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Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz User avatar

by Leps Dissim » Tue May 04, 2010 5:00 pm

Can we go ahead and vote on this one? I feel pretty confident that the arguments are just
going to keep circling if we wait.


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Re: Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz User avatar

by olivermellors » Tue May 04, 2010 5:41 pm

we really should invite pimpdollaz to present any evidence he may wish and to make final
arguments. I don't need to hear from the Attorney General unless some stunning new
evidence is presented.

Failing any stunning new evidence, the evidence being overwhelming: guilty.

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Re: Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz User avatar

by Leps Dissim » Wed May 05, 2010 3:47 pm

I realize there's a point when we should just start ignoring people, and I feel like this might
be it, but an alternative occurred to me and I was wondering what you guys thought.
(jfstpierre, are you still around?)

If we disregard the bureacratic annoyances of ending the current trial inconclusively and
opening a new one, I think the crime in question might be phrased as simply as

"Pimpdollaz is charged with violating the people's constitutional right to security of Leps Dissim
government assets for 666 CAD of the government's property despite knowledge of it having Frequent Forumer
been acquired through illicit means."
Wouldn't even have to bring theft or the common law in to it; just the bill of rights. Posts: 169
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Re: Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz User avatar

by olivermellors » Wed May 05, 2010 6:22 pm

ending one trial and starting a fresh one...... leads to automatic acquital based on double
jeopardy. - probably

the arguments raised by Pimpdollaz amount to "bullshit baffles brains": repeat something
enough, do it loud enough, add enough vulgarity, maybe they'll think there is something to
it. There isn't.
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Leps, i think you are initially quite right: there is a time when we should just start ignoring
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no matter how you define the crime, it isn't specifically written down, in specifically the Joined: Wed Sep 23, 2009
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right language in specifically the right statute in the Law Repository to suit the accused. Cash on hand: 0.00
That isn't surprising. EVERY accused is going to make every argument, no matter how [Donate]
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tangential, in order to avoid conviction.
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What the Court has done so far is provide a valuable service by explaining our law. It is
pretty simple to understand: you can't keep stuff that isn't yours. Everyone understands
that. Those who say they don't understand will continue to say so no matter what.

So, i think your first instinct is best.

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Re: Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz User avatar

by olivermellors » Wed May 05, 2010 9:19 pm

i see that jfstpierre is back, at least occasionally (good luck on the final stretch at school) so
i thought to write a draft Judgement in the pimpdollaz case as follows. Shall we vote Mr.
Chief Justice?

draft Judgement:

The Court has set out the applicable law. The ingredients which must be proven have been Pillar of the Community
described. The prosecutor bears the onus of proving each element beyond a reasonable
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The accused offers no evidence. The Court has studied and carefully considered submissions Joined: Wed Sep 23, 2009
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from the prosecution and the accused. The accused's submissions are, in essence, that the Cash on hand: 0.00
law does not exist. The Court has previously rejected that argument and does so again. [Donate]
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The overwhelming weight of the evidence satisfies the Court that all of the necessary
elements of the charge have been proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

The accused is therefore convicted of the crime of theft contrary to the laws of eCanada.

The Court will now proceed to receive evidence and submissions about an appropriate

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Re: Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz User avatar

by Leps Dissim » Wed May 05, 2010 11:20 pm

Alright, I'll give up trying to reason with him.

I formally vote in support of this draft Judgement.

If we can get a formal 'aye' or 'nay' from you two I'll post it in the New Cases section.

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Re: Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz User avatar

by olivermellors » Thu May 06, 2010 12:02 am


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Re: Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz

by jfstpierre » Thu May 06, 2010 8:27 pm

I'll read the current case and I'll vote afterwards.

aye jfstpierre
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Re: Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz

by Leps Dissim » Fri May 07, 2010 10:00 am

Draft Sentence:

Indefinite Ban to Forums and IRC until the 666 CAD has been returned to the government,
followed by an additional 8 weeks ban from the date of return.


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Re: Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz

by jfstpierre » Fri May 07, 2010 10:58 am

I would recommend a shorter ban period for PimpDollaz. Like 4 to 6 weeks maximum,
probably 1 month from the day of banishment.

