4:2 Teaching Learning: Fall 2007

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4:2 Fall 2007 Teaching & Learning

tion research process.

Action Research: A Strategy for First, the question: After consid-
erable struggle and consultation,
Instructional Improvement she chose: “What can this school do
to make the transition from elemen-
Carol Reed tary to middle school “user
friendly?” Next, data collection:
The teacher constructed a simple
A ction Research gives teachers
the skills needed to work on
problems specific to their class-
But true as that may have been,
knowing it didn’t do much for the
classroom. Perplexed, the teacher
survey asking about various stu-
dent experiences during students’
rooms and their schools. By using decided to make brief notes about transition time which she admin-
an actual research procedure, re- what happened immediately be- istered to her own sixth grade class.
searching teachers can resolve fore each disruption. Then, data Startled by the students’ response,
their own teaching challenges. analysis: Several disruptions later, the teacher enlisted the help of the
They learn how to ask a focusing the teacher spread the collected school counselor. Together they
question, define terms, collect rel- data that is the notes, across her surveyed two school wide ran-
evant data, use an analysis proc- desk reading them over and over, domly selected groups, one group
ess that rules out bias, and in- looking for patterns. Suddenly, she consisting of “at-risk” students, the
cludes methods that yield valid- had it. The findings: Jeremy second of “average” students with
ity and reliability. erupted when she passed out pa- the groups matched for gender and
pers asking students to work on ethnic representation
The findings become immedi- new concepts. The action plan:
ately applicable to their individual Then data analysis: The teachers
Gently confronting Jeremy with read through the surveys to find
situations. For example: Jeremy’s the “evidence,” led to information
third-grade teacher watched him patterns in the responses and listed
that earlier “interrogations” had rubrics for the patterns (often called
out of the corner of her eye. Though not revealed. Jeremy tearfully con-
he sat quietly reading, she knew themes). Then they again read
fessed that he always felt afraid he through the surveys to tally re-
that he could, and often did, erupt that could not do the new assign-
into loud, emotional displays. On sponses that fit under each pattern,
ment. Together, they worked up a a tally they could graph. The find-
this particular day, the eruption plan. When the teacher passed out
came just after recess. Inexplicably, ings: A significant number of stu-
work on new concepts, she prom- dents in both groups felt over-
Jeremy jumped up, swept papers ised to hand Jeremy a “fun” paper
off his desk, and with a loud roar, whelmed by the social challenge of
to work on. Jeremy agreed to prac- being relatively anonymous in a
tipped the desk over. The teacher tice patience. Thereafter, the
managed to get him out of the class- large school setting.
teacher first got the rest of the class
room and into the safety of the working well, then went to The action plan: The teacher, the
nurse’s office while his classmates Jeremy’s desk and helped him with counselor, and the principal shared
patiently straightened his desk and the new concept until they both felt the information with the faculty
gathered his scattered belongings. that he understood what to do. who were, in turn, stunned. Stu-
Still, in spite of their practiced effi- And it worked! The disruptions di- dent responses such as, “None of
ciency, a half-hour passed before minished significantly until; fi- the teachers seem to know my
the teacher could get the class set- nally, the teacher withdrew her rec- name,” and “No one speaks to me”
tled and working again. Totally ommendation for a Special Educa- tugged at their heart strings. The
frustrated with the repeated loss of tion referral. group not only faced up to the chal-
teaching time and the months it lenge by developing multiple plans
takes to complete Special Education The same process works equally that responded to revealed student
referrals, the teacher decided to try well in larger situations. For exam- information, they “commissioned”
what she learned in an Action Re- ple: a middle school teacher, sitting additional surveys that year and
search class. She did a little Action in her staff lounge casually thumb- subsequent years to check their suc-
Research project on Jeremy: First, ing through a magazine, found an cess in responding to the findings
the question: In this case, it was article citing research which al- from the initial survey. Parents,
simple. What upsets Jeremy? Next, leged that high school dropouts impressed with the school’s grow-
data collection: It was a little make their decision to quit school ing Action Research efforts, asked
tougher to decide how to collect- during their middle school years. for the school’s cooperation in sur-
ing formation that might respond The teacher could not get the alle- veying parents about the same is-
to the question. It was tempting to gation out of her mind, repeatedly sue. Eventually, other middle
think of the problem as originating asking herself, “How does that schools asked for information and
in the home, on the playground, or happen?” “What do we do?” She, adjusted their own transition plans
within his psychological make-up. too, decided to implement an ac- accordingly.

