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Yea) 8 XS MUSIC SYNTHESIZER Owner’s Manual =n Al’Synthesis System KORG ae ‘THE FCC REGULATION WARINING ‘This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not installed and used property, that is, in stiet accordance with the ‘manufacturersinstructions, may cause interferences to radio and television reception. has been type tested and found to comply with the mits for a class B computing device in accordance with the specifications in Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules,which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interfarence in a residential installation. However, there sno guarantee that interference will nt occur in 8 particular installation. if this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the ‘equipmint off and on, the user is encouraged fo try to correct the interference by one or more of the folowing moasures: ‘+ Reorient the receiving antenna, + Relocate the equipment with respect tothe receiver, + Move the equipment away trom tho receiver. + Plug the equipment into a afferent outlet so that equipment and receiver are on diferent branch circuits. Ifnocessary, the user should consult the dealer or an experienced radio\tolevsion technician for addtional suggestions. The user may find the {oliowing booklet prepared by the Federal Communications Commission helpfl:"How to dently and Resolve Radio-TV Interference Problems”. ‘This bookie i available from the US Government Printing Otfice, Washington, D.C.20402, stock No, 004-000-00348-4, ‘CANADA THIS DIGITAL APPARATUS DOES NOT EXCEED THE "CLASS B" LIMITS FOR RADIO NOISE EMISSIONS FROM DIGITAL APPARATUS. ‘SET OUT IN THE RADIO INTERFERENCE REGULATION OF THE CANADIAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATIONS. LE PRESENT APPAREIL NUMERIQUE N'EMET PAS DE BRUITS RADIOELECTRIQUES DEPASSANT LES LIMITES APPLICABLES AUX ‘APPAREILS NUMERIQUES DEA CLASSE 8” PRESCRITES DANS LE REGLEMENT SURLE BROUILLAGE RADIOELECTRIQUE EDICTE PAR LE MINISTERE DES COMMUNICATIONS DU CANADA. Precautions Location Using the unit in the following locations can result in a malfunc- tion, + In direct sunlight + Locations of extreme temperature or humidity » Excessively dusty or dirty locations + Locations of excessive vibration Power supply Please connect the supplied AC adaptor to an AC outlet of the conrect voltage. Donot connect ittoan AC outlet of voltage other than that for which your unit is intended, W Interference with other electrical devices ‘This musical instrument contains a microcomputer. Radios and televisions placed nearby may experience reception interference, ‘Operate this unitata suitable distance from radios and televisions. Handling ‘Toavoid breakage, do not apply excessive force tothe switches or controls. X5 Back-up Battery ‘The XS uses a back-up battery to prevent memory loss when the power is turned off. Ifthe display shows “Battery Low”, Care If the exterior becomes dirty, wipe it with a clean, dry cloth. Do ‘ot use liquid cleaners such as benzene or thinner, or cleaning ‘compounds or flammable polishes. Keep this manual ‘Afier reading this manual, please keep it for later reference. WM Keeping foreign matter out of your equipment + Neverset acup, vase, orany other container with liquid init ontop ‘of this equipment. If liquid gets into the equipment, itcould case ‘breakdown, fire, or electrical shock * Be careful not to let metal objects get into the equipment. If something does slip into the equipment, tun off the power witch ‘and unplug the AC adaptor from the wall outlet. Then contact your nearest Korg dealer or the store where the equipment was purchased, the battery should be replaced. Consult the nearest Korg Service Center or dealer. Note: Description in this manual applies to both XS and XSD, and name 38 will appear for the description, except for the following specifications. X80 or KS will appear wherever these specifications are referred in the manual. sO l Ke ‘Number of Mutisounds | 430 340 ‘Number of Drum Sounds | 215 164 ‘Number or Preset Data | Progam, Conbinaion: 200 each (10in PRE, 100; PRED) | Program, Combination: 100 each Drum Kits: 4 (2 in PRE-a, 2 in PRE-b) Drum Kite: 2 Tone Generator 64 voices, 64 oscilator (in Single made) 32 voices, 22 oscillator (in Single mode) 32 voices, 64 oscilator (in Double mode) 16 voices, 32 oscillator (in Double mode) Waveform Memory aM eM Demo Songs 2 7 Introduction Introduction Features of the X5 Superior Sound with Korg’s Al Square Synthesis System ‘The Korg X3 employs Korg's AI Square Synthesis System for all digital processing. From the tone senerator—with its OMB capacity on the X5 and SMB on the 2'SO—o the filters, amplifier, and effect units, all audio is handled in the digital domain, which ensures the highest quality sound with absolutely no signal Joss or deterioration in audio quality. Based on state-of-art PCM technology, the AI Square Synthesis System is technology developed by Korg to capture the true essence of acoustic sound for use ina tone generator. Since its introduction in Korg’s O1/W series, X2/X3, and i2/3 synthesizers, the AI Square Synthesis System has received unqualified praise from ‘musicians and artists throughout the world. With the X5, you will enjoy a richness and variety of sounds at a level of audio excellence that meets or exceeds the quality of audio CDs. Multisounds Let You Create an Endless Variety of Sounds ‘The X66 contains 340 built-in Multisounds and the (5D contains 430 built-in Multisounds, which are tmult-sampled PCM waveforms, These Mulisounds allow you t simulate a range of musical sounds, from deums and pereussion o piano, guitar, and tmampe! pars, The XS also features unique Mulsounde-~such as Synth and SE (Special Efects)—which provide a wide variety of flexible tools for sound eration Infact the XS can generate aviualy endless variety of sounds ‘These builtin Mulisounds can be played in their unmodified form. They canals be modified to vest the sound of various musical instruments, once they pass through a powerful VDF (filter) and VDA (amplifier). You can also adda rich expressiveness toa performance by altering he sound using the key touch velocity, oF by adjusting the brightness of the sound or the depth of the vibrato using the modulation wheel. 236 Programs in Banks A and G Bank A contains 100 Programs and Bank G contains 136 General MIDI (GM) compatible Programs. You can ‘store your own Programs in Bank A. Programs comprise the basic sounds of the X5. You can play different Programs in a song by simply switching them; you ean even layer them in Combinations. One Hundred Combination Slots Allow for an Endless Variety of Programs Up to 100 Combinations can be stored inthe XS. Up to eight Timbres (which ae something like a container for sounds) can be assigned to each Program. In Combinations, you can layer or split multiple Programs by seting the Key Window or Velocity Window. ‘Combinations are powerful sound tools, especially for live performance. The Combination types layer, split, and velocity switch provide various sound structures. Drum Kits Support a Variety of Rhythms ‘The XBD provides 215 types and the XB provides 164 types of very popular drum sounds, including both drum and percussion sounds, You can create two Dram kis by assigning different drum sounds o each Rey on the keyboard. There are also eight ROM Drum kits available. ADrum kt supports the shythm of a song. Assigning a different drum sound to each key allows you to create a wide varity of rhythm pats. You can also edt the drum sounds using VDF, VDA, and effect dts. Digital Multi-Effects Processors: To Create and Add Dimension to Sounds ‘The XS contains two independent digital muli-effects processors that can produce various effects such as reverb, delay, EQ, distortion, rotary speaker, etc. These effects are very useful when you want to create a new sound of add dimension to a sound, Some effects are a combination of two effects. Using the X5s two independent digital mult-effects processors, you can use up to four independent effects simultaneously. ‘The effects processors allow you to apply effects to and edit the sounds directly on the XS, instead of connecting extemal effects units. Placement settings are useful for processing the sound and adding width or depth tothe sound, Each Program and Combination can have its own effect settings. Features of the X5 Awide range of scale types for numerous musical genres Tn addition to the conventional equal temperament and pure temperament forms of tuning, a wide variety of scales is available. These scales include the Werkmeister II, Kirmberger III, Arabic, and Indonesian scales. These scales cover a broad range of musical genres, from classical to ethnic music, and prove extremely useful inthe creation of high-fidelity simulations of ethnic musical instruments. You can also create your own, original scales, Westem music generally uses a twelve-tone equal temperament that allows you to play in any key and to transpose the key easily. However, the X5 provides various scale types that will make the sound of chords and the flow of phrases more beautiful, and that will allow you to perform music of temperaments other than equal temperament, such as the very complicated and subtle temperaments used in many ethnic musical pieces. Multi Mode for GM Since the XS conforms tothe GM (General MIDI) standard in Multi mode, it functions as a tone generator for ‘computer music. You can also use GM songs (performance data designed for a GM tone generator). Using ‘original Programs in Bank A or utilizing Key Window and Velocity Window allows for high-quality ensemble performances. ‘The XS can be used as a GM tone generator with standard specifications. You can also combine different Programs and play original Programs via ¢ computer. Equipped with a personal computer interface ‘Acomputer interface is provided which enables direct connection to the serial ports of your personal computer, whether in the Apple Macintosh series or the IBM-PC compatible series. ‘Connection to a computer can be made through either a MIDI connection with a MIDI interface, or through a rect connection using serial Cable. Using the Korg MIDI Driver vill allow yout control dats wansmission from MIDIOUT independent ofthe XS tone generator, orto simallancouly contol an external MIDI device Rich, large-scale ensembles with polyphony ‘The (5's 32-voice and the }(51D's 64-voice polyphonic capability allows you to create complex ensemble and large-scale orchestral sounds. Combinations of multiple Programs and features in Multi mode will help you achieve such effects. The XSD can simulate a magnificent piano sound, replete witha damper pedal, and ensembles of various instrumental parts without any notes eutting off Extensive Presets Produce a Wide Range of Truly Practical Sounds ‘The XS utilizes various Programs, Combinations, and Drum Kits as Preset data. You can load the sounds selected from 100 Programs, 100 Combinations, and 2 Drum Sounds on the 35, and the sounds from 200 Programs, 200 Combinations, and 4 Drum Sounds stored in Presets a and b on the (810, into the Program or Combination memory for immediate use, The Preset Load operation loads data from all preset sounds to one particular sound slot. ‘The versatile editing functions ofthe XS let you create original sounds very easily. On the other hand, abit of work to create a good sound from scratch, Given such circumstances, Preset data can be very handy. You can use the data immediately after you load a sound, choosing from a broad selection. You can use Preset data just as itis, without modification. You can also use Preset data as the raw material for sound editing. You ‘may be able to glean a few ideas for sound-making from the Preset sounds. How to use this manual First, ead from the “Introduction” to the “5. Application Guide” chapters to understand the setup, basic operation, and functions of the X5, These chapters explain the outline of the X5 and basic operation. ‘To obtain detailed information about X5’s functions, read the “6, Parameter Guide” and “7. Appendix.” These chapters explain various parameters and MIDI functions. Note: All the names of Programs, Combinations, and Multi setup that appear in this manual are just examples, and may not necessarily match the names you will see on the display of your X5. * Apple, the Apple logo, and Macintosh are registered trademarks; MIDI Manager and PatchBay are trademarks of Apple Compute, Inc. IBM is a registered trademark of Intemational Business Machines Comporation. (MS-DOS and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation ‘Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Table of Contents Introduction Features of the XS... Chapter 1: Controls Front Panel .. Rear Panel... Chapter 2: Setting Up the X5 Connections Basic Connection Connecting a Foot Pedal/Volume. Pedal MIDI Connections . MIDI Connectors Controlling the X5 from an External MIDI Device .. Controlling an External MIDI Device from the XS .. Connecting a Computer .... Connecting an IBM PC (Compatible) Computer Connecting an Apple Macintosh Computer Setting Required when a Computer is Connected... Setting Extemal Out Select (2C EXT OUT SEL) Setting Computer Select (OE PC I/F CLK) ........ Chapter 3: Getting Around the X5 Power On/Off .. Listening to the Demo Song X5 Modes Playing Programs Playing Combinations Performance Technique (Performance Function) Performance in Multi Mode Chapter 4: Editing Basic Concepts ... Sound Structure EG and MG Editing Programs .... Adjusting the Attack of Programs Adjusting the Decay Adjusting the Release Adjusting the Tonal Brightness Editing a Multisound (Basic Waveform) Adjusting Modulation .. Adjusting Panpot «0.0... ‘About Double Mode .... Some Hints for Editing Programs . Editing Effects Effect Types Effects and Sound Level .. Editing Combinations ... Layering Multiple Programs .. Adjusting the Volume ..... Adjusting the Key Window Adjusting the Velocity Window More About Combination Edit. Editing a Drum Kit .. Preparing to Play a Dram Editing a Drum Kit Creating a Drum Program Using a ROM Drum Ki Program Sound Making: Practice Protecting the Memory .. Setting the Parameters Sound Making... Writing Programs Chapter 5: Application Guide Performance Applications . Editing Applications MIDI Applications . Useful Tips... Chapter 6: Parameter Guide ‘About This chapter Program Parameters Functions in Program Mode .. COMBINATION Parameters... Functions in COMBINATION mode .. ‘Multi Setup Parameters . 105 Multi Setup Functions 105 Effect Parameters 13 Effect Parameter Table 44, Global Parameters Functions In Global Mode Saving Global Setup Data Appendix. Controller Event Edit Notes MIDI Panpot, Send Data .. ‘Troubleshooting General Error Messages . Program Edit Mode & Combination Edit Mode Error Messages . Global Mode Error Messages .. Specifica Options MIDI Data Format Program Change and Bank Select Reception in Combination Play Mode... PC Interface Technical Information Chart Wiring Diagram of Dedicated Connecting Cables Installing and Setting Up the KORG MIDI Driver Setting Up the KORG MIDI Driver (Windows) Installing the KORG MIDI Driver on a Macintosh Computer . Setting Up the KORG MIDI Driver for the Macintosh MIDI File Translator MIDI Implementation Chart... Front Panel Chapter 1: Controls Front Panel ‘@ [VALUE] slider @ [ENTER] button- @ [ANYES] button, [VINO] bution @ [10's HOLD/-} button @ [PAGE-] button, [PAGE+] button © [1 button, (>| button ee button PS ERTan pee "OCS rt 09090000! ° " (MULTI) button : ® [GLOBAL button Pitch bend wheel ® [EDIT] button ® Modulation wheel F @ MASTER VOLUME siider @ LCD fi f(s) tees @ Number keypad L@ PHONES jack This ogram shows fhe X8, @ [VALUE] slider This slider is used to set parameter values. (A parameter is a value that you can change on the display.) @ [4/VE5] button, [¥/NO] button In Program Play mode and Combination Play mode, pressing the [A/YES] button allows you to select the next Program and Combination respectively, and pressing the [W/NO] button allows you to select the previous Program and Combination respectively. When the [10°s HOLD/-] ‘button is lt, pressing these buttons will increment or decrement the Program/Combination number in steps of 10. In Program Edit mode, Combination Edit mode, Multi mode, and Global mode, these buttons can be used to increase/decrease parameter values. By pressing both buttons simultaneously in any of these modes, you can reset the parameter to its original value—that is, the value before you edited it. (This operation is called “Undo.”) ‘These buttons are also used when the X5 requires a yes or no answer from you on the LCD screen, For example, when the message “— OK?” appears, press the [4/YES] button to continue, or the [¥/NO] button to cancel, Chapter 1: Controls @ [PAGE-] button, [PAGE+] button ‘These buttons allow you to switch the page shown on the LCD screen. Press the [PAGE+] button to select the next page, and press the (PAGE| button to select the previous page. © [-<} button, {>] button These buttons are used to move the flashing cursor around the LCD to select parameters. When ‘one display page includes multiple LCD screens, you can switch screens by moving the cursor. © [COMBI] button Press this button to select the Combination Play