Piracetam Neuroprotective

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ABSTRACT: Posthypoxic coma is often associated with cortical and brain-

stem hyperexcitability. Five months following cardiopulmonary resuscitation

after myocardial infarction and ventricular arrhythmia, a 47-year-old man
presented with posthypoxic cerebral dysfunction, minimal responsiveness,
severe spastic-dystonic tetraparesis, and stimulus-sensitive muscle spasms
upon acoustic and sensory stimulation. Neurophysiological examination
revealed increased long-loop reflexes in abductor pollicis brevis muscle
following median nerve stimulation at the wrist, consistent with cortical
hyperexcitability. Exaggerated startle responses provided evidence of con-
comitant brainstem disinhibition. Levetiracetam up to 3,000 mg per day
suppressed transcortical long-loop reflexes in a dose-dependent manner
without concomitant suppression of the H-reflex and only mild attenuation of
the startle response. The present findings suggest a suppressive effect of
levetiracetam on cortical neurons in the absence of a spinal effect on
monosynaptic reflexes, and thus support the drug’s efficacy in posthypoxic
cortical hyperexcitability.
Muscle Nerve 33: 785–791, 2006



Department of Neurology, Hospital Hochzirl, A-6170 Zirl, Austria

Accepted 24 January 2006

Posthypoxic coma is often associated with cortical CASE REPORT

and brainstem hyperexcitability.3 Clinical manifesta- A 47-year-old man developed severe posthypoxic ce-
tions may comprise seizures, cortical or brainstem rebral dysfunction following cardiopulmonary resus-
myoclonus, and exaggerated startle reactions to vari- citation after anteroseptal myocardial infarction and
able degrees. Neurophysiological techniques may ventricular arrhythmia. Resuscitation was begun 10
help to localize the origin of myoclonic jerks,24 but min after initial loss of consciousness, at which point
may also provide evidence of subclinical forms of the Glasgow Coma Score was 5. Cerebral magnetic
neuronal hyperexcitability. Levetiracetam has been resonance imaging 1 and 4 months posthypoxia re-
used to treat epilepsy and myoclonus following cere- vealed mild progressive cerebral atrophy but no lo-
bral hypoxia,4,10,12,22 and has recently been sug- calized lesions. Single photon emission computer-
gested for the treatment of spasticity and paroxysmal ized tomography with technetium, performed 1
stiffness.5,21 The mechanism of action of levetirac- month posthypoxia, showed reduced perfusion of
etam is not fully known. Investigation of spinal, cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, and left cerebellum,
brainstem, and cortical reflexes, as well as somato- which was more pronounced on repeat evaluation 2
sensory evoked potentials, during administration of months later. Electroencephalography at 1 month
increasing doses of levetiracetam may show a differ- posthypoxia was reported abnormal with diffuse
ential and dose-dependent suppressive effect on cer- theta-delta slowing, but preserved reactions to exog-
tain parameters, and may thus help to localize the enous stimuli. Two months later electroencephalo-
site of action of levetiracetam. graphic reactivity diminished, and it was also less
reproducible in a repeat study 3 months thereafter.
None of the electroencephalograms showed spikes
Abbreviations: ANOVA, analysis of variance; ASR, auditory startle re- or epileptiform activity.
sponse; LLR, long-loop reflex; SEP, somatosensory evoked potential
Key words: auditory startle response; levetiracetam; long-loop reflex;
After 5 months the patient was referred to our
somatosensory evoked potential institution for further evaluation and treatment. On
Correspondence to: M. Kofler; e-mail: markus.kofler@uibk.ac.at
clinical examination he showed minimal responsive-
© 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Published online 3 March 2006 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.
ness: when spoken to or touched, he developed pro-
com). DOI 10.1002/mus.20533 longed head elevation, hyperventilation, and slow

