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7/21/2019 Sea-Tel Onboard Personnel Training DAC-2202 Legacy Rev1.


Onboard Personnel

Training Manual
Richard Pimentel

This document is intended for MTN customers only. This document will provide the user with a
basic knowledge of MTN’s VSAT system and functionality. This document is to be provided only
after training on the VSAT system has been provided by an MTN representative.

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On-Board Personnel Training - Sea-Tel DAC-2202 / Legacy

Table of Contents

Abbreviations & Terminology ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Satellite Principles/ Theory ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

iDirect Hub – Remote Basics . ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

. 11

All BDE Component Identification & Functions:

Sea-Tel Digital Antenna Controller(s) (DAC) . …………………………………………………………………………


Terminal Mounting Strip .………………………………………………………………………………………………

13 ~14

MUX plate (RF Modems) ………………………………………………………………………………………………

iDirect Netmodem ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
..… 15

Spectrum Analyzer/ RSA ………………………………………………………………………………………………

.…… 16

Cisco Router ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

.….. 16~17

Cisco Switch ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

.….….. 17

Laptop ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
..…….. 18

Uninterruptable Power Supply ……………………………………………………………………………………

..….. 18~19

NMEA Buffer ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

..……… 19

DAC Menu Navigation and Functionality ……………………………………………………………………….…………

..…. 21~29

Setting and Identifying Blockage Zones (as seen from DAC, and in ADE) ………………………
...……… 62

Targeting a Satellite ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Performing a Satellite Cutover …………………………………………………………………………………………………


Setting Threshold ………………………………………………………………………………………………………


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Setting Satellite Elevation & Azimuth Trims ……………………………………………………


Up/ Downloading of Options File

Saving Current options file to Laptop ……………………………………………………………………………………


Loading options file to iDirect Netmodem ………………………………………………………………………………


All ADE Components Identification & Functions:

a. PCU …………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………

b. GPS …………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………

c. Level Cage ………..……………………………………………………………………………………………


d. Level cage motor ..……………………………………………………………………………………………


e. Axes Motors ..…..………………………………………………………………………………………………


f. Servo Amplifiers .………………………………………………………………………………………………


g. Home flag switch ………………………………………………………………………………………………


h. Azimuth Encoder ………………………………………………………………………………………………

. 41

i. Circuit breaker …..………………………………………………………………………………………………


j. Power ring …..…………………………………………………………………………………………..……


k. Rotary Joint ....…………………………………………………………………………………………………


l. LNB……………...………………………………………………………………………………………………

m. Feed Assembly …..……………………………………………………………………………………………


n. Pol Motor …..…………………………………………………………………………………………………


o. Pol Potentiometer ……..…………………………………………………………………………………….


p. BUC …..……………………………………………………………….…………………………………………

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q. BUC Power Supply (if applicable) …..…………………..…………………………………………….……


r. Antenna Power supply .………………………………………………………………………………………


s. Waveguide …..……………….…………………………………………………………………………………

t. ADE RF Modems ………………………………………………………………………………………………


u. Polang Relay Assy. ……………………………………………………………………………………………


2.4m & 1 ~1.5m Antenna Components Photos ……..………………………………………………………………………..


Antenna Initialization & 3 Axes Movement ….………………………………………………………………………….……


Tx/ Rx Signal Flow …..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………


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Abbreviations/ Terminology

AC- Alternating Current •
LEO- Low Earth Orbit •
SCPC- Single Channel Per

ACU- Antenna Control Unit •
LES- Land Earth Station Carrier

BUC- Block Up-Converter LHCP- Left-hand Circular SNR- Signal to Noise Ratio
• •

CCW- Counter Clock Wise
Polarization •
SSPA- Solid State Power

CONUS- Continental United

LO- Local Oscillator Amplifier

Co-Pol – Co Polarization

Long- Longitude •
TCP/IP- Transmission Cont

Cross-Pol – Cross Polarization •
LNA- Low Noise Amplifier Protocol/ Internet Protocol

CW- Clock Wise •
LNB- Low Noise Block (down- •
TDM- Time Division

DAC- Digital Antenna converter) Multiplexing
Controller TDMA- Time Division Mul

MEO- Medium Earth Orbit •

DC- Direct Current •
MES- Mobile Earth Station Access

Directnet- Nomenclature for
MTN network configuration

NetModem- iDirect satellite •
TWTA- Traveling Wave Tub
using iDirect application modem Amplifier

DRAM- Dynamic Random •
NMS- Network Management •
TX- Transmit chain or signa
Access Memory Server •
V- Vertical Polarization

EPS- External Power Supply •
NOC- Network Operations •
VLAN- Virtual Local Area

ES- Earth Station
Center Network

Freq- Frequency •
OMT- Orthomode Transducer •
V-Sat – Very Small Apertur

FSD- Frame Start Delay

GPS- Global Positioning

PCU- Pedestal Control Unit Terminal

PLL- Phase Lock Looped

GEO- Geosynchronous Orbit • POL- Polarization

GUI- Graphical User Interface

POR- Pacific Ocean Region

H- Horizontal Polarization

QOS- Quality Of Service

IDU- Indoor Unit

Radome- Protects antenna

IF- Intermediate Frequency from environment

IFL- Interconnect Facility Link

RF- Radio Frequency

IOR- Indian Ocean Region

RHCP- Right-hand Circular

LAN- Local Area Network Polarization

Lat- Latitude

RX- Receive chain or signal

LED- Light Emitting Diode

Remote- shipside netmodem/
distant-end netmodem

SATCOM- Satellite

The objective of this document is to provide vessel personnel with the basic knowledge and
understanding of how the MTN VSAT system operates and how to accomplish common everyday tasks.
This document is to be left with vessel personnel for reference purposes only. Any issues, questions,
and concerns about the MTN VSAT system, please call the MTN NOC at 1-954-538-4074.

