fusion reactor that has been

burning over 4 billion years. It provides enough energy in one minute to supply the world's
energy needs for one year. In one day, it provides more energy than our current population
would consume in 27 years. In fact, "The amount of solar radiation striking the earth over a
three-day period is equivalent to the energy stored in all fossil energy sources." Solar energy
is a free, inexhaustible resource, yet harnessing it is a relatively new idea. The ability to use
solar power for heat was the first discovery. A Swiss scientist, Horace de Saussure, built the
first thermal solar collector in 1767, which was later used to heat water and cook food. The
first commercial patent for a solar water heater went to Clarence Kemp of the US in 1891.
This system was bought by two California executives and installed in one-third of the
homes in Pasadena by 1897.


Biomass is organic matter, anything that is alive or was a short time ago that can be used as
an energy source. Examples of biomass include wood, crops, seaweed and animal waste.
Biomass gets its energy from the Sun and is a renewable energy source. Biomass is anything
that is or once was alive (also known as 'organic matter'). So biomass can be wood from
trees, plants such as crops and seaweed, or animal waste. Biomass is one of the most
plentiful and well-utilized sources of renewable energy in the world. Broadly speaking, it is
organic material produced by the photosynthesis of light. The chemical material (organic
compounds of carbons) is stored and can then be used to generate energy. The most
common biomass used for energy is wood from trees. Wood has been used by humans for
producing energy for heating and cooking for a very long time. Biomass has been converted
by partial-pyrolysis to charcoal for thousands of years. Charcoal, in turn has been used for
forging metals and for light industry for millennia. Both wood and charcoal formed part of
the backbone of the early Industrial Revolution (much northern England, Scotland and
Ireland were deforested to produce charcoal) prior to the discovery of coal for energy. Wood
is still used extensively for energy in both household situations, and in industry, particularly
in the timber, paper and pulp and other forestry-related industries. Woody biomass accounts
for over 10% of the primary energy consumed in Austria, and it accounts for much more of
the primary energy consumed in most of the developing world, primarily for cooking and
space heating. It is used to raise steam, which, in turn, is used as a by-product to generate
electricity. Considerable research and development work is currently underway to develop
smaller gasifies that would produce electricity on a small-scale. For the moment, however,

biomass is used for off-grid electricity generation, but almost exclusively on a large-,


Hydropower comes from the Greek word "hydro", which means "water". The energy in
hydropower comes from the force of moving water. Moving water is a powerful entity
responsible for lighting entire cities, even countries. Thousands of years ago the Greeks
used water wheels, which picked up water in buckets around a wheel. The water's weight
caused the wheel to turn, converting kinetic energy into mechanical energy for grinding
grain and pumping water. In the 1800s the water wheel was often used to power machines
such as timber-cutting saws in European and American factories. More importantly, people
realized that the force of water falling from a height would turn a turbine connected to a
generator to produce electricity. Niagara Falls , a natural waterfall, powered the first
hydroelectric plant in 1879. Man-made waterfalls dams were constructed throughout the
1900s in order to maximize this source of energy. Aside from a plant for electricity
production, a hydropower facility consists of a water reservoir enclosed by a dam whose
gates can open or close depending on how much water is needed to produce a particular
amount of electricity. Once electricity is produced it is transported along huge transmission
lines to an electric utility company. Hydroelectric power is also very efficient and
inexpensive. "Modern hydro turbines can convert as much as 90% of the available energy
into electricity. The best fossil fuel plants are only about 50% efficient. In the US ,
hydropower is produced for an average of 0.7 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh). This is about
one-third the cost of using fossil fuel or nuclear and one-sixth the cost of using natural gas,"
as long as the costs for removing the dam and the silt it traps are not included. Efficiency
could be further increased by refurbishing hydroelectric equipment. An improvement of
only 1% would supply electricity to an additional 300,000 households.


Geothermal energy comes from the heat contained within the Earth. The word 'geothermal'
comes from two Greek words: Geo, meaning earth; and Therme, meaning heat. It can be
used to produce electricity, to heat homes and buildings, and to provide hot water.
Geothermal energy is the only renewable form of thermal energy. The source of geothermal
power is the heat contained inside the Earth; heat so intense that it creates molten magma.
There are a few different types of geothermal energy that can be tapped. "Some geothermal