Long-Loop Reflexes MUSCLE & NERVE June 2006 785

tonic flexion of the upper and lower extremities, repeatedly studied following each increase in the
without an auditory or somatosensory startle blink. patient’s levetiracetam dosage.
There was no optic fixation. He reacted to visual H-reflexes and LLRs were recorded from the
threat by blinking without concomitant contraction slightly contracted right abductor pollicis brevis mus-
of the body musculature. Opening of the mouth was cle following bipolar stimulation of the right median
impeded by a trismus-like, markedly increased tone nerve at the wrist (0.2-ms duration, 2.3-Hz stimula-
of the masseter muscles. Severe spastic-dystonic tet- tion rate, intensity adjusted to yield nonrectified M-
raparesis was apparent, with the upper limbs flexed wave amplitudes of 200 ␮V). The level of muscle
at the elbows, wrists, and fingers bilaterally, and the contraction was estimated by auditory feedback, as
lower limbs flexed at the hips and knees with bilat- the patient was unable to follow verbal commands,
eral plantar extension. The passive range of motion and was adjusted if necessary by gently applying re-
was limited in upper and lower limbs by shortened sistance to the patient’s thumb. Concomitant SEP
tendons, more marked on the right side. Minimal recordings were obtained from the contralateral pa-
spontaneous movements were present in the left leg. rietal cortex with a frontal reference. Two series of
Tendon reflexes were not elicitable due to increased 200 responses with sweeps of 200 ms were amplified,
muscle tone and fixed contractures. There was no averaged, and superimposed, with filters set at 10
clinical evidence of myoclonus. and 10,000 Hz.
Oral medication comprising baclofen (75 mg/ SEPs were also elicited at rest following median
d), tizanidine (24 mg/d), diazepam (20 mg/d), nerve stimulation at the wrist (electrical monopolar
gabapentin (1,200 mg/d), fentanyl (75 ␮g/h), alpra- square waves, 0.2-ms duration, 3.7-Hz stimulation
zolam (2 mg/d), and nabilone (2 mg/d) failed to rate, intensity sufficient to elicit a maximum anti-
alleviate his spasticity, as did intrathecal baclofen up dromic sensory action potential recorded from the
to 1,000 ␮g/d. Based on neurophysiological findings index finger). Recordings were obtained from Erb’s
(see below) and the author’s previous experience point (contralateral reference), fifth cervical verte-
with levetiracetam in the treatment of posthypoxic bra (suprasternal and frontal reference), frontal cor-
cortical hyperexcitability,10,22 levetiracetam was in- tex (linked-ear reference), and contralateral parietal
troduced and titrated up to 3,000 mg/day. The ef- cortex (linked-ear and frontal reference). Electrodes
fect was monitored by weekly recordings of H-re- were placed according to the International 10 –20
flexes, long-loop reflexes (LLRs), somatosensory System. Impedance was kept below 2 k ohms at all
evoked potentials (SEPs), and auditory startle re- electrode sites (in this and all subsequent studies).
sponses (ASRs). This medication led to a slight re- Two series of 500 responses with sweeps of 50 ms
duction of spastic-dystonic posturing upon exoge- were amplified, averaged, and superimposed to en-
nous stimulation, but also rendered the patient less sure reproducibility. The filters were set at 20 and
vigilant. Clinical responsiveness remained minimal 3,000 Hz for subcortical and at 5 and 3,000 Hz for
over 6 weeks, and levetiracetam was therefore ta- cortical SEP recordings.
pered off and finally discontinued. On clinical fol- Motor evoked potentials were recorded at rest
low-up 18 months later, the patient was able to fixate from abductor pollicis brevis muscle following con-
and follow objects visually, to understand simple tralateral transcranial magnetic stimulation (Mag-
verbal instructions, and to follow, although inconsis- stim 200; Whitland, UK) using a round coil with an
tently, simple commands such as to close the eyes, outer diameter of 14 cm centered over the vertex.
and he had begun to communicate basic needs by The current direction was counterclockwise for pref-
pressing buttons on a special keyboard. erential activation of the left hemisphere and vice
versa. Test stimulus intensities were 40%, 60%, 80%,
Neurophysiological Methods. Neurophysiological in- and 100% stimulator output. At least two responses
vestigations were performed using routine electrodi- were recorded for each intensity. Filters were set at
agnostic equipment (Viking; Nicolet Biomedical, 10 Hz and 10,000 Hz.
Madison, Wisconsin) according to previously pub- ASRs were elicited by eight binaurally presented
lished standards.7,9,11 H-reflexes and LLRs in abduc- tone bursts with random tonal frequency and inten-
tor pollicis brevis muscle, median nerve SEPs, motor sity (250 Hz, 90 dB nHL; 500 Hz, 105 dB nHL; 750
evoked potentials from the abductor digiti minimi Hz, 105 dB nHL, 1,000 Hz, 110 dB nHL; 2 cycles rise
muscle, and ASRs were studied 5 months posthy- time, 400 cycles duration), separated by 2 to 3 min.
poxia, before introducing and 18 months after dis- Single sweeps of nonrectified surface electromyo-
continuation of levetiracetam medication. H-re- graphic recordings were simultaneously obtained
flexes, LLRs, cortical SEPs, and ASRs were following each stimulus from orbicularis oculi, mas-

