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.Clinical Management.


usually associated with dimin-
ished active movement in addition to
The Hypotonic Infant: The infant’s physical exam was
remarkable for a left-sided abdominal
protuberance secondary to in utero
unusual posture, decreased resistance Case Study of Central positioning with legs flexed up on
of the joints to passive movement, the right side of the abdomen. Baby
and/or increased range of joint move- Core Disease M’s hips were flexed with contrac-
ment.1 By observing the infant’s tone tures, although there was full range
and level of activity, the examiner can Val Castrodale, RNC, NNP of motion in her knees and arms.
begin to determine the suspected site Bilateral clubfeet and scoliosis were
of dysfunction. Accurate diagnosis and C OLUMN E DITOR also present. The infant had
evaluation of the hypotonic infant are Angela Carlson, RNC, ND, NNP decreased muscle tone, weak sponta-
critical to providing necessary medical neous movement, and decreased
intervention, rehabilitation, and family muscle mass. The cranial ultrasound
support and counseling. was normal. An abdominal ultrasound showed abnormal
Because the presentation of the “floppy infant” can be rotation of normal abdominal contents.
associated with a wide variety of disorders, determining the At about 20 hours of age, the infant began to experience
cause of hypotonia in the newborn can be challenging. The oxygen desaturation to 70 percent. Sedation, pharmacologic
etiology of hypotonia includes neuromuscular disorders, cen- paralysis, increased ventilator settings, and manual positive
tral nervous system dysfunction, sepsis, metabolic disorders, pressure ventilation produced no improvement. There was no
and congenital myopathies.1 evidence of a pneumothorax on the chest x-ray. Baby M was
In this case study, the congenital myopathy, central core placed on high-frequency oscillatory ventilation and showed
disease, is discussed. Although central core disease is often- slight improvement in oxygenation. Because her clinical
times not appreciated in the newborn period, there are rare course seemed consistent with severe pulmonary hypoplasia,
accounts of the disorder that present with marked hypotonia extra corporeal membrane oxygenation was not a considera-
and weakness and respiratory failure.2 tion. The infant continued to have difficulty over the next few
hours, and the parents were allowed to hold her on the venti-
CASE STUDY lator. Because of the futility of continued care, the parents
Baby M was a 3,095 gm Caucasian female delivered at 38 requested that support be withdrawn when her color deterio-
weeks estimated gestational age by scheduled cesarean section rated and she started to develop bradycardia. The infant was
secondary to breech presentation to a 29-year-old gravida 1, extubated and expired minutes later. The autopsy was signifi-
para 0 mother. The pregnancy was complicated by decreased cant for lungs at 30 percent of normal weight for gestational
fetal movement, noted since 26–28 weeks gestation. An ultra- age and for a 2 cm intussusception of the small bowel proxi-
sound done at that time showed fetal akinesia, a small thorax mal to the ileocecal valve, which was thought to be a recent
(2.5 percentile), and the lower extremities held in a fixed event and not a factor in the infant’s demise.
position. The amniotic fluid level was normal. At birth, the
baby had a weak cry and required bag-and-mask ventilation. CLINICAL EVALUATION
She was intubated in the delivery room for continuing Differential diagnoses for this infant include hypoxic
cyanosis. Apgars were 5 at one minute and 7 at five minutes. ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), spinal injury, spinal muscular
In the neonatal intensive care unit, the infant was atrophy (SMA), congenital myasthenia gravis, acid maltase
placed on the ventilator on synchronized intermittent deficiency, congenital muscular dystrophy, congenital
mandatory ventilation (SIMV) on 100 percent oxygen, myotonic dystrophy, and congenital myopathy.
with a pressure of 22/4 and a rate of 40 breaths per Identifying the location of the functional disturbance within
minute. Initial oxygen saturations were between 70 and 80 the central nervous system (CNS) or the motor unit can be
percent. The initial arterial blood gas showed a pH of helpful in making a differential diagnosis. Each motor unit
7.26, PaCO2 53, PaO2 52, and bicarbonate 24. The chest consists of a motor neuron, its peripheral nerve fiber, and the
x-ray showed extremely low lung volumes with a bell- muscle fibers connected with the motor neuron through the
shaped chest (Figure 1). Arterial and venous umbilical neuromuscular junction. Normal movement and tone depend
lines were placed for arterial blood sampling and intra- upon the coordination of CNS pathways innervating function-
venous access. Baby M received one dose of surfactant ing muscle units. Disturbances in function at distinct points
(4 ml/kg) via the endotracheal tube. Oxygen saturation along these pathways can present with characteristic features,
levels gradually began to improve to 95 percent. which can be identified through history and physical exam.3

