01-1 About The ASON

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User Guide Contents


1 About the ASON ........................................................................................................................1-1

1.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................1-1
1.1.1 Background and Advantages................................................................................................................1-1
1.1.2 Basic Concepts of ASON.....................................................................................................................1-2
1.1.3 Features................................................................................................................................................1-6
1.1.4 Huawei ASON Solution .......................................................................................................................1-6
1.2 ASON Software.............................................................................................................................................1-7
1.2.1 Location of ASON Software ................................................................................................................1-7
1.2.2 Structure of ASON Software................................................................................................................1-8
1.2.3 ASON Software Version ......................................................................................................................1-9
1.3 Network Functions ......................................................................................................................................1-10
1.3.1 Topology Auto-Discovery..................................................................................................................1-10
1.3.2 End-to-End Service Configuration..................................................................................................... 1-11
1.3.3 Mesh Networking Protection and Restoration ...................................................................................1-12
1.3.4 ASON Clock Tracing .........................................................................................................................1-13
1.3.5 Service Level Agreement ...................................................................................................................1-14
1.3.6 Tunnel Services..................................................................................................................................1-23
1.3.7 Service Association............................................................................................................................1-24
1.3.8 Service Optimization..........................................................................................................................1-25
1.3.9 Equilibrium of Network Traffic .........................................................................................................1-26
1.3.10 The Shared Risk Link Group ...........................................................................................................1-26
1.3.11 ASON Trail Group ...........................................................................................................................1-26
1.3.12 Service Migration.............................................................................................................................1-27
1.3.13 Reverting Services to Original Routes .............................................................................................1-28
1.3.14 Encrypting Protocols........................................................................................................................1-28

Issue 01 (2006-09-20) Huawei Technologies Proprietary i

Figures User Guide


Figure 1-1 Three planes of the ASON ................................................................................................................1-2

Figure 1-2 Backbone layer solution ...................................................................................................................1-6
Figure 1-3 Network solution ..............................................................................................................................1-7

Figure 1-4 Software structure of the OptiX OSN series.....................................................................................1-8

Figure 1-5 Structure of ASON software .............................................................................................................1-9
Figure 1-6 Control link auto-discovery ............................................................................................................1-10

Figure 1-7 TE link auto-discovery.................................................................................................................... 1-11

Figure 1-8 End-to-end service configuration....................................................................................................1-12
Figure 1-9 Trail restoration...............................................................................................................................1-12

Figure 1-10 ASON clock sub-network .............................................................................................................1-14

Figure 1-11 A diamond service.........................................................................................................................1-16
Figure 1-12 A gold service ...............................................................................................................................1-19

Figure 1-13 A silver service..............................................................................................................................1-21

Figure 1-14 Tunnel services .............................................................................................................................1-23
Figure 1-15 Service Association.......................................................................................................................1-25

Figure 1-16 Traffic equilibrium........................................................................................................................1-26

Figure 1-17 LCAS (different path)...................................................................................................................1-27
Figure 1-18 LCAS (same path) ........................................................................................................................1-27

ii Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2006-09-20)

User Guide Tables


Table 1-1 OptiX OSN series products ................................................................................................................1-6

Table 1-2 Acronyms and abbreviations ..............................................................................................................1-8
Table 1-3 ASON software version mapping .......................................................................................................1-9

Table 1-4 Service level .....................................................................................................................................1-15

Table 1-5 TE links used by ASON services......................................................................................................1-15
Table 1-6 Attributes of the permanent 1+1 diamond services...........................................................................1-17

Table 1-7 Attributes of the rerouting 1+1 diamond services.............................................................................1-18

Table 1-8 Attributes of the non-rerouting diamond services.............................................................................1-18
Table 1-9 Attributes of gold services ................................................................................................................1-20

Table 1-10 Attributes of silver services ............................................................................................................1-21

Table 1-11 Attributes of copper services...........................................................................................................1-22
Table 1-12 Attributes of iron services...............................................................................................................1-22

Table 1-13 Attributes of tunnel services ...........................................................................................................1-24

Table 1-14 Attributes of service association .....................................................................................................1-25
Table 1-15 Reverting service to original routes ................................................................................................1-28

Issue 01 (2006-09-20) Huawei Technologies Proprietary iii

User Guide 1 About the ASON

1 About the ASON

About This Chapter

The automatically switched optical network (ASON) is a new generation optical transmission
network. This chapter describes its technological background, basic concepts, and main
Huawei OptiX OSN series products support ASON software. To build an ASON, enable the
ASON software after building a network composed of the following products:
z OptiX OSN 9500
z OptiX OSN 7500
z OptiX OSN 3500
z OptiX OSN 2500
z OptiX OSN 1500
The following table lists the contents of this chapter.

Title Description

1.1 Overview Describes the background and features of ASON.

1.2 ASON Software Describes the location and structure of ASON software.
1.3 Network Functions Describes the functions of ASON.

