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Sr. Name of drug Doses M.O.

A Indication Contra- Nursing responsibilities

no indication
1) Captopril initial dose: ACE inhibitors blocks the 1) Hypertension 1) Pregnancy and 1)Administer drug on
(capoten) 25mg orally angiotensin converting enzyme 2) Heart failure lactation empty stomach one
Maintenance thus preventing the formation of 3) Secondary 2) bilateral renal hour before or two
Dose: 50mg angiotensin II prevention after artery stenosis hours after meals to
By preventing the production of myocardial 3) Aortic valve ensure optimum drug
angiotensin II which is a potent infarction stenosis absorption.
450mg/day vasoconstrictor and stimulator of 4) diabetic 4) k+ 2) Educate patient on
aldosterone release. nephropathy supplements importance of heathy
lifestyle choices which
include regular
exercises, weight loss,
smoking cessation and
low- sodium diet to
maximize the effect of
3) Monitor renal and
hepatic function tests
to alert doctor for
possible development
of renal failure as well
as to signal need for
reduced drug doses.
Sr Name of drug Doses M.O. A Indication Contra Nursing responsibilities
no. indication
2) Losartan Initial dose: Allow angiotensin I to be converted 1 Hypertension 1) Allergy to 1) Educate patient on
(cozaar) 50mg orally to angiotensin II, but block the 2) Heart failure ARBs. importance of heathy
once a day receptors that receive angiotensin 3) Drugs are able 2) Renal and lifestyle choices which
Maximum II. to slow down the hepatic include regular
dose: 100mg To block the blood pressure raising progress of renal impairment. exercises, weight loss,
orally once a effects of the renin-angiotensin- disease in patient 3) hypovolemia. smoking cessation and
day aldosterone system (RAAS) with type2 4) pregnancy low- sodium diet to
diabetes and and lactation. maximize the effect of
hypertension antihypertensive
2) Administer drug with
food to prevent GI
distress associated with
drug intake.
3) Provide comfortable
measures e. g quiet
environment to help
patient tolerate drug
4) Monitor renal and
hepatic function tests to
alert doctor for possible
development of renal
Sr. Name of drug Doses M.O. A Indication Contra- Nursing responsibilities
no indication
3) Nifedipine 5 to 20 OD These drugs inhibit the movement 1) Angina 1) Allergy to 1) Monitor blood
(Procardia) mg/day of calcium ions across myocardial 2) Hypertension calcium. pressure and heart rate
and arterial muscles cell 3) Dysrhythmias 2) Renal and and rhythm to detect
membranes. As a result, action 4) Migraine hepatic the possible
These potential of these cells are headaches impairment. development of adverse
altered and cell contraction are 3) Heart block. effects.
blocked. Causing smooth muscles 4) Pregnancy 2) Educate family
relaxation. and lactation. members and patient
about drugs effect to
body and
manifestations that
would need reporting to
enhance patient
knowledge on drug
therapy and promote
4) Educate patient to
take low-sodium diet to
maximize the effect of
5) Provide comforts
measures for the
patient to tolerate side
Sr. Name of drug Doses M.O. A Indication Contra-indication Nursing responsibilities
4) Furosemide 20 to 40mg 1) Inhibits apical Na-K-2CL 1) Oedema: 1)Hypersensitivity 1) Obtain complete
once daily transporter in thick ascending loop cardiac 2) Hypokalaemia health history
of Henle. pulmonary or 3) Pericardial (electrolyte balance and
2) Competes with CL- binding site. renal tamponade renal function)
3) Increased K+ and H+ excretion 2) Chronic renal 4) Dehydration 2) Obtain vital signs
failure or with the baseline values
nephrosis specially blood pressure
3) Hypertension 3) Observe any change
4) Hypercalcemia in consciousness,
5) Acute and dizziness, fatigue and
chronic postural hypotension
hyperkalaemia 4) Monitor for fluid
intake by measuring
intake, output and daily
5) Determine possible
drug allergies of patient
6) Monitor laboratory
values specially
potassium and sodium
levels, BUN, Serum uric
7) Find out patient
medication history
including alcohol and
nicotine consumption.
Sr Name of drug Doses M.O. A Indication Contra-indication Nursing responsibilities
5) Labetalol 200mg/ When the neurotransmitters are 1) Cardiac 1) Asthma 1) Monitor blood
day prevented from binding to the arrhythmias 2) History of pressure and pulse prior
receptors, it in turn causes the 2) Heart failure intake of cocaine administration of
effects of adrenaline to be 3) High coronary 3) Toxicity medicine.
blocked. This action allows the heart disease risk 4) COPD 2) Observe daily intake
heart to relax and beat more 4) Diabetes 5)Bradyarrythmia an output of fluid.
slowly thereby reducing the 5) Post heart 6) Renal failure Check body weight
amount of blood that the heart attack 3) If patient is on
must pump. This action improves 6) Angina pectoris parenteral drugs then
the pumping mechanism of the Hypertension check blood pressure
heart and pulse frequently.
4) In diabetic patient
observe hypoglycaemic
5) Inquire patient
complete health history
including allergies,
diabetes or any
respiratory diseases
6) Patient with the
respiratory disease
specially with the
asthma or COPD should
be closely monitored for
sign and symptoms.
Sn Name of drug Doses M.O. A Indication Contra-indication Nursing responsibilities
6) Prazosin 6mg to 15mg Alpha blockers work by blocking 1) Hypertension 1)Hypersensitivity 1) Monitor blood
(minipress) in divided the effects of nerves in the 2) BPH 2) Heart or renal pressure, pulse, rhythm,
doses sympathetic nervous system. This 3) Raynaud’s failure and cardiac output
is done by binding to the alpha disease 3) Hepatic regularly to evaluate for
receptors in smooth muscle or 4) CHF impairment changes that may
blood vessels. Alpha blockers can 5) Erectile 4) Pregnancy and indicates a need to
bind both reversible and dysfunction lactation adjust dose or
irreversibly. discontinue the drug if
CV effects are severe
2) Arrange of small,
frequents meals if GI
upset is severe to
relieve discomforts and
maintain nutrition
3) Provide comforts
measures to help
patient cope with drug
4) Establish safety
precautions if CNS
effects or orthostatic
hypotension occurs to
prevent patient injury
Sr. Name of drug Doses M.O. A Indication Contra- indication Nursing responsibilities
7) Nitropruisside Initially: These antihypertensive agents 1) Hypertension 1) 1) Educate patient to
(Nitropress) 0.3mcg/kg exert their effect by acting 2) Hypotension Hypersensitivity take low-sodium diet to
/min directly on smooth muscles. during surgery 2) Cerebral maximize the effect of
Maintenance Consequently, there will be insufficiency antihypertensive
3mcg/kg/min muscle relaxation and 3) Peripheral therapy.
Maximum vasodilation. vascular disease 2) Educate family
dose: 4) Heart failure members and patient
10mcg/kg/min 5) Tachycardia about drugs effect to
6) Pregnancy and body and
lactation manifestations that
would need reporting
to enhance patient
knowledge on drug
therapy and promote
3) Provide comfortable
measures for the
patient to tolerate side
4) Monitor patient for
any manifestations that
could decreases fluid
volume inside the body
5) Monitor blood
pressure and heart rate
and rhythm closely
Sr. Name of drug Doses M.O. A Indication Contra-indication Nursing responsibilities