Teaching & Learning 4:2 Fall 2007
The process works equally well centers of inquiry. In one instance taken control of our professional
for curriculum issues. For exam- a new elementary school principal, lives.”
ple, two teachers, working on who looked so young that on his
In each of the descriptions above,
separate projects in different time first day a teacher asked if he had
teachers identified the problem,
periods and at different levels, come from the local high school to
teachers chose the question, col-
wanted to check the rumor that tutor, faced a staff of senior teach-
lected and analyzed the data, and
students who write down the ers. Respecting their experience
teachers developed action plans
thought process they use when and confidence, he began school
based on findings. One huge gap
they solve math problems actually improvement through gently ad-
in the evaluations developing
do better in math. The elementary ministered Action Research
around the current drive for ac-
school teacher compared the projects. For example, one teacher
countability is that it often does not
length of time it took specific stu- coming into the lunch room after a
allow for a process that teachers
dents to master specific skills frustrating morning sank into a
themselves can use to solve their
when he taught in his standard chair saying, “Why does it take so
own problems, to evaluate the ef-
manner, and then when he had long to get those children settled
fect of their own teaching practices.
students write out their thinking. down after recess?” The principal,
That’s what Action Research, in its
The high school teacher compared after a space of time and using his
current reincarnation, is intended
three different classes grouped youthfulness to make his response
to do. And, that is how it can be
into underachiever, average, and credible, replied, “That is such a
most helpful.
advanced. The first year, he re- good question. Why does it take so
quired only the underachievers to long to get those children settled
write. By the end of the year, that down after recess? How could we Recommended Reading:
class had average test scores that find out?” The assembled group Anderson, G. L., Herr, K. & Nihlen, A. S.
exceeded those of the average offered suggestions for collecting (1994). Studying your own school: An
group. The next year, he required relevant information, that is, good educator’s guide to qualitative practi-
all three levels to write and all data sources. They analyzed the tioner research. Thousand Oaks, CA:
three made greater than usual information at the next teachers’ Corwin Press.
progress, but the underachievers meeting and set up an action plan Brooks, A. & Watkins, K. E. (Eds.) (1994).
still made the most progress. Both based on their findings. Changed The emerging power of action inquiry
teachers wondered how much of recess procedures solved the prob- technologies. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
the progress was due to their abil- lem. By the end of the second year, Publishers.
ity to “see” the glitches in their stu- at any given time, at least half the Glanz, Jeffrey. (2003). Action Research: An
dents’ thinking, which allowed teachers worked on research Educational Leader’s Guide to School
them to respond with appropriate projects with questions ranging Improvement. Christopher-Gordon.
pedagogy. from, “Why don’t our children Glesne, C. & Peshkin, A. (1992). Becoming
make better scores on those read- qualitative researchers: An introduction.
In another school, a first year
ing tests?” to “How can we get Urbana/Champaign: Longman.
primary teacher, feeling confident
them to eat their lunches?” As a Hubbard, Ruth Shagoury and Brenda
about her spelling program and
side result, no one missed teachers’ Miller Power. (1993).
wanting to document its success,
meetings, or even came late. Rel-
could barely pose a pedagogical McKernan, J. (1991). Curriculum action re-
evant stuff was happening there! search: A handbook of methods and
question. She was already sure she
had an effective way to teach spell- A local high school became a resources for the reflective practitioner.
ing. What she did do was collect center of inquiry over a three-year New York: St. Martins Press.
data: lists, and charts, and spelling period by sending a number of McLean, J. E. (1995). Improving education
profiles, as well as stories and sen- teacher-leaders through Action through action research: A guide for ad-
tence work. In January she admin- Research coursework with each ministrators and teachers. Thousand
istered a comprehensive test of the working on separate projects. In the Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
first semester’s words. To her hor- words of one (whose initial project Nodie, Oja, S. & Smulyan, L. (1989). Col-
ror, most of the children failed it! could barely be called Action Re- laborative action research: A develop-
Though temporarily undone, she search), “You know, I’m beginning mental approach. New York: The
resolutely pulled out her data and to see the long-term effect of this. It Falmar Press.
poured over it, finally determining isn’t just what we learn from our Olson, M. W. (Ed.). (1990) Opening the
that her program led students to projects. It’s an attitude about teach- door to classroom research. Newark,
use a broadened vocabulary in their ing. When we have a problem in DE: International Reading Association.
sentences and their stories which this school, we don’t just sit around Reed, Carol. (2000). Teaching With Power:
was a good result, but she learned and complain about it anymore. Shared Decision-Making and Class-
that she had more work to do on We face up to it. We ask the ques- room Practice. New York: Teachers Col-
teaching for retention. Sometimes, tion. We collect information. We lege Press.
some schools actually become solve our problem. In a way, we’ve