786 Long-Loop Reflexes MUSCLE & NERVE June 2006

FIGURE 1. Cortical somatosensory evoked potentials recorded between C3’ and Fz (A), and direct (M), spinally (H), and transcortically
(LLR) mediated muscle responses in right abductor pollicis brevis muscle (B) following right median nerve stimulation at baseline (left)
and during treatment with 2,000 mg levetiracetam daily (right).

seter, sternocleidomastoid, biceps brachii, abductor recordings the amplitude of the postcentral cortical
pollicis brevis, rectus femoris, tibialis anterior, and N20 –P25 response was 6.5 ␮V following right-sided
soleus muscles. Silver–silver chloride cup electrodes stimulation, and 7.9 ␮V following left-sided stimula-
were attached over muscle belly and tendon where tion (normal, 0.03–7.11 ␮V), with a P25 baseline–
applicable. Single sweeps of 500 ms including 20 ms peak amplitude of 5.1 ␮V and 6.5 ␮V, respectively
prestimulus delay were recorded with filters set at 10 (normal, – 0.13 to 5.49 ␮V). Precentral P21–N30
and 10,000 Hz. ASR probability was calculated by responses were in the normal range bilaterally with
dividing the number of all reflex responses in all 2.3 ␮V and 2.5 ␮V following right- and left-sided
eight muscles following all eight stimuli by the total stimulation, respectively (normal, 0.08 – 4.87 ␮V).
number of recorded traces multiplied by 100. ASR Transcranial magnetic stimulation evoked motor
latencies were measured from stimulus onset to ASR responses of normal latency from right and left ab-
onset. ASR area under the curve was calculated dur- ductor digiti minimi muscles (21.4 and 20.4 ms,
ing the first 100 ms following response onset. respectively; upper normal limit, 25.9 ms7). The am-
plitude on the right side was smaller than the left
RESULTS side (2.8 vs. 5.9 mV with 100% stimulator output
Baseline Studies. Median nerve stimulation at the intensity).
wrist at a rate of 2.3 Hz and an intensity of 6.3 mA Binaural acoustic stimulation elicited brisk gen-
evoked a direct M-wave in slightly contracted right eralized muscle responses typical of an auditory star-
abductor pollicis brevis muscle of 200 ␮V peak-to- tle reaction (Fig. 3). ASR probability was 100% in
peak amplitude. An H-reflex was elicited with a la- each muscle, clearly exceeding the normal range
tency of 29.6 ms and a peak-to-peak amplitude of 290 particularly in extremity muscles, as obtained in 10
␮V, followed by an exaggerated LLR with a latency of age- and gender-matched8,9 control subjects (Fig.
43.6 ms and a peak-to-peak amplitude of 1,195 ␮V. 4A). ASR onset latencies were shorter than normal
Contralateral cortical SEPs N20 –P25, concomitantly median values in masseter and sternocleidomastoid
recorded with a frontal reference, were marginally muscles, and below the normal range in all extremity
enlarged with 8.04 ␮V (normal range obtained in 53 muscles (Fig. 4B). ASR area under the curve was
healthy subjects: 1.51–7.47 ␮V) (Figs. 1, 2). larger than normal median values in orbicularis oc-
Right and left median nerve stimulation at rest uli and abductor pollicis brevis muscles, and above
elicited SEPs with normal absolute and interpeak the normal range in all other muscles (Fig. 4C). The
latencies over brachial plexus, cervical spinal cord, observed abnormalities were consistent with brain-
and contralateral cortex. In noncephalic reference stem hyperexcitability.

Long-Loop Reflexes MUSCLE & NERVE June 2006 787

Pearson’s correlation coefficients of 0.90 (N20 –P25)
and 0.89 (P25–N34), respectively. ASR probability
remained abnormally high with only a small decline
in probability with 3,000 mg levetiracetam daily in
the biceps brachii, abductor pollicis brevis, and rec-
tus femoris muscles (Fig. 4A). ASR latencies were not
consistently influenced by increasing doses of levetirac-
etam (Fig. 4B). Mean area-under-the-curve was mildly
reduced by levetiracetam, particularly in sternocleido-
mastoid and biceps brachii muscles, but remained ab-
normally increased even up to 3,000 mg levetiracetam
daily in lower-extremity muscles (Fig. 4C).