mode. Pressing this button repeatedly will toggle the displays for Timbres 1-4 and Timbres 5-8. @ [PROG] button Press this button to select the Program Play mode. @ [BANK] button Press this button to select banks in Program Play mode (A, G). Press this button to toggle between the selected parameter and its related parameter in Program Edit mode and Combination Edit mode. (see page 67.) © Number keypad This keypad allows you to select Programs and Combinations by entering the corresponding number (two digits for Programs in Bank A and Combinations, three digits for Programs with numbers starting with 0-13, and two digits for subsequent Programs in Bank G). After entering ‘the number, press the [ENTER] button to confirm the setting. When the [10's HOLD/-] button is ‘on, you can enter only the first digit of the Program and Combination number; you cannot change the second (10's) digit. (see page 18.) ‘The keypad can also be used to specify parameter values. After entering the value, press the [ENTER] button to confirm the setting, Entering a value using this keypad while holding down the [EDIT] button will take you to the specified page. ‘You can also use this keypad to enter numbers when renaming Programs and Combinations. © [10's HOLD/—] button When the (10’s HOLD/-_] button is on in Program Play mode or Combination Play mode, you can enter only the first digit of the Program and Combination number. Pressing the [/YES] and [Y/NO] buttons changes the second (10’s) digit. This button is also used to enter negative parameter values. To make a negative value positive or vice versa, press the (10's HOLD/-] button, @ [ENTER] button When you specify a parameter value using the numeric keypad, press this button to enter (confirm) that vaiue. To enter a note value (a position on the keyboard), play the corresponding key without pressing the [ENTER] button. ® (MULT! button Press this button to select Multi mode. @® [GLOBAL button Press this button to select Global mode. ® [EDIT] button Press this button to enter the corresponding edit mode for the current mode. For example, to select Program Edit mode, press the [EDIT] button while in Program Play mode. To select Combination Edit mode, press this button while in Combination Play mode. During the edit operation, entering the page number while holding down this key will take you to the corresponding page. Front Panel @ cD This visual interface displays the current Program name and Combination name in Program Play mode and Combination Play mode, respectively. It displays parameters in other modes. © MASTER VOLUME slider This slider adjusts the entire output volume of the X5. At the same time, it also controls the headphone volume. ® Modulation wheel This wheel adjusts the depth of modulation, Moving it forward will increase the modulation depth. It allows real-time control of the following parameters: Vibrato, Wow, and After Touch, and sends out various MIDI messages. It also allows Controllers 0-127 to be transmitted, Select one of these using 10A MG Wheel Select parameter in Global mode. @ Pitch bend wheel This wheel “bends” or changes the pitch. Moving this wheel forward will usually raise the pi moving it toward you will lower the pitch. ® PHONES jack Connect the headphones to this RCA stereo jack. Chapter 1: Controls Rear Panel @ DC IN -@ Power switch @ OUTPUT (MONO, R) @ ASSIGNABLE PEDAL (SWITCH, PEDAL) ©666 © MIDI (IN, OUT, THRU) @ DCIN Connect the AC adapter here. Note: Do not use adapters other than the AC adapter that comes with the X5! Otherwise, a ‘malfunction may occur, @ Power switch (O) This switch is used to power on and power off the XS. @ OUTPUT (L/MONO, R) These 1/4 inch phone jack connections should be connected to the inputs of a powered monitor, stereo amplifier, mixer, or multitracker. Use the LIMONO connection for mono playback. @ ASSIGNABLE PEDAL (SWITCH, PEDAL) An optional Korg PS1/2 foot pedal or Korg EXP-2, XVP-10 volume pedal can be connected here. A pedal can be set to perform one of many functions, such as selecting Programs and Combinations, performing a damper pedal effect, or controlling the volume. @ MIDI (IN, OUT, THRU) These connections are used to connect external MIDI instruments. MIDI IN receives MIDI data from the external MIDI instrument; MIDI OUT outputs MIDI data from the XS to the connected MIDI instrument; and MIDI THRU outputs MIDI data received at the MIDI IN connection. @ TOHOsT ‘This connection is used to connect a computer to the XS via an optional cable (AG-001/002) enabling the XS to transmit and receive MIDI performance data, sound data, etc. Connections Chapter 2: Set Connections ng Up the X5 Ba: Connection ‘See the figure below to connect the AC adapter and the audio cables. In order to take the best advantage of X5's high-quality sound, we recommend that you play the sound in stereo. For monaural connection, use the L/MONO jack. Toe TEs | Powered monitor © O (ex: PM-18) To the AC outlet PHONES Headphones ‘Connect the headphones to the PHONES jack located on the left edge of the unit's front panel. Powered monitor/stereo amplifier In order to play back the X5’s high-fidelity sound, we recommend that you connect the X5 to a powered monitor (an amplifier-built-in speakers: such as an optional PM-15). If you are going to connect an audio stereo amplifier or other devices (such as a stereo radio or a cassette tape recorder), use a connector labeled “LINE IN” or “AUX IN” on those devices. (If necessary, use an adapter/cable with a converter plug.) If you connect the X5 to a domestic hi-fi system, be careful not to raise the volume level too high because you may damage the speakers, You have finished the basic connection. In addition, you may also connect a computer or various MIDI devices, as well as a foot pedal or a volume pedal, as shown on the following pages. Chapter 2: Setting Up the X5 Connecting a Foot Pedal/Volume Pedal A foot pedal (such as an optional PS-1, PS-2, DS-1, or DS-2) connected to the XS allows you to adjust various effects and sustain the sound (the same effect as a piano damper [sustain] pedal). A volume pedal (such as an optional EXP-2, XVP-10) connected to the X5 allows you to adjust the volume level during live performance. Volume pedal (e.x.: EXP-2, XVP-10) PeoaL ¥ switch Foot pedal mii * Use the “9C Assignable Pedal/Switch & Polarity Setup” in Global mode (on page 161) to set the foot pedal polarity (ON/OFF condition). If the foot pedal operation is opposite to the effect (that is, the sound is sustained when you release the pedal), change the polarity. MIDI Connections MIDI Connections By connecting external MIDI instruments to the MIDI connectors on the X5 using MIDI cables, you can play the XS via an external MIDI instrument or play the external MIDI tone module from. the X5 keyboard. + MDI connections are not necessary if you are playing the X5 as a stand-alone synthesizer. MIDI Connectors Use MIDI cables to connect MIDI devices, such as a computer or MIDI tone module, to the MIDI connectors on the X3. ‘There are three MIDI connectors: MEDI IN, MIDI OUT, and MIDI THRU. MIDI IN receives MIDI data from the external MIDI instrument; MIDI OUT outputs MIDI data from the X5 to the connected MIDI instrument; and MIDI THRU outputs MIDI data received at the MIDI IN connection. received at the MIDI IN connection. Use this connector if you wish Use this connector if you wish to to play the X5 via the connect multiple MIDI devices to connected MIDI keyboard or the Xs, MIDI OUT: Outputs MIDI data. computer. Use this connector if you wish to play the connected MIDI tone module via the X5 keyboard, \or Te: Cue wt sen om | eee ‘+ You can connect multiple MIDI devices to the X5 using the MIDI THRU connector. However, we recommend that you connect no more than three devices to avoid possible malfunction. If you wish to connect more devices, use a MIDI Patchbay. Controlling the X5 from an External MIDI Device To control the X5 from an externally connected computer, sequencer, or other MIDI keyboard, connect the MIDI OUT connector of those devices to the MIDI IN connector of the XS using @ MIDI cable. MIDI cable Ej mini our MDLIN ‘Other MIDI devices (uch as MIDI keyboard, computer, sequencer) + You will need a MIDI interface to connect the computer to the XS. In addition to the MIDI connection, you can connect the computer using a special cable. (see page 9.) Chapter 2: Setting Up the XS Controlling an External MIDI Device from the X5 ‘To record the performance of the XS keyboard on a computer or sequencer, or to play an externally-connected MIDI tone module, connect the MIDI OUT connector of the X5 to the MIDI IN connector of the other MIDI device using a MIDI cable. MIDI cable Other MIDI device (MID! tone module, computer, sequencer) LA Aa + Set 2C EXT OUT SEL of Global mode to “MIDI” to transmit the MIDI data of the XS keyboard performance from the MIDI OUT connector (see page 11). The factory default setting is “MIDI”. + You will need a MIDI interface to connect the computer to the XS. Besides the MIDI connection, you can connect the computer using a special cable. Connecting the computer/sequencer to the X5 If you wish to record the X5 keyboard data to a computer or sequencer, and also play music on the X5 (that is, using the XS as a MIDI keyboard for inputting data or as a MIDI tone generator), connect the MIDI IN and MIDI OUT connectors on the XS to the MIDI OUT and MIDI IN connectors of the computer or sequencer, respectively. At this time, if the Echo Back setting of the computer or sequencer (this function transmits MIDI data received at MIDI IN directly to MIDI OUT) has been ON, the keyboard sound and the Echo Back sound will overlap. If you wish to use this connection (see the figure below), set Local Off on the XS (this function disconnects the keyboard section from the internal tone generator). You can access the Local Off setting at “2B Local Control” of Global mode (see page 33, 152). MIDI cable MIDIIN MIDI OUT MIDIIN wii our ‘Sequencer or computer (Echo Back: ON) + When you set Local Off on the XS, the XS itself will not produce the sound (when you play the keyboard). Be sure to set Local On when you are playing only the X5. Connecting a Computer Connecting a Computer By connecting a computer to the X5 using a special cable, you can play the X5 sound from the computer, or record your keyboard performance on the X5 to the computer. In addition, you can control other connected MIDI devices from the computer using the X5 as a MIDI interface. ‘You may connect the following types of computers to the XS using a dedicated cable (see age 180). IBM PC (compatible): Optional connection kit AG-001 (Cables, Software “KORG MIDI Driver”) Apple Macintosh series: Optional connection kit AG-002 (Cables, Software “KORG MIDI Driver”) ‘You may not be able to use these connections depending on the model of the computer or the type of application software used on the computer. * Do not connect the XS to a single external device via both MIDI OUT and TO HOST at the same time, Be sure to use only one of these connectors. Connecting an IBM PC (Compatible) Computer Connect the serial port (COM port) of the IBM PC (compatible) computer to the TO HOST connector on the X5 using a special cable (optional AG-001). ter MDT deve | [ Other DI dove IBM PC (compatible) com ‘MIDIIN Dedicated connection cable (AG-001) ipl OUT ‘To transmit keyboard performance data from the TO HOST connector of the X5 to the computer, set 2C EXT OUT SEL of the Global mode to PCIF (see page 11). + You may not be able to use this connection, depending on the model of the computer or the type of sequencer software. Application software that is not compatible with Windows MME (Multimedia Extensions) or Windows 3.1 (except for those specifically supporting the X5) cannot be used with this connection. + Ifthe computer has a 25-pin serial port, use an optional AG-004 9-to-25-pin adapter. Set OE PC VF CLK of the Global mode to “38.4kBPS” (see page 1). If you use this connection with Windows MME or Windows 3.1, you need to install the Korg MIDI Driver. Refer to page 181 for installation information. Chapter 2: Setting Up the X5 Connecting an Apple Macintosh Computer Connect the modem port or printer port of the Apple Macintosh computer to the TO HOST connector of the X5 using a special cable (optional AG-002). Other MIDI device [omer MiDi device | devi [omer MiDi device | ‘Apple Macintosh Modem port or MIDI IN’ aa ll Host lS 1 moi our hn) —E= nn To transmit keyboard performance data from the TO HOST connector of the X5 to the computer, set 2C EXT OUT SEL of Global mode to PCIF (see page 11) * This connection might not be used, depending on the model of the computer or the type of sequencer software. + Ifyour sequencer software has a clock setting, set the clock to MHz. Set OB PC I/F CLK of the Global mode to “31.25kBPS” (see page 11) . Installing the Korg MIDI Driver allows the XS to output data from an internal tone generator via MIDI separately from MIDI OUT data. Refer to page 184 for installation information. 10 Setting Required when a Computer is Connected Setting Required when a Computer is Connected Setting External Out Select (2C EXT OUT SEL) @ Press the [GLOBAL] button to enter Global mode. @ Press the [PAGE+] or [PAGE-] button to select 2A MIDI GLOBAL. @ Press the [b>] button three time to display 2C EXT OUT SEL. © Use the VALUE slider, [A/YES] button, and [¥/NO] button to assign the function. sesso 666 O00000 90Q 9000090 oo Select “MIDI” to transmit the X5 keyboard data from MIDI OUT, and select “PCIF” to transmit it from TO HOST. Setting Computer Select (OE PCI/F CLK) @ Press the [GLOBAL] button to enter Global mode. @ Press the [PAGE+] or [PAGE-] button to select 0A MASTER TUNE. @ Press the [>] button five time to display OE PCI/F CLK. @ Use the VALUE slider, [A/YES] button, and [¥/NO] button to assign the function. ff) Select 31.25KBPS or 38.4KBPS. Orress the [PAGE+] or [(PAGE-] button. @ Press the (GLOBAL button to enter Global mode, Press the [>] button five time. If you connect the XS to the IBM PC compatible computer, set this parameter to 38.4KBPS. If you connect the XS to the Apple Macintosh computer, select 31.25KBPS. " Chapter 3: Getting Around the X5 Chapter 3: Getting Around the X5 Power On/Off Power On Procedure When you have made all the necessary connections, press the power switch to power on the X5. (The power switch is located on the right side on the rear panel.) Then turn on the power to your powered monitor or stereo amplifier. After you turn on the power to the X5, the LCD screen will display the introduction message for a few seconds. Then the Combination Play mode will be selected. ia sme | a0 a3 n12'Fa9 | The screen display on the XBD. x5 08: StareBurst eae sm | 20 ane eee’ ago | The screen display on the X6. Power Off Procedure Press the power switch again to tum off the power to the XS. Do not turn the X5’s power off and on when a powered monitor or stereo amplifier is on. Otherwise you may damage the speakers. Adjusting Volume Move the MASTER VOLUME slider to set the volume to the optimum level. This slider also adjusts the volume level of the headphones. li i MASTER WASTER VOLUME sey slider een 12. Listening to the Demo Song Listening to the Demo Song The XS has internal songs that demonstrate the X5’s features, and you can play it back on the X5. Listen to and enjoy the wonderful sound, the versatile tone, and the rich expressiveness of the Korg XS. @ Press the [COMBI] button and [EDIT] button simultaneously to enter Demo mode. Press these two buttons simultaneously. eS 6606 000006 000 9000000 @ Press either the [COMBI], [PROG], [GLOBAL], or (MULTI) button to start the demo song. Playing the Demo Songs on the XSD Demo Song 1: AROUND THE WORLD A Demo Song 2: WEVE GOT DREAMS. 66 O00006 ed 8 9 960000 Press this button to repeat Demo Song 1 and2. ress this button to play Demo Song 1 and 2 ross any key to exit Domo mode. ‘Derno Song 1: AROUND THE WORLD By Stephen Kay ‘Demo Song 2: WEVE GOT DREAMS By KORG re. Playing the Demo Songs on the X6 Press either button to start the demo song. Press the [MULT] button to repeat the demo song endlessly, Press either button to quit Demo mode. Raise the volume to the optimum level using the MASTER VOLUME control to listen to the demo songs. If you wish to stop the demo song, press any bution. © Press one of the following buttons to quit Demo mode and return to one of the performance modes: [PAGE-], [PAGE+], [<4], [P], LA/YES), [¥/NO}. If you hear no sound Check all the connections. Also, make sure that you have raised the MASTER VOLUME level on the X5 and the volume level of the powered monitor or stereo amplifier. 