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Minister's Musings Itis time to reenter the “real” world for me. My sabbatical time is officially over, [know as you are reading this musing you are rejoicing at the thought of ‘those good jokes return-ng on Sunday morning along with the inspirational and eternally memorable sermons. I know I am looking forward to returning. Tve been asked alot if I enjoyed my time away. I did enjoy my sabbatical. T was able to take Isaac and Alex to Kansas City for a weekend each, and they both ‘commented they'd like to do it again. I was able to work a little more at Pauley Jones and get my feet wet there. Classes officially started and I think I have a plan to be able to handle the homework. The plan is Tracy needs to pick up the slack! Joking...completely joking! People have also wondered aloud, and to themselves I'm sure, how I'm going to handle the increased work load of part-time at Pauley Jones, school, and the church, Tam thankful people are worried ahout me because it means they’ll look out for me and make sure I don’t burn the wick at both ends. ‘Tracy is also good at ‘reminding me to look ater myself, and I am relatively aware of when I start to do too much, What I can promise you is that my work as a minister is sacred to me and I do not want that to suffer, and it won't. I really believe that giving up busing will allow more flexibility in my schedule and allow all this to work, ‘Sabbaticals are eupposed to teach you something, and I beliove Ilearned a little, Twas reminded of how mueh I love preaching on Sunday mornings. I realized how much I missed being a pastor and involved in the life of the church. T guess you could say my call was reaffirmed if you want to use the fancy “churchy” terms, God and I had a few good talks and those talks were good for my soul because they reminded of God's love for me, reaffirmed my call as minister in Minden, and affirmed my starting of the new adventure. So, where do we go from here? Tracy and I have spent a fair amount of time talking about our church and visions we have for the future of our ministry together. Being able tc worship at other churches allowed us to see different ways of doing things and diflerent ministries. My creative juices wore recharged, and I have some things I believe we should try. You might see a couple of the changes in this newsletter, To make a long story short...o0 late I know... am very grateful for this sabbatical, I am very thankful for the church family I got to serve, and T look forward to our continued ministry together. Ifyou haven't been to church in a while ‘come see if the old doglearned some new tricks. You might be surprised at what you find going on at Minden UCC. Join us at 10am on Sunday morning. Board Meeting Minutes June 16, 2019 Board Meeting: June 16, 019Present: Pastor Brian Woblhuter, Jerry Muley, Charlie Leaders, ‘Amanda Murley, Phylisha Wolfe, Gretchen Cunningham, Tracey Roane,and Pam Danke Pastor's Report-Mileage eport for May: 350 miles, Vacation was good with the fishing tip on ‘the Gulf Coast Pastor Tony is retiring and his last service is June 30th. Pastor Brian is going and Bonnie will do the service that Sunday. Pianois also covered for that day. August and July vacation dates for worship services are covered between Harvey Hanson and Bonnie Dollen.Two baptisms next Sunday. Wediing on June 22nd of Scott Manhart Anothor wedding coming up in August. Vacation Bible School is coming up from August 4th-8th and a special program of Z00 Encounters by the Omaha Zoo on Thursday.Next Board Meeting is July 14th Pastor Brian is ‘aking a new opportunity te go to Mortuary School and get a license. He discussed that he has ‘no intention, absolutely zero of leaving the church and plans o stay as a pastor at Minden, but he is interested inthis and wants to pursue it for another skill to have. He gave details thatthe next ‘course session stats in late August, but he is going to transfer credits or coursework from his ‘previous college career and meet with admissions fo find out more. Board discussed this new ‘opportunity was important and that we supported his interest. It was also discussed that we ‘would revisit it after having more information and that if there was ay issue of not meeting church needs like not visiting elders or not to over work himself trying to do both schooling and the new job in addition to being a pastor. He agreed thatthe church was still his primaryresponsibility and that he would keep us informed and let the board know if there was ‘any issues or concems. The board also suggested that he write @ letter fo the congregation and put tin the Cornerstone to let the church family know about this new opportunity. He agreed that he would provide infoin the Cornerstone after he had more details. ‘Treasurer's Report.No report this month and no changes that Pastor Brian knows about.No borrowing since the $5,00C that was borrowed earlier this year Farmer's Merchant Bank in Minden is changing to Midtates Bank and not sure when this will go into effet. Mission Fund:Senior scholarships last month, but there are no changes this month. ‘Trustee's Report:No check on the roof Teak with water to determine where the roof is leaking. Dirt is needed slong the side ofthe church, Deacon's Fund:No change ‘Memorial Fund:EZ.Enterrises planted the lower bed. Bed is uneven so got an estimate to fix ‘the bed that was about $1,(00.00 90 not fixing it There ie donated money from Eloise Haight, ‘Mary Kahler, and Ehler's, but this would be a church decision since over $500 ‘Youth Report:Gavin & Maggie VanNordstrand went to church camp at Hidden Acres. This «will be paid 1/3 from church, /3 from Mission Fund, and last 1/3 is theirs. Vacation Bible School as discussed above. ‘Upcoming Events-ee cream Socal: Last Sunday of August on the th September Sth isthe Carsten Farms Worship at9am. There willbe no worship at church that Sunday.Survey fom Survey Monkey for church was sent out to members for review. The first question willbe reworded