Statistical Power Sum Analysis For Nonidentically Distributed Correlated Lognormal Signals

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Pekka Pirinen

Telecommunication Laboratory and Centre for Wireless Communications,

P.O. Box 4500, FIN-90014 University of Oulu, FINLAND,

ABSTRACT tended to correlated signals [3]–[5]. Recently, lognormal

sum approximations have been applied to systems, where
Sum statistics of multiple lognormally distributed corre- both the desired signal and interference can be composed
lated random variables are studied in the case of non- of several lognormal components [9].
identical means and standard deviations. The Fenton- Most of the aforementioned analyses have assumed
Wilkinson and Ho’s modification of the Schwartz-Yeh identical statistics for the component signals. The contri-
approximation are used as analytical tools. Their accu- bution of this paper is to study the combined effect of
racy is tested with Monte Carlo simulations. Numerical correlation and variability of the component means and
results show that both approximations fail to match simu- variances to the sum distribution.
lation results in the case of nonidentically distributed
correlated signals. The Fenton-Wilkinson approximation 2. LOGNORMAL SUM APPROXIMATIONS
breaks down if standard deviations are large. The Unfortunately, there is no known exact result for the dis-
Schwartz-Yeh approximation is quite accurate for the tribution of the sum of several lognormal signal compo-
mean and standard deviation statistics for uncorrelated nents. Therefore, many approximations have been de-
signals. Overall, it seems best to rely on Monte Carlo rived for this purpose. The common feature of these log-
simulations if the lognormal sum is composed of many normal sum approximations is that they model the sum
heterogeneous correlated components. distribution being lognormal as well. Usually, the mean
1. INTRODUCTION and standard deviation of the lognormal distribution are
given in decibel units. In the calculations it may be more
In cellular systems co-channel interference (CCI) is the convenient to use the natural logarithm instead of the 10-
major limiting factor for the capacity and transmission base logarithm. The connection between these notations
quality. Therefore, it is essential to find out the statistics can be defined as m yi = λm xi and σ yi = λσ xi , where
of CCI for the accurate modeling and possible mitigation
of the detrimental effects of CCI. In FDMA and TDMA λ = ln(10) / 10 ≈ 0.23026 . The sum of N lognormal ran-
cellular networks the frequency reuse factor is usually dom variables Li can be represented by the expression
greater than one. This means that CCI comes from adja-
cent reuse cells. Also, the number effective CCI sources L= Li = eYi ≅ e Z , (1)
is typically quite small. In cellular CDMA systems CCI i =1 i =1
can be severe, because it can originate both from the de-
sired cell (intracell interference) and the surrounding where terms Yi and Z are Gaussian random variables.
cells (intercell interference). The correlation coefficient of Yi and Yj is defined as
Co-channel interference can be considered to a su-
E[(Yi − m yi )(Y j − m y j )]
perposition of distance-dependent attenuation (path loss), rij = , (2)
short-term fluctuations, and long-term variations. Mobile σ yi σ y j
radio channel measurements have shown that the log-
normal distribution fits as a statistical model for the local where m and σ refer to the mean and standard deviation
mean of the received signal. It takes into account the path of the indexed random variables.
loss and slow fading (shadowing). In direct sequence
CDMA networks the power control is essential. The im- 2.1. Fenton-Wilkinson (FW) approximation
pact of imperfect power control has also been found to In the Fenton-Wilkinson (FW) approximation [4], the
follow lognormal statistics in many cases. mean mz and the standard deviation σ z of Z are derived
Lognormal sum approximations are well described in by matching the first two moments of the both sides of
the open literature [1]−[8]. The Fenton-Wilkinson (FW) (1). If the first moment of ( L1 + L2 + ... + LN ) is denoted
approximation was originally published in 1960 [1]. The
other widely used approximation is the Schwartz-Yeh by u1, it can be derived to be
(SY) approximation [2]. These approximations were first
derived for uncorrelated signals. Later they were ex-
N m yi + σ 2y / 2 mz = m y1 + G1 , (7)
u1 = E[ L] = E[e Z ] = e i . (3)
i =1
σ 2z = σ 2y − G12 − 2σ 2y ( I 2 + I 0 ) + G2 , (8)
By matching the second moment u2, one obtains 1 1