13 Chapter 3: Getting Around the XS X5 Modes ‘There are six operating modes on the XS for use with different performances, settings, and functions: Program Play, Program Edit, Combination Play, Combination Edit, Multi, and Global. Program Play 4 Programs are basic sounds that you can play in Program Play mode. The X5 contains 236 re ees a aoe Programs organized in the banks: 100 fou can store a (400-59) in RAM (Random Access 100 Combinations ee enea Memory) where you can store the created or 120-6156 edited sounds, and 136 (GO1-136) in the 8 Drum kit Programs built-in preset area. Bank A Bank Press the [PROG] button to enter Program Play mode to play Programs. — PROG] button L665 666 000006 ed O00 900000 * Refer to “Playing Programs” on page 17 for instructions on playing and switching Programs in Program Play mode. Program Edit Program Edit mode allows you to modify the sound of Programs. The figure shows the structure of a Program. You can create your own sound and modify tonal color by modifying these parameters in Program Edit mode. Press the [EDIT] button while in Program Play mode to enter Program Edit mode. mmonawe |e [ vorzes © 900006 C9 9QQ 9990090 | press the [EDIT] button while in Program Play mode. ((PROG] button biink) X5 Modes Combination Play Combinations can use up to eight Timbres. Each Timbre is assigned a Program. You can play Combinations in Combination Play mode. The X5 contains 100 Combinations (00-99). Key Window Timbre 1 oe "= ] Keyboard range played by each Timbre Timbre2 [| c0~99 Timbre 3 J Timed (EC ] Pl Effects: Timbre 5 timbres [| Timbre7 [EI You can store a total of 100 Combinations. Timbre 8 ‘This example shows that each Program assigned to a corresponding Timbre is set in such a way that the Programs will produce sound in different ranges. Press the [COMBI] button to enter Combination Play mode to play Combinations, 60M bon OSS 606 000006 8&8 O8Q 900000 + Refer to “Playing Combinations” on page 22 for information on how to play and switch ‘Combinations in Combination Play mode. Combination Edit Combination Edit mode allows you to modify the sound of Combinations. You can create your ‘own sound and modify tonal color by changing the Programs assigned to the Timbres and editing the voicing range of each Timbre. Press the [EDIT] button while in Combination Play mode to enter Combination Edit mode to edit ‘Combinations. q we me mee se, mo se Be ok gor O 990006 C9 909 900009 | press the [EDIT] button while in Combination Play mode (COMEI} button Dink) 15 Chapter 3: Getting Around the XS Multi This mode allows you to use the XS as a 16-timbre MIDI tone generator that conforms to GM (General MIDI). Enter this mode when you wish to use the X5 as a MIDI tone generator for computer music. Press the [MULTI] button to enter Multi mode. 'pauery button Global In this mode you can make settings that affect the entire X5 (overall tuning and MIDI-related settings), and assign drum sounds to a Drum kit. Press the [GLOBAL] button to enter Global mode. 6660 00000 eo O29 000000 "feLoBay button 16 Playing Programs Playing Programs ‘The XS has two types of sounds: Programs and Combination. First we will listen to some Programs. ‘+ Ifyou play the sound of the X5 from a sequencer or computer connected via MIDI, or if you play the sound of the X5 from a computer connected by a special cable, refer to the section “When Using MIDI” for information on operations and settings. This explanation does not apply if you are playing the XS as a stand-alone synthesizer. Switching to Program Play mode Press the [PROG] button to enter Program Play mode. This mode enables you to play Programs. ~~ | IPROG] button, O65 666 000006 i 600 600000 When Program Play mode is entered, the XS selects the Program that was selected previously in Program Play mode (default setting is A00: PipeDreams on the XS(D, and A0O:Sunrise on the XS), and the display shows the Program name. Play the keyboard and listen to the sound. ROD!PireDreane: RO0rSunrise x6 ED LCD screen in Program Play mode ‘The display shows the Bank number, Program number, and Program name. 00? Sunmice G0: Pirebreans xo [TT xs 1 Program name Program number Program number Bank Bank ‘+ The Program name “G” for Programs 100-136 (three digit Program number) of Bank G does not appear on the screen. | Program name Selecting Programs Selecting a Bank Programs are stored in Bank A and Bank G. Pressing the [BANK] button each time toggles between Bank A and Bank G. A |{GANK] button(Bank A }ome{ Bank } OCS GOO OOOOOSG e090 900000 7 Chapter 3: Getting Around the X5 18 Selecting the Program number Programs can be selected using the X5 number keypad or the [A/YES] and [¥/NO} buttons. To select Programs directly, enter the Program number via the 0-9 number button. Specify a two-digit number to select a Program of Bank A, a three-digit number to select a Program from Programs with a number starting with 0-13 of Bank G, and a two-digit number to select a Program from Programs with subsequent numbers. If you press the [ENTER] button before you finish specifying all the digits, the Program of the current number will be selected. ‘Specify the Program number. OO QO A progeny GQ) + hon sposiy no mocigt umber. o peer" > 6 OO G36 Specify the three-digit number. i ee Selecting a 6 ‘Anew Program is selected when you press the ~ New Program OQ) OO 9 [ENTER] button (Bank @). i Program in Banke oO 6 —— G14 Specify the two-digit number. Pressing the [10's HOLD/-] button will lock the second (ten’s) digit, and you will be able to change only the first (unit's) digit of the Program number using the number keypad. (In this way, you can switch Programs with a single operation.) Ye! When the {10's HOLD/-} button is on, you can edit — —. ci——OrO 25 ye ft (ni) ag (You can switch Programs with a single operation.) Pressing the [/YES] button will change to the next Program, and pressing the [W/NO} button will revert to the previous Program. When the {10’s HOLD/-] button is on, pressing the (A/YES] and [¥/NO} button changes the second (ten's) digit. (A/VES] button: The next Program is selected OCS G06 OO0006 D9 9Q0 900000 'tw/ni0} button: The previous Program is selected. 6136 =e Playing Programs When Using MIDI Setting MIDI channels ‘The MIDI channel on a transmission device (sequencer/computer) should match that on the receiving device (X5) to enable the X5 to produce sound via MIDI. The XS produces sound in Program Play mode when it receives note data on the Global MIDI channel. @ Press the [GLOBAL] button to enter Global mode. e Press the [PAGE+] or [PAGE-] button. SS 666 9000006 9e9 900000 Press the [GLOBAL] button © set the MIDI channel. @ Press the [PAGE+) or [PAGE-] button to go to 2A MIDI GLOBAL. * The parameter currently selected is flashing. At this point, the number of the Global MIDI Channel (CH=) should be flashing. @ Use the VALUE slider, [4/YES] button, and [¥/NO] button to set the Global MIDI channel. How to select a Program Send the Program Change message from the external MIDI device to change Programs. ‘+ The XS interprets MIDI Program numbers 00-127 as Programs GO1-128 in Bank G, and MIDI Program numbers 100-127 as Programs AO0-A27 in Bank A. To change Banks, send Control Change Bank Select (Controller 0/32). The X5 will select a new Program when it receives a Program Change message following a Bank Select message. Bank Select Bank A (A00-A99) Bank Select any number Bank G (GO1-G128) Bank Select y number Drum kit (G129-136) Program numbers used to select a Drum Program in the Drum Program Bank Drum Program | Program Number G29 ° 6130 6 oo | 8 om | «2 | 40 ee 133 GE 135 28 48 6136 19 Chapter 3: Getting Around the XS Selecting a Program Using a Foot Pedal You can select a Program using an optional foot switch (PS-1, PS-2) connected to the ASSIGNABLE PEDAL/SWITCH jack. You can assign various functions of the XS to the foot pedal in 9B ASSIGN SW of Global mode. @ Press the [GLOBAL] button to enter Global mode. @ Press the [PAGE+] or [PAGE-] button to select 94 ASSIGN VOL. @ Press the (P] button once to display 9B ASSIGN SW. @ Use the VALUE slider, [A/YES] button, and [¥/NO] button to assign the function. @) select Program Up or Program Down. Press the [PAGE+] or [PAGE-] button, 455 665 000006 S59 600 500000 pres (6.0001 nton otra ne Pres fon. To select a Program using a foot pedal, set the parameter 9B ASSIGN SW in Global mode to Program Up or Program Down. Program Up: Pressing the foot pedal will increment the Program number by one. Program Down: Pressing the foot pedal will decrement the Program number by one. + “Damper” has been selected as a default setting for the foot pedal function, (“Damper” is a pedal that sustains the note, similar to a damper pedal on the piano.) If you wish to use the foot pedal as a damper pedal, set 9B ASSIGN SW to Damper. When Using MIDI Playing a Program To play a Program via MIDI, send the Note data on the Global MIDI channel that was set in 24 MIDI GLOBAL in Global mode. The X5 responds to incoming MIDI notes from C-1 to G9 (MIDI Note numbers 0 to 127, and also to the note data outside the X5's keyboard range). However, some Programs may not produce any sound at the top end of the range, About Program numbers ‘The method used to specify a Program number varies depending on the type of the device being used. You may need to use the numbers to 127 in some cases, and the numbers { to 128 in other cases. Or, you may need to use Group - Bank - Program numbers. For some sequencers, it is necessary to create a list of Program numbers and the corresponding Program names to specify a particular Program. Please read your device’s manual before attempting to specifying a Program number. Program Examples ‘The XS has 100 Programs (AQ0-99) in Bank A and 136 Programs (GO1~136) in bank G. Play and listen to a variety of Programs. The following Programs are examples of the KS's unique Programs, chosen from the built-in 236 Programs, Take a listen to these Programs. X5D has 100 Programs in Pre-a and 100 Programs in Pre-b. These Programs can be loaded using SA PRESET DATA in Global mode. XBD has Programs only in Pre-a. Programs in Pre-a are loaded before the unit is shipped from the factory. Playing Programs A02:BigStrings This Program recreates the dignified sound of a string section (including violin, viola, and cello). The attack of the sound changes depending on the key velocity. Playing the keyboard softly slows the attack, and playing the keyboard hard will make the attack very fast. With a fast key velocity, it simulates an immediate attack and a bright sound with a subtle touch of bow attack, allowing for a variety of performance expressions through key touch. A08:Xanalog This is a brass sound (such as trumpet or trombone) created on an analog synthesizer, generally known as Synth Brass. You will also notice how dynamically the volume level and tonal color of the sound varies depending on the key velocity and key range. This Program is suitable for playing chords. Although the 5D is an all-digital synthesizer, it is also good at old classic analog sounds. A17:Velo Flute ‘This Program is a unique sound that simulates the sound of a flute. Play this Program with different key velocities to change the tonal expression, You can also add vibrato effects by sending modulation information. A84:FeedbackGt ‘This is a powerful distorted guitar sound (amplifier distortion), As the name suggests, the sound gradually changes to feedback. It sounds a lot like a guitar with a fully-cranked amp. ‘Try some guitar solos using modulation and pitch bend. The Delay effect can also be used to great advantage. XD (This is a Program in Pre-b. Load the Program referring to page 156.) and XS A01: Piano 16" This acoustic piano sound simulates a real piano, from a powerful low range to a sparkling, high range. Notice how the volume level and tonal color of the sound varies depending on key velocity (how strongly you strike the keys). These tonal changes make it possible to reproduce the subtle, dynamic, and expressive range of piano sounds. A07: The Strings This Program recreates the sound of a string section, including violin, viola, and cello. Try to play a broad range of the keyboard, including both a dignified low range and a glossy mid-high range. The attack of the sound changes depending on key velocity. Playing the keyboard softly slows the attack, and playing the keyboard hard will make the attack very fast, allowing for a variety of performance expressions through key touch. ‘AA7: AnalogPad This analog synth Program features a soft and release. This is useful in various music genres. ‘A50: DreamWorld ‘This fantastic Program could be used in a movie sound track. The X5 can easily produce this kind of sound effect (as well as the usual instrument sounds). ‘The Programs described above represent only a few of the X's Programs. Try several different Programs to enjoy the great sounds of the X5. About Drum Kits ‘The following programs use a Drum Kit: A09: KrazyKit and A19: ComboKit (X60, Pre-a), A09: ‘Total Kit and A69: ProducrKit (XSD Pre-b, and XS), and G129: Kit through G136: Orch Kit. ADrum Kit is a Program that consists of different drum sounds assigned to each key on the keyboard. Therefore, one Drum kit can play various drum and percussion sounds, instead of playing scales. The X5 has 8 Drum kits in ROM and 2 Drum kits in RAM. To play one of these kits, select itas a Program, (First, set 0A OSC Mode in Program Edit mode to DRUMS, then select a desirable kit for 1A OSC1 SOUND.) (see page 48, 70, and 73.)You can edit the sound key assignments and settings of the Drum Kits in Global mode. (see page 158-160.) ick sound with a very slow attack and 24 Chapter 3: Getting Around the X5 Playing Combinations Switching to Combination Play Mode In order to play combinations, press the [COMBI] button to enter Combination Play mode, | COME button SS G60 O00006 QQ 900000 When you enter Combination Play mode, the XS selects the Combination that was previously selected in Combination mode (the default setting is 00:Star*Burst). The display shows the Combination name. Play the keyboard and listen to the sound. ‘The display shows the Combination number and Combination name on the upper line, and the numbers of the Programs used for the Timbres on the lower line. There are eight Timbres. Pressing the [COMBI] button repeatedly will toggle the display between Timbres 1-4 and Timbres 5-8. Combination number [_gompnatonname GE The mark “s” appears when the BerSolarFlare [eee SolarFlare ¥] display shows Timbres 5-8. 8D | ps0 ng AI AS 78 OFF Aro Aze Programs used for Timbres 1-4 Programs used for Timbres 5-8 Combination number caw |_Gorpiaton name The mark "*" appears when the Go: Stareburst ‘e0:Starsfurst *] display shows Timbres 5-8. XB azo nes 090 nea | MD [sr Acs ala OFF Programs used for Timbres 14 Programs used for Timbres 5-8 Selecting Combinations The procedure to select Combinations is the same as for selecting Programs, except that you do not need to select Banks before selecting Combinations. Use the X5 number keypad to specify a two-digit Combination number, or use the [A/YES] and [W/NO] buttons. + Refer to “Selecting Programs” on page 17 for information about how to use the number keypad and [A/YES] and [W/NO] buttons. To select a Program using a foot pedal, set the parameter 9B ASSIGN SW in Global mode (see age 161) to Program Up or Program Down Playing Combinations Combinations can consist of up to eight Programs assigned to eight Timbres, The Timbres can be ‘assigned to different MIDI Channels, so each Timbre will respond only to MIDI Note data on its assigned MIDI Channel. Playing the XS keyboard will produce the sound of the Timbre of the Global MIDI Channel. Initially, ll Timbres are assigned to MIDI Channel 1. So you need to set the Global MIDI Channel to 1 if you wish to play the XS keyboard. If the Global MIDI Channel has been changed to any number other than 1, set it to 1. Refer to “Setting MIDI channels” on Page 19 for information about how to set the Global MIDI Channel. + Ifthe Global MIDI Channel has not been changed, you do not need to edit the setting since the Global MIDI Channel is initially set to 1. Playing Combinations Combination Types You can combine various Programs by editing the Timbre settings in Combinations, For example, you can play a different Program with each hand, or you can play different Programs by applying a different key touch on the keyboard. These techniques are very useful and powerful in live performance. Timbre settings that determine the combination of Programs are made in Combination Edit mode. (see “Editing Combinations” on page 46.) Let’s take a look at the various types of Combinations that are available. layer ‘The XS produces the sound of multiple Programs simultaneously. When Timbres are layered together, they produce a thick and complex Combination, such as a piano sound overlapped with a strings sound. ‘Timbres can be set to produce the sound of a different Program depending on the range on the keyboard, For example, you can play a piano sound in the higher range of the keyboard using your right hand, and play the bass sound in the lower range of the keyboard using your left hand, Vsw (Velocity Switch) Timbres can be set to respond to a specific key velocity (how firmly you strike the keys). For example, you can set Timbres in such a way that a strings sound is produced when you play the keyboard softly, and a brass sound is produced when you play the keyboard hard. vay —ea a le Programs aro TOUT “me Selit carer] A different Program will sound according to a specific range (key position). vsw Fran [key touch Aditferent Program will sound according to how hard you strike the keys. ‘The examples here are all based on the use of two Programs. Since the X5 allows you to use up to eight Timbres, you can combine these types to create more sophisticated settings. 