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6108/2019 ‘Theory | Paper 3 -USE OF ENGLISH | Material del curso HIENGLISH201 3x | ecX eax Curso > Course.. > Paper... >» Theory El acceso de auditoria vence el Ago 20, 2019 Perderds el acceso a este curso, incluido tu progreso, el Ago 20, 2019. Opta por el certificado verificado antes del Ago 13, 2019 para obtener acceso ilimitado al curso mientras esté disponible en nuestro sitio. Opta ahora Theory Conditional sentences Video Inicio de la transcripcién. Saltar al final. Course unit 9 Use of English. Conditional senter oo Hello! We're going to talk a little bit about grammar and we're going to refer to conditional sentences. Conditional sentences describe different situations which can be real, likely, unreal or imaginary. They're composed of a main clause hitpsseourses. ec org/courses/couree-v1:UPValenciaX+HIENGLISH201 2x+172018/coursewara/16122ee9908246e(96d9c720bc7E2686/a2C140a00... 5 6082019 ‘Theory | Paper 3 -USE OF ENGLISH | Material del curso HIENGLISH201 3x | ecX and a conditional clause using one of these words, for ~ > 5x 0 x Grammar Conditional sentences Conditional sentences are used to describe different kinds of situations, which can be real, likely, unreal and imaginary. They contain a main clause and a conditional clause, which is normally introduced by some of the following words: IF / WHETHER / PROVIDED / AS LONG AS /... UNLESS (IF NOT)... (Have a look at some examples at the end of this section) Pay attention to the way we use commas in conditional sentences. If the conditional clause comes before the main clause, a comma is needed. It is not required when the condition is expressed after the main clause. You will see some examples below. Zero Conditional: It is used in situations which are always true or which always happen when a condition is fulfilled. It is usually related with everyday situations or scientific facts IF .., simple present, simple present. or ... Simple present IF simple present. (no comma) - If you boil water, it turns into steam. ~ She gets an allergy if she eats tropical fruit. IF and WHEN. In zero conditional sentences we use both of them with a very slight variation in meaning. - When my girlfriend has a day off from work, we normally go hiking. -When I hear anyone talking about surgery, | always feel very dizzy. hitpsseourses. ec org/courses/couree-v1:UPValenciaX+HIENGLISH20 2x+172018/coursewara/16122ee9908246e(96d9c720bc7E2686/AaIC140a00... 2/5 osina2019 Theor | Paper3 - USE OF ENGLISH | Matar del curso HIENGLISH2O1.9 | 26K Zero conditionals are also used when giving instructions. Take a look at the following examples: - If it rains, bring me my raincoat. - Ifyou leave early, give mea lift First Conditional: it is used to describe a situation which is real or likely or when the result of a condition is probable in the future. IF ... present simple, Will / will not (won't) + infinitive without "to". - My sister will be really happy if you give her those shoes as a present. - If Peter comes tomorrow afternoon, welll go to the footballl match. It can also be used when warning, promising or threatening. - Ifyou don't finish your meal, you won't play with your cousins when they arrive. - Ifyou don't do your homework, you will have to spend the whole afternoon at home. Modal verbs can also be used in this first conditional type: - If you arrive earlier, we might have time to meet. Second Conditional: It is used to describe an unreal or imaginary situation in the present or in the future. It is possible but very unlikely that the condition is finally fulfilled, IF ... past simple, would + infinitive without "to". - If | knew more details about the wedding, | would (or "I'd") tell them to you. - If | were rich, | would move to the most luxurious area in town. WATCH OUT! Both of these forms, "was" and “were”, can be used after the subject pronouns | / SHE / HE / IT when expressing a second conditional. However, "was" is more common in spoken English. This conditional is also used when giving some advice: titpsseourses. ec. org/courses/course-v1:UPValenciaX+HIENGLISH201 2x+172018/coursewara/16122ee9908246e(96d9c720bc7E2686/AaIC140a00... 315 6/08/2019 ‘Theory | Paper 3 -USE OF ENGLISH | Material del curso HIENGLISH201 3x | ecX - If | were you, | would try to do whatever is possible to change this awful situation. See how modal verbs are used when expressing second conditionals: - If you found an alternative plan, | might go out with you tonight. - If she was taller, she could be a model. Third conditional: They are used to express imaginary situations in the past, they are not possible any more. IF ... past perfect, would/might/could have + past participle. - If she had known you were on campus, she would have come to see you. - If he had studied more, he wouldn't have failed such an easy exam. Mixed conditionals: Notice the way these conditionals are used. They are a combination of the second and third conditional and are very common in English to express an imaginary past event and the result in the present. - If | hadn't spent so much money, | wouldn't fee! so bad now. Examples with other words/idioms used to express condition: + UNLESS (it has a negative meaning) > Unless you stop shouting, I'll leave / If you don’t stop shouting, I'l leave. * AS LONG AS > As long as you are my friend, I'll always be by your side, * PROVIDED/ PROVIDING THAT > Provided/providing that it does not rain, China is trying to find an alterative solution. * ON CONDITION THAT > My father told me he would help me with my essay on condition that | washed his car. * NO MATTER HOW/WHAT/WHERE > No matter how hard you try, you will never find your Christmas present. * Imperative: Get me a coffee, AND I'll pay you later. Saber Mas Sobre Certificados titpseourses. ec org/courses/couree-v1:UPValenciaX+HIENGLISH20 2x+172018/coursewara/16122ee9908246e(96d9c720bc7E2686/AaIC140a00... 415 6108/2019 ‘Theory | Paper 3 -USE OF ENGLISH | Material del curso HIENGLISH201 3x | ecX | Verificados fotos los Derechos Reservados titpsscourses. ec org/courses/course-v1:UPValenciaX+HIENGLISH20 2x+172018/coursewara/16122ee9908246e(96d9c720bc7E2686/AaIC140a00... SIS

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