Being Your Own Boss

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Young Entrepreneurs

Being your own boss in

Latin America: Challenges,
myths, and reality
Gustavo Fernández y Calderón

ntrepreneurship is the pro-
cess of designing, launch-
ing, and running a new busi-
ness, which initially results
in small businesses. The
people who create these businesses
are called entrepreneurs. Entrepre-
neurship has been de­­scribed as the
“capacity and willingness to devel-
op, organize and manage a business
venture along with any of its risks
in order to make a profit.” Although
definitions of entrepreneurship typi-
cally focus on the launching and run-
ning of businesses, due to the high
risks involved in launching a start-up,
a significant proportion of start-up
businesses are forced to close due to
lack of funding, bad business deci-
sions, an economic crisis, lack of mar-
ket demand, or a combination of some
or all of these factors.
Being an entrepreneur is a process
that requires the ability to lead other
people, prioritize tasks to increase
efficiency, and put the available re-
sources to the best possible use. exit from the market of existing com- neurs: Many Firms but Little Innova-
However, these skills are not enough. panies and the innovation of those tion,” the future of the region will de­­
Generally, successful entrepreneurs already established, which in turn pend on reaching a greater number of
thrive when the economic and insti- promotes economic development. transformational entrepreneurs than
tutional environment is favorable and at present.
boosts innovation. When the environ- The real history But why focus on innovation? Be-
ment is propitious, entrepreneurs Latin America and the Caribbean cause the entrepreneur must inno-
take the risk and invest in innovation. are regions of entrepreneurs. The vate with some improvement or new
Thus, they stimulate productivity by per capita rate of business owners is product in the industry. According to
altering the dynamics of entry and higher than in other regions with the World Bank report, it is appar-
similar income levels. Even so, and ent that in countries such as Bolivia,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPOT.2018.2865059
according to a report from the World Paraguay, El Salvador, Honduras,
Date of publication: 12 November 2018 Bank, “Latin American Entrepre- Guatemala, and Peru, the number of

40 ■ N o v e m b e r / D e c ember 2018 IEEE Potentials 0278-6648/18©2018IEEE

patents per million inhabitants is less Successful entrepreneurs thrive when the
than one, well below what it should be
for the country’s level of development. economic and institutional environment
Entrepreneurs may arise to opti- is favorable and boosts innovation.
mize the industrial processes and to
make an improvement in the work
environment. The social and political rier that we experience in Latin is the fear of failure. Failure should
aspects that force big companies to America: fear of risk and failure. To not be seen as the end of the dream
make budget cuts, reductions in staff, undertake entrepreneurship, the but as one step on a learning ladder.
and lower operating costs for the proj- first thing that one must overcome Moreover, fear of failure starts at
ects they undertake often open a way home, because in most families, par-
for others to be able to start as a small ents are the first to ask what will
or medium company. Large firms will happen if the company does not suc-
then outsource these projects, and ceed. This is only the first in­­stance,
the smaller firms will be able to grow and sadly it continues and is worse
in the industry and become competi- in universities.
tive in the marketplace. There are few universities that
But what happens in developing teach us that a future young profes-
countries where government support sional can become his or her own
for entrepreneurship is inadequate, boss, because most teach students to
and where there is no investment develop as professionals who are part
security? This is where the known of a company and possibly the leader
concepts of entrepreneurship are of one. Obviously, making a decision
not adjusted in practice, where tax to start a company is not easy, which
policies, instead of promoting entre- is compounded when you do not have
preneurship, become a burden for the necessary knowledge to work in
these projects. This leads to severe other companies.
undermining of innovative practices, It is best to first be a part of one or
because the goal of an entrepreneur many companies to gain an under-
The author, on site, during the supervision
is to make the company profitable standing about how your business
and installation of hybrid fiber–coaxial
and competitive. nodes at El Alto, La Paz, Bolivia. can be formed. Each young profes-
Thus, it is possible to pinpoint sional must first forge and accentu-
where the failure in support begins: ate his or her knowledge; know how
in state policies to promote innova- to evolve in a technical environment,
tion and research and provide op- then in an administrative environ-
portunities to the entrepreneur. If ment; learn how to manage projects
we look at the starting point of many and deal with clients; and so on.
entrepreneurs who are now a part of
large firms and corporations, sup- The role of universities
port and facilities were more abun- Is it possible that universities act as
dant than they currently are in agents that foster entrepreneurship
Latin America. Many of these entre- and innovation? The answer is that
preneurs saw their garage ventures they have the potential to create tech-
turn into a large business, and this nology parks that allow interaction
too could be our goal as young en- with the most innovative companies
trepreneurs. But this lack of govern- in each country with the new ven-
ment support does not mean that we tures that are born from universi-
are limited. As young entrepreneurs, ties. Moreover, the trend is that more
we can grow. However, we currently universities in Latin America have
have new challenges to meet to grow business incubators that allow their
young companies. students to increase the chances of
success for their businesses and thus
The light at the reduce the business mortality rate.
end of the tunnel Ac adem ic rese a rch i n L at i n
Experts and young entrepreneurs America is scarce, and where it does
agree that the road to entrepreneur- Taking measurements for the main distri- exist, it does not have a practical
ship is full of obstacles, and the main bution frame radio, Uyuni Base, Bolivia, orientation. This hinders not only
one is linked to a great cultural bar- 2016. private financing of the research but