N 2 m yi + 2σ 2y
u 2 = E[ L2 ] = E[e 2 Z ] = e i G1 = E[ln(1 + e w )] = A0 + I1 , (9)
i =1
N −1 N m yi + m y j
1 2
(σ y + σ 2y + 2rij σ yi σ y j ) G2 = E[ln 2 (1 + e w )] = I 3 + 2 I 4 + σ 2w I 0 + mw A0 , (10)
+2 e e 2 i j
i =1 j = i +1
G3 = E[(w − mw )ln(1 + e w )] = σ 2w ( I 2 + I 0 ) , (11)
Mean and standard deviation can be solved from (3) and
(4) to be I 4 = σ 2w [ f w (0) ln 2 − I 5 ] + mw I 6 , (12)
mz = 2 ln u1 − ln u2 (5) σw
e − m w / 2σ w + mw I 0 ,
2 2
2 A0 = (13)

σ 2z = ln u 2 − 2 ln u1 . (6)
The Fenton-Wilkinson approach is applicable when I i = hi (v)v −1dv , (14)
the standard deviations of the lognormal components are 0
lower than 4 dB for uncorrelated signal components [2].
For higher deviation values, this approximation tends to
underestimate the mean and overestimate the variance of exp[−(ln v + mw / σ w ) 2 /2], i = 0,
the sum distribution. When there is correlation between 2π
the identically distributed components, the FW approxi- [ f w (ln v) + f w (− ln v)] ln(1 + v), i = 1,
mation is quite accurate at higher deviation values (up to
[ f w (ln v) − f w (− ln v)](1 + v −1 ) −1 , i = 2,
12 dB), too [4].
2.2. Ho’s Schwartz-Yeh (SY) approximation hi (v) = [ f w (ln v) + f w (− ln v)] ln 2 (1 + v), i = 3, (15)
− f w (− ln v) ln v ln(1 + v), i = 4,
Originally, the Schwartz-Yeh approximation was pub-
lished in [2]. This method is also based on the assump- f w (− ln v)(1 + v −1 ) −1 , i = 5,
tion that the power sum is lognormally distributed. Exact f w (− ln v) ln(1 + v), i = 6,
expressions for the first two moments of the sum of two
lognormal random variables are derived. Nesting and re-
cursion techniques are then used to extend the approach
to a larger number of cumulative random variables.
1 ( w − mw ) 2
Unfortunately, the calculations in the original SY f w ( w) = exp − . (16)
method are complex. They require a lot of computation 2πσ 2w 2σ 2w
capacity before the results converge to the desired accu-
racy in digits. Hence, the modified method presented by 2.3. Monte Carlo simulation
Ho [5], will be used in this paper. The Ho’s SY ap-
proximation circumvents the roundoff errors and compli- In comparison to the approximations, simulations have
cated integration of the original approach by numerical been completed to point out, where the approximations
integration using the trapezoidal rule and appropriate deviate from the actual sum distributions. Simulations
transformations in the integration range. follow the procedure described in [6]. K = 106 samples in
According to the literature the SY approximation can the simulation are generated for each lognormal signal.
be best applied when the range of the standard deviation These samples are collected in the vector
is 4 ≤ σ ≤ 12 dB. If all components in the summation are
identically distributed, this approximation tends to un- a = [a1 a2 ... a N ]T , (17)
derestimate the variance in the resulting signal distribu- where a’s are samples of N uncorrelated Gaussian proc-
tion. The error increases as a function of the number of esses with specific means and standard deviations, and T
added components. denotes the vector transpose operation. Then the vector a
The expressions required for the mean and standard
deviation calculation (sum of two lognormal signals) us- is linearly transformed into vector b = [b1 b2 ... bN ]T by
ing this method are presented in (7)–(16).
Mean of the sum distribution Standard deviation of the sum distribution
18 12
Ho´s Schwartz−Yeh approximation Ho´s Schwartz−Yeh approximation
Fenton−Wilkinson approximation Fenton−Wilkinson approximation
16 Monte Carlo simulation Monte Carlo simulation
14 r =0
ij r = 0.99
r = 0.25 ij
ij r = 0.75
r = 0.5 ij
12 ij 8

Standard deviation [dB]

r = 0.5
r = 0.75 ij
ij rij = 0.25
rij = 0.99
r =0
Mean [dB]

10 ij


6 4


0 0
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
Number of summed signals (N)
Number of summed signals (N)

Figure 1. Mean of the sum distribution (Case 1). Figure 2. Standard deviation of the sum distribu-
tion (Case 1).

