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Waiter : welcome to our restaurant Miss. Have you already booked a place before?

Emily : yes. I’ve booked a place.

Waiter : whose name?
Emily : on behalf of Emily
Waiter : ohh well, follow me. Your table is number … over there.
Emily : Well, let’s follow her, Beca!
Waiter : This is your table and this is our menu Sir, Please call me when you’re ready to order.
Emily : Okay: I’ll call you later.
Waiter : Well excuse me.
Emily : What food do you want to order, Beca?
Beca : I think I want to eat …... How about you?
Emily : I’ve been eating ….. this morning, so I think I will take something which is different this time.
Beca : Then I suggested you to have …..
Emily : Is …… at this restaurant tasty?
Beca : I think so. I’ve tried it when I eat with Lane.
Emily : Then I accept your suggestion to order….... And what drink do you want, Beca?
Beca : I want to drink …. How about you?
Emily : I want …….
Beca : Okay, I will call the waiter right? Waiter!!
The waiter comes
Waiter : Are you ready to order Miss?
Emily : we want to have…..
Waiter : for drink, you want to order anything?
Beca : give us ……
Waiter : Okay, I repeat your order ……
Emily : yes right.
Waiter : we will take your order, please wait.
Emily : By the way, I heard the rumor that you will move to Jakarta, Bec. It is true?
Beca : Oh, the rumor is true Emily.
Emily : But why?
Beca : My dad was moved in there by his company. So, my family must move in there too.
Emily : Oh sad to know about it, Bec. I hope our communicate will never end after that, Bec.
Beca : Of course no. We still be friend, Emily.
Emily : Oh beca please don’t go, I can’t live without you hahaha
Beca : Oh stop it, Emily. You make me laughing. U’re so funny hahaha
Emily : Oh really? I know it hahaha

Waiter : This is your meal, Miss! Please enjoy. If you need anything, please call me back.
Beca : okay thanks
Emily : This food is so delicious
Beca : But my food not
Emily : Why?
Beca : It’s sour & tasteless. Wait I’ll call the waiter! Waiter, please come here.
Waiter : Yes, Miss.
Beca : I want to complain about the food. It’s sour and tasteless. I am really not satisfied with this
restaurant. How can I eat this food?
Waiter : I’m sorry, Miss. Maybe our chef put the wrong ingredient. What if we change your food with new
Beca : No. I don’t want new food. I’ll just go. How much should I pay?
Emily : Calm down, Bec. Don’t be fast to angry. U can change your food with the new one.
Beca : Huh okay, bring me the new one.
Waiter : Yes, Miss. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused
Beca : Okay no problem.
Waiter : Here’s your new one order Miss.

Emily : Excuse me?

Waiter : Yes, Miss
Emily : Can I have my bill?
Waiter : Here’s your bill, Miss
Emily : Okay, thank you

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