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Satellite Principles/ Theory-

Satellite Orbits

There are several types of satellite orbits; Polar, Low-earth, Medium-earth and
geosynchronous to name a few

MTN uses Geosynchronous/ Geostationary Satellite’s

An orbit that has the same orbital period as the Earth's rotation (23h 56m 4sec)

Orbit does not have an orbital inclination and eccentricity of zero

Orbit directly over equator

Orbital position measured by Longitude

Satellite positions are determined & referenced by its Longitude (e.g. 83 West)


East & West satellite positions are determined from 0 Longitude

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In V-Sat communications, the most commonly used frequency bands are C and Ku.

Radars operate at S and X bands, these bands and on either side of C and can cause

C-Band Frequencies Operate at:

Uplink 5925 to 6425 MHz

Downlink 3700 to 4200 MHz

Satellite translation frequencies will vary from satellite to satellite, but typically
work at 2225MHz for domestic C- band in MTN’s network of satellites.

Ku-Band Frequencies

Uplink 14000 to 14500

Downlink (Mhz)

Band 1- 10950 to 11700

Band 2- 11700 to 12200

Band 3- 12200 to 12700

Satellite translation frequencies will vary from satellite to satellite, but typically work at
2300MHz for domestic Ku-band and 3300MHz for some international Ku-band (ABS-1) in
MTN’s network of satellites.

FootPrints/ Beams-

Global: Covers 1/3 of the Earth at one time.

Hemi: Covers a hemisphere, i.e. all of North and South America.

Regional: Covers a Continent or Countries and is smaller than a Hemi footprint

Area/ Spot: Covers very small areas in comparison to the other footprints, and are
usually located over small isolated land mass.

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Satellite Interference-

Interference - Interference can come from electrical or physical sources. These sources
can introduce noise into the signal or impede the path or reception of the signal.

Microwave Communications – The frequency spectrum of satellite communications is
shared among other industries. Microwave and some Radar are particularly intrusive
either in primary or harmonic frequencies.

Sun Outages – The sun generates a level of RF noise all of the time and a significant level
at predictable times that are announced by most satellite providers. Storms on the sun
generate waves of energy that degrade most RF signals including satellite frequencies.

Rain Fade – Significant levels of water moisture in the air will have a negative effect on
satellite communications because the water molecules in the air attenuate the signal.
The attenuation reduces the signal power level at the receiving end and the Signal to
Noise (S/N) ratio is reduced. The higher the frequency, the lower resulting S/N as a
result of rain fade.

Physical Blockage – Other than the Radome, any additional physical mass blocking the
Line of Sight between the antenna and the satellite will decrease the power level and

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performance of the satellite signal being received. Trees, buildings and towers are
typical sources of physical blockage that need to be mitigated to provide the best


Polarization is a way to give transmission signals a specific direction.

Signals transmitted by a satellite can be polarized in four different ways:

linear (horizontal or vertical) or circular (left-hand or right-hand).

The purpose is to maximize the channels that are available for satellite
broadcasts, efficiently, both linear polarization and circular polarization which
can be applied concurrently for each transponder or frequency assignment.

Linear Polarized signals are transmitted by a satellite and sent as microwave energy in
either, a vertical (up and down) or horizontal (flat) polarization.


Linear Polarized Satellites n


l Pola


Circular Polarization (C-Band) uses a varying polarization.

Instead of transmitting and receiving the RF signal along a linear plane (H or V),
circular polarization is transmitted and received in a helical rotating pattern
(LHCP = CCW direction and RHCP = CW direction as seen from the satellite)

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Circular Polarized al r
Satellites Po tion
ar a
ul ot
irc e
C is
d w n
an ck at
ftH C
Le r la
te Po
un ar
o ul n
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Feed Assembly-

Orthomode Transducer is part of the feed assembly and is used to combine or
separate the Transmit and Receive signal paths. The Transmit and Receive
signals over the same waveguide section are 90 degrees to each other.

Isolation between the TX and RX signals is generally between 40 dB and 60 dB
(orthogonal shift) minimizing any possibility of interference.

This isolation protects the sensitive receiver front-end elements (LNB)
from burning out by the power output of the BUC.

Co-Polarization- is when both TX and RX signals are on the same polarity, i.e.
TX/RX - H/H or TX/RX - V/V. This is used on satellites specifically designed to
operate Co- Pol and requires a “Co -Pol kit” to be retro -fitted onto the antenna.
Applies to Ku-band antenna systems only.

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On-Board Personnel Training - Sea-Tel DAC-2202 / Legacy

Satellite Links


Transmission path from Earth station to Satellite


Transmission path from Satellite to Earth Station

DirectNet Outbound Channel (Out-Route/Down-stream)

Signal from the Hub to the Remote

Outbound Uplink (Hub to Satellite)

Outbound Downlink (Satellite to Remote)

DirectNet Inbound Channel (In-Route/Up-Stream)

Signal from the Remote to the Hub

Inbound Uplink (Remote to Satellite)

Inbound Downlink (Satellite to Hub)

Outbound and Inbound signals use the same satellite and typically use the same


A Transponder is a satellite repeater, which accepts the weak incoming signals
from the Earth stations, boosts them, translates them from the uplink to the
downlink frequency, and re-transmits them to the Earth stations

Satellite Systems Equipment

Antenna- Receive

Reflector and Band-pass Filter

Band-pass Filter allows only desired signals to pass through

Amplifier- Receive

The Low Noise Blocker (LNB) amplifies signal and provides conversion to L-Band

The Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) increases the power level of the signal

Amplifier- Transmit

The TWTA or SSPA amplifies the power level of the signal to a level that the
Earth stations can receive

Antenna- Transmit

Block Up Converter (BUC) converts L-Band to RF and amplifies the signal

Mixer Local Oscillator (LO)

Converts any frequency to create a new frequency

Utilizes a local oscillator to mix and translate the received Uplink frequencies to
Downlink frequencies at the Satellite (and vice versa).