Prostaglandin Both PGE2&PGF2 alpha have an 1) For induction 1)Hypersensitivity 1) Assess patient RR,
oxytocic effects on the pregnant of a abortion 2) Uterine rhythm & depth, vaginal
uterus. They have sensitized the during 2nd fibroids discharge,
myometrium to oxytocin. PGF2 trimester & 3) Cervical itching/irritation
alpha acts predominantly on the expulsion of stenosis 2) Administer
myometrium, while PGE2 acts hydatidiform 4) PID antiemetic/
mainly on the cervix mole antidiarrheal
2) For induction preparation prior to
of labour in IUD giving this drug, high in
of foetus vagina, after warming
3) In the suppository by
augmentation/ running water over the
acceleration of package
labour 3) Evaluate patient for
4) To stop length& duration of
bleeding from the contractions, notify
open uterine physician of
sinuses as in contractions lasting
refractory cases over 1minute or
of atonic PPH absence of contractions,
Cervical ripening fever& chills
4) Advise patient to
remain supine for 10-15
minutes after vaginal
Sr. Name of drug Doses M.O. A Indication Contra-indication Nursing responsibilities
1) Epidosin Orally: 10 – It is both central and peripheral 1) Cervical 1) Paralytic ileus 1) Advise patient to
(valethmate 20mg in a antimuscarininc agent, which is a dilation in the 2) Myasthenia report for any blurred
bromide) day competitive inhibitor of first stage of gravis vision, giddiness, dry
Parenteral: 4 acetylcholine at the muscarinic labour. 3) mouth immediately
- 8mg receptor 2) Symptomatic Ulcerative colitis 2) Advise patient to get
relief of GI tract 4) Closed angle up from the bed
and ureteric colic glaucoma carefully and slowly.
5) CVS disorders 3) Advise do not drive or
6) Alcohol operate machinery
7) Benign 4) Advise take
prostatic precautions if you have
hyperplasia thyrotoxicosis, cardiac
8) Tachycardia insufficiency, cardiac
9) Sever hepatic failure and cardiac
and renal surgery
10) Pyloric
11) Megacolon
Sr. Name of drug Doses M.O. A Indications Contra-indication Nursing responsibilities