Follow-up Studies after Cessation of Levetiracetam

Treatment. Eighteen months after discontinuation
of levetiracetam, H-reflexes remained unchanged,
but LLRs were exaggerated again similar to baseline
values, as was the LLR/H ratio (Fig. 2A–C). Cortical
SEPs, however, were similar to those obtained with
3,000 mg levetiracetam daily, and clearly smaller

FIGURE 2. Amplitudes of H-reflex (A), long-loop reflex (LLR) (B),

and the N20 –P25 (black columns) and P25–N34 (white columns)
components of the somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) in
C3’–Fz (D), as well as the ratio of LLR and H-reflex amplitudes
(%) (C) following right median nerve stimulation at baseline,
during levetiracetam treatment (1,000, 2,000, 3,000 mg daily),
and 18 months following cessation of levetiracetam treatment.

Follow-up Studies during Levetiracetam Treatment.

Levetiracetam was started at 1,000 mg and increased
up to 3,000 mg per day in weekly increments of 1,000
mg. With increasing doses of levetiracetam H-re-
flexes were unchanged, but LLR amplitudes, LLR/H
ratios, and cortical SEPs were suppressed in a dose- FIGURE 3. Recording of auditory startle responses before leve-
dependent manner (Fig. 2A–D). There was a high tiracetam treatment. The thick arrow indicates stimulus onset,
thin arrows indicate response onset in MSS, masseter; OOc,
correlation of the reduction of the LLR/H ampli- orbicularis oculi; SCM, sternocleidomastoid; BB, biceps brachii;
tude ratio with that of cortical N20 –P25 and P25– APB, abductor pollicis brevis; RF, rectus femoris; TA, tibialis
N34 SEPs following median nerve stimulation, with anterior; SOL, soleus. Two responses are superimposed.

788 Long-Loop Reflexes MUSCLE & NERVE June 2006

was again 100% in all muscles, ASR latencies were
longer compared to baseline (P ⬍ 0.001, analysis of
variance, ANOVA), and ASR area-under-the-curve
was larger compared to levetiracetam treatment and
to baseline (P ⬍ 0.001, each), indicating again ex-
aggerated transcortical and brainstem reflexes (Fig.


In this patient, neurophysiological examination was

consistent with cortical hyperexcitability based on
exaggerated LLRs and increased cortical SEP ampli-
tudes following median nerve stimulation.24 Exag-
gerated ASRs suggested additional brainstem hyper-
excitability, as is often seen in posthypoxic brain
damage.3 There was, however, no clinical evidence
of cortical or reticular reflex myoclonus.24 The dim-
inution of LLR amplitude in the absence of concom-
itant H-reflex suppression, as indicated by a dose-
dependent reduction of the LLR/H ratio, provides
further human in vivo evidence of an inhibitory
effect of the antiepileptic drug levetiracetam on hy-
perexcitable cortical neurons. This is further sup-
ported by the suppression of increased cortical SEPs,
but contrasts with a relatively minor suppressive ef-
fect on the ASR, which is a brainstem reflex.8,9
The piracetam analog levetiracetam has been
found to be helpful in both short- and long-term
suppression of postanoxic myoclonus,4,10,12,22 and
has recently been suggested for the treatment of
spasticity and rigidity.5,21 Its mechanism of action has
not yet been fully elucidated, but seems to differ
from established mechanisms of other antiepileptic
drugs. The antimyoclonic effect has been related to
blocking of negative GABAA-receptor modulators
such as zinc,13 whereas antiepileptic effects have
been attributed to the inhibition of high-voltage-
FIGURE 4. Auditory startle response probability (A), onset la-
tency (B), and area-under-the-curve during 100 ms following
gated N-type calcium channels15 and the reduction
response onset (C), recorded from right masseter (MSS), orbic- of voltage-operated potassium currents.16
ularis oculi (OOc), sternocleidomastoid (SCM), biceps brachii Neurophysiological investigation of the action of
(BB), abductor pollicis brevis (APB), rectus femoris (RF), tibialis levetiracetam in humans is scarce and has so far
anterior (TA), and soleus (SOL) muscles at baseline (open rect-
been limited to the motor system.19,26,27 Resting and
angles) and during treatment with 1,000 mg (black triangles),
2,000 mg (open circles), and 3,000 mg (black rectangles) leveti- active motor thresholds were found to be increased
racetam daily, and 18 months after cessation of levetiracetam by a single oral dose of 2,000 mg levetiracetam.19
treatment (open rhomboids). Normal values obtained in 10 Recruitment curve measurements revealed reduced
healthy age-matched male control subjects are indicated by rect- motor evoked potential amplitudes, particularly fol-
angular boxes in the background (upper and lower normal range,
lowing high-intensity transcranial magnetic stimula-
intersected by median values).
tion,26,27 whereas cortical silent periods and intracor-
tical inhibition and facilitation remained unaffected
than those at baseline (Fig. 2D). Motor evoked po- by a single oral dose of 3,000 mg levetiracetam.27
tentials following transcranial magnetic stimulation Thus, levetiracetam suppressed the corticospinal
were of normal latency and amplitude in right and neuronal response to transcranial magnetic stimula-
left abductor digiti minimi muscles. ASR probability tion by preferentially affecting less excitable neu-

