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DAY 20: (July 15, 2019, Monday)

I arrived at the office at exactly 7:50 a.m. I immediately grabbed the specimen signature cards for the
task I left unfinished on recent Saturday. When the buzzer started to ring, indicating for the start of the
prayer and reciting of LBP Vision and Mission. Afterwards, the employees greeted each other and we
also greeted them a good morning. A fresh start of the day. We went upstairs and started to work with
our assigned tasks. I continued (1) Arranging the Specimen Signature Cards according to account
numbers and segregating the same as requested by Ma'am Siony. My co-intern requested me to
exchange our work for the meantime, so, I did his work (2) Counting the number of logs in ACRUF
transactions such as request/release/replacements of cards, reactivation, force pin, change account
details, etc. The task was a bit confusing because you really have to focus counting to count it

I have also done the usual tasks such as (3) Calling a particular agency for the new UMID cards updates,
(4) Using the fax machine to call an agency and send a document and confirming if received the same,
(5) Printing the needed documents.

Though I did few things today because I took a lot of time working with the specimen signature cards
task given to me by Ma'am Siony, I still went home very tired because the mentioned task really made
me dizzy. And that ends my today's story. To God Be All the Glory!

DAY 21: (July 16, 2019, Tuesday)

Before the start of the prayer and reciting of Vision and Mission of LBP, I immediately started my tasks
when I arrived at Land Bank - Borongan. I was tasked again in (1) Arranging the SIGCARDS according to
account numbers and segregating it in a tray as requested by Ma'am Siony. Ma'am Sheinna also gave me
a task by (2) Calling a particular customer to inform him/her the problem regarding his/her form of the
EMV in updating and claiming new UMID cards.

I was assigned again at the New Account Section. I did the following tasks there: (3) Processing in
withdrawal transactions, (4) Processing the requirements for claiming new UMID cards, (5) Processing
transactions regarding card unlocking, and (6) Recording the transaction in a particular logbook.
After doing all my tasks at the New Account Section, I helped my co-intern (7) Posting the stickers
containing property numbers, name of supplies or equipment and date of acquisition in its specified
supplies or equipment. After that, I was busy again (8) Labeling the drawers containing specimen
signature cards as requested by Ma'am Joy.

Hours after banking hour, the employees invited us to have a snack. Even though we have been at Land
Bank - Borongan for many days already, we were still shy when it comes to that. As our payment for
having the snack, we voluntarily washed the dishes. They told us to never do the thing but we insisted.

That was all for today! To God Be All the Glory!

DAY 22: (July 17, 2019, Wednesday)

In the morning, Ma'am Wyndel, the Branch CASA Bookkeeper, requested me in (1) Encoding the
information in preparing the Disbursement Orders, printing the said documents and handing it to a
particular employees for verification and signing. She also gave a task to me of (2) Scanning documents
such as Inter-Office Advice, etc and sending it thru mail and calling the agency for receipt and

At the New Account Section, I was tasked in (3) Assisting a client in opening accounts by preparing the
necessary documents and requiring a client to fill up the forms and recording the transaction on a
specified logbook. Also, I did (4) Processing of different transactions at the said section such as ATM
problems and request of certificates. I was tasked by Ma'am Jen in (5) Assisting a client at the ATM

Those were only the tasks I have done today. To God Be All the Glory!

DAY 23: (July 18, 2019, Thursday)

When I arrived at Land Bank - Borongan, the employees who already knew that today was my birthday
greeted me and said jokingly about foods. I thanked them and just laughed about those mentioned
foods because I cannot afford those and even if afford, cannot accommodate all of them.
After that, I was busy again (1) Inserting the specimen signature cards to the specified tray given to me
by Ma'am Siony, the Branch Service Officer, (2) Preparing the compilation folders for the documents and
filing it to the proper folders as requested by Ma'am Joy, the Branch Verifier, (3) Handing documents for
signing and presenting it to the client, (4) Sending documents via fax machine and confirming if received
by calling the agency. (5) Recording the documents received such as Sealed envelope containing
Mastercard and Confidential Letters, MDS Commercial Checks, and Request for EMV-Enabled Card of a
particular client and handing the Incoming Logbook to a particular employee assigned to sign up the
logbook for receipt of the documents, (6) Photocopying the Certificate of Appearance as requested by
the guards because they were the one who gave it to clients requesting to have it, and (7) Filing the
documents to specified folders as requested by Sir Chris, the Branch Manager.

Minutes after the banking hour, one of the employees told us to go also downstairs because they were
going to have a meeting about the upcoming audit week. To my surprise, they sang a birthday song and
prepared a birthday cake for me. I was full of shyness because they really made an effort for this kind of
event. I was really touched that even though they were bombarded with so many works, still they have
time to celebrate someone's special day. I was overwhelmed and secretly got emotional with that thing.

Those things made my day at Land Bank - Borongan. It was such a great blessing to celebrate an intern's
birthday at Land Bank - Borongan. To God Be All the Glory!

DAY 24: (July 19, 2019, Friday)

This day, we only had our half day at Land Bank - Borongan for the reason that, in the afternoon, we
went to school to follow up the requirements for enrollment. We asked permission first to the
employees of Land Bank - Borongan before we left for school. They permitted us considering that it was
an extension to the intership duration.

I arrived at Land Bank - Borongan very early because I have a task to do that needed much time so I
immediately got myself busy. As requested by the Branch Service Officer, Ma'am Siony, she gave me task
of (1) Inserting the Specimen Signature Cards to appropriate location and (2) Labeling the same to
indicate the range of account numbers to easily locate and insert the SSCs. Actually, I took a lot of time
working on that because there were many SSCs forms and files but then I finished those before noon.
Also, I accomplished today tasks like (3) Processing the transactions regarding applying for new accounts
such as ATM Savings Account - Regular or Payroll and taking the necessary actions mandated to me by
the employees assigned at the New Account Section, (4) Entertaining transactions for withdrawals, for
updating new UMID cards, for ATM or UMID cards balancing of accounts, for ATM concerns such as PIN
change, blocking of ATM, for requesting of Bank Deposit Certificate, Certificate of Appearance, etc. I also
(5) Assist a client in the Automated Teller Machine regarding his concern about his account. Lastly, I also
accomplished usual tasks such as (6) Answering and making phone calls, (7) Sending documents thru fax
machine and confirming for receip and receiving documents thru also fax machine, (8) Photocopying
forms, documents, IDs, etc. as requested by the different employees, (9) Scanning of documents to be
sent to a particular agency thru yahoo mail or iNotes, and (10) Printing of different documents.

That was all for my today's happenings at Land Bank - Borongan. Although we only had a half day, I
accomplished many tasks and learned so much. To God Be All the Glory!

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