Utilizes a known stabilized frequency source (10MHz)

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Simple Satellite Conversion:


Modem TX L-Band 1200MHz Modem to BUC


TX Up Link Freq 6100MHz BUC to Satellite

Satellite LO 2225MHz Satellite LO

RX Down Link Freq 3875MHz Satellite to LNB


HUB RX L-Band 1275MHz LNB to Line card


Modem TX L-Band 1200MHz Modem to BUC


TX Up Link Freq 14250MHz BUC to Satellite

Satellite LO 2300MHz Satellite LO

RX Down Link Freq 11950MHz Satellite to LNB


HUB RX L-Band 1200MHz LNB to Line card

iDirect Hub – Remote Basics

Signal to Noise Ratio

SNR is the measure of signal to noise for a digital communications system. It is
measured at the input to a receiver and is used as the basic measure of how
strong the signal is.

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Hub - Remote in-route path

Is a simple TDMA in-route over a single transponder from several remote sites.

In-Route e
e e R
m m em
o o
te te ot
4 3 e

Inroute- Multiple remotes transmitting back to Hub at Earth Station

Remote Equipment Configuration:

LNB and BUC are on the antenna above decks and iDirect netmodem (remote)

is mounted in the rack below decks.

Low Noise Block Down

Converter (LNB)

RX L-Band
ES Down
Radio LNA RX
Converter (to demodulator)

TX L-Band
Radio AMP TX
Frequency (from Modulator)

BUC (C or Ku)

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On-Board Personnel Training - Sea-Tel DAC-2202 / Legacy

Below Decks Equipment (BDE) Components-

Sea-Tel DAC

Is the man-machine user interface. Allows the user to command and control the
above decks antenna system and provides for visual display of antenna status
and diagnostics.


Terminal Mounting Strip (TMS)

Allows for interface of Synchro, SBS, or NMEA Gyro, input/ output of NMEA GPS,
external AGC input to Sea-Tel DAC

Older style TMS

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BDE RF Modem Plate (Mux Plate)

Allows for BDE to ADE communications to have command and control of the
antenna, and allows for laptop to BUC communications. Typical set-up is 2 sets
below decks and 2 above decks.

iDirect Netmodem (Remote)

Is where data/IP information is modulated onto a frequency/ carrier and sent up

to the antenna for transmission to the satellite.

5000 series iDirect Netmodem

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Spectrum Analyzer/ Remote Spectrum Analyzer (RSA)

Displays the RX spectrum of bandwidth from the satellite



Cisco Router

Interfaces ship network to MTN network at the IP level

Cisco 3600 series Router

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Cisco 2600 series Router

Cisco 2811 Router

Cisco Switch

Interfaces MTN IP addressable devices to iDirect netmodem via VLAN’s

Cisco 2950 Switch

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MTN rack laptop for MTN/ vessel use. For professional purposes only.

Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS)

MTN provided to support MTN rack and above decks antenna system during
ship power outages.

2kVA Powerware UPS or 6kVA UPS includes Controller not shown

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5kVA powerware UPS (older style)

NMEA Buffer

Passes NMEA GPS/ Gyro to ACU, NMEA GPS to Netmodem, & Router for
Shiptracker, and is also a pass-thru for ext AGC and is used to program Garmin
GPS antenna, above decks.

Rev. 2 NMEA Buffer

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SEA-TEL Digital Antenna Controller (DAC) Unit Menu Navigation & Functionality-

Stabilized Antenna System Terminology-

• DAC 2200 series Front Panel Functions:

The DAC-2200 and 2202 have Next, Select, and Enter buttons to navigate the display

The DAC-2200 and 2202 also has an Up, Down, Left, and Right arrows for further
selection and control. The new DAC has a tracking button to toggle tracking on and off.

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• DAC Menu’s

Ship menu has three entries

• Latitude The latitude of the vessel location

• Longitude The longitude of the vessel location

• Heading The current heading of the vessel.

• The heading has two entries. The right entry is the heading that the DAC is
receiving. The left entry is the echo from the heading that the PCU is receiving.

The Satellite menu has four displays with a sub menu under the receiver.

• The top left is the current satellite that has been entered

• The top right is the threshold entered

• The bottom right is the AGC

• The bottom left is the receiver menu and the sub menus under it. To enter into
the sub menu keep pressing the enter key (some versions of software you will
need to use the N/S/E/W key).

• The receiver first has the tracking freq in L-band i.e. MHZ 1015

The next display will be KHZ or Baud rate.

Next will be tone, this is not used in MTN systems

Next will be volt horz/vert, this is not used in MTN systems.

Next is FEC, this is changeable to many settings. The MTN systems

use only the SCPC mode or the AUTO.

Next is NID, MTN does not use this function and it MUST be set to 0000

The Antenna menu has five displays:

• The top left is Azimuth display. The AZ display is a calculation of Rel + Heading
+/- AZ trim.

• The top right is Elevation display from the elevation angle sent back by the PCU

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• The bottom left is Relative display. The REL display is a position feedback from
the PCU of the encoder reading.

• The bottom right is AGC display. This is the signal strength from the satellite.

• The NEXT bottom left display is Polang display. The POL display is a direct
readout of the pole pot on the feed of the antenna and is sent to the DAC from
the PCU.

With the DAC-2200 and 2202 use the arrow keys to select the desired
axis position and change the numbers using the up / down arrow keys.
To slew the antenna, select the main antenna window with all four
displays present and use the arrow keys to move the antenna.

The Mode menu has active tracking and searching selections. Under the Mode menu is a
list of parameters. After the these parameters is the remote commands.

• The first display is CONTROL TRACKING. The tracking function can be turned
on/off using the up arrow. The band selection can be changed using the down
arrow. The band select does not change the function of the tracking. Band
select is KuLo, KuHi, C, or X. (typically used for LNB Band selection)

• Next is CONTROL SEARCH, use the up arrow to toggle this function on/off.
Search can only be enabled when the AGC is lower than threshold.