VO L . 2 2 , N O . 1 , J A N U A RY / F E B R U A RY 2 0 0 3 53
FIGURE 1 ■ Admission x-rays show near complete opacification of lung fields and asymmetry of the abdomen with protrusion of loops of
bowel to the left.
The pelvis has an unusual configuration, most likely associated with in utero positioning of the infant’s contracted hips.

It is believed that skeletal-muscle tone results from nerve sent until around six months of age, and its absence sug-
impulses coming from the spinal cord, which in turn are con- gests significant central or motor unit involvement.1,3 Time
trolled partly by transmissions from the brain to the appro- of onset of symptoms can also be important when deter-
priate motor neurons and by impulses located within the mining the etiology of hypotonia. A rapid onset of symp-
muscle itself.4 Postural tone in the newborn is best evaluated toms may be indicative of an infectious or inflammatory
by performing the ventral suspension maneuver or the pull- myopathy, whereas diseases such as muscular dystrophy,
to-sit maneuver and noting the degree of head control and metabolic myopathy, and neurogenic disorders may present
head lag.3,5 with a progressive, more insidious clinical course.6 A histo-
Muscle weakness in the infant can be difficult to assess, but ry of polyhydramnios, which may occur when the fetus has
it can be evaluated by observing the infant’s ability to raise difficulty swallowing amniotic fluid, decreased fetal move-
and sustain a limb against gravity and by noting the with- ment, and the presence of fixed deformities of the feet and
drawal response of a limb to painful stimuli.1 If the neuro- hands, is characteristic of antenatal onset.1 A family history
muscular disorder is a primar y myopathy, the muscle of muscle disease can be helpful in diagnosing hereditary
weakness tends to be proximal in location. Proximal weak- disorders. Features in the parents such as late age of first
ness, as seen in Werdnig-Hoffman disease, presents as paraly- walking and other clinical characteristics can have impor-
sis in the arms with sparing of the antigravity movement in tant value in diagnosing neonatal myasthenia gravis, con-
the hands or forearms.1,6 In a denervating disease, such as genital myasthenia gravis, congenital myotonic dystrophy,
congenital hypomyelinating neuropathy, there is a distal and congenital myopathies.
weakness in the extremities, greater in the legs than arms.3,6
Likewise, measurements of tendon reflexes in the new- LABORATORY FINDINGS
born can be misleading, but there are some consistent find- Creatine phosphokinase (CPK) is a serum enzyme that
ings that can be informative. Infants demonstrating exists in relatively few organs, with higher concentrations
hypotonia and weakness with normal reflexes may have dis- found in heart and skeletal muscle.7 Significant elevations of
orders of the central nervous system. Tendon reflexes are CPK can be indicative of active muscle destruction or inflam-
spared in diseases of the neuromuscular junction, but they mation, and CPK levels are usually elevated in infants with
are absent in the severe form of spinal muscular atrophy. acid maltase deficiency and can be increased in infants with
Presence of the Moro reflex and the tonic neck reflex indi- congenital muscular dystrophy.1,8 CPK levels for Baby M
cates that the motor unit is intact. The Moro reflex is pre- were within normal limits.

