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WOD is the future of Deep Learning

What's in the WOD?: The dataset contains 1,000 discrete recordings of different
autonomous cars driving on different roads. Each segment is around 20 seconds long
and includes sensor data from one mid-range LIDAR, four short-range LIDAR, five
cameras, as well as sensor calibrations. The WOD data is also labelled, with each
segment annotated with labels for four classes - vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists, and
signs. All in all, WOD includes more than 12Million 3D bounding boxes and 1.2Million
2D bounding boxes.

One of the problems with today's drones is their battery life - most sub-military drones
just can't fly for that long, yet around the world businesses and local government
services departments (fire, health, police, etc) are starting to use compact, cheap,
consumer-based drones - but these drones tend to have quite limited flight times. Now,
researchers with the University of Minnesota have published a paper showing how -
theoretically - you can pair fleets of drones with ground-based robots to create
persistent surveillance over a pre-defined area. "We present a scalable strategy based
on optimally partitioning the environment and having uniform teams of a single UGV and
multiple UAVs that patrol over a cyclic route of the partitions," they write.


With the futures dropping to lower lows overnight on Sunday night, it has seemingly
completed 5 waves down off last week’s high. However, we really only have a confident
3 waves down in the SPX thus far. And, my standing rule is "cash is king," so I will
almost always give primacy to the cash SPX index.

AI agents are getting smarter, so we need new evaluation methods. Enter BSuite:
…DeepMind's testing framework is designed to let scientists know when progress is real
and when it is an illusion...
When is progress real and when is it an illusion? That's a question that comes down to
measurement and, specifically, the ability for people to isolate the causes of
advancement in a given scientific endeavor. To help scientists better measure and
assess AI progress, researchers with DeepMind have developed and released
the Behaviour Suite for Reinforcement Learning.

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