Issue 01 (2006-09-20) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 1-1

1 About the ASON User Guide

1.1 Overview
1.1.1 Background and Advantages
In recent years, the synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) optical communication system has
been widely applied in telecommunication networks. It covers a variety of network layers,
including the backbone layer, the metropolitan layer and the access layer. With fast protection
and excellent management performance, it has become the main transmission means for
However, with the development of the telecommunication network and increasing user
demands, some problems of the SDH optical transmission system appear more and more
serious. These problems are: complicated service configuration process, low bandwidth
utilization, and monotonous protection.
The ASON just comes to solve the above problems. This technology describes signaling
switching and a control plane to enhance its network connection management and recovery
capability. It supports end-to-end service configuration and a variety of service level
agreement (SLA).

Service Configuration
Traditional SDH networks are generally chains and rings. The trails and timeslots of their
services are manually configured ring by ring and point by point, which is time and labor
consuming. When the networking involves interconnection between more than one vendor's
equipment, the manual lineup results in even lower efficiency—it may take several weeks or
even several months. As networks get increasingly large and complicated, this service
configuration mode can no longer meet the rapidly increasing user demands.
The ASON successfully solves this problem by end-to-end service configuration. To configure
a service, you only need to specify its source node, sink node, bandwidth requirement and
protection type, and let the network automatically do the rest work.

Bandwidth Utilization
Traditional SDH optical transmission networks have a large amount of resources reserved and
lack advanced service protection, restore and routing functions. In contrast, with the routing
function the ASON can provide protection with less resource reservation and increase
network resource utilization.

Service Protection and Dynamic Service Restoration

Chain and ring are the main topology used in traditional SDH network. MSP and SNCP are
the main protection schemes for the services. In ASON, mesh is the main topology. Besides
MSP and SNCP protections, dynamic restoring function is available to restore the services
dynamically. In addition, when there are multiple failures in a network, the services can be
restored as many as possible.
According to the difference in service restoration time, multiple service types are defined in
ASON networks to meet different customer requirements.

1-2 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2006-09-20)

User Guide 1 About the ASON

1.1.2 Basic Concepts of ASON

The ASON is an optical network composed of ASON network elements (NEs). The ASON
performs signaling transmission and switching. The ASON NEs store the topology and
routing information of the whole network and automatically create and remove services
through signaling.
As shown in Figure 1-1, the ASON has three planes: the control plane, the transport plane,
and the management plane.

Figure 1-1 Three planes of the ASON




ASON is a new generation optical network where:
z Customers launch a service request dynamically.
z Routes are selected automatically.
z Signaling controls the creation and removal of connections.
z Network connections are completed automatically and dynamically.
z Switching and transmission are integrated into one system.

Control Plane
The control plane consists of a group of communication entities. It undertakes calling control
and connection control, including setting up, releasing, monitoring, maintaining connections.
The control plane automatically restores the failed connections through signaling exchange.

The Transport Plane

The SDH network is on the transport plane. It transmits and multiplexes optical signals,
configures cross-connection and protection switching for optical signals, and guarantees the
reliability of all optical signals.

Issue 01 (2006-09-20) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 1-3

1 About the ASON User Guide

The Management Plane

The management plane is a complement to the control plane. It maintains the transport plane,
the control plane and the whole system. Its functions include performance management, fault
management, configuration management and security management.

ASON Software
The ASON software and NE software run on the SCC board, while the board software and
network management (NM) software run on the boards and NM computer respectively, to
implement corresponding functions. ASON software is used mainly on the control plane,
using Link Management Protocol (LMP), OSPF-TE, and RSVP-TE.

The SCC board of an ASON NE is loaded with NE software which contains ASON software
and the ASON software is enabled. If the ASON software is not enabled, the NE is a
traditional NE.

Permanent connection (PC) is a service connection calculated beforehand and then created
through the NM by issuing a command to NE.
A traditional SDH service is a PC.

Switched connection (SC) is a service connection requested by a terminal user (router, for
example) and then created in the ASON control plane through signaling.

To soft permanent connection (SPC), the connection between the user and the transmission
network is configured directly by the NM. However, the connection within the transmission
network is requested by the NM and then created by the NE's control plane through signaling.
Usually mentioned ASON service refers to SPC.

OptiX ASON software only supports SPC and PC in version V100R002. SC is not supported at present.

Resource Reservation
The NE software and ASON software of an ASON NE manage their own timeslots
respectively. The timeslots created with ASON services are managed by the ASON software
and cannot be used by the NE software to create permanent connections.
Resource reservation is to reserve part or all of the timeslots of a specified optical interface to
NE software to create permanent connections. Before cancel resource reservation, they cannot
be used by the ASON software.

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User Guide 1 About the ASON

Label switching path (LSP) is the path ASON services passing through. In an ASON, to create
ASON services is to create LSPs. On T2000, LSP is also called ASON Trail.

Control Channel
Control channels are created and maintained between adjacent nodes by Link Management
Protocol (LMP). TE links between neighbor nodes can be verified only when a control
channel is available.
Control channels are divided into two types: control channels in fiber and control channels out
of fiber. Control channels in fiber use DCC channel (D4-D12) and can be discovered
automatically. Control channels out of fiber use the Ethernet link and need manual

Control Link
Control links are detected and maintained by OSPF protocol. Every ASON NE floods its
control links in the network and then all ASON NEs get the control links of the network. In
other words, all ASON NEs get the control topology of the network.
Control link and control channel are both created on DCC channel (D4-D12). But they are
independent with each other and have different function.

