What Is Education

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What is education?

 Education is when a person is given knowledge about something mostly at school by


 Schools are places that help you learn the skills needed in life

 Some education can be learning a new language, new belief and many others

How education can benefit lives

 Without education, you would not be able to read write and do essential things

 You can’t find a job easily

 Not as high pay when having a job

 Easy communication between people

Why people are deprived of education

 In some parts of the world, they are less fortunate then us because they have war that may
stop them from going to school

 Some families just don’t have the money for them to go to school

 Some countries have restrictions on gender

Differences from their society to our society

Our society

 School is a must

 No gender limitations

 Going to school is safe

Their society

 Going to school is a choice and many can’t even afford it

 Girls shouldn’t go to school

 Different groups try using violence to stop girls going to school

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