Next is the STATUS ERRORdisplay. This display reflects the errors that the system has
accrued. The ERROR window has two sets of numbers.

• The first set is the communication errors between the PCU and the DAC. The
number will increment for each missing data bit.

• The second set of numbers is the specific errors that the DAC or the PCU has

The sum of the numbers will represent what error has occurred.

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The next display is the REMOTE AUX. This is not activated and has no relevance.

The Set-Up menus should only be modified by qualified technicians. The Set-Up menu
will change the tracking, searching and function parameters. To access the menu’s press
and hold the left & right arrow keys simultaneously for 3 seconds or until “auto trim” or
“EL trim” is displayed.

• AUTO TRIM: applicable in ACU sw ver. 6.06 >. Auto calculates & applies EL/AZ
trim (see below).
• EL TRIM:This changes the EL display without changing the look angle. This is to
compensate for the differences in the machining of each antenna. The trims are
used to adjust the display value to the calculated value of the satellite.
• AZ TRIM: This changes the AZ display without changing the AZ position. The AZ
TRIM is used to correct for the imperfections on the installation of the antenna.

The trims are used to adjust the display value to the calculated value of the
• AUTO THRES:This has the DAC calculate the threshold automatically. MTN does
not use this function and should be set to 0000.
• EL STEP SIZE:This changes the size of the steps when in step-track. A value of
0001-0004 is for active step track. A value of 0000 is used for dish-scan tracking.
• AZ STEP SIZE:This changes the size of the steps when in step-track. A value of
0001-0004 is for active step track. A value of 0000 is used for dish-scan tracking.
MTN uses a default of 0003 for step-track. NOTE: All Ku systems should be
running dish-scan.
• STEP INTEGRAL:Controls the integration of steps, i.e.... the time the antenna
takes before the next step is initiated. MTN uses a default of 0060. A setting of
0000 activates dish-scan tracking. NOTE: All Ku systems should be running dish-
• SEARCH INC:The search pattern is a spiral box pattern, the SEARCH INC
represents the incremental size the next pattern will be.
• SEARCH LIMIT:Represents the overall size of the search box
• SEARCH DELAY:Represents the amount of time the AGC can be below the
threshold before the search will begin.
• SWEEP INC: This function is not used at MTN.
• SYSTEM TYPE:This number represents the different features that are initiated
in the system.

Add the numbers together to activate the corresponding configuration

MTN uses 134 for C-Band and 198 for Ku-Band antennas

For the External AGC to be activated, the system type 2 and 128 must
always be combined.

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For the older Ku-Band systems (i.e. 4003), the LNB voltage must be
enabled and the correct voltage selected from the receiver menu.

• GYRO TYPE: This number indicates the type of compass interface that is


The most common gyro type at MTN is 2 or 360

• POLANG TYPE:This number represents the polang type the system is in. MTN
only uses a POLANG TYPE of 0009 (Manual mode) or 0072 (auto pol mode)

0 Circular Feed (No polang function)

1 Manual mode

8 Pol pot readout

64 Auto Pol
• A 9 is a 1+8 (Manual mode and Pol Pot readout) this mod is
used to read the pol pot and to manually rotate the polang. The
72 is an 8+64 (Pol pot read and Auto Pol) is set after a
calibration and cross-pol has been performed. The polarizer will
automatically adjust while the vessel changes location.
• When using a circular feed, the Polang Type must not be set to
• POL OFFSET:This is the offset to trim out the polang when using the auto pol

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• POL SCALE: This represents the scale factor for the specific type of antenna
• AZ LIMIT and EL Limit: AZ 1, 2, EL12/ AZ 3, 4, EL 34/ AZ 5, 6, EL56: This feature
disables tracking and searching within the specified azimuth and the EL blockage

The blockage zones will define an area of blockage relative to the
antenna on the vessel. All of the entries are X10. This is because there
are no decimals that can be entered. Example: An AZ limit of 1000
would represent a REL position of 100. An AZ limit of 1005 would
represent a REL position of 100.5. This is the same for the EL limit, an EL
limit of 450 = EL of 45. An EL of 455= EL position of 45.5.

AZ 1 will define the starting position of the blockage zone and AZ 2 will
define the end of that blockage zone. EL 12 will represent the height of

the EL position for the blockage zone.

There are typically three different blockage zones in the software.
• AZ 1,2 and EL12 = Blockage zone one
• AZ 3,4 and EL34 = Blockage zone two
• AZ 5,6 and EL56 = Blockage zone three

(Drawings next page)

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Using Azimuth & Elevation Blockage Zones

Using Azimuth Blockage Zones

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• 5v OFFSET: This function is used for TVRO with HCDC feeds

• 5v SCALE: This function is used for TVRO with HCDC feeds

The 5V pol motor is mounted on the end of the single C single Ku feed
that has Vertical, Horizontal, RHCP and LHCP capabilities with the
alignment of a dipole mounted in the OMT
• TX POLARITY:The TX POL selects the polarity that the system will be
transmitting in. There are two setting for this display, 2 and 4. 2 represents
vertical TX and 4 represents horizontal. (Some 40xx systems the pol assy. has
been mounted 90 degrees out and this will reverse the logic).
• TRACK DISP: The track display will change the function of the tracking window.
Depending on the setting for the TRACK DISP the front panel display will change
and the corresponding function will be active.