TE Link
TE link is a traffic engineering link. The ASON NE sends its bandwidth information to other
ASON NEs through the TE link to provide data for route computation. A fiber can be
configured with one TE link.
The resources of a TE link can be classified into three types: non-protection resources,
working resources and protection resources.
If the MSP is configured to some channels of a fiber, there are three types of resource. For
example, if a 10 Gbit/s (64 VC-4s) optical interface is configured with a 2.5 Gbit/s MSP, the
TE links are allocated as follows.
z 1–8 VC-4s are the working resources of the TE link.
z 33–40 VC-4s are the protection resources of the TE link.
z The rest VC-4s are non-protection resources of the TE link.
If the MSP is configured completely in a fiber, there are only working and protection
resources in this fiber.
If the MSP is not configured in a fiber, there are only non-protection resources in this fiber.

Component Link
Component link is a bandwidth unit smaller than TE link. One TE link consists of only one
component link in the actual ASON software.

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1 About the ASON User Guide

Rerouting is a means of resuming services. When an LSP is disconnected, the source node
queries and finds a best route to resume service. Then the initial node creates a new LSP to
transmit the service. After creating a new LSP, the source node deletes the original LSP.

Rerouting Lockout
In some cases, rerouting is not required after failure of LSP. Then you need to set rerouting

Rerouting Priority
When several LSPs which have the same source node reroute simultaneously, the LSP of
higher priority reroutes first and has more possibility to reroute successfully.

Rerouting Policy
Diamond, gold and silver services all support the three rerouting polices.
z Overlapping policy: During rerouting, the route of the new LSP overlaps with that of the
original route as possible.
z Separating policy: During rerouting, the route of the new LSP separates with that of the
original route as possible.
z Best route policy: During rerouting, the best route is computed for the new LSP.

Service Optimization
After the topology changes several times, the ASON may not have the best routes and thus
need service optimization. Service optimization means to create a new LSP, switch the
optimized service to the new LSP, and delete the original LSP so as to change and optimize
the service without disrupting the service.

Original Route
Generally, when an ASON service is firstly created, the route is the original route. After an
ASON service reroute, the service can be reverted to the original route manually when the
original route recovers.
The current route can also be set as the original route after rerouting.

Shared Risk Link Group (SRLG), fibers in the same optical cable have the same risks, that is,
when the cable is cut, all fibers are cut. So an ASON service should not be rerouted to another
link that has the same risk.
Set the SRLG attribute correctly for the links of the same risks to make sure the two LSPs of a
diamond service are not in the same cable or to avoid that the LSP travels through the links,
which share the same risk as the fault links, after rerouting of ASON services. Meanwhile, the
service reverting time is shortened when the ASON services reroute.

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User Guide 1 About the ASON

1.1.3 Features
Compared with legacy network, the ASON boasts the following features:
z Configures end-to-end services automatically
z Discovers topology and resource automatically
z Provides mesh networking
z Supports ASON clock tracing
z Supports different services which are provided with different levels of protection
z Provides traffic engineering and dynamically adjust the network logic topology in real
time to optimize the configuration of network resources

1.1.4 Huawei ASON Solution

In the backbone layer, Huawei uses the OptiX OSN 9500 to build a mesh network and
incorporates it into existing networks, as shown in Figure 1-2. However, with the
increasingly large network scale and capacity, the access and convergence layer will all
evolve into ASON. Table 1-1 lists the ASON products.

Figure 1-2 Backbone layer solution

OptiX OSN 9500

STM-64 STM-64 layer

STM-4/STM-16 STM-16/STM-64 Convergence


STM-1/STM-4 STM-1/STM-4 Access


PSTN Ethernet ... ATM DDN

Table 1-1 OptiX OSN series products

ASON NE Applied at

OptiX OSN 9500 Backbone layer

OptiX OSN 7500 Backbone layer
OptiX OSN 3500 Convergence layer

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1 About the ASON User Guide

ASON NE Applied at

OptiX OSN 2500 Access layer

OptiX OSN 1500 Access layer

Huawei provides ASON products for each layer, as shown in Figure 1-3.

Figure 1-3 Network solution

OptiX OSN 7500 OptiX OSN 9500 OptiX OSN 3500

Backbone layer

OptiX OSN 3500 OptiX OSN 2500

Convergence layer

OptiX OSN 1500 OptiX OSN 2500

Access layer

PSTN Ethernet ... ATM DDN

1.2 ASON Software

This section describes the structure of OptiX ASON software.

1.2.1 Location of ASON Software

Figure 1-4 shows where OptiX ASON software is located in the whole product software
system. The ASON software and NE software run on the SCC board, while the board software
and network management (NM) software run on the boards and NM computer respectively, to
implement corresponding functions. The OptiX OSN series products are all of this software
structure. You can upgrade traditional versions to ASON by loading NE software which
contains ASON software. Some board should be upgraded.

