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Dear Respondents,


We are from the Operations Management Department of University of St. La

Salle-Bacolod conducting a feasibility study on MAGARI: CAFÉ WORKSPACE for
this semester. We hope you lend us a few minutes of your time to answer this
short survey in order to shed light on our topic. Please be assured that all
personal information in this survey form will remain confidential and will be for
research purposes only.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Name (Optional): ____________________________ Gender: F M

Age: ______ Occupation: ___________ Civil Status: _______

Directions: Please encircle the letter/s corresponding to your answer/s:

1. What do you usually do during your vacant hours?

o Go to a coffee shop
o Go to a restaurant
o Go to a library
o Go home

2. Do you go to coffee shops? How often do you go to these places?

o Rarely
o Daily
o Weekly
o Monthly
o Less than a month
3. What time do you usually go in cafes?
o 5am-7am
o 8am-11am
o 2pm-5pm
o 8pm-11pm
o 11pm-3am

4. Why do you go to coffee shops?

o Family and friends
o Food and service
o Ambiance
o A place to study
o If others, please specify: _____________

5. Who are with you when you go to cafes?

o Family
o Friends
o Co-workers
o Partners
o If others, please specify: _____________

6. How much will you spend for a coffee?

o Php 75-100
o 101-130
o 131-150
o 151-175
o 176-190

7. What food would you prefer to buy in a café? (you can pick more than one)
o Sandwiches and pastries
o Cakes and cookies
o Pasta
o Rice meals
o If others, please specify: _______________

8. How much would you willing to pay for the food or meal?
o Php 70-90
o 95-110
o 111-130
o 131-150

9. What is the most important attribute that you consider if you go out for
o Environment
o Variety of products
o Friendly service
o Price and quality of food
o If others, please specify: _______________

10.Would you spend the night in a café or restaurant?

o Yes
o No

11.If yes, what would be the accommodations be for you to stay at night?
o Pillows
o Bed
o Night lamp
o Air condition
o Wireless fidelity

12.Would you avail napping services?

o Yes
o No
13. If yes, how much would you pay for that service?
o Php 100 for 2 hours
o Php 100 for 3 hours
o Php 100 for 3 and ½ hours

14.How much are you willing to pay for a stay in a workplace with free coffee
or drinks?
o Php 100 for 4 hours
o Php 150 for 4 hours

15.What are your other recommendations if the business will pursue a

napping services in a café workplace?


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