Tracking Display Index Table

Tracking Tdisp cNNN'

Display Index cmd ADE Band select outputs BDE sw1 Usage/Details

C 0 c0040 Tone 0, Volt 13, Aux 0 Off Legacy C/X, KuLo/KuHi

X 0 c0041 Tone 0, Volt 18, Aux 0 On Band Relay driven by AUX

KuLo 0 c0042 Tone 0, Volt 13, Aux 1 Off Uses standard PCU SW

KuHi 0 C0043 Tone 0, Volt 18, Aux 1 On

Xp 13 40 c0040 Tone 0, Volt 13, Aux 0 Off Xp/Cp, Dual Band LNB

Xp 18 40 c0041 Tone 0, Volt 18, Aux 0 On Pol relay driven by AUX

Cp 13 40 c0042 Tone 0, Volt 13, Aux 1 Off Uses standard PCU SW

Cp 18 40 c0043 Tone 0, Volt 18, Aux 1 On

Xp B1 130 c0040 Tone 0, Volt 13, Aux 0 Off Xp/Cp, Quad Band LNB

Xp B2 130 c0044 Tone 1, Volt 13, Aux 0 Off Tone switch driven by PWM-

Xp B3 130 c0041 Tone 0, Volt 18, Aux 0 On PWM- controlled by Tone Select

Xp B4 130 c0045 Tone 1, Volt 18, Aux 0 On Requires TVA enabled PCU SW 6.42c

Co B1 130 c0042 Tone 0, Volt 13, Aux 1 Off

Co B2 130 c0046 Tone 1, Volt 13, Aux 1 Off

Co B3 130 c0043 Tone 0, Volt 18, Aux 1 On

Co B4 130 c0047 Tone 1, Volt 18, Aux 1 On

Tracking Display Chart for Multi-LNB use

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• SAVE NEW PARAMETERS:To save any changes in the SETUP menu, you must be
in the save new parameters display

• To save changes in a DAC-2202, press the left arrow key and
then enter. A verification of SAVED will appear.
• REMOTE COMMAND: allows access to the PCU. With this function, the PCU
can be programmed, monitored, and controlled.
• REMOTE MONITOR: allows the command to be viewed.
• DISHSCAN:allows for easy toggling of the Dish-Scan function of the antenna.

This function needs to be in conjunction with other settings.

This function is present with version software 4.20 and higher.
• SAT REF: allows for easy toggling of the Satellite Reference mode.

This mode must be used with ALL types of satellite compass input.

(Vector lite and Furuno).

This function can also be used if the vessel looses the gyro input or has a
defective gyro.
• REMOTE TILT:is used for the level cage offset and is a trim to level out the level
• REMOTE PARAMETERS:is used to save any changes made to the PCU. To save
press the up arrow and enter, the display will flash if the PCU accepted the
changes. If the changes are not saved, the last saved parameters will be
reloaded into the PCU.
• REMOTE BALANCE:applicable in ACU sw ver. 6.06>. Removes voltage from

axes motors to balance antennas with motor brakes.

• REMOTE UPLOAD:is used to program the PCU. This mode locks the ACU and
allows the data to pass to the PCU. To program the PCU the REMOTE UPLOAD
must be present in the display. To program the ACU this mode must NOT be

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Targeting a Satellite-

Using a DAC-2200/2202

Before beginning it is necessary to know some Information pertaining to the desired


Position of the desired satellite_________________________________

Example: 325E, 64E, 40W

L-band tracking frequency ____________________________________


1. Press “NEXT” key until SATELLITE display is found.

2. Press “ENTER” key to isolate satellite position.

3. Press “Left” or “Right” arrow key to select appropriate digit then use “Up” or “Down”
arrow key to change value to the desired satellite, <ENTER>. Turn tracking off by
pressing the tracking button (tracking/search light will go out). This will prevent the
ACU from going into search once the Satellite calculated Azimuth and Elevation are

1. Press “NEXT” and record the calculated AZ/ EL values.

a. AZ ________ EL __________

5. If antenna did not lock on targeted satellite, begin a manual grid pattern search.
This will be done from the AZ & EL display under the “ANTENNA” menu,

a. Using calculated AZ/ EL values, begin sweeping AZ +/-20 degrees from the
satellite calculated position, then move EL 2 degrees up or down, then sweep
Az…etc. continue sweep pattern by toggling back and forth between AZ & EL
display values by pressing the “ENTER” key. Once the pattern has been
completed in one direction, continue search in the other half of the grid
keeping the satellite calculated position in the center. Search using this grid
pattern until the desired satellite signal is found.

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b. For e.g. (Beginning Elevation is the starting point of the grid search)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +40 deg AZ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

2 deg EL

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< -40 deg AZ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 2 deg EL

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +40 deg AZ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2 deg EL
<<<<< -20 deg AZ <<<<<<< Begin Elevation >>>>> +20 deg AZ >>>>>>>
2 deg EL
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< -40 deg AZ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
2 deg EL
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +40 deg AZ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2 deg EL
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< -40 deg AZ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

c. This procedure should be done until satellite signal is found. If after sweeping +/- 5
degrees in Elevation, the signal still isn’t found, increase Azimuth sweep to +/ - 30
degrees (or 60 degrees total), and repeat step 5. Ensure heading, latitude and
longitude are correct.

Note: With a KU antenna, point accuracy more critical. The Elevation should only be
increased or decreased by 1 degree when performing the Grid Pattern search.

6. Once satellite signal is found record on-sat AZ and EL. Make sure to allow 8 seconds to allow
DishScan to adjust antenna pointing angles before recording.
a. AZ __________ EL ___________

7. Once appropriate satellite signal is found, locating the satellite is complete.

End of Page

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- To ensure that the antenna is pointing in the correct area as it searches for the satellite, below is a
figure showing the antennas Azimuth pointing angle to the satellite and its RELATIVE position in
reference to the BOW of the ship.

HDG 240.3 REL 221.0

AM1 40E

Ship Lat= 30.37N Satellite Longitude= 40.0 E

Ship Long= 28.5W Azimuth Look Angle= 101.3 deg. (calculated value)

Ship HDG= 240.3 deg. Elevation Look Angle= 9.9 deg. (calculated value)

Antenna RELATIVE Position= 221 deg.

