Garbage Into The Ocean

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1. What do you think about the problem?

I think this is a really serious problem. If the contamination continues to grow that
fast,will be destroy the life of all wild animals. We need to stop this problem now.
2. What would be a possible solution for it?
There may be several solutions for this: raise awareness among people about not
throwing garbage, using less plastic, using biodegradable products at the beach
3. Do you see this problem in your community? What do people do about it?
According to experts, the main environmental problem that afflicts the city and the
department is the contamination of water resources.
The Damab invited citizens not to deliver the waste or garbage to the forklifts, to
respect the schedules established by the collection company and to separate
organic waste from inorganic waste.
4. What will you do in the future to help solve this problem?
I will use less chemicals for household cleaning.
I won’t pour something that is not biodegradable in the drain

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