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*ALL INDIA 1* RANK 19 TIMES IN GATE* & *ALL INDIA 2™ RANK 10 TIMES IN GATE* te ett aching Sr ~OXTILIES J70,AAGENC, APTRANSEO, APPSC, CEM ee, Foca deiconc ACE ENGINEERING ACADEMY ji pn ome oss ofr etc oe es wewaceegptony co Sizack ote: Pte, 21488 Fram Bas Cos, Tote 0001 ‘nui ac pepriiatcon ACE ENGINEERING ACADEMY (Our Top Ranks (within 100)in GATE-2010 Branch : Electronics & Communication Engineering ‘CLASS ROOM CORCHING She) tame ‘GATE TT Tek Wo | Rank | Hae or [ranma | —eeriseiie || 7.80 [Foz [stancazeenupoin "| —f-ias0ss2_— [6 [76.35 3 [REE fesyooeisi | 3 75.00 | APES SOC eerismss | aw [nas 5 VIsiny NAMBOOSTATKK | —ec-risei52 21 [70.87 1 AGETATT SUM eectames7 — | 93-033 17 [ PW CHANDA NTE tc-issi0s1 — [23 [7033 (a [ AULA VSI teissons | 30] 62.00 RACKAVENO EA We [Reveen ceonce roma 38 | aa.00 renee (vs oruasaar emai | aa 67.00 eeyormois [aa [a.00 ~[—es1s0631 [aa [67.00 SAI MANGESHTDIIP | —ee-is70865 | 50] 66.35 | SUMTL KUNA reenie7ss | 81 | 66.00 Eee TE smieesn scRTAT Rares | wee 16 ENV LATA ee-cns0ws | 6 | 6A? | umaiaane | 2 17 [eRALA Se [98 eas RAGALINGESWaRA RAO, 1 DARISI PRADEEP KUMAR 75 ea. BULUSU SAT KRW 7560.00 [ao [ewnaawaTew 756.00 I] BHUT RASH RR ‘a [63.67 auwaseana [22 [arananes: ame | | 23 SHAT HOSSATIVAEE ec-700n273 | $163.67 24 [RAGHU Ran K Ec1s60673 | 98 | 62.33 35] eurewuan GroubaaY | —ec-1seos01 [98 [e233 ‘TEST SERIES ONLY. [ROA ecaaors | SY [ 6em0 Fr [Rabo THORS Cr a Sd GATE SYLLABUS COMMON FOR ECE, EEE & ETE ACE ENGINEERING ACADEMY EncweeRNe MATHEWaTcs Congrats ae Lear Age Mab Ar, Ste of Ine equa, pe vans ant ‘Our Top Ranks (within 00)n GATE-2010 —~ sien veco. Cas: Mean vave Dens, Teens of Mega cao. fsliton of Branch : Electrical & Electronics Engineering cinta st proper uo Paral Dative ana sna, Mate ‘og, Fourer sons Veco eres, recon! oe, Une, Stay So CEASE ROH CORTES ‘ate big, Sas, Cates and roe sens Ee | Wem ATE in Teka Wa Ra] aT Deel equtons: Ft itn es! a sores, Hate er ae tron rca unions wg cossnt cote. Noted wet of Vana weiaIeee sb reer aor Couays and Ede gute, ar boda va Peo | Rreosnanirnaba 8 | —eesaseaer 7} sar ee Comex vrs: Anais cot, Cauchy egal arom an ea | SUORAAR STRIRASUR | — FERS — sat pee ra apors tn ove vece Rosie Wem ston ayo |S aS mE |r a = Probaity and Sutter: Sonny theorems. Guna pbaty, Meo, 6 orem erm as rao Inedan nce and sandr dena Rendon vsbe, Bale sd tn uaa ‘ions, Poumon. Noma sna Bona Soon, Coneaton ad epson eS VAN RRA wera — arf ar ane Re ease] saa Num! Methods: Sobor ofc na: ari ton, sgl a mh Sepmetots tr detalii wef wees — Pas ars ia is ae ‘aslo Theory: faut tnaon, Lap ant, ant saxon oul ‘BOOKS RECOMMENDED: "OY setT ADT | eee — ast ae a Cs es Tie = ‘AuTHoR(s)_— | SaINASOITREDOTK | eee at aes Viger Eghestng Materia | 85.Grawe a a [WeIoMN VS Frama | —eeaTomS 70 waa = ‘ned Graneerng aonaics | Eww asreze a 1 enroute — tortor \ fee 72 RO FS Bea |e : = [aoa anit as Tear eaas Saamanat co 15 NRBROTAT ey war 7 z ae eee ramen t waensten Saisie Gur Biaroon i TEST SERIES ONY conor Vries [IN San Sits Soest RS 15 RIDE REORE aE ans a 8 Sus Xen BALA $$ CONTENTS BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS (Common te ECE, FEE & EIE) NUMERICAL MeTHo0S Y.V. Gopala Krishia Murthy ‘Managing Director Tone Linea semen * Maxine iii str ise) S.No. Chapter Page to. ie AG) "conten dine an ft : NOrQsaDeAC os {uimear Arceana oar + hematin tie {etapa ABBA (AB eco ea BS) : ae Wie AB 04 emai An ei sme 02 |eacuus “Theesoo A =0 dos rte ily at aes ono te matics Awl terme Fe Ao) [a Jb) 03. | vector carcuus so-6t te: Mepoluasve on sis anh fo main ‘pet no see aes Bia mith A nd Be ca ae gunna ec ai-0 04 |Prosasury & Srarismice “Utabeospgl (ie Al#0) an AB 6 te Biss mat rin Tecan MATE A Se mai i Be er ile 05 |urenewiat Equarions 89-108 ett esp dag wr ae emma ig te 05 | Founrer Senses 109-114 DAcoNA MATA ge i lo dg Be onc ow nd : ‘Bec rel amo (Pratt of dag ar ea le gen io we 07 | reansfon Tueonr 15 —338 Smet ABA) evan Marais spn i whan go cents L UT MAERN(OR Ien08 MATIN A Sa mae oe Topurx. VARIABLES 139-159 “ Sa ma a “asc: Te ofa mati he am of eine othe cp a 160-471 seca et) ‘Testo Tings of a matic A can Oe oboe by itrctaning he ro at ‘ohana af A Wisdetdby Ar Siihleamaicoor axa ten A'samsa teeta, satin Tap) eaten! Stayt" SAB) Ba! 2 BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS_ ACE Academy ‘yinemic so Sew Sorc Mares eA sm, A ese Rep ma bsken smear at =A. *itaisapqar mar en Dat Absa BAA eters IDALAla Ae pci * eye muvee wine mmf ein sew ame re AcUBA+ ADs Nt) 1 tras Be mcr in ABBA gm end ABBA skew set SA bamaate ace A espana re). : TEA Rawr oymene en A sew mien vee teal A mee weaicen Investor A MarR: IA iste sna mac fener. ena ma Bie ABS8A= hie cillodinnene ofA Aleit iAle wa gas "Boy ao lagu mii psenes ie vee (Ane = cw A" Gn eaBCDy! = DBE At Er + oh. aay =a" ema! =a : o ‘TosaeSepie mic Alepanetio. = A and A! are also symmetic, range Mati A sque mac Ais i npn mai A.A x DL TA istic ten A= ¢ (2G 1A wasp ton AT AY weak toa (Q)ICA2 wegen oft sane rer es AB alors Froramsor Drm OIA’ aogare ete =A "Note Ina general ener ot oc ree is, 2m el ingot a ian on ent ‘ame vale bt ches i Not" ine iy ie of emit pad oer ple fins lg etemit=( 8 where inal teint ae) ata (0. etait he if ale es ae ea (4 enh ement oie be mid by the sine hen the we eter ‘small it oe was. [hn By “ abl nk [ao ACE Adem Lean arcroes ; ie ne seb [kes Ne deme RAR, (6°10) en te in fe ce Saale. [abel - rons BEI § [SS] 700 -0Ctom pomeweny afemed) awa deed eed. [ogspefess casa seep [sss (cach cles of ie ea e-bay ements cf ‘nor mr jl le i eon ea aire (7 erin = eo instore sear mat ise oe ot einige of ean a (8A Bare sq mies ofthese oder te /AK = AB = fa ei itv sosigus mais fe ¥)665 dents} = Ay 10AFA eau maticefeern ten (IAG A) = At IAGAGANAP 1 Datei of Sew sie mais AT=-A) ofa eis. TR ICA mortage mice AT=) den Al = £1 abe 1a [A BG ware [SES] at ae [BS oe la 8 Dice ABCarartiort she then =A, wich scl Reipresl/ eae rai of a Me lhiet v ned 1S. A" isa age matic of ore ten RASA! whee kis const Ran Or Aran: iste oe fie on aig min of te mai. {katte he manic cua ote te ety det wv he mai 1 Hfamie A safe, te A cot tity independent Vcore (evecare rv atima of he a) 2 OND) 5 90) 5) GAB) = HA) AB) AB) < min, BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ ACE Academy 5, Rar agonal tics eget enon of one clanest ite dogo ‘ako uti A isu othe ber ofc 2 roca) te omens) cll form of ‘OL ICA isa na-singulse mati then al the rows fans vetoes) of Aare inary inipende (2.1 Aisasngr ate en vectors A ely depeder Now lemegeoes Syste of Line Egat 1 Taeuenef ear qatis AX=B aselon oat andl i Rusketa = Rank 18) + Tegem AX=Bhas Wilson an oalyt Ra()= Ras) =r of aries iy nty ay sto (A= AB) HAB) sD RAI2 AD 2% Te sen AK“ in ites mys Dee Dane eANCe alae = 2.iCAisa sumer detec AX Oe 60 hes Disled” DUA“O etAwanetvaites Arocha, lls tte sen AK =O hich ogi Mesum nine" "Dice se ‘ITierracatasv id alain 9) sae, 2 The yom AX= Bass isnt aG)=o0.ovaisinte en f)=ANB) Satan Snal>e A HA) waa 909 gene 2 Bemvtmcticmmie (21 a) ae Rat i 83 129) au sara sary S.Bearieefbemaie 62-9 1) we (8 ) ae 9620 v0.20 903-0 de SAN dy wesgmaheoféenaticft 6 2) tentetbicpa ize Gy i be os oe S81 Windge lect 6 12 nent tar dn tes ne ( ac es Ray 6B pete may FOND Hettiay ww BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ACE Acadss sit ithecipen vale oft sel a 6 2) cathe erp vast 6 7 49 90.19) yes ay 4032) ‘9. Wichfthe fog an eigen vr oft mi 6 : ‘j : O21 0 naan baan — 9@an | Hh st unihafefowingiranien vertex (sf) sere? tigen vue = 6 i 2 aa) va Je) oan $9.112,2,arecigen vlesof amar 6 2 ‘ieee 2034 24 pumpin on-sapr Oekenermatis a4 12,2, 8a igo vaso tematic & 2 7 pay 20 bt 2 a3 forte maiic =( 3-23} munerte flloine a3 oo 4 Tein aes Foe 0.54) yori awit 96 2 Tein aes 1 03,5, -U) (5,14) 8 ¢18,-15,18) (6. Te sign aus 9A psa ese TTA ates) AOS OIA Techn vaso ASA) Os) WE asi9 ARID NALD (65 Tsien vaso A ae 3a) A ae ee a orton (2-3 3) teins ofA! a fo 1 2 p00 on Lame) — Oho) dons nterit Atco LINEAR ALGEBRA u mb ft Tien ie ae i reg = AC ‘ oF 3 Semmcte deind fig ae tpt ine a lnkpnte: ae vce fr, ae Cee * ye oat oa in (0 0 1) wiichorwefsuowingismeige veer 7 DUD HALL) oon 90.40) ‘Forttemsex {2 0} ti ae oo . 0 20.09 O19 9H BBO. narac(s 2}seat : ee bat yas asi mites (i 23 a)enat~ ois 6 @ 00 4 ou ya ath ae PICA RI ot texas 7 Oxo bme0 OKO HK te sam an pratt the ie als fe matic one ee ( 2 mat tee mg Ba 1. napandeestagt tee ESTEE am goatee aH 76. The eigen values of real shew syrametric matrix are ‘or emer ee 1h ne nie ee ing em ee retaaeetgyennt : a rs a ta ot os ene ite 0 isthe hrc enon ofa mai Aten a 2 2 12__ BASIC ENGINEERING MATIEMATICS_ AGE Asner Taw areas ac eA olen ‘jon singolar ——_€) orthogonal 4) symmetric 1 ata eg va fermi ho. nang aneoT A A aces oS oe os s2.wnsh ofthe iloinginatnige vent 2 mae Teo iano Co) rs Go etn: remanent haafs) - (& (oo) Deeps “benpaed moron oetihet Fl Ge “oD Mf eS 3 15 neste thot pm at yr az at om 17 GD be nn arse thn seermietABCD-Iihen SABE DEERE TSC emma CHEM) er min ate ens oen ONE oae00 cele amy ye dtataias sls naw Ten an oan cay ih ot oOo esa ea Hamat) )smiaQa Nd) dsmin(ah) (Gao 20) SS (38) sect at ek eet eine eon sry ver of osteo eutns ve fiey way luont a0 Se es snl many swrenmetonmen | | (oote2100) (ae) os ba o 90 ACE Aeadem LINFAR ALGEBRA B Hotta sottematix A=fi 2 3 6 ose) oi bm oo 2 ie 13 uaa wnaa onal) Ome Baie ton ens The no gn a te sag , 5: Ream oftwamsinglrmeicstaytemmsingia, (Gas) ‘shot loving ance Jaageetne D4 Stebb ite Osieseatsy oe Ssiabemts se Tetecamtotiemic (2 006) Dodo (om Ha — of yo ons 420 94 Anns ay Ven fli ‘Walls Heralt Teisn iis a0) Tesmoteenaaeltean vi” . ” Dat ont=me2 a) Ad be Se Ge te Weed ea thb Ihe de Ie he BD Bia Lb Me de Ra dha te Mh he 7 Ma Ma Md de Dd Ge Me = Ghd Se she Sib Ste soa son 2 Ge Ga er ms Ga we Ob Ma Me Ta tee Td Td Me Ma Sb He Ba Hb Me Ha Ma Be te moe Marux AUGEsRA (ADDMONAL. PROBLENS) |. Cometh ills of usin esr el vil and Satta seo? eg (GATE) Daunig soln mort or ba amber of ie ‘Danie mer of ses nm BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ACE Academy 2. Wate iene the aowg 2 Pea coxre'vy, rr tan tae ams yaan-t Casi th mri Xiny Yan a Py Tests of(PX" YT we nee wae oe O34 (GATE “Condi on singers yt ie gui reeseing mately ‘Snover Stein sty, S57 lb (ao ‘)Conssegravng sug ion) Cosi having my snr incest namic saoe ost hang Wo alos 5. Cai the system of tations (cate 09) ‘ArssXort = 8 Not ‘wes salar Lt) Be nie ala ons coed ig er Fete mh Lat ioe bel mati Wah oe fe llowing Patent ot Fors nmopeneus nn ten fleas (A~20) tiv ato, kof estan Forma A" mean oie iene (A 9 tee ge pra SHURA thn p= ral IFAT Ahan yee all vag anon 6 The determi of te mai ven Blois (care ‘v5 ] a bo a 92 “Linthemati gains 9G whic fe long ie teeny cendon be inmeluat ein ohewatorvear Semel naif] ae tee aks ai ‘arr O matte cal ton ee lee arte igale 4) Mare? mat ue Forte asic coat 05) oad e-fo 3 1 0g mere cates Wik fe nag eee? Py 4 1 1 ACE Acton ___uweawatceme, is é 3 ‘) be Wneemsimnin tal ay soa 4 . : a UR tend as etm poe ae tmemtaimeyragengelirnic ene He Die hcemunmas nea ee Seat a depen ans ee inept ne Leif chon ote lowing angen coro matic = 0 ' : , 3 oe ee won at aga ut Bireey WUaA- (2-0) ant 8° (12 2) maton — fat G4 (2s) emerms carey orm yar ome ua {6.0m opi ic eee les tee) gs oun ‘ 3] ek [BASICENGINEERING MATHEMATICS __ACE Acad ‘ ee TE Ee a9 a oo ome se tonto ma ae F]eomnenrson care Where ais real nibs wrens oe ee | | 7 wn etree beets a a a ‘Siism oo Shute mearircenor ita cto tte mind amok ormscene AX=B te eye pane ie Aine i: Bis 2% enn et Veh belgie? care 0 Meters no AA JS TeaB sense rere uo xg tin Oifaicad iss soe eur tne yuan it ty ens Shain alive sas eam ae sora ok Aire key tba 34 44 50 6a Ta BE oh me md He Ub Hb 14 he Ma kd 19, 204 aLb. me By ACE Acydems LINEAR ALGEBRA : PREVIOUS GATE QUESTIONS, OLA teeny ‘A -lanyhear vines sect Than he inate of auaon Ys anor) ()20:0hion (hava sltn (6) ote thn ne a nay any pede ste (iin ay dpe ons 2 LaA=[a 15) en os 28) J ogg + tan) d= 2 : 1 Tse corte oo Ssabe2 patie? atin ° 3 Wenonah. eae. 29] i910 vcaPoneee "yhoct=22 Win ohm nist herve) Se yea om owe ROBLES : 2 0 Texreeneev y= win ‘ iy ae bab xt ania) m bet 2 on : } 31) fx. Sine Costs d= naar bomb shoe ian ow ous | Siem bysenss goer ; . ay} eas | 2 Fam (00 moe at jad do be o ow a een oo ry | 2 ay Ta gh 5 —iapte= on 2 ied: ae oe ot ova . — . a : 39 fideo soja 2 Jace 7 re al was 0s, ais ae on o ot 28 _BASICENGINEERING MATHEMATICS__ACE Acai 39) fsa oe oa om 40 sol stor a= oe pe mE sys = ° a a snl otccures oe pwr sais ant Inrnoren INTEGRALS 6 or brweetoh, , + Yoey dei ao be nipping find «+ Japa sito tan poe neg fem nd 9 sine fron a PO orale + Fao raid tecmesentte cote a se qosan sa erarint 0 jen cme be | 98 « yanaceevtr alent dons te [née cee et ant tt ma $0“ ema Tro amtin tomer soe + Feat) comers erp Land vers when pt + Term aan fe cones tony tae p> On eg fr 9 0 ACE Academy CALCULUS, 2 » Theinegal | eX? scones itp <1 ‘ Theil | dae meget p< Scar oni na ha 8. gw ose sd Lt fafa] ite ai 0) hn rosetlen accom iver pate. Suppose scons in (bw) eas I an gf ae bigteay postve se el -1(nte ant0)hen i dey) covers or verge og. PROBLEMS, 29) Wie of he long popes ite deren af taestna dfeettwye of bent Of. Sax ie ote ong meroprinsgais erent at estnds feta ofa alice “° ° 1 0 41 Whe of easing oper ici vege t ej 7 * sf teretiae —vfiernte—m oF wea slain 1 1 ‘Anette org eae aihintae vhiveac oftware ofan d : 18) Which of be ftowin ingore ings ive. be etde mitered — oa togete — a fanice ‘ a 0 “ BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ACE Academy. ‘0 Got tone w= face ve at he Figs neste ih fe loin se 96,8 verge bs coment 1s samerge at ident ‘Dandearederesm Seesaw heehee : shuima witsmye elite olti-vnas A \ ql ° so Wate dengemeshegen olurtessene wf sr icign? ofan otto 9 Wei vi neritic Teese vee sata 9 110+ 1 @ feeracne-n coor 9 [nite oe eg rinti fun wie wievtoros abes?