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Performing a Satellite Cutover -

Using a DAC-2200/2202

Step 1-
Call the NOC on an alternate system and notify them that you are requesting a satellite cutover.
If you call using the V-Sat system, the connection will be terminated when the modem is reset.

a. When calling into the NOC you will need to identify who you are, your position, the
vessel that you are on, the type of antenna that you have. You will also need to
verify your location.

b. The NOC will look up the vessel and the location, with this information the best
satellite and settings will be determined. The NOC will then inform the user of the

new satellite, the new tracking frequency and to tune the Spectrum Analyzer to the
new frequency.

c. The user will be asked if the options file for the current satellite is saved to the
desktop, if not the user will need to retrieve the options file from iSite and save the
options file before the satellite change proceeds.

d. The NOC will PUSH the new options file to the modem if the system is in the
network. If the system is not in the network, a different procedure will need to take
place. The modem will reset and the lights on the front of the modem will
extinguish and go through a start up and self check sequence.

Step 2- DAC

Enter the new satellite and tracking frequency into the DAC

a. Press ‘next’ key until ‘SAT’ menu is displayed

b. Press <enter> until ‘FREQ xxxx’ or ‘MHz xxxx’ and ‘AGC xxxx’ appears. (This will
depend on the type of tuner card in the DAC).

c. Using the arrow keys, enter in new frequency and then press <enter>

d. Tune the spectrum analyzer to the tracking frequency.

e. Enter the new satellite position by pressing <enter> until ‘SAT xxx.x E/W’ is
displayed in the window alone. Utilize the arrow keys to change satellite longitude.

f. Press <enter> once satellite position is changed.

g. The antenna will now move and target the new satellite entered

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Normal indication the netmodem will acquire a green RX LED and then a green TX LED and next
the network LED will go green. This will indicate that you are now in the network and have
acquired the new satellite.

The NOC will have the operator perform three tests: A Cross- Pol test if the system is linear (all of the Ku
band systems are linear), a Compression test, and a Threshold settings test.

The three steps that need to be performed are:

Cross-Pol or Compression Test (similar setup)

Step 1- laptop

To perform a cross pol test and a compression test the user will need to start a telnet session
with the modem.

a. Click on the ‘Start’ icon then click ‘Run’ and enter telnet with the IP address in the
command prompt. ‘telnet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx’

b. Once in telnet session, enter username ‘admin’ and password ‘iDirect’ for the

c. The NOC will give you a new TX frequency, write the frequency down so you can
reference back to it if need be.

Tx frequency ___________


Turn the tracking off on the DAC if the vessel is in port.

a. Press ‘ Tracking ’ to toggle tracking off. Green tracking light should be extinguished

b. Press & hold; Left & right arrow keys simultaneously until Auto Trim or EL Trim is

a. Press <enter> key until ‘SYSTEM TYPE’ appears

b. Note ‘SYSTEM TYPE’ and change to ‘4’ if not already. This will ensure EXT AGC is

Record the original setting before changing any settings in the DAC.

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Step 3- Laptop netmodem telnet session

To set up the modem:

a. Enter rx enable off <enter>. This will disable RX Lock on netmodem

b. Enter tx freq xxxx.xx <enter>, given by the NOC

c. Enter tx power -25 <enter>, at NOC direction

d. Enter tx cw on <enter>, at NOC direction

The NOC will instruct you to adjust the power level of the modem to the needed level for the test. To
continue Cross-Pol test go to step 4, if Compression test go to step 5.

Cross-Pol Test

Step 4- DAC

a. Press ‘next’ key until ‘Antenna’ menu (AZ/EL look angles) is displayed in window.

b. Press <enter> until ‘POL xxx’ appears in window & record POL value.

Initial POL value _________

c. Press & hold ; Left & Right arrow keys simultaneously until ‘Auto Trim’ or ‘EL Trim’ is

c. Press <enter> key until ‘POL TYPE’ is displayed

d. Change display from 72 to 9 for manual skew of feed assembly.

e. Go back to the ‘POL’ screen under ‘ANTENNA’ menu NOC will instruct the user to
adjust the pol in a specific direction. The user might need to move the pol back and
forth by using the ‘Up’ and ‘Down’ keys to achieve the needed value at the earth

Once the test is completed, record the value of the pol

f. New POL Value __________

Calculate the difference of the original POL display value and new POL value; this number will be
negative or positive.

g. POL Difference __________

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Go to the POL OFFSET menu and adjust the number up or down accordingly.

a. Press and hold; Left & Right arrow keys simultaneously until ‘Auto Trim’ or ‘EL Trim’
is displayed.

b. Press ‘enter’ key until “POL OFFSET’ appears

c. Enter POL difference value +/- the value currently displayed

Go to the auto-pol setting and enter 72 back into the system

d. Press ‘Up’ arrow once until ‘POL TYPE’ appears and enter ‘72’, <enter>

The POL value should now read the new POL value that was recorded during the test

After the cross pol test is performed a compression test will be needed.

Compression Test

Step 5- Laptop netmodem telnet session

To perform Compression test all needed applications are already open.

Follow the instructions from the NOC and adjust the TX power accordingly in telnet session.

After the test is performed the NOC will have the user disable the TX and bring the system back into the

With the use of the telnet session the following commands will normalize the system

a. tx cw off <enter>, this will disable carrier

b. rx enable on <enter>. This will enable green RX lock

Never enter ‘RX enable on ’ before the TX CW is turned off.

The modem will acquire the network and the NOC will PUSH a new options file with the new settings
achieved with the tests that were just preformed, once the options file is PUSHED the modem will reset.

Allow the modem to acquire the network again and then:

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Step 6- DAC

Turn tracking back on if the tracking was disabled.

a. At DAC, press “ Tracking ” key, which will toggle tracking ‘on’

If the system type was changed, change the system type back to the original settings.

b. Press & hold; Left & right arrows simultaneously until Auto Trim / EL Trim appears.

c. Press <enter> key until ‘SYSTEM TYPE’ appears

d. Enter in original ‘SYSTEM TYPE’; default is 134 C-band & 134 for newer Ku-band (198
for older Ku-band antennas (+64 for LNB voltage)), <enter>

The next test that will be needed is to properly set the threshold of the system.