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User Guide 1 About the ASON

Figure 1-4 Software structure of the OptiX OSN series

NM software

ASON Board
NE software
software software
IP protocol

OSP platform

1.2.2 Structure of ASON Software

According to ITU-T recommendations, ASON has three planes: a control plane, a
management plane, and a transport plane. The management plane refers to the NM layer, and
the transport plane refers to the SDH network. ASON software is used in the control plane,
using LMP, CSPF, OSPF, and RSVP-TE.

Table 1-2 Acronyms and abbreviations

Acronym Full spelling

RSVP-TE Resource Reservation Protocol-Traffic Engineering

CSPF Constrained Shortest Path First
OSPF-TE Open Shortest Path First-Traffic Engineering
LMP Link Management Protocol

Figure 1-5 shows the structure of ASON software which consists of a signaling module, a
routing module and a switching controller module.

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1 About the ASON User Guide

Figure 1-5 Structure of ASON software

ASON software

T2000 Signaling module NE

Switching software
Routing module

Signaling Module
The signaling module creates/removes services according to the requests from users, and
synchronizes and restores services as needed.

Routing Module
The routing module performs the following functions.
z Collects and floods TE Link information.
z Collects and floods control Link information.
z Calculates service route and control route.

Switching Controller Module

The Switching Controller module performs the following functions.
z Creates/Deletes cross-connections.
z Reports link state and alarms.

1.2.3 ASON Software Version

Table 1-3 shows the version mapping relation between ASON software and products.

Table 1-3 ASON software version mapping

Product Product version ASON software version

OptiX OSN 9500 V100R003C03 or V100R004C01 V100R002

OptiX OSN 7500 V100R006 V100R002
OptiX OSN 3500 V100R006 V100R002
OptiX OSN 2500 V100R006 V100R002
OptiX OSN 1500 V100R006 V100R002

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User Guide 1 About the ASON

1.3 Network Functions

This section describes the functions provided by Huawei OptiX ASON software. The version
of ASON software is V100R002.

1.3.1 Topology Auto-Discovery

Control Link Auto-Discovery
After the fibers in an ASON network are connected correctly, each ASON NE discovers
control links automatically through OSPF and floods its own control links to the whole
network. Each NE then gets the network-wide control links, that is, the network-wide control
topology. Then, each NE can calculate the route to any of the other NEs in the network.
As shown in Figure 1-6, after the fibers in the whole network are connected, ASON NEs
discover the network-wide control topology.

Figure 1-6 Control link auto-discovery

R1 R4




:User equipment

TE Link Auto-Discovery
After an ASON NE creates a control channel between neighbor NEs through LMP, TE link
verification can be started. Each ASON NE floods its own TE links to the whole network
through OSPF-TE. Each NE then gets the network-wide TE links, that is, the network-wide
resource topology.
ASON software can detect resource topology change in real time, including the deletion and
addition of links, as well as the link parameters change, and then reports the change to T2000,
which performs real-time refresh.

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1 About the ASON User Guide

As shown in Figure 1-7, if one TE link is cut, the NM updates the resource topology displayed
on the NM in real time.

Figure 1-7 TE link auto-discovery

R1 R4




:User equipment

1.3.2 End-to-End Service Configuration

The ASON supports both SDH permanent connections and end-to-end ASON services. To
configure an ASON service, you only need to specify its source node, sink node, bandwidth
requirement, and protection level. Service routing and cross-connection at intermediate nodes
are all automatically completed by the network. You can also set explicit node, excluded node,
explicit link and excluded link to constrain the service routing.
Compared with service configuration of SDH networks, it fully utilizes the routing and
signaling functions of the ASON NEs and thus it is convenient to configure services.
Take the configuration of a 155 Mbit/s ASON service between A and I in Figure 1-8 for
example. The network automatically finds the A-D-E-I route and configures cross-connection
at nodes A, D, E and I. Although there is more than one route from A to I, the network will
calculate the best route according to the configured algorithm. Here we suppose A-D-E-I is
the best route.
The service is created as follows:
z Choose the bandwidth granularity.
z Choose the service protection level.
z Choose the source node.
z Choose the sink node.
z Create the service.

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User Guide 1 About the ASON

Figure 1-8 End-to-end service configuration

R1 R4




:User equipment

1.3.3 Mesh Networking Protection and Restoration

The ASON provides mesh networking protection to enhance service survivability and network
security. As a main networking mode of ASON, mesh features high flexibility and scalability.
Different from traditional SDH networking modes, mesh networking does not need 50%
bandwidth reserved so it can save bandwidth resources to satisfy the increasingly large
bandwidth demands. This networking mode also provides more than one route for each
service so it can best utilize the network resources with higher security.
As shown in Figure 1-9, when the C-G link failed, to restore the service, the network will
calculate another route from D to H and create a new LSP to transmit the service.