-2) alee ») htt ies Js e-0f-2" 6 ote retire 0) 2 — oT 4 Sant 9 fare a-n"1 2 es nie Part Dertivs and Total Desa: eye M5a bores (e+) (13) alr) A631 ceo ia =i) (2a) (0/0 =o! )~! {ae 21/2) = (0! 2) “hy {@) 241 20)= a! 820) F Inne fo Ee ACB Acton caucus "srs Tormey) a meet agate 3.2) hope tin gen ea PS = wens {fir Hf) et ahmrttnhg s Dyucy wath Det Bae 6e) (6409-1) + Guna f6= 0,3). Hay) wh har homoge faces of deer ect en Dagar tom sgt Bah a Bera +9 spain Fa Taal devntve 1 itu 3) whe xan fiona dre fx ith eet i °y Netw Srey =u 9&4). 149 + ting intestate Taras) 9.149) so eed radi dee Fit en ay tere + = tinny tes isa ate s)he x= 409“) ‘i dy ino pay (ra}ztoun ova) 0) ronan ‘oye ineg wiht vinci elagon x! + xy +y'= is Tape) bear ose seri me +39" tp? nagar Bevgonr cence) eat ROS state? P= ent -3)2(1 ~a'hye goat? +y*) bya Ga +b) Comte +y) 8)2 nie bps? Come’ +7) ay 2a =H) HE Cone + 42__ BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ACE Academy, 3) IF Sindy Cue) en! = ‘e Sie ona o-4% sole Pa8 af 2a Ve? he Vat Vir Vas . Le Sarr? Dearie sp U0) 2h) shnx ety U4 Ue 0 oe Oye amie if +2) en Vat Vga bites pit ey 2 ayer snitt= ty over re y+ tet Uy Um SOLON WeAKUHTH "IMyssra oem S14 whee x= say = Sif en Us Uy egrinta, Hira Ora-We aeo-rlo soya =o 27430) GE #2 ten Ut 42 We Tea teat atid" CAD INU blot) /(x-y ten tlt 2-Uy Un bs 3 ‘aus yi ~cose' +9)! Dey Us Huapeat HewIncad "|aayind Cra) at ay = 62 #9). ene Van 289M + Uy 30 ‘pau spe—m Sesh ym1-Siaaey—_ DUE Fy Cone ita 1 ye en 29 +910 8 2 D9 Lat Dae 30 Daas a MME eaitue nes) wagon yandsma yen UB = 2 ath 9-2, D2 Ge) = Rey, 9-2 2 en Ue He 330 bu oa! 990 Geuzaiayyoheex-e se any EE Bena. Ded y ty Dx Ley dy ORI Le RDI y= C9) +0 CS) en al Y= me pe ote” ac 1 =e 42 +2) eH Ua ST yanaryes) 89) exer) 90 oy sre) Ege ny? 4220 ten e+ 4B? . Gey wesetyia ealteryes? d)-9etyea? ACE Academy ccaLcuuus 3 Te te ra ° ‘pa ‘omatyU a4-9U “Maxima and Mi ae Med tach macnn eee nel (0.8) soul Sacha lal>fah alae ba ‘ino tama a2 ha xi ame nel 6-8, 5 nd {tn a 0 eter miu ori 0 ay taado at 28 1 27 Be "mn amie asd pon ‘Dk oti 6 ima 11) Arcinulrox open theta is ve aie 52 Fi te meses ‘again in emancon See Stamienten oieemlonien steatenion yay 24e- x-i3eate= Da toe Samim Semmes San Flt ‘Contrined Main o Minin Seiten omni of =, whee 2 ae eomect by WA = 0. Working Rae) Wie Fl 92) hobuin hepato 2) Sole the owe ans le with 2) Flake minimum vente Premera 6 ne wR 2 on My Fla te maimum ae f+ 42 taney H2 1 a oi oun 5) Divi 24 io tee ay dun? mina Det SRI 368.9 6810 fo Le T4009 nd mato vibe of Tota? +742 380 So ‘3200 300 1 Fine lune ofthe pet etna parle tata eins ealinaacen) (PR) el sake Syabel sepa / NS habe NS ACE Academy caucus 35 8) Whats teva of en Sic (carers ° a vo al ox key Oe We DLs Oe Ob O6b UT Oe OA IDE the 12a Tb 1b 1S 16 Ie ID Be hatha Ma mb Mb Ba KA Ma Me We We ila Me Me Me Ke Ba Ma Ha Wd Md Md Db A Aha Me He Me Hd bes SLE Ne BE SK Ge Sa Sa She Se we Gd @b Coe Ole Ga Ga Gd Lb OA M Ts Da Bb Mb Kd Who M4 Wy MD Ma se De Hy He Bb Wa te Hh (MULTIPLE INTEGRALS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS DOUBLENVTEGRALS ey Consider doable nepal | Hy) eva fens ous 3) Wien 2 fines of and x a ests i) it itp ith repel esp x el beter ime yah he SOE pes Inept with eect wine ii, nl] Faane a When se tons fy and se cata) et ise wi pst epg acini and eligi Steed wh espe betwen iis, a2 lft sone i), When bot palsies ay ars heh me fei ‘ihre adh wih eet rie es (CHANGE OF ORDER OF INTEGRATION 1 einai rsh in, ang of or of aneraton cans its ‘tien Tor up ene lant sys veo dw arog eth oe ‘ep mein. 36__BASIC ENGINUERING MATHEMATICS __ACE Academy DOUBLE INTEGRALS IN POLAR CO-ORDINATES fe Toone! ff) we fainepoe with pct or ews and 8 tecpngO ined an teeing exgreson ited ws = 005 hie lop ae eno © fy, ae eae ‘DurLe ovteGRALS ayn teat! FF gaya dnd MH les cont. icon feo xan oe te ces or ftes ol hen nega elites ist fo yo) wr wen he i a sig 0 7 Then open gate wry btn he iy an Hoping nea ‘Theis nid ny eb et 0% mE he} ‘CHANGE OF VARIABLES Avaric of co—cetintes ue fans the eatin of doe wile nega By chaning the arlene pl an be nome tos ple nega wang ene rales 1) dnb integral et easly eager yw ye ‘aor 5=600),9") ae («ad ya aria acount onde desi sone ‘Rp nthe Wane wich eorepuds te ein Ry he) = le, Then Tea pide 1) ous) yo Dae Re ba Wher 5. HD 1 $23 oo) ‘ste esi astrrasn (10,9) pines, 2 Forge tgrt he ala cosposing (is FE eshte = TFA ea). aa Ree We 5 MEAL 9) av ‘te nin sortie (32 0 ( 9) 2 ote SCE Academ CALCUL Zz Parente Cae: ‘To ctange Castano orto 9 oli one, wekavex= rey =r sn and are a J] fapsedyF} Aros t,exn 0) rd) Ry my 19 Te cone eae cots, 2) sel bones 9.2 hvex=pcochy=paihe= tat, Men? abo Beak FF andy Ron fincas 90g) Re i) To chmgs rea co~neaes (2 patil oar ~ontes (8, me Mersey erik rend a BI) Pango *P si ‘Then| I) oy.) due = {Hes coh 8 ih reo? on Ree Rae 436 _BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS_ACE Academy Provtems ave ‘cnet ore ainepaninteineeal =f J Aesddeds aes) am) 1] TP tsdrde 0-3) si and 4 2 alot? 8 ove he inde ete te ids syn rol te following ial a - al Fy aeay a) " aS Peevey 0) 385 angie 1y/8 ng 37 (x ta 42) affrydedy. overt unin ftecites? sy? Aa) sllinte+y)dcdy ovrteasebeweny =X andy=x, AB 86 vt ts tong italy aging def ioeaton of Pay sme : sen nl PP sna ‘myo at NOE Ac CALCULUS » af Tenants rn te ni Tatrme sayin te 1s de | fi poet c= -cn) tae el i A 49 15, Sow hath si dO 20, rR tender = 2c sont — wore | PPcssouie aie yin fe) wore PPP aie 1 ITF xtyededy de As) 713 4 seen) wf FPP ae ‘mm soit Perma th no zybataf yey oto Rint og ne pe thes (,0)6,112,2)0, 1) ute te tmomtonu=x-+yany=x=2¥. Ax) 21 fer ayy clanging pcos. ec show hat f me $0_BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ACE Academy |The iterating asthe vale (oxrE99 seelog=1 Dowex xe) Not ee 2 Te one geet by olla ese undo th ual P= Bean te ie xa2auty isis (euresy ies b)siiabe ——epT/Se Neate 3 Thefinoa y= +250 atx 5 aie (este 99) ‘Neca ‘Mniney Neher o 4 The vlc of inte en ae hem of RE) =) = =) (D6 {yn ac bec Gis toure 99 sere yes oor Haat 4 Tien pound hy he panbola2y "anh nese =)—4 sel te (GATES) 96 ie oe aoe be sbve 6 rig be eatin rhe (ATE) a 2 4 23 aiftenga —viloaned of Fonda 1 aged ee ey ox én 1 Tem ne eben! sare (CATED aa ene ‘Seen ot SLi sie coat vy 0 emi (oares, a bo. ol 9. The ton) =x 1 onthe itera (20) 6 ‘control edt 1 concur onthe al ot cu a pis 2) ett cononsror erate ‘Sct pte 10. The finction Re) -p- 629+ 25a care 99) sjemmimaatsl adamininasts=3 3)aming atx 3andaminn t= 1 ‘nomena balamainaate= 3 d)scmcnatn yt i. 1 At) = 200 9) 1-2) over aml pet nd of 0) exist by i ‘nen yale oem re (GarE75 aitsza" 822,225 922528 epameattbeabne ACE Academy. CALCULUS a 12. eftnion is comionoue a pint itis vate |) shay oe ray not exist ‘dheciss ahvays imide Staten Sisesee e 13 Ady vey = = y= gen (ATED rs by tomer 14 Tiecane givin byte euson += Se, q ommalsits nin” Yamnti bya? Siommccalabetineyss Saag yah {Spo ih apd of (caren oe on Sie vicemisminegsonetteving (GATE) Dae om o Ip ex nk «fren (carer ‘) sis dzone a0 2yisdeominns acs = Sylbon sect a Boye ee disninousatx 0 nue] Taam Wor i oat ne Ge 2 an) he neta 2) fa, b) f(a, 6) = 0; yah <0, 8) BR, peckbsteey Mev Oned-e lah Towa StaD-Gad-e A eiaeamiet) 2-Tie Tors ss eps fas re Dee presacatars,. OPM Oxo eate ests eae evs (ate (cares 21.A disbursing as re ‘Tonrsos ta Foucees cee) 1) tinker srs ant ye ses set lees Fie te hc Ty's, Bey Fou ses titer econ Hn a ie oe yo oe o Garw9y S2__BASICENGINEERING MATHEMATICS __ACE Academy STE Sele Nreamradt — Raaeteson 2A. ot eit en fe (carer an = Ho oe oa 2S hm nimi a ect) ss coe eeeocrebe vases) (care 20 2608 ‘ Piecomac ais we Or om @ Telit be nen fo) (ta) ane->-oie gen by (GATE-200) a Donel oe aoe 28, The aia rd ing of ein fx) = 2 ~ 152+ 364+ 1D ca especies, : arm DU Bey date eyez (Gare 20005 — pao oF 92 Haag Pe necteatenety in tonne trot a)diwges — Detavemeio I e)eawerpst-t? — eomentsws 31. Tee veot tenes t feo dx (are0y pane bate ent ante Which of be fonog ions ie izeatiein te domi? (carewy Dfed=2 papel — fered fl mamam sa) 3 The late olga eas (area 2 sizer +eony de an te bz oo ACE Academy CALCU 1 4. The vale fie llonng npr iar ir eins array o om bo. om a 35. The tion iy) = 208+ a (oareay only ono (0) 2) ew selene pat 0) an (U6, 1) to stony fina 0) (1). Sonatina 2a ea carey > oe 27a ewe lym ey aus 6 uy an aide! Aiea reOmdy-aeobjdelgboaemin —_ (arEW 2 Se ee” lel ith tattle (EW s VTP hewapaove Rentestbein yt ee A MembeeSetnelo hye ee oarevy Eien oo i tea ge ‘Pet 9) 2h ine sew Bie toa ee ral boc Oe or a feates ed oaiegae carey vate gale otfeatrmon am 44__BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ACE Academy {e.chagog eorer othe iaegrtin inte debe I= J fn drs HE axaninae vats? (oar 05 aay 6? ox at 4663 a chng of rit nay) = wan) = Wine dl nepal he ner tng nh) a Ta 429 8 orre¥9 oa Saree Oo on xe Le 26 38 de Sb Be 7h Eb SME Ba De the 1b a tha Whe Wa Md Td BA Be Ae I. Maca9 264 27.4 Ie Wa 3d Ie Dd Be We Ib Sea J7b 3he 8a MO Mle Ba Ha Ada ACE Academy CALCULUS. a PREVIOUS GATE QUESTIONS, (4 The teeta Tn Cy eonanutce t= ay! Toe heer in) 0 o Tewbeat | Jove days avaersi) Surtees 71 oF oF fos eI om, «a on ot (6. Apmbalic able else 4 Sarena clon Te (2.Comiderti ate wimgsiregon gg nner hownin te fp ‘Pease gis Te [jose oma. : f ait oferty = F y he xt zt cosins 1 {Suyote vertnal ding wh be ‘Sigur be cce of trae The ‘preston ra pe pats (ce301020 2 et @t o2 @2 o oferta (ffs, ie ona fron ede) 60 1D. ‘Give cess, x2 $2 evel an 3 “300.209 4 oe (offre of Poona = ae orf fe! o | Pevee 6 Tepe y= x28 ae reload crate Te an ‘cane of elf 0] frmnaay (eatin ee wt : 7 @f fxnecay ot ot 46_DASICENGINEERING MATHEMATICS__ACE Academ Tr Ream oie ofFetie = fons acca arent esos 6 coafatcae) afte @ 2th (dy 220 8 Fore econ fh) = he ‘Soma ccs hen ‘ses wr Ot we ws renting fas ise 2 desnmate 82 we tse fe ater She ae : (EE-2005.1N) ot ot @ i.e, be mam leo = xan) a Gt me Wet 12, Carer fnton 0) = er ‘ibe Te te en 0) pars ‘ (comin ant lille (Gene ites bt ie {Ghee fatale bt ts, (Ghee direst 9 1 © Wumdened Male | tex} ola panera eo of of oF is.ttys xe ferrin fen 32) ‘one-20726) (ap4ten) nly rety—fUnetne 16, Whats te vat um a won eal rramo7.199 tF_ 0 (9-2 @bimidoes ots 1. Forte ten) = oY ‘einen he pout (0.05 ‘orate. (asl minim (ihr ec sia (8) {ial mania (ate exon ACE Academy 19. Tfoionng sows tony ‘thane ah The la ft ipa = ft @22007-190) 3 ay veh% 1 O25 @H OS 2 Forse aco etna spsotanton oa x ie ‘eCPM @O-ye I= beac fine oe 21 fans patois ION) or of of ws 22 Conse te atone) 384-2, Tart ale of) 0 he hse nena 48 ‘ecat7.2m fou wo 9-225 (@indewmioae 23. Come te tio 3) = (4 ‘nee a pmb Then ie fines as EAM) {90x ee iia ()0n3 teenie (the minis {@)Tiwesina 24 Gveny = +2 0 te ae of 4 Echo enulto— @N-208-m) @o OF @n OD CALCULUS, rn v2me8n (inleernite 90 or = 26. Te een "fr a> 0 ou = Ox Ex} O-' 2. Caserta == 6449, “Temavne va caine sen as oer Beal 03 ie ‘avaoen2N) @t ws es “os 2. Ferra vas of ins, ‘luo he anion ne "cams, 2 @! was we 2, whic of lowing fet wuld vec al pov fx ine Toe {es expnson shou th pit? ‘eam tsa?) yaa’ Game eaeh 50. Inte Tales empnon oe + se xabat he ontn =e ett fbn? SEI) Be ase Geer Oe 31. The a of ep of Fitton 96.3) «10 alang te — ‘sig ln mpm! spose (Chea pated ith ioe & \ec300820) 2 ass © se Late Tyr sies expnsin of sown 2 ect of 2 : ‘sass of oF of «f 48__BASICENGINEERING MATHEMATICS_ACE Academy 5. Thevatueof Li 2, The meena taween ie cares weet Pe beandx dye QE20OIN) : gram ig oe 2 oe ee : ‘ 4. Te Tn sss expnion of emia btnarms | aes ceaMn ff ofctow 35 Teleghoftecaney eevee 208K 18 Tet dev of te ton eee = gate Bay “frwvne aot gy ee ee pinta — a ae aus (6. Te als fie gly, where Pe faetacs—(eeam0N) 0 Oe wie {ite tey aa (2CAM03N) Theda bawern th xg nd ‘Be pin crt onde srice (onammatne Baexye OHH. tmnt a {ejmainum =e! or of ef @2 gaan AACE Academy CALCULUS, 2 45.16) enh vale of ae j sot OCG sh. Thealotteinegat fr, : ee | wok ob a OF. 9F OF ar $2 sin ee game Ce ©} OF @1 w« ies Reet atx (es eominoar Ye Rand ile Reseta2 (seminar Ve Rand ene sox Sad ional ye eset Pe (comer 9 We |e @ an 2s mee cd ina tan 2 cceamnaso emahatesio~aNanioaN Ge Os @1s wo ? 