systems are formed when hot magma near the surface (1,500 to 10,000 meters deep) directly
heats groundwater." The heat generated from these hot spots flows outward toward the
surface, manifesting as volcanoes, geysers, and hot springs . Naturally-occurring hot water
and steam can be tapped by energy conversion technology to generate electricity or to
produce hot water for direct use. "Other geothermal systems are formed even when no
magma is nearby as magma heats rocks which in turn heat deeply-circulating groundwater."
In order to maximize the energy gleaned from these so-called "hot dry rocks," geothermal
facilities will often fracture the hot rocks and pump water into and from them in order to use
the heated water to generate electricity. The concentration of geothermal energy at any
given location must be quite high in order to make heat extraction feasible, and not all
geothermal sites are created equally. Regions that have well-developed geothermal systems
are located in geologically active areas. These regions have continuous, concentrated heat
flow to the surface. The western United States has the best geothermal regions in the
country, while Iceland, New Zealand, the Philippines, and South America, are some of the
more prominent global "hot spots." In Iceland, geothermal energy, caused by the constant
movement of geologic plates coupled with the volcanic nature of the island, is used to heat
95% of all homes. Unfortunately even good geothermal areas are a non-renewable
renewable. "The Geysers," the world's largest geothermal facility, is a working model on
how not to approach a so-called "renewable" geothermal resource. Built in the 1950s on a
steam field in Northern California, the facility was established on the apparent assumption
that geothermal resources were infinite at that location. However, by the late 1980s, steam
decline became noticeable and sustained. Depletion occurred because steam was being
extracted faster than it could be naturally replaced. According to a report by Pacific Gas and
Electric, "because of declining geothermal steam supplies, the Company's geothermal units
at The Geysers Power Plant are forecast to operate at reduced capacities." In response,
"plant operators and steam suppliers continually seek new operating strategies to maximize
future power generation coupled with daily injection of millions of gallons of reclaimed
municipal wastewater." Even though improvements in efficiency and conservation are being
implemented and in 1996 The Geysers was still producing enough electricity to supply the
power demand of a city like San Francisco, it is projected that the steam field will be
defunct in 50 years or so. To prevent this sort of thing from happening elsewhere,
geothermal facilities can use a closed-loop system at all times, or the re-injection of water
back into the system for constant steam generation, as PG&E is now implementing at The

Despite the fact that geothermal energy is abundant renewable, and able to reduce our
dependence on imported fuels, the fact remains that fields of sufficient quality to produce
economic electricity are rare. In addition, many of those that are known are located in
protected wilderness areas that environmentalists want to preserve. Unless research and
technology join forces to "harvest" geothermal power through non-traditional means, such
as deep-crustal drilling or the acquisition of heat from magma, the tapping of geothermal
energy is limited to a handful of locations. (

2.2. Importance of Renewable

 Accessibility

Coal, natural gas and oil reserves are finite and hidden. An unknown and limited amount of
each resource is buried deep underground or under the ocean. As more is harvested, finding
new sources becomes more difficult and more expensive, and exploiting them becomes
more challenging and sometimes dangerous as well. Marginal reserves, such as oil sands,
require the burning of huge amounts of natural gas to refine them into usable oil.

 Reliability, Stability and Safety

The daily price of oil depends on many factors, including political stability in historically
volatile regions. Political strife has caused energy crises, including those that occurred in
1973 and 1979. Renewable energy can be locally produced and therefore is not vulnerable
to distant political upheavals. Many of the safety concerns surrounding fossil fuels, such as
explosions on oil platforms and collapsing coal mines do not exist with renewable energy.

 Pollution

Renewable energy is far cleaner than fossil fuels. Coal mining and petroleum exploration
and refinement produce solid toxic wastes, such as mercury and other heavy metals. The
burning of coal to produce electricity uses large quantities of water often discharges arsenic
and lead into surface waters and releases carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and
mercury into the air . Gasoline and other petroleum products cause similar pollution. These

pollutants cause respiratory illnesses and death in humans, produce acid rain that damages
buildings and destroys fragile ecosystems, and deplete the ozone layer.

 Climate Change

Strong consensus in the scientific community states that climate change and global warming
are occurring and are caused by human production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse
gases. Climate change may also damage agriculture, cause widespread extinctions, imperil
clean water supplies and aid the spread of tropical diseases.


Using renewable energy over fossil fuels has a number of advantages. Here are some of the
top benefits to going green:

 Renewable energy won’t run out

Renewable energy technologies use resources straight from the environment to generate
power. These energy sources include sunshine, wind, tides, and biomass, to name some of
the more popular options. Renewable resources won’t run out, which cannot be said for
many types of fossil fuels – as we use fossil fuel resources, they will be increasingly
difficult to obtain, likely driving up both the cost and environmental impact of extraction.

 Maintenance requirements are lower

In most cases, renewable energy technologies require less overall maintenance than
generators that use traditional fuel sources. This is because generating technology like solar
panels and wind turbines either have few or no moving parts or don’t rely on flammable,
combustible fuel sources to operate. Fewer maintenance requirements translate to more time
and money saved.

 Renewable save money

Using renewable energy can help you save money long term. Not only will you save on
maintenance costs, but on operating costs as well. When you’re using a technology that
generates power from the sun, wind number of factors, including the technology itself. In

most cases, transitioning to renewable energy means anywhere from hundreds to thousands
of dollars in savings. Steam, or natural processes, you don’t have to pay to refuel.

 Renewable energy has numerous health and environmental benefits

Renewable energy generation sources emit little to no greenhouse gases or pollutants into
the air. This means a smaller carbon footprint and an overall positive impact on the natural
environment. During the combustion process, fossil fuels emit high amounts of greenhouse
gases, which have been proven to exacerbate the rise of global temperatures and frequency
of extreme weather events. The use of fossil fuels not only emits greenhouse gases but other
harmful pollutants as well that lead to respiratory and cardiac health issues. With renewable
energy, you’re helping decrease the prevalence of these pollutants and contributing to an
overall healthier atmosphere.

 Renewable energy lower reliance on foreign energy sources

With renewable energy technologies, you can produce energy locally. The more renewable
energy we’re using for our power needs, the less you’ll rely on imported energy, and the
more you’ll contribute to U.S. energy independence as a whole.