b = La , (18) Table 1. Statistics for the numerical examples

where the matrix L is a lower triangular matrix that can {mz, σz} [dB]
be computed from Cholesky decomposition of the corre- Case 1 {0, 4}, i = 1, …, 8
lation matrix R. So {−4, 8}, i = 9, …, 16
{−8, 12}, i = 17, …, 24
R = E[bbT ] = LLT . (19) Case 2 {−8, 12}, i = 1, …, 8
{−4, 8}, i = 9, …, 16
Elements of the correlation matrix are given by
{0, 4}, i = 17, …, 24
rij for i ≠ j Case 3 {0, 4}, i = 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 16, 20
Rij = (20) {−4, 8}, i = 6, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 23, 24
1 for i = j.
{−8, 12}, i = 2, 9, 11, 14, 18, 19, 21, 22
In the next phase the Gaussian variables bi are con-
verted to the lognormal samples and summed over N. Figure 1 shows the mean statistics of the approxima-
Hence, the cumulative (N×K)-sample matrix is of the tions and simulations employing the Case 1 parameters.
form For eight first summed variables the means of the sum
distributions agree well. This is quite expected because
the variance of component signals is small. When adding
v = ln eb . (21)
more varying components the FW approximation breaks
i =1
down, as was previously reported for the uncorrelated
Finally, the mean and standard deviation are ex- signals. The accuracy of the SY approximation also de-
tracted from the results and then converted to dB units. grades along the number of summed signals. Only the
curve of the uncorrelated signals follows perfectly the
3. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES simulated results.
The differences between approximations and simulations Figure 2 plots the corresponding standard deviation
are demonstrated with some numerical examples. They statistics of the Case 1. Again, we see that the FW ap-
are divided into three test cases. In all of the cases the proximation clearly deviates from the simulated results
individual lognormal signals are combined from three for N > 8. Each shift into the cluster of different statistics
clusters of different statistics. The correlation coefficient (9th and 17th component) seems to cause a big jump in
between signals in the summation is fixed to five differ- the FW approximation. For the SY approximation this
ent values, i.e., rij = r = {0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.99} for all i deviation is less severe, but increases for heavily corre-
j. Table 1 shows the clustered mean and standard de- lated signals.
viation statistics of the summed lognormal signals in the Some examples of the Case 1 statistics are shown
test cases. also in the form of the probability density (PDF) and
complementary cumulative distribution functions
(CCDF). Figure 3 plots the PDF of the sum distribution
at N = 8 and N = 24 for rij = 0.5. For N = 8 the FW
Probability density functions Mean of the sum distribution
10 18
Ho´s Schwartz−Yeh approximation, N = 8 Ho´s Schwartz−Yeh approximation
Fenton−Wilkinson approximation, N = 8 Fenton−Wilkinson approximation
Monte Carlo simulation, N = 8 Monte Carlo simulation
10 Ho´s Schwartz−Yeh approximation, N = 24
Fenton−Wilkinson approximation, N = 24
Monte Carlo simulation, N = 24
Probability density function, PDF

r = 0.5 10

−2 8

Mean [dB]

−3 4

10 0
r =0
−2 ij
rij = 0.25
10 −4 rij = 0.5
rij = 0.75
−6 r = 0.99
−6 ij
−20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 −8
z [dB] 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
Number of summed signals (N)

Figure 3. Probability density functions (Case 1). Figure 5. Mean of the sum distribution (Case 2).

Complementary cumulative distribution functions Standard deviation of the sum distribution
10 14
Ho´s Schwartz−Yeh approximation, N = 8 Ho´s Schwartz−Yeh approximation
Fenton−Wilkinson approximation, N = 8 Fenton−Wilkinson approximation
Monte Carlo simulation, N = 8 Monte Carlo simulation
−1 Ho´s Schwartz−Yeh approximation, N = 24
10 Fenton−Wilkinson approximation, N = 24 12
Monte Carlo simulation, N = 24
Complementary CDF, Pr(z > x)

−2 r = 0.5
10 ij
Standard deviation [dB]

10 8

rij = 0.99
r = 0.75
10 rij = 0.5
rij = 0.25
rij = 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 2
x [dB] 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
Number of summed signals (N)