Misoprostol 800mg as a It binds to myometrial cells to 1) Cervical 1)Previous 1) Administer this drug
single dose cause strong myometrial dilation before caesarean section to prevent stomach
contractions leading to expulsion aspiration or 2) Grand ulcers, take it by mouth
of tissue. This agent also causes curettage multiparity usually four times a day,
cervical ripening with the 2) First trimester 3) Ectopic after meals and at
softening and dilation of the incomplete pregnancy bedtime to minimize
cervix abortion 4) Foetal distress diarrhoea, or as
3) Termination of 5) Incomplete directed by your doctor
intra-uterine abortion 2) Avoids taking
pregnancy 6) Placenta Previa antacids that contain
4) Induction of Infection magnesium while using
labour 7) Abnormal misoprostol because
5) Treatment of foetal position they may make the
post-partum 8) Vasa Previa diarrhoea it cause
haemorrhage 9) Ulcerative worse
6) Atonic uterus colitis 3) For ulcer prevention
continue to take this
drug for as long as you
Sr. Name of drug Doses M.O. A Indication Contra-indication Nursing responsibilities
Methotrexate 25mg/ml 1) It is an antimetabolite that 1) Patient must 1) Breast feeding 1) Solution for injection
binds to the enzyme dihydrololete be 2)Immunodeficie must be prepared in a
seducrase , which is involved in hemodynamically ncy biologic cabinet. Gloves,
syntheses of purine nucleotides. stable, with the 3) Alcoholism gown and mask are
This interference with DNA no S/S of active 4) Blood worn while preparing
syntheses and disputes cell bleeding dysceasias and handling the
multiplication 2) Gestational 5) Leukopenia medication
2) Used in treatment of ectopic size shouldn’t 6) Peptic ulcer 2) Administer
pregnancy single or multiple IM exceed 4cm on 7) Anaemia allopurinol per doctor’s
injection is given USG 8) order to decrease uric
measurement Hypersensitivity level
3) Absence of 3) Instruct patient to
fetal cardiac avoid caffeine as it may
activity on USG decrease the efficacy of
finding the drug
4) No evidence of 4) To prevent
tubal rupture hematologic toxicity
5) B- HCG level salicylates, NSAIDS,
less than phenytoin, tetracycline,
5000mIu/ml should be avoided
6) Rheumatoid
7) Ectopic
8) Leukaemia
Sr. Name of drug Doses M.O. A Indication Contra- indication Nursing responsibilities
Calcium Neonate Calcium gluconate is the 1)Severe 1) Do not Assess for cutaneous
gluconate 2ml/kg gluconate salt of calcium. An hypocalcaemia administer to burning sensation and
Adult :10 ml element or mineral necessary for 2) Hypocalcaemia patients with peripheral vasodilation
by slow IV normal nerve, muscle, and tetany severe renal with the moderate fall
injection cardiac function. The uptake and 3) Neonatal disease or patient in BP, during direct IV
binding of amino acids, hypocalcaemia receiving cardiac injection
absorption of vitamin B 12 and 4) Symptomatic glycosides Monitor ECG during IV
gastric secretion hypomagnesemia 2) Do not administration to detect
administer by IM evidence of
or SC route (pain hypocalcaemia;
and risk of tissue decreased QT interval
necrosis or associated with inverted
abscess T wave
formation at Observe IV site closely.
injection site, Extravasation may
especially in result in tissue irritation
infants and and necrosis
children) Monitor for
hypocalcaemia and
Do not breast feed
while taking this drug
without consulting

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