Renewable energy has many benefits, but it’s not always sunny when it comes to renewable
energy. Here are some disadvantages to using renewable over traditional fuel sources.

 Higher upfront cost

While you can save money by using renewable energy, the technologies are typically more
expensive upfront than traditional energy generators. To combat this, there are often
financial incentives, such as tax credits and rebates, available to help alleviate your initial
costs of renewable technology.

 Intermittency

Though renewable energy resources are available around the world, many of these resources
aren’t available 24/7, year-round. Some days may be windier than others, the sun doesn’t
shine at night, and droughts may occur for periods of time. There can be unpredictable
weather events that disrupt these technologies. Fossil fuels are not intermittent and can be
turned on or off at any given time.

 Storage capabilities

Because of the intermittency of some renewable energy sources, there’s a high need for
energy storage. While there are storage technologies available today, they can be expensive,
especially for large-scale renewable energy plants. It’s worth noting that energy storage
capacity is growing as the technology progresses, and batteries are becoming more
affordable as time goes on.

 Geographic limitations

The United States has a diverse geography with varying climates, topographies, vegetation,
and more. This creates a beautiful melting pot of landscapes but also means that there is
some geography that is more suitable for renewable technologies than others. For example,
a large farm with open space may be a great place for a residential wind turbine or a solar
energy system, while a townhome in a city covered in shade from taller buildings wouldn’t
be able to reap the benefits of either technology on their property. If your property isn’t
suitable for a personal renewable energy technology, there are other options. If you’re
interested in solar but don’t have a sunny property, you can often still benefit from
renewable energy by purchasing green power or enrolling in a community solar option.

Renewable energy has more benefits than drawbacks. When it comes to renewable energy,
the positives outweigh the negatives. Transitioning to renewable on a personal, corporate, or
governmental level will not only help you save money but also promote a cleaner, healthier
environment for the future.


 Wind Energy
Wind can be harnessed and converted to electricity using man-made structures called
wind turbines.

This electricity can be used for residential and commercial purposes.
How do wind turbines work?
Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy in wind into motion energy which
generates electricity. Here’s how:
 Moving air turns the blades of the wind turbine.
 These blades are connected to a low-speed shaft – when the blades spin, they
turn the shaft.
 The low-speed shaft is connected to a gear box. Inside, a large slow-moving gear
turns a small gear quickly, and the small gear then turns another shaft at high
 The high-speed shaft is connected to a generator. As the shaft turns the
generator, electricity is produced.
 The electric current runs through cables down the turbine tower. It reaches a
transformer that changes the voltage of the current so it can be sent out on
transmission lines.
 Solar energy

Solar power is captured when energy from the sun is converted into electricity, or is used to
heat air, water or other fluids.

Electricity from solar power is used in people's homes, in schools, and to supply power for
equipment such as telecommunications and water pumps. There are two main types of solar
energy technology:

Solar thermal: is when sunlight is turned into thermal energy, or heat. Most solar thermal
systems use solar energy to heat up space or water. An example of this is a solar hot water

Solar photovoltaic (PV): is when sunlight is converted directly into electricity, using
photovoltaic cells. For an example of a PV system, just look up – the solar panels on the
roof of your school are using PV cells to generate electricity right now! Larger solar power
plants that collect the heat from the sun, which is subsequently used to produce steam for
powering a generator

- Solar energy is also harnessed to pump water in remote areas

- Solar cookers

- Solar cars, solar trams, solar buses and even satel- lites are also seen to operate with the
help of solar energy.

- Solar energy can be used to heat residential homes

- Many people use solar energy to heat their water supply and their swimming pools as well

- Recreational vehicles and some boats may also run on solar energy.

- Small gadgets that involve little energy, such as calculators and watches, often use solar

 Biomass

Biomass is very extensive and important. It is used for many types of things such as
cooking, heating homes and buildings and even for electricity sources. It can even be
converted into liquid forms and used as a substitute for automobile fuels.

Burning biomass – such as wood and garbage – produces heat, which can be used in homes,
for cooking, and for industrial purposes.

Burning biomass can also generate electricity. In 'waste-to-energy' plants, organic waste is
burned to provide electricity – by removing the waste products, this also saves on landfill
space. It's a biomass bonus! Biomass can be used to produce a gas called methane, which is
used in stoves and furnaces. Biogas is a gas produced from burning waste products, which
can be used to light homes and cook food. Biomass can also be turned into fuels called
ethanol and biodiesel, which can be used in many types of vehicles\

 Hydropower

Electricity – Hydroelectricity is one of the most important sources of energy in the world.
Hydroelectricity is one of the cheapest and non-polluting sources of power. Though it can
cause ecological damage initially it has better climate compatibility than other major forms
of energy like nuclear, coal, gas and others. Many countries in the Nordic region and South
America are almost completely dependent on hydro power for their energy needs. For some
countries like China and India with massive energy needs, Hydroelectricity is the only
option currently amongst non-global warming energy choices to build in large capacities.

