Hypertension and The Kidney-An Overview: Eberhard Ritz, MD, FRCP, and Danilo Fliser, MD

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Hypertension and the Kidney-An Overview

Eberhard Ritz, MD, FRCP, and Danilo Fliser, MD

• The kidney plays a major role in the genesis of any type of hypertension, as demonstrated by experiments which
show that hypertension can be "transplanted" when the kidney itself is transplanted. Hypertension is common in
patients with renal disease, and may occur even at normal glomerular filtration rates. The mechanisms that promote
hypertension and are involved in renal disease comprise both activation of pressor mechanisms and failure of depressor
mechanisms, the latter having been considerably less well studied. The major pressor mechanisms are an abnormal
pressure-natriuresis relationship and inappropriate activity of the renin-angiotensin system.
© 1993 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.

INDEX WORDS: Renal hypertension; renal salt excretion; renin-angiotensin system; medullolipins; nitric oxide.

T HE RECOGNITION that hypertension is a

feature of chronic renal disease dates back
to the seminal observations of Richard Bright, 1
a genetically "normotensive" kidney (ie, a kidney
from a normotensive donor) rendered such re-
cipients permanently normotensive without an-
who noted cardiac hypertrophy in patients who tihypertensive medication despite their (pre-
were dying from renal failure. The kidney plays sumed) genetic predisposition to hypertension.
an overriding role in the induction and mainte-
nance of any type of hypertension, even putative, EVIDENCE FOR RENAL DYSFUNCTION IN
nonrenal hypertension (ie, primary, or essential, GENETICALLY HYPERTENSIVE INDIVIDUALS
hypertension). This has been most clearly doc-
umented by cross-transplantation experiments, Following the findings from rat experiments
which have illustrated that hypertension can be that hypertension can be transplanted together
"transplanted" with the kidney. Rettig et al 2 with the kidney, Bianchi et al4 were the first to
demonstrated that transplantation of a genetically demonstrate renal hemodynamic abnormalities
"hypertensive" kidney (ie, that of a spontaneously in normotensive offspring of hypertensive par-
hypertensive rat) into a histocompatible recipient ents. This issue has been taken one step further
with lower blood pressure caused a progressive by Montanari et al, 5 who documented renal va-
increase in blood pressure in the recipient animal. soconstriction that was responsive to the admin-
This observation indicates that a kidney that istration of calcium antagonists in such geneti-
is genetically programmed for hypertension can cally prehypertensive individuals.
override the extrarenal blood pressure regulation Moreover, Van Hooft et al 6 documented renal
of the recipient, even though the latter is genet- vasoconstriction in normotensive offspring of
ically programmed to normotension. Such an in- hypertensive parents, as evidenced by reduced
crease in blood pressure cannot be explained by clearance of para-amino hippuric acid. Impaired
hypertension-induced damage to the vasculature renal excretion of sodium was suggested by the
of the donor kidney, since this phenomenon also observation of expanded volume with (compen-
is seen when kidneys are taken from animals that satory?) suppression of plasma renin activity
have rigorously been kept normotensive since (PRA) and aldosterone. A subtle natriuretic ab-
birth by antihypertensive treatment. normality in response to sodium loading in nor-
The experimental evidence that transfer of a motensive offspring of hypertensive parents? has
genetically normotensive kidney into a hyper- been noted by several investigators and may con-
tensive recipient lowers blood pressure is less im- stitute a key renal mechanism whereby the kidney
pressive. This point is of considerable interest mediates the blood pressure increase in primary
since strong arguments can be made that certain hypertension patients.
renal mechanisms also are involved in lowering
blood pressure. From the Department ofInternal Medicine, Ruperto-Carola
The above observations also are relevant to University, Heidelberg, Germany.
hypertension in humans. Curtis et al 3 studied Address reprint requests to Eberhard Ritz, MD, FRCP, De-
partment of Internal Medicine, Division of Nephrology,
subjects with primary hypertension who had de- Bergheimer Strasse 58, D-6900 Heidelberg, Germany.
veloped renal failure as a result of hypertension- © 1993 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.
induced nephangiosclerosis. Transplantation of 0272-6386/93/2106-3002$3.00/0

American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 21, No 6, Suppl 3 (June), 1993: pp 3-9 3

tients with type I diabetes and nephropathy,
higher blood pressures were found in the parents
170 Boys GIrls
of these patients. 12 Furthermore, higher rates of
Na+,Li+-countertransport (a putative marker for
160 primary hypertension) were observed in diabetic
patients with nephropathy compared with those
150 without.
Pursuing a similar line of thought, we mea-
~ 140
sured blood pressure in parents of patients with
biopsy-confirmed primary chronic glomerulo-
nephritis and parents of matched controls, ie,
i 130
visitors to the emergency department of a surgical
CI) clinicY As shown in Table 1, hypertension was
of considerably greater prevalence in the parents
of patients with glomerulonephritis, which may
indicate that a genetic predisposition to hyper-
tension also may increase the risk of nondiabetic
100 renal disease.