Threshold Test

Step 7- DAC

Let the system peak onto the signal and achieve the highest AGC level. The NOC will then ask the user
to disable tracking and move the system up in elevation very slowly. The user will need to watch the
AGC setting and note the value when the system loses the network.

a. Press ‘ Tracking ’ key to turn tracking ‘off’

b. Press the ‘Up’ arrow moving the antenna elevation up

c. Record AGC value when netmodem loses network.

AGC value_________

The value of the AGC when the modem loses the network will be the new threshold value.

Enter the new value into the threshold setting.

d. Press ‘next until the ‘SAT’ menu displays

e. Press <enter> key until ‘THRS xxxx’ appears alone

f. Enter in new threshold, and press <enter>

Turn the tracking back on.

g. Press ‘ Tracking ” key, toggling tracking ‘on’

Unless the NOC needs to perform any other tests the satellite cutover is now complete.

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Setting Azimuth & Elevation Trims-

Using a DAC-2200/2202

Before beginning it is necessary to know some Information pertaining to the desired satellite.
Position of the desired satellite_________________________________
Example: 325E, 64E, 40W
1. Record calculated AZ and EL values from ‘Targeting a Satellite’

a. AZ value ___________ EL ___________

2. Record on-sat AZ and EL values from ‘Targeting a Satellite’

a. AZ value ___________ EL ___________

3. Find the difference between on-sat AZ value and calculated AZ value

a. AZ Trim____________ ex. Calculated AZ 100.0, On-sat AZ 96.5 (100.0 – 96.5) *10=

AZ Trim of 0035

4. Find the difference between on-sat EL value and calculated EL value

a. EL Trim____________ ex. Calculated EL 55.0, On-sat EL 57.3 (55.0 – 57.3) *10= EL

Trim of -0023

5. On DAC go to “SET UP” parameter s and enter in new EL & AZ TRIM

a. Simultaneously press the “left” and “right” arrow keys until “EL TRIM xxxx” appears

b. Record existing EL TRIM

i. EL Trim ____________

c. Press <enter> key until “AZ TRIM xxxx” appears

d. Record existing AZ TRIM

i. AZ Trim ____________

6. AZ Trim value _______________ + __________________ = ________________

(Value from 5di) (Value from 3a) (new AZ TRIM value)

7. EL Trim value _______________ + __________________ = ________________

(Value from 5bi) (Value from 4a) (new EL TRIM value)

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8. Once new AZ/ EL TRIM values have been calculated

a. Go back to EL TRIM value by pressing the “Up” arrow key

b. Press the “left” or “right” arrow keys to select appropriate digits.

c. Use the “up” and “down” arrow keys to change value to new EL TRIM value and
press. <enter>

d. Press “Enter” and go to AZ TRIM value and follow the same procedure for new value
as above.

Verify new trim values:

9. Turn tracking off by toggling the “Tracking” key.

10. Press the “NEXT” key until the “ANTENNA” menu is displayed.

11. Drive antenna off satellite by changing azimuth & elevation, and verify that antenna
consistently targets desired satellite within .5 degrees. Refer to ‘Targeting a Satellite ’ if
needed. If antenna immediately finds satellite go to step 12, if not go to step 13.

12. To save new trim values

a. Simultaneously bumping the “left” and “right” arrow keys “SAVE NEW
PARAMETERS” should appear.

b. Press the “left” or “right” arrow key and then <enter>. “PARAMETERS SAVED” will
appear in the window if information was correctly saved.

13. If antenna for whatever reason does not target to calculated AZ and EL re-accomplish this

14. If satellite cannot be found at all, refer to the ‘ Targeting Satellite ’ section of this manual.

End of Page

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Up & Downloading of Options File-

Using iSite - iSite is the local GUI used to access the iDirect Netmodem to view & monitor parameters
and can be used to diagnose some netmodem problems. iSite also allows you to up and download
options file if needed. Note that when up and downloading options file that the netmodem refers to
saving the options file onto the laptop as ‘uploading’ and sending the netmodem an opti ons file from
the laptop as ‘downloading’. iSi te should only be accessed by authorized personnel or under the
direction from an MTN representative.

Before loading a new Options file to the netmodem, the current options file should be saved.

To ‘save (upload) options file to disk’:

1. From the Component Tree menu,

right click on REMOTE; Select
“Upload” option to Disk

2. Alternatively, Select “Option File”

from the iSite Menu bar; Select
“Upload to Disk”

3. A previously created Options

Folder from the desktop will
open or you can select a drive or
location where the options file is
located and save to disk

4. It is recommended that prior to

servicing ANY remote the service
tech save the current
configuration for possible use
later if difficulties occur and the
unit needs to return to the
previous configuration)

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To send (download) and options file to the netmodem:

1. From the Component Tree menu,

right click on REMOTE; Select
“Download” option from Disk

2. Alternatively, Select “Option File”

from the iSite Menu bar; Select
“Download from Disk”

3. A previously created Options

Folder from the desktop will open
or you can select a drive where

the options disk is located

4. Select the correct Options file
from the list (Note, loading the
wrong options file locally or
remotely can lock up the unit to
the point where it is inaccessible)

5. A prompt will ask “Are You Sure …


6. Select “Yes”
7. Another window will open and
state that the Options file was
successfully downloaded

End of Page

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Above Decks Equipment (ADE) Components Identification & Functions- 2.4m & 1 1.5m Antennas

Pedestal Control Unit (PCU) - PCU provides antenna control and voltage feedback for
stabilization. The PCU also provides communications to the ACU and distributes voltage to the
sensors and the motors. PCU will be labeled as “PCU” .

GPS- GPS antenna provides the system with Latitude and Longitude for antenna targeting.