54 J A N U A RY / F E B R U A RY 2 0 0 3 , VO L . 2 2 , N O . 1
Motor nerve conduction and electromyo- clinical course were not consistent with a spinal
gram (EMG) testing are also valuable screening cord injury.
tools that differentiate myopathic from neuro-
pathic weakness. 1 Accurate EMG testing in Motor Unit Hypotonia
infants is extremely difficult, and the value of Spinal Muscular Atrophy. The hypotonia
these results depends on the age of the infant seen in SMA, a disorder of motor neurons,
and the skill and experience of the technician. occurs as a result of the degeneration of spinal
The significant background noise in the NICU cord anterior horn cells.9 This is the most com-
can impair the quality of the results of this test.3 mon neuropathy seen in the newborn period,
EMG results in infants with congenital myopa- with an overall incidence of 1 in 10,000 live
thy may be normal or nonspecific, and normal births.3 SMA Type I (Werdnig-Hoffman dis-
findings on an EMG do not exclude neuro- ease) is characterized by muscular atrophy pre-
muscular disorders other than congenital senting with a bell-shaped chest, marked
myopathy.1,9 paralysis of the legs, almost complete immobili-
A muscle biopsy is indicated in any infant sus- ty, and lesser paralysis of the arms.13 Although
pected of having a neuromuscular disorder and their respiratory reserve is low, these infants sel-
is essential in the diagnosis of congenital dom require resuscitation or ventilator
myopathies and muscular dystrophy. A needle support. 1 Other subtypes of SMA are late,
biopsy can be performed under local anesthesia infantile presentation (Type II) and childhood
and should not include an area that was recently lower neuron disease (Type III). All three types
needled by EMG or a site of intramuscular injec- are related to mutations of the spinal motor
tions. The sample should be obtained from a neuron gene on chromosome 5.13
muscle in which the disease is active but not Confirmation of SMA may be obtained by
severely involved. Delay of the biopsy beyond chromosomal analysis indicating a deletion of
the newborn period, if possible, can improve the either exons 7 or 8 in the survival motor neuron
sensitivity of diagnosis in some disorders, such as gene.13 The chromosome study from Baby M
the mitochondrial myopathies.3,6,10 showed a normal female karyotype, excluding
SMA as a diagnosis.
Congenital Myasthenia Gravis
Supraspinal Hypotonia Congenital myasthenia gravis is a disorder of
Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy. Infants the neuromuscular junction. These infants pre-
with HIE may present with severe hypotonia, sent with generalized hypotonia and weakness of
depressed reflexes, and transient weakness. They facial and oculomotor muscles and limbs, and
usually demonstrate associated seizure activity, they demonstrate fatigue in sucking, swallowing,
involvement of other organs such as the kidneys crying, and facial and extraocular movement.3
or heart, a depressed level of consciousness, All forms of myasthenia gravis demonstrate mus-
and a histor y of perinatal asphyxia. Acute cle weakness that is responsive to anti-
encephalopathy secondary to perinatal asphyxia cholinesterase medications.12 Baby M did not
is associated with sustained low Apgar scores exhibit restricted extraocular movement, facial
and multisystem failure. In Baby M’s case, weakness, or ptosis, and the diagnosis of con-
Apgar scores were 5 and 7; there was no seizure genital myasthenia gravis was excluded.
activity or involvement of other organ systems,
thereby excluding the diagnosis of HIE. Acid Maltase Deficiency
Spinal Injury. Spinal cord injuries usually Acid maltase deficiency (glycogen storage dis-
occur following intrauterine malpositioning or ease Type II, or Pompe’s disease) is a disorder of
traumatic birth, and the perinatal history is glycogen metabolism in which glycogen accu-
informative in these cases.11 When spinal cord mulates in the tissue. It is characterized by hypo-
injuries occur, the infant can demonstrate poor tonia, muscle weakness, cardiomegaly, and
muscle tone, flaccid weakness, respirator y macroglossia. These infants have elevated levels
depression, generalized hypotonia, and absent of CPK. Death usually occurs by two years of
deep-tendon reflexes.12 Although Baby M was a age due to cardiac failure. The diagnosis of acid
breech presentation, her delivery history and maltase deficiency can be confirmed by skeletal

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TABLE 1 ■ Disorders Associated with Neonatal Hypotonia1,3,8,9,16
Disorder Skeletal Face Exam Tendon Muscle Chromosome R/D Special
Deformities Reflexes Biopsy Features
HIE Obligatory • Hypotonia Normal Normal • Seizures
trapping of • Hypertonia • Coma
thumbs into
hands • Low Apgar