After complete
After complete

Fig 1. Systolic blood pressure at presentation and

The rate of progression of renal failure depends
after complete remission in children with minimal change on the level of blood pressure. This has been well
glomerulonephritis. (Reprinted with permission of S. illustrated by a recent Italian study of lupus ne-
Karger AG, Basel.')
phritis,14 which indicated that renal survival was
lower in hypertensive patients compared with
IN RENAL DISEASE PATIENTS In this context, the issue of what constitutes
It is important that the renal mechanisms that "normal blood pressure" for a diseased kidney is
cause hypertension in renal disease may operate of interest. The normal range for blood pressure
even when the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) has been arbitrarily defined by the World Health
is normal. This is illustrated by the findings of Organization, which, fully aware that a consistent
Kuster et al, 8 who studied blood pressure in ne- increase is found in the risk of cardiovascular ac-
phrotic children with minimal change glomeru- cidents as blood pressure rises, chose this arbitrary
lopathy, a paradigm of renal dysfunction, despite threshold since it was felt that antihypertensive
a normal GFR and the finding of a normal glo- intervention below this level "was more likely to
merular structure using light microscopy. The cause nuisance than benefit."
blood pressure in these children was consistently However, there are several indications that
above the 95th percentile corrected for age during 140/90 mm Hg may not represent an optimal
relapse of the nephrotic syndrome and prior to
administration of steroids; during remission the Table 1. Blood Pressure Status of Parents of
blood pressure decreased in practically all of the Glomerulonephritis Patients and Parents of Controls
children (Fig I).
Parents of
Hypertension is also more prevalent in nu- Glomerulonephritis Parents of Controls
merous other types of glomerular disease, even Patients (n = 63) (n = 138)
when the GFR is normal. 9- 11 Such clinical ob-
servations suggest that the kidney may affect Hypertension' 68% 41%
Normotension 32% 59%
blood pressure by subtle mechanisms that are in-
dependent of the GFR. , Hypertension is defined as ~ 140/90 mm Hg on anti-
There may be one further complexity to the hypertensive treatment.
genesis of hypertension in renal disease. In pa- Reprinted with permisssion. '3

75 R",Q.85
The reasons why the diseased kidney is so
2p=02% uniquely susceptible to even minor increments
in blood pressure are undoubtedly complex. One
50 major mechanism is illustrated in Fig 3. In the
diseased kidney preglomerular vessels, including
the afferent arterioles, are dilated and autoregu-
lation is lost.' 9 ,20 This implies that a higher pro-
portion of systemic blood pressure will be trans-
125 mitted to the glomerular vascular bed, causing
. 115
glomerular capillary hypertension, which is one
. factor in the initiation and perpetuation of glo-
I 1.0 merular damage.
.. To make an informed choice of antihyperten-

sive medication, the pathogenic mechanisms by

which the kidney increases blood pressure in renal
R... O.87
disease must be thoroughly understood. Although
current knowledge is still incomplete, some points
Fig 2. (Top) Relationship between increase in urinary that relate to this issue will be discussed in the
albumin excretion (UAE) rate and mean arterial pressure
during an observation period of 5 years. (Bottom) following sections.
Relationship between decreases in the GFR and mean
arterial pressure (MAP) in proteinuric diabetic patients. THE SODIUM-PRESSURE RELATIONSHIP
Re-extrapolation to the point of no increase in urinary
albumin excretion rate and no decrease in the GFR (in- Several years ago, Guyton 21 postulated that
tersection with the abscissa) yields MAPs of 95 and 105 renal mechanisms, more specifically, the natri-
mm Hg, respectively. (Reprinted with permission. 15 )
uresis-pressure relationship, are of overriding
importance for the long-term regulation of blood
pressure. Both kybemetic modeling and actual
blood pressure in the presence of renal disease.
Mogensen l5 analyzed the increment in albumin-
uria and the decrement in GFR in nephropathic
diabetic patients as a function of mean arterial
blood pressure. As shown in Fig 2, when the mean
arterial pressure-albuminuria relationship is re-
extrapolated to a zero increase in albuminuria,
the regression line intersects the abscissa at 95
mm Hg mean arterial pressure. Other observa-
tions also indicate that pressures below 140/90
mm Hg are associated with less decrement in
GFR in patients with primary chronic renal dis-
ease. 16 mmHg

