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Contents lists available at Mapta Publishing Group Vol. 2, No.

2, August, 2018

Mapta Journal of Mechanical and Industrial

Engineering (MJMIE)
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ISSN: 2517-4258

Prediction of the Characteristic Map of a Centrifugal Compressors Using

Computational Fluid Dynamic
Jafar A. Masri*
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, City University, London, United Kingdom

Article Info Abstract

Article history: The present study has investigated the effects of the different loss mechanisms
available in the open literature on the performance of the centrifugal
Received May 14th, 2018 compressors. Then the performance maps of a centrifugal compressor have
Revised Jul 12th, 2018 been produced using two methods. First of all, the analytical method for in
Accepted Jul 28th, 2018 which a system of empirical equations describing the flow in the centrifugal
compressors have been prepared and used to generate a Visual Basic code that
Keyword: can be used as a tool to predict the characteristic map of centrifugal
compressors. Secondly, the Ansys computational fluid dynamic (CFD) tools
Characteristic map have been used to simulate the flow of the same compressor and produce a
Centrifugal compressors performance map using Ansys CFX solver that can be used to validate the
Computational fluid dynamic results obtained from the analytical method. The results obtained from both
Ansys CFX solver methods have been compared to experimental results available for the
compressor. The results obtained from both methods are in good agreement
with the experimental results. However, the results obtained from CFD match
more accurately with the experimental results. The effects of each loss
mechanism were calculated and results show that the skin friction loss has the
highest impact on the performance of the centrifugal compressors. Moreover,
the incidence loss also has significant impact on the shape of the performance
curve of the compressor.

1. Introduction
Centrifugal compressors are very important devices that are used in many modern industrial applications. The
prediction of the performance of such devices can be of a great benefit for optimizing the operating efficiency of those
devices, allow them to reach higher total pressure ratio and operate at wider mass flow rate range. The typical pressure
ratio a centrifugal compressor can produce is between 2 to 5. However, modern manufacturing and material technologies
along with good designs allow the manufacturers to produce centrifugal compressors that are capable of achieving higher
pressure ratios. A compressor characteristic map is presented by a plot showing the variation of compressor pressure
ratios and efficiencies at different rotating speeds versus the corrected mass flow rate. The prediction of the characteristic
map of any radial flow compressor generally requires the analysis of the gas flow conditions in each component of the
compressor. Compressor maps play a vital role in optimizing the performance of a compressor especially at the design
stage to ensure compatibility with system requirements. Performance maps are usually produced experimentally, but by
using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and analytical tools, performance maps can also be produced.
It is generally believed that centrifugal compressors are very efficient in handling small volume flows, they also have
shorter length than an equivalent axial compressor (compact), they have better resistance to foreign object damage, they
are reliable and they operate over a wide range of mass flow rates (wider operating domain than any other type of
compressors) [1]. Centrifugal compressors have wide range of applications, they can be used on natural gas pipelines,
they are also used in automotive reciprocating engines as superchargers or turbochargers and they are used in air
separation plants to produce purified end product gases.

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© Authors retain all copyrights.

Mapta Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Vol. 2, No. 2, August, 2018