Spinal injury • Hypotonia Depressed Traumatic

• Weakness birth

SMA Bell-shaped Active, bright • Swallowing Absent Atrophic fibers 5 R/D Defect in
chest difficulties motor
• Paralyzed neuron
intercostal survival
muscles protein,
• Diaphragm neuronal
spared apoptotic
• Paralysis of protein
• Immobility
Congenital Bulbar, facial, • Fatigue in Normal Responsive to
myasthenia oculomotor swallowing, cholinesterase-
gravis muscle sucking, inhibiting
weakness crying drugs
• Limb
Acid maltase Macroglossia • Cardiomegaly •Vacuolar 19 R Elevated CPK
deficiency • HSM myopathy levels
of glycogen
Congenital • Contractures • Ocular • Weak Depressed, • Myofiber 19 D • Polyhydram-
myotonic • Arthrogryposis involvement respiratory normal, or atrophy nios
dystrophy • Weakness muscles increased • Failure of • Abnormalities
• Diplegia • Impaired fiber of labor
swallowing differentiation • Mental
• Tent-shaped
lip • Distal retardation
Congenital •Contractures Weakness • Marked, Depressed, Necrosis of 21 R • Condition
muscular •Arthrogryposis generalized normal, or fibers X-linked static or
dystrophy hypotonia increased improves
• Swallowing with time
difficulties • Needs
• Mild supportive
respiratory care
difficulties • Elevated CPK

muscle biopsy.8,14 The muscle biopsy obtained weakness without histologic muscle abnormali-
from Baby M failed to support this diagnosis. ties. This disorder is expressed as generalized
hypotonia with arthrogryposis. Infants may
Congenital Myotonic Dystrophy demonstrate respiratory and swallowing difficul-
Congenital myotonic dystropy is an inherited ties and exhibit a tent-shaped appearance of the
myopathy characterized by progressive limb upper lip. 12 Polyhydramnios is frequently

56 J A N U A RY / F E B R U A RY 2 0 0 3 , VO L . 2 2 , N O . 1
TABLE 1 ■ Disorders Associated with Neonatal Hypotonia (continued)
Disorder Skeletal Face Exam Tendon Muscle Chromosome R/D Special
Deformities Reflexes Biopsy Features
Central core • Pes cavus Weakness Mild or Decreased Well-circum- 19 R/D • Nonprogres-
disease • Congenital marked scribed sive or slowly
hip dislocation hypotonia, circular progressive
more regions • Associated
• Clubfeet prominent in with
• Scoliosis proximal malignant
• Small stature extremities hypothermia

Nemaline • Joint • Elongated • Weak cry Decreased or Nemaline rods 1 R/D • Non-
myopathy contractures face • Hypotonia absent progressive,
Severe • Scoliosis • High, arched generalized
• Poor suck weakness
neonatal • Clubfeet palate and swallow
congenital • Malocclusion • Cardiomegaly
myopathy • GER

Myotubular Contractures • Diplegia • Hypotonia Decreased Nuclear 28 R/D • Polyhy-

myopathy • Weakness • Severe abnormalities X-linked dramnios
respiratory • Fatal in
difficulty infancy

Key: R=recessive; D=dominant; NMJ=neuromuscular junction disorders; HSM=hepatosplenomegaly; GER=gastroesophageal reflux; CPK=creatine phos-
phokinase; SMA=spinal muscular atrophy; HIE=hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy.