23 Chapter 3: Getting Around the X5 24 When Using MIDI Playing Combinations The Timbres in Combinations can be assigned to different MIDI Channels. To play the XS via MIDI, set the MIDI receive channel of each Timbre so that it matches the MIDI channel of the ‘transmission device (see page 96). Initially, all Timbres are assigned to MIDI Channel 1. You must therefore set the MIDI channel of the transmission device to 1. Selecting Combinations ‘Combinations can also be selected using a MIDI Program Change message on the Global MIDI Channel in Combination Play mode. You can change Programs assigned to each Timbre through the MIDI channel specified for each Timbre. (Refer to “Selecting Programs” on page 17 for information about changing Programs.) ‘+ Ifthe Global MIDI Channel and the MIDI channel of a Timbre are the same, changes in Combinations will have priority. * When changing Combinations, the X5 will interpret Program Change numbers 100-127 as Combination numbers 00-27. Combination/Program Change Filter 2D MIDI FILTER in Global mode determines how the X5 receives MIDI Program Change messages. When “DIS” or “PRG” is selected, MIDI Program Change messages do not change Combinations. When “ENA” is selected, MIDI Program Change messages received on the Global MIDI Channel select Combinations in Combination mode. You can also change Programs assigned to Timbres in Combinations. (see page 153.) ‘You can also set the MIDI filter for MIDI Program Change messages for each Timbre in Combination Play mode. (see page 100.) MIDI Transmission in Combination Play Mode ‘The keyboard, pitch bend wheel, and modulation wheel data in Combination Play mode is sent on the Global MIDI Channel. All Note data from the keyboard performance is sent via MIDI, regardless of the ranges of the keyboard and the velocity that are specified for the Timbres in a Combination. + You can select MIDI OUT or TO HOST for the keyboard data output in 2C EXT OUT SEL in Global mode. (see page 153.) Playing Combinations Combination Examples ‘The X5 has 100 Combinations (00-99). Play and listen to a variety of Combinations. The following are some examples of the X5's unique Combinations. Take a listen to these Combinations. XSD has 100 Combinations in Pre-a and 100 Combinations in Pre-b. These Combinations can be loaded using 5A PRESET DATA in Global mode. 6D has Combinations only in Pre-a. Combinations in Pre-a are loaded before the unit is shipped from the factory. 12:Wind>Orch This orchestra sound combines woodwind, strings, and timpani sounds. With a low key velocity, the woodwind sound is produced, and with a high key velocity, a strings sound is produced. This allows you to play two different sounds by switching the key velocity. In the low range, the timpani sound and cymbal sound are produced only when you play the key with a high key velocity. In this way, Combinations allow you to play different Programs easily, depending only on the key range and key touch. 49:RapToolKit ‘This Combination consists of drum, bass, guitar, and effect sounds. You can play the dram. sound with the left hand, while playing the bass or guitar sound with the right hand. In the mid range, the tonal color changes depending on the key velocity. With a low key velocity, a bass sound is produced. With a high key velocity, a guitar sound is added. The scratch sound and orchestra hit sound are assigned to the higher range. ‘XSD (This is a Combination in Pre-b. Load the Combination referring to page 156.) and X5 00: Star*Burst This Combination combines various sounds to produce a thick, heavy sound. You can create this kind of thick sound by combining multiple Programs. This Combination uses keyboard split and velocity switches. Check to see that the sound is different on either side of the Middle C on the keyboard. In the low range, a different Program sounds according to key touch. When you play the key sofily, the sweep sound is not produced; when you play the key hard, the sweep sound is produced with a delay. 11: Bass&Piano ‘The Bass Program is assigned to the lower range (Center B or lower), and the Piano Program is assigned to the higher range (Middle C or higher). You can play the bass phrase with the left hand, while playing the backing piano part with the right hand. This type of split Combination allows you to play two parts simultaneously in live performance. 39: HouseParty This is a split Combination with a different Program assigned to each range. A Drum Kit is assigned to the lower two octaves; above them the bass Program is assigned to the range of 1.5 octaves; and the brass Program is assigned to the higher range. The XS can treat a Drum Kit as a Program. You can thus play phrases with some Programs while playing the drum sounds. ‘The Combinations described above are only part of a variety of Combinations the X5 has to offer. ‘Try playing different Combinations to enjoy the great sound of X5. 25 Chapter 3: Getting Around the X5 Performance Technique (Performance Function) 26 Now you know what Programs and Combinations are. You can add rich expression to these sounds using various performance techniques. Although playing the piano sound on the keyboard simulates a real piano sound, using a foot pedal will add the effect of a damper pedal. For a guitar sound or brass instrument sound, you may use the pitch bend wheel and the modulation wheel to control pitch and produce vibrato effect respectively. This technique, which is used to add expression to your performance, is called “Performance Function”, Keyboard Velocity How hard you play the keyboard affects the expressiveness of the sound. You can adjust the volume level setting so that playing the keyboard softly will produce a soft sound, and playing hard will prodice a loud sound, In addition, you can also adjust the brightness of the sound and the envelope settings such as attack rate and release time. Using Velocity Switch in Combination Play mode and Multi mode, you can play different Programs by changing the keyboard velocity, “© See page 83-85 for information on how to change the volume level and envelope using key velocity. “= See page 78-80 for information on how to change the brightness and tonal color of the sound using key velocity. = See page 74 for information on how to control the pitch change using key velocity. Pitch Bend/Modulation Wheel ‘The piich bend wheel and modulation wheels located on the upper left of the keyboard allow you to control the pitch and the depth of modulation, The modulation wheel can be used to adjust the depth of the wah effect and After Touch, as well as the depth of vibrato. Go to 1A MG WHEEL in Global mode (see page 162) to set the modulation wheel function. Pitch becomes richer Vibrato becomes deeper. Pitch becomes lower. J "+ See page 91 for information on how to change the pitch hend range of the pitch bend wheel. See page 91 for information on how to change the cutoff range of the pitch bend wheel. See page 88 for information on how to change the depth of vibrato using the modulation wheel. 4 4 - se Page 90 for information on how to change the depth of the wah using the modulation wheel. *= See page 91 for information on how to set the After Touch using the modulation wheel. Assignable Pedal/Switch ‘Connecting an optional volume pedal (such as EXP-2, XVP-10) to the ASSIGNABLE PEDAL, ‘or a foot pedal (such as PS-1/2) to the ASSIGNABLE SWITCH connector, allows you to adjust the volume level, brightness, and effect settings. The function of the assignable pedal is set by 9A. Assignable Pedal and 9B Assignable S' ch in Global mode. s+ See page 161 for information on setting the assignable pedal function. = See page 161 for information on setting the assignable switch funct Performance Technique (Performance Function) Effect Dynamic Modulation Effect Dynamic Modulation is a function that controls the effect level balance and modulation rate, Controlling the effect parameters using the modulation wheel, volume pedal, and VDA EG allows for real-time effect adjustment during performance, See page 114 for information on adjusting real-time effect parameters. After Touch While you are playing the keyboard, pressing the keys hard will control tonal brightness or modulation. + The XS does not have an After Touch sensitive keyboard. However, you can apply After Touch effect using the modulation wheel or sending After Touch messages from an external sequencer. Use 10A MG Wheel in Global mode to make the modulation wheel settings. See page 86 for adjusting the depth of vibrato using After Touch. See page 90 for information on adjusting the depth of wah using After Touch. See page 90 for information on adjusting pitch using After Touch. See page 90 for information on adjusting the brightness of the sound using After Touch. See page 90 for information on adjusting the volume level using After Touch. When Using MIDI geoeg Controlling the Performance Function via MIDI Send the following MIDI data to the X5 when you wish to control the performance function via MIDI. Keyboard Velocity Keyboard velocity corresponds to the MIDI Note On Velocity. The velocity value controls the volume level of the sound. Pitch Bend/Modulation Wheel Pitch Bend data controls the effects of the pitch bend wheel. Control Change data controls the effects of the modulation wheel. Send MIDI Controller 1 for vibrato effect (pitch modulation), send MIDI Controller 2 for wah (VDF modulation), and send After Touch data for After Touch effects. Assignable Pedal/Switch The assignable pedal/switch functions can also be controlled by MIDI data, Send Control ‘Change message Controller 7 (CTRL#7) for volume, CTRL#11 for expression, CTRL#74 for VDF cut off, and CTRL#12/13 for effect contro! 1/2 for the assignable pedal function, and CTRL#64 for damper, CTRL#92 for effect 1 on/off, and CTRL#94 for effect 2 on/off for the assignable switch function, Use Program Change message and Bank Select message for Program up/down. After Touch ‘The After Touch data (Channel Pressure) controls After Touch. The X5 will not receive Polyphonic Key Pressure (After Touch for each key). Chapter 3: Getting Around the X5 Performance in Multi Mode Multi mode allows you to use the X5 as a 16-channel multi-timbre (GM) tone generator. The XS will play the tracks whose channels match the Global MIDI Channel, as in Combination Play mode. Multi mode is generally used to control the X5 from an external sequencer or computer. Refer to “When Using MIDI” on page 33” for information about how to control the X5 via MIDI from the external sequencer. Selecting Multi Mode Press the [MULT]] button to enter Multi mode. |uti button In this mode, you can play the track data on the Global MIDI Channel from the keyboard. Since the default setting of the MIDI Channels of Tracks 1-16 are 1-16, and the Global MIDI Channel is 1, only Track 1 will be played back. Performance in Multi Mode LCD Screen in Multi Mode In Multi mode, the LCD screen shows the track parameters and other function settings. Use the [PAGE4] and [PAGE-} buttons to move to another page (up/down), and the [-4} button and [>] button to select a parameter (lefUright). While the track parameters are shown on the screen, using the [PAGE+] or [PAGE-] button will change the screen to show the same parameters for the next. or previous track. Pr Crnge ta amor ser oh a kes et ee ts) Se Bus [oor Outer Wace] wilh [eos hibT cn Ons Ones mi Spene SenteSarie ama] Sear) yeas) y ESais Te wie Wein Tes wor oe mee Te wail eeveerens Teen Tans 2 c 2 ct & FE ca] Ea 2 ct = 188 Chore 1b section ‘10 ons 66 Fie? LeveL ido offo fo fo clo «of Fes A690? SHS ‘+ On pages 00-15 you can specify and set Programs for Tracks 1-16. On page 16 and the following pages, you can set various parameters for effects and execute copy operations. The content of the pages may vary depending on the effect settings. 29 Chapter 3: Getting Around the X5 30 Structure of Multi Mode ‘Multi mode allows you to use the X5 as a GM tone generator which conforms to General MIDI System Level 1. ‘When GM ON messages are received, when 23 SET TO GM is executed, or when the power is turned on, the GM settings are automatically selected, and MIDI Channels for Tracks 1-16 will become 1~16 respectively. Track 10 (MIDI Channel 10) is used for a rhythm part, and the default setting is G129: GM Kit. Other tracks are assigned GO1: Piano, Refer to page 32 for details. Dotaut setting for GM ‘MID! Channel Extemal sequencer ‘or computer L_+16 BEERS Frog Selecting a Program for Tracks You can select a Program for each Track in Multi mode on the XS as well as using MIDI data from an external sequencer or computer. @ Select a track for which you wish to change a Program, using the [PAGE+] and [PAGE-] buttons to go to page *A. Programs for Tracks 1-16 are shown on pages OA~15A. @ Use the VALUE slider or [A/YES] and [¥/NO] buttons to select a Program. You can also use the number keypad to specify the Program number directly. 666 900006 9EeQ9 900000 @ specity ne Program. Ina similar way, set the Track parameters: volume level (Lev), send C/D (Sen), transpose (Tra), detune (Det), bend range (Bnd), Program Change filter (Pf), Damper filter (Df), After Touch filter (Af), Control Change filter (Cf), Key Window (KWTop/KWBtm), Velocity Window (VWTop/VWBtm), and MIDI Channel (MIDI Ch). You can copy these settings from Combinations. (see page 111.) ‘When GM ON messages are received, when 23A SET TO GM is executed, or when the power is turned on, these settings are automatically reset to the GM default settings. ‘You can also store these settings to an external MIDI data filter using MIDI Data Dump. (see page 155.) Refer to “When Using MIDI” for information about how to control the X5 in Multi mode from an external sequencer or computer via MIDI. Performance in Multi Mode When Using MIDI Playing the X5 in Multi Mode Multi mode enables the X5 to function as a MIDI tone generator that is controlled from the connected computer to play ensemble music consisting of multiple instrument parts. This mode permits you to use the X5 as a GM tone generator. * You can copy the parameter settings of Combinations into Multi mode for performance. Refer to page 111 for details. Default Settings in Multi Mode ‘The following table shows the default settings for Multi mode that are automatically selected when the power is turned on to the X5, when 23A SET TO GM is executed, or when the XS receives a GM ON messages (FO 7E 7F 09 01 F7). Teaokt-0, 11-16 Tack 10 Proaam ‘Gor Pano (oral Tacks) ‘G1a8: GM Ki “Gan bo conve va MT Level 127 (or a Track) wer Panpot ONT (oral Tacks) Pra “canbe controled va MI send 2 (ora Tracks P “Can be contoted via MD! send 2 (ora Tacks) ° ‘an be controled va MI Teanspose 0 (tor a Tacks) 0 “canbe controled va Mi) Detune 0 (tor a Tracts) ° -can be controled va MII Pion Bend Range +2 (oral Tracks) ° “can be contotes va MI Progam Change ea dora Tack) ena Damper Pedal Fiter ENA (oral Tack) ena AterTouen Filer ENA (or Tracks ENA Cont Change iter ENA (oral Tracks) ENA Key Window €-1-69 ora Tracks ces Velcety Window 001-127 oral Tacks) oot-s27 NUM" tor PROG, DIStor EX, mee a aoa ENA for others 1-9,11-18 cel (Corresponding to the Track number) "0 About Program Sending the Bank Select and Program Change messages will select a Program for each Track. (Refer to page 17, 106) About Level Send the Control Change Volume data (CTRL#7) or the Expression data (CTRL#11) to change the volume level of each Track. + The Level parameter does not respond to the MIDI Control Change messages. About Panpot Send the Control Change Panpot data (CTRL#10) to change the panpot setting for each Track. ‘Track 10 will ignore the Panpot data since panpot has been used for each index in a Drum Kit as a default setting (PRG). However, ifthe panpot setting for Track 10 is set to any value other than “PROG”, this Track will respond to the received Panpot data (that is, the panpot settings for all instruments in the Drum Kit becomes the same). (See page 107) 3 Chapter 3: Getting Around the X5 32 About Send C/D ‘Send the Control Change Effect Depth data (CTRL#91/93) to change the Send C/D settings for ‘each Track. Track 10 will ignore CTRL#91/93 since Send C/D has been used for each index in a Drum Kit as a default setting (“P"). However, if the Send C/D setting for Track 10 is set to any value other than “P", this Track will respond to the received Send C/D data (that is, the Send C/D setting for all the instruments in the Drum Kit becomes the same). About Transpose, Detune, and Pitch Bend Range You can change these settings for each Track using RPN. Specify the parameter you wish to edit using RPN, then set the value using the Data Entry controller (CTRL#6 or #38). Notes for Playing Back GM Songs Before playing back performance data (GM song) for a GM tone generator, make sure that the following settings have been made in Global mode for correct playback. 