1) Energy Storage – There is 90 GW of Global Pumped Hydro Storage already existing in

the world and with increasing Solar and Wind Energy this Capacity is only going to grow.
The main use of Pumped Hydro Storage is for Grid Energy Storage. Electric Utilities are the
main customers of this Technology using Pumped Hydro Storage for:

a) Load Balancing – Storing Power during Low Usage Periods and Generating Power at
High Usage Periods

b) Accommodation of Intermittent Sources of Energy – Solar Energy and Wind Energy are
growing at a scorching fast rate of 50% and 30% CAGR over the last several years. Larger
share of these forms of renewable energy in the Electricity Mix is driving the growth Grid

c) Reducing Capital Investments as Peak Power plants like Natural Gas Combined Cycle
Plants are much more expensive to run than normal Thermal and Nuclear Energy Plants

2) Agriculture – Hydropower was used in ancient times for producing flour from grain and
was also used for sawing timber and stone, raised water into irrigation canals.

3) Industry – Hydropower was used earlier for some industrial applications such as driving
the bellows in small blast furnaces and for extraction of metal ores in a method known as


Some applications of geothermal energy use the earth's temperatures near the surface, while
others require drilling miles into the earth. There are three main types of geothermal energy

 Direct use and district heating systems

 Electricity generation power plants
 Geothermal heat pumps

Direct use and district heating systems:

Direct use and district heating systems use hot water from springs or reservoirs located near
the surface of the earth. Ancient Roman, Chinese, and Native American cultures used hot
mineral springs for bathing, cooking, and heating. Today, many hot springs are still used for
bathing, and many people believe the hot, mineral-rich waters have natural healing powers.

Map of Unites States indicating ranking of seven states by amount of electricity generation
from geothermal power plants in 2016.

Geothermal energy is also used to heat buildings through district heating systems. Hot water
near the earth's surface is piped directly into buildings for heat. A district heating system
provides heat for most of the buildings in Reykjavik, Iceland.

Industrial applications of geothermal energy include food dehydration, gold mining, and
milk pasteurizing. Dehydration, or the drying of vegetable and fruit products, is the most
common industrial use of geothermal energy.

Electricity generation power plants:

The United States leads the world in the amount of electricity generated with geothermal
energy. Geothermal electricity generation requires water or steam at high temperatures

(300° to 700°F). Geothermal power plants are generally built where geothermal reservoirs
are located, within a mile or two of the earth's surface. In 2017, U.S. geothermal power
plants produced about 16 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh), or 0.4% of total U.S. utility-scale
electricity generation. In 2017, seven states had geothermal power plants.

Geothermal heat pumps:

Geothermal heat pumps use the constant temperatures near the surface of the earth to heat
and cool buildings. Geothermal heat pumps transfer heat from the ground (or water) into
buildings during the winter and reverse the process in the summer.



Non-renewable energy may be a supply of energy which will eventually run out. Most sources of
non-renewable energy square measure fossil fuels, like coal, gas and oil. These natural
resources square measure a serious supply of power for a colossal quantity of industries – but,
there square measure varied downsides to non-renewable energy, together with their negative
environmental impact and the fact they are in limited supply. Non-renewable energy comes from
sources which will run out or won't be replenished in our lifetimes—or even
in several, several lifetimes. Most non-renewable energy sources are fossil fuels: coal, petroleum,
and natural gas. Carbon is the main element in fossil fuels. For this reason, the time period that
fossil fuels formed (about 360-300 million years ago) is called the Carboniferous Period. All fossil
fuels formed in a similar way. Hundreds of millions of years ago, even before the dinosaurs, Earth
had a different landscape. It was covered with wide, shallow seas and swampy forests. Plants,
algae, and plankton grew in these ancient wetlands. They absorbed sunlight and created energy
through photosynthesis. When they died, the organisms drifted to the bottom of the sea or lake.
There was energy stored in the plants and animals when they died. Over time, the dead plants were
crushed under the seabed. Rocks and other sediment piled on top of them, creating high heat and
pressure underground. In this environment, the plant and animal remains eventually turned into
fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and petroleum). Today, there are huge underground pockets (called
reservoirs) of these non-renewable sources of energy all over the world.


 Fossil Fuels

Fossil fuels comes from the organic matter of plants, algae, and cyan bacteria that was
buried, heated, and compressed under high pressure over millions of years. The process
transformed the biomass of those organisms into the three types of fossil fuels: oil, coal, and
natural gas.

 Petroleum (oil)

Thirty seven percent of the world’s energy consumption and 43% of the United States
energy consumption comes from oil. Scientists and policy-makers often discuss the question
of when the world will reach peak oil production, the point at which oil production is at its
greatest and then declines. It is generally thought that peak oil will be reached by the middle
of the 21st Century, although making such estimates is difficult because a lot of variables
must be considered. Currently world reserves are 1.3 trillion barrels, or 45 years left at
current level of production..

