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An Autumn Story 

The Elfin Tree 

An annual re-posting of this Autumn story and play that I wrote with Boo's help many moons
It can be printed out and read or used as a script for a play or peg doll puppet show.
The girls loved it when they were little. Enjoy :)
The Elfin Tree 


Rose Hip Fairy
Primula Fairy


Narrator: ​Once upon a grassy meadow, Little Elf noticed a small sapling growing in the
glade by the big woods.

It looked just like the other trees only smaller. She was intrigued!

She thought she might plant it in her own garden to see how big it would grow.

Maybe it would it grow as big and tall as the trees that grew in the woodland beyond.
After she had planted it, she felt very proud of herself indeed.
Every week through the hot summer, Little Elf watered the tree so it wouldn’t get thirsty.
One day after a good many weeks had passed, Little Elf came to water the tree again
but when she looked at it she dropped her watering can and the water spilled all over
the grass.

Elf:​ What has happened?

Narrator: ​The tree’s leaves were red, gold, orange and brown. Not fresh and green as they
had always been!

Elf:​ “My poor little tree, maybe I am not feeding you well, maybe you are sick”

Narrator:​ Little Little Elf started to cry. She went to Primula the Spring Fairy and said...

Elf: ​"Primula Fairy, please help me. Something awful has happened to my tree. The leaves
were green but now they are red, yellow and brown.
Am I not feeding it well?"

Primula Fairy: ​"See how my yellow petals have turned to seed. All things change with the
Autumn breeze! Come now Elf don’t you cry. Go and ask Squirrel she’ll know better than I."

Narrator: ​So Little Elf went to Squirrel's tree house to ask her. But she was busy collecting
nuts, and not in the mood for answering questions. So Little Elf decided to ask Fawn.

Elf: ​"Fawn, please help me. Something awful has happened to my tree. The leaves were
green but now they are red, yellow and brown.
Am I not feeding it well?"

Fawn: "​My spots are fading fast you see, all things change with the Autumn breeze. Come
now Elf don’t you cry. Go and ask Rose Hip the Autumn Fairy, she’ll know better than I."

Narrator: ​So Little Elf ran back passed Fawn, then passed Squirrel, then passed Primula
Fairy until finally she found Rose Hip the Autumn Fairy.

Elf: ​"Rose Hip Fawn, please help me. Something awful has happened to my tree. The
leaves were green but now they are red, yellow and brown.
Am I not feeding it well?"

Narrator: ​Rose Hip turned to Little Elf with a gentle smile and said...
Rose Hip: ​"Of course you are feeding it well.
The season is changing that is all.
Time flows like the trickling stream that runs through the Big Woods.

When it was Spring the leaves were green, but now it is Autumn.
The leaves change colour and eventually fall to the ground.

It will soon be winter and your tree will be bare but don’t cry because Mother Nature knows
what she is doing. Your tree isn't sick, it's just sleeping.

After Winter it will be spring once again.

For Spring always follows Winter.

In Spring you'll see new baby leaves and blossom budding on the tips of its branches.

Narrator: ​Little Elf was very grateful and was also very happy. In fact she was so happy
she had a party and invited all of her friends to come!
They danced and sang until tea time.
Every animal brought something from the autumn harvest: sunflower seeds, barley bread,
sweet corn, ripe plums, apples, hazelnuts and elderberry tea!
They all had a lovely time, eating, drinking and dancing around the golden, shimmering tree.

Elf: ​I love my tree

Narrator: ​Little Elf, snuggled up in a cosy nest of moss at it's roots.

The End

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