3 2 om 2 w« 19. fae the fee: See ie . Comey EE tntiaimegate mo OBS 3 et es eo oo oe bem ot State : Books he amaimneqato# Bi Bet tt R 90. The infite series a = Ba wea Bi coarse” ommenn eh Gey” eyes ome OS osm Ge aR Basic ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS roric-3 VECTOR_CALCULUS * eso een oper, Da. wien ay Wide by vera] 8 om Leta. beac anton. reo of, 3,2 writen Wor grad aes y eS = (eon ena F+onea)E 1 Videos veto +1689, 2) = any eet ite tice * Teco dete of, 92 ta pl pt 3,2) nea GI ‘Tectonic hit bias PROBLEMS 1) Fn ait onal lease? = 2-260 -, fe (EES) 2) te en ni.) ase alone j-2 5 Fin Sesion diate of te frton =x =y! #22 2.3m fe ston eR uiaed=.05, asad Find Sica deve ofa? +22 a, 2,3) lng Za £5) Wistert de of ny? +e, 11 inte eto of noma {ede ewce lg ey =A ACT, ‘us (SNIT (6) Fn te ics dra off92+/) aE, 1a en wc ahs 3° wi tie asi SCP Academs VECTOR CALCULUS 51 ‘ie wa ect or i, 1s destin evo = ns tea ok 1 Wat ste seats at ofits oK ye i103)? pane oem of Kay? atte poi 10,3) pt FoF yaa ey ee i) lag= (2) womens muineare 10 tose eens + 12 Sea 4 sth 1,2) ‘ Pe : sna r0%2» 20 in eet ey -a-Pep sn Spon 1D Show aut (CY). T=} von salar con, an em } fe stoePeaTeyTeaT tognegr ca, +V Re0-> Aisle TH.aH + V6 Disc Lape spate +0 adapta opertr §2__BASIC ENGINEERING MATHENEATICS_ACY, Academy ACE Academ VECTOR CALCULUS PROBLEMS pit Feat eyjozk then v= ae 2. fend 44-18) sisyjtekten 9A ras Pe)* 0) ore aneata iP? vans anc ae aw 12 v%0e8 ose inv Gm a0 1g 9 Rio vst Ki eld naan PROBLEMS. 2 nex= jah afyT—2aT +e se ic At 12) aCe) fe a) 3) Find corsa boat V= (029 a) (heya) +e ep + 2S oan Aga ab=2en oven past ‘VECTOR Ierriies Kona ae dentable vostro, mal fed ge ileal sano poston 9) ten Dye vFe ve Avo. 01K) Co xiye wai) 99-(B)=(00.Rse0e-A 9 x4G)=(0D eR xR) 99h) BHR. Ox 5v xed 9¥.0eAy= Wy va@eDeverdy-eF PROBLEMS 1 FoF yz Kant e= Fen mower eon ay9.@F ase? yv.ciel= cory ov.Gine Aste ayaa raed oweciey= ans 2) nda ital en «Bi ‘ms So 39a (aad )= aed 0 fond ge ieee eins te (OF Ve) 8 ‘ne Sei 99 (Ga S4__BASICENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ACEAademy | Ripon sagan’) . maga DY men Aas 3 av cal ow 2 VECTOR eTEcrATION {ove bereoras In gee any ep wishiets beeen lng sealed tre er Lage=xFe 9] rake poste vray pit (3,2 na cue Citag te pons Pe “ We txmelt Cicompsed a ate numberof ave fr ea of wich) tae somites dee 2 Teta AiT+ Aa] Av Ete diftenibevestrtion, Tenth Inert angi compen a A song fram nh PRg Pater rae Roo * Rate fc Fon pte wong slang i i ier pee he wok oe byte ae +f cizesinple coed cur hen neg ond C son dente by Siar c ‘erly a imei sia ical cin oa C, sere A ree th ley SIA V6.0 «A=Dpina rein Roe, he Df sFisinepede fp aing Pantin 2){K 47-0 wound ay sd cane Cin c ACE Academy VECTOR CALCULUS s PROBLEMS Foo 7] eats aF ag € wives amy 2 (0) (0,9) 3 Brat FF m0 01 (1 ng th loving pts 1) Sei in ot 0,0) a0, 1), tye sh oes om, 0 0,1 3) Fin eal work on nove pile ina foe ld nen by pO 001-2 Koes i nig 0.000, 1) MF = (00/4 21+] Se rie te fl salar ton Sa it P= ‘tn previ xr, Ga he vor ae by Fi moving a objet chi el 2, G14) aa 28 SURFACE INTEGRALS igor aioe wt south ufc and lj 2 fete er oxime §. Let Peasy ott on anne ew vcr inthe dant of ‘cde nora othe rice Sat HVE) morc tera "Brahe 3) 48 whee A= 27+ kad itt pe tes he thee BRP asi ich ne it xt. 2) Bale f(A») 4S whee A=2i 4-37 Tan ite ute othe etn 24>! [nae inte es ose btn = Osa Net [65 — Ar of s S6_BASICENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ACE Academy VOLUME INTEGRALS consid clei Seca oune Veen Ti AaV af § 3 a xml of tame tegrals GREEN'S THEOREM 1 Risa od ein ofthe ny le ound a singles care ani oN ae iterate fnctons ond he Tatas ray I(t = Oy c nla a, ‘ire eve in psi dion PROBLEMS ‘Bute ay +74 +9 dy mtr eave of region bound y= ad y= ait 2px #9) +x 39) wh Cicada in tetera stave inthe sve see ros sy aut? 897) + = 6) her Cis te oun of he eon eid by ‘c xeoysoxeyel 858 2ayJand isthe tg inte ype ‘trata 2 = + ouside = a 36 yay Flue [A dT wheeA=(c~y)T+ (e+ Jand Cis andy of he eon teaniedy ye ands=y aes GAUSS DIVERGENCE THEOREM 1 ste vole dela cl uric S ant 9.2) siete ‘str festonicn LOGS He Rev ‘Whar ipastvonomal a ACE Academy VECTOR CALCULUS st PROBLEMS ite) utes temo ee pees #41 at y+ and item bud by pba 3) aS ten x-Qeehys0yo2ant*Oad2 yeaa dS tec asT-y 1 whan Site ste eae eux =0.x= so ‘nae FR Basa =A -2°F+ Pk teeny eipeha-bante= ‘oun aftaiadsistespiaer +y'e2=1 STOKES THEOREM Let Sis an open, two ~ sided surface bounded by a simple closed curve and A(x, y, 3 ‘sa differentiable vector funtion then ee ee [as di= [| (7A). wre irene hepsi enon, ewe ie PROBLEMS DifaTaeecideanes +74 a0 2) Lyed + x dy + xy de where C isthe curve. x+y" = a ay ‘yt |9. Foe r-y)T-y}-y2 Tal Cine bo of eager e talfcen fe phan +4 $8__BASICENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ACE Academy, ‘DEnbige| A. dP ubee A=()-2+2)7 + G24} azo iseandny of be c lecwex=Oyr2-x-2y 2 Dar ey yas 1 QUESTIONS = “V1 1. Te diciong devine offs) 22 +3942 atin RO 3) nt dona wheveenedt tks GATE 90) mane beans aa aes 2. Teds of fo) a pi (12 ine dnt of ecto 22d nthe ection fe vo 33 Than drive a Ra) estan) ‘care arhest ys gtkan ows 2 Te ding dre ees 2-20 a pot Ra resent ‘cares oie oe ae on 4 Fart no y= ween de oy ei fw a 72 ‘midsecnl wove nda bevahect weee OUTED a or BS o 5. Me ie veo te oping on (1,2) hc of +3) teneee ‘care ose otis on 6 Mewcar fel? Zee mivecendis (GATE) }averee ee butt nan 0s bt ct verges ee ‘Shartence fe edt) er ders or etna 17. Valoe ofthe integra ayy 48), wre. athe gure et rom he squad by tte ie x= Lady “1 we (Ose Gresham to change the iin ino Setter Woden) ors ot 932 O33 {Thelin into Vf the vost fmeton Vi) = 2a +x + yk om the og edepolt PLL (aTews) Ser Hae gist @emmte decmine witout ping he pa key Lb 2b 38 4d Sb be Te Ba ACE heqdemy VECTOR CALCULUS, 3 PREVIOUS GATE QUESTIONS (1, Saes erences {ME 2088-161) (linge ada cee ster (ascend hun ‘eg (aie integer @endent of ton sd Sat ep aa (Fert see felgu= 540 map of be gi he ont use (E2005 20) of of of oF (se vecor Ras sonatas ‘mage tan N2N0-1) wk a oR (4 A sca semen foe +7, ‘andy Cares ones Tae dese of fog teliny dred a rm ‘gat te pow, ne of of : ok ok (5, Whichom of he towing Noe cil wesc cae? “Pros (9 Sete (Gloms bas deren Somveinee Skeets ren oe eg jen Teg MP RR eww Sep 2 ondesee ony tan, (aya2sei + 00ts + 02566 (Synaesi 0256 +6, (aaen02s9 rnsesk atau ast at Ye sag 275j +592 The dip. fr loa vector (1 De (ce0r-aM) ws ow ou os 0% Thess tele am bythe ‘ipso vecors ab and cis ‘tha. @ Laadee Lant (Tage deges) betwen wo pines ie ae Bete raw Fistiis avers © He |] GUD 6 __BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS. 10.1h)= pliant defied fel ifary=Ointedecton d= —ts ‘3007.10 ot wo of wt 1 Dens oft at fl ve gead=-reamy ss ref FP wre! a {sing~ con! {Ging cnt (Gna ardexe 12. Gan pi and Qin ye Som Get) end= te) Tete neg 2 fia yao te seni wih be ie segnet POs iedanstee(EC0082M) fist MeO Or (@ depends one deed tockovise can ki) these 1a Medivergeecfthe ec fe Geyer uj ebery erik is ema) 0 Mr 2 @3 14 The dietona derivative of he salar finn fa y)e0 2p 4 he prim P01 2) inte deco of ‘he vety 23-4) E2008) @4 %2 er @ 15.17 ithe postion veteran oie ‘nvloe ater Stat ese e Se fF sete * eevainsim oly ov oxen ACE Academy fayay=s3y #22, gaint sepia 2-1 Se cea) Wo tincjok — @ Hs1a}-4b CAI OS Runs 3022 the decor date ak U2 -D)ithe deton over ies ‘ee-208.26) 8 O36 36 WIE ase eld Viera ater field A tuoigh V= Wick wich of ‘etming a? (2C200.28) Note: Cand Sree any hed ‘Suture sre nase Samay isc fide [faz oa [Fe peta fone la foskae es Ast wit tice ‘hetigh The wit raat pote Gey senthe ute oft pee sees ware ohcke 2a 2) oft tt (55) ole ds) 20.Te erg ofc eld Suzi + 2ey}—ye° ata point (1 1.1) tego (HERON 7 OF @ 0 ACE Academ 21 Ah ABin te om fee use roche of nt aise in ‘egret of 90 ab Al eavein scour leks seis (1E2009:2) wo 2 Fea stm +) 5, +h) fy ts inal oe the i ne fo Gey =(02)0e3)=2.0) alege Tezee aN os ws or oo 25 Thelin inept of te tr fiction Dei) alg thex asin xeliox=2i (1200329) oo 233 os (333 2 Divine fh = dinesion ‘at ver feld ig (EE Wise — weiss) VECTOR CALCULUS, a ase ten fi-diover ep stovn ete ee ‘@c20102M) — 2 (wo eh ba or oni key: (ee ae ay He ose ma yond 1, ites ee Ba isa ey a Met me he ae BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Tones toni Seariaris The pray af anew A a tnd fins IFAcan osc in eye ota ‘lof ely Way Doma) a ‘Sanne oat; The set ofl posite steno me gen epee el he Sump space, Deven aut of thesampl ae The ey and fae ‘= ingsaibieere! Scag vest Av Bisshe eat tes fA cca eB ozs (ot al) Aintree iA ose an Ba he complement 0A thee tt oes A dese ost Muruatoy bxcusiv Eves Tg ees an Barcel ly exe, ey te dij ie- eB noth wode Aan at uly eles Oe cot Sears. aio OF Prabal fare 4,05 FAIS 2 6i=1 5 And Baremenalyexctuive we en MAUBy-P AorB)= PA) FB) HALA Avalos hen PANY fav cccsnney AD RIAD PA) oct AD 5. 9 thee) = (EAS etircmnlemet of never Athen Faye I-FAy 7 WALT ben Pay <8) MAUD)=PA}+ FO) MAD) Ia Forse eect 8 ilu) PLA) FB) * RC) PAB) POE) PCA) + AAI) [Nat i or omy ini pebble i a ect and a8 cts be non ict oias} onscins: 1 Tires os A Bad Ca ins. Aiea Band Bis ie tt To winasC Waite ety hat Ber wine? 20 p30 340 ae Ace, PROKAGILITY & ST) 2. Acad seta andor ny pick of code Ps alecardorn fice cai ose ans esas 3880 3. Letts choose at coising 12 emf whic ae define, Whats ‘he tality hat aston eee? i as om oan 4 Aumber ected anne 200 ata ths. Find he roby ht ‘tember ciate yr ° a8 yum ous ats s os S.Apoiis sec tanned he ily phate pie cle Tete oe ce tn cnn” an Bu is ane Ut sad Bb eves wih (A) = FB) = U2 an PAB) wich of fio ibe OTA) 6 DRATABD S38 OMAABS <18 ag ROAA' =98 "OF 20 sates, a stayng Fee 50 ae studying Spi nd 70 saying enh an Ssh ase sand ie ih fe ong a 2) Totty dt oe tte hing rnc Spin .78 © Pty te totes stain ete etch Spach 028. ©) Ptah the tes sochng Spe ane ech 8025 Ptah este thing rt ot Spe 0. eas of ens 80 isn materi 30 leg physic, 2 fen Sey, 2 fied ina ed pyc, 5 len i an cory, 0 lela ‘desist ands fled nats phys scam, este les ‘oe th pba tbe ped nal ie ajc ae sas 058 oss Codina Fob: ELE anata tet ame pase § wih E)>0 he Fob atan eet A oes once hs ec os words, Canna Paty of en Ere ROE tet salons rat has 7 eee Utell ya thes Then ‘int mesa aealmagy® este Teme athe ay een rane Rwy rR} von: Tin ep cs on os Gt_BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS_ ACE Academy “Tapia oe be we tsuneo ator of die ais a8 ous oe 10, Amin sis couple ho veto iden. Oe of hele, oy create ‘coer posbiy pte te al sy oi 28 oun ays at ad te ve wi 23% PB) = ad A VB) = 31 Fd the aon probaly PA) a8 025 on ana 12 Incerl calles,29 of te sts td mots (So he ta il ie ‘Chriss, 1 often ches. Ase Scheel hens, base abby ae filed nas? a bes 0 ous 15.4 iis he ber spar nt wate Pally ais ie? a8 p23 38 a W Inscanicolgs, 8 bemey ant fe women eal ha 1 Fate tom 0 of he st wn Now sae sed at don and ler ‘fan dha ste pba at be det woman? vant oa gait ‘oan 1S. Wewe givens flows, Un A oni rn Swe marl, Ui comin eae ute Ue cose on wate. Ann {lcd at and tle fs mle wl he roy ‘iteane foun A? ists sms ovames axons 16. Aci, eights tha MH) ~ 25 aA) = 1. ese. het agen et ‘bers sect at fom ebro tou eal