Environmental Impacts of Oil Extraction and Refining:

Oil is usually found one to two miles (1.6 – 3.2 km) below the Earth’s surface, whether that
is on land or ocean. Once oil is found and extracted it must be refined, which separates and
prepares the mix of crude oil into the different types for gas, diesel, tar, and asphalt. Oil
refining is one of top sources of air pollution in the United States for volatile organic
hydrocarbons and toxic emissions, and the single largest source of carcinogenic benzene.
When petroleum is burned as gasoline or diesel, or to make electricity or to power boilers
for heat, it produces a number of emissions that have a detrimental effect on the
environment and human health:

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas and a source of climate change. Sulfur dioxide
(SO2) causes acid rain, which damages plants and animals that live in water, and it
increases or causes respiratory illnesses and heart diseases, particularly in vulnerable
populations like children and the elderly. Nitrous oxides (NOx) and Volatile Organic
Carbons (VOCs) contribute to ozone at ground level, which is an irritant and causes damage
to the lungs. Particulate Matter (PM) produces hazy conditions in cities and scenic areas,
and combines with ozone to contribute to asthma and chronic bronchitis, especially in
children and the elderly. Very small, or “fine PM,” is also thought to penetrate the
respiratory system more deeply and cause emphysema and lung cancer. Lead can have
severe health impacts, especially for children. There are other domestic sources of oil that
are being considered as conventional resources and are being depleted. These include tar
sands – deposits of moist sand and clay with 1-2 percent bitumen (thick and heavy
petroleum rich in carbon and poor in hydrogen). These are removed by strip mining (see
section below on coal). Another source is oil shale, which is sedimentary rock filled with
organic matter that can be processed to produce liquid petroleum. Extracted by strip mining
or creating subsurface mines, oil shale can be burned directly like coal or baked in the
presence of hydrogen to extract liquid petroleum. However, the net energy values are low
and they are expensive to extract and process. Both of these resources have severe
environmental impacts due to strip mining, carbon dioxide, methane and other air pollutants
similar to other fossil fuels. As the United States tries to extract more oil from its own
dwindling resources, they are drilling even deeper into the earth and increasing the
environmental risks. The largest United States oil spill to date began in April 2010 when an
explosion occurred on Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig killing 11 employees and spilling nearly
200 million gallons of oil before the resulting leak could be stopped. Wildlife, ecosystems,
and people’s livelihood were adversely affected. A lot of money and huge amounts of

energy were expended on immediate clean-up efforts. The long-term impacts are still not
known. The National Commission on the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore
Drilling was set up to study what went wrong.

The Global Dependence of Transportation on Oil:

Two-thirds of oil consumption is devoted to transportation, providing fuel for cars, trucks,
trains and airplanes. For the United States and most developed societies, transportation is
woven into the fabric of our lives, a necessity as central to daily operations as food or
shelter. The concentration of oil reserves in a few regions or the world makes much of the
world dependent on imported energy for transportation. The rise in the price of oil in the
last decade makes dependence on imported energy for transportation an economic as well as
an energy issue. The United States, for example, now spends upwards of $350 billion
annually on imported oil, a drain of economic resources that could be used to stimulate
growth, create jobs, build infrastructure and promote social advances at home.

 Coal

Unlike oil, coal is a solid. Due to its relatively low cost and abundance, coal is used to
generate about half of the electricity consumed in the United States. Coal is the largest
domestically produced source of energy. Coal production has doubled in the United States
over the last sixty year (Figure 1). Current world reserves are estimated at 826,000 million
tones, with nearly 30% of that in the United States. It is a major fuel resource that the
United States controls domestically. Coal is plentiful and inexpensive, when looking only at
the market cost relative to the cost of other sources of electricity, but its extraction,
transportation, and use produces a multitude of environmental impacts that the market cost
does not truly represent. Coal emits sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and mercury, which have
been linked to acid rain, smog, and health issues. Burning of coal emits higher amounts of
carbon dioxide per unit of energy than the use of oil or natural gas. Coal accounted for 35%
of the total United States emissions of carbon dioxide released into the Earth’s atmosphere
in 2010. Ash generated from combustion contributes to water contamination. Some coal
mining has a negative impact on ecosystems and water quality, and alters landscapes and
scenic views (such as with mountaintop mining).

There are also significant health effects and risks to coal miners and those living in the
vicinity of coal mines. Traditional underground mining is risky to mine workers due to the
risk of entrapment or death. Over the last 15 years, the U.S. Mine Safety and Health
Administration has published the number of mine worker fatalities and it has varied from
18-48 per year. Twenty-nine miners died on April 6, 2010 in an explosion at the Upper Big
Branch coal mine in West Virginia, contributing to the uptick in deaths between 2009 and
2010. In other countries, with less safety regulations, accidents occur more frequently. In
May 2011, for example, three people died and 11 were trapped in a coalmine in Mexico for
several days. There is also risk of getting black lung disease (pneumoconiosis). This is a
disease of the lungs caused by the inhalation of coal dust over a long period of time. It
causes coughing and shortness of breath. If exposure is stopped the outcome is good.
However, the complicated form may cause shortness of breath that gets increasingly worse.

 Natural Gas

Natural gas meets 20% of world energy needs and 25% of United States needs. Natural gas
is mainly composed of methane (CH4) and is a very potent greenhouse gas. There are two
types of natural gas. Biogenic gas is found at shallow depths and arises from anaerobic
decay of organic matter by bacteria, like landfill gas. Thermogenic gas comes from the
compression of organic matter and deep heat underground. They are found with petroleum
in reservoir rocks and with coal deposits and these fossil fuels are extracted together.

