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Handpicked Web Development Trends that

will Make a Difference in 2019

Web development trends offer a snapshot of where the industry is heading. Our list features some
of the most cutting-edge concepts as well as the latest additions to the developer’s toolbox that
ensure we build better experiences for our users. So, here is the list of web development trends that
will surely make a difference in 2019.
1. Introducing the Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
Did you know that as per the recent study, mobile apps account for 89% of total mobile media time?
Progressive Web Apps (PWA) are something that has garnered huge attention. PWA are web
applications that appear to users like a mobile application but are web pages or websites actually.
They offer native-like experience to users of all platforms and all devices.
As per Google, 53% of mobile site visits are abandoned if it more than three seconds to load. This
problem can be solved well with the help of Progressive Web Apps. PWA combines the best of the
web and native applications. Even without installing the app users can get full app experience. The
stat speaks about some of the benefits -
Forbes’ saw an increased impression per visit by 10% with PWA. The giant Alibaba
saw a whopping growth of 76% in mobile conversions whereas Twitter experienced a
20% decrease in bounce rate.

You can offer a good UX as PWA gives full-screen experience because of which the brand identity
is more visible and much stronger. Using push notification PWA can mimic the native app
experience offering full control over when and what you want to ‘push’ to users. This helps to re-
engage to the site by sharing web content with any app that is on your device but not limited to
Facebook and Twitter for example.
One of the best things is that PWA can do all this offline. Your content will always be
available even if you have a poor connection.

2. Adoption of AMP Pages

AMP is a Google-led initiative to enhance the mobile web. You must implement AMP pages if you
are keen to improve the speed of mobile pages. After all, good page speed has always been a
significant ranking factor. Also, AMP pages have the opportunity to be featured in dedicated
carousels at the top of relevant search pages. These two factors alone elevate the worth of having
AMP pages for your website.

3. Thumbs up to Single Page Websites

There are two types of websites – sites with multi-pages and single page setups. Most websites that
we see today typically are navigated to their respective detailed page. Looking the way how people
read websites, one must minimize the amount of the text on the webpage to improve conversion
One of the biggest pros of single page websites is their simplicity. No complex navigation, no deep
menu to pass – many people today love such browsing on their mobile devices. Single web page
design offers the best experience on mobile devices as they offer easy scrolling – a common
navigation method. Knowing the popularity of smartphones such as web development style offers a
modern solution to simplify your online needs while being inexpensive to develop.

4. Chatbots
Good customer service is the key to flourishing businesses. Chatbots ensure that there is always
someone available 24x7 helping your business while avoiding the need to hire a full-time online
customer service representative.
5. Voice Search Optimization
20% of mobile searches are voice searches, according to Google.

Artificial intelligence is one of the core components of any successful strategy and will only grow
more central in web developments than ever before. Voice search is one such a trend breaking
technology in the development space. From Siri on iPhone to Google Assistant & Alexa voice
search is making consumers more comfortable with its feature.
It won’t be a hype to say that two out of five people say voice-activated devices are
essential to their lives

Fortunately, a voice search recognition API can be easily added to your website which shall make
the searches the way the consumer want.
6. Cybersecurity
Data breaches are the greatest concerns of IT professionals. Data privacy infringement and
confidentiality breaches are some of them. Smart organizations are bracing up their security to be
prepared for the unparalleled wave of cyber-attacks which will leave their working environments
protected from these threats.
Developers are employing artificial intelligence (AI) to help their customers right from offering
customer support to predictive trends and image recognition. We can expect AI by our side to solve
the nuisance of rising cybersecurity crimes.
With over 1.8B websites and less than 200 million active websites to date and hundreds of new
websites getting flooded to intensify the competition – how are you going to stay apart.
Implement these state-of-the-art ideas and follow the development trends to make your business
website noticeable.

For More Information: @Social Media Marketing Strategy for Business

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