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The Internet

By Aishat Oyelade

Who created the internet?

Vint Cerf and Who owns the internet?

Bob Kahn
The internet is operated by a
system of networks run by Internet
Service Providers (ISP)

What kind of information does the

internet use?
The internet uses binary information in the form of bits and
bandwidth. Bandwidth is measured by bit rate which is the
number of bits we can send over a period of time. Bit rate is
measured in seconds. The difference between the speeds of bit
rates is Latency. Latency is the time it takes for a bit to travel
from one place to another.

What are the 3 methods we send bits of

information through the Internet?

Electricity through an Ethernet wire

Light through a Fiber Optic Cable

Radio signals through wireless routers

What is the difference between

LAN and WAN?
A LAN (local area network) is a group of computers and
network devices connected together, usually within the
same building.
A WAN connects several LANs, and may be limited to an
enterprise (a corporation or an organization) or accessible
to the public. The technology is high speed and relatively
expensive. The Internet is an example of a worldwide public

Internet protocols
The internet is a design philosophy built off a set of protocols. A
protocol is a well known set off rules and standards used to
communicate between machines. One of the most important
protocols used in the internet is called the internet protocol (IP).
Internet `addresses´ are just numbers called IP addresses ordered in
a specific order from left to right.The current IP addressing, called
IVP4, has 4 billion unique IP addresses. The new IP addressing
(IVP4) will provide more than 340 undecillion unique IP
addresses.The Domain Name System associates names with the
corresponding IP addresses.


Web browser; the app used to access the internet
URL:the web address of the website
HTTP:the language used to communicate between web
HTML: the language used to tell a computer how a web page
should look
Cookies: what websites use to remember who you are
SSL/TLS: a layer of protection around your communications.
Represented as a lock followed by HTTPS

Packets, Routing and Reliability

Data is transmitted through packets which
are huge chunks of information broken
down into small pieces.
Routers are wireless devices that transmitt information by
choosing the cheapest available path for each piece of
data. The internet is fault redundant since there are many
paths the packets can take,the network will still send
packets even if something goes wrong.

Digital certifcate
What a website has to provide to
prove that it is safe.
TCP& IP routing
How packets are broken down and
There are two types of requests, Get requests (to get
information) and Post requests ( to share/post information)

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