Ethics Code Compliant Letter 11.2.2018-1

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To: Vivian Malauulu, Vice President of the Board Dr. Reagan Romali, Superintendent President Long Beach Community College District 4901 E, Carson Street Long Beach, CA 90808 Date: November 2, 2018 : Subject: Submission of Potential Ethics Code Violations by President Sunny Zia Dear Vice President Malauulu & Dr. Romali, ¥'m writing to formally file a complaint of alleged violations of the Board of Trustees Code of Ethics by Long Beach Community College District (LBCCD) Board President Sunny Zia. | believe there were multiple violations during the October 23, 2018 Board of Trustee Meeting. | am filing this complaint in accordance with LBCCD Governance Policy and Regulation #2014 - Board of Trustees’ Code of Ethics/Standards of Practice. The LBCCD Governance Policy for the Board of Trustees’ Code of Ethics/Standards of Practice state the following "Members of the Board of Trustees of the Long Beach Community College District have been elected by the voters of their community. Trustees shall be independent, impartial and responsible in their governance of the District and shall conduct themselves in an ethical manner that does not present the ‘appearence of a conflict of interest. The LBC Board of Trustees maintains high standards of ethical behavior for its members." I perceive the policy was violated by Trustee Zia on October 23, 2018 in the following areas: 1. Acting only in the best interests of the entire community 2. Respecting others 3. Acting with civility In addition, | believe Trustee Zia's behavior was unethical as outlined in LBCCD Administrative Regulation 112014, Board of Trustees’ Code of Ethics/Standards of Practice. She has not maintained an atmosphere of harmony and cooperation in which controversial issues maybe presented fairly, nor has the dignity of each Individual been respected, Also, Trustee Zia has not promoted and/or maintained good relations with fellow Board Members, ‘According to these polices | have responsibility to report unethical behavior. Here are at least four (A) instances of potential unethical behavior ! witnessed at the meeting: 1. Inappropriate Board Agenda Re-Ordering: Prior to the beginning of the October 23 Meeting, President Zia told me that she wanted to move up Agenda Item 4.1 which was the LGBTQ Student Resources Presentation. However, when time came for re-ordering the agenda she also moved Agenda Item 3.1 on, Revised Board Travel to virtually the end of the meeting, after Agenda Item 8.5 which was Trustee Committee Reports. Prior to the meeting we were notified via email that Trustee Doug Otto and. President Marlene Dunn had an evening flight to represent the college out of state at a conference (see attached). Later in the meeting, | requested to make a motion, under Robert Rules of Order, to move the ‘Agenda item 3.1 up in the meeting agenda. However, my request was ignored by President Zia which is inconflict with Roberts Rules of Order. The re-ordering of the agenda was done in a manner that put her personal interests above that of the District. When questioned as to why this was done, she only stated, “it was the Board President's prerogative.” | believe she did this to either disenfranchise Trustee Otto from voting on Agenda Item 3.1 or to attempt to punish the two travelers by causing them to miss their flights which could have cost the District extra re-booking fees. This action was not in the best interest of our board and created a chaotic meeting. | perceive this to be a violation of our Ethics Code. 2. Personal Attack on Trustee Otto: During discussion on Agenda item 3.1 on Revised Board Travel at the October 23 Board Meeting, President Zia interrupted Trustee Doug Otto on multiple occasions when he had the floor to speak to the agenda item. Additionally, President Zia verbally attacked Trustee Otto by raising her voice to a high level, made personal attacks of his reputation, and alleged he violated the Brown Act. Her uncivil behavior was not respectful of her fellow Board Members or the business of the District. | perceive this to be a violation of our Ethics Code. 3. Personal Attack on Trustee Ntuk: Towards the end of the October 23 Board Meeting, | was speaking, on Agenda Item 10.1 Public Comments of Items Not on the Agenda. | was sharing with the Board about the tragic death of LBCC Student Guy Alford Ill and that his family was awarded his Associates Degree at the Homecoming Football Game. At the conclusion of my comments, President Zia personally attacked ‘me for not voting in favor of Agenda Item 3.1 on Revised Board Travel. She alleged that | voted “out of spite” against the proposed revised board travel policy and had an “inability to comprehend” the process of the board. Her action was disrespectful and inaccurate of the nature of my participation on the board. | perceive this to be a violation of our Ethics Code, 4, Verbal Threats to Trustee Ntuk and Vice President Malauulu: At the conclusion of the October 23" Board Meeting, President Zia adjourned the meeting and began to verbally threaten Vice President Vivian Malauulu and myself. President Zia said that, “I will make you guys pay for this," and “I wll not forget what you did.” Both Vice President Malauulu and I were shocked by her comments. | immediately told her that was a threat and inappropriate. President Zia stormed away from the dais and left the board room. | believe her actions were disrespectful, irresponsible, and possibly jeopardizes the safety of board members. | perceive this to be a violation of our Ethics Code and potentially the law. lam submitting these alleged violations as required by LBCCD Administrative Regulation 2014.5, Additionally, | believe strongly that these potential violations have possible legal implications. | am requesting a closed session agenda item on this topic to find a resolution of this matter at the next Board of Trustees Meeting. The full board should decide the outcome of this matter and ift should be referred to our attorney andor to the appropriate prosecutorial agency. Respgctully submited, —- 9 Uduak-ybe Ntuk Board Member, LBCCD (562) 818-1500 CC: Gene Durand, Vice President of Human Resources

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