and then send ou to thechurch members. This survey is fee unless we wanted to ‘upgrade, Board decided tat the eurent one is ok so no upgrade (Old Business:Deep freeze vas cleaned out since power went out and lost afew things but wasn't ‘much init Pam spoke with Michele & Rod Olsen about cleaning and they are willing to do it and help Gayle out. [New business: Walnut Communications is no longer broadcasting the Sunday moming worship service due to licensing ecurements, They need license tow and called CCI company but this is not our responsibility Marshs, Sunday School Superintendent i having double knee surgery so she will take ths year off. Sunday School will be lead by aco-eamof Cindy “Manhart, Meredith Martens and Tracy Woblhuter. They will work together o plan the Christmas program Sig io ang ot on he same place asthe VBS sin thats for one week in “August. Board discussed «special donation in the offering for thsign rather than jst purchasing the siga. A motion was made to approve the "Love your neighbor sign witha special donation during offering: Ist by Pam Danker and 2nd by Gretchen Cunningham Sidewalk repuiz where sunken and cracked wih an estimate from Richard and ‘woul ike to reais ter tis fll and use the donation from the food pantry a previously discussed Front concrete steps ae crumbling and repair wes temporary so need to check into replacing r other options ike ne-maintenance decking lke a theparsonage. Old conrete steps ‘would ned tobe tor out and removed. Pam Danker and Jerry Murley are going to check into bids for taking ou the steps, ‘Meeting adjourned and Pastor Brian led in prayer Prepared by: Phylisha Wolfe Events in our Church Life September 8 — Worship at Carstens Farm September 15— Confirmation Sunday ‘Sunday School Begins 9:00 November 17 - Church Dinner and Auction We wish to thank our church family for all their prayers, cards with words of comfort and kindness shown to us during the illness and death of our daughter Michelle. Carroll & Karen Olsen In the event of inclement weather, please check the Web site, Facebook, E-mails will be sent, or check your local radio and television stations | JESUS CHRIST | 1S THE SAME YESTERDAY AND TODAY ANR FOREVER er, eka od U), snstord tl Subscribers can download these chléren’s tivities {ram our Web site: CHILDREN FasyApplesmuce Muffins Taha i ma at stat ‘yer pet at ape "tat ace ———— mn, 1 preps bleed =e oon inepecanhppl mt aoe TeSettanne ae 2 Leap in dat Poe earn fein Decues. Bicones Boa caushonanalrines sere caaerjeee Cone Sie Eo en emer, maar ieee Gis feather Hae ae eaeants ed Seeeeeep ete ‘Barnes king dpe) 7 He et ag ‘peegs totic te wiitedfame cea "he mine ae ey to xt, Mate apple op aunty ‘Wen smttng a to beth pl of our eens pres to youand you woul pote ita you would your own eye With ool Sart up gan we hol emer Go's stuns overs 72: xan amma rl you we gard my aching he appl ot youreye ON ‘eral rt soon o|—|0|o|0|5/ 0] o|o >|» |o|o|m|o|—|o/o|m {Oo} 9|0|—|o\o| plo > |-0| » [O|o|—| |-5 0, '2|—|0|0/0|p|0| w/oa Note: comploted puzze i ina fle called KIDOQOTB_A on this months (CD and an the Web sit: wrva Newsieterowsetercom) uly 14, 2019 Present: Pastor Brian Woblhuter, Gina Wiggins, Dana Martens, Pam Danker, Gretchen Cunningham, Tracey Roane.and Phylisha Wolfe. No meeting minutes to approve fo last month and May minutes were ok. Pastor's Report:No mileage report for this month, but did visit elderly in Couneil Bluffs and also Gary Wedel after his surgery. Lois Kahler is now at Midlands and Judy Nihsen is in Harlan now.Marsha is having both knees replaced so she int going to be the Sunday School ‘Superintendent and is taking this year off: Vacation Bible School is set with rafts and activities, but helpers are still neded. VBS is from August 4th-8th and special program on Thursdayihe 8th by the Omaha Zoo called Zoo Encounters,Pastor Martha from Neola Presbyterian Church is ready to help with Group 316 and other youth activities like VBS. Mortuary schooling stats August 21st but this session maybe full. Pastor Brian has @ phone conference withthe college ‘tomorrow andpending at this time so may not start util May. His transcripts and coursework ‘were accepted, but will find out more about starting afterthe phone conference. There are S semesters of schooling Pastor Brians vacaton/sabbatical starts Wednesday night July 17th and ‘will be gone tll the end of August. Worship services are covered as follows:Bonnie Dollen; July 21, July 28th, August 11th, & August 25th Harvey Hansen: August 4th & 18th.A motion was ‘made and approved to pay “Tarvey $200/Sunday and Bonnie $100/Sunday(Bonnie donating difference to church) and isto be taken from the sabbatical savings account thathas a balance of about 1,900, 1st by Pam Danker and 2nd by Tracey Roane, ‘Music is also covered except next Sunday July 2st, but Bonnie will play music from the ‘computer, Suzanne Watsoa or Mr. Baker from Tri-Center High Schoolwill sare the dates to do the music during worship. ‘Treasurer's Report: Motion to approve: Ist by Pam Danker and 2nd by Gretchen Cunninghesm, ‘Mission Fund: Paid for 1/5 ofthe camp costs for 3 campers at church camp at Hidden Acres. ‘Campers were from the VanNordstand and Murley families.A motion was approved to pay 1/3 ‘of the campers cost from the Mission Fund, another 1/3 from the church, and the remaining 1/3, to be paid by thefamily. Istby Pam Danker and 2nd by Gretchen Cunningham, Building Fund:No flooding of roof and haven't checked since Caroll Olsen is gone to ‘Washington since daughteris ill and not doing well. Will revisit roof isuewhen he returas Pam reported that she requested 3 estimates forthe steps out front but pending a this time due to late Jn the soason and very busy this time ofthe year. The bid waa for new stops only and not for the removal ofthe current steps. The current consideration is thatthe removal of the steps would be MINDEN, OWA Permit #7 Return Service Requested Spirit! Love! FORGIVE! "Keep THe Sprrer" "BE YOURSELF" €

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