These findings concur with those of Janka et ------- .... , ,

al in the Diabetic Retinopathy Study,'? who " ,
found that diabetic patients had negligible excess ....... Afferent

....... ....... vasodilatation
vascular risk at diastolic pressures lower than 70 '...............
mm Hg. Furthermore, Knowler et al 18 studied ...... _--------
diabetic Pima Indians and found that the risk of
retinopathy increased with rising blood pressure,
even in the normotensive range. The weight of
such evidence may force us to redefine the con- Systemic pressure Glomerular pressure

cept of "optimal" blood pressure in patients with

Fig 3. Effect of afferent (preglomerular) vasodilatation
diseased kidneys (and perhaps also in patients on transmission of systemic blood pressure into the glo-
with extrarenal pathology). merular capillary bed (glomerular hypertension).


110 The recognition that renin promotes hyper-
~ tension goes back to the classical experiments of
i 100
Tigerstedt and Bergmann and the demonstration
"~ f------------------------~ of its release from the ischemic kidney by Gold-

~ 80
blatt. However, subtle abnormalities of the renin-
angiotensin system (RAS) have been recognized
50 200
only recently in patients with no gross elevation
Urinary sodium excretion (mmol/day) in PRA, ie, in the absence of renal artery stenosis
or other renovascular pathology.
Fig 4. Relationship between urinary sodium excretion
and mean arterial pressure in controls (open circles) and Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney (ADPKD) is a useful paradigm to illustrate how
disease (closed circles) on the seventh day of low (20 inappropriate activity of the RAS may contribute
mmol/d) and high (200 mmol/d) sodium intake. Controls
and patients on the low sodium diet had significantly to blood pressure elevation in renal disease de-
different baseline blood pressures. In addition, the slope spite PRA levels that are within the normal range.
of the urinary sodium-blood pressure relationship was Early investigators27 ,28 who studied patients with
significantly different. (Reprinted with permission of
Current SCience. 23 ) ADPKD measured PRA levels within the normal
range and concluded that the RAS was not related
to the elevation of blood pressure. More recently,
experiments showed that activation of extrarenal however, higher post-captopril PRAS29 and higher
pressor mechanisms persistently failed to increase basal PRAs have been found in juvenile subjects
blood pressure unless the pressure-natriuresis re- with ADPKD when compared with appropriate
lationship was reset to higher blood pressure controls, ie, patients with primary hypertension
levels. who were matched for blood pressure. 30 This
There is good evidence for sodium retention finding points to an inappropriate activity of the
in patients with renal failure. 22 Furthermore, even RAS, which is further supported by a comparison
in incipient renal failure, the pressure-natriuresis of angiotensin II levels with the number of an-
relationship may be shifted to the right and blood giotensin II receptors on thrombocytes. 31 As
pressure may become sensitive to both salt and shown in Table 2, although patients with
volume, as shown in Fig 4. 23 ADPKD had substantially higher blood pressures,
It has been more difficult to provide evidence angiotensin II levels, the number of angiotensin
for abnormal renal handling of sodium in subjects II receptors on the platelets were not as low as
with primary hypertension. In early studies, a would be expected, suggesting inappropriate ac-
lowish exchangeable sodium, if anything, was tivity of the RAS. Activation of the RAS also
noted in patients with primary hypertension. 24 could be demonstrated by immunostaining of the
More recently, however, several investigators
have documented increased sodium sensitivity Table 2. Inappropriate Angiotensin II Levels
in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic
of blood pressure in a proportion of patients with Kidney Disease (ADPKD) Patients
primary hypertension 25 and even in young nor-
motensive individuals who were genetically pre- Angiotensin II
Mean Artenal Angiotensin II Receptors
disposed to primary hypertension. 7 The mecha- Pressure Concentration (Sites!
nism(s) through which the kidney is prevented (mmHg) (fmol!mL) Platelet)

from excreting sodium at normal pressures is not Low salt intake

well understood. Postulates range from abnormal (20 mmol/d)
intrarenal catecholamine action 7 to ingenious ADPKD (n = 9) 107,2 ± 3,4 22.2 ± 3.8 1.5 ± 0.47
Controls (n = 9) 92.7 ± 2.7 28.1 ± 6.8 2.7 ± 0.98
theories implying a role for a circulating inhibitor High salt intake
ofNa+,K+-ATPase, 26 a theory that may be proven (200 mmol/d)
or disproven in the near future, since ouabain ADPKD (n = 9) 111.2 ± 2.9 5.7 ± 0.6 3.4 ± 0.49
Controls (n = 9) 91.9 ± 2.5 7.9 ± 1.1 6.1 ± 2.19
has been shown to be a circulating inhibitor of
Na+,K+-ATPase that can now be measured. Reprinted with permission of Current Science 2 •

