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Submitted by:
Frances Joan Kyla Bandiola
-Conclusion & Compilation/Editing

Pop Magica Nacasi

-Introduction & Editing

Dave Agbas
-Discussion & Conclusion

Venz Escamilla
Editing & Compilation

Christine Joyce Monet


HumSS 11-5M

Submitted to:
Prof. Joshua Bernard Espena

March 13, 2019

The closure of the Philippine resort island of Boracay, one of the nation's major tourist
destinations, was set for six months starting April 26, 2018 as part of the government's efforts at
the island's environmental rehabilitation. As part of the closure, Boracay would be closed except
to registered island residents and employees of its business establishments. Following Rodrigo
Duterte's comment on the situation in Boracay, the local government of Malay issued a statement
in February 19, 2018 accepting the remarks by the president as "constructive criticism" and has
acknowledged the environmental issues affecting the island. It pointed out that the municipal
government has entered in a partnership with architectural firm, Palafox Associates to formulate
a tourism municipal master plan which involves decongesting Boracay and implementing
building regulations in the island. In addition it has criticized ABS-CBN and GMA Network for
using photos of algal bloom in the island to "sensationalize" the algal phenomenon in the island

which it insists as natural and says it only occurs in the summer. 1

On the otherhand, the concept to be used here is that of the Rational Choice Theory
which believes that human as wealth maximizer who evaluates decisions based on what others
would probably do. Rational choice theory is an economic principle that assumes that individuals
always make prudent and logical decisions that provide them with the highest amount of
personal utility. These decisions provide people with the greatest benefit or satisfaction — given
the choices available — and are also in their highest self-interest. Most mainstream academic
assumptions and theories are based on rational choice theory.2
The purpose of this research is to know how this approach can be used in studying the
Boracay Rehabilitation to form a concept and to make a study on how this issue will work.

1 Burgos, Nestor Jr. Town gov't accepts Boracay 'cesspool' tag as 'constructive criticism'. Inquirer Visayas. April 9, 2018.

2 Chen, James. Rational Choice Theory. Investopedia. February 14, 2019

Rational choice theory, also known as choice theory or rational action theory, is a
framework for understanding and often formally modeling social and economic behavior.3 The
basic premise of rational choice theory is that aggregate social behavior results from the behavior
of individual actors, each of whom is making their individual decisions. Rationality is widely
used as an assumption of the behavior of individuals in microeconomic models and analyses and
appears in almost all economics textbook treatments of human decision-making.

To his critics, the leadership style of President Duterte is nothing short of dictatorial. But
there are instances when this type of leadership can have positive results. The government
bureaucracy is usually slow moving. But when President Duterte made two pronouncements
recently, agencies snapped to attention and reacted aggressively. The President simply said that
Boracay has now become a virtual cesspool, and look at what is happening. With that statement,
government agencies descended on the island to do what should really have been done long
before the problem developed. The focus now is how to improve, protect and maintain Boracay
as a world-class tourist destination. Whether the government will eventually come up with the
right decisions to solve the problem is another matter. At least now, it has been given the
opportunity to solve a long-festering problem. Authorities has already ordered the demolition of
some structures and for all business establishments to connect to the island’s central sewer
system.This is a good first move but a lot more really must be done. We have to remember that
this Boracay problem as in many other problems in the country did not develop overnight. It
happened over several years of poor government planning, insufficient environmental
regulations, and the lax enforcement of environmental and other regulations. This is not only
happening in Boracay but in other major tourist destinations in the country as well.4

3 Lawrence E. Blume and David Easley. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. Abstract. June 2, 2008

4 Fianza, Florencio. The Boracay Problem. Manila Standart. March 1, 2018


Through the Rational Choice Theory, the researchers believe that the strategic action on

Boracay Rehabilitation created a sustainable and an efficient livelihood for all of the residents
who are living in the island. To achieve this, they developed and implemented a communication
and engagement strategy. Therefore, the Right Choice Theory is a very effective tool and suits
with studies and methods related to the welfare of the people especially those mentioned in the
issue above.
1Burgos, Nestor Jr. Town gov't accepts Boracay 'cesspool' tag as 'constructive
criticism'. Inquirer Visayas. April 9, 2018.

2 Chen, James. Rational Choice Theory. Investopedia. February 14, 2019

3Lawrence E. Blume and David Easley. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. Abstract.
June 2, 2008

4 Fianza, Florencio. The Boracay Problem. Manila Standart. March 1, 2018

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