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Ss you’ve no doubt gathered, we make our living in the

field of digital marketing.

But just what, exactly, IS digital marketing?

Depending on who you ask these days, you may get quite a
few different answers.

First off, you may notice that digital marketing may also at
times be referred to as “internet marketing” or “online

No matter what you choose to label it, concrete, consistent

and conclusive definitions of digital marketing can prove
rather elusive.
A quick search of “what is digital marketing” on Google
reveals a wide range of results and answers. describes digital marketing as,
“The promotion of products or brands via one or more
forms of electronic media. For example, advertising
mediums that might be used as part of the digital
marketing strategy for a business could include
promotional efforts made via the Internet, social media,
mobile phones, and electronic billboards, as well as via
digital and television and radio channels.”

Increasingly popular professional social networking site

LinkedIn claims, “Digital marketing is the use of internet-
connected devices such as computers, tablets, smartphones
and game consoles to engage consumers with online

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