Defense Language Institute English Language Center: Dlielc

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Defense Language Institute

English Language Center
Lackland Air Force Base, Texas



II -
Form 19R


Directions for questions 1-25. You will hear questions on the test tape.
Select the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and mark your answer sheet. DO

1. a. It had overflowed. 8. a. a train

b. It was a different color. b. a movie
c. It was leaking out. c. a plane
d. It had changed to ice. d. a person

2. a. prepare the dessert 9. a. a mistake on the page

b. not eat the dessert b. the headline
c. serve the dessert c. the advertising page
d. eat nothing but dessert d. a vertical column of print

3. a. the street lights on the 10. a. He walked to the front row.

block b. He took his friend to the
b. the bad weather conditions front row.
c. the lack of electricity c. He carried a chair to the
d. the flow of downtown front row.
traffic d. He sat down in the front row.

4. a. It was cleaned. 11. a. the comics

b. It wouldn't run. b. new cars and houses
c. It got dirty. c. international news
d. It was destroyed. d. baseball and football

5. a. How can I get to the 12. a. get some cash

airport? b. mail some letters
b. Are you able to give me c. send some money
the plane schedule? d. buy some stamps
c. Can you tell me about the
airport? 13. a. some ice cream
d. Can you go to the airport? b. a bowl of chicken noodle soup
c. a slice of rare roast beef
6. a. a package d. some cold meats
b. a letter
c. a book 14. a. his weight
d. some stamps b. his height
c. his age
7. a. It is white. d. his name
b. It is heavy.
c. It is square. 15. a. poor eyesight
d. It is expensive. b. black smoke
c. a highway wreck
d. a thick fog
ALCPT Form 19R

16. a. how old he is 22. a. Can you help me paint Room

b. how much he has grown 240?
c. how many children he has b. Can you help me find Room
d. how often he eats 240?
c. Can you help me clean
17. a. while getting her car up
b. while she was driving Room 240?
c. when she first saw the car d. Can you help me put a lock on
d. 23. Room 240?
after she stopped the car
18. a. a. during class
b. a mixture of metals b. because he told them to write
c. pieces of wood c. the instructions
d. a new strong plastic d. in their notebooks
19. a. a natural product a. It's shaped like a box.
b. b. It's shaped like a ball.
c. He looked at the passport. c. It has no shape.
d. He kept the passport. d. It has corners.
He issued the passport.
20. a. 25. a. a textbook
b. He stamped the passport. b. a novel
c. c. an encyclopedia
d. at fifteen past seven d. a grammar book
at a little past seven
at seven-thirty
at thirty minutes to seven

a. trousers
b. buttons
c. pockets
d. changes \)

Directions for questions 26-50. You will now hear statements on the test
tape. Select the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and mark your answer

26. a. They had two steaks for 28. a. They travel two miles to
dinner. school several times each day.
b. They invited two friends b. Some travel farther than others.
to dinner. c. They travel several miles back
c. They had two helpings and forth to school.
of dessert. d. They are from several other
d. They received two schools.
invitations to dinner.
29. a. It became larger.
27. a. The coffee was too hot. b. It disappeared.
b. The problem was too c. Its weight changed.
serious. d. It broke.
c. The weather was too hot.
d. He was swimming in deep
ALCPT Form 19R
a. I was able to postpone
30. that trip. 37. a. They have been replanted.
b. I was fortunate to take b. They have been cut for lumber.
that trip. c. They have been ruined.
c. I was able to travel, d. They have been thinned out.
but I didn't.
d. I didn't take that trip. 38. a. He has recently been assigned
to a new job.
a. I have influenza. b. He was assigned to a new job
31. several months ago.
b. I have something new.
c. He told me what to do. c. He was never assigned to a
D. I need to fly more. new j ob.
d. He was once assigned to a
a. He should go now. new j ob.
32. b. He ought to go now.
c. He will go now. 39. a. It had to return.
d. He must go now. b. It arrived late.
c. It crashed.
33 a. The plane stopped there d. It departed.
ten minutes.
b. The plane took off 40. a. It keeps accurate time.
after ten minutes. b. It loses an hour every day.
c. The plane was delayed c. It is running fast.
for ten minutes. d. It is running slow.
d. The plane got there in
ten minutes. 41. a. It was a square hole.
b. It was a small hole.
34 a. There was a light rain. c. It was very deep.
. b. Sleet fell during the storm. d. It was a big hole.
c. Heavy rains fell all day.
d. It snowed all day. 42. a. He will arrive very shortly.
b. His assignment was cancelled.
a. She always goes to work c. He is coming immediately.
at the same time. d. He will leave in a short
35. b. She sometimes goes to time.
work at 7:00 A.M.
c. She always goes to work 43. a. The sun will not shine.
at 7:30 A.M. b. It will rain today.
d. She usually goes to work c. There will be no wind.
at 8:00 A.M. d. It will not rain today.