In my opinion, and it is subject to yours too, PimpDollaz's deed (or inaction) is less serious in jfstpierre
terms of crime than TemujinBC's ones. The 666CAD was received by someone else. Reliable Spammer

We came tacitely on the conclusion that PimpDollaz's mens rea is the one of a criminal. His  
action (actus reus) is relevant, knowing that he received stolen money. And that is enough Posts: 1986
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to convict him guilty of a crime: the one of theft by complicity and knowledge of the whole 1:07 pm
situation. Cash on hand: 115.00
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His complaints that our laws don't take that into account is relevant -- and proves that our Location: Montreal, QC
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laws are weak and incomplete --, but there are proofs given that there are jurisprudences
on that case.

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Re: Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz User avatar

by olivermellors » Fri May 07, 2010 7:26 pm


in principle i don't have any huge difficulties with what Leps suggests, maybe cut the ban to
6 weeks after he disgorges the proceeds (whether or not Tem pays back as well) as St.
Pierre suggests.
But i think we should now call on the prosecution and the accused to call any evidence they Pillar of the Community
wish on sentence and to make submissions on what they wish the court to consider. I am
particularly interested in Pimp's status within the CAF since his signature line holds himself
out as a member. If he has been kicked out of the CAF as a result of this, that is a factor to Posts: 718
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be considered and would definately move me toward the 6 weeks rather than 8.
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Re: Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz User avatar

by Leps Dissim » Fri May 07, 2010 11:17 pm

jfstpierre - Do you mean you think the ban should be lifted after 4-6 weeks regardless of
whether or not he pays the 666 CAD back, or 4-6 weeks after he pays?


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Re: Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz

by jfstpierre » Sat May 08, 2010 12:48 pm

Maybe I misread a little bit your statement, Leps.

4-6 weeks after he pays only, so he can have at least that period of banishment.

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Re: Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz User avatar

by olivermellors » Sat May 08, 2010 3:26 pm

a quick word on the jurisdiction to impose these penalties:

From the constitution:

6) Right to Appeal – Any Canadian whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this Charter,
have been infringed or denied may apply to Supreme Court of Canada, or the Admins to
obtain such remedy as the Court or Admins deem appropriate and just in the Pillar of the Community
circumstances. (emphasis added)

This section applies and grants extremely wide powers. It applies because the theft was a Posts: 718
violation of the right to security of government assets. Joined: Wed Sep 23, 2009
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Moreover, we should note somewhere that as the criminal code is not being applied, the [Donate]
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possibility of presidential pardon does not exist. This may cause us to soften somewhat the
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penalty imposed: i.e. it might be appropriate to grant the accused the right to petition the
court in future for a reduction in sentence if he can show cause.

Half baked notions.


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Re: Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz User avatar

by Leps Dissim » Sat May 08, 2010 6:31 pm

Under what circumstances of petition would you consider a reduction in sentence?

The current sentence it seems like we're going towards is indefinite ban until payed,
followed by 6 weeks more.

If he still hasn't payed I don't think I'd support a reduction, and if he has then six weeks isn't
that long.
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Re: Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz User avatar

by olivermellors » Sat May 08, 2010 9:09 pm

yep... seems sound to me. may not need any "come back and tell you are reformed"

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Re: Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz

by Leps Dissim » Sun May 09, 2010 2:16 am

Can I get a final affirmation on the indefinite ban + six weeks after paying from you


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Re: Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz User avatar

by olivermellors » Sun May 09, 2010 8:41 am

i will be back home tonight about 6 p.m. if needed further.

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Re: Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz User avatar

by olivermellors » Sun May 09, 2010 3:30 pm

The more i think of this and compare to TemujinBC, the more i become convinced that
Pimp's level of moral culpability is as high as the other accused.

Both were in positions of responsibility and trust. Both have betrayed that trust.
Tem's actions involved a greater sum of money, but Pimp is the only one who wishes to
profit personally.
Pillar of the Community
Frankly, if the AG was minded, he could make a very good case that the sentences imposed
in both cases should be about the same, including a very very hefty fine in both cases (i.e.
4k) and identical bans. However, i may be feeling particularly "retributive" today. Posts: 718

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Pimp and the AG should immediately be called upon to make submissions and lead any Cash on hand: 0.00
evidence they wish about an appropriate sentence. I appreciate this may just be an [Donate]
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invitation to more nonsense from Pimp, and lassitude from the AG. Nevertheless it should be
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Re: Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz

by jfstpierre » Sun May 09, 2010 3:34 pm

Leps Dissim wrote:

Can I get a final affirmation on the indefinite ban + six weeks after paying from you
Reliable Spammer

I'm fine with it, Leps.