4:2 Fall 2007 Teaching & Learning
Sagor, R. (1992). How to conduct collabo- ity of the results to larger which investigators maximize
rative action research. Alexandria, VA: populations. But this should not practical benefits with out dimin-
ASDC Whyte, W. F. (1991). Participa- necessarily detract teachers from ishing preexisting results.
tory action research. Newbury Park, in-class research because the pri-
CA: Sage Publications. Action and reflection are closely
mary purpose of the majority of linked mechanism by which inves-
The Art of Classroom Inquiry. Portsmouth, teacher initiated research is most tigators develop their own actions
New Hampshire: Heinemann. often directed at changing and and knowledge.
Livingston, C. & Castle S. (1989). Teach- improving what happens in the
ers and research in action. Washington, classroom or in a particular school The nature of the problem
DC: National Education Association . rather than at a board or whole rather than standardized proce-
Copyright ©March 2002, New Horizons for system level. Institutional con- dures shapes the process and the
Learning, all rights reserved. straints on what might be investi- results.
http://www.newhorizons.org gated and how the sharing of re- According to J. Rogers the tools
E-mail: info@newhorizons.org
sults might compromise existing of the teacher researcher include
policies regarding personal infor- identifying a problem and clarify-
For permission to redistribute, please go to: mation sharing and confidential- ing a research question. Survey
New Horizons for Learning Copyright and ity are always an issue within in- techniques, questioning and re-
Permission Information stitutionalized contexts and could flective strategies are important
impede the novice researcher. Yet references points to ensure that the
Carol Reed, a as Paula Friere argued action re- research question is the correct
long-time elemen- search, particularly that described one. After one is sure of the
tary school as Participatory Action Research premise, and objective, employ a
teacher whose re- or (PAR) is best suited to those strategy or intervention (action)
search interest is willing to critically analyze and that is aimed at changing or im-
social and organi- make connections between learn- proving the problem at hand.
zational change is ing and the act of transformational Analyze the data appropriately
also served as a change within political realities. A with appropriate statistical tools.
teacher advocate. paragraph taken from Theresa Assess outcomes and report these
Dr Reed was first Thorkildsen book “Fundamentals with plans and recommendations
president of her local teachers’ associa- of Measurement in Applied Re-
tion and then worked as a project for future practice or study.
facilitator charged with supporting search” Allyn and Bacon, 2005 pg. (Rogers 2000).
teacher leaders in a school change ini- 423 sums up what is generally It is important for anyone in-
tiative that involved twenty-one elemen- expected of those interested in volved to understand that one of
tary and secondary schools. She also pursuing action research projects. the fundamental principles of ac-
worked as the project director of a Action researchers engage in tion research methodology par-
teacher leadership program in a consor- reoccurring cycles progressing ticularly that called Participatory
tium that included fifteen school districts
and a local university before becoming from action, to reflection, to prac- Action Research is that the ulti-
an associate director of the consortium. tical theorizing to the generation mate goal of research is the radi-
Currently, Dr. Reed teaches professional of new ideas and back to action. cal transformation of social reality
development classes and consults on Educators, clinicians and other and the improvement of lives of
social and organizational change issues. professionals try to achieve two the people involved. The benefici-
Her book, Teaching With Power: Shared goals. They are looking for aries of the research are the mem-
Decision-Making and Classroom Prac- thoughtful, practical ways to im- bers of the community itself not
tice is available form Teachers College prove their own work, and shar- the researchers. (Hall 1975) cited
Press. ing their professional discoveries in Ryan and Robinson 1990.
with others. As George Richardson and all
A Simple Plan Action research has typically six the other contributing authors in
defining features: this issue have reiterated there are
for Action Investigators are the agents in a variety of projects that require at-
tention including diversity and
Research situations being researched.
citizenship issues, collaboration
Research starts with a practical and involvement, disparities in
(Part B) problem and questions that learning opportunities and self-be-
emerge from a particular setting. coming experiences, leadership
Actions are compatible with the and caring in institutional environ-
T eachers interested in Action
Research Projects in schools
should be aware that there is much
values upheld in the setting.
Decisions are made by consid-
ments and the betterment of learn-
ers within the context of profes-
ering a cost to cost benefit ratio in sional trust.
speculation as to the transferabil-


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