a. It wasn't warm. 44. a. I like to see a clear sky.

b. I drank some iced tea. b. I don't like the air to be
36. c. I was sick. damp.
d. The weather was cold. c. I don't like a dry day.
d. I don't like a strong wind.
ALCPT Form 19R

45. 48. a. They were given the

a. It can kill you. opportunity to go.
b. It won't hurt you. b. They couldn't go.
c. It is afraid. c. They had to go.
d. It may hurt you. d. They were left out.
a. They should show that 49. a. She will come.
they have money. b. She won't come.
b. They should be able c. She didn't understand.
to write a check. d. She invited me to her home.
c. They should prove
who they are. 50. a. Clean the room.
d. They should show the b. Leave the room.
receiver of the c. Tell me about the room.
47. check. d. Look at this room.

a. The opinion of the writer

is given.
b. Only the facts of the
are presented.
c. A personal evaluation of
the news is given.
d. The news is presented in
fiction form.

Directions for questions 51-60.. You will now hear dialogs on the test tape.
Select the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and mark your answer sheet.

51. a. one 54. a. a storm a

b. three b. regulation a
c. four c. fire a fight
d. five d.
She'll ride the bus that goes
52. a. Jack's wristwatch 55. a. directly to the airport.
b. Jack's stamps She doesn't want to change
c. Jack's passport and visa b. buses.
d. Jack's official account She will change to another bus.
c. She will remain on bus number
53. a. He still has a bandage on d. 45.
his arm.
b. He still has a pain in 56 a. She did not expect it.
his arm. b. It is costing money.
c. He still has to keep his c. She is waiting for it.
arm motionless. d. It is over.
d. He still has a cast on
his arm.
ALCPT Form 19R

57. a. at leisure 59. a. write the answer correctly

b. tomorrow b. play back the answer
c. immediately c. draw a picture
d. next week d. give the answer aloud

58. a. Places are being saved for 60. a. some food

them. b. a ride
b. Large crowds don't bother c. some money
him. d. some instructions
c. A special meal is being
prepared for them.
d. The crowd is there to
greet them.



Directions for questions 61-100. Choose the one correct answer a, b, c, or d

and mark your answer sheet. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST BOOKLET.

61. An object has a high value when its ---------- _.

a. length is great
b. weight is high
c. color is correct
d. quality is good

62. This road is narrow.

a. not wide
b. smooth
c. not used very much
d. straight

63. Have you ------------ to study your assignment?

a. begun
b. beginning
c. begin
d. began

64. The boy thought that since he didn't know his way home,
he must be ----------- .
a. happy
b. lost
c. hungry
d. thirsty
ALCPT Form 19R

65. Mr. Nunn wasn't in class this morning; Mr. Allen wasn't there, _______
a. either
b. too
c. neither
d. also

66. We _ go to the movies tonight.

a. had
b. is
c. will
d. have

67. Walking past this sign is dangerous.

a. allowed
b. prohibited
c. not safe
d. not enjoyable

68. "Are there any other boys in Jerry's family?" " ."
a. Yes, he has one sister
b. Yes, he has one brother
c. Yes, Jerry is the only one
d. Yes, his grandfather lives with them

69. Headquarters is opposite the lab. Headquarters is -----------__.

a. on the other side of the lab
b. next to the lab
c. across the street from the lab
d. behind the lab

70. Mary asked Paul if he was getting used to driving his car. She asked
if Paul -------_.
a. liked to drive his car
b. was buying a used car
c. was becoming accustomed to driving
d. was tired of driving

