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Chapter 13.

Loading an Enterprise-Specific MIB

Internet standard MIBs are supported by all devices that support SNMP. The
standard MIB objects definition, MIB-2, enables you to monitor and control SNMP
Vendors can also define enterprise-specific MIBs for controlling their own
devices. By loading a MIB description file containing one of these
enterprise-specific MIBs on to an SNMP manager, you can control these devices.
13.1 OS/400 and IBM Enterprise MIBs
IBM enterprise MIB modules supported by OS/400 are shipped with OS/400.
Each MIB module is contained in a member of the physical file QANMMIB in
library QSYS. See Figure 160.
_ _ Work with Members Using PDM RALYAS4B
File . . . . . . QANMMIB
Library . . . . QSYS Position to . . . . .
Type options, press Enter.
2=Edit 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=Display 6=Print 7=Rename
8=Display description 9=Save 13=Change text 14=Compile 15=Create module
Opt Member Type Text
Parameters or command
===> Bottom
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F6=Create
F9=Retrieve F10=Command entry F23=More options F24=More keys __
Figure 160. OS/400 Supplied MIB Modules in File QSYS/QANMMIB
If we select option 5 (display) against member IBMAPPN, the MIB module source
code shown in Figure 161 on page 220 will be displayed.
Note: The MIB source file members marked by _1_ are not available in V3R1 or
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 219
This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
_ _ SEU==>
FMT ** ...+... 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ..
*************** Beginning of data ***************data *******************
0002.00 -- Note:
0003.00 -- This text file contains ASN.1 source describing MIB objects for SNMP.
0004.00 -- The enterprise MIB described is subject to change in a future
0005.00 -- release, and support for any object described in this MIB may be
0006.00 -- removed in a future release, as standard MIBs in the management domain
0007.00 -- described by this MIB become defined and published as Internet RFCs.
0011.00 IMPORTS
0013.00 enterprises, Counter, IpAddress,
0014.00 Gauge, TimeTicks
0015.00 FROM RFC1155-SMI
F19=Left F20=Right F21=System command command
F24=More keys _ _
Figure 161. IBMAPPN MIB Source Code
This chapter explains how to load one of these enterprise MIB modules on to an
SNMP manager (NetView for OS/2 in this example). We will then use it to
browse information on the AS/400.
The procedures and commands used in the following examples are specific to
NetView for OS/2. Other platforms will almost certainly use slightly different
13.2 Transferring the MIB Module to the Manager
To transfer the MIB module to the PC running NetView for OS/2 we will be using
the TCP/IP File Transfer Protocol (FTP). In this example we will be transferring
the MIB module IBMAPPN.
At present we can use the MIB Browser to go down the MIB tree to the MIB
object ibmappn. However, it is not possible to go any further down the tree into
the more granular objects and variables without the framework that the MIB will
provide for the manager.
The MIB object ibmappn is reached via the following route:
1. private
2. enterprises
3. ibm
4. ibmProd
5. ibm6611
6. ibmappn
Clicking on the ibmappn MIB object will not reveal any lower level MIB objects
unless the ibmappn enterprise MIB is loaded.
220 Introduction to IBM AS/400 SNMP Support
This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
13.2.1 Transferring a MIB Module Using FTP
Open an OS/2 window on your PC, then enter the following command:
ftp IP_address
Here the IP_address is the internet address of the AS/400 (in this example it is See Figure 162.
Figure 162. Connecting to the AS/400 Using FTP
Enter your AS/400 user ID and password at the prompt. You should then receive
confirmation that you have started an FTP connection and be presented with an
FTP command prompt. At the FTP command prompt enter the following
This should change your current library to QSYS on the AS/400. See Figure 163
on page 222.
Chapter 13. Loading an Enterprise-Specific MIB 221

Figure 163. Change Current Library to QSYS on the AS/400

Next, enter the following command:
get qanmmib.ibmappn d:\anv2\snmp_mib\ibmappn

See Figure 164.

Figure 164. Transferring the MIB Using the FTP GET Command
This should copy the AS/400 member IBMAPPN from file QANMMIB in library
QSYS to directory SNMP_MIB on the PC. Check that this directory is reached
via the same path on your PC.
You should receive a message that the data has been transferred successfully.
See Figure 165 on page 223.
222 Introduction to IBM AS/400 SNMP Support
This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
Figure 165. MIB Successfully Transferred
You can use a PC text editor to check if the file you received is the same as the
AS/400 file member you displayed earlier in Figure 161 on page 220.
Figure 166 shows the file we received on our PC viewed using a PC text editor.

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