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Re: Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz User avatar

by Leps Dissim » Sun May 09, 2010 3:54 pm

I PM'd the AG about a sentence the other day in an attempt to avoid more nonsense from
Pimp and got this response:

AcaciaMason wrote:
As for recommendations, Pimp had shown no remorse for his actions and has repeatedly
abused this court. He has also demonstrated that he would find ways to keep the money for
good by threatening to leave. I therefore humbly request that the full weight of this court
Leps Dissim
be applied. Frequent Forumer

If you feel strongly that we should solicit Pimp's opinion and possibly adjust the current Posts: 169
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sentence I'll make the post, but I think we should just move ahead with the current version. 11:13 am
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Re: Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz User avatar

by olivermellors » Sun May 09, 2010 4:13 pm

I see that Pimp made a submission on sentence, of sorts, which was essentially "you are
going to have to make up more bogus rules etc". I am very sympathetic to accepting that as
his submission on sentence. I find it unfortunate that the AG is making any submissions by
PM since they are not public. Given that his comments are essentially "i have nothing
concrete to suggest" I suppose it makes no difference.

SO: good to go. Maybe the final judgement could impress on future litigants the importance Pillar of the Community
of making concrete submissions.

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Re: Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz User avatar

by Leps Dissim » Sun May 09, 2010 5:05 pm

Do we need to contact an admin to enact this, or are they on top of things?


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Re: Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz User avatar

by olivermellors » Sun May 09, 2010 5:13 pm

I think our brother st. pierre is on the admin team. ? Might be a good idea to send off to

oh, by the way Leps.... your leadership is stellar.. thanks for shepherding this and the other
case, as well as the advisory opiinion we recently did, to quick sound conclusion.

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Re: Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz

by jfstpierre » Sun May 09, 2010 11:33 pm

On this question, here is the answer.

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The Admin Team, Ironman as the head of it, has the power to dismiss any request of the
Supreme Court on which they are directly related to (e.g. banishment) and on which they jfstpierre
disagree totally. As Ironman's colleague, I can be the liaison between the Admin Team and Reliable Spammer

the Supreme Court and ask my other brothers (and sister) if they agree on the Supreme
Court's request. I can do the banishment myself, but such type of banishment is particular.  
Normally, the admin team will follow the Supreme Court's recommendation, but it can be Posts: 1986
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possible that such recommendation could be dismissed. 1:07 pm
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If you request it, I can ask them if they would agree with the 2 sentences on the temporary Bank: 29,791.82
banishment on the forums. Location: Montreal, QC
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Re: Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz User avatar

by olivermellors » Sun May 09, 2010 11:48 pm


there is irc as well

It would have been good to know this before of course.

I note the forum TOC and Admin's own internal rules: they follow the law of Canada and the Pillar of the Community
Constitution. No use having a court or a system of laws if the Admins are going to have veto
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Re: Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz

by Leps Dissim » Mon May 10, 2010 1:29 am

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If this veto thing ever comes up we can deal with it, but for the time being I think we're safe
assuming it won't be a problem.

Thanks for the feedback, Oliver. I'm deliberately being less... formal than we've been in the
past, while still maintaining the necessary discussion. Please let me know if I take this too
far. (I don't have anything against the formality on principle, but I don't know enough law to
do it right.)
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Re: Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz User avatar

by olivermellors » Tue May 11, 2010 7:35 pm

as of tuesday pimpdollaz is still posting to the forums and is masked. Have we sent the order
to 1ronman and the Admins? I asked mason to follow through as well yesterday i think.

If 1ronman is just absent, can't this be done by one of the other admins, such as Fram or

I become apprehensive. Pillar of the Community

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Re: Verdict: The people v. Pimpdollaz User avatar

by Leps Dissim » Tue May 11, 2010 10:59 pm

Leps Dissim wrote:

I believe jfstpierre was going to talk to you, but if he hasn't had the chance can please
enact the two bans, from IRC and the forums, for Pimpdollaz and TemujinBC?

Leps Dissim, acting Chief Justice
Leps Dissim
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1ronman wrote:
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Alright. Joined: Mon Jun 29, 2009
11:13 am
Acacia had messaged me and said just PimpDollaz, but I've just banned Temujin as well.
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