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Assignment 1

Research method

Yakhsha Anjum

This assignment is basically all about the tools and researches

that I being in the subject named “research method”. This
assignment consist of different types of researches their
further types and examples.
 What is research?
Research can be defined as a careful study regarding a particular concern or a
problem by using a scientific method. According to the American sociologist,

“Research is a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict and control the

observed phenomenon. Research involves inductive and deductive methods.”

Research can also be define as, a kind of research which being done on already
problematic statement or search.

 Types of research
Following are the types of research

 Basic research
 Applied research
 Problem oriented research
 Problem solving research
 Qualitative research
For example:
Most of the people know that dengue fever is very harmful. We all know
that it is a kind of a severe problem. After dengue a person is suffered from
malaria. So, a research will be made first that what type of problem has
putted the victim into such trouble so far.

 What s exploratory research

Exploratory research can be defined as a research that is done or
conducted to gather more information about the problem in order to make
a specific hypothesis.
 Types of exploratory research
 Literature search
 Depth interviews
 Focus group
 Case analysis

For example:
An advertising company got an account for a new coffee containing chicory, the
company started the investigation process with exploratory research in order to
identify the situation. The researchers found that virtually no one had heard
about chicory. It wasn’t being used, and no-one seemed to know how to put it to
use. This resulted in the hypothesis that the advertising could depict the chicory
ingredient in whatever way the customer desired.

 What is descriptive research?

Descriptive research can be defined as a research that is being done to clarify or
explain the characteristics of certain phenomena to solve a particular problem. It
does not focus on how, why, when the thing has occurred. It is also used to
explain the situation, object, behavior etc.

 Types of descriptive research

 Case study
 Survey
 Observation

For example:
If someone has become the victim of new cancer that has not been existed before
then this would help for case report. In this the doctor will keep all the details of
the treatments that were given before and how the patient responded to that.

 What is casual research?

Casual research can be defined as a research in which investigation is being done
on issue or topic in which it is particularly assumed that a particular variable X
influences Y.

 What is qualitative research?

Qualitative research is a kind of scientific method of observation in order to
gather non numerical data. It is a kind of an exploratory research. It is being used
to understand the underlying reasons, opinions etc.

 Types of qualitative research

 Focus group
 In depth interviews
 Paired interviews

For example:
Most of the women are brand conscious. They prefer to buy clothes from brands
rather than local markets. In order to check how many of them are interested and
why they used to go for this option, an interview can be conducted as a sample to
know the reason behind it.

 What is quantitative research?

It is a way of collecting data and then analyzing it from various sources. It is
numerical based. It consists of mathematical techniques, computational and
statistical techniques etc.

 Types of quantitative research

 Surveys
 Questionnaire
 Casual comparative research
 Experimental research
For example:
In order to know how many of the adults used to smoke. A kind of a survey or
questionnaire shall be created to combine the data.

 What is primary tool and secondary tool?

Primary tool basically allow you to read the documents that were written in the
time an event happened. A secondary tool presents material about an event that
is interpreted by someone after the time in which the event occurred.

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