IEEE Potentials November/December 2018 ■ 41
also its application. While recogniz-
ing the importance of theoretical re-
search, it is very important that uni-
versities begin to measure the ability
to apply the research conducted by
their teachers and students to start
managing patents and records that
can be marketed.
This is where we can once again
take into account the concepts previ-
ously mentioned related to entrepre-
neurship and innovation. We must
begin to generate a balanced take on
entrepreneurship with innovative
ideas that generate a change in the in-
dustry, because the young profession-
al would already have the necessary
skills and the support of his or her uni-
The installation sites in Bolivia, 2016.
versity to be able to continue projects.
In my professional experience, I
must thank my alma mater, because
halfway through my professional de-
velopment, it began to reinforce com-
petences and self-regulation to train
us as future entrepreneurs. This ig-
nited my curiosity and drive to be-
come self-taught in the field that is

My opinion as an entrepreneur
My journey as an entrepreneur went
from the idea of having my own com-
pany, formed in my last years of uni-
versity, to the reality of achieving the
dream of having my own company
and being my own boss after five
years of working in the telecommuni-
cations industry. However, to under-
The installation of 100 km of optical fiber at San Jorge de Trinidad, Department take such a project, it is necessary to
of Beni, Bolivia. surround oneself with people who
want to do the same. This means
investing, and that is where I strug-
gled at the beginning. My partners
were not appropriate at first, and
instead of promoting our company,
they were a burden, and a 180° change
was necessary. I decided to put a stop
to this partnership and make a
change, which is where I learned my
first lesson. I did not take this circum-
stance as a deterrent to moving for-
ward. Instead, I learned to see the pos-
itive even in the worst that can hap-
pen to you.
The second life lesson I learned
is to always keep the thin line that
The supervision of direct-to-home satellite television reception at Chacaltaya, e xists between being friends and
La Paz, Bolivia. ­being partners. Today our company

42 ■ N o v e m b e r / D e c ember 2018 IEEE Potentials

A visit to the satellite Earth station Tupak Katari as the technical expert for the Interna- The installation and expansion of an external
tional Organization for Standardization certification. plant network for a fiber-optic network.

has only two partners, my wife and I. meetings, something uncommon in our skills, provide innovative ideas,
Some may ask, if friends as partners Latin America. That helped to keep and keep us up to date with develop-
does not work, how can you involve staff and create that conviction to ments in the field.
the family in the business? The an- wear the colors of the company. The best advice I can give is to
swer is that I learned to always keep At the same time, a personal mis- compromise with your ideas and your
the thin line between friends, family, sion of mine is that as a university goals, maintain communication and
and business visible, with two very teacher, I always try to motivate my coordination of your projects, and
important elements in this equation: students to be self-taught and have know how to respect the fine line of
communication and coordination. that curiosity to investigate how to business and friendship. The most
Thanks to these lessons along the be an entrepreneur. I teach in pairs important thing is not to be afraid of
way and my learning how to make a to help students create projects with failure and to learn from the mistakes
radical decision for the good of entre- new technologies and begin new re- you make; there is no better school
preneurship, our business was able search, and I encourage students get than that.
to move forward and become known involved with the IEEE and other sci-
as a solid company in the market. entific societies. I hope to help bring Read more about it
Today, we work with international about a change in future generations • D. Lederman, J. Messi n a,
vendors, national telecommunica- of new professionals. S. Pienknagura, and J. Rigolini.
tions operators, government entities, (2014, Jan.). Latin American entre-
private companies, and individual Conclusion preneurs: Many firms but little in-
clients. Our company is also a sales Very few dare to undertake a dream novation. World Bank. Washing-
channel for equipment brands for or an idea, and even fewer innovate. ton, DC. [Online]. Available: http://
networking, security, and access. We As an entrepreneur, I had that curi-
provide telecommunication materials, osity, and I worked through the dis- en/800041468015024160/Latin-
such as copper, fiber optics, and wire- comfort to start a business. I have American-entrepreneurs-many-firms-
less equipment. A new activity for our the advantage of knowing that some but-little-innovation
company is to provide training aimed solutions already exist and the best
at professionals and students. we can do is innovate in the added About the author
Our company has the mission of value. This can be the difference Gustavo Fernández y Calderón
continuing to innovate to optimize between being successful and differ- ( earned his mas-
and improve the quality of service to ent from the rest or continuing to ter’s degree in telecommunications
our customers but also to improve belong to the group. and telematics at the Universidad
the quality and work environment of In each of us there is an entrepre- Catolica Boliviana, La Paz, Bolivia, in
our team. A wise decision was that neur, an innovator who is waiting to 2010. Since 2012, he has been the
although our company has a head- act at the right time. Entrepreneurs chief executive officer of the engineer-
quarters, each member of our work must equip themselves with all of ing services company Grupo ADGUS
team has the option to work from the tools to make this initial leap. Soluciones Generales de Inegenieria
his or her home and to come to our A great step we already made was Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limita-
headquarters only for the weekly to join the IEEE. It helped improve da. He is a Member of the IEEE.

IEEE Potentials November/December 2018 ■ 43

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