0B Key Transpose +00 0D Velocity Curva 3 After Touch Cune 3 1A Scale Type Equal Top 2A Note Receive ALL 20-20 MIDI Fitter PRG=NUM, EXeDIS, ENA * See page 153 for the function of each parameter. Set all the parameters in Multi mode to their default setting as shown on the previous page. (Receiving the GM ON messages will restore the default settings.) ‘Some GM songs may include non-GM MIDI data. In particular, Program Change messages may be interpreted as Bank select messages (for Bank A) when you are playing back a GM song that uses Bank Select messages. When you play back GM songs (not XS performance data), set PRG of MIDI filter in Global mode to “NUM” to ignore the Bank Select messages. If you are playing only the X5 (to create XS performance data), set this PRG parameter to “ENA” to use GM ‘compatible Programs in Bank G or your original Programs stored in Bank A. Use a setting appropriate to the type of data you are going to create or play back. Performance in Multi Mode When Using MIDI Using the X5 as a MIDI keyboard ‘The X5 keyboard data will be output from either MIDI OUT or TO HOST. When using the MIDI OUT connector, set 2C EXT OUT SEL of Global mode to “MIDI”, and when you wish to output the data to the computer, set it to “PCIE”. (see page 153.) To use the X5 as a MIDI keyboard from which you input MIDI performance data, set the sequencer’s echo back to ON so that you will be able to listen to the sound while you are playing the keyboard. In this case, both the Note data sent from the keyboard to the tone generator, and the note data sent from the keyboard through the sequencer to the tone generator, will produce the sound. Therefore, itis necessary to disconnect the keyboard from the tone generator by setting 2B Local Control of Global mode to OFF. You can also achieve this Local Off setting by sending the Local Off message (*CTRL#122) from the sequencer. MIDI cables MIDI IN MIDI OUT MOL IN MIDI OUT jsconnect by the ct [Tone generator| Local Off setting. ‘Sequencer or computer Keyboard (Echo back ON) % + When the Local Off is set, you cannot play the X5 as a stand-alone synthesizer. (However, the data input on the keyboard will be sent to MIDI OUT or TO HOST, and the tone generator will produce sound responding to the data from MIDI IN or TO HOST.) If you play only the X5, select Local On. Keyboard data transmission via MIDI ‘The keyboard, pitch bend wheel, and modulation wheel data will be sent on the Global MIDI Channel from MIDI OUT or TO HOST. If you wish (o change the MIDI transmission channel, change the setting of the Global MIDI Channel. @ Press the [GLOBAL] button to enter Global mode. @ Press the [PAGE+] or (PAGE-] button to select page 2A MIDI GLOBAL. @ Use the VALUE slider, or the [A/YES] and [W/NO] buttons to set the Global MIDI Channel ie Press the [PAGE+] or [PAGE-] button. 606 900000 QeO 900009 Press the [GLOBAL but, "© #1 ne 101 dane! Ifyou play the X5 keyboard, or if the sequencer echo back is ON, the Timbres of the Track of the channel that matches the Global MIDI channel will produce sound. However, if Key Window or ‘Velocity Window has been set, only the Note data of the range specified for the Track will sound. ‘The value of Note Number and Note Velocity varies depending on the Transpose and Velocity Curve positions described below. Chapter 3: Getting Around the X5 34 About Transpose and Velocity Curve OC Trans Position in Global mode allows you to set the position where the transpose (OB Key Transpose) and velocity curve (OD Velocity Curve) become effective. AfterKBD Keyboard data is sent through Transpose and Velocity Curve to the tone generator and the MIDI OUT or TO HOST connector. Incoming data received at MIDI IN or TO HOST will be sent to the tone generator. (The Transpose and Velocity Curve settings do not affect the data received at MIDI IN/TO HOST.) Keyboard Te r yyboar NAR ae ‘one generator BeforeTG Keyboard data and incoming data received at MIDI IN/TO HOST will be sent through Transpose and Velocity Curve to the tone generator. The keyboard data will be output from MIDI OUT/TO HOST as it is. (The Transpose and Velocity Curve settings affect the data when the keyboard controls the tone generator, but they do not affect the data sent to the MIDI OUT/TO HOST connectors.) ee Hie +{ Tone generator S “Leal ou sant © Basic Concepts Chapter 4: Editing Basic Concepts Although you can perform a wide variety of music using the preset Programs and Combinations that the X5 offers, you should not limit your creativity by relying on the presets alone. You can modify a preset sound. (This operation is called “editing”.) You can also create sounds from scratch. ‘The X5 is not only a tone generator that provides various factory-set sounds, but also a synthesizer that employs Korg’s powerful AI Square Synthesis, which allows you to create new, original sounds or to edit existing sounds. Take a moment to try out the sound editing capabilities of the XS. Sound Structure ‘The XS can produce a variety of sounds, such as piano, guitar, drums, percussion, synthesizer, special effects, etc. In order to modify these sounds or to create new sounds, you need to tell the XS how you wish to change the sound using parameters. You can edit sound by modifying parameters in Program Edit mode and Combination Edit mode. For smooth editing operations, it is helpful to understand what sound consists of. Musical sound consists of three main components: pitch, tone, and volume. In a tone generator, each of these components has its own corresponding building block. In the X5, pitch is handled by the OSC (oscillator) block, tone by the VDF (Variable Digital Filter) block, and volume by the VDA. (Variable Digital Amplifier) block. The following illustration shows the three blocks. osc oF VDA Pitch and = |-—> >| > basic tone oe pour Pitch: OSC (oscillator) The basic tonal quality of an XS sound is determined by the waveform (Multisound) that you assign to an oscillator. The X5 contains a great variety of Multisounds to simulate different sounds, from the piano sound to synth sounds. The first step in creating a new sound is to select a Multisound. Tone: VDF (filter) The VDF allows you to adjust the brightness of a sound. A Multisound assigned to the OSC contains various harmonics and frequency components that characterize the tonal quality of the sound (such as a piano or guitar sound). The VDF employs a low pass filter to filter high frequency components from a Multisound in order to adjust the brightness of a sound. Typically, the more frequency components that are filtered, the darker (softer) a sound will become, 35 Chapter 4: Editing Just like a real musical instrument, you can change the tonal quality of a Multisound over time. ‘You do this by adjusting the amount of filtered components (brightness) using the VDF EG. For example, you can make a sound that is bright atthe start but gradually becomes darker over time. Fiter This potion of the characterises frequency components, will be fitered. Level Level plop roqsngy cornporerts Frequency components Tela arora ince te Malound tour tervor Frequancy ihinoss) Fraquonytrghiness) Volume: VDA (amplifier) The VDA allows you to adjust volume. The “volume” referenced here is not the volume of the entire performance, but the volume changes within a sound. For example, the piano sound volume, starts with a high attack level, then drops gradually. The organ sound volume does not change until you release the key, while the violin volume varies depending on a performance technique. The ‘VDA allows you to edit the volume changes. Volume’ Piano Volume ‘Volume drops gradually Organ ‘The level does not change until you release the key. Time Time EG and MG ‘The XS provides EG (Envelope Generator) and MG (Modulation Generator), which are used to add changes over time (or in cycles) to the pitch, tone, and volume. EG This allows you to add changes over time to a sound, The XS has Pitch EG, VDF EG, and VDA EG, which are available for editing pitch, tone, and volume respectively. For example, the VDA EG will determine how the volume specified by the VDA changes over time. MG This allows you to add cyclical changes to the sound. The XS utilizes Pitch MG and VDF MG, which are available for editing pitch and tone. The Pitch MG allows you to add cyclical changes in pitch (vibrato or pitch modulation); VDF MG will add cyclical changes in tone (wah or VDF Cutoff modulation), Editing on the XS ‘The following section explains how to edit sound, using a sound in Preset b. First, load PRE-b before editing. (See page 156). On the 8, you will use the preset data. Editing Programs Editing Programs ‘This section is a Program Edit tutorial. Here we will not save the edit in memory. To save the edited Program, you need to carry out the Program Write operation. * If you do not save the edited Program (using the Program Write operation), the content of the existing Program will not be changed. (Refer to page 61 for information on the Program Write operation.) Adjusting the Attack of Programs Let’s use Program AOI: Piano 16' to edit the speed at whi its peak. @ Select Program A01: Piano 16' in Program Play mode. @ Press the [EDIT] button to enter Program Edit mode. Before editing a Program in Program Edit mode, you need to select a Program you wish to edit in Program Play mode. @ Press the [PAGE+] or [PAGE-] button to select 5A VDA1 EG on the screen. * Program AOI: Piano 16' is a Single mode Program. If you have selected a Double mode Program, which has more display pages, page 8A will be selected. the attack part of the sound reaches © Press the [4] and [>] cursor buttons to select AT. (Usually, the cursor is already located on the AT parameter.) + The AT parameter is used to set the attack time. (see page 82.) © Use the VALUE slider or the [A/YES] and [V/NO] buttons to set the AT value. Select the page using the [PAGE+] button and [PAGE-] button. Qseect the Program in Program mode. ©00 0000090 Q89 900009 Press the (EDIT] button to enter Program Edit mode. Select the parameter using the [-<] and [>] buttons. G Use the VALUE slider, [A/YES], and [¥/NO] buttons to set the value. Play the keyboard and listen to the sound while changing the AT value. A higher value will produce a slower attack. When it reaches about 50, the piano Program starts to sound more like a cello. Only editing the attack time can change the sound characteristics. Now set the AT parameter back to 00. In this way, you can edit the parameters in Program Edit mode using [PAGE+] and [PAGE-] buttons to select a page, [4] and [>] buttons to select a parameter, and the [&/YES] and [/NO] buttons to set the value. 37 Chapter 4: Editing Undo After changing the parameter value in Program Edit mode, pressing the (A/YES] and [¥/NO] buttons simultaneously restores the value originally set for the parameter. This operation is called the “Undo” function, and is useful when you forget the original value. This undo function can be used for parameters in other modes. 2 Press the [A/YES) and (¥/NO} buttons simultaneously. \69 606 000006 9QQ9 900000 q Adjusting the Decay ‘The volume level of Program AOI: Piano 16's gradually decreased even if you continue holding down the key. This decay portion is set by DT (Decay Time) on page SA VDAI EG, and BP (Break Point) and ST (Slope Time) on page 5B VDA EG. After adjusting the attack, page 5A VDAI EG is shown, Use the [<4] and [P] buttons. ‘The following diagram shows what is specified by the VDA EG parameters. Note-on Note-off i y Volume Break Point (BP) Attack Sustain Level | [Level (SL) (al) k F Tin Atiack Decay Release "me ‘Time (AT) Time (D7)| Time (RT) Slope Time ST The following diagram shows the VDA EG of Program AOI:Piano 16'. Notg-on Volume x oF F Time ‘This setting looks different from those for a piano sound with a fast attack and a gradual decay. ‘This is because its Multisound (see page 42) contains a very sharp attack. (The DT setting in this VDA EG suppresses a sharp attack of the Multisound.) 38 Editing Programs You can set the decay time using the ST (Slope Time) parameter for Program 01: Piano 16. A small value for the DT (Decay Time) will make the ST effect more obvious. Try out different settings and listen to how the sound changes. If you raise the SL (Sustain Level) from 00 (which is often used for the piano sound Programs), the sound will remain ata certain level as long as you are pressing and holding down the key. Alter checking the sound, reset the parameters to the default settings of the VDA1 EG as follows: AT=00, AL=87, DT=64, BP=98, ST=89, SL=00, and RT=39, Adjusting the Release The release part of sound that you can hear after you release the key will be adjusted by the RT (Release Time) parameter on page SC VDAI EG. ‘The default release time setting for Program AOI: Piano 16's set to 39. Change this value and listen to the sound. With a lower value, the sound will decay quickly after you release a key; with a higher value, the release will take longer. + Ifyou set this parameter too high, the sound will continue fora very long time. In this case, return to Program Play mode and select the same Program again. (All the parameters will be reset to the default settings.) ‘The SL (Sustain Level) setting of the VDA EG for the current Program is set to 00. This means the sound will decay regardless of the RT setting if you continue playing the keyboard. However, if you release the keys during the DT or ST part, you will hear the release sound defined by the RT setting. Note-on Note-off Y BP eee Volume oF Time or Adjusting the Tonal Brightness ‘You can use the VDF to adjust the tonal brightness. This technique is very useful when you want to change a nuance of the tone, or when you have noticed that a certain Program is too striking or too quiet while you are playing multiple Programs in Combination Play mode. Adjusting tonal brightness will allow you to layer multiple Programs evenly and to bring the ensemble together. For example, let’s adjust the brightness of Program A68: Soft Horns. Select this Program in Program Play mode, and enter Program Edit mode. Press the [PAGE+] button three times to display the first page of 3A VDF. Changing the Fc (cutoff frequency) will change brightness. Low Fe values makes the sound darker, while higher values make it brighter. 39 Chapter 4: Editing ‘The Fe (cutoff frequency) sets the frequency above which frequencies will be filtered. Therefore, low Fe values cause more frequency components to be filtered, resulting in a darker sound. High Fe values cause less frequency components to be filtered, resulting in a brighter sound. Level 0 on Frequencios Cutoff frequency ‘The VDF EG allows you to control brightness. The EGint (EG Intensity) parameter on the first page of 3A VDF allows you to determine how much the VDF EG will change brightness. The VDF EG does not affect the sound when the EGint parameter is set to 00. For Program A68: Soft Horns, you can check the effect of the VDF EG by changing the EGint value while the Fc parameter is set to 00. (If the Fe value is very high, you may not notice changes in tonal color produced by the VDF EG.) Like the VDA EG, the VDF EG allows you to control how the tone of a Multisound changes over time after a note-on messages is received. You can increase or decrease the level based on the current Fc (cutoff frequency) setting of 00. Level (EGint range) ‘Attack’ Covel (AL) Cutoff frequency Sias* Pino {on) ime ary Slope Time ST Set the Fe parameter to 00 and the EGint parameter to 99, and change the parameter values (3B - 3D VDF! EG) to see how the tonal brightness changes over time. Editing Programs Editing a Multisound (Basic Waveform) Multisounds are the basic sound waveform (PCM waveform) used in Programs. The X5 contains 340 Multisounds, including instrumental sounds such as piano and guitar, rhythm sounds such as drums and percussion, and synth sounds. Changes in Multisounds are obvious in any Program. In this tutorial, we will use Program AO1: Piano 16' for Multisound edit. Select Program AO1: Piano 16" in Program Play mode, and press the [EDIT] button to enter Program Edit mode. Press the [PAGE+] button once to display the 1A OSCI SOUND screen. ‘This screen shows the number and name of the Multisound. Use the VALUE slider and the [A/YES] and [W/NO} buttons to change the Multisound. Then listen to the sound. ‘The other parameters (such as the VDF and VDA EG) are all set for the piano sound, Therefore, changing only the Multisound may produce an unnatural sound. (For example, the sound may still have a decay typical to the piano even if you select a brass instrument or organ sound for a ‘Multisound.) However, editing these parameters according to the selected Multisound will create ‘acompletely new sound. Adjusting Modulation Vibrato (pitch modulation) and wah (VDF Cutoff modulation) are important effects that add expression to your performance. Let's change the depth, rate, and type of modulation. Select Program A68: Soft Horns in Program Play mode, and press the [EDIT] button to enter Program Edit mode. Press the [PAGE+] button seven times to display the 7A PITCH I MG screen. Playing this Program on the keyboard will not produce the vibrato effect. You need to operate the modulation wheel to produce the effect. Raise the Int (Intensity) value of 7A PITCH 1 MG. As you raise the value from a default setting of 00, you will notice that the vibrato effect becomes obvious even you are just playing the keyboard. The depth of vibrato is set by this parameter. Raise the Int parameter value, then change the Freq (frequency) value. The Freq parameter is used to set the rate of vibrato. The higher frequency value will make the vibrato faster, Now, move the cursor to the field that shows “TRI” asa default value for the waveform, and change this option. This parameter controls the vibrato waveform (the manner in which the