characteristic of the pregnancy, with a maternal history of CENTRAL CORE DISEASE

spontaneous abortions and premature birth. Muscle weakness
can be severe enough in the newborn period to cause death. Pathophysiology
The prenatal and maternal histories and physical examination Central core disease was the first congenital myopathy to
in Baby M’s case were not consistent with congenital be specifically recognized as a distinct clinical syndrome based
myotonic dystrophy. on structural changes noted in histologic analyses of biopsied
muscle.16 In normal muscle, most striated muscles are parti-
Congenital Muscular Dystrophy tioned into bunches of fibers that are surrounded by a sheath
Congenital muscular dystrophy in the neonate presents as of connective tissue. The muscle fiber or cell is multinucleated
generalized trunk and limb weakness with facial involve- and cylindrically shaped.17 Muscle cell cytoplasm is called sar-
ment. CPK levels in these infants are usually elevated, and coplasm and the cell membrane is the sarcolemma.18 Each
electroencephalogram and cranial computed tomograpy muscle fiber is composed of subunits called myofibrils.
findings are abnormal, demonstrating a decrease in white Myofibrils are deeply embedded in the sarcoplasm, where the
matter density due to hypoplasia of myelin.12 Baby M did contractile myofibrils are bathed in adenosine 51-triphos-
not present with facial involvement, and her CPK levels phate, produced by mitochondria.17
were normal. Central core disease results from an abnormality of the
ryanodine receptors in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. These
Congenital Myopathy receptors, which normally regulate the release of calcium,
Hypotonia associated with congenital myopathies results allow excess calcium into the muscle fibers, where it damages
from aberrant inner vation within the muscle fibers. 9 the mitochondria. The interior of affected myofibrils contains
Although many myopathic disorders can present in the new- cylindrical cores that extend throughout the length of the
born period, only a few account for the vast majority of myofiber. These cores are central or eccentric in location and
reported cases (Table 1). The most frequently reported disor- appear pale in contrast to the periphery of the muscle fiber
ders in the newborn period include central core disease, because of the absence of mitochondria and a loss of intermy-
nemaline myopathy, and myotubular myopathy.15 The biopsy ofibrillar substance (Figure 2).4,15 Cores may increase in num-
of Baby M’s skeletal muscle showed changes that were com- ber over the years, and solitary cores may be observed in
patible with the diagnosis of central core disease. normal muscle.15,16

VO L . 2 2 , N O . 1 , J A N U A RY / F E B R U A RY 2 0 0 3 57
FIGURE 2 ■ Muscle biopsy displaying small, numerous myofibrils later. Muscle weakness is usually proximal, symmetric, and
with pale central cores.
more severe in the lower extremities.15 Breech presentation at
birth is a frequent finding.16 Infants may present with congen-
ital hip dislocations, facial weakness, thoracic deformities,
kyphoscoliosis, contractures, pes cavus, flexion deformities of
the fingers, skeletal anomalies, and short stature.9,16 Baby M
presented with decreased muscle tone and weakness, a bell-
shaped chest, hip contractures, scoliosis, and bilateral clubfeet.
She was delivered by cesarean section for breech presentation.

The course of the disease varies from nonprogressive to
slowly progressive. Infants can attain motor milestones,
although they may not walk until three or four years of age.
Their intellectual performance is often above normal.
Adolescents and adults afflicted with central core disease have
very thin muscles and may complain of muscle stiffness and
cramps with moderate exertion, although most patients
remain fully active throughout their lives with a normal life
Autosomal dominant inheritance is most often observed,
although sporadic cases have been reported. The gene for
central core disease has been mapped to chromosome 19, and
Central core disease almost always presents with a predom- malignant hyperthermia is thought to be an allelic disorder of
inance of Type I fibers (red muscle).15 Type I fibers contain a the same gene. Because an association between central core
large amount of myoglobin, which is an oxygen-storing, red disease and a susceptibility toward malignant hyperthermia
pigment similar to hemoglobin in the red blood cell. Type I seems to exist, all family members of patients with central
fibers are specialized for aerobic respiration and long, sus- core disease should be considered at risk for malignant hyper-
tained contractions. White muscle, or Type II fibers, have thermia.9,15,16
fewer mitochondria but possess an abundance of glycogen
stores. These fibers are more suited to anaerobic respiration Management
and rapid contractions of short duration.6 The proportion of There are no specific treatments for patients with central
Type I and Type II fibers varies according to function and core disease. Therapeutic interventions such as prevention of
anatomic location, but ideally most muscles contain 35–40 contractures and symptomatic physical therapy are important,
percent Type I fibers and 60–65 percent Type II fibers. Cores as is orthopedic treatment of skeletal anomalies. Patients with
seem to most frequently involve Type I fibers.16 respiratory muscle weakness may require ventilatory support.9
During embryologic development, early muscle cells Baby M’s presentation was atypical for central core disease,
express type-specific proteins. Type I fibers appear by 22–24 although a similar death in a neonate had recently been report-
weeks gestation, and their number normally increases after ed in the same community. Severe hypotonia and contractures
birth. After 30 weeks gestation, Type II fibers begin to differ- are rarley reported in central core disease. As noted earlier, pro-
entiate. The Type I fiber predominance in central core disease found weakness with respiratory failure is infrequent. 16
may result from the fusion of myotubes during the 24th to Certainly, the severe degree of pulmonary hypoplasia contribut-
28th week of gestation, caused by the arrested development ed greatly to Baby M’s poor clinical course. Hers was thought
of Type I fibers or by the abnormal conversion of Type II to to be a sporadic case, and her parents were counseled that the
Type I fibers. There is also speculation that fiber differentia- chance of recurrence in subsequent offspring was the same as
tion may be related to a change in the pattern of motor neu- for the normal population. They now have a healthy toddler.
rons or muscle activity.16
Clinical Features Causes of hypotonia in the newborn can be broadly cate-
In the newborn period, central core disease presents with gorized into two classifications. Hypotonia with a supraspinal
hypotonia and weakness. The severity and distribution of origin may be seen with systemic disease, hypoxic ischemic
involvement can be variable, and some infants may be asymp- encephalopathy, cerebral malformations, syndromes (for
tomatic and not demonstrate muscle disease until months example: Down, Prader-Willi, Lowe, Zellweger, Smith-Lemli-