Figure 4. Complementary cumulative distribution Figure 6. Standard deviation of the sum distribu-
functions (Case 1). tion (Case 2).
approximation and simulation results overlap. Also, the Shapes of the simulated and FW curves are quite similar
SY approximation is in close agreement with the simula- notwithstanding the offset in magnitude.
tions. The situation is quite different for N = 24. Both Standard deviation statistics of the Case 2 are plotted
approximations deviate drastically from the simulated in Figure 6. It can be noted that for highly correlated sig-
PDF. Furthermore, the FW PDF is very wide due to the nals the SY variance approximation is very sensitive to
high variance. the addition of heterogeneous components into the joint
Tail distributions are important, e.g., in the evaluation signal. In this case the FW approximation is quite accu-
of outage events. Complementary cumulative distribution rate for the heavily correlated signal components. The
functions, corresponding to the PDFs in Figure 3, are variance varies smoothly within a very limited scale.
shown in Figure 4. At CCDF = 10-2, there is nearly a 10 Comparing the statistics in the Case 1 and the Case 2 an
dB difference between the simulated distribution and the interesting observation can be made; behavior of the ap-
distribution given by the FW approximation. proximations is completely different when the initial sig-
Figure 5 displays the mean of the lognormal sum dis- nals are summed in reversed order.
tribution obeying the Case 2 individual signal means and For the Case 3 the mean and standard deviation for
variances. Again, the SY approximation and the simula- each consecutive component signal in the power sum is
tions are in close agreement in the uncorrelated case. For randomly taken from the same set of possible statistics as
the correlated signals the FW approximation is generally in the previous examples. The Case 3 mean statistics are
closer to the simulated points than the SY approximation. shown in Figure 7 and the corresponding standard
Mean of the sum distribution Standard deviation of the sum distribution
17 12
Ho´s Schwartz−Yeh approximation
Fenton−Wilkinson approximation
15 11
Monte Carlo simulation
11 rij = 0.99
9 rij = 0.75

Standard deviation [dB]

9 r = 0.5 Ho´s Schwartz−Yeh approximation
8 r = 0.25 Fenton−Wilkinson approximation
7 ij
Monte Carlo simulation
Mean [dB]

r =0
5 7

3 6

rij = 0
rij = 0.25
−3 rij = 0.5
rij = 0.75
rij = 0.99 3

−7 2
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
Number of summed signals (N) Number of summed signals (N)

Figure 7. Mean of the sum distribution (Case 3). Figure 8. Standard deviation of the sum distribu-
tion (Case 3).
deviations in Figure 8. The Fenton-Wilkinson approxi-
mation experiences a high bias both for the mean and the
variance for N 2 because of the second signal compo- [1] L. F. Fenton, “The sum of log-normal probability distribu-
tions in scatter transmission systems”, IRE Trans. Com-
nent being so varying (out of the applicability range).
mun., vol. 8, pp. 57–67, Mar. 1960.
The SY approach follows the simulated points much bet- [2] S. Schwartz and Y. S. Yeh, “On the distribution function
ter. However, the simulated means of the correlated sig- and moments of power sums with log-normal compo-
nals tend to converge to lower values. Simulated vari- nents”, Bell Syst. Tech. J., vol. 61, pp. 1441–1462, Sept.
ances saturate to the first component’s level when the 1982.
correlation is high, irrespective of the number of added [3] A. Safak, “Statistical analysis of the power sum of multiple
signal components. correlated log-normal components”, IEEE Trans. Veh.
Technol., vol. 42, pp. 58–61, 1993.
4. CONCLUSION [4] A. A. Abu-Dayya and N. C. Beaulieu, “Outage probabili-
ties in the presence of correlated lognormal interferers,”
The applicability of The Fenton-Wilkinson and Ho’s
IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 43, pp. 164–173, Feb.
Schwartz-Yeh lognormal approximations was studied 1994.
when several heterogeneous correlated signals were [5] C.-L. Ho, “Calculating the mean and variance of power
summed up. Monte Carlo simulations were run to have sums with two log-normal components,” IEEE Trans. Veh.
reference results in the comparison. Based on the test Technol., vol. 44, pp. 756–762, Nov. 1995.
cases it seems that both approximations fail to model [6] P. Cardieri and T. S. Rappaport, “Statistical analysis of co-
even the first moments of the sum distribution in many channel interference in wireless communications systems,”
circumstances. Yet, these approximations have been Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput., vol. 1, pp. 111–121, Jan.-
proven to be accurate for joint distributions of uncorre- Mar. 2001.
[7] G. L. Stüber, Principles of Mobile Communication. Nor-
lated signals or correlated signals with identical means well, MA: Kluwer, 1996.
and variances with some limitations. [8] R. Prasad and A. Kegel, “Improved assessment of interfer-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ence limits in cellular radio performance”, IEEE Trans.
Veh. Technol., vol. 40, pp. 412–419, May 1991.
The Foundation of Nokia Group is hereby gratefully ac- [9] A. Ligeti, “Outage probability in the presence of correlated
knowledged for the financial support of this work as a lognormal useful and interfering components,” IEEE
part of author’s postgraduate studies. Commun. Lett., vol. 4, pp. 15–17, Jan. 2000.

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