Natural gas is released into the atmosphere from coal mines, oil and gas wells, and natural
gas storage tanks, pipelines, and processing plants. These leaks are the source of about 25%
of total U.S. methane emissions, which translates to three percent of total U.S. greenhouse
gas emissions. When natural gas is produced but cannot be captured and transported
economically, it is “flared,” or burned at well sites, which converts it to CO2. This is
considered to be safer and better than releasing methane into the atmosphere because CO2 is
a less potent greenhouse gas than methane.

In the last few years a new reserve of natural gas has been identified: shale resources. The
United States possesses 2,552 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) (72.27 trillion cubic meters) of
potential natural gas resources, with shale resources accounting for 827 Tcf (23.42 tcm). As
natural gas prices increased it has become more economical to extract the gas from shale.
Figure 3 shows the past and forecasted U.S. natural gas production and the various sources.

The current reserves are enough to last about 110 years at the 2009 rate of U.S. consumption
(about 22.8 Tcf per year -645.7 bcm per year).

Natural gas is a preferred fossil fuel when considering its environmental impacts.
Specifically, when burned, much less carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides, and sulfur
dioxide are omitted than from the combustion of coal or oil. It also does not produce ash or
toxic emissions. Natural gas production can result in the production of large volumes of
contaminated water. This water has to be properly handled, stored, and treated so that it
does not pollute land and water supplies.

Extraction of shale gas is more problematic than traditional sources due to a process
nicknamed fracking, or fracturing of wells, since it requires large amounts of water . The
technique uses high-pressure fluids to fracture the normally hard shale deposits and release
gas and oil trapped inside the rock. To promote the flow of gas out of the rock, small
particles of solids are included in the fracturing liquids to lodge in the shale cracks and keep
them open after the liquids are depressurized. The considerable use of water may affect the
availability of water for other uses in some regions and this can affect aquatic habitats. If
mismanaged, hydraulic fracturing fluid can be released by spills, leaks, or various other
exposure pathways. The fluid contains potentially hazardous chemicals such as hydrochloric
acid, glutaraldehyde, petroleum distillate, and ethylene glycol. The risks of fracking have
been highlighted in popular culture in the documentary, Gasland (2010).

The raw gas from a well may contain many other compounds besides the methane that is
being sought, including hydrogen sulfide, a very toxic gas. Natural gas with high
concentrations of hydrogen sulfide is usually flared which produces CO2, carbon monoxide,
sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and many other compounds. Natural gas wells and pipelines
often have engines to run equipment and compressors, which produce additional air
pollutants and noise. (

 Nuclear Power

Nuclear power is energy released from the radioactive decay of elements, such as uranium,
which releases large amounts of energy. Nuclear power plants produce no carbon dioxide
and, therefore, are often considered an alternative fuel (fuels other than fossil fuels).
Currently, world production of electricity from nuclear power is about 19.1 trillion KWh,

with the United States producing and consuming about 22% of that. Nuclear power provides
about 9% of the electricity in the United States

There are environmental challenges with nuclear power. Mining and refining uranium ore
and making reactor fuel demands a lot of energy. Also, nuclear power plants are very
expensive and require large amounts of metal, concrete, and energy to build. The main
environmental challenge for nuclear power is the wastes including uranium mill tailings,
spent (used) reactor fuel, and other radioactive wastes. These materials have long
radioactive half-lives and thus remain a threat to human health for thousands of years. The
half life of a radioactive element is the time it takes for 50% of the material to radioactively
decay. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission regulates the operation of nuclear power
plants and the handling, transportation, storage, and disposal of radioactive materials to
protect human health and the environment.

By volume, the waste produced from mining uranium, called uranium mill tailings, is the
largest waste and contains the radioactive element radium, which decays to produce radon, a
radioactive gas. High-level radioactive waste consists of used nuclear reactor fuel. This fuel
is in a solid form consisting of small fuel pellets in long metal tubes and must be stored and
handled with multiple containment, first cooled by water and later in special outdoor
concrete or steel containers that are cooled by air. There is no long-term storage facility for
this fuel in the United States. (

There are many other regulatory precautions governing permitting, construction, operation,
and decommissioning of nuclear power plants due to risks from an uncontrolled nuclear
reaction. The potential for contamination of air, water and food is high should an
uncontrolled reaction occur. Even when planning for worst-case scenarios, there are always
risks of unexpected events. For example, the March 2011 earthquake and subsequent
tsunami that hit Japan resulted in reactor meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear
Power Station, causing massive damage to the surrounding area.()


 Lots available:
Humans have invested a lot of time, effort and money in to obtaining fossil fuels, so we now
have a ready supply.
 Easier to find:

Fossil fuels can be found all over the world, with many are as already identified as being
rich in these resources.
 Very efficient:
Fossil fuels can generate a lot of energy, even from just a small amount of fuel.
 Simpler to transport:
Fossil fuels can be easily transported, e.g. using underground pipes to move oil and gas.
 Easy setup:
A fossil fuel plant can be set up at any location, as long as there is a large quantity of fuel
to generate power.