Long-Loop Reflexes MUSCLE & NERVE June 2006 789

rons. Complete suppression of motor evoked poten- improve over time.3,29 The rate of improvement, how-
tials following transcranial magnetic, but not ever, is not known, and it remains speculative whether
electrical, stimulation was encountered in a patient cortical hyperexcitability without myoclonus decreases
receiving 3,000 mg levetiracetam daily over 2 years.10 over time as well. We are not aware of other reports
The primary motor cortex is essential in early con- about potential effects of levetiracetam on SEPs or
solidation of motor learning,17 a process which LLRs.
seems to be blocked by levetiracetam: pinch grip Exaggerated ASRs may be the result of either
acceleration, but not pinch force, was suppressed by brainstem hyperexcitability or diminished inhibi-
a single oral dose of 3,000 mg levetiracetam in a task tion. The cerebral cortex exerts powerful tonic and
of rapid motor learning presumably by influencing phasic influences on brainstem auditory reflex cen-
long-term potentiation of horizontal excitatory con- ters via direct corticofugal projections to mesence-
nections within the primary motor cortex.26 The phalic, pontine, and medullary reticular nuclei.30
confinement of suppressive effects of levetiracetam Animal studies suggest that the sensory cortex likely
to the cerebral cortex was supported by the lack of has a facilitatory effect on brainstem reflexes.1 The
concomitant changes in spinal and peripheral excit- temporal lobe also facilitates ASRs, as revealed by
ability as measured by amplitude and persistence of audiospinal facilitation of the H-reflex.14 Exagger-
F-waves and compound muscle action potentials,26,27 ated ASRs were observed on the hemiparetic side
according with the present findings of unchanged following vascular hemispheric lesions of motor
H-reflexes with chronic levetiracetam up to 3,000 mg pathways,6,28 in cerebral palsy,25 and following cere-
daily. bral hypoxia.18 Thus, a disinhibited cerebral cortex
Median nerve SEPs and LLRs are often enhanced may subserve exaggerated ASRs, as seen before and
in cortical myoclonus, indicating cortical hyperexcit- after levetiracetam treatment, which had a mild sup-
ability.24 In most cases, the larger the SEP, the more pressive effect on ASR magnitude, as indicated by a
conspicuous and widespread is the LLR24; however, tendency toward normal area-under-the-curve in
these two phenomena do not always correlate with most muscles investigated. It remains speculative,
each other in this way.20 In the present patient with however, whether the observed reflex suppression is
no clinically manifest myoclonus, the LLR was much due to direct influence at the brainstem level or to
more enhanced than the corresponding cortical SEP an indirect effect via cortical structures.
before and after levetiracetam treatment (Fig. 1). In conclusion, the findings reported here local-
LLR latency and amplitude were compatible with ize the site of action of levetiracetam to supraspinal,
either LLR I or LLR II.2 Enhancement of the LLR, as likely cortical, structures, in agreement with its
typically seen in cortical myoclonus, usually affects known inhibitory effects on cortical motoneurons,
the earlier LLR I2 rather than LLR II.23 The path- and support the drug’s efficacy in posthypoxic cor-
ways mediating both SEPs and LLRs involve fast- tical hyperexcitability.
conducting cutaneous and Ia afferents, and subse- Presented in part at the 8th International Congress of Parkinson’s
quently dorsal columns to nucleus cuneatus, and Disease and Movement Disorders, June 2004, Rome, Italy. The
lemniscal pathways to the thalamus. The LLR II author thanks Maria Hoch for expert technical assistance and
pathway is then to the somatosensory cortex, then via Ellen Quirbach for help with editing the article.
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