Exit Survey For Polytechnic

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8/15/2017 Cetak Soalan Programme Entrance/Exit Survey



Name :
Reg. No :
Class :
Department :

Please complete this inventory by tick the appropriate rating

5 - Strongly Agree
4 - Agree
3 - Mixed Feeling(Note : most of the time, you would have a stronger feeling)
2 - Disagree
1 - Strongly Disagree

Programme Learning Outcomes ( PLO )

PLO01 - Apply technical knowledge and social science / humanities knowledge to well defined electrical and electronic
engineering problem and to the personality development of individual respectively.
PLO02 - Solve well-defined electrical and electronic engineering related problems systematically by applying critical thinking
skill and using appropriate tools and techniques.
PLO03 - Analyze and investigate well-defined electrical and electronic engineering problems.
PLO04 - Assist in designing well defined engineering solutions for electrical and electronic engineering systems.
PLO05 - Demonstrate practical skill in utilizing modern electrical and electronic engineering tools and design packages.
PLO06 - Communicate effectively with the engineering community and the society at large.
PLO07 - Demonstrate awareness and consideration for societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent
responsibilities, taking into account the need for sustainable development.
PLO08 - Engage in independent acquisition of new knowledge and skill, and recognize the need for professional
development and information management.
PLO09 - Demonstrate an awareness for entrepreneurship
PLO1 - Apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals to well defined electrical and electronic
engineering procedures and practices.
PLO10 - Demonstrate an understanding of professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of electrical and electronic
engineering practices
PLO11 - Function individually or in teams, effectively, with a capability to be a leader.
PLO2 - Demonstrate practical skills which includes the ability to troubleshoot, repair and do maintenance work for electrical
and electronic equipment.
PLO3 - Communicate effectively with the engineering community and the society at large.
PLO4 - Apply creative and critical thinking in solving problem related to assigned tasks.
PLO5 - Demonstrate awareness and consideration for societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and consequences
responsibilities, taking into account the need for sustainable development.
PLO6 - Recognize the need for professional development and engage in independent acquisition of new knowledge and
PLO7 - Recognize the need for entrepreneurship.
PLO8 - Demonstrate an understanding of professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of electrical engineering practices.
PLO9 - Function individually or in teams, effectively, with a capability to be a leader.

Bilangan Soalan - 24
Your Rating
1 2 3 4 5

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8/15/2017 Cetak Soalan Programme Entrance/Exit Survey

PLO01 1. Classrooms are conducive & adequate to support teaching and learning activities
Bilik kuliah adalah kondusif dan mencukupi untuk menyokong aktiviti pengajaran
dan pembelajaran
The computer , laboratory/workshop equipment and facilities are satisfactory and
Komputer, makmal/bengkel, peralatan dan kemudahan yang disediakan adalah
memuaskan dan mencukupi
The overall quality of facilities provided in department is in good condition
3. Kualiti keseluruhan kemudahan yang disediakan di jabatan adalah berada dalam
keadaan yang baik.
Teaching and learning activities at Politeknik are suitable with the syllabus content.
4. Aktiviti pengajaran dan pembelajaran di politeknik adalah bersesuaian dengan
kandungan silibus
Industrial training experience really help in preparing oneself for working world.
5. Pengalaman latihan industri amat membantu dalam persediaan menghadapi dunia
Coursework evaluation system and final exams run at politeknik are transparent, fair
and easy to understand.
Sistem penilaian kerja kursus dan penilaian peperiksaan akhir yang dijalankan di
politeknik adalah telus, adil dan mudah difahami.
The supporting staff give good service and are friendly.
7. Kakitangan sokongan sentiasa memberikan perkhidmatan yang baik dan mudah
All matters dealt with at the counter are entertained and given attention by the staff.
8. Urusan di kaunter sentiasa dilayan dan diberikan perhatian oleh
Academic advisor are always attentive and commited in helping students.
9. Penasihat akademik jabatan sentiasa memberi perhatian dan komitmen dalam
membantu pelajar
Internet access provided is good.
Capaian internet yang disediakan adalah baik.
References provided in the library are suitable for learning needs.
11. Bahan rujukan yang disediakan di perpustakaan bersesuaian dengan keperluan
Sport and recreational facilities are well provided.
Kemudahan sukan dan rekreasi disediakan dengan baik.
Basic hostel facilities are well provided.
Kemudahan-kemudahan asas di asrama disediakan dengan baik.
Apply technical and social science/humanities knowledge to well defined electrical
and electronic engineering problem and to the personality development of individual
Menggunakan pengetahuan teknikal dan sains sosial / kemanusiaan bagi
menyelesaikan masalah kejuruteraan elektrik dan elektronik dengan baik dan
membantu perkembangan personaliti individu.
Solve well-defined electrical and electronic engineering related problems
systematically by applying critical thinking skill as well as using appropriate tools and
PLO02 1.
Menyelesaikan masalah kejuruteraan elektrik dan elektronik secara sistematik
dengan menggunakan kemahiran pemikiran kritikal serta alat-alat dan teknik yang
Analyze and investigate electrical and electronic engineering problems.
PLO03 1.
Menganalisa dan mengkaji masalah kejuruteraan elektrik dan elektronik.
Assist in designing engineering solutions for electrical and electronic engineering
PLO04 1.
Membantu dalam merekabentuk penyelesaian kejuruteraan untuk sistem
kejuruteraan elektrik dan elektronik.
Demonstrate practical skill in utilizing modern electrical and electronic engineering
tools and design packages.
PLO05 1.
Menunjukkan kemahiran praktikal dalam menggunakan alat-alat kejuruteraan
elektrik dan elektronik moden dan pakej rekabentuk.
Communicate effectively with the engineering community and the society at large.
PLO06 1. Berkomunikasi secara berkesan dengan komuniti kejuruteraan dan masyarakat
Demonstrate awareness and consideration for societal, health, safety, legal and
cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities, taking into account the need for
sustainable development.
PLO07 1.
Menunjukkan kesedaran dan pertimbangan terhadap isu-isu masyarakat, kesihatan,
keselamatan, perundangan dan kebudayaan serta tanggungjawab yang berbangkit,
dengan mengambil kira keperluan pembangunan lestari.
Engage in independent acquisition of new knowledge and skill, and recognize the
need for professional development and information management.
PLO08 1. Terlibat dalam pembelajaran kendiri bagi memperolehi pengetahuan dan kemahiran
baru, dan mengenalpasti keperluan pembangunan profesional dan pengurusan
Demonstrate an awareness for entrepreneurship.
PLO09 1.
Mempamerkan kesedaran keusahawanan.
PLO10 1. Demonstrate an understanding of professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of
electrical and electronic engineering practices.

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8/15/2017 Cetak Soalan Programme Entrance/Exit Survey
Menunjukkan pemahaman etika profesional, tanggungjawab dan norma amalan
kejuruteraan elektrik dan elektronik.
Function individually or in teams effectively, with a capability to be a leader.
PLO11 1. Berfungsi secara individu atau berpasukan, dengan kemampuan untuk menjadi
pemimpin, secara berkesan.

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