Figure 1-9 Trail restoration

Trail restoration

R1 R4



:User equipment

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1 About the ASON User Guide

1.3.4 ASON Clock Tracing

The ASON NEs supports both the traditional clock tracing mode and the ASON clock tracing
mode. Within an ASON domain, some or all NEs can be set to the ASON clock tracing mode
to form an ASON clock sub-network.
When an ASON domain covers so many NEs that a single clock sub-network causes a clock
tracing chain with more than 16 NEs, it is required to create several ASON clock
sub-networks within the ASON domain. Commonly, one ASON domain requires only one
ASON clock sub-network. Within the ASON clock sub-network, each ASON NE can trace the
best clock source. Hence, the auto-tracing and auto-switching of the clock help avoid clock
inter-lock. The clock configuration is thus simplified.

Primary Clock Source

The ASON software automatically sets the clock tracing relation within the ASON clock
sub-network. However, at the boundary of the ASON clock sub-network, an external clock
source is required to be led into the clock sub-network as the primary clock source. The
external clock source can be either the line clock source or the 2 Mbit/s clock source led in
from BITS. Several reference clock sources can be set to one ASON clock sub-network.
However, the ASON clock sub-network only traces one of the primary clock sources. Other
primary clock sources can be the backup clock sources. When the selected primary clock
source fails, the entire network traces to one of the other primary clock sources. Hence, a new
clock tracing tree is formed. The primary clock sources must be set with priorities. The
priority of each primary clock source must be unique in the entire network.
See Figure 1-10. Within an ASON clock sub-network, configure the active and the standby
primary clock sources at NE A and NE B respectively. The other ASON NEs within the
ASON clock sub-network automatically computes and creates the clock tracing tree. Hence,
the entire network traces the active BITS. The clocks in the entire network are thus
synchronous. When the active BITS fails, each ASON NE computes and creates another clock
tracing tree. The entire network traces the backup BITS. Hence, the clocks in the entire
network are thus synchronous.
Only the ASON NEs support ASON clock tracing mode but traditional NEs do not.

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User Guide 1 About the ASON

Figure 1-10 ASON clock sub-network


Primary base clock source Standby base clock source



Interface Mode
By default, the ASON software automatically creates the clock tracing tree on the basis of the
network topology. Hence, each ASON NE traces one usable clock source.
When the clock tracing tree requires manual adjustment, set the “interface mode” of the
optical interface to “Not Detect Clock Quality”. The optical interface then cannot be the clock
tracing source for the AOSN NEs.

Relay Source
A relay source is a device that strengthens the clock signal. For an NE configured with a relay
source, the system tracing clock is then strengthened. The quality of the clock out of the link
is also enhanced. Hence, the clock signal that is strengthened by a relay source is selected
with priority to be on the clock tracing tree of the entire network.
The relay source is configured by using the 2Mbit/s clock input and output ports. The NE first
receives the clock signal from the upstream and then transmits the clock signal to the relay
device. After strengthened, the clock signal returns to the NE from the 2Mbit/s clock input
port. The clock signal is then the system tracing clock. The clock signal is then strengthened
and the line clock signal output from the NE is also strengthened.

1.3.5 Service Level Agreement

The ASON network can provide services of different QoS to different clients. This is service
level agreement (SLA). Table 1-4 lists the service level in the ASON network.

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1 About the ASON User Guide

Table 1-4 Service level

Attribute Protection and Implementation Switching and Rerouting

Service Restoration Scheme Means Time

Diamond service Protection and restoration SNCP and rerouting Switching time < 50ms
Rerouting time < 2 s
Gold service Protection and restoration MSP and rerouting Switching time < 50ms
Rerouting time < 2 s
Silver service Restoration Rerouting Rerouting time < 2 s
Copper service No protection - -
No restoration
Iron service Preemptable MSP -

Table 1-5 lists details of the TE links used by ASON services.

Table 1-5 TE links used by ASON services

Service Level Working Resource of Protection Resource of Non-protection
TE Link TE Link Resource of TE Link

Diamond Service Not used Not used Used

service creation
Service Not used Used when the resource Used with the priority
rerouting is not enough
Service Not used Not used Used
Gold Service Used with the priority Not used Used when the resource
service creation is not enough
Service Used with the priority Used when the resource Used when the resource
rerouting is not enough is not enough
Service Used with the priority Not used Used when the resource
optimization is not enough
Silver Service Not used Not used Used
service creation
Service Not used Used when the resource Used with the priority
rerouting is not enough
Service Not used Not used Used

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User Guide 1 About the ASON

Service Level Working Resource of Protection Resource of Non-protection

TE Link TE Link Resource of TE Link

Copper Service Not used Not used Used

service creation
Service Not used Not used Used
Iron Service Not used Used with the priority Used when the resource
service creation is not enough

Diamond Services
A diamond service is a service with 1+1 protection from the source node to the sink node. It is
also called 1+1 service. For a diamond service, there are two different LSPs available between
the source node and the sink node. One is the working LSP and the other is the protection LSP.
The same service is transmitted to the working LSP and the protection LSP at the same time.
If the working LSP is normal, the sink node receives the service from the working LSP;
otherwise, from the protection LSP.
Figure 1-11 shows a diamond service.