pitch changes). ‘The Wah effect (VDF Cutoff modulation) is set by 8A VDF MG (Set 8B Oscillator Select to any value other than OFF.). As with the 7A PITCH | MG, change the waveform, Freq, and Int to determine the resultant effects. * You can also set the delay time (the time taken until the vibrato or wah effect starts) and the manner in which you control the modulation: via the keyboard, After Touch, or the modulation wheel, Refer to page 86 for details. Adjusting Panpot You can adjust the panpot setting (the position of the stereo image) when the stereo sound is output through the L/MONO and R connectors. Change the Pan (panpot) parameter on IC OSC1 and check to see how the position of the stereo image has shifted (see page 72). Pan settings range between A and B, with CNT as the center. With the Pan parameter set to OFF, no sound will be output to A or B. (Select OFF when you are using only outputs C and D.) Ettct Placement tect ono Prooeesor Program Combination ut A tea | -— >> Processor 2| Send evel D a Chapter 4: Editing 42 About Double Mode Just as you can layer Programs in a Combination, you can layer Multisounds in a Program. In Program Edit mode, set the 0A OSC Mode parameter on the LCD screen to DOUBLE. Double mode allows you to combine different Multisounds in a Program (see page 70), or to produce a thick and rich sound, Most of the XS Programs are in fact Double mode Programs. It is a good idea to consider the type of Multisounds that comprise a Double mode Program when you are editing sounds in Program Edit mode, * Remember that the X5 polyphony is reduced from 32 to 16 notes for Double mode Programs, since each Multisound uses one voice. Double Mode and Combinations ‘There are two methods for layering multiple sounds: (1) using a Double mode Program; and (2) layering multiple Single mode Programs in Combination Edit mode. The resultant sounds are the same, but the method you choose should depend on how the sound will be used. For example, if you wish to layer completely different types of Programs—such as piano and strings—it is better to layer the Programs in Combinations. If the piano and strings sounds are different Programs, you can combine the piano and brass sounds, or the strings and brass sounds, allowing you to make the best use of the Programs. On the other hand, layering two Multisounds in Double mode is most suitable for combining two different sounds to build one Program. For example, if you wish to Jayer the attack and sustain parts of the strings sound, handling these two sounds in a Double mode Program is more convenient for sophisticated sound creation. Some Hints for Editing Programs ‘There are many parameters in Program Edit mode, so you can create your original sound with ease. It may be difficult to understand all the parameters’ functions, but editing various sounds repeatedly will help you learn the function and effect of each parameter. You may often modify the preset Programs or existing Programs you have created before. In any case, the key approach for a creative sound making process is to be able to decide which Parameters you need to edit to obtain a desired sound. As explained in “Sound Structure” on page 35, the X5 Programs consist of three simple main elements. You should be able to obtain your desired sound easily based on the principle that OSC is for pitch, VDF is for tone, and VDA is for volume. You should also associate cyclical changes with MG, and changes over time with EG, Depending on the value of one parameter, the other parameters may not be effective. For example, if you set the EGint (EG Intensity: VDF EG sensitivity adjustment) to 00, changing the parameters of the VDF EG will not modify the sound. You can save time and energy and perform an efficient edit by first understanding the structure of the Program. Editing Effects Editing Effects Now let’s edit the effects, which are a prominent feature of the X5. An effects processor allows you to add various effects and acoustic ambience to a sound. You can use the effects for Programs, Combinations, and Multi setup. This section explai editing of effects in a Program. The effect parameters are common among all these modes, although they appear on different pages of the LCD screen. s the @ Select a Program in Program Play mode. Program AO1: Piano 16' is a suitable Program for assessing how effects modify the sound. Some Programs may not allow you to determine how effects modify a sound, depending on the placement of the effect. See page 115 for the effect placement. @ Press the [EDIT] button to enter Program Edit mode. @ Press the [PAGE+] or [PAGE-] button to display 10 EFFECT 1. @ Move the cursor to EFFECT 1=, and use the VALUE slider, [4/YES] button, and [¥/NO] button to change the effect type. * The effect placement of Program AOI: Piano 16's set to Serial. Let’s check to hear how a different effect type for Effect 1 will alter the sound. If you have selected a Program for which the effect placement is set to any value other than Seriai, change it to Serial (see page 115). Set Effect 2 on page 12A EFFECT2 to “00 No Effect”. ‘+ The DRY:EFF parameter allows you to adjust the effect degree of Effect | on 10B. (The page varies depending on the effect type selected on 10A EFFECT 1.) Increasing the EFF portion. of the effect balance will make it easier to understand the impact of the effect. + You can check the dynamic modulation effect by the modulation wheel when the 16C Sre (Dynamic Modulation Control Source) parameter is set to JS(+Y) and the value of the I (Dynamic Modulation Intensity) parameter is raised. (see page 114.) Move the modulation wheel (Set 10A MG WHEEL in Global mode to JoyUp.) while playing the keyboard to listen to the effects. Effect Types ‘The XS features two built-in digital multi-effects processors. Selecting a different type of effect will create a different and versatile sound. ‘The effect types are divided into two main categories: the effects that create reverberation (acoustic ambience), and effects that will process sounds. Using the two built-in effect processors and the effect types that produce two effects simultaneously will allow you to both create acoustic ambience and process sounds. ‘This section explains the main effect types for the X5's 47 built-in effects. Other effect types are variations or combinations of these main effect types. + Refer to page 118 for information about the parameter functions and how to control each type of effect. 1) Reverberation ‘Sounds exhibit a wide variety of reverberations, depending on the size of the surrounding acoustic environment and the materials used in nearby walls, ceilings, etc. Reverb is used to simulate these naturally-occurring reverberations for dry sounds (dry sound refers to the original sound without effects). The X5 features nine types of reverb effects - from |:Hall through to 9:Spring, Imagine listening to live music in a hall. After hearing the dry sound directly from the source, you will hear a number of sounds reflected from the walls, ceiling, floor, and any other objects with hard surfaces. These are called “early reflections”. The mixture of the dry sound and reflecting sounds creates spatial effects. The time between the dry sound and these early reflections is called the pre-delay time, and it will vary depending on the size of the hall, the material used in the walls, Chapter 4: Editing ceiling, and other objects in the room, and the decay time of the reflections. Utilizing the effect types 1:Hall through 9:Spring allows you to simulate a variety of acoustic ambiences, and you can edit these effects in detail using the parameters. ‘Dry sound < reflection ‘Sound source Reverberation Time Pre-delay 2) Early reflection This effect produces only the early reflections of a reverb effect. Using just these early reflections, you can add weight or spatial effects to a sound, such as reverberation. Without the reverberation, you can achieve a clean effect sound. 3) Delay Delay is like an echo in a canyon, consisting of a series of distinct repeats at regular intervals. ‘Subsequent repeats can be added by feeding the signal back into the effect. The X5 contains six types of stereo delay, from 13:StereoDly - 18:M.TapDly, Short delay time settings will change the position of the stereo image (depth). Longer delay time settings are useful for soloing. It is also interesting to set a much longer delay time than that which would match the song’s tempo. Leve't fp Dry sound Delay sound Time 4) Chorus Chorus effects are an effective way to add spaciousness and thickness to any type of sound. The XS contains six chorus effects, from 19:Chorus! to 24:Symp.Ens. These are ideally suited for use with electric pianos, strings, guitars, and so on. In an ensemble, instruments create a rich, slightly warbling sound, Essentially, this gives the impression that a ‘number of musicians are playing together. The chorus effect simulates this. In stereo performance, the stereo image is widened, thus creating a magnificent spatial ambience. 5) Flanger These effects add unique characteristics to a sound, The XS contains three flanger effects, from 25:Flanger | through 25:XOvrFingr. Although similar to chorus, a flanger uses a shorter delay time and feeds some of the output signal back into the effect, creating a strong swell. Flangers work very well on sounds that contain a lot of harmonics, as well as on distorted guitar sounds. Editing Effects 6) Exciter ‘The exciter effect (28:Exciter) adds new harmonics to a sound, thus producing a subjective increase in clarity and definition, which helps to make a sound's individual character stand out. 7) Enhancer The enhancer (29:Enhancer) makes the sound clearer and more defined, giving the sound more presence and bringing it up front in the mix. 8) Distortion ‘The XS contains two kinds of distortion effects, 30:Dist and 31:over Drv. The distortion effect simulates the distortion produced when amplifier circuits are overdriven with excessive signal and gain levels. You can use these effects not only with guitar sounds but also with rock organ sounds, 9) Phaser The phaser effect shifts a sound's phase. The X5 contains two phaser effects, 32:Phaser 1 and 33:Phaser 2. They are similar to the chorus and flanger effects in that both use modulation, but the ‘manner in which the tonal quality changes is different. They are effective with electric piano, guitars, and synth sounds with a reasonable sustain. 10) Rotary speaker This effect (34:Rot.Spk) simulates the rotating speaker effect used in organs, It is ideal for use with organ sounds, but it will also create a unique effect with other sounds. 11) Tremolo The tremolo effect produces regular changes in volume level. The X5 contains two tremolo effects, 35:Auto Pan and 36:Tremolo. They create a stereo type tremolo effect on electric pianos and vibraphones. 12) Parametric equalizer Effect 37:Para.EQ is a three-band parametric equalizer. You can set the cutoff frequency for the Tow and high band filters, and center frequency and bandwidth for the mid-band filter, which allows you to modify the tonal quality of a sound in detail. This effect can be used to simulate the frequency responses unique to an instrument (resonance of guitars and other string instruments), as well as to correct the tonal quality. + Refer to page 118 for information about how the effect type parameter functions. Effects and Sound Level ‘You can use the effects in Program Play mode, Combination Play mode, and Multi mode. However, the effects are set for each sound—that is, the effects are set for each Program. ‘Combinations use the effects that are set for each Combination (and not the effects that are set for the Programs assigned to the Timbres). Multi mode uses the effects that are set for the entire Multi mode (and not the effects set for the Programs in the tracks). Remember this when you use the Programs that utilize their own effect settings in Combination Play mode and Multi mode. + You can make a copy of the effect settings for Programs using the Copy Effect function, (see page 117.) Chapter 4: Editing Editing Combinations ‘This section offers a tutorial on the Combination Edit function. In the example described below, wwe will not save the edit to memory, (If you wish to save an edited Combination, you must perform a Combination Write operation.) + Ifyou do not save the edited Combination, the existing Combination will not change. (Refer to page 104 for information on the Combination Write operation.) Layering Multiple Programs You can create a new sound by combining multiple Programs in a Combination. In the following example, we will edit Combination 01:LayerPiano. @ Select Combination 01:LayerPiano in Combination Play mode. @ Press the [EDIT] button to enter Combination Edit mode. Before editing a Combination in Combination Edit mode, you must select a Combination in Combination Play mode. @ Press the [PAGE#] or [PAGE-] button to display the appropriate page on the LCD screen. + You do not have to switch pages; you change Programs in 0A PROGRAM 1-4, © Press the [<4] and [>] cursor buttons to select a Timbre. © Use the VALUE slider and the [/YES] and [¥/NO] buttons to select a Program. 666 900000 QQQ 9000090 ross the {EDIT] button to enter Combination Edit mode, ‘Select the Timbre using the [4] and (J buttons. ong page using the [PAGE] and {PAGE-} buttons. 63) Use the VALUE slider and the [4/YES] and ['¥/NO} buttons to set the value. Change the Programs assigned to Timbres 1-3 and listen to how the sound changes. Combination Ol:Layer Piano consists of different Programs assigned to three Timbres as illustrated below. (Timbres 4-8 are not used.) Timbre 3 Timbre 2 Timbre + ‘You can select Programs to assign to Timbres 1-8 in the 0A and 0B PROGRAM. If you select OFF, that Timbre will not be used. Adjusting the Volume ‘You can adjust the volume level of each Timbre using the 1A and 1B LEVEL. The Volume balance among Timbres can affect the sound of the Combination. ‘These are the default settings for each Timbre’s volume level for Combination O1:LayerPiano: 117 for AO1:Piano 16°; 080 for A33:Fresh Air; and 060 for A47:AnalogPad. As you can tell from these settings, the main sound of this Combination is the piano. You could adjust these levels to make this Combination into a pad-type sound by emphasizing the sounds of A33:Fresh Air and A47:AnalogPad. Editing Combinations Adjusting the Key Window You can set the note range for each Timbre in a Combination such that each Timbre will sound only within its specified range on the keyboard. This range is called the Key Window, ‘The Key Window is specified by the upper and lower limits of the note range: 3A and 3B KW ‘TOP (Key Window Top) and 3C and 3D KW BTM (Key Window Bottom). The default setting is C-1-G9 (the entire keyboard range). However, you can specify a certain range or divide the keyboard range in two for each Timbre for use in Split mode. For example, change the KW BTM of Timbre 1 to C4 and KW TOP of Timbre 3 to B3, and you can play pad-type Programs A33:Fresh Air and A47: Analog Pad in the low range, and piano Program A01:Piano 16' in the high range. Timbre 3 (“AAT : AnalogPad_] Timbre2 [A33: Fresh Air} Timbre 1 Adjusting the Velocity Window ‘You can also specify the note range within which a Timbre will respond based on the force with which you strike the keys (velocity range). This velocity range is called the Velocity Window. The Velocity Window is specified by 4A, 4B VW TOP (Velocity Window Top) and 4C, 4D VW BTM (Velocity Window Bottom), which represent the upper and lower velocity limits. Velocity (how hard you strike the keys) is expressed by the numbers 001-127. The default velocity range is 001~127 (in which Timbres respond to any velocity). By changing these parameters, you can set the Timbres in such a way that different Timbres will respond to different key touches. For example, first reset the Key Window parameters to the default setting. Then change Timbre 1 VW BTM to 64, and VW TOP of Timbres 2 and 3 also to 63. When you play the keyboard softly, only the pad-type Programs A33:Fresh Air and A47:AnalogPad will sound; when you play the keyboard hard, the piano Program AO1:Piano 16’ will sound. Key touch, (elocty) More About Combination Edit So far we have learned how to switch Programs, adjust the volume, and set the Key Window and Velocity Window. These represent a basic use of the Combination edit functions. You can edit Combinations further by doing such things as changing the pitch for each Timbre (transposition, detune - page 99), and adjusting the pan (see page 102) and effect send (see page 103) settings. You may also set a different MIDI channel for each Timbre to play via multiple MIDI Channels (see page 96). a7 Chapter 4: Editing Editing a Drum Kit A Drum Kit is a set of drum sounds, each of which is assigned to a key on the keyboard. You can play a Drum Kit instead of Multisounds by selecting DRUMS for Programs. The Drum sounds on the XS are arranged into 8 Drum kits in ROM and 2 Drum kits in RAM. You can edit RAM kits in Global mode. This section explains how to edit RAM kits. Preparing to Play a Drum Kit To play a Drum Kit, you need to select DRUMS for 0A OSC Mode in Program Edit mode. In this mode, you can select a Drum Kit instead of Multisounds for 1A OSC1 SOUND. ee ‘When OSC Mods is set to ORUMS. Editing a Drum Kit Let’s edit Drum Kit A09:Total Kit, which uses one of the RAM Drum Kits (000:Drum Kit 1). If you wish to edit a ROM Drum Kit, first copy the ROM Drum Kit to one of the RAM Drum Kits using 8A Copy Drum Kit in Global mode. (see page 160.) + Editing this Drum Kit will change the arrangement and settings of the drum sounds. If you wish to restore the original setting, do so using SA Preset Data Load in Global mode. Tips on drum editing Before starting to edit a Drum Kit, we recommend that in Program Play mode you select a Program for which Drum mode is already set. This is because the parameter settings of the Program selected in Program Play mode are used to produce sound, and depending on the VDF, VDA, or BG settings of typical Program sounds—such as piano or strings—the drum sounds may change. For example, if a Program uses a long attack time for the VDA EG, you cannot recognize the sharp attack typical of a drum sound. If you wish to reproduce the edited Drum kit sound without any changes, use the Drum kit in a Program that has been selected in Program Play mode. Also, it should be noted that editing a Drum Kit will change other Program sounds that use the same Drum Kit. For example, editing Drum Kit | will change all Program sounds that use Drum Kit I (the Programs for which 000:Drum Kit I is selected for OSCI SOUND). Editing a Drum Kit © Select A09:Total Kit in Program Play mode. * When you edit a Drum Kit in Global mode, the currently-selected Program settings (DRUMS for OSC Mode) are used to produce the sound. Make sure you select a Program that contains a Drum Kit you wish to edit, or select a Program from G129-136. @ Press the [GLOBAL] button to enter Global mode. @ Pres the (PAGE#] or (PAGE-] button to display 6A Drum Kit 1. (This is the edit page of Drum kit 1.) @ Use the [<4] and [>] cursor buttons to select a parameter. © Use the VALUE slider, and the [4/YES] and (W/NO] buttons to set the value. ° the [PAGE] button to display SA] Drum Kit 1. 