Honors Math 3 Syllabus Fall 2019 V Dalton

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Honors Math 3 Course Syllabus

Teacher: Mrs. Dalton Room: Mobile 15

Website: http://vdaltonhshs.weebly.com/ Email: vdalton@wcpss.net
Canvas and PowerSchool: https://wakeid.wcpss.net
(Please login in through the Wake ID Portal)

I am very excited for the new semester! I am excited to meet all of you and look forward to exploring
great math concepts and having great discourse about math! Please come prepared everyday ready
with a positive attitude and a willingness to participate and share ideas about the math concepts we are
learning. If you have any questions, concerns, worries, and/or ideas about anything, please feel free to
see me. With respect and support for each other, we will master many skills this semester and achieve
great success. We are going to have a spectacular semester!

1) Be prompt...in your seat, ready to work when class begins.
2) Be prepared...have the tools to learn – workbook, pencil, graph paper, calculator, homework
3) Be respectful...I have the right to teach; your peers have the right to learn.
4) Be responsible...accept the consequences (both good and bad) of your actions.
5) Be open...to a challenge.
* Note: Please eat and drink before coming to class. No food will be allowed in the classroom.

1) 3-ring Binder
2) Loose leaf & Graph paper
3) Mechanical Pencils, Eraser
4) Colored Pencils or Fine tip colored pens, highlighter, pen for grading
5) Resources: We will be using MVP workbooks for each Unit. Please refer to Canvas for extra
copies and videos to support classroom discussion.
6) Graphing Calculator (Highly Recommended): TI-83 or TI-83+ or TI-84 or TI-84+

A = 90-100; B = 80-89; C = 70-79; D = 60-69; F = 59 or Below


Student Work 15% Quarter 1 Average 40%

Quizzes 30% Quarter 2 Average 40%
Tests 55% Final Exam (EOC) 20%
Classwork and Homework is posted daily on Canvas. Canvas may be accessed through your wake ID portal.
Once logged in to Canvas, click on Assignments. The Math 3 Units are also posted with all materials as well as
videos and extra resources for students.

In addition to the resources posted on Canvas, additional resources can be accessed on the Holly
Springs High School website. To access these resources, click on “Parent”, choose “Homework
Resources”, scroll down and choose “Math K-12”, then follow the prompts to the High School Math
Courses and choose Math 3.
Please make an effort to come in for extra help if you find yourself struggling. Students that score below a 60%
on an assessment and/or have an overall course grade below a 60% are required to attend tutorials. I am
available during tutorials. Students are expected to be productive on math work during this time. Tutorials are
Tuesdays (B) and Thursdays (A) during lunch. I am always happy to help you.


You are expected to be in class and on time every day! If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get
the notes and assignment(s) missed from class. Please check Canvas for the missed classwork and
homework. Your grade will be a zero in PowerSchool until it is made up. Students who are absent the
day before a scheduled quiz or test will be expected to take the quiz/test if he/she is present on the day
of the quiz/test if no new material was covered during the absence. If you are absent the day of a quiz,
it is your responsibility to speak with me to schedule a make-up quiz or test. Make-up tests and
quizzes must be made up within two tutorials of the missed test or quiz. For example, if you missed a
quiz given on Tuesday, then you must take the make-up quiz on the following Thursday or Tuesday

Student Work, Late Work & Grade Recovery

Student work is assigned daily and due the following class period or as instructed by teacher. It is
essential to complete the student work and show all necessary work every day to help make
connections within the unit. Each day past the due date will result in a loss of 10 points per day (up to
40 points). After 10 days, the grade will remain a zero. The Midterm Exam (Q3) and the Cumulative
Final Exam (Q4) will serve as grade replacement tests. If students score higher on these tests, their
grade will replace their lowest test grade for that quarter. We will also drop the lowest quiz grade for
each quarter.
No phones during instruction and only appropriate phone use is allowed during student practice. If a
phone is not being used accordingly, it will be collected for the remainder of the class period. Our
focus during class time needs to be on learning and building mathematical connections.

Important School Dates

Interims Distributed September 17, October 8, December 17
1st Quarter Ends October 30
Holiday September 2, November 11, November 27-29
Teacher Work Days September 30, October 9, October 31, November 1, December 20
Winter Break December 20 – January 3
Final Exams January 14 - 18
Name: ______________________________________ Grade: _________ Block: ______

Address: __________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name(s): _____________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Phone Number(s): _______________________________________________

Do you have your own graphing calculator? YES NO

Do you have access to the Internet at home? YES NO
Do you wear glasses/contact lenses? YES NO
Are you involved in an extracurricular activity? YES NO

If yes, which one(s)? __________________________________________________________


Do you have any other obligations outside of school? YES NO

If yes, what? _______________________________________________________________


What was your grade in your previous math class? ______________

Rate your own math ability from 1-5 (1-needs some work, 5-master/full confidence) _______
Rate your work ethic from 1-5 (1-could try more, 5- always tries hard) _______

What would you like to be/do after high school/college?_________________________________

Is there anything else you would like me to know about you? ______________________________


Please sign below showing that you have read the expectations for this class and turn in on the
next class period. Thank you and again, I am looking forward to a spectacular year!

Student Name (Printed) ___________________________________

Student Signature__________________________________________ Date___________________

Parent Signature___________________________________________ Date___________________

Email Correspondence

So that I may correspond with you regularly and keep you informed of class activities, please
legibly print your email address below and sign below.

Guardian Email Address: __________________________________________________

Student Email Address: ___________________________________________________

I agree to allow Mrs. Dalton on to use the above email addresses for correspondence regarding
my child.

Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________________________

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