 Environmental pollution:
Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide, which is directly linked to global warming–so
fossil fuels are very damaging to the health of our planet.
 Huge amounts of fuel reserves:
To keep power stations working, you need truckloads of fuel. This can make energy
generation very expensive.
 Public health issues:
Because of all their nasty air pollution, burning fossil fuels can lead to lung problems and
asthma attacks in humans.
 They will run out
Once the earth's supplies of fossil fuels have been used up, they can't be renewed (at least
not for several hundred million years), so we won't be able to use them for our rising power
 Oil spills:
The huge tankers transporting oil sometimes crash and spill their contents into the sea and
nearby coast. This is disastrous for the ocean and land, and can be deadly for the animals
that live there.
 Rising costs:
As just a few countries hold a large amount of fossil fuels, fuel prices can rise without
 Health risks to workers:
Mining for coal or drilling for oil can be very dangerous, resulting in a large number of
diseases, injuries and deaths every year.



Coal is something that we might have come across at least once in our lifetime. It is a common
substance used in many homes and even in big industries. That being said, we will be studying
about coal and some of its uses here.

Different Uses of Coal:

Coal is seemingly the cheapest and most essential source of energy. Here is a list of all the major
uses of coal.

 Generating Electricity
 Production of Steel
 Industries
 Gasification and Liquefaction
 Domestic Use

Generating Electricity:

Coal is generally used in thermal power generation which further helps to produce electricity.
Powdered coal is burnt at high temperature which further turns water into steam. This steam is used
to turn turbines at high speed in a strong magnetic field. After this, electricity is finally generated.

Production of Steel:

In the steel industry coal is used indirectly to make steel. What happens here is that coal is baked in
furnaces to form coal coke. Once this is formed, manufacturers use coal coke to smelt iron ore into
iron and make steel. Meanwhile, ammonia gas is usually recovered from coke ovens and this isused
to manufacture nitric acid, ammonia salts and fertilizers. Many industries use coal to manufacture
certain products. Some of the popular industries which make use of coal are the cement industry,
paper and aluminum industry, chemical and pharma industry amongst others. Coal provides
numerous raw materials like benozle, coaltar, sulphate of ammonia, creosote, etc. to chemical
industries. Coal is mostly used as a source of energy in most of the industries

Gasification and Liquefaction:

Coal can be turned into synthetic gas which a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. These
gases are an intermediate product that can be further converted into different products like urea,
methanol, pure hydrogen and more. Coal can also be turned into liquid known as synthetic fuels.

However, these chemicals produced from coal are used primarily to make other products. Besides,
most of the products out there in the market have coal or coal by-products as components. Some of
them include aspirins, solvents, soap, dyes, plastics and fibers which include nylon and rayon.

Specialist Products:

Coal is also an essential ingredient in the production of specialist products such as activated
carbons, carbon fiber and silicon metals.

Domestic Use:

In cold regions and in developing or underdeveloped countries coal is still used as fuel for cooking
and a source of heat. These are some of the top uses of coal.


Petroleum is useful for various purposes .Its main uses are:

 Transportation:

The entire transport system of the world depends upon petroleum. It has revolutionized the entire
transport system be it road, rail, water or air transport. Petrol and diesel are the main sources of
energy for all types of modern transport vehicles.

 Industrial power:

Oil is the major source of industrial power. Diesel and gasoline are used in gas turbines to produce

 Heating and lighting:

Heavier oils are used in central heating plants for shops, offices as well as homes. Oil is also used
to produce electricity for industrial and domestic use. The lighter grades of oil such as ‘kerosene’
are still used for domestic purposes.

 Lubricants:

Lubricants are very useful for all types of machines especially for the machines used in transport
and industries.

All types of lubricants and greases are produced from petroleum. Vehicles of all kinds and the vast
range of sophisticated machinery in use in factories and offices rely on lubri-cants and would grind
to stand still if they were not available.

 Petro-chemical industry:

Both petro-chemical and chemical industries use petroleum by-products as raw material. Petro-
products are used to produce: chemical fertilizer, synthetic fiber, synthetic rubber, nylon, plastics,
pesti-cides and insecticides, perfumes, dyes, paints, carbon black and sulphur, etc.

 Use of by-products:

The crude oil is a mixture of carbon, hydrogen, impurities and few other components. There fining
process separates various fractions of hydrocarbons and several by-products have been produced.

The most important products and by-products are: petrol, paraffin, diesel, gasoil, and petro-
chemical by-products–plastic, detergents, aviation gasoline, neptha, mobil, grease, vaseline, wax,
butadine, asphalt, etc. In fact, nowadays thousands of products are produced by petro-chemical


Natural gas is useful for various purposes .Its main uses are:

 Electric Power Generation:

The electric power industry was the largest consumer of natural gas in the United States during
2013. About 34% of natural gas consumption was used to make electricity.

Of the three fossil fuels used for electric power generation (coal, oil, natural gas), natural gas emits
the least carbon dioxide per unit of energy produced. It emits 30% less carbon dioxide than burning
oil and 45% less carbon dioxide than burning coal. Burning natural gas also releases lower amounts
of nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, particulates and mercury when compared to coal and oil.

As the United States becomes more concerned about climate change, carbon dioxide emissions, and
air quality, the use of natural gas for electricity generation is expected to increase.

 Industrial Uses of Natural Gas:

Natural gas is used in a wide variety of manufacturing processes. About 31% of the 2013
consumption of natural gas in the United States was by industry. Natural gas is used as both a raw
material and as a source of heat.