apes then ‘bers at elo om he ar rah Find proba Pt never yer eet, sen ‘ystms onus oane TT box eis tre col 90 fe canoe bade an eset ‘ard ots eI as pen oth in, te tay tate sin ote? a8 on on ana 18 jsnum stn re mls 7 whit mts. A ble yn om he od ‘Sst te ear ipo Ass arte fm Oe Sahm aoa, Whi ty Pe yeh sis bm ows apo ahdan Variable And Expects: ‘Step tht ak ot ose spe we in 3 unter Westen bn Secs ltd c te same pact. This finns cle random rile or te eit = inom noms iy dee by weil rao oe ‘mls able i es om nt roa inte mer of ae a> mode (4) Ina epvey sewed Sibu mod > mes > mean 3) Ags 10 mt 30 arn Amari i fot is lrstrel nl ts pts pT per eed es The Froliy ato w0 tthe parts da hee sane clr is (GATE'WSITD ine ‘Sie oe dS {FPand Qa two ano ves, then elon ise (carevseey )Inepenen ofPand Qs at Probab 0) =0 ‘mobail @ 0) 2 Probaling) + Poa) If and are mt exe thn eye nde ‘DP? 0) < Probably) 5) fr coin ete’ ns in ace, he ito dee then ny og ly toh en oar ‘careoseep Bi on one oe 60 dz msi, The phi at be aan party ‘caren ste 916 906 Stase "DAtra, Tenens cnn ry fo i The tay atc) fle sas ance YATE SED Same Sainr pana ose ‘Ainge dttows oie Wit hpi ht en ie ier? lene aw ys06 on ox $9 Th phy i 5 Set nef ers - ‘cares om one om oan 1 fn ebbing lor Tonite eof tai at : Ji pau gash tm} Fn tif ing aes nla ton off St 2 te ine a ane VA Biden Te ti ta ob wil yan mere Mareercey a ys O16 au 7__BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ACE Arademy 12) la poplan of ties, 5% a eisai lie, 06 of aes i ceo se ening fis ve oe hi. What te palit mde pel hd ons aay wih eM? (GATED Says gala as 16) ois tre swt py hy ead dw al wl eit! GATE WAICS) 5 beast oy 15) Anam per fs {50 mip cae ue af cack wth aon evig ba Ges Exc cre mr fees 028 ae: Supp 100 Ses ‘Sool er sve roy wits anor echt. The a al paced mas cand yal sade WATE OUCS) ao bast oss sosts 16)lna css F200 ns, 125 ents hve kn pograning legge cous 8S seit taken nrc au, Stab ane sm eek ar, Ose te akan ot poseng huge and Jat ce 35 ‘csv leno propane beget ori, ties Inve ke nat set and copa opis IS snes ie ae al he Ureecouse Hoo many sade se ken ay of te ae cas? (este wary 28 20 Os os IM La) dette ratty of ane en FA)“, RB) =Y teva (oareesey amr ans! 1) Fires ee iano. Te oat ht teas oe ea a iat on nop ccareunycsp ovine yim om sts 19) Sere aden aruda wed, whats ably at yal ocared on esuae dy? (exreacsp aw int ont ow 29 Bod Be vet ino ea ssh te loving ets RENAE); MGUE)"1 3 Eid Ryweleepenien ‘Thea PE) (EATEN) 20 om om o 21) Spo: tha he extctsion ano ve Xi 5. Wich of te ing shen te? (GATEHCSD 2) Teese olathe ae tarsal put at which Xt eae > $ )ThaeisaamplepoitatvhchXtacavaue=$ )ameeoibe shor 2) Coser wo een a yah aE) = PF) Ua PB mF 5 ‘Wie along lanes inst (care9jcsp SINE UE)=23, Ban aiden SeradEsaenotinepaden — DRE) = ACE Academy PROBABIL: 24 esos, - 2A nai te tines. The obi at exact eo ube sop non the te oom (caresuicsy sue 30 ook 24 The pobtiy hit il ain tay gS. The oa a wl i neo ie 06 Te platy awl a ibe oy rar 0.7 Wt oe ect lay anton eerevrcsp 503 ‘038 035 aus 25, The proba mnie ste a te 10 20899 (thine) nlc cotn dg care syey Drees Dero? azn ais 20 The obit fag vet i Te probes ant Beer at 8 Pr, Whe pba tt se eects The pba fev fens pdt anir man omen dpenm TL snd Be ey wo aay even whihone af be flowin te? S)RANB)=FA, PB) B)RAUB)= RA)" AD) SAAB} RANE). AE) YRACBYSMA)> MD 25, The rab at new Aiport wil pt an sa esi 0.6 The cay sol geen nar fr ect of ut 03a pity tl settee wad 1, With riya wl tony ene Doe yak e021 9019 29) The ae 7 tein a cl What the poate ne Ney nts moa oe pM ek gt 30, ara Scene of ch fh col 0 ite, en noon 1 ater ee remved fom ho tthe pai tht he yl ne rea os be ous 0% SU FeAl at acorn yeh nih sy 0.81 an te oy ut wl be gh ely eh sey 5 078. Whe ‘obi ht sym wish ie lao av ph sec? 32 8 068 037 52) Ajoccomie dm 2 and ie. Toy mates chese st lo Ip ‘prota he arte chose a of see clr ed sth eb at he ‘lessee filters thn icha he owigit? Dn Dea m=2y aap, 53) Te average ge an xaito 78 he salir devin 7. ae 2 gob. tand be der oe veo alow Weal sen tng at | thelowe posite a? (Meare deh star somal cure hee of2= L178 e088) 8 bat on 3s T4_WASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ACE Academy, 34) Aan Bplay agen whey saci tenes. The on bang ead tw tga test ca it and heal lr of Saker RS 10 Hw mh ule cnr by B ned the ae fa Rs 666 R70 RAE ans s2s 2 Anil were pln cet erin Sh ae eles ‘son Fin the robs hata oe thee wl av he oe dentin ous ‘oma 31900 aise 16 Demin he roslyn dete bl wl dt 600 italy examin, 1 me Sete? owe aoe 096 ayes {1)Bachof hte ict evel foes wo shes a caches box ira old wth nek ff he seal box thre ave mach oe lt ‘ie bx tre gd wath wine teres ih ‘tox! ofoe penn often igi tt yer ah. Wars rosy he tbe Sof box as ep a? ae DiS ole as ns 2c alan Mala) an a Axi Disare bor 1) Gino tal om te ele exch tat hl ie oe saga ily ‘obechosn The pote eng bones Pl Que 9 an 23 espectey. ‘ens ale nh shove rcs ae tl he pal ha ae Framtebox | aus ays on 21990 59) Fra obsity dion I te msn," et modes ithe St evo tinh cout of sewoest = Siesie Dead Obole— aedyle key: Le2d 3b 4d Sb 6a MB BE 98 Ind Le RE 41S We Md he 19 Md Me Be Bb 2d DAME I WE WI Me Ma Ze Be Mb ase 36d wba 388 MEAN/ MEDIAN / MODE /SD 0 Clea thet en ing a 60, 156,140, 1550, 160, 186, 1, 1910, 1.100 (9 1860 661 (16 (oso (2 Altes memot 24,2 2, 34,18, 2,26 30, 33, 2,20 ‘250 ors ow ox ACE Academy PROBABILITY & STATISTICS ___75, ‘Attic cao el abe fo as omgd OL at ome OL [0ieald ah ad evry tem ofa ta hee tien (eeincewedy ties notin (Gisweanrty 10 (mee (The nm 25 vas wale a 784, bt wil taking ea te 9 as sea 296i caret is " m2 wae GT oo (Teena 5,10, 75, 8,90, $8 95, 4, 70 70, SS on Os ‘0% (mee (Te siles mene of Sipenion i so ‘oka IMD eo (Themes of ierson wich s wd id more conse as sD ou @OD ames Sind devi £27, 38, 40,38, 36 36 29 6 at ee OM (wee 10 Feeasyemenieadsroa QD it (2330 SD om (aso 1 Sanda devin 3,8, 7,9, 1,13 6 on wrt tts os 12. et snd hin gurls oda ae 5, 19h QD ose 3 ‘oe @ ‘feed gees vas ada 393 hen ort a ng it e)208 ‘wae ino (ron stink devin ate, meu 20 hen coe of van Gis ‘oan oa (Gyno 1s ia SHORT] meni Fregoney{s ie Te (oss oe © wo Range of 1 4 9,10, 4 or on on ou 1. Tenes fst mumbo i-%,each mmberisinaeethy 7 te wean ase ox wR Oa on (6. = (3M Moe) X hin vale 3 or w2 or se 6_BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ACE Academy, say bo 2a Mb he Sk aka We Wd Re ba isa a he REGRESSION ANALYSIS egress ean esc f whe vere ve on town wns oft ae Regson meaarehe are ed etn of cream, LINEAR RUGRESSION vo we and y canbe, thee an aie or reiontip ‘vee th se an il es cose dave Tht "Save teal te ee of estan and he lines oo be pee yee aria reps Inthe uric ese, nen he ve igh ies ced {Min ofrageson and te reps ii oe ‘lt rerein testi ach ghee bt ft hese seat thie fequne. he ine of rege 9 cnn ht he sm of ie fev para to ‘tego sian (ce FA) scaled the he fern of on Xan et Debate ot fry pe vaca Te be of pentane so cn at ha of qa vision pl | ‘he auf iminmized Fig), sald he ie of wpeson 08 ea et ‘Sets ema of fran girenval oy ae _ RK. Hox wo r — x a vai) re) Simple egreson esblsher the rtp ween 09 vale (om i cre nid, in see min of es ner eres he rani te he abe earn epi by asp in else ine, uth emai no "ay sto repent ofo8y BOtecrocdaey= tee ‘Whentctmafemel ta single lone eget quo flows ify = 29 =e Sienierbs) senate ACE Academy PROBABILITY & STATISTICS, z "CUBNILINEAR (OR) (NON-LINEAR) REGRESSION Intern, he were paton = s ne ‘x pobre epee es ea ass [POLYNOMIAL REGRESSION Laty 2a be 08 Fn a bea pani ine Speen) ‘Aodle\3)sia I inst bebe given tot noses, "Now, os menses) an eed hip of — aan nets Bpem tbe BBE a kA Bayraberbie en ok Be sya ae ean ‘CORRELATION In soe comet he change oe vee a oe haga ete ain Te eon lll casi an sch un oneteg the ns Yaris ‘rela popaion xl): The yl of crop vase wit te anon of inl fa ices er) the abe of ot varie conerponi oa ces (or ee) te ihre a vlc sob postive Ht ines (dcr non unl coped © ‘he dre (cease) in the ee hen ot crea ll nase Ue ‘os ant Nec ata, th thy ae id bendy Ceara 1s): Te re of comma incest etn ins Seater Diagrams To sin amass of riinstp Seren be to wiles wept be arenes, ‘the one Bap ing ane of arate lng (Gensel te eer sng be Y—aie Teo ‘ing gam saving neato a es te Sagem Tatra be sien 3) whe setters randy’ Tits“ a enby Kear Yeyey h Now he pin, ) me bt overt our gua of XY— plane, The pod XY ‘Speen he aad guns gate ah aS qe st, oth oc cne taken we wef he dal be our uns (IEXY i poste, teste den of te os raphe Hs ad i (GIF XY is ev, th th ttf he dn th sso a oth « (GS) SXY is no, thn te pits idee no wed i, pol ae vty here vr be urge 78__ BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS_ACE Academy ACE Academy PROBABILITY & STATISTICS 2 COEFFICIENT OF CORRELATION ‘The ment meni latin il he ten of celine eit esol yt rion TEA A) Wieekex-k Yey-9 ‘n= Sun vision aCe oj= Sanda etn y's and “Svante ofp © ® = RF LINES OF REGRESSION Twelineofrepesionotyonxit y-F=r. (oy) e-D andi ine ofreesionefonyis X-F=1. (6/609) +. (6e) scale te repro coef fy onan 8 ee by (6d) the repel cele fon ani ene. Nate: Ie", hewo les ofrpesion ane J alx which ae vo sgh ies allo and Y ares epee) an pasing oa es es and x They ae eal peat te], boo lis ofagreion il ee PROPERTIES OF REGRESSION CO.EFFICIENTS Comino c-fos epeon fice 2 neo the reson eet peat yet tbe a vay ‘Aine mess of epson c-fntsieeserthane corlatinco-ffie Regaine oelicos dependo of sein bu ot of soe "Brareain efit nd be ee efits ae an ANGLE-BEEWEIN TWO LINES OF REGRESSION ose acue angle bween two reno iene cs af wo vale any, ee we 60, have hl ws meanings. ete 1 When 0, 022 Theo lines fees apport each oe. 2. Wiens af 0 90th 0 Dr Hee te ics of rapes ce nd he eft eration eve 90 ies andy onmcrives 1. Wich oft owing a criosrepesion s)atipitise ae by rersde8 e)eagunil fncton 006 fee 2 Tema queso eomenic cane y=? 9 Dog Elnga bog DO Bbegy= Haat DEogs Dou ogy =lopa Shope WE loge —-)Llogny gas +b Dog? ooyrarbe ‘Dmeottese Co Bynme ene 5). apo yay 4952 bei fora ven datof 1 eras hen unt fsa una eae. ae ket ‘oar! oe 2b) Theis poral eqn sove NSH) pen by SyrmsabetaSe re tade bYyrarabeenbe rade O)Dy-myt ade sade seat ay-Dyraberabe rast ‘Remrmacqti fe rsptcawey= 1 wegen fet) ay=EAt BBs Do=ADe+ DE a= BABY Daa BE Ser EATBDS. Sy =ADV+BD" Dao STi y= gy fa oo tN ne single oe epestnn i sinless SJewrlnar mitperepesion int ale egesion 6 Thetstoomaoquciqnafbecuvey at bn fe? 4d igen by QERyabe aD care WDNywabe sada seb +abe ODA TEE! dameot te 1 Te egreion otic ofa tigen by soe, Wtepla alo dole, {ite wo epson ies kv n= S)AMot ie wo epson ethos) Gio he to repens HMare tw esionceisene product ft wo reprenon ofc. a n= 25, Bx 128, Ds! = 660, Ey ~ 00D = 40 and y= 508 and (256, 8)~ ‘x oni (6, 18 6a change xc ting cone ae 233356 Deyo0 bay =206 Days By a86 Dy 520 33-646 3 5) Pome agen above in. No 9) oct val frien by ore 036 077 ae 32__BASICENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ACE Academy 10 Thesis of repesion les oe y= 05+ ax =O hen 202 a2 ei aba 5-7 eto lines pei, he ons Oo2 HQ). Ine sboveQ. No ab) oe on oon 09/05 Wioiien —— atefo Dele. wey, Le 22 HD ete Be £5 Sie dye TE ae PROBLEMS. Lift 0 hen theo ns ofan me 21fhe oo eeson belles ie $0402, wha woud lof ele 4 Temorepcon gusto of he als dy ex = 1913-087 andy = 11.64 ~ (00s Find 0 mean I's 0) em of san (a i Online aie bate ‘Two om ves ee epson es with guinea #2 26a (Gey 31 Fe meu ls coat cet ve ¥ 207 $5. Compt te ee treatin berwen any feat te long a. 7 eee ee pr pole fale fer ella say ple te nes 204 4 3.015 sre ip-nes 906 5=852;e=046 5.067 [ACE Academy PROBABILITY & STATISTICS a ROBLES | therein na 8 #12)= 19d y 49-46 (OTisvaveofconetsnacoeliceois (Means ofan we Ane = 00833 2 Fhe conelson etic (if Am=06 3. Fin corlaon sete : RDatepsts a ease ea Amc 0s20 4K, ¥)= 02.169) § enon)“ 1.42) ben wher af esn a: aac Vanes esate 5 X=0AV +227 SThetemesintine yon xtndxony ey arhandx =e OFe) yo ad {i Cans ediciones iat ye (ie ina eta ere any oly the in frees on 8.00 mealies fe 3y 3 -Oand208-9y 107 reget, cae, an te ‘occ cnelon bee ody. as 117,06 wi cing cain co~ fi een 0 variant yom 25 piso brains he lowing esr eeu #25, B= 125, Be“ 63,3)" 1 2p Sey = 125. Liar twa acon a he ine fishing tt hepato wales ELE wept coms iH ‘ {Foligno nl aed stare i erin it Obs eine fepesion fy on ‘anal ] im ] 20 | 29 ada) | ] Dace | as | 36 wo | as | as 800 C0) | Prey 96% 1805, 82_BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS __ACE Academy RANK CORRELATION Lt he te mini having dilowstchracerisce By coming so parila atm A Botha kings penn od of mat Now, {hecorlatn ttwen hese pis of aks elle ml corelaton nthe carers ‘$i Botha: groupoid Lets ete ake of hi invidunt 0 ‘oo niu eeu eer ee sod cat ofthe ar king te rk ae eins Laden 966-8) uk eoltin concise by 1s fouled Spearman oma rank conelon 2.2 2y.