Figure 1-11 A diamond service

Working LSP

R1 R4



Protection LSP

:User equipment

There are three types of diamond services.

z Permanent 1+1 diamond service: rerouting is triggered once an LSP fails.
z Rerouting 1+1 diamond service: rerouting is triggered only when both LSPs fail.
z Non-rerouting diamond service: rerouting is never triggered.
Table 1-6 lists the attributes of the permanent 1+1 diamond service.

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1 About the ASON User Guide

Table 1-7 lists the attributes of the rerouting 1+1 diamond service.
Table 1-8 lists the attributes of the non-rerouting 1+1 diamond service.

Table 1-6 Attributes of the permanent 1+1 diamond services

Attribute Diamond Service

Requirements for Sufficient non-protection resources are available between the

creation source node and the sink node.
Protection and If the resources are sufficient, two LSPs are always available for
restoration a permanent 1+1 diamond service. One is the active LSP and the
other is the standby.
If the resources are not sufficient, one LSP can still be reserved
for a permanent 1+1 diamond service to ensure the service
Rerouting Supports rerouting lockout
Supports rerouting priority
Supports three rerouting policies: overlapping policy, separating
policy and best route policy
Revertive Revertive services support reverting to original route
Non-revertive services support reverting to the original route
Service migration Supports migration between permanent SNCP connections and
diamond services
Supports migration between diamond services and silver services
Supports migration between diamond services and copper
Service switching Supports manual switching
Service optimization Supports service optimization
Service association Not supports service association
ASON server trail Not supports diamond ASON server trails
Alarms to trigger R_LOS, R_LOF, B2_EXC, B2_SD, MS_AIS, MS_RDI and
rerouting AU_AIS alarms

1-18 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2006-09-20)

User Guide 1 About the ASON

Table 1-7 Attributes of the rerouting 1+1 diamond services

Attribute Diamond Service

Requirements for Sufficient non-protection resources are available between the

creation source node and the sink node.
Protection and When the standby LSP fails, services are not switched. Rerouting is
restoration not triggered.
When the active LSP fails, services are switched to the standby LSP
for transmission. Rerouting is not triggered.
When both the active and the standby LSPs fail, rerouting is
triggered to create a new LSP to restore services.
Rerouting Supports rerouting lockout
Supports rerouting priority
Supports three rerouting policies: overlapping policy, separating
policy and best route policy
Revertive Revertive services support reverting to original route automatically.
Non-revertive services support reverting to the original route
Service migration Supports migration between permanent SNCP connections and
diamond services
Supports migration between diamond services and silver services
Supports migration between diamond services and copper services
Service switching Supports manual switching
Service optimization Supports service optimization
Service association Not supports service association
ASON server trail Not supports diamond ASON server trails
Alarms to trigger R_LOS, R_LOF, B2_EXC, B2_SD, MS_AIS, MS_RDI and
rerouting AU_AIS alarms

Table 1-8 Attributes of the non-rerouting diamond services

Attribute Diamond Service

Requirements for Sufficient non-protection resources are available between the

creation source node and the sink node.

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1 About the ASON User Guide

Attribute Diamond Service

Protection and When the active LSP fails, services are switched to the standby LSP
restoration for transmission. Rerouting is not triggered.
When the standby LSP fails, services are not switched. Rerouting is
not triggered.
When both the active and the standby LSPs fail, rerouting is not
Service migration Supports migration between permanent SNCP connections and
diamond services.
Supports migration between diamond services and silver services.
Supports migration between diamond services and copper services.
Service switching Supports manual switching
Service optimization Supports service optimization
Service association Not supports service association
ASON server trail Not supports diamond ASON server trails

Gold Services
A gold service needs only one LSP. This LSP must use multiplex section working links. When
a fiber on the path of a gold service is cut, the ASON triggers MSP switching to protect the
service at first. If the multiplex section protection fails, the ASON will trigger rerouting to
restore the service.
As shown in Figure 1-12, a gold service can be configured from A to I.

Figure 1-12 A gold service

R1 R4



:User equipment

1-20 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2006-09-20)

User Guide 1 About the ASON

Table 1-9 lists the attributes of gold services.

Table 1-9 Attributes of gold services

Attribute Gold Service

Requirements for Sufficient working resources or non-protection resources are

creation available between the source node and the sink node.
Multiplex section Supports using the working resources of 1:1 linear multiplex
protection section protection chain to create gold services.
Supports using the working resources of two-fiber bidirectional
multiplex section protection ring to create gold services.
Supports using the working resources of four-fiber bidirectional
multiplex section protection ring to create gold services
Protection and When fiber is cut for the first time, MS switching is performed to
restoration protect services.
When MS switching fails, rerouting is then triggered to restore
Rerouting Supports rerouting lockout
Supports three rerouting policies: overlapping policy, separating
policy and best route policy
Revertive Revertive services support reverting to original route automatically.
Non-revertive services support reverting to the original route
Service migration Supports migration between permanent connections and gold
Service switching Supports manual switching
Service optimization Supports service optimization
ASON server trail Supports gold ASON server trails
Alarms to trigger R_LOS, R_LOF, B2_EXC, B2_SD, MS_AIS, MS_RDI and
rerouting AU_AIS alarms

Silver Service
Silver services are also called rerouting services. Upon an LSP failure, periodical rerouting is
performed until the rerouting succeeds. If there are not enough resources, it may fail to apply
for a proper protection route, which then leads to service interruption.
As shown in Figure 1-13 , A-B-G-H-I is a silver service trail. If the fiber between B and G is
cut, the ASON triggers rerouting from A to create a new LSP that does not pass the cut fiber.
Hence, services are protected.

