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Event Planning Project Rubric - Paper

Name: Luc Patberg

(2 points)

Category & Score Excellent Acceptable Needs Improvement

3 2 1
Date of Event Date of event is included Date of event is missing
_____3___ x 1

Length & Time of Event Length and time of the event is Length and time of the event is
included ------------------- missing
___3_____ x 1

Location of Event Location of event is included Location of event is missing

____3____ x 1

Explain the event Clear vision of how you heard Clear vision of how you heard Clear vision of how you heard
about it, how it was marketed, about it, how it was marketed, about it, how it was marketed,
____3____ x 4 how the event ran, what how the event ran, what how the event ran, what
different roles volunteers had, different roles volunteers had, different roles volunteers had,
and any other information that and any other information that and any other information that
would help the reader would help the reader would help the reader
understand the event is understand the event is not understand the event is
included. complete. missing.
Define Volunteer Role Volunteer role is very detailed Volunteer role is included but Volunteer role is missing
and defined not define
____3____ x 4

SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis is included and SWOT analysis is included but SWOT analysis is missing as
strengths, weaknesses, the strengths, weaknesses, well as how the organization
_____3___ x 5 opportunities and threats are opportunities and threats are can use the analysis to
identified. There is also an not clearly identified. There is improve.
explanation of how the not a clear explanation of how
organization can use this the organization can use this
analysis to improve. analysis to improve.

Total Score: 50/50 points

Event Planning Project Rubric - Letter

Name: (2 points)

Category & Score Excellent Acceptable Needs Improvement

3 2 1
Business Letter Format The letter is in business format The letter is not in business
------------------- format
____3____ x 3

Addressed to Event Director The letter is addressed to the The letter is not addressed to
Event Director ------------------- the Event Director
_____3___ x 2

Explain volunteer Role Volunteer role is very detailed Volunteer role is included but Volunteer role is missing
____3____ x 5 and defined not define

Event Improvements Clear vision of how you believe There are examples of your Clear vision of how you believe
the event can be improved. experiences but no clear vision the event can be improved is
_____3___ x 6 There are specific examples of of how to improve the events. missing. There are no specific
what you experienced and how examples of what you
suggestions on how to improve experienced and how
them. suggestions on how to improve

Total Score: 50/50 points

Event Planning Project Rubric - Presentation
Name: Luc Patberg (2 points)

Category & Score Excellent Acceptable Needs Improvement

3 2 1
Date of Event Date of event is included Date of event is missing
Yes -------------------
____3____ x 1

Length & Time of Event Length and time of the event is Length and time of the event is
included ------------------- missing
____3____ x 1 Yes

Location of Event Location of event is included Location of event is missing

Yes -------------------
____3____ x 1

Explain the event Clear vision of how you heard Clear vision of how you heard Clear vision of how you heard
about it, how it was marketed, about it, how it was marketed, about it, how it was marketed,
____3____ x 3 how the event ran, what how the event ran, what how the event ran, what
different roles volunteers had, different roles volunteers had, different roles volunteers had,
and any other information that and any other information that and any other information that
would help the reader would help the reader would help the reader
understand the event is understand the event is not understand the event is
included. complete. missing.
Define Volunteer Role Volunteer role is very detailed Volunteer role is included but Volunteer role is missing
and defined not define
___3_____ x 2 Yes

SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis is included and SWOT analysis is included but SWOT analysis is missing as
strengths, weaknesses, the strengths, weaknesses, well as how the organization
____3____ x 2 opportunities and threats are opportunities and threats are can use the analysis to
identified. There is also an not clearly identified. There is improve.
explanation of how the not a clear explanation of how
organization can use this the organization can use this
analysis to improve. analysis to improve.
Length of presentation Presentation was 8-10 minutes Presentation was 6-8 minutes Presentation was less than 6
____1____ x 2 Total Time: 3:34

Professionally Dresses Dress was professional Dress was not professional

_____2___ x 2

Power Point Power Point was used Power Point was not used
Yes -------------------
___3_____ x 2

Total Score: 44/50 points

Professional Dress:

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