-p)-Be-TH~ Daag. PROBLEMS |. Ten pcp ina coast rake 0 jad lows TPE Pp pe py pe ee ef casi ak colon soy 2. Clan p rahe flowing dt swig of 10 stein wo ajc ne ee els [pte An 08545 REPEATED RANKS. Inch cae alte fat nin? )12 1 8 wh ete ae oie st een fo colon lar sob ade foreach apse ae ACE Academy "ROBABILITY & STATISTICS PROBLEMS |. Obuin teak coneon co fhe lowing data ees ews wesw ede [3 fee [a [ar feo ar fa fap arse 2. Ample 12 ihe and lesson ave te fallen bt ein ‘eter Cael rate ST Toa a ea ToT] sons Lee [eo [or [os] tos Ler es] er for bo amcor, |The psy at feds shee sae hahah (GATEM) 308 ou ie at 2 manta pte poi of making five 0.1, Te mean and str devaonef dtctve bol inate 90 bls we pct, 9009 0 giao oat ‘care 200 4. Maas aso tel om Ato cgi bes sop Band nate. The in ‘okie tebe pan be manta bat ayn of wag up aes, ‘equ ey bth paces He ean fd ypta inne of tl wing ti ib {sarive st Dan tne What pti tat Mani weil ine a a D? neal an 160 ous awa 44 Ato cons 0 te, 3 wich ae ee, To tea ea an wth ‘element The pdt nn of wo seve defect i ke (carey 100% 50% 40% dame tee 5. Ala race a urges hich opened The roy of faeces 02 Given ta ate he ile de roti a bo ‘pes Dad wl 020 moat geo soon (cate) 6 From pack fra lying carlo car dwn tnt, White oly tt otc beige NOY space? (oareug 21m yun ome oan $4_BASICENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ ACE Academ TL Aacs Ws five ems. Ten te re cae doy thst The iy ute othe che one ae dence (GATES) "ayosa%s (as cone toassre PREVIOUS GATE OUESTIONS = sstaisnICS 1. Four bir poins (x) Ga yd rien in ty ~ plan wg te ‘og a a me new Yn» gi te Be fon 7 Hd "epesing pany ese ied Une") en 8 tbo se ier mes colce (ihe two ite ines on conse ‘pose tac =O (amuste ie 9. Aeaeion woes exes re Yea finn of tr are X ‘hsm dae eure) heel elainp eee Ya Dave fX my beady ease aac oY vaso Xetely Sei aes oY {rica ean beeen Van X 10. The wie aa shu te Now olga wis obsess cheat ess [fRowsae 737775 Bs aie} te | | & eles wm | a | en | gy egy — 1 [5 fs a1 Man ow afi a (GATE e, s)abotuesses H)ROGtcesec —e)RIGlienkee Sabet Lb 2a 3 4¢ Se 64 Th Bb Ob me ACE Academy PROBABILITY & STATISTICS 88 PREVIOUS GATE QUESTIONS 15. Two caus te dawn at candor in setteion wh relaenen fom 2 ek of 32 wel sled cde Prtatiy of ptng bah: Acs 1 The ie of bb (a our) ie random varie with an expt Saxision 0 ~ ae" Ost mea IM “Te probability tt vie es 1 z {oo 2300 us %ie Oe 1000-204" 2° oy OR aoa 9% The eon varie X ten the wel ‘es Le 2 (0) 3 ath pos (eta 2008 BE LS pee emia toa The ales of P and) a vorecney (Asset te dation in mit P4-2007-261 ‘teat covet lo (005,187 @) 155 547 ‘pene dartton (600s, 110 (025,140 fone x20 Merely 9 exis acon mien ie te contrat wil xe fie os poy since 2007 -an4 = fis) 05x82 ot wef ce, Then P> Dis 1-207 -244 wae eas ur re 08 re sd vin of th op ses of ebicks ina higioay BBS 6g 17s dens, - ah ad hate sped of tee con alle cerca? ee 35 bgt coat "Resa el (o20%)-00 (oisir asset eesce (aa — 98. Se or (03646 oreo icy aii ch aesh ce ee 2. The poy Somes pee thd Grea Jas oo ee) Sen SEA enrol pr 2 ty of GRAN FOO EC) ge BRD ‘otbty ofa oe ing eth (OVE GE =V409 + VAN) sre (eR eooy ey Gant oan 86_BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ACE Academy 10.X unio dst anon ‘ale ate ves Base Wa The wae of EOC) wl be ER 208- 1M. ao eu Gum oie 11. A ada abl iy ‘ase wi TN 20026 is ws 267 )36 12. Onmiera Gast bed ‘dom vata with eon sd ‘nd deviation The aoe ‘Smave detuton icion tbe srg be Team oo wos or @100 nym 9 NIM the ebay esi fscton fr be dom ale ove ie ene ‘eM and Neo poste rea be. The eunton ening Mand Ni econ cosdnet ay aaeh (OMEN @ MeN M.A cin ito ime. Whi he posh fete ele acy "Mao ou wan on on 1S Forarndom able ea exe) meme 100 ft pois Peter 2100 ete by ofstjnghw90 aa 10 190x110 wi be eo Peis, @i-m — @i-e Glan -@2e 16. tna ane topes Xan Yas ein atematly Wisse pea eal fis the ane he ‘pis erie, Asin a yer ste game eb flyer win te peels Prams2M eis wis 23 ox 17M ca al poi Bi) eatin her = sar noma vi ‘tema stad devin ‘reiton se 2 em 2 en ‘geil te obbiiy he ‘nape be bi em tides CERIN (ossr%s. (sans (ssae wire 1 iin iste 10s. Whe ‘he potty a ole tt ‘esl edhe? C009 ag omg) of ong 19. Consider onde ado ‘aries Xan ¥ went ‘non The wares Xsnd ‘he ales, a? wh rabies, nd ape ‘Witte condo poy RRNeOK- Yo? canna oo wins uw wr ACE Academy PROBABILITY & STATISTICS 7 20. dre da vale X kes ‘Sowa nthe ble A ster, ‘lesb ean of 3S adr Sen be aio Ke Ps omar os yoa toxin) (@) Bosh set ua the escbeare (th be de ad eer ae wee (oy Tees wrong beth leche (The sss sigh bt te enter seven easiness fond hat 6 tte pave reps and 13% he ese repr rece, ‘Asani tnt te pea of enon ring eve rep i001, {be petaly tra peso sted ps soc pet 20092 (oom gyoorrs or oat 22. tree sins ted ‘ono, the pba of ting et ne adi ‘Mane 194 ou wan om om 22. Thesdad deviation of sient sted den abl Dad OF OF of oF 2. Asane sci hat eo, ‘Biber (atom of 50 3) ‘ecco room coer be ‘estat ato poe he rom tengbom ne ane tof ‘terontl entire yes 1980 an 98S. Whar st Sl Nan tate poi oF ‘terre onde 5 E2020 om wr Oi ws 25. Abox cota wie als an ed tal Tass. tw bale ‘eds and evel fom {he bx Gen ht trons al ‘Shite, te potable 2 ‘ennved bleeds, ou cost on ar 21. isin is tl ndgedety ‘arin The obi of eee “The nae ews heals sa wp ‘soe hth nab fe tls Sow pn is eanean, @me wie ou sie 27. Wigs te tb ata dvr of "emai of ‘es2n1020 (ums —qasas (ies Gy isees 24. The dante of 1,00 bl etgs ‘eremesred th me ea ‘intr deviate were und ob {mm and 005mm repel. -Assong Gusmao ‘Rens tax ‘han 05mm wie meanest, x0 wus ons wo BASIC ENGINFERING MATHEMATICS _ACE Academy 29. Couidera pany tases sapter, The oti of ly ‘SS ofa compas. The ‘Samay ewe abject operon ing oes. Tis ‘Sng ges hee elt 23. tan vo lack le tin two ne oe armed infor wy3 foun tion: Icach range ‘nur bechnn randy tai en al neo eich. ‘lan fn chosen Which foamy compat idh ebay of eof efi angen ct proba ‘het rt fr geting ontrbng eke y? trl ce? ‘coaneaM ex20102M lms -pil-a) OI-9P ® una ‘aiea l 30. Ax snes? ahr 3 sand oa fats Heme re du om be box at anda oe satin who » lian Troy of ‘Saving 2 washers it lowed by 3 ‘nerd sone te alse ya m02N © 2s yuan Gino ras La] 31. Two cit sinless oy The rota tw eas nies ppt “ceam0am ue cys ox as a 52. eran vibe Xai he 4 : : Pisiefsdarnaiovibamem OES 7 ‘Sle of 28 he proba he 4 ‘ms he pots PEWOM ine tea nie? gas (ie. ese ea eet we mb the mh Ba hb Wwe A Be BE ee Basic ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Tones. Durrensria, Bouanions DIFFERENTIAL BQUATIONS OF FIRST ORDER 1 A iteretl eyeing whales diet eee or ‘Siem Be pede edya0 ee 1a8yahe=0 HOD NSUAAL Ley /ae)me ARLEN) +y 00!) =28 Wyo) =2 Cyd) eal amples of ena pons, > sn erdiaay fret quate at whch te reticent ave ‘nce tesla npentet ce > A parietal equation i at in wich ere 66 oF me aks ‘wart ote waht eyo em > Theordersfadiereia itis nerf ies vate appr iat 1 The degra of ct quo eg ft ight vaio ing in ‘st eqaton hs oc xed na fre oar and tn a PRACTICAL APPROACH TO: DIFFERENTIAL, EQUATIONS ‘hes ofo ier gang oss of de pe > Foon ere en fom he gen ys atin, medeing 5 Scum eusonclatng he airy cnet fe he shot tons > Pepi ncpreion fie son FORMATION OF A DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION Ae tinny dient quo fone in steno sini ein ay cont fom eon inte etal ee a Farm he ditizetiouton of sine ames sion given by Asa a) hath /aPy reo ne ‘Ex Oban diet ego ofl ice ofa andes 2) ‘ns [1 (Peay Salon OF Diterentt Bastion: > A soln finer of ica eqitn sation wee he vais ‘ich ite pen ileal uo 2» The genre! (or complet) sain of weet eqtic stan wc eae fori const ial he cer te sift eave. > pares at on be pb om he nr soins "ator vast te by cna 90_BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ACE Academ SOLITON OF "ARSTORDER AND FIRST DEGREE. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Method 1 (Variables Separabl: ia. guint pose clea eons fark on one sie nd ale Ftc Fad onthe ese hen he ass tues espa Ts the er frm f ah neque 85 = 900 Ineing both sides, we get fy) "1 96) sis slain. OTE: Aneqation oft for (d= expan be eed ove spb faomby sag by tem Mato lomogeeos ain): The denial qin of he fr (did =I) 4.7 Where fs 9) ae homoge actos ote ae degre iy. Tossveaomogeeous eqn 1) Pay™ he (yin ete, 1 Separates van ene, Mate I (eaatons Rede Homa Form: Thecquionsofte fim ty. miebytc, ~ tN a dae con beralce wth oogenn oon fllone: Cons Wen a") Pasings =X ey *Y HE Qh bag can) Wee hs Bebe ye aac (nheal!—tu! 20) - ae costs When (a!) =) ese) AN) = (una) ‘A I) bes | ay. fect inte & © mactbyre Pate by=tand ae yr ere tind DMehed-1V (Liner Equation) dificil eqaini sito eines the epet se sod eet cele ocr oy ne Bi ere sn ot maid ‘eet “ie aot oom of « Haare of he Sint a, conmily Anon = Lettie egnton, (id TO whe, Q sete Sesion of and yo Je de + cist rid so. Notes import ee ht = Anite sions LF) SQ (Aaa ACE Academy DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 1 Mehad—V Beroats ‘heen is) +Fy =" o We fe nto oe te Lei Et goto an is usay (Siete Beal squatin “oss I). disdeboibsidrby 0 at - vient y=9 a Thea @)teumes (1/(1—m del) +Pe~O for) le) Rm Qt) ‘Wath Le’ lwar insane ve ly atin) [NOTE An eye of he rm £9) yt) +) Ps = s)he mat en af Benwul's loa equlon And irene canbe seb! 19 lar ie ion sting 0) Maa VI(saetDiferetl gens): > Det Areal enationf frm Mis) + Ny) 8-0 ido be exif [seth members te eas ier of ne hn 9) edu Hse hay, eson ore 9) > Theorem: The csr nl slice conte fr eal gaion May a La 2 The wha May 08 Tatar Tems of Wot containing) ye ome sone “Mati -_ (Equation Reduce To Eset Haut) ‘Seowtines lees equation whic i eet exc can be me s> a0 nileton by a slate fer aled a inteptng aan The tke for Gag legac fe euton +N O eal Rule-1(LF fund by inspection: mankr of cas hentia clr be fund —— ler eosin theme te euntn an cong nh so be a ‘nt ier In ths sme he Flowing inate cambios pve que wef dy + yay) ign Mon; peat ~ ea dyad = uy) a a fos") ate LF ofa homegsneo euatin: FM # Ny =O bes mone eine nay thn 1/5) ane aor Mx # N+. 92_BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ACE Academy ale (L fora uation othe pe a) ye 8 =O: {te gain he = Ny = Ob of i ft hen 17H} angi t (08 Nye) Rale-1V inthe equation +N =O) 1 ME BED) goa neton ox only yen 4 an eeraing ft ute—Vil he egeation Mads # Nay = 1 ROTH) pe son yenty= FY) 9, ei miei. " ft. PROBLEMS, 1x ya) temy =O HE y= iP when 2 Ane sy (a oer eid) 4128 ans fe 1ya-e)=0 .yig “e0s 4° ve cone aty+D entry + te 43! it + 2+ cate 0) Anscos(ey) + UB +e t+ ee) = ito me amp ha y=0 —amc iy >be ‘ns yh-bogy=e 4 7 gy + actives = 0 Anse w+ Day hy 260425 42-0, Se herbie 8 x-6/-1) GL Gy-24—2dy=0 Ans =A og(BE-12Y-S) 6 (2.0929) (anna) = de ns: fg +9 #10) 60-06 10, la + yous ~Axcore, (Genta =0, hen = 3 ota saya gene Dybere somo Ana ysinxe 20-22 Aneay? Asx Whey #tlgy7! Metsin0 «(P20 en Feo = Ans e(1e6) 20058 1S.rlad-cobo (aan = 2 Ans Ursin coe @ ACE Academy DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 98 W62er'= ey +9 Anse 444s! 493! <0 mayo aoa Ane iyo sated Wegee eeve ni? a By W.afe-nidy 4 fa=0 , ama servers 2 a eo BGP eytaatyater tay BA yty=0. amex ayy dle Pre 26 64-207 +9 dx-ey Say #sinyidy =O Ansey/x hey #6 Ane ey “cor (ine +8) Ane =D ony +8) mr yetbe ee" +29) 49-0 2M ysin2e de +7 +040 949~0 Ans y 824 +6729? 