Issue 01 (2006-09-20) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 1-21

1 About the ASON User Guide

Figure 1-13 A silver service

R1 R4



:User equipment

Table 1-10 lists the attributes of silver services.

Table 1-10 Attributes of silver services

Attribute Silver service

Requirements for Sufficient non-protection resources are available between the

creation source node and the sink node.
Service restoration When the original LSP fails, rerouting is triggered to create a new
LSP to restore services.
Rerouting Supports rerouting lockout
Supports rerouting priority
Supports three rerouting policies: overlapping policy, separating
policy and best route policy
Revertive Revertive services support reverting to original route
Non-revertive services support reverting to the original route
Preset restoring trail Supports setting preset restoring trail
Service migration Supports migration between permanent connections and silver
Supports migration between diamond services and silver services
Supports migration between silver services and copper services
Service optimization Supports service optimization
Service association Not supports service association
ASON server trail Supports silver ASON server trails

1-22 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2006-09-20)

User Guide 1 About the ASON

Attribute Silver service

Alarms to trigger R_LOS, R_LOF, B2_EXC, B2_SD, MS_AIS, MS_RDI and

rerouting AU_AIS alarms

Copper Services
Copper services are also called non-protection services. If its LSP fails, services do not
reroute and are interrupted.
Table 1-11 lists the attributes of copper services.

Table 1-11 Attributes of copper services

Attribute Silver service

Requirements for Sufficient non-protection resources are available between the

creation source node and the sink node.
Service restoration Not supports rerouting
Service migration Supports migration between permanent connections and copper
Supports migration between diamond services and copper services
Supports migration between silver services and copper services
Service optimization Supports service optimization
Service association Supports service association
ASON server trail Supports ASON server trails

Iron Services
An iron service is also called a preemptible service. Iron services apply non-protection links
or MS protection links to create LSPs. During MS switching, iron services may be preempted
and be interrupted. When the MS recovers, iron services are recovered. Interruption,
preemption and recovery of iron services are reported to the T2000.When an LSP fails,
services are interrupted and rerouting is not triggered.
Table 1-12 lists the attributes of iron service.

Table 1-12 Attributes of iron services

Attribute Iron Services

Requirements for Sufficient protection resources or non-protection resources are

creation available between the source node and the sink node.

Issue 01 (2006-09-20) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 1-23

1 About the ASON User Guide

Attribute Iron Services

MS To create iron services, the following resources can be used:

z Protection resources of 1:1 linear MSP
z Protection resources of two-fiber bidirectional MSP
z Protection resources of four-fiber bidirectional MSP
Service restoration Not supports rerouting
Service migration Supports migration between iron services and extra permanent
Service optimization Supports service optimization.

1.3.6 Tunnel Services

The OptiX ASON supports tunnel services. Tunnel services are mainly used to carry VC12 or
VC3 services. Tunnel services are also called as ASON server trails.
The configuration of a tunnel service is different from that of the above-mentioned service
types. Its cross-connection from the tributary board to the line board can only be configured
manually. As shown in Figure 1-14, there is an ASON server trail between NE1 and NE2
which can be a gold ASON server trail, silver ASON server trail or copper ASON server trail.
During service creation, the ASON automatically chooses the line boards of NE1 and NE2
and the timeslots of the line boards.
After creating tunnel services, you must manually create and delete the lower order
cross-connection from the tributary board to the line board. During rerouting or optimization
of the tunnel services, however, the cross-connections at the source and sink nodes
automatically switch to the new ports.

Figure 1-14 Tunnel services

VC12 ASON server trail VC12



Tributary unit Line unit

Table 1-13 lists the attributes of tunnel services.

1-24 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2006-09-20)

User Guide 1 About the ASON

Table 1-13 Attributes of tunnel services

Attribute Gold tunnel Silver tunnel Copper tunnel

services services services

Requirements for Same as gold Same as silver Same as copper

creation services services services
Service Same as gold Same as silver Not supports
restoration services services rerouting
Rerouting Supports rerouting Supports rerouting Not supports
lockout. lockout. rerouting
Supports rerouting Supports rerouting
priority. priority.
Revertive Not supported Not supported Not supported
Pre-configuration Supports Supports Not supported
of restoring route pre-configuration of pre-configuration of
the restoring route the restoring route
Service Supports migration between tunnel services and permanent
migration connections.
Supports migration between silver tunnel services and copper services.
Service Supports service optimization
Service Supports service association
Tunnel level VC4

1.3.7 Service Association

Service association is to associate two ASON services that have different routes. During the
rerouting or optimization of either service, the rerouting service will avoid the route of the
associated service.
As shown in Figure 1-15, D-E-I and A-B-G-H are two associated LSPs. When the fiber
between B and G is cut, the rerouting of the A-B-G-H LSP will avoid the D-E-I LSP.