To date, significant improvements have been made in turbo-machine technology due to the use of computational map
prediction methods. The improved computational prediction methods along with understanding the mechanisms
affecting the performance of the centrifugal compressors can help in avoiding the trial-and-error type of designs. A wide
range of prediction procedures are available in the open literature for the centrifugal compressors. These procedures
range from the simple mean line analysis to more complicated two and three dimensional procedures. It is generally
believed that the mean line analysis is more convenient than the other procedures because it is less time-consuming and
more suitable for optimizing the overall geometry.
The mean line one-dimensional prediction procedure contains a judicious mix of one-dimensional gas dynamics,
empirical flow models and loss correlations. Whitfield and Baines [2] have discussed the prediction of the characteristic
map of centrifugal compressors. The performance of centrifugal compressors is usually presented in terms of groups of
variables called non dimensional parameters. These parameters depend on other factors such as the pressure and
temperature at the compressor inlet and also on the properties of the working fluid. The performance map is presented
by curves of delivery pressure plotted against the non-dimensional mass flow rate for various fixed values of rotational
The most important loss mechanisms found in the centrifugal compressors that affect the performance can be divided
into two types: internal loss mechanisms and parasitic loss mechanisms. The internal loss mechanisms include the
incidence loss at the impeller inlet, the blade loading loss, the skin friction loss and the clearance loss through the impeller
passage, and finally the mixing loss at the impeller exit. Internal loss that are generated from the flow of fluid through
the centrifugal compressor and they affect the thermal efficiency and the pressure ratio of the compressor. Parasitic loss
generated from the fluid leaking away from the main direction of flow through the compressor. The parasitic losses give
an increase to the impeller enthalpy without any change in the pressure. This will reduce the efficiency of the centrifugal
compressor but will not affect the pressure. There are three mechanisms of parasitic losses which are: the recirculation
loss, the leakage loss and the disk friction loss. The loss models experienced through the centrifugal compressor are very
important in the prediction procedure. Therefore, it is very important to understand the effects of those losses on the
performance of the centrifugal compressor in order to achieve better performance prediction [3-5]
The prediction of performance maps of centrifugal compressors is very important especially in the early design stage.
It helps in the matching between the main compressor components (impeller, diffuser and volute) which makes the
compressor operate more efficiently. The objective of the prediction of the characteristic map of centrifugal compressors
is to limit the uncertainties in the design time and cost. Moreover, it allows the current designs of centrifugal compressors
to improve and become more applicable [6]. This project aims to develop a system of equations that can be used as a
tool to predict the performance map of a centrifugal compressor based on empirical flow models and loss correlations.
Then CFD tools are to be used to produce the performance maps of the compressor to validate the results obtained from
the analytical tools and the results are to be compared with experimental results available for the same compressor. The
following topics are going to be covered through the development of the project: 1) defining the different losses affecting
the performance of the centrifugal compressors, 2) creating a code in a programming language in which the analytical
models of the losses found in the centrifugal compressors are going to be used to produce the characteristic map of the
compressor, and 3) using CFD tools to validate the map produced from the analytical method and make comparisons.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Prediction Methods

Predicting the behavior of a system helps in understanding the relationship between its different variables. In
engineering, predicting the behavior of a system allows for producing better designs and optimized operation. Usually,
engineers conduct experiments which is a typical approach to understand the behavior of a system and helps in
constructing a system of equations that represents the system. Another approach used in predicting the behavior of a
system in engineering is the analytical approach. The analytical approach can be described as the mathematical model
that represents a specific system is constructed based on the basic physical phenomena that govern the system’s behavior.
Then, the system of equations constructed can be solved for a set of given operating conditions and then a mathematical
solution to the system of equations can obtained [7]. The third approach used to predict the behavior of a system is the
use of CFD. CFD is basically a computer software tool used for simulating the behavior of fluid flow, heat transfer and
other physical processes of a system. In CFD, the differential equations representing the system are converted to a set of
algebraic equations. Then the system of algebraic equations is solved using digital computers. The three different
methods are going to be discussed in more details in the following sections.

Mapta Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Vol. 2, No. 2, August, 2018

2.2. General gas dynamic analysis and loss correlations used

The mean line one-dimensional prediction procedure is adopted in this project. The system of empirical correlations
and flow models used in the prediction procedure is presented in this section. This one-dimensional prediction procedure
requires the knowledge of the overall dimensions of the compressor. Nevertheless, it also requires the knowledge of the
inlet conditions of the fluid. First of all, from the identified geometry and inlet conditions, the inlet area, the inlet air
density and the outlet area are calculated as follow:


It should be noted that the outlet area A2 must be multiplied by a satisfactory blockage factor to allow for boundary
layer growth. According to Whitfield and Baines [2], a blockage factor of 0.97 is satisfactory to be applied for the outlet
flow area. The tangential impeller speeds at the inlet and outlet are calculated from the known rotational speed ( ):


The relative stagnation enthalpy definition for rotating ducts is given by:
Then the relative stagnation temperature at the outlet can be calculated as:


At this point, a set of relative Mach numbers are assumed to calculate the relative fluid flow velocities and the relative
flow angle ( 2) at the exit of the impeller in order to calculate the mass flow rate. Five Mach numbers have been assumed
to carry out the prediction which are (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 0.9). Then the relative fluid flow velocity at the exit of the
impeller is calculated using the following equation:


where: M´ is the relative Mach number. The relative eddies in the impeller blade passage makes the impeller relative
flow angle at the exit different than the impeller blade angle. The concept of slip factor should now be used as a
correlation to measure the relative fluid flow angle ( 2). The following equation of Stanitz is used to calculate the slip


Then the relative fluid flow angle ( 2) can now be calculated from the equation below:


where: 2 is the blade angle at the exit of the impeller. Next is to calculate the mass flow rate. Whitfield and Baines
explained the analytical prediction procedure and suggested a dimensionless mass flow rate equation applicable to the
different types of flow in the radial turbomachines. According to the authors, the equation of mass flow rate developed
combines the equations of continuity, energy and entropy. The equation developed is given as:


where is the entropy gain in the duct.


