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1. Priority Areas?

No Problems Expectation Alternative Field of Study

1 There are still many Coastal communities 1.Need more Marine and
coastal communities who will be more aware education about Resource
think that conservation that the importance of conservation to Management
will lower their welfare. protecting the coastal
environment to communities
maintain the future of 2. memberikan
aceh fisheries solusi kepada
nelayan dan
keluarga nelayan
untuk mencari
alternatif yang
tinggal di

2 There are still many The marine 1. Provide the Marine and
fishermen who still use environment is fisherman with Resource
ilegal fishing gear such as maintained and the environmentally Management
bombs, poison, mini trawl number of fish stocks fishing gear
is increasing 2. Train and
improve the
capacity of
communities to
maintain the

3. Lack of data for species The data can support 1. Need more Marine Biology
conservation especially the government to research
for endemic and take policy especially 2. need to
endangered species the types of improve the
endangered species capacity of
expertise in the
field of
research and
marine biota

4. the Hunting of rare The degree of educating the Marine Biology

species on turtles and sustainability of the public about the
sharks by fishermen is species is maintained dangers of
still high consuming sea
turtle eggs and
shark meat

1. How did you choose your poposed study course and institution? (NOT COMPLETED
I choose my master study based on the problem faced by the fisheries condition in Aceh which
currently have tremendous potential in terms of biodiversity with an ocean area approximately
42,000 square km and with a coastline of 2,817 square km and has 18 coastal districts among 23
regencies in Aceh. Aceh still has problems related to coastal ecosystems that are degraded due to
the pressure they are experiencing. Natural threats and anthropogenic threats accumulate causing
damage to coastal and marine ecosystems. There are still some fishermen of Aceh still fishing
using ilegal fishing gear which is not only a local issue of Aceh but also an international issue.
Therefore, Aceh is currently targeting to have a conservation area of 300,000 hectares of sea in
2020 and in line with UN SDGs number 14 that aims “Conserve and sustainably use of the oceans
seas and marine resouce”. Aceh fisheries also still require marine spatial plan which is still to be
updated and expected to the realization of sustainable development in coastal area including
marine environment and coastal cities so as to create balance between environmental sustainability
and economy of society in accordance with vision and mission of Aceh government
I want to study in Australia to gain experience directly and know how the people there are able to
utilize and manage marine resources well without damaging the environment and maintaining its
biodiveristy. Furthermore. I would like to be a bridge between the environment and comunity
with the goal that the eventual fate of aceh fisheries will be kept up. Futhermore i want to pursue
my master degree at the James Cook Unversity which is well known as the best university for
fisheries education and will enable me to form and develop my skill to address critical challenges
facing marine and coastal ecosystems. I choose marine biology as the courses that i want to
deepen because it’s the most suits and interest me to build my future contibution plan and carrer
as a field researcher. This choice is also based on the results of consultations with alumni and my
observe on the course description
2. how would your study program support your future carrer ?(NOT COMPLETED)
As I concern that problems such as this affect the degradation of environmental quality and
biodiversity and increasing the threat of destruction of fisheries ecosystems in Aceh considering
Indonesia currently has the highest threat of marine ecosystem damage in Southeast Asia. Of
course this also affects the future in the welfare of the community and the coastal environment.
I have a plan that I will contribute as a field researcher and a conservationist
to Techical Service Unit of Conservation (UPTD- Konservasi) as well as give education to the
community that conservation has benefits for the sustainability of their welfare so as to change the
mindset and increase the awareness of coastal communities to the environment, and certainly
supported by real action. My study program at Marine Biology will give me access to further
expand and develvop to face the grands challenges for marine and coastal ecosystems. Moreover
my proposed study program will give a chance to research and tackling issues such as
Environmental and ecological sustainability, Biodiversity and conservation challenges for marine
3. How have you contributed to solving a challenge and to implementing change or reform? (Be
specific and include: what aspect/s of your leadership knowledge, skills and practice you consider
to be well established and effective; which people or organizations you worked with to solve the
problem; and what creative methods were used?
In 2016, I was assigned as the field coordinator of Student Executive Committee of Syiah
University called Coastal Village Development Program which was done in Breuh Island precisely
in Gugop Village which is located in a very remote area. The beauty and resources of marine in
this village ……people rely on the nature as their primary income.
Unfortunately, lack of creativity to produce valuable product.
I and the team identified the potential tourism sector… therefore, I initiated the program… to
prepare the locals to improve their business through workshops etc. location from banda, careful
planning of the program, survey talk to the head, identified the need and the challenge
encountered… survey… planning, meeting, clear job des…
Results… community

Here, it was difficult transportation access causes the island is less developed compared to other
islands such as weh island and Nasi Island. Most of the villagers are making the resources of the
sea as their main income, besides this village also has excellent potential in the case of marine
tourism if developed because the naturalness of the marine ecosystem here is still maintained.
Before the program was executed, me and team conducted a survey and interviews to the chief
village and the important figures of this village. Then we found some problems in this village such
as marine waste that threatens coastal ecosystems, the villagers who still have no expertise in
processing marine fishery products. Then we decided to do some coaching for 5 days in the village.
On the first, second and third day me and the team took the initiative to coach the
fishermen's wives to make the processing of seafood in the form of fish crackers, candy from
seaweed, meatballs and nugget from fish and we make sample packaging so that it helps villagers
to produce and can be made as souvenirs when there is tourist visit, on the fourth day we invite the
villagers and local children to do coastal clean up and underwater clean up by using skin diving
tool so that the coastal ecosystem in the village is maintained. And on the fifth day I took the
initiative and asked the team to hold a program of socialization to the students in the elementary
school who is the only one on the Breuh Island and happened to be in this village. We introduce
the importance of maintaining marine ecosystems and endangered marine animals by playing
documentary films and do some discussions with the studentsI feel that this program is very
appropriate to create awareness of concerns to the marine ecosystem and marine animals from an
early age so that in the future there is no more excessive exploitation.

4. a. Please give up to 3 practical examples for how do you intend to use the knowledge, skills,
and connection you will gain from your scholarship. Possible tasks can be personal, or
b. List any possible constraints you think may prevent you from achieving these tasks.
A. Contribution
1. As a researcher, I would propose the addition of MPA (Marine Protected Area) both on the
east coast and the west coast of Aceh. The aceh oceans are now known as one of the whale
immigration paths. In addition, Aceh is also the habitat of some protected animals such as
dugongs, sharks, and turtles. With this MPA provides an opportunity for biota and marine
plants to grow and breed so that later will be achieved objectives of conservation and
management such as protection, responsible utilization, rehabilitation of the wealth of marine
resources and sustainability
2. As a conservasionist, I will socialize to coastal aceh people about the importance of
conservation areas as regulators of the utilization of water territories in accordance with
certain zonation so that stocks of fish and other important biota remain awake. With the
support of the government and traditional custom institutions "Panglima Laot" (a local
institution that regulates sea fishing practices and has existed since 400 years ago) so that the
achievement of a community that cares about the environment and conservation areas based
on customary law of the sea will still exist.
3. Increases research related to the collection of data from both for marine animals and sea
plants. Limited scientific data and information is the classic challenge in implementing
maximun effort of protection and conservation program. Currently Aceh is still very lack of
data in terms of biota in terms of spawning ground and habitat, especially on the types of
endangered biota such as sharks and dugong besides aceh also still lack of data associated
with the distribution of seagrass. Lack of expert resources and observation is one of the causes
of this happening, therefore the conservation program established in Aceh is not yet optimal.
Given the data, it is hoped that will make it easier for the government to make policies related
to sustainable fisheries in Aceh

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