2 oecetmetiny-e) deviecesee'ydy-0 Ameetewexuay te 30. [y(L+t6) easy] e+e +logx—xsinghdy=0 Any (x+toen) + xeory = 6 shar & 2289 ay ty + (ay Day 8.4 2phde Oy 229t—ee187~0 cay -2ap) de 205 =O 35.016 py + 2m dy = 0 Baye-ndy ee deo Ans 3px? 26 As: *1og 03) (9) =€ Amy s2ybaryne Am: 9) Anes min? Ans fyi e" = 6 94__WASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ACE Academy IMIGHER ORDER LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL, EQUATIONS iar dire ousies we tos wich the depend varie ap ite esas eca ny in th fis eee an went maid opt Ths the gra tna diferenaleqion oft od woe one Sn Bin Bae ee i fa andX we tin ony wear dilacal egies wih on olen ae fhe fom ween f : SoBe SF estar tei h dsSam Dentin di ieee. by DDE De that ‘de Dy, yl" DFy, dia? = Dye heaton above ea wien inte smote DTD ++ y=X ie, MDX, ae AB) =D DP Ty Sepa Ths he symbol D ste forth peti finite sed mich the suet alga nye RD) can ead by nary ie ab sed the astray Re akon ny dr orig Pree To se The Egon i Eek he ER ea thay ‘hich he mb ami OPED a theaD shay ‘Sup: Tend the complementary fein iy Wate AE DP MOM on the A) Wise he Pas Danie fe. Row of AE EG ‘mmm ncaa tren os) | eh Hanh soe Lmumim _(oordandequdies) | Greer sg Kimymemaie ttoweraledeqstroe) | ( exer tee Latiplac ifm. paeofimaginy e)] eMecosie cabo) ¥en SasipespimectQopsisofeql | eax) caer daft imo) | otis ation (apiotimtonl et) | eet esa + ees"* ACE Acades DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 38 ‘Sep Te fed the partial ategat oo bai oon 1 DEED TE X= RD Pee U4} Wea x=e" Lumonge pad =a, foro ix!) pada PL=[e/0 Oe pao, Wea Xs rte AC" sab) arco +) ued? =-<2 6) +0 UFO sn = orca + Wipe D = (Ma!) O 6a") PAs LA") se) orca bj, pmD? = [Fat = 08 G20) i) =08 r0) 0) 1@)=081°G)+0] 4nd Soon, |i) When X=" ing oie ing) a8 P= (UD) (= ‘To. eg [ADI aseoteg poe ofD by Bim here asf asD secopete cater yo. ‘9 Whe ae V i ton fe nr cab) eee Pol [1A(D)] eV = [UDea)] V eae ater (DMO, Wien Xisytconot fer aie re (VD tal ten ope xh pl atin Xb we [MD -ajfR=e Xe ax Lees oad the compte slo iecSisy=Ce PL Sip (METHOD OF VARIATION-OF PARAMETERS This mtd quite eer and pli of frm Spey Wap qand Xe feos of shes P=-9 [onX We + JG" Wd Whee Shsnd te te satusonsty"" ty F y= Aan al wot enti ty [BQUATIONS REDUCIBLE TO LINEAR EQUATIONS WITH CONSTANT Co-sriciEN'S yangencos near equation; Anquan ofthe Seyi) hye yet kaa) HEX Ware Xi finson of eld Cah’ ia eatin. ‘Suchen canbe eon ar dient gases Wi cosa coe 6 ating % sist ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS_ACE Academy ACE Acodemy DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 97 So t= lex and Dai Bos Ue) =Dy. A) “PDD Sh, ey) -DD-HO-2 > epee’ Linea Egston: “Kneqaton fe on (oes OP eye kien BEEN + thy =X “Wher sr cons Xa nan all Lega acre ‘Sih cto an beers atin th cba cote by te sabtice 8 6sce, t= oper 8) and dit “Ten (2) a= ay. isn V3 DD — hy Sims (+8) yi?) = D=1) (D2 and soon PROBLEMS, Bayt eg ae 9.929 iy wdgryno gy eg YO=4 201 Ane y=e'( denen 39) Ansyseetee’® foe rom] Y= (6teeoe 2 Fe)sn 2s aasihe dys exe (e198) Casa a) + « [jest x2) + Cyn 2 0 Amst {fy +4 fy 459 ~ Poa Al fdy wey, p= a x=0 gg oe ney 3.6 ons Sin wo Hag devty S4o2e han ymee ved +1 Qaiar-coitn 1 — i $5.00 3)yrsn decane dey oe +e +L (ese Sen) + ae 200) a 5 68592 49° Pern amyataeae oe pypton neg 7D Dyyn mnt 1 boone et Anymore +o 4 2 2M Eyes 4 Grea day oe Hee = outer 2829 BOD 9~e Amey cosas gf ana tos) S08 sab 3y-er ox 6" nee a) +1 40) 3 Shey yeeros ‘ye, cor Vix tsar x sO) + sin 2 -e0s29) inf’ i 28s 4y- nnn Anse y~oy60s24 + ern 28 +1 Oxia = 2 cox) 3 SO Dyensing eee Ans yet oe tnx + own) + (et 1290F 3445) HOD y=uae, ane y=eycoract lant I. (sea) fog (oes) sia dy 2a yet ancyteattene tat lex agO™S 5 seg ate doen? see em gpeo ngrres ae arg ag ‘Ans y"2 loge! teoge s2lope amy sexta Lot ing he les $8_ BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ACE Academy 99 dys yay fea) Ans yen" (ect ag) 16s QOH $41 2og Oe dongs y tate) ote ny (sro ang. a nog) = SLovhy + (48 ge 724 wt (9) eet epsint +2 da Whee og) SeonsaF dy + ore geno Hace ney ne e427 +422" 1 YO? log 2 9) Tt PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS ett: & Paria Diet Equa tain whe ae a 0a er independent res opr aes esp a of em ‘Orde And Degree The oer of pt iret gto ithe er of he hs ‘eae ecuring init and te Je of at deta eto he epee he Spl detiane pecan a(l}x Od ry Be =a 93S ed fis dope pai diet ay ‘sia sy 24 +2 + f+ 0 Basan ori dep pri feet a op oe ‘utr. S09 [gf) + af = 8 tte eo ia) Standard Notation: We senile yin vagal od dependent vail Peaubey qraaly » FOuae , sO uiNdy , I= Oudy Format of Put Dire Fyentons Pail een equines canbe fas yeni he tery cons (some pete none. lninatinn of arttrary constants: nis ace we cbse te own Tete mune of atiny conta eel othe munber af indelent ‘aber we otina solr pa aire quo 2. the note of wiry conc fe me tan th er of nde ans ta We bain higher para fet etn ACE Academ DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS PROBLEMS ae recaver ae Anca so B(x-ay + -bF=2Cora Gb) Ans 8g = Tana er ee) , Sgigege) — @ho scarmco Bes kimi rior onto ie fhe pil oes esion ‘scare unr of ee aos PROBLENS Lenta-y) Anca tno derwentee-2) anesa yn aageates y+) Ane gett AD) Sass earoistorn dane saye2y Sf +y.a- sang yx saantinty) +6een Ans r-2644-0 Dasyf0 440) SOLUTION OF FIRST ORDER PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Aue pu tgyeayse near pri irene: Apt foci equine nei he epnser we and Hs Oeil sete co inst pes ny Bet Bt moun oe "Te nent fm of iva paris cet euatn i it eri ven by Prank d) Whee. Refinance 32 Risa calle Lace’ er putin Soaton Poe Tse Lapses aly eens ssn cues (1) fons eng e - @ qk 2 sve ayo simatasesepions of) Let te sans B32", 0 Weena=cr 4. Teconple sition of) isien #49) —O g) ee vamey~ tm ascmanam a Ans. ie +972): swear eee) LANGRANGE'S METHOD OF MULTIPLIERS Senile oe any Gy-R 0) lay ‘gan een “eo Nowe mis, GR FO, Rieke ny ty ‘echo PLA Q.deRde = fdas Qudys Ride RPFOQERR BPrOOTRE 4 deat ai one 3 Pidts Qady+de~0 Byline slstn ent dilly Pe # Quy Res“ Byler, slang Vs) 3 ‘Conlon 0) gen by FA)=0 (oe) 46)=¥ PROBLEMS apr ae ie. 97-2)-0 Rewer e-agny—x RG tmp—tet yes? ett eats) -ds 2126-9 508-P pt -mamai-y) 6 et ans tity sarey eden Ane bya ta-0 Anette eye y9}-0 Anctinay—n O22 pace Ame gietyeaeeio Ane oye ofc my a) Ans tno +27H-0 ACE Acades DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. mM NON-LINEAR PARTIAL, DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF FIRST ORDER Defi Te eto which he eres gah an oe eel 8 sal irl emt of te it orf se sch spre alow tbe ‘er Sree, ‘Type I gus ens ony. Laie gen pil itera qsaon be fE.)~0 ~() ‘Tenconplaesokibaisgvebyense tyre) Winefias)-0 =O) Fem @) en/de=p=s and 22! p=Q=b ina @)egaton (aiid Foe 9) wean wre b= 4) ‘Comics san of) gen by = an + Hay +6 whee car wiry coma PROBLEMS Lp an dorzmm {na be —o}te reve Ac ge~alopsah-einy6e Babee paras Type: Baton coting tibet p9)=0 Consider tsa =) mt atadoa oy 0 wo tai ® "Now an ary renal eatin 2 wth he depen ware. Ue tesoionot ObeH GH) =OLe, Hera) =0-— ied amp soon 9 (1); we we ay const PROBLEMS apap Ansa 2 4) 0 amieaaae Anclogee-=atey+h aeazea-v) Ane puoay rape? seer) Awe 2 Wr 62-22 Gonx te we IC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ACE Academy, “Type Spartan fhe form p=. 9) 3 denpaeegay By negrain we pth rite shan sons Taewz = Mgvarde= lo,ayay~b PROBLEMS Lp Pane oer ‘An 2= (10) (242 P y= +b Lag eayee er smeeniedyer dedi flied)» agegaaty Am:r= Gn) (044)-4005 9-3) 4 Type IVeThe Chae etn =p) 9 Trewhvvaiegiventy 2=ac+hy+8,8) Sloe 2/ aay PROBLEMS ns 2= acy 2 (08) +084) Aeczeas Lmmeslaa sr) atone) 20 -9e-m-a)"! \-Remec eiin e ieil ogcnf e em 6) dye Oa beeract ie Suen yaaa eater | gene Mer? 2. Teal anton B14 + yd FI=Dia (oates9, Dinar Fset ere 1) Non Ler of ther Nem Hooggetens =~) inearan Fourth dee 5. Fre dite egaon i) Sy =0 dh y()= the eer ston i (care) we met set aor 4, ote. la) #289 + = ioarevy ames ade” ST tee eqution "(siya caress homage ao ee ‘ssl erie ‘Don bapa ih constant of fh sccm DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 183, 6 Sabet 6 Fc carey ‘Any =e Yecasatesiniy) reMeeahateinis) (14x60) 1. Te picasa for he diel equation (2) +3 (yd) #2) = comcis pOSeooxelssme S)iSeuxe0Saax 9)1Sunx Osean (care95, {Thee gincrsinl at ends prdiretia equion ZT = EF y (GATE) ee pantie bnpetole eli ined 9 Fst decal qin 9) Gf) =Owbewac, (GATE) aeiap= eyo Wao eylay cima DSTO =D ELF 10-Toe octet, (8) +O atine eatin oder if Gates, {Peacoat tt Qisa fico fy 8) Pand Qe ftion oy oem SPisafncionay baQ ist cont) Pend Q we ten af cnas 1, Sone (ly de)—y= 1082 care ‘Amy Ge"¥ G2" (meen) ca 12-The geal maton oft dirt euntons (yd) -x sls) 4y “Dis (care) Ax Be — (ABacomtas) — WAL Bloge (AB cota SAL Belg (Aarne) AL Bx lex (AB costa) nen gre pty fe e OSB whew sth depend ei, fe ee ey ‘nein (care 1. (de) +62 + 4) (+ (cate, The above cyan Spar tre egatn sacar isnt gation ‘se -bamogenes feet quan) ey illest gun 1S. fe is cone, inn fe gation ie +78 (are) systiiete) yremee)— e)Y=uate) gyre se 16. te soln of te itil equation dy» y= ea (at +1 hina conto (0) "0, 00)", Hoo and ae coasts Use tthe etd of remiss eap(D nada GATE 20) ‘As meent 2 int oP ea ft er kd eae 17 The punter of boundary coins eque svete along etl gun a egy (care) 2 be on at 104_BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ACE.Acsdemy, Tesolin forthe toning Sioetioantion ith oy onions (0) 2am yea (are bya) 34-2 ayeda-sae-6 yew mined bys3ppe-see2 Dyan anes aa 19 Saeed eunon 2+y=x wih lningcoions (GATE WD (axe Gane ye 20.Te olin oft tte son (57-08 (oaeey Syst /G=e) By" eee eee Suze wsequton oor 21. Blavron ofa cep conpond having coer x) cn be mae ‘sng an ear ena egion Ot) +e =O, whee i the con ee Ans yeaa Sonnan (f= =O, fe son oft euton (eure Deca hike ‘reac anak 2. Traforaon ear fom by shang v=y"*of eewaton (GATES) y/a) 9003 9("140" lke )@v1 a) 241m) pec, bv! ah+(—pr=( ene S608) +40) pra a (vd) otha) pr= tea 23. Testo of de) +2 (4) +177 =05 30) (la “Oia te range 0 gypl—a ‘musoronas of SOuEEL RENN, FON ‘edn a san ae or ae noe if icon i a) ‘ eo (arg) 16__BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ACE Academy, 5 eo wr whee neN eo) rad where naz 4 sina eT oat 5 soa eo we ‘ sit om. ats 1 coat we 3 oer PROPERTIES OF LAPLACE. TRANSFORMS Incrty proper I bebe my conse ay ft ff, fat) bach) aL {Me} *BLGg} LM) Fishing property ILO) = Te, hei LH =Tis—. canta rer) =H es Lah a a>0 W.Temsorms of Desaies (IT He iscotnoas ad L0H), Lt = ST) 0) IC andi et 1 erases hen 1a) weet ‘VI Dinson by « iL =F. a Fro. ACE Academy TRANSFORM THEORY a INVERSE LAPLACE TRANSFORMS, ony “ty ovefyf oh ante outa} ba orfag} bate Oral f tiem OL (os-atcona, One el Lean e Tefal PROPERTIES OF INVERSE LAPALACE TRANSFORMS 1. Siting propery for vee Lapa fos, HLS Ta) =A ten GUE ena ach ett, GU" Heetan =e Rome BLA 9 nt 0, eo = 2 80) Hon = 0 oi = m= Ingen, |= jos Wire Royo, ten Lf a fof = or Am varctfoyeas ee t{Fape) = 90 118_DASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ ACE Acndem ACL {£69) = 9 and 1 (26) = of, ie enter, ee ea woo Et ntion: Ult-a)) =e, Seve hing property LARD) “Toh ten LCs) ata) ee) UNIT IMPULSE FUNCTION Us ingle anon inconsid h ining for of be ncton Bcrayrie, — asteate Oe hush ning ano 2) def ln: ‘Miedeehe tae fetey | mata faeoast «20 ‘Transform of Ul Impulse Fascia: L(-9} =e _ PROBLEMS, ind the Laplace Trams ofthe fllonng soa Oi conGby rn {femal} eam [ACE Academy TRANSFORM THEORY ny anata Ae TATE eon a Ee : oo. eit ae : we sect “ eon oe EIS Or hatsinat sans: GL 4 sn.tcat soa: 2 fabs ates) eco B85" ams eteten le es ee eg crear Given Lis) = 1M, ow tb LINK) = Ue ste ans: Bhs Powe ns 22 6 ae resin pass ited Meteo ass Ss 120 _BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS_ACE Aedeny ‘nino an ‘non nh ae a 9149) 21'snon + 2. (1 cus 2) ‘Ans: 1 le fs gon 4h 39) aQ-ceik Ae ots 108 2 Bate fw Mcosde, Ans: ! é 0) fetsatea aus: EE arora fees a= cine Find emer Laplace Tesora the nig a Be at soe fons ns pes c3e Fat aa is TNs 5516) LFF Ams: (6) sit 2 ae ams eh 6k & war (015) 02" 3082162029) ACE Academy TRANSFORM THEORY nu Mot. ‘ani eat cha ah sme eon tay (182) sin 029), Sta ‘Ang: L110) sia 3 (Ie cost wea s 3 mae ans: (12 16 sot eer 3 ahr na si (4 n8 ass: LEMAR, eee a's ape se a as anss(l-aye™ ans: (2) Aa 2) aee(-8)h aessaiye"-e) « Ames (A) csst—cost) ® ‘anes @2)(1-exsbat) so ns (i029 122._BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS __ACE Academy st eres) 52 alfa C=} “=i ‘Using Comoluton theorem, roar * \Getand nw ne pe aw Hey 2st 2 sie ia (sina). sen 4209) 2092-0) (cw e08 2) Save the allowing uations bythe Lapa Trasorm Method 9. (8c) +4 = av, x0) =2. cays whoay) O)=y'0)= 6.0 De-acaheo=s%O=0, ey eymeyO= Ly O=—2. ex gteaylea 4 ratte: — OL aD} ue —DP celia -9), Gh Pua 650 D} Wo et wen) (OL (en? wD) ros gay) mpame ede geet ey =D) sobe pote dsint + cost +2 wo) TaalYopa—tams yas nye) arses)? amie" @1meeadie ansretie) e202 ACE Academy “TRANSFORM THEORY By 6, nd the Inverse Lape tens fhe fling os Ans osint ft) ge we ‘ns :codhwit2).500-8) i aaesfe? 