Issue 01 (2006-09-20) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 1-25

1 About the ASON User Guide

Figure 1-15 Service Association

R1 R4




:User equipment

Table 1-14 lists the attributes of service association.

Table 1-14 Attributes of service association

Attribute Service association

Service Supports optimization of associated services

Rerouting When one service reroutes, it will avoid the route of the associated
Service type Supports the association of two silver services
Supports association of two copper services
Supports the association of a silver service and a copper service
Supports the association of two silver tunnel services
Supports the association of two copper tunnel services
Supports the association of a silver tunnel service and a copper tunnel

1.3.8 Service Optimization

After the topology change several times, the ASON may have less satisfactory routes and thus
need service optimization. Service optimization means to create a new LSP, switch the
optimized service to the new LSP, and delete the original LSP so as to change and optimize
the service without disrupting the service.
LSP optimization has the following features.
z Only manual optimization is supported.

1-26 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2006-09-20)

User Guide 1 About the ASON

z The optimization does not change the protection level of the optimized service.
z During optimization, rerouting, degrade/upgrade, or deleting operations are not allowed.
z During creation, rerouting, degrading/upgrading, starting or deleting operations,
optimization is not allowed.
z The following service types support optimization: diamond, gold, silver, copper and
tunnel services.

1.3.9 Equilibrium of Network Traffic

The ASON calculates a best route according to CSPF algorithm. If there are many services
between two nodes, there may be several services sharing a same route. The traffic
equilibrium function is used to avoid this situation. As shown in Figure 1-16, there are many
silver services between R2 and R4. To make the network more safe and reliable, the ASON
allocates them to different route averagely as possible such as A-D-E-I, A-B-C-F-I and

Figure 1-16 Traffic equilibrium

R1 R4



:User equipment

1.3.10 The Shared Risk Link Group

Fibers in the same optical cable have the same risks, that is, when the cable is cut, all fibers
are cut. So an ASON service should not be rerouted to another link that has the same risk.
Set the SRLG attribute correctly for the links of the same risks to make sure the two LSPs of a
diamond service are not in the same cable and to enhance the possibility of successful
rerouting at the first time. You can change the SRLG attribute.

1.3.11 ASON Trail Group

The ASON supports amalgamation of ASON and LCAS.

LCAS is Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme.

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1 About the ASON User Guide

With LCAS enabled, the bandwidth of VCTRUNK can be adjusted dynamically without
affecting services. As shown in Figure 1-17, VCTRUNK1 is bound with four VC4s, with two
transmitted over path 1 and two over path 2. If the VC4 in path 1 fails, the two VC4s in path 2
will transmit all Ethernet service without affecting the service of VCTRUNK1. You can add
VC4 on either path if necessary.

Figure 1-17 LCAS (different path)

Path 1


Router A Router B
NE1 Path 2 NE2

If these VC4s are transmitted over a path, adding/deleting VC4 will not affect the service. As
shown in Figure 1-18, VCTRUNK1 is bound with four VC4s. If the first VC4 fails, the
Ethernet service remains unaffected.

Figure 1-18 LCAS (same path)


Router A NE1 NE2 Router B

ASON Trail Group

An ASON trail group associates all member trails for the same LCAS service within one LSP
group. These member trails then can be added, deleted or modified. To provide virtual
services with the error tolerance ability, these member trails must be as separate as possible.
Each ASON trail group is identified by an ID. The ASON NE allocates an ID to each ASON
trail group. The member trails within an ASON trail share the same source and sink. The trails
must also be as separated as possible.

1.3.12 Service Migration

Service Migration between ASON Trails and Permanent Connections
Currently, Huawei's OptiX ASON supports:
z Migration between diamond services and permanent SNCP connections.
z Migration between gold services and permanent connections.
z Migration between silver services and permanent connections.
z Migration between copper services and permanent connections.
z Migration between iron services and permanent connections.

1-28 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2006-09-20)

User Guide 1 About the ASON

z Migration between tunnel services and server trail.

Service Migration between ASON Trails

Currently, Huawei's OptiX ASON supports:
z Migration between diamond services and silver services.
z Migration between diamond services and copper services.
z Migration between silver services and copper services.

1.3.13 Reverting Services to Original Routes

After many changes in an ASON network, service routes may differ from the original routes.
You can revert all service to the original routes.

Table 1-15 Reverting service to original routes

Service Non-revertive services Revertive services

Prerequisites The original route has no The original route has no failures.
failures and has free timeslots.
Reverting mode Manual Automatic
Batch reverting Supports -
Timeslots Reverting services to original Reverting services to original
routes. routes.
Not reverting services to Reverting services to original
original timeslots. timeslots.
Modifying original Supported Not supported

1.3.14 Encrypting Protocols

You can encrypt the RSVP and OSPF in an ASON domain to improve the security of the

Issue 01 (2006-09-20) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 1-29

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