58 J A N U A RY / F E B R U A RY 2 0 0 3 , VO L . 2 2 , N O . 1
Opitz), and c-spine injury. Disorders of the motor unit that 16. Engle A, and Franzini-Armstrong C. 1994. Myology, 2nd ed.
present with hypotonia in the newborn period include SMA, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1488–1494.
congenital myotonic dystrophy, congenital myasthenia gravis, 17. Rubin E, and Farber J. 1998. Pathology, 3rd ed. New York:
and congenital myopathies.10 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1415–1426.
Central core disease is one of the classic congenital 18. Anthony C. 1967. The Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology, 7th
myopathies that can be differentiated based on characteristic ed. St. Louis: Mosby, 47.
histologic findings. Muscle fiber samples from patients with
central core disease possess distinct morphology that can be About the Author
diagnostic. Many infants may not exhibit muscle weakness in Val Castrodale is a neonatal nurse practitioner in the intensive care
the newborn period, although there have been rare cases of nursery at St.Vincent Hospital’s Family Life Center in Indianapolis,
profound hypotonia and respiratory failure. Indiana. She was a staff nurse for 23 years in Level III nurseries and
graduated from the neonatal nurse practitioner program at Children’s
Clearly, muscle biopsy is the gold standard and is indicated
Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, in 1998.
for any infant with marked hypotonia that is not thought to
The author wishes to thank Drs. Howard Harris, Kathy Clark, Jose
be supraspinal in origin. Bonnin, and John Bodensteiner for their assistance in the preparation of
this article. Special acknowledgment to Angela Carlson, RNC, ND,
REFERENCES NNP, for her support and guidance.
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hypotonic infant. Pediatrics in Review 6(8): 237–243. For further information, please contact:
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2. Volpe J. 1995. Neurology of the Newborn, 3rd ed. Philadelphia:
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
WB Saunders, 634–639.
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Practice, 3rd ed., Bradley W et al., eds. Boston: Butterworth Indianapolis, Indiana 46220
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4. Guyton A. 1996. The Textbook of Medical Physiology, 9th ed. Fax: 317-338-2917
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New York: Mosby, 2653–2660.
7. Fischbach F. 2000. A Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests.
New York: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 251.
8. Tein I. 1999. Neonatal metabolic myopathies. Seminars in
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9. Riggs J, Bodensteiner J, and Schochet S. 1996. Congenital
myopathies. In Pediatric Neurology Principles and Practice,
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10. Bodensteiner J. 1994. Congenitial myopathies. Muscle and
Nerve 17(2): 131–141.
11. Thornton M, and DeVivo D. 2000. Floppy infant syndrome. In
Merritt’s Neurology, 10th ed., Rowland L, ed. New York:
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 473–475.
12. Menkes J. 1991. Diseases of the motor unit. In Diseases of the
Newborn, 6th ed., Taeusch WH, Ballard RA, and Avery ME, eds.
Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 450–456.
13. Brios I, and Forrest S. 1999. Spinal muscular atrophy:
Untangling the knot? Journal of Medical Genetics 36(1): 1–8.
14. Freed M. 1991. Cardiomyopathies. In Diseases of the Newborn,
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