2-0) on ass aime" 1F aD os Ans: a 9) (6. Find apc was of he sree or means) to to's ‘dined sn 04/2 whena/ deta ‘Ans: (9 wa (© odie Lape wtf be wnt Wav of psd Ten Root eeocteT ‘ans: (ist) -e*F-e%) 64 Pindthe Laplace tans tanga ve of pod 2 gen by foe oct em, nctet as Uh, PEind LFI) Whew FO) > si eR Ass a <0 race en ‘PREVIOUS GATE OUESTIONS - “LAPLACE TRANSFORMS” 1. Theimene plc tansirmot (649)/(8.+6e* ig (oxrE95) seagate 9st Weeant- 3a Dean eae OeMaed read 2. Using Lap tars hei te poem By"! ¢y"0. (GATING) MO) Sandy) =, shee pie dees dave with pet 124__BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ACE Academy, 1 Hope Cacfoaraf nip ieba uth eas (GATES) ago forte ie 1 fet nee Oa 9-00) ee 4G) ese Laer of (ares ae oy oe oe 5. Teta fr ofthe ton (exe aye kostee ain Bale mest ote" aes) {6 Laplace tame + whee and ones isn by (GATE sas Sues Shei abs e) = CAIs) Des) avr) +012) {he} Eo) Sete aperitif be long Steen ico? GATE=2000 Deseo feeo-en £44105 -F0s a rience age nono 8 +295 aed Busesa ga-eh2 “¥en: instr ft long en sail i edsto 0 2 en ua e2)trats>0 Base idee frase 0 10. Using Lape e188) 41 (orreen Graréaly "Denti F ae. NA degen ep fname) = 0 0) BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATI Acad “he Fite Furie Sine Tom of 0) ‘as C0 invence 5. Fn te ice Furer Cone Tf of 3) = Lin ¢x-2= hero (6 Ft inte Furie ie Tresor and Ft Fte Coe Trasirn o )=in on Ae Fe For Sine Tr = 1)". Fafa [fens]. 1.83 fe + a0 1. Fine eae SneTsfom of x)= Dein 0 << ‘Ase 29m)" Fn eter Cine Tai ff) =) (9) Aas 8) Find he Foe Cosine Trastorno 0 if ae Oexd Siting wt the Let W269 Ue,en 2)“ UG) eying MY wo mast THEOREMS, (0) Initial valve theorem: If Z (ag) = U2 ten wy = Le Utah naval theorem: If 2(4)=Uehtien Le Us) ~ Ue DUE) 132__BASIC ENGINEERING MATIIEMATICS__ ACE Academy. ‘SOME USEFUL Z-TRANSFORMS Temata Tp SNe] Sgueee O) port at 8 Jum Lo aco Li aso 6 |e 8 jae to, | em [sine 12 [teas [si 14, cohen 15, [sth ae erate? (lt (2p + eineae (e+e) Foto See sS- 210) 210) -w-v7") FU e)-w aos) ue) 210 10) | lene | | orenene | yin) | ene we2) Ieee? we) ‘CONVOLUTION THEOREM W2"(U¢@) wand! =, Ben 24) We =F seen 6% | PROBLEMS Find 2170) nett 2.Fna 240) see Fink Za fae a Find 21040) ‘ns: 2logtt 2) ‘Find 2{Siow2) and ZiCesow2)) awe og ke 134_BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS_ACE Acadsmy Sia ame aia pot 1 nc ati mia wee} nce wager sen fF] 9.60 se Sea wouezig~ 2 Raza) 92 aa V1 203-22 tek Fmt Ama a ae wager) pmo 1.200) a 2 se 1420-1) Aas 23? $4 eH $0,Up=2ant U1 deal 2) ey itt “Netieaawal tei ‘anw_2Siga +2000 15.4 2100) = 6.21Cos00, 18.2182) a) 19.2{Coie) Sa) wilt aScent * ant} altos} ‘ns (2 bog) ACE Academy ‘TRaNsroRM THEORY bs 2.20/0-) nee nfm) ae gale) -2 tional noes Fin he vere Z-trarm the ering Let Ams: -6¢2F' + 37) Weare = - oe ame amass “ : 1 aes ve 2-2.3 30.28 coed sew 309 (0-083 mer as 3° ot) ie Cetinteen owt Z4FT'}= oe Ot Sat 22) (ee coma dey an 9 0402 ance 47asye ‘is 68) =) Conte) (4 Si) ao “ted arta) — fea} | 16. 2 tegen) facecfcareay a2 aoe leas Ass fee 136_BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS __ ACE Academy OBJECTIVES. o.zciya= = we wee oon @e 2 singe 2) . We) Bey OxeE- OFT -D wz Wate as ming Oude oF ea eri oe o.ztteern wr oer Omer (82am of iting fone or mo o2 oz 06 2 tearfom of dcett e ftons Qed Brey OF/en — Ox/es) 7.18 2) eng OU® © LTO © UH OUR (8. Wiehe he iloning incor © a? eww) (©)Aee)=2 R)—we-w id Pkt) =A) =) 9.2 tae 6 cates) Mees) Ostet) ) 3K 10.2 of 4 i utes) mt) 2) “Oyen 1.2 (02> = writen? @xea? — Oxia — 2407 12 vee 2 —oifonn fa) is or wie 62 on - tf-tn oft en esr wet) Oe) Omi — Dy eenpRa~ ite nf of = 22-20) +4) bene w2 @32 Oo OK xe 1B 2 BAB SAGA TARR OB IRC LB 2A, ne aa ACE Acagemy “TRANSFORM THEORY. 137 PREVIOUS GATE QUESTIONS, 0, The Lape wale of ieton foe Foye See osprocher (EE-22M) @3 WS @IR @ 02 ast oD ose rh co gam oy EL oS oS (3.1FF is he apne stom fe ‘incon ft) dan Lape asm of Jooaxis (ote200-20) tole eo trove 119-10 fro 4, Lage non of ‘eames ‘ce-09.2M) (7. tas) te oe ies Talc won 0; Ge plas msn ero 0 aero etn ofan Lote) (0 There apace ttm of Fat mr 200.180) @iee wine or wire 08.Given 9-1-5 34" _] olan HU R= then ala of kis tre ee-anie3M) @1 w2 3 we 10. The Laplace torn of i8 Tee finn (osean1029) wesise ma wae Otte wae Nu epesensthe wit tion, ‘TeLapace tanto fe ‘anani0s) as (C ENGINEERING MATHEMAY ACE Acade Basic Et Se 12.GivenAi) and gi assbownteow KEY: (aeieaMem) Ors aaah oncom Vansanis — 1° da Complex Variables (Comper Number ee ‘AComplex mune maybe finds res pit) wh ody ae el amber Ws eR ‘Which ale eal imag pas feet ne ‘Tanto te farm Z= iy ee, y «ROR tall ete bes Tecnu oa cmp unter =p 8x 1 Polar Farm of Compl Number: PuaxsCod,y~eiodinz-ne ti. Ten 2108 iSietye® = t ‘ ‘Tous =f reat be pl om fe cme amber 2 yan = Wee Thoas ee led he mols an! 0 =) is eed the ampide oe capex ante (ea beget ar ‘Mejia of isin eatin = wie te a0» sandr sae pac aio beg "roe f Moda nd mpd oper tr See |) Modulus of um or dtrence ft compe manber ely les thar ul thie Ge apa eos cts ent a os 4 oe eras a + Hl Oe - O Fe*—e] azarae 1) The mod of ttenc or oft camps nantes i als gee a ra fee) lee Leena oa abit Daye op be fadleee Hla etedenb ©) Te pots of te pode of wo comple mbes i equal ee pd of hele forkzo - 7 ‘eis eon of Fe). Za Peay a ad orem 4 Te mods of he qe oo complex mbes i eq 1 he gait ftir auc eR owe 1) The apd of te dat of wo complex suber seo som the pds isi 2y eed ye e™ “Tienes ‘Te apie of th gute of cope amber seal te ifn of el snp, ZyZa=nine™ fe apie Tenth comple iaginy, ui he pe ors Then tbe conpec meri py a Neighbeurhond open 2 Then of al poise wit ide whose cnr 2 is ‘ale nphourne of pol. M MATHEMATICS _ACE Academ Ansty une: 2 ge: ie etn 1) i eam 5 i 2s 6 eat a2, bt wey po of sane ipod “Asner ed Racin} rene pee HG) eee fterpone Note: An anc ation so kaw rept, lomo, monogenic tn Ente Fant: Afton 7) hich asic veya comple line and pis) irl an eae ano, Cacky~ Remana(C - 2) Equation: Te Cassy — Rison seins we pp © Actin eer piven cnn ud ucten WZ) =u + aye 20 Mie CReqaon ae pveaey ‘ude Vand y= de eeu yaad 2.1) iden polar forte be CR eqs pol fr ae gen by ‘= Ue v0 wd r= SED orem 5) Harmonie nein: Any fat, sig he Laplace’ seqaon 4 =O Tes @4/ 20) + (HO) =O neal names non, ‘Theoren: I(Z)=utv ean ant acon. Then he el nd agp a ‘ss Laple' oun (wae Vr aa). ‘Thus Pu) ?) =O aad Oe) + Py 0. Note Thera fam fps pes 15 y= Oo ropes Ante Fein: — IE) emi te 2) 9) EV we 2.1192) aml ent ethno, te (aly = dere = ete. 5. The dev ofan rai iol a al tn 4.1092) ~ wv is aml, tthe lyf car ined by 3) "Can Wa) Ce arm a rope wg) ys rg eta ef ey) = Cs 2d 5. The el par uy) of sn bi faction 2) = wy) + ny eke te cope mn nt nl Soc wpa ety a see ‘Note:The moc oa rs econ with cont m ACE Academy (COMPLEX VARIABLES 1a ‘CONSTRUCTION OF ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS 7 DETERMINATION. OF CONJUGATE, FUNCTION 1) Mad (Ft Desa Mat): 2) ee ar tm a on 9) =e ie. ShSeatnd weal ww Sev os ot The Sine pay erode Py.) A) By CReuor =m j= ogequtin abe wines eva ay a) ae ‘TheitSftesjr: qn em +6) wheM=-Bu N= Sy 2 fap ml eee Fae Sinsation eB) + BaP) 0-9 ae ite cg) an ac tnt eatin Ter aepting it is we eeveleupiesinayec eve Wie lang pc scant od viet hy {Spano tae ts sew acne ay to wich SIEISS reais erent ney asco oe iain Tin) New ee ete “Re aps denn benny 2 telbchydse Tectiecahe haske x oir Eau 1 eat fan azar nt gen by i) =2° ==. Then ind 9) ‘Gvstuig=s'-7—7 fips ldy=2y—1 avout ax + Lote a Hy stp ey ae ain aiyte iw cusp ayo. 2.1 magia pa 9) == Find) Bevipict br omen fret l rt 2 fy eesiv- aay? =i Itw=8 Cony fad a3) . tu 2y) ot + Su! 267 Sorel 48 Cnydy Cate a) en Sy oe on 1S) =e 142_BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ACE Academy nanan ptm peer) ihe) Repinen tyne. ‘ininepte wap 7 sLarsagyigen Tier =u +, Reine ty apt 0 int. ‘Seeing weet ample |. fu 1/3 fog). a he sie eon 12). Latleyna ty 2 feel oy) of ana aes 2) Cosy -y Simp Fld )- tue 0a ree Cony=y Sin) yo2 (xSiny Sip ~y Cay) Roan Zand -O'n de sore ques Ten weze rere es) sted farreieny W@) ~leaayae-2e FxmRaise-1 |For what aes a ban, te sic det by R52) =) +b acai Becbezers Washer sarbneel eanceleaboe 2 Fr, ves of ah Sad he fencon deisd Wy (2) = (racy) + ete) irate = barenatpea=s oe2B Davoeette sve 4. The leo for which he te die ipl forma RZ) =? Co Sia sami. 3P=0 OPH? “ar: ane “The lo Ff which anc eine by) (12) ote") (Py) isaaie eet yp-0 or: ace Anes il inthe =~ ple given yh peat acon =~ Then ‘ete incon i a ‘vay o-ay oy ACE Academy COMPLEX VARIABLES 13 ‘6 prs son ili. Then se ton eon jean” Saga dae 1 apex eal ction) =. y= Sa. The is Bea Se Gey yECky Dee {Tee con whe eps =a oie a Se 9. Thea ton 2 cospending wir anu = 24» 3s a2 M=B a0 ‘Doone Water = et? oP, The inte of ib a en eae ame tag) eos) Thea zs ee NE oe noe 1a fun Cony —Sin an 7) sag hen até 8 ’ pene 1 The non W 92s aoniyiceverytae bya gays) eo whee amis dome The faeton (2) = isan Deauetincoe Wrowberewac amc ony (40) ese 15 They of 8 erwich a= Ey tie ae bess ‘e-0 rene 16. The rg mjc xespndig the iy fines Net)eP Conse Ca? ssc By Sn +i oe Oe mee ituse* Corto) thal. The 0) 212 Stag) Det talons einen) — amor 1Wty=-P Si inka es amex 88 a)? sea) DPCadd OESAD Aaeseefdeabore 19. The seat isin ck at Ref) = 349-87 ad HU) The cory eae yz Pees — Some 28 An) = 031 ak (O)=3—,_ = 6-5. Tens Dis 6 ps6 30 ‘Dao kay, 2b Za 3b he Sb Gb Th kb Ma HOB ILD De Naha 151Gb The Ea me f4_BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ACE Academy (Complex Line negra: uf) bes comple avd ft. Tee complex ine negro RZ) aloe the gent’ is ceed by J RZ). Where ie gen pa ofimepaon. ote rey complex ie ite. he exe ees 1) =u edd The 12) fei (18h = [oe —v a if ode rad) egy — Tetadsaayar = frau + fener ahmar=-f aan 2 Pao opi Cex (nec frayae = aya 4.4L tag fe) a2. where 2 5M vey wh on a Liste ego cae Not te nega 2 nly: Tenth ie inte independent ofthe pat Iepan Brame Laon deaagay=a & 99 yada dom T= “ita see snaenle =wocbrnacadns Oi ~0-pps ten} wp 296 - “e-16 . b)Alomy =x &y=20 a. ete Bye (ade «9 Tee ona ee saana-oal eaana is Slesioplpo hpaat ere" «pale afer?” done 12) Farthe ncion 7)" UE lho te faliovng tent it Sefincon so amos ¥) te cons no singer The aso inte sips ~ 6) oe of e above La 2e 3b 4b Se Ge Te Rb &b “Wa he 2b raeton sido a he stim @-2) £2) ACE Academy COMPLEX VARIABLES, 13 2AFZ~aisa double polethen Resi offz)a1Z~ ais i (Zs) 2) Ze 2a ema 2-4 i ple of orden Teens fa Zn ee) Lim (@Z" 492 ive Note: A242) ad Za gle pole ax whee 8) +0, wa)-D and +0 beat esdbe a i Zeige by (0) xERCIst-VI : Find the poks sine nd ees ch pl forte lowing Lee 2¢zapsiatz2) S802 cites seo HE Evan He tee came sauce, Eee Lee. eee GE a a Le — Le Nplate 5 Rea 22 2.22 eewatl subi Ress 53 Zc0isermowblesgnty «Res 0 42013 pls of rer Ress we 227 and 277 S Zeta sng A OResni 5 2 [0.2=-2Sinpe ple Res 4 HRue Zook tese-8; Pole ZI dnt poletes= 8 12.2205 pol: Rt 1D Z=-tlsple pls; Reibwsire (92) and N20) 14 Sipe pler ss Ze, 3 Rests wt -32. 