kidneys for renin. 32 The number of angiotensin pertensive than in normotensive patients. This
II receptors on the platelets correlates closely with indicates that PRA is too high relative to sodium
the acute pressor response to angiotensin II in- and to blood pressure.
fusion, as shown previously in our laboratory. The activity of the RAS depends on the type
The potential functional relevance of inappro- of underlying renal disease, being particularly
priate activation of the RAS is illustrated by the high in patients with nephangiosclerosis and glo-
observation that angiotensin converting enzyme merulonephritis. 36 It is excessive in a minority of
inhibition selectively increases renal plasma flow uremic patients whose blood pressure does not
in patients with ADPKD, but not in controls,33 respond to loss of volume, and it is these patients
suggesting angiotensin II-mediated renal cortical who in the past required bilateral nephrectomy3?
vasoconstriction. Since renal vasoconstriction and who today benefit particularly from angio-
alters renal sodium excretion, the two hyperten- tensin converting enzyme inhibitors.
sinogenic phenomena (an abnormal pressure-
natriuresis relationship and inappropriate acti- THE SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM
vation of the RAS) may be interrelated and may The kidney is the origin of, and the target for,
mutually amplify each other. sympathetic efferent and afferent nerve traffic. 33
A wide range of PRA values is found in indi- Afferent nerve traffic is stimulated by intrarenal
viduals with primary hypertension, although the mechanoreceptors and chemoreceptors, while ef-
median PRA lies well within the normal range. ferent sympathetic nerve traffic modulates renal
More recently, intemephron heterogeneity with renin release and renal vascular resistance and
respect to the activity of the renal renin system directly modulates tubular transport of sodium.
has been suggested by Laragh. 34 This novel con- A role for the sympathetic nervous system in the
cept also may provide a conceptual framework genesis of blood pressure elevation in models of
to accommodate the co-existence of ischemic and renal hypertension is suggested by observations
overperfused nephrons, as is frequently found in that selective renal denervation abrogated or de-
chronic renal disease. layed the onset of blood pressure elevation in dif-
Animal experiments provide further evidence ferent models of renal hypertension. 38
for an important role of the renal renin system In the past, the sympathetic nervous system
in the long-term regulation of blood pressure in was not thought to be a major contributor to the
situations in which renal disease is not present. genesis of renal hypertension. However, this view
In the conscious, chronically instrumented dog, is now known to be incorrect. Norepinephrine
long-term regulation of blood pressure correlated levels are elevated in patients with renal failure,
strongly with the renal autoregulatory threshold but this finding is difficult to interpret because
for renin secretion, ie, the critical level of mean re-uptake of norepinephrine is diminished. Fur-
pressure in the renal artery below which renin thermore, the increase in vascular resistance in
secretion was stimulated. 35 response to norepinephrine is impaired in the
More definite evidence for overtly inappro- vasculature of uremic animals. 39 Nevertheless,
priate activity of the RAS has been obtained in sympathetic overactivity appears to playa major
patients with renal failure. 22 ,36 To correctly in- role in the maintenance of elevated blood pres-
terpret PRA, it must be remembered that a re- sure. Schohn et al40 found that sympathetic
ciprocal relationship exists between renin secre- blockade with debrisoquine dramatically reduced
tion and arterial pressure so that PRA should be blood pressure in hypertensive uremic patients.
close to zero in the hypertensive renal patient. McGrath et al41 carried this one step further and
Apart from blood pressure, an expanded sodium studied the effect of total autonomic blockade
space also will suppress the RAS. In the study by using atropine and beta- and alpha-adrenoceptor
Weidmann et al,36 the relationship between ex- blockers. Total autonomic blockade dramatically
changeable sodium and PRA was compared in lowered blood pressure and total peripheral re-
normal subjects and in normotensive and hy- sistance in hypertensive patients on dialysis, ir-
pertensive uremic subjects. It was found that at respective of whether they were on a low- or high-
any given level of exchangeable sodium, PRA was salt diet. The relationship between sympathetic
higher in uremic subjects, and more so in hy- overactivity and increased blood pressure gains

further credence from the microneurographic ultrafiltration. Nevertheless, in view of the above
studies of Victor et al,42 who demonstrated in- experiments, one would anticipate hypertension
creased efferent sympathetic nerve traffic in ure- in diseases that destroy the renal medulla. Indeed,
mic patients. in analgesic abusers, who suffer from papillary
destruction, we have noted a high prevalence of
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NITRIC OXIDE SYNTHESIS creatinine level was below 1.1 mg/dL. 49
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