666 900006 9QQ 900000 rs he {6LOBAL ut oe Gt node ©) Use the [-<) and {»} cursor buttons to select a parameter. 6) Use the VALUE slider, and the (A/YES] and ['¥/NO] buttons to set the value. Each Drum Kit contains 60 indexes (#00-#59), with one drum sound assigned to each index. Level, tuning, and decay parameters can be set individually for each index in a kit. Each index is similar to a container that accommodates a drum sound; it appears on the LCD screen as follows: Index ‘68 DRUM #20 68 KEV/TUNEAL ‘Ba6tOrch Crach | [ei Ty58 Leoo Decay Ase Pan Sendo | a ‘Send O Now, we start editing Drum Kit 1, which is used in AO9:Total Kit. First, to select an index to edit, move the cursor to Index on page 6A DRUM 1, and select #06, which is an index for the snare assigned to the F2 key (the lowest F on the keyboard). Pressing the F2 key while pressing and holding down the [ENTER] button will automatically select the index (#6) assigned to this key. This procedure is useful when you want to edit the index after playing the corresponding key to check the sound. When the cursor is located on the key parameter, you can enter a key name directly by playing the corresponding key on the keyboard while holding down the [ENTER] button Changing Drum Sounds ‘Asa default setting, drum sound 018:PicloSnase (the high-pitched sound of a thin-body snare) is selected. Try to select various drum sounds and listen to them. Selecting —:No Assign allows you to set an index that does not produce sound. In this case, select a powerful snare sound 022:Ambi.Snare. Changing the Assigned Key Page 6B KEY/TUNEIL allows you to change the key assignment. Changing the default setting F2 allows you to change the key to which an index is assigned, You can select only the keys from A#1 and lower or G#6 and higher. This is because you cannot assign multiple indexes to one key. 49 Chapter 4: Editing 50 (The keys not shown on the screen are already assigned indexes.) If you wish to assign an index toa particular key, edit the index of that key or change the key of the index. Avoid assigning indexes to the same key. Altering the Tuning You can change the pitch of drum sounds. The default value is +006, and the value can range from -120 to +120 (1 = 10 cents). Altering the tuning will significantly change the nuances of a drum sound. Raising or lowering the pitch radically can create special effects. Set this to about +30 to obtain a clear sound, and to about -10 to obtain a powerful sound Changing the Level Now, go to 6C DECAY/ASGN. The Level is adjusted for each index. You can adjust the entire volume level using the OSC Level parameter in Program Edit mode or the MASTER VOLUME slider, but the volume level balance of index’s drum sound in a Drum Kit is adjusted by this parameter. The default value +60 may produce a rather loud sound for the index we are now editing. Set the parameter to about +10. Changing the Decay Now, go to 6C DECAY/ASGN. You can adjust the decay time (how long a sound sustains) using the decay parameter. The higher value will produce a longer sustain, based on a value of 0. Specifying a negative value will make the sound shorter. For example, adjusting the decay time is very useful for a cymbal sound. Try a value of -25 to create a tight sound. About the other parameters The ASGN (Exclusive Assign) allows you to set an assigned group of indexes such that they will not produce the sound of (alternate assign). For example, the open hihat sound and the closed hihat sound should not be triggered simultaneously. This parameter can be used for a whistle, giro, quaker, or triangle. Page 6D PANISEND allows you to control how the sound is output for each index. The Pan parameter determines the output balance between Output A and B, and the C and D parameters determine the output level to C and D. The panpot setting specified in Global mode is effective in Program Play mode, and each index uses its own panpot setting. If you set the panpot parameter 10 PRG in Combination Play mode or Multi mode, each index uses its own panpot setting. Playing a Chromatic Scale Using a Single Drum Sound As described earlier, you can assign the drum sounds in a Drum Kit to different keys. Ina similar way, you can also play achromatic scale using a single drum sound. The example described below is a bell sound. Since the indexes of Drum Kit | are already assigned to the entire keyboard as a default setting, first you need to set drum sounds of indexes #50-#59 to —:No Assign, and set the key of index #59 to any key other than C7. At this point, no index should be assigned to the highest octave keys on the keyboard (no sound will be produced within this range). Set Index #40 to 137:TubulBell2, Editing a Drum Kit and set the key to C7. Now you should be able to play the bell sound in a chromatic scale within the highest octave. The sound may become more interesting if you tune it a little lower and set the decay to -15. You can play the drum sound of index #49 in a chromatic scale. aoe) Index #43 1 Index #49 (025:RoliSnare2i@s 497-TublBel2iC7 Drum sounds are not assigned in this range. Creating a Drum Program Using a ROM Drum Kit Follow the procedure below to copy a Program and Drum Kit when you edit the ROM Drum Kits used in Programs G129-136. You cannot wite a Program in Bank G. Select a Program in VRS Program Play mode, and write the Program using the 164 1 page in Program Edit mode. check he number ofthe ROM rum Kt being used inthe re ena ee a er ee reeeeerneees 1 Use no 84 page in lb made a copy te ROM Orum Kt tatu ve et checked m Stop 8 one RAM DUM Rt SMEENMEEMENNNEEIOEN 72 nents ion ede sure ste Progtm ht procul used he Rat rum Kil J Foto eres Ea tte RAN Oram Kin bl odo, tr to“Edng a 4 Bru on eae fo eotng poceare ET e nc {Go back to Program Edit mode, and change the Drum Kit selection on page TA. Select the destination RAM Drum Kit 1'0r2 in Step 8, and perform 16A write function. Cee ee Lots Making Drum Sounds ‘The XS handles two RAM Drum kits and eight ROM Drum kits edited in Global mode as a sound source like a Multisound, which allows you to fine-tune the sound using the parameters available in Program Edit mode. For example, it is possible to adjust tonal brightness using the VDF, or to adjust changes in tonal color and level using the VDF EG and VDA EG respectively, to obtain special effect sounds. You can utilize effects advantageously by setting the panpot for each index, or adjusting the send C/D levels. For example, you may apply reverberation to only the snare sound, or apply the flanger effect to only the hihat sound. 51 Chapter 4: Editing Program Sound Making: Practice In this section, we are going to create a new sound (Program) on the XS. Although this section explains a sequential procedure for creating sound and setting important parameters, the functions of each parameter are not covered in detail. If necessary, please refer to “Parameter Guide” section, which starts on page 68, for details. Protecting the Memory Programs created in Program Edit mode will be lost if you do not write (save to memory) the parameter values you edited. You can write your own Programs on Programs 00-99 in Bank A. However, these Programs are memory-protected in Global mode so that you will not accidentally overwrite an existing Program. If you plan to write a new Program in one of the Programs in Bank A, first set the Memory Protect parameter in Global mode to OFF. @ Press the [Global] button to enter Global mode. @ Pres the [PAGE+] or [PAGE-] button to display 3A PROTECT on the screen. @ Use the VALUE slider or [¥/NO] button to set the PROGRAM to OFF. ° Press the [PAGE+] and [PAGE-1 butons to cisplay [3A] PROTECT on the screen, 55 666 000006 9QQ 900009 Press the [Global] button to enter Global mode. ©) Use tho VALUE stider or [¥/NO} button to set the PROGRAM to OFF. + Inthis practice example, we use Program A00 Sunrise as a destination. Writing a new Program in A0O will destroy the Program data previously stored in AOO. You can restore these factory default settings using SA PRESET DATA in Global mode (see page 156). Setting the Parameters The table below is an example of the contents of a parameter. to] Parameter Range Description ° “NGA [OF Guoh Fo) 12] 33 | Adjusts tonal brghiness 7 [a LcD This shows the number of the page displayed on the LCD screen. Use the ([PAGE+] and [PAGE-] buttons to change pages. If a page has multiple screens, use the [<4] and [>] cursor buttons to switch screens. If this column shows two page numbers, such as 4/6, they specify the pages for Oscillators 1 and 2, respectively. For example, 4A/6A corresponds to VDF1 and VDF2, respectively. Parameter This indicates the name of the parameter. Words inside the parentheses are abbreviations of the parameter titles shown on the LCD screen. Range Set a parameter to this value. If two values are shown, they correspond to the value of Oscillators 1 and 2. In the example table, Fe (VDF Cutoff) of VDF1 is set to 12, and Fe of VDF2is set to 33. 52 Program Sound Making: Practice Description This column explains the parameter function and some key points of the parameter setting This shows the reference page “Parameter Guide”. Referto this page for detailed parameter functions and an explanation of the values. Let's start creating a sound using the procedure below. @ Select Program A0O Sunrise in Program Play mode. @ Press the [EDIT] button to enter Program Edit mode. © Use the [PAGE+] and [PAGE-] buttons and select a parameter using the [4] and [>] buttons. @ Use the VALUE slider, and the (4/YES] and (¥/NO] buttons to set the parameter value. 6) Use ine {AGEs} and {PAGE} buttons and select a parameter using the [-t] and [>] buttons. 666 900000 999 990099 roe btn Po (2) Use the VALUE slider, and the |A/YES] and [W/NO} buttons to set the parameter value. Notes on Sound Making If you turn off the power to the XS, or select a different Program in Program Play mode while or after editing a Program, all of your edited data will be lost—unless you save the data using the ‘Write function! If you want to stop editing and do something else on the X5, be sure to carry out the Program Write function. See page 61 for a detailed procedure for the Program Write function. Sound Making ‘The following pages explain parameter functions and offer hints on settings. Depending on the settings of other parameters, you may not be able to confirm how changes in the parameter value affect the sound. In other cases, the sound may be produced incorrectly. Therefore, set all the parameters to the values shown on the next page; then read the explanation of the parameter functions and hints. 53 Chapter 4: Editing 54 osc ro) GSC Meco DOUBLE ayers sounds using double oscar Assion (ASN) POLY 70 oid (LO) OFF 70 (O8C1 Mutsound 320 | The name of Milisound ¥32015 "VS 52" 7 ip | C801 O86 Level Loved 54 [Determines the wolure level 7 Cc 6 a (9 POSeH Pen Ea Imenaiy Sind | +00, 7a ‘OSC1 Pan cnt 7 Tp [0861 Send 6 (6 SEND) ° 72 (0567 Send5 o 72 2A [OSCR mutisound 768 | The name of Mulisound #16616 “AneSianos” | 73 Determines the volume level (To adjust he ap | 0802086 Love (Lovo 27 | Determines the vole 7 O5C2 Octave (GO) = % {O8C2 Fich EG inienaty EGinj | +00 7 2 © OFF soting no signal wl be output Fr | Osco pan ore | Wanihe OFF etn. ro saralwiibeoaptton [75 | gp | 2802 SenaG (6 SEND) © | Applies only reverberation, 73 | (OSC2 Send 3 | Apptes ony reverberation 7 | pe | OSCR Interval (nti) 700 73 | [0802 Detune (Dein) 05 | Thickens he soundby shitingapch very alonty| 73] BE [0862 Delay Stor Dai) | 17 [ Produces the sound wih a cetay. 73] PIenEG Sun tave Si) | «00 | PGREGIEnoletecve, sen Gipareneler | 74 an | raeneGammictre oo | PReNEGiS ne otsive sce he Gvearaate | 7, Pitch EG Atack Level (AL) +20 | frine OSCHZIs sett 100 ONAN | 7 a Pitch EG is not elfectve, since the Gint parameter Prtch EG Decay Time (OT) 0 | ofthe 0561/29 soto +00, a a Pitch EG i not efotv, since the Gini parameter 98 | Pach EG Release Timo (RT) eee 74 Pitch EG i ot efectve, since the Gint parameter Pitch EG Release Level (AL) 409 | Pitch Ei nat ofectva, cn 4 Pitch EG Level Vel. Sens. (Levi) +400 | stan EG i not ofectve, since the Gint parameter | 74 Se neem nel : cecarsseia ich Eis nt efectve, since the Gint parametor oer neeaeetee can) 190 | ofthe OSC12 i st to 100. ce ‘The OSC Mode parameter of this Program is set to DOUBLE to layer two sounds in Double Oscillator mode. The OSC1 uses the electric piano sound, and the OSC2 uses the strings sound. ‘The sparkling electric piano sound is followed by a delayed soft strings sound. The Pan setting of the OSC2 is OFF to output the signal to only C and D in order to use two effects advantageously. Although this Program does not use Pitch EG, you can use Pitch EG to change pitch. To do so, set the pitch envelope in pages 3A~3C, and raise the Pitch EG Intensity of OSC1 and 2 (IC and 2C) to-an adequate level, "= Hint 1 for sound making: Multisound ‘The XS has various built-in Multisounds with names. However, try to use them freely, without being restricted by the names. The X5 offers very interesting synth sound ‘waveforms in the latter half of the 340 Multisounds, such as Multisound 320:VS 52. You can also play drum or percussion Multisounds in a chromatic scale. Select a desirable Multisound while listening to it. Usually, a Muitisound is selected first, then other Parameters are adjusted according to the selected Multisound. Program Sound Making: Practice "© Hint 2 for sound making: Detune ‘The Detune parameter on 2E OSC2 is used to slightly shift the pitch of OSC2 against OSC1. Shifting the pitch between double oscillators thickens the sound, and is frequently used in sound making in Double Oscillator mode. The detune is more effective when itis, used for Programs that use the same type of Multisounds for OSC1 and OSC2. \VOF EG Time by KBD Track (EGim) \VOF_EG Attack Time KBD Track (AT) Time KBD Track (OT) VDF ies Pareto Range Dessrotion 7] Wor oaoi Fo 2] 36 haha al bighness | 78 [ [OF Ec mneiy inn eo] 8 ~ reat 1 VOF@ adi tho oral oars VOF EG atc Tie 7) 20} s0| tation clo becomes bngtor | 77 | 01 ore a WOFES Ata tovel A) wwe 88 7a VOF EG Decay Time (07) as} ai mas ‘DFT suis onal sor aa VOF EG Break Pint P) s70| +90) attra coor becomes der | 77 | 61 soe rae WOFES Sopo Tne SH wha \VDF EG Sustain Lovel (SL) FG Release Tin Tow | VOFEG Reiase Tine 7 180 | VOF EG Races Level oor tne ene tent) 00 ry Voc Bare WA) wo | 00 ma VOF EG inten by Vol Sena Ein _| 60] +00, 7a a1 VDF EG Tie by Vel Sens (EG of 90 7a [as OF EG Atak Tie Vel Sone () of o [7] ar WOF £6 Decay Tne Val ore seine [SOF EG DecayTine vt Sens 0. | 0[ 0 7 [a1 WOF EG Sipe Tino Val See (ST : 70 [a1 VOF EG Release Tne el Sens (RT) 0] 0 mea KBD Tracking [ 5 racking Koy el ee mo [at CC | eeD Trcking ods Mods) reat 10 Tracking ost com Ik TT) ao 0 . 