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Rheanne Madel Yabo Cuesta, 15 years

Our journey through this

lesson enabled us to learn what is old. I live in Bua-an, Sulangon, Dapitan
discrimination are, and what does City. I love reading books.
it mean. It is important for us to be
aware for it serves as one of the
best defenses we had. I’m Mary Jane Monte Cosep.
I’m 15 years old. I live in Sulangon,
Dapitan City. I’m a jolly person and
friendly one.

Mhel Renzie P. Balladares, 15

years of age. I live in Sulangon, Dapitan
City. I’m a shy but friendly person and I
love to play basketball.
It made us realize that
putting defenses minimize the risk of encountering future
I’m Glydel Jane D. Daguinotas,
problems. Also, it realized us that putting defenses helps
us strengthen ourselves amid discrimination. 15 years old. Residing at Ma.-uray,
Members: Dapitan City. I’m a K-pop lover and
also I’m friendly.
Rheanne Madel Cuesta
Mary Jane Cosep Renalith E. Que. I’m 15 years

Mhel Renzie Balladares old form Antipolo, Dapitan City. I love

to play volleyball and I’m a friendly and
Glydel Jane Daguinotas
jolly person.
We, therefore, commit to much strengthen Renalith Que
ourselves and as well as our defenses for it really helps I’m Christianly S. Tomocon. I’m 15
Christianly Tomocon
us. years old. I live in Antipolo, Dapitan City. I’m a
shy but friendly person.
Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns
 A reflexive pronoun ends with -self or -selves and
refers to the subject of a sentence. In a sentence with a
reflexive pronoun, the action of the verb returns to the
subject. The words myself, yourself, himself, herself,
Discrimination is treatment or consideration of, itself, ourselves, yourselves, and themselves are reflexive
or making a distinction towards, a person based pronouns.
Perseus - son of Danae and Zeus.
on the group, class, or category to which the
person is perceived to belong. These The Gorgons - The monstrous creatures. Hands made of
We bought ourselves pretzels at the fair.
include age, caste, colour, criminal brass, sharp fangs and a beard covered with
record, height, disability, ethnicity, family My brother made himself some dinner.
impenetrable scales and with hair of living snakes.
status, gender identity, generation, genetic
characteristics, marital The Gray Women - Three Monstrous sisters of Gorgons You can walk to school by yourself.
status, nationality, race, religion, sex, and sexual namely Enyo the Shocking, Pemphredo the
orientation. Discrimination consists of treatment  The words myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself,
horrifying and Deino the dreadful
of an individual or group, based on their actual or ourselves, yourselves, and themselves can also be used
perceived membership in a certain group or social Medusa - a monster with living venomous snakes in place
as intensive pronouns. Use an intensive pronoun to
category, "in a way that is worse than the way of hair draw special attention to a noun or a pronoun already
people are usually treated". It involves the group's named. Intensive pronouns usually appear right after the
King Acrisius - was the king of Argos. Grandfather of
initial reaction or interaction going on to influence noun or pronoun they are emphasizing.
the individual's actual behavior towards the group Perseus.
leader or the group, restricting members of one Polydectes - was the ruler of Seraphos and fell in love
group from opportunities or privileges that are I myself am tired of doing homework.
with Danae.
available to another group, leading to The president himself appeared at the rally.
the exclusion of the individual or entities based on Dictys - brother of King Polydectes.
illogical or irrational decision making. Andromeda - Daughter of Queen Cassiopeia and King My sister made the bread herself.
Cepheus and later on becomes Perseus wife. Creating Personal Goal
Hermes - the messenger of the gods and protector of the
 To finished our studies
travelers. Son of Zeus  To have a better work in future
 To build a house for our parents
Athena - also known as Athene, the goddess of many
 To have a business
things.  Find a good man/
woman to get

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