It should be noted that the mass flow rate should be non-dimensional parameter, so that it should be multiplied by:

Mapta Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Vol. 2, No. 2, August, 2018


So the equation of mass flow rate becomes:


The flow rate presented in the performance map of centrifugal compressors is the corrected mass flow rate [8]. The
corrected mass flow rate for centrifugal compressors is calculated as follow:


The next step is to find the velocities of fluid at the inlet and outlet of the impeller. This can be done by using the
velocity triangles. From the velocity triangle, it can be concluded that:


The tangential component of fluid flow velocity at the inlet of the impeller 1is usually zero unless the pre-whirl
vanes are used at the inlet of the impeller. The absolute fluid flow velocity at the inlet of the impeller can used derived
from the continuity equation as follow:


Then the relative fluid flow velocity at the inlet of the impeller can be calculated based on the velocity triangle at the
inlet of the impeller as follow:


The Euler head equation can now be used to calculate the theoretical head at different speeds [9]. The Theoretical
Euler head equation is given as:


The centrifugal compressor pressure ratio can now be calculated using the equation:


where Δℎ is the summation of all internal losses in the centrifugal compressor. The isentropic efficiency can be
obtained using the following equation:


where Δℎ is the summation of all parasitic losses in the centrifugal compressor. The isentropic efficiency
equation implies that in addition to the internal losses, the parasitic losses in the compressor increase the discharge
stagnation enthalpy in the impeller without affecting the pressure. So that the denominator of the equation is the actual
input enthalpy change including the parasitic losses.

2.3. Analytical method prediction

The analytical prediction is carried out by developing a Visual Basic code. Visual Basic is a computer programming
language and integrated development environment (IDE) developed by Microsoft corporation. Visual Basic is very time-
efficient tool of a very simple structure and user friendly layout. The prediction tool generated was used to obtain the
analytical results of the performance of the centrifugal compressors [10].

Mapta Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Vol. 2, No. 2, August, 2018

2.4. CFD method prediction

The performance of the centrifugal compressor is also predicted using Ansys CFD tools. Ansys is an engineering
simulation software that allows the user to test systems and simulate fluid flows in a virtual environment. The procedure
of producing the characteristic map of centrifugal compressor in Ansys was as follow: first of all, the compressor CAD
geometry was generated in Ansys BladeGen tool. Then Ansys TurboGrid tool was used to create the mesh. Finally, the
Ansys CFX solver was used to predict the performance of the centrifugal compressor simulated. The Ansys CFX solver
is a world leading computational tool, well known for providing accurate simulations for centrifugal compressor
performance and robust solutions. After obtaining the results of the analytical and CFD methods, comparisons are made
with the experimental results available to discuss the methods of prediction clearly. Then, based on the results obtained,
the conclusion can be drawn about the methods of predicting the characteristic map of centrifugal compressors [11].

3. Results

3.1. Analytical Method

The analytical method described in the previous chapter was used to obtain the performance map for Eckardt O
impeller. Oh et al. [12] have predicted the characteristic map of this impeller in their study of the optimum loss models
for the performance prediction of centrifugal compressors. They have also compared their results with the available
results obtained from experimental measurements. This makes the Eckardt O impeller a good impeller to test the
prediction tool developed in this project because comparisons can be made with the results obtained by Oh et al. as well
as with the experimental results available. The total pressure ratio and isentropic efficiency graphs obtained for Eckardt
O impeller using Visual Basic are shown in figures 1 and 2, respectively.

Figure 1. Total pressure ratio graph obtained from the analytical approach.

Figure 2. Isentropic efficiency graph obtained from the analytical approach.

Mapta Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Vol. 2, No. 2, August, 2018

3.2. CFD method

The CFD simulations over a wide range of operating points gives clear explanations of the flow through the
compressor impeller. In order to get stable convergence in the solution, the boundary conditions were set as total pressure
and total temperature at the inlet of the impeller and static pressure at the outlet. The total pressure and total temperature
are available from the operating conditions assumed for the compressor. The relative Mach number gives a general
description of the fluid flow conditions through the compressor impeller. The total pressure and efficiency graphs
obtained from the CFD analysis are shown in figures 3 and 4, respectively.