1,532 ae 15.Zo0isa pe oferer3 ses 43 1620s nuit Rex Higond ieee Zan sRex™-1 1.22558 Det are simples; esc se, 4, and IM especialy 19.Z= dala singlets; Resiacearee"2 and 2. Gee's Rese Tear: 112s ane within aon single led eane“C exept nite amber of es Sne:C Thea Tieha2 = ani (Sumo he rites tte poles isi]. ‘Rote: i te problems of Exes en be sve by sng Cony’ Rei 15 IC ENGINEERING MATHE) IMPORTANT FORMULAE. |. Retin beeen Ciel an Hyper atone: )sinzisinz: omit Coa Teng iumbe Con iz Cos ) 10 2= (Sa +4 Say) (Cas + Cody) 02» (ine i Sia) Cady Com) Se eto —i isin (Conk Cay ‘anh (Sinn +1 Sy (Ca + Cn) 19 Sez = (Casey +See) (Candas Casi oss ~ (SiC 2Camsiny/(Cakdy-Cods) 2 tae of) az=siad ; 2RD*Cal 5 L-HARIIRD rn“ BL Zon BARD) Sihd 5 Zonk EH OQ 4412) cone, Csi fora. SAD)=Uil ¢ Zesan 8A OID 60) =Ca.; = 00tY r9- 012, 7A); Zt f= EAD) eohl ; Z=HQatDh, fr 0= 002. Academ ACE Academy COMPLEX VARIABLES 155, 2. itn Vals i falleving ers LIP = cna ke i Sinier fork 012, en S Tremor afte, k=0123,.... (All vdues rte cpl aes) Aine ri Vue" Sei? =20% [Sino +|coson 2) 10 iil ye Sia Bodog eo; Pini alae 1 0" Fora Oh2 ‘ova O pina ae RYDEN OL 2poncnnn te ‘wip valve) og = -Qeeta), a0,4h a2 10. There atthe pica ae of" ine" * Cone gd) cosy = es = ghettos “alog Zee Met 20 Ah wR +i ag 2] 156 \GINEERING MATHEMATICS_ ACE Academy ACE Academy ‘COMPLEX VARIABLES 137 PREVIOUS GATE QUESTIONS 05 Tetum TS Aconplosahes Fa bsis rae teat g inc ange co OL Whe on oft lowing No me TS Wtichane a he ling fo complex oumbers Zand Zs? Se shown in thick Sines of (CE-205-1M) lees +y")¥itn“ ty ooust in of in oh Ah ‘sot peat in ecole? (NSM oat ‘rams . ean wen c eyy2e2te12|+4201 cSt lecaistatcla hence ifs nme or fs, whee Cine @nygentsramaaoiats Seah fase ee ee oo om wer ercy-i- te CE3HEAN) ‘aus nega ore ora (24 cox . te folowing legal ouner| o7.Forthe sion 8 ofa complex (ont Daten Shae sat elec 2 rcede.2 being acomplex Tat PO a8) afte secre coneur ofits ; apt Tobin pre ene . wile Te ant ve (pera 3 eee ie (Coaesam) Gapestane! weet! fey (01-0 :sgtie w= Gusesaoaaty neon 2 08, Potential function ¢s given as foes tte ean : ° + {s28etarenon2n} aaa iy ceayeet ; (1-12 spine doag ade Bhan fe ieweasot2.) ory wR we Oe Oa wn (Neto 1s Teepe)“ 4 tg corned ae ens Bee coon a : (1 oni cic] 2-5 i= 2in ow 3 ens 16 Thee! {toed ‘Seppe ie Sehensidenene pes She. | SAN (pie cetera Dette ampere gin ede THiyGov=1) when "nies 25, avams2m) ioMe-2ue7M) Oe une plsicn, we ooamain Gia cme @si-2 oH ‘sobations. G)2xi(W)4xi (2x1 HO om Ont t 14. The residue.of the function 17. The value of the expression { foe ch oaenti (04, Let 2? =Z,, where Zsa complex. e272? be mcet an nn ecanany rsa) ca en . Leteeatan ea ra nea re oe-s # ot of zat O21 Receeenaaaae 2-1 Mt 158_BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ACE Academy, 1H Theale con ingsaries’ xt ta) = 2E (e-20aM) LBL tants (lati iands 19. Theva of ei core pve 2] Lis (cem9.269) on oF 0 wn anit -nsesttn fac eat ecdo.1m (ore @2R +e) (2m IH) 21 Ales tip wferexand ye ten these] ois NONI) wr oer or wer 22 neo te oats of eux =, ‘whee Peau ot oft ‘as20.20) 4 94 oBet 2. Mhealeof fot, he souourftegisioe singe lee cre sud he i ‘aN2o09.16) oo 29) we on 24 Anas nto of cape ‘arable =x expe 2)= wey) +409) t= Henny tenths re shoube ‘ate 2008290) OP a oy ofan o ofZa otha 25. the ett fae be (GB +) retsin “ra09.10) wie — 9-8 (oe @irsis 26 Tecnu int asinine gis ected ye Te abet EE fose-isi* exami 2. Lani ase ay ou te) ACE Academ COMPLEX VARIABLES 27. The situa comple fecon key xe 5 tpl cecanneamy OL CA et ny @misr Mmsa2 ha mirmsbiee tea, ea an +n ive See tacit yh : eeameany 2b @y-my @aey-Y oe x @9-r sa 29, fs semlexnanba wis he ‘guage eae lowe tig granny, 0 ®t @2 we [The md oft comple umber sea 2a) (coe (3) vee - ws OF OF. OF st mentee! 5 ceaniny = Har Ox we me Sa ta ha me me Da os we mb ne 1s wa ae soe Basic ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS one=9 rear Miron ‘oor ANU: Core equon 90 von (0) Fa ieetinousin a, ao and (ee of pest nse [099] ten atleast one ratte ego) es eon and ere formate: 208 esas he oot he eer ea) yn) + The Bsesoe maton don his howe singlet este meta andi pane cone, Comers sl a aly. Ths eb ean ab wd ar Fring compe os. -RecuLa Fast sero (METHOD x48 OSTION) Goce fo) =8 WFG)-£0)<0 cen deere oma is Oe) 1 The ise pston maa suse! a ee ‘Hishoweey slows it recom. er of convene = “Ieent mss mnie cose o thet st fe wl be peso wBaen med Iwo -Rarnson Merio0: ‘he hemo oat seen of 02.) 00, ‘Whee yon oath equa = 1 Tpenetn's mend wf ser olga of 6) when he gph ff) sleceaing the-art ety vei, + Scie staring vale Convertor tf saring pit ne the ot {cs The Newors oma camer pol eS spatimtn yee fies oe sa ~ + News mtd erally odo imgrove he el aie yor tie * Newae's utr ude oveec Leet fsevegene= 2 te The mbequent era each tps opr te que of eee previs = ae eof finn ember? Scat mated (Medd ein of eel a nterploe md): — New anson ty por be Or raat faved uy sets beter ene "organ aye tegen. faded.) 7 - > nse of choosing twovaloes of sch ha the eso bs opposite sins a these ‘or wena be ar ea ACE Academy, NUMERICAL METHODS 1 > Wismetd isp ony fone cris aot ia the ity fe seria be + one ven, Seon ms i moe fice amped Newt - Rpm + Intima, we appoint te graph oe etn =) ine nerd ot ‘hero aight ne een psig gh epost 198 The teaton omit , ‘Whore x ands ed tech ot ‘The oder of omverpencs is 2 conversa fle positon maha, 4 No guares of convergence if mt nea rot. The method als ffn)= fi) * Rint be considered the mst canonical mein giving reasonably apd convene at lowest ‘+ Theamonnt of compute eff is oe finn eration ‘SiceEssIVE ArPmONINATION METHOD: “onde otf te equation £0 (1) by sucesiveaproimiton, werent (inthe form = 0) [t= sabe he inital approximation of the derived rt. The itive Formula i Xi m8 O) ‘Order of convergence is 1 {Ey to progr gute of amvergece. * MG) abe arootf {=O wbich is equiaento x= Cs) (@) be any imal omaing he ott x= @ Gla! (le foralxin T “Then the seqoece of proximation 3X. wil Cnvege othe ot a provided {hein oprormaton xy hasan The alle te val of (0 he more pi wl be the coonergence, ‘+ Ths metodo teat parla wef fr finding the rl root of qution sive inthe for of infinite series. 1, Using Newton Raph eration foal dhe fest ppoximstion tothe otf he sion -x- 100 wish seat x2 sien pis om eam 2. Using, Newton's etd id the fs aproximaton tte roe of ti equation $e=coex I (Take y= Os sl ppeniation) on win 923 ose 3. The Newt's tration fomul foc ining AN where Nis positive real amber is 8) X= 12344 Ni) ‘at = 12 (%4- Ning) mer (2- ND) p24 Nd 4. ForN= 18 and x94, The fist approximation V8 by Newton's tron formulas 20 435 at 94206 ‘5. The New’ ition foul frig I whe Ni postive rel camber is 2) et (+N) Baw (2-Na) Oxmimm (24a) xe Xe (2-N) 162___DASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS_ACE Academy 6. TheNewton Rapin iin maa frig were Nap er 1B (2 Na Deer 1324 Nie, Baer WB2AP HN) Bci= IBN 7. teint aponinsing 2 xt gen seis 1st it “potion wth oto be esas Bose eat ore oss 1 Ug ction met, fi son! pron et of ady-9 "tener ad aa 228 23 os og {9 id i aprosinaing al of ions? -21~—5 0 the edt fae poston teen? 2 S208 20966 206 206i 10, Using eat med ind rs provi he oot a he gue xe"= crx femendad - asia bose sims ayaast 1 Find ie ist print 2 et ofthe qin oe 34— Hea =, sng ise apoio etd a5 2, 02 os 12 ade typi area eta eon ‘xl n = wing sie acini tod Tae X= 3.61) psmis ms una 3789 1. Wich of town sti te eld rating bee to eae cic mato emia ft ©) Seat mos News “Rayon meiod 1: Aer Névoe-Raphon etd wich fe wings ett ofcomveace ‘)Beeciounetad ‘Seam webad| Dette pees 6) Suen gecicion key ~ Lb 2e de 4b Sb 6a Ze fe Oe ts tLe Be tab 2 PROBLEMS 1) hing scan mat nd ot of ema? ~~ ere a! fer ais byte 1635 oss 2) ‘The Newton Rapn ito fal fi finding vere quae et of ie ion Oe Re aes 5K) Ean et Bene | { | | ACE, NUMERICAL METHODS 12 5) Nevin Raho ad ela die ot abe guon 20 fe eae ace ste terns wal ceateony SJeomeete-I Bjcamergewowh» chameggeto—W2 dot eoaet 4) Which following tenes ples ston eto ud fr Fini ros ffncen ‘caress ‘Sexes win fv eats ‘goed o wor falas eons : eset Noon «Rpm os Shasta ce il be oan dtm te sig of etons ADDITIONAL PROBLEMS ON NUMERICAL METHORS, 5) Sting fm, one toa Neto Rapoa hod eng euation eae rad geste nee (caress Dates Darts eyyats Sun? Conse he fing ve ding atid and conta proper eto Pep ‘nde of sone (qs Fale Poston New agin One oer? §:Seam Ty Ore eeseergece ie th ricco seen TSucesie Apeoxinon De mkNseim TT Seatr-nsen tent Shecubeees arm ‘The oon Ran oo "0.24 Gage end ee ein : aed yx xa? ‘ax = 2 (GATE'02) |) Tera ot oft een nef 2a ing Novon— Rate mato Th spain of ie OA, te sand Pprximaono he val ove te inal le (carestPi) ous BOS eae passe 15) Given 0, ewe spl au (1b ing Newson Raps ‘edd 0. 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Fn gre med ad dx YFK taking h + 0.05. - ae sors Seta ys) $y = 8.10 Fa. hb 0S ig esti ACE Academy NUMERICAL METHODS. 1s en's Methods pares aio.) fay (whe ites comet] Sina wean id re : > ‘Themed ea led mol Eales me sen oer Range Kea PROBLENS. |. Giveadylax=Iogn) why“ nhonx=0. Find 02) eng He's met wih eo 2 ine dy 9, 90). Fin (002) a (0.08) by Hest (ching = 00) ‘Ane 1 ao 06 Ranges Mead (R-Kmethd of rer ‘Tosa pdx =1-+y wih ya) =p Ceri seceiely Teahiea Lani H. 304k) onus hawt Behe jek) Fray kk + y+) ate sno + PROBL - 1. Amy Rang’ mtd oda piri of when x= 02, ven ta “ican yandy=1 wien=0. ‘e125 ange Kutta Metid(-K mathd of rer ‘Toso id= 3) witht canton yu) =, Lt ete te trv eter din es -” i eta) he he nme in scoped he gla grey Kesh tea bohhatha,y +6) Woshdy rh.) Kiohfiy tho) ‘y= ly #2 2h; nepeay 166__BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ACE Acade PROBLEM 1. tye, 90)* 1 find 0 by king =O. ad ug R-Kantodof ore ae 11034 Properties: 1. 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Given he eqn, 9" 2p) witht) = 2.1125) = 3159615) 45,901.95)" ane 1) 230125) ~3.8 91.) 45, 0179)-69 Nanna Mc ta oo it tot ron ome yeaa ee ‘eta has ‘ett ep pc me vay 240 a oa Tek pct em phy a B= The A~M carreejor formula is given by Tor 0 ks) 168_BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS _ACE Actgemy, rRoRLsM 1 epi eg A Mati! = wh) °2 1029718 yes“ 6 teint e)~ ate : 1.A~B tee fmol ioe xeplation, bene eso teabl Thi i Sand moa rene 2A-M (eoes) frm gene ie sce, S.A-B-Minetod smal sale, [PREVIOUS GATE OUESTIONS - *NUMERICAL. METHODS? |The guy of Smo’ s ques orssep ses (GATES) soe) San} oan? now) 2 ing oI, on stp of Newtsn Rapioe moda soing he egaia ie) geste neta at cares) B80 DAMN eel Oa wey he 2e Ave acaueny sumpsacan mes nus PREVIOUS GATE QUESTIONS 9: ee ats See Kel eat peal ie ep ts 122137 eames, (09 w: ou (ors (2, Newson Repos fom fd the too ofan eqn fe) = 0 i gies & auisin fi) | Fan Ort 2] fis &) Osa Set He) (State ore 1 Me pom pe) 0x + 2h mara (at eats (0)3 land? compe rot (tretand comple ots (@allepleroos 5 entity be Newton ‘enon stem for 6. Gen atone on of Be enn Yaloy+Sie30=0ie3 theta lowroaeae CE000388 (@2mis—@aute 3mid — @=2als 7. The flowing equation nes Ye sal te ee Novae th The foe ean et Rist ‘CEFN Onpayeny bes Oa fps wba 170_-BASIC ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS ACH Acagem 8 Macizg exec choos he comtct 1. Adee ogtion ‘teu ofthat A,B,C. Se aim embeting Group 1 ‘panda le ofinegtn wih Sepaneh 001s Faneton ut) Ines nant ep ncn andr ioral ues HU) =0,tom aco att= 0012 (Non ier date outs f Vaca ena wt Eee Seaca epne 00019 epaomes ron Soom Beave ange ba mtd 2 Egan =I Opin be Nowa ead ‘Shelly Newer rd wh Gam ciate kip entero iSeperme” ramon = esos | ees ‘he ston wl een "EE 200620 (ganas qaseme (aa0ss7 13. hiskaown hat 01098 of te 2 Ter equsioe =r etx 60 sel and The id ol be dcr ing ue er 120820 ‘neglect wib ine sep @y 5 aro o Ww te mim 62 we peice value of aT came Sly of te Slain of Oe 14. The reson ain se x= ‘sig Newton" Rplion eos ‘reed din cat modi or on q or on 10. The oquton? = 4x—4=0180 ‘ese singh Newton “Race Sn 2 an ee ‘Sprnon of sola hen pone ng hi etd wilbe "ECan ACE Academy NUMERICAL METHODS i 15. The dient egoion Fino) and te onsin:> Dist bemumsicaly legate ng the ree alee ‘nth with nea ego ‘ine pT. The mani a af T ch at he eset of cee wa fue ow or 2s Meio ith ‘entice 6200.26, (© cn pony tv ete nt seat cstags ~€ my reap ee ce nd "72 cing (© an it ae ie tan ‘ent and moe tan eee 0TR tee nope neat 1g ene off sei tentang at le (te nowt ‘eed wisest oe Stonemeoc teat Prao0sn oe oN QE eae 3 jonni 20)~0. Using Euler toner etal with ep ef oe Suar"2ik, Bie, gee 238 Neves ~Rapion method is aed © Spam aot ofthe egon "Ovid S 2 Bein be ‘ee arocnaton se te eaten . ‘cSanioant @s%s am ser Ba 2, Balers Method of inet. ‘got ote el aes pti & G2 10-0. the sp seh = 02 te he evr ix computa a vege) ep alg vranea 0 ww ox ox key: a ae Heke rn me oo, na Derma ae Be on, he Be dhe ACE ENGINEERING ACADEMY Congrat (Our Top Ranks {within 100) in GATE — 2000 ‘Bronch ; Instrumentation Engineering OUR GATE 2010 TOPPERS ELECTRONICS &COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING TOPPERS SHO. STUDENT NE “GATE HT NO [RAR | HARWARAVANANK K ‘02 | SHAN AZEEMUDDWN 05 | SREEKAES ‘cLASs ROOM COACHING COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING TOPPERS Ne | ame sliseaiee NOSE GRTERTNO—[ —Fa Si WALLARLUARRRISINA 08 ‘ ee pease | 6 | ot 02 AONARAYANA PULAPARTH | —essen16—[ 8 cae eee sabetet ees) “MECHANICAL ENGINEERING TOPPERS FERAITUROOHAT | pyasiisrr | 45 | $567 SAO —— sae TRENT NO_| WARK oe [her [RAT Wa ESOT n a | DEEP REST aon | 30 | sar fue SCE 3 oe TRO THOR meniomre | 2 | $267 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING TOPPERS ‘og | USAITOSHENAGIREDDY | cyosst9 a. | 52 TO, ‘STUDENT NAME GATENT NO, BANK] lis - 0 [ves “EET [Gp YSRRIARGTATRISINAS |p rasa | 38 | S139 G2 THEIOSWANTRADUS eeasoee7 —T 7 a aE RET pass | 7 [seer = 7 Sant INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERING TOPPERS oe (perenne Bese eee | are ‘GREATNO | RAC RR RAR BR Sere es |e ov [Rumiacseese zone : ee a sino? | 96 | 4558 GET RARTHIREYARTS TSEoocd a we CIVIL ENGINEERING TOPPERS Se aroma GAERT NO RAM RETA PEROT eetrmee 8

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