0 0 a peur tei |] Set the VDF parameters for both VDFI and VDF2. This Program uses two Multisounds that have a Jong sustain (the sound continues until you release the key), and the VDF EG and VDA EG adjust changes in tonal color and volume level over time. The following diagrams show how the VDF EG and VDF2 EG are set. vor vore Tonal onal ghia ‘wighiness pratiness | ote-on Noto "PS Noteon Noteott Chapter 4: Editing The electric piano sound for the OSC1 starts with a sparkling attack sound, and becomes darker gradually. The strings sound for the OSC2 becomes brighter gradually, then becomes darker after the Note-off message. “© Hint 3 for sound making: Cutoff and EG intensity ‘onal brightness is changed by the VDF EG and EG Intensity settings, as well as the VDF Cutoff parameter. For example, the VDF EG setting affects changes in tonal color because of a high value of the EG Intensity parameter, although the VDF Cutoff parameter of the OSC1 is rather low. On the other hand, the VDF Cutoff value is higher relative to the OSC1, although a low value of EG Intensity for the OSC2 makes tonal color darker. In this way, the VDF Cutoff, EG Intensity, and VDF EG parameters are closely related to each other in terms of tonal color. As a general approach, try setting the VDF EG value to determine how tonal color changes overall, then set the EG Intensity value to adjust the degree of change, and set the VDF Cutoff value to adjust the overall tonal brightness. In this way, you can hear the extent to which tonal color changes, and then fine-tune the parameter values. = Hint 4 for sound making: VDF EG and VDA EG. Tonal color is also affected by the VDA EG setting (changes in volume level). For example, any value set for the VDF EG Release Time parameter does not affect the sound at all if the VDA EG Release Time is set to 00 (the sound will stop immediately after the Note-off message is received). A sound with a slow attack varies slightly depending on whether VDA or VDF has a faster attack. If the VDF EG has a faster attack, the sound becomes relatively quiet (like strings). If the VDA EG has a faster attack, the attack part sounds rather unique (a little like a brass sound). You should take into consideration how the VDF EG and VDA EG change over time. VDA ep Parameter Range Description P VOAEG Attack Time (AT) 0] 70] VOA® sots a slow attack 2 | 86 awioa | VOAEG Attack Level (AL) 99] 99) a2 | 86 VDA EG Decay Tine (OT) 79| 5a] VOAT sets a decay sound (the | a | 9g volume level decays gradually). ‘eBr108 | VDAEG Slope Time (ST) VDA EG Break Pont (6P) ‘VDAEG Sustain Level (SU) 8ON0C_| VOAEG Release Time (RT) cons Sees) | ver ah oo oof 18 23 [06 o_O [os [oe 9B/18 of 0 | 84 | 86 VOAEG Stpo Tine ViSonsoS1) | of of Taf es YVOAEG Release Timo Vel Sense (AT) eo) 84 | 68 geri [KBE Tacking Key 3 4 | 86 _[ KB Tracking Mode (ode) e4 [88 ‘orp |YOARm by KBD Tracking (Amp) as | 98 VOAEG Tina by KBD Track (EGtn) % as | 06 VDAEG Alick Time KBD Track (AT) ° a5 | 68 cng [WOAEG Deep Tne RoD Teaco | 0] 0 el \VOAEG Siope Timo KBD Track (ST) of 0 a5 | 86 VDAEG Release Time KBD Track (AA) | 0] 0 as | 86 The VDA allows you to control how the volume level specified by the VDA EG changes over time. The VDAI for the OSC1 makes an electric piano sound with a rapid decay, and the VDA2 for the OSC2 makes a sustained strings sound, followed by a release. You can sustain the electric Program Sound Making: Practice iano sound (OSC1) using a damper pedal. If you are not using a pedal or if the pedal is assigned to another function, you may want to raise the Release Time value of the VDAI EG. The following diagrams illustrate how the VDA EG for each oscillator has been set. VDAt voa2 Level Level Note-on Note-off Note-on Note-off The VDA Velocity Sense parameter has a rather high value in order to add dynamic control via key velocity. The attack time of the OSC2 strings sound changes according to key velocity (EG Time Vel.Sens, Attack Time). With a soft key stroke, the attack becomes very slow. With a strong key stroke, the attack is quite fast. “= Hint 5 for sound making: Key velocity and expression In order to add expression to your performance, you may set the parameters such that tonal color and volume level will change according to how hard you strike the keyboard (key touch or key velocity). Use the VDA Velocity Sense parameter for dynamic control of the volume level. Use the Velocity Curve parameter in Global mode to set the key velocity sensitivity. Use one sound as a standard to set the Velocity Curve parameter for the other sound so that sensitivity is balanced between the sounds. Then, use the VDA Velocity Sense parameter for each Program to set sensitivity. With a negative value for the VDA Velocity Sense parameter, a faster key velocity will produce a lower volume level. This setting is rare in Single oscillator mode. However, when you are using a Double oscillator Program, setting the VDA Velocity Sense for either Program to a negative value will produce a velocity crossfade effect, allowing you to control the level balance between two sounds using key velocity. «© Hint 6 for sound making: Keyboard tracking Keyboard Tracking is the function that determines how different areas of the keyboard affect tonal color and volume level. For a sound that is more striking in the lower range, you may want to set the Keyboard Tracking so that the lower range of the keyboard you play (the lower the pitch becomes), the softer (lower in volume level) the sound, In this Program, the strings sound in the lower range is relatively loud. If you set the Key parameter of the OSC1 and 2 in Double Oscillator mode, and reverse the positive and negative value for the KBD Track Intensity, you will obtain a positional crossfade effect that will change the volume balance between OSC1 and 2 depending on the position of the key you play. 57 Chapter 4: Editing 58 Pitch Modulation/VDF Modulation/After Touch, Joy Stick Control ie Parameter Range. Description Lo Pitch MG 12 Wavetorm tai] Tri] Select TAI (rangle wavetonmyfor [gy | gg towtaa | PHERMG 12 Frequenay Fp Ee a [a 00: Using only the keyboard for Pen MQ 1/2 Intensity (In) 00] peommaneewalceatero | a7 | es Pitch MG 1/2 Delay: 00/00 87 | 88 128/198 Pitch MG 1/2 Fade In (Fade In) 00} 00 87 | 88 120A | Pen MG We Key Syn (Sync). OFF | OFF o7 [68 IMG areeero M87 BST sep| sap ar lee 120190 Piich MG Wa Frequency Mody Ar alee wile Touetoy Sick | Buen MG 2 tins Woaby ArT | go og 2 TENSE Pitch MG 1/2 Intensity Mad by Joy Stick 00 104 | Vibrato is added only to strings 88 ow) sera | [Wor mic Wavetorn 7a 8 14a [VDEMG Frequency Fa) %0 3 VOF MG Intent (nd 00 © ae [VOF MG Boxy 0 : C5 VOF MG OSC 5 BOTH @ Tao | VOF MG Key Syne (K Syne) ON ee a) ‘tor Tous Pitch Bend (P80) Ec) 20 "8A [ator Tous VOF Gut Frequeney (0) +00 90 lise Aiter Touch VDF MG Intensity (VDF.MG) 00 90 ‘Alor Touch VOR Amplitude (A) +20 %0 150 _ | Joysick VOF MG Intensity (VOFMG) 00 0 aaa Joystick Pitch Bend Range (P.Bend) cc a | Joysick VOF Sweep ltensty (VDF) 2200 a Pages Pitch Modulation, VDF Modulation, After Touch, and Joy Stick Control are used to specify how the vibrato or wah effect is created and how After Touch or the modulation wheel affects the sound. In this Program, using only the keyboard will create no vibrato or wah effect. Moving the modulation wheel (set to JoyUp in 10A Global mode) forward will add a vibrato effect to the OSC2 strings sound. (The modulation wheel is also used to adjust the balance between reverberation and dry sound. See page 114.) You can also control pitch, brightness, and volume level by setting the After Touch parameters. “© Hint 7 for sound making: ibrato and wah Vibrato and wah add expression to the sound, The X5 can control the vibrato and wah in several ways, No vibrato or wah is set for this Program, to facilitate playing chords. For a Single oscillator Program, it may be a good idea to apply vibrato by raising a value of the Intensity parameter of 12A/13A PITCH I MG. Itis very effective to raise the value of the Delay and Fade In parameters so that the vibrato effect starts gradually after the Note-on messages. You can also control vibrato and wah via After Touch or the modulation wheel. The XS does not have an After Touch switch on the keyboard, although the modulation wheel allows you to control After Touch (see page 27, 161). You can also control it from an external MIDI device. Whenever you fine-tune the parameters related to vibrato or wah, be sure to play the keyboard to confirm the effect. Program Sound Making: Practice Effect a) Parameter Range ~~ Description P "ea [Sate Be [Suc BEXOwecho. i ete Switch oN ie - | Sas on tothe eel sad rm 16 | Source (Src) oe ae tect Dynarié Nolan renal cc ia Ty [Best Dea Tne. Tmo) on 12 tect Doay Tine R() ois 128 spo | Est Ho Det is) — 7 128 ect Hod Spos Mod 5) a 725 776 | et od Shape Tat 128 ap [sRect EGton (EOI) “8 128 Etec! EQ HIgh) 728 12s Toa [Htes2 Ete Tipe 3 OF | Selects OF a (as toca Sitch on 8 [188 |Eteca bret Balance OPVEFA 70:30 | Aust overs bale. 5 ocd Byaric Moclaton Conic | yy Adis alc Dewees . tec | Souee Gu) foveberaton andar coud ead Bare Nodaion nals 708 i “aa | Ee Reve Tine cin) 34 | Sis ovebeatoniorasr =i 8 toca High Dam (Ore) 0 18 oa Effect2 Pre Delay (P.Oly) 060, = ng ioc EF Lovel EF) @ 719 Tmo | Steee Eatow ea) =o | Treca €argh 0 19 0m | et acorn: Se 8 [eseamton _ | Baas Snare, ue Pango =) | iain yg Effects play an important role in sound making. In this Program, the effect placement is Serial; Effect 1 uses Crossover chorus; and Effect 2 uses Hall. The effect parameters vary depending on the effect type you select. First set the Effect Type parameter on page 16A/18A EFFECT 1/2; then set the effect parameters. Crossover chorus is used to add spaciousness to the sounk this Program. Since the Pan parameter for OSC2 is OFF, this effect does not affect the OSC2. The OSC2 strings sound is output from C and D, and affected by only the Hall effect of Effect2. The following flow chart illustrates how the signal is routed from OSC1/2 through Effect 1/2. ont Pan A. 8) [3 crossaverchows ose lect plano ° ‘sen Jo Pan A, 8) sce Sings 59 Chapter 4: Editing Setting the Dynamic Modulation Source to JS (+¥) for the Effect2:Hall allows you to control the dry:effect balance via the modulation wheel (set to JoyUp on Wheel function). Moving the modulation wheel forward (Control Change) will increase the reverberation applied to the hall effect. = Hint 8 for sound making: Effect placement The effect placement determines how the signal is routed from the OSC1/2 to the output through the Effect 1/2. This Program uses chorus and reverb. Selecting any other effect type will affect the sound. Routing the Pan A, B and Send C, D in various ways will allow you to build a complicated effect structure. Utilize the effect placement diagram for the effect settings. ‘© Hint 9 for sound making: Dynamic modulation Dynamic modulation is a powerful function that allows you to contro] the effect balance and parameters while you are playing the keyboard. You can adjust the effects or obtain effects that could not be achieved through the usual external effect units, using the modulation wheel, assignable pedal, or VDA EG. The type of parameter you can control via dynamic modulation varies depending on the effect type. Refer to page 145 for detail Program Sound Making: Practice Writing Programs ‘The Program Write function is used to store the Program edited in Program Edit mode. Follow the procedure below to write your Program into Bank A. @ Press the [PAGE+] button in Program Edit mode to display 22A PROG WRITE. + In this practice example, we will name the edited Program. You can also store the Program, without changing the name. @ Press the [b] button to display 22B RENAME. @ Move the flashing cursor using the [1] and [>] buttons, and use the VALUE slider, and the [/YES] and [¥/NO] buttons to name the Program. * You can use up to 10 characters for the name. Enter the name “Epf+REVstr.” @ Press the [<] button to go back to page 22A PROG WRITE. Press the [A/YES) bution to write the Program. ©) Press the [~] button to display (224) PROG WRITE, 9 Press the [PAGE+] button in Program Edit mode to display [228] PROG WRITE. @ Press he 1») button to espa £226) RENAME. ) Move tne lashing cursor using the [-4] and {>} buttons, and use the VALUE slider, ‘andthe (a/YES) and [¥/NO} buttons to name the Program © Move the cursor to “OK?” and press the [A/YES) button. The screen will ask you “Are You Sure OK?” Press the [¥/YES] button to write the Program. + The Program will be written into Program AQ0. You can also specify the Program number using the Write parameter, Now the Program “Epf+REVstr” has been stored in Program A00. You can also explore parameter editing while checking the sound with your own ears to confirm how different parameters can affect the sound. Checking the parameter settings in Programs in Bank Aor G can help you understand various key points of the sound making process. Experiment by editing various Programs. 61 Chapter 5: Application Guide Chapter 5: Application Guide This chapter explains several applications and offers helpful tips on performance and editing on the X5. See the reference pages for detailed explanations of functions and parameters. Performance Applications 62 Tuning the X5 to Other Musical Instruments You should first tune the XS if you plan to jam with other musical instruments or play along with music from CDs or tapes. Use page 0A MASTER TUNE in Global mode to tune up. The range of the parameter is -50(427.47Hz) to +50 (452.8912). (see page 147.) Changing the Key Velocity Sensitivity Key touch—in other words, how hard you play the keyboard—varies with each player. You can set the key velocity sensitivity according to your own key touch. A velocity curve determines the relationship between key touch and changes in volume or tonal color. Use the Vel parameter on page OD CURVE in Global mode to select a velocity curve. The X5 has 8 velocity curves. When you send keyboard data via MIDI or TO HOST, or when you play the XS using MIDI data from an external sequencer, OC POSITION in Global mode determines whether the selected velocity curve is effective or ignored. (see page 147.) Obtaining After Touch Effects ‘The X5 does not have an After Touch switch on the keyboard. However, you can control After ‘Touch using the modulation wheel. To do so, set 10A MG WHEEL to After Touch in Global mode, (see page 162.) ‘When you control the X5 from an external sequencer, send After Touch messages (Channel Pressure messages) to control After Touch effects. Changing the Note Range of the Keyboard Use 0B TRANSPOSE in Global mode to change the note range of the keyboard. You can shift the range in semitones: +12 to move up one octave, and -12 to move down one octave. (see page 147.) Note data sent via MIDI or TO HOST is transposed if OC POSITION in Global mode is set to After KBD, and it is not transposed if OC POSITION is set to Before TG. (see page 147.) If you wish to transpose each Timbre in a Combination individually, use pages SA and SB TRANS (sce page 99). If you wish to transpose each track in Multi mode, use the Tra parameter on *C age. (see page 108.) Adjusting Effects While Playing Select the modulation wheel or the assignable pedal for the EFFECT Dynamic Modulation Control Source parameter to use either device to control effects. (see page 114.) Changing the Sequence of Programs or Combinations . It is a good idea to sort the Programs or Combinations in the order in which you plan to use them in a live performance. Once you do this, with a single button you can jump to any Program ot Combination in the allowable range. (For example, you could lock the [10's HOLD/-] button, or press the switch pedal.) Performance Applications To change the sequence of Programs or Combinations, use the Program Write function (see page 92) or the Combination Write function (see page 104) to write the Programs or Combinations in the desired order, At this time, the existing destination Programs or Combinations will be lost (overwritten). If you want to keep those Programs or Combinations, first copy them to different Program or Combination numbers. You can also change the name of Programs and Combinations. (see page 92, 104.) Changing the Controller Functions in Combinations You may occasionally want to use different settings for a controller to play Combinations that consist of multiple Programs. For example, you may want the damper pedal to affect only the piano sound if you are playing the piano sound with your right hand and the bass sound with your left, or some similar arrangement. In this case, you can set the damper filter so that particular ‘Timbres will ignore damper operation. Set 6B DAMPER in Combination Edit mode to D (DIS) for each Timbre that you want to ignore the damper effect. (see page 101.) a Timbre 1 Bass Damper Fiter = DIS ENA ‘You can set the damper filter parameters for each Track in Multi mode. It is also po: whether or not each Timbre or Track accepts After Touch or Control Change messages. Playing the Keyboard in Split Mode (Playing Different Sounds With the Left and Right Hands) If you wish to play different Programs in separate keyboard ranges, such as playing a bass sound with your left hand and a piano sound with your right, set up the Key Window of a Combination. ‘The Key Window allows you to set the note range on the keyboard for each Timbre (see page 97). ‘You can also set the note range using the Key Window in Multi mode. If you wish to play the keyboard in Split mode while you are in Muiti mode, first set the MIDI Channel to Global MIDI Channel of the corresponding Tracks, then set each Track's Key Window. (see page 110, 111.) Selecting a Particular Sound Quickly ‘Remembering how the sounds in the XS are sequentially organized will help you select a desirable