Natural gas is an ingredient used to make fertilizer, antifreeze, plastics, pharmaceuticals and fabrics.
It is also used to manufacture a wide range of chemicals such as ammonia, methanol, butane,
ethane, propane, and acetic acid.

Many manufacturing processes require heat to melt, dry, bake, or glaze a product. Natural gas is
used as a heat source in making glass, steel, cement, bricks, ceramics, tile, paper, food products and
many other commodities. Natural gas is also used at many industrial facilities for incineration.

 Oil & Gas and Pipeline Industry Use:

Companies that produce and transport natural gas are also consumers. Transporting natural gas
through pipelines requires compression stations to keep the gas pressurized and flowing through the
pipeline. Many of these compression stations use natural gas as a fuel. Many oil refineries use
natural gas for heating and power generation.


The main use of nuclear energy is the production of electrical energy. Nuclear power plants are
responsible for generating electricity. Nuclear fission reactions are generated in the nuclear reactors
of the nuclear power plants. With these reactions, thermal energy is obtained that will be
transformed into mechanical energy and later into electrical energy. However, there are many other

uses in which nuclear energy are used directly or indirectly. Working with different isotopes of the
same element, you can use nuclear technology for other uses in various fields:

 Generation of electricity:

The most important and known use of nuclear energy is the generation of electricity. After the
Second World War, the main use that was given to nuclear energy was the generation of electric
power. Nuclear power plants are the facilities responsible for converting the nuclear energy
contained in the uranium atoms into electricity. The process to obtain this conversion is the result of
a thermodynamic and mechanical process. At first, the nuclear reactor generates nuclear fission
reactions that emit a large amount of thermal energy. With all this heat energy, steam is obtained at
high pressure. The steam, thanks to its high pressure, drives the steam turbines of the plant. In this
way, mechanical energy is obtained, energy of rotation of an axis. Finally, the electric generator
will convert the kinetic energy of the axis into electrical energy.

 Industrial uses of nuclear technology:

Nuclear technology acquires great importance in the industrial sector, specifically it is used in the
development and improvement of processes, for measurements, automation and quality control.

It is used as a prerequisite for the complete automation of high-speed production lines, and is
applied to process research, mixing, maintenance and the study of wear and corrosion of facilities
and machinery. Nuclear technology is also used in the manufacture of plastics and in the
sterilization of single-use products.

Military uses nuclear weapons:

Nautilus nuclear submarine a weapon is an instrument used to attack or defend itself. Nuclear
weapons are those weapons that use nuclear technology.

The origin of the development of nuclear energy occurred during the Second World War with
waraims. At the suggestion of Albert Einstein, the US president initiated what would be called the
Manhatan Project to develop the atomic bomb that would later be launched in Hiroshima and
Nagasaky. Depending on the role of nuclear technology in the weapon, there are two types of
nuclear weapons:

o Nuclear weapons that use nuclear energy to explode, as would be the case with the atomic
o Applications that use nuclear technology to propel themselves. This second category
includes cruises, aircraft carriers, and submarines.

 Nuclear medicine:

One in three patients, who go to a hospital in an industrialized country, receives the benefits of
some type of nuclear medicine procedure. Radio pharmaceuticals are used, techniques such as radio

therapy for the treatment of malignant tumors, teletherapy for oncological treatment or radiological
biology to sterilize medical products.

 Uses in agriculture of nuclear technology:

The application of isotopes to agriculture has allowed increasing the agricultural production of the
less developed countries. Nuclear technology is very useful in the control of insect pests, in the
maximum use of water resources, in the improvement of crop varieties or in the establishment of
the necessary conditions to optimize the effectiveness of fertilizers and water..

 Uses of nuclear technology to food:

As for food, nuclear techniques play a fundamental role in food preservation. The use of isotopes
allows to considerably increasing the conservation of food. At present, more than 35 countries
allow their radiation of some foods.

 Environmental uses of nuclear technology:

The use of isotopes allows determining the exact amounts of contaminating substances and places
where they occur as well as their causes.

In addition, treatment with electron beams reduces the environmental and health consequences of
the large-scale use of fossil fuels, and contributes more effectively than other techniques to solve
problems such as "the green house effect" and acid rain.



It is obvious that there's want for Federal Republic of Nigeria to explore various supply of
energy particularly to achieve dead set the those that don't have access to electricity and other
modern energy services. It is additionally established that renewable energy and
energy potency are 2 elements that ought to go along to attain property development. The need
to conserve this energy generated within the country mistreatment energy potency product and
practices is crucial for property development. It is recommended therefore that the country

•Develop policies on energy efficiency and integrate them into current energy policies
•Promote energy efficiency products and practices at the side of end-users and energy generation

•Create awareness on renewable energy, nonrenewable energy and energy efficiency

•Establish agency to promote the use of energy efficiency products and ensure energy efficiency

•Develop and imbibe energy efficiency technologies

•Develop appropriate drivers for the implementation of energy efficiency policy




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10. America's Climate Choices: Panelon Advancing the Science of Climate Change; National
Research Council (2010). Advancing the Science of Climate Change. Washington, D.C.: The
National Academies Press.ISBN0-309-14588-0.


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