Level Cage - Houses four sensors for stabilization. Five sensors for the new xx09 antenna
systems. (two separate tilt sensors) Level Cage will be labeled as “Level cage” .

Level Cage Motor - Provides the position of the elevation for elevation look angle. Level Cage
Motor will be labeled as “Level cage Motor” .

Axes Motors - All Sea-Tel antennas are 3 axes antennas. This means that the antenna moves in

Cross-level, Elevation, & Azimuth axes. All axes are controlled by an axes motor for those
respective axes.

The Cross level motor provides stabilization across the cross beam.

The Elevation axis motor provides stabilization in elevation axis without changing the
elevation look angle.

The Azimuth axis motor provides the yaw adjustment for stabilization and
compensation for ship’s heading change.

Servo Amplifiers - Supply the voltage and current to the motors. The amplifiers also control the
direction of the motors to compensate for vessel movement. Integrated into the PCU on all
1~1.5m & 97xx antennas. Servo Amplifiers will be labeled as “Servo Amplifiers” .

Home Flag Switch - Provides the initial reference for the Azimuth encoder during initialization.

Azimuth Encoder - Provides the relative position of the antenna, which is used in the calculation
of the satellite’s azimuth position.

Circuit Breaker- Provides ship’s AC voltage to the antenna system. Usually 220vac.

Power Ring- Consists of two sets of sealed ball bearings. The inner side of the bearing race is
where the AC power is applied from the circuit breaker. The outer race of the bearings is where
the AC is picked off and sent to the antenna power supply. This allows for continuous azimuth

Rotary Joint- Is a two channel coax joint with an outer race and an inner race that the IF signal
passes through, allowing for continuous azimuth rotation while passing IF signals.

LNB- Resides on the Receive path and converts C-band or Ku-band signals to L-band.

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Feed Assembly- Is where the Transmit and Receive signals are focused, and sent to the satellite
(TX) or to the LNB (RX).

Pol Motor- Moves the Linear feed assembly to compensate for change in satellite angle.

Pol Potentiometer- Provides feed assembly position to the DAC via the Polang Relay Assembly.

Block Up-Converter (BUC)- Resides on the Transmit path and converts L-band signals to C-band
or Ku-band.

Antenna Power Supply- receives AC voltage via the power ring, and converts it to 24vdc for the
PCU. Power Supply will be labeled as “Power Supply” .

Waveguide- Resides on the Transmit path and is the medium in which the transmit signal is sent
from the BUC to the Feed Assembly. Can be ‘Rigid’ or ‘Flexible’.

ADE RF Modems- Allow for communications between below decks DAC and above decks PCU,
and also allows for below decks laptop and BUC communications (if applicable). Typically 2 sets
below decks and 2 above decks, and runs over the RX cabling. RF Modems will be labeled as “RF
Modem” .

Polang Relay Assembly- Provides drive to the Polang motor to move the feed assembly and
provides polang potentiometer feedback to the DAC below decks. Polang Relay Assembly will be
labeled as “Polang Relay Assembly” .


Level Cage



Circuit Breaker
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RF Modems

AC Power Supply

CL Motor

Servo Amp


Level Cage

Integrated Azimuth
Motor/ Encoder

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Feed Assembly Flexible



Pol Motor

Pol Pot.



Power Ring

Some Components may be located in a different location on other

2.4m models.

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Supply Power Supply

Pol Aux PCU

Relay RF
Assy. Modems


Level Cage
LNB Motor

Level antenna

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EL Motor CL Motor

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Pol Pot


RX cable to
RF Modem
TX cable
Pol Motor

Feed Assembly

Some Components may be located in a different location on

other 1m & 1.5m antenna models.

Antenna Initialization & 3 Axes Movement-

All Sea-Tel antennas move in 3 axes; Elevation/ Cross-Level/ Azimuth

Elevation is the Up & Down movement of the equipment frame where the
reflector is attached too.

Cross-Level is the side to side movement of the equipment frame where the

reflector is attached too.

Azimuth is the left to right movement of the antenna as the ship makes heading

Initialization - Is a sequence of startup steps that the antenna performs. The steps in the
initialization process are key to defining the sensor positions for operation. Some
sensors on the antenna are not direct feedback and need to have a starting position

Step 1

Level cage will turn CCW 90 degrees (depending on the view (angle) to the level
cage) and hit the level cage stop. The level cage will then turn opposite 45

This operation is performed as the level cage motor will define the
elevation look angle. The motor does not have positive feedback and

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needs to have a predetermined starting position. The reason for the

back and forth motion is related to the mechanical stop positions for
the level cage, the system compensates by rotating the motor 90 steps
CCW to the stop (the reference point) and then moves back 45degrees.
The motor will pol slip against the stop until it has counted 90 steps; this
is the reason for the clicking. This will define the elevation starting
position when the antenna comes out of initialization. The elevation
look angle will be 45 degrees +/- the elevation trim.

Step 2

EL motor will activate and bring the level cage level.

When the level cage has stopped the elevation axis will drive the level
cage to level in the elevation axis. The system will use the tilt trim to
define were level is.

(The reflector will be positioned at 45 degrees.)

Step 3

CL motor will activate and bring the cross level beam to a level position.

When the elevation axis has found its position the cross level axis is
initiated and the antenna will move to find the tilt trim on the cross
level axis. The level cage will be level across the top. The cross level
beam will be perpendicular to the AZ post.

Step 4

AZ motor will activate and turn the antenna CW until it trips the home flag.

After the cross level has finished the Azimuth will start to rotate Clock
wise. On all systems, the azimuth will rotate clock wise. The antenna
will keep turning until it trips the home flag. The home flag is a sensor
either mechanical or electronic (depending on the system) the home
flag will define the starting position for the azimuth. The Azimuth does
not have direct feedback and needs to obtain a starting position. When
the antenna finalizes the initialization process, the relative position will
start at 0, unless a Home Flag Offset is configured in the PCU.

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Tx/ RX Signal Flow-

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