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a) 2-3 times a week

b) Weekly
c) Bi-weekly
d) Monthly
e) Other ( Please specify) __________________________

1. How often do you check your spam folder?

a) Everyday
b) 2-3 times a week
c) Weekly
d) Bi-weekly
e) Monthly
f) Other ( Please specify) __________________________

2. If given a choice of one of the following options, which would you prefer for promotional
a) Multimedia email
b) Text-only email

3. A. You selected a preference for multimedia email. Would you be able to provide a
reason for your choice? *Select as many options as you need.
a) I like how multimedia (html) emails can be presented
b) I like the use of color in emails
c) I like to see images and pictures in my emails
d) I like changes in text fonts and styles
e) Other (Please specify) __________________________

B. You selected a preference for text-only email; can you provide us with some more
information about your choice? *Select as much options as you need.
a) My email client or reader does not want multimedia email
b) I just want the "meat" of the email without the distraction of color or images
c) I like to read my email offline and don't like the broken image links
d) I have slow internet access and multimedia emails take longer to download
e) Other (Please specify) __________________________

4. What do you prefer for business information: i) Social media or ii) Email
a) i only
b) ii only
c) Both i and ii
d) None of the above

5. Should there be more pictures used in the promotional email sent by OYO rooms?
a) Yes
b) Current number of pictures are absolutely fine
c) The number of pictures should be reduced
d) It should be text- only email

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