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The challenge of increasing profit targets by 10% poised a big challenge despite having more than

80% of families in united states having income great than USD 25,000 are using RBS product. The
main threat to baking soda was from the entry of similar product in the market. The baking soda is
generally considered a low involvement product and is not having immediate need satisfactory
features. Therefore, there is less scope of product development. This very reason is the most
probably major factor for the consumers shifting to new products. Other than this, there is also an
increase of 10% in the cost of Raw materials. But there are a few things where Anna Could work in
achieving the profit targets.

 Satisfaction of Sales Staff: If Sales Staff is happy and content, your company will definitely
gain success. If you provide an appropriate salary to your employee then he will be able to
give his 100%. As it can be seen in the case the company is definitely going through a
workforce management problem. Hence, a push to improve this would be impacting on the
sales of the project.
 Trade Promotions: The RBS is hardly offering any trade promotions. RBS should offer more
frequent trade promotions. It not only impacts the sales of products but providing the trade
promotion would lead to the promotion of the via the word of mouth.
 Use Internet for Advertisement: As mentioned in the case that Baking soda is a low
involvement and boring products and RBS was only advertised on their website which
already be having a low traffic as users do not visit their sites regularly. Hence, the RBS
should be using internet mediums social media to demonstrate the various use and
attributes of the products.
 Consumer Promotion Activities to build consumer loyalty: The RBS shall provide a smooth
shopping experience by creating a new brand image by improving their brand elements and
can also provide the experience where they can save money. Such practices will not only
improve the repeat purchase but also increase the consumer loyalty.
 Reduce the cost of TV advertising (35%) and increasing the cost of print advertising 10%
RBS isn’t getting much of advertising support and merchandising support in terms of trade
promotions. The effective consumer promotions usually involve the use of coupons which
we can put it print media hence, it will be effective.

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