71. We will have a holiday -------_ work next Monday.

a. from
b. for
c. about
d. in

72. Arthur is doing average work.

a. below normal
b. very poor
c. normal
d. excellent
ALCPT Form 19R

73. Men had -------_ knowledge of flying before the invention of the
a. little
b. many
c. short
d. few

74. Would you mind if I turned on the TV?

a. know
b. believe
c. leave
d. care

75. They -----------__ go to the club last night.

a. couldn't
b. won't
c. shouldn't
d. can't

76. After _______ lunch, Ernest went to the movie.

a. eat
b. to eat
c. ate
d. eating

77. Horace should review this lesson again.

a. can
b. ought to
c. could
d. may
78. Did the dog see the cat? Yes, the cat ----------------------- by the
a. was seen
b. did see
c. was saw
d. had seen

79. I plan to go to the party tonight, and I'll be ----------- __ my new

a. wearing
b. wear
c. to wear
d. worn

80. The story should be condensed before publication.

a. corrected
b. checked
c. shortened
d. retyped
ALCPT Form 19R

81. Gladys said, "Hurry up."

a. Slow down
b. Take your time
c. Take it easy
d. Be faster

82. This is the place ______, as a child, I saw my first train.

a. for
b. which
c. why
d. where

83. Which street does Virginia live ?

a. at
b. on
c. to
d. with

84. We got the mechanic _____our car.

a. to repair
b. repaired
c. to repairing
d. repairs

85. I don't remember that song, but I --------- have heard it

a. won't
b. will
c. would
d. may

1286 Broadway.

86. Boris lives ---------------1286 Broadway

a. in
b. on
c. at
d. to
87. The rains have done considerable damage.
a. a lot of
b. s ome
c. more than
d. little

88. He ------------ a cold drink a little while ago.

a. drinks
b. is drinking
c. has drunk
d. drank
ALCPT Form 19R

89. We can learn more English by --------------------- .

a. speak it
b. speaking it
c. in speaking
d. outspoken

90. I can eat ------------ cake now.

a. a few
b. a little
c. many
d. several

91. Keep loose objects away from the moving parts of

the motor, -------------- you will damage the machine.
a. since
b. otherwise
c. other words
d. however

92. "Do you ever go to the movies?" "No, I __ go there."

a. often
b.. seldom
c. usually
d. ever

93. Horace failed to complete the test.

a. wanted to
b. worked to
c. hurried to
d. did not

94. I think Oliver will choose the correct answer.

a. select
b. approve
c. avoid
d. attract

95. When we amend the orders, we -------------- them.

a. receive
b. reject
c. change
d. replace

96. Melvin wants to know the barometer reading.

He wants to know
a. the temperature of the air
b. the atmospheric pressure
c. the pollen count
d. the amount of moisture in the air
ALCPT Form 19R

97. The committee ----------- in the morning.

a. meet
b. meeting
c. meets
d. are to meet
98. Barry's conduct was good.
a. hearing
b. behavior
c. health
d. speech

99. In this book the author narrates most of the historical events.
a. asks about
b. avoids
c. tells about
d. accepts

100. This kind of weather is typical for this part of the country.
a. dependable
b. unusual
c. reasonable
d. normal


1 D 26 B 51 B 76 D
2 B 27 C 52 D 77 B

3 B 28 C 53 B 78 A

4 D 29 A 54 C 79 A

5 A 30 B 55 C 80 C

6 B 31 A 56 A 81 D

7 C 32 D 57 C 82 D

8 D 33 D 58 A 83 B

9 D 34 A 59 D 84 A

10 D 35 D 60 D 85 D

11 D 36 C 61 D 86 C

12 C 37 C 62 A 87 A

13 A 38 A 63 A 88 D

14 B 39 B 64 B 89 B

15 A 40 C 65 A 90 B

16 A 41 D 66 C 91 B

17 B 42 D 67 C 92 B

18 A 43 D 68 B 93 D

19 A 44 B 69 C 94 A

20 C 45 B 70 C 95 C

21 D 46 C 71 A 96 B

22 B 47 B 72 C 97 C

23 C 48 A 73 A 98 B

24 B 49 A 74 D 99 C

25 C 50 C 75 A 100 D

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