Figure 3. Total pressure ratio graph obtained from CFD.

Figure 4. Isentropic Efficiency graph obtained from CFD.

4. Discussion
The experimental, analytical and CFD results of total pressure ratio are plotted in figure 5. The plot shows good
matching between the results obtained in the three methods. This graph shows that the difference in the results obtained
from the three methods increases as the rotational speed increases. The values of the analytical method has the lowest
pressure ratio compared to the results of the other two methods. This is because in the analytical method, all of the losses
encountered in the centrifugal compressor were taken into consideration and the values were intended to be the maximum

Mapta Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Vol. 2, No. 2, August, 2018

theoretical data rate. While in the CFD method, the results obtained shows higher total pressure ratios than what is
obtained in the experimental and analytical results. The reason behind this is that in the CFD tools, some losses like for
example the disc friction loss or the incidence loss are not taken into account in the simulation of the performance of the
centrifugal compressors, or have lower values than what has been assumed in the analytical calculations. Moreover, it
can also be understood from the results obtained that the impeller contributes the most to the pressure build up in the
centrifugal compressor. This is because in the analytical method, the losses investigated are generated in the impeller so
as a result the total pressure ratio obtained from the analytical method was the lowest between the three methods.

Figure 5. Comparison between the results obtained from the different methods.

Figure 6 shows the effects of the different losses investigated in this project on the performance of the centrifugal
compressors. The plot is for Eckardt impeller O as well and at a single rotational speed of 14000 RPM. The curves
indicate the pressure ratio obtained when only one loss mechanism is taken into account in the compressor. The graph
gives a clear explanation of the losses that mostly affect the performance of the compressor. It can be seen from the
graph that the skin friction loss has the highest effect on the performance of centrifugal compressors. Nevertheless, the
effects of the clearance loss and the incidence loss can be clearly seen on the shape of the performance curves of the
compressor. The other losses such as the blade loading loss, the leakage loss, the disc friction loss and the mixing loss
have less effects on the performance of the compressor but they still cannot be ignored. The skin friction loss is the
largest loss mechanism affecting the performance of the centrifugal compressors. The results obtained by taking this loss
alone in account are very close to the results obtained when taking all of the losses investigated in account. The efficiency
graph obtained when applying the skin friction loss alone in the analytical method gives very close results to the graph
obtained when applying all of the losses (The results presented in figure 17).
The efficiency obtained when applying each of the other losses alone gives very high isentropic efficiency (very close
to the results obtained from CFD in figure 4). This explains why the efficiency obtained from CFD is very high compared
to the efficiency obtained from the analytical method. In CFD simulations, the losses taken into account are not necessary
be the same as the losses taken into consideration in the analytical approach.

Mapta Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Vol. 2, No. 2, August, 2018

Figure 6. Effects of the different losses investigated on the compressor performance at 14000 RPM.

5. Conclusions
The prediction of centrifugal compressor performance maps is very essential especially at the design stage to ensure
compatibility with system requirements. It allows the manufacturers to produce optimized compressors that operate more
efficiently under specific conditions. The results obtained from both methods (i.e., analytical and CFD methods) were
very close to the experimental results available. However, the results obtained from CFD match with the experimental
results more accurately. The efficiency graph obtained from CFD gives very high results compared to the graph obtained
from the analytical approach. This is because in the analytical approach the losses taken into account were considered
to have the highest possible theoretical value. While on the other hand, in the CFD solution, some losses might not be
taken into account. It should be noted that the CFD approach, the prediction of the performance maps of centrifugal
compressors is very time-consuming. The solution of the CFX solver takes more time than the analytical method to give
the results of one point depending on the speed of the machine used and the number of nodes and mesh elements
generated in the TurboGrid tool. The solution has to be repeated for several times to obtain the characteristic map of the
compressor. On the other hand, the results of the analytical approach can be obtained quickly after generating the Visual
Basic code.
The effects of each loss mechanism were also presented in this study. The results show that the skin friction loss has
the highest impact on the performance of the centrifugal compressors. Moreover, the incidence loss also has significant
impact on the shape of the performance curve of the compressor.
Nevertheless, if the experimental measurements were also carried out in this project, the results would be more
accurate and can be confidently compared to the other results obtained from the other two methods. This could provide
more accurate results because having the full geometry of the tested compressor could improve the CFD and the
analytical results as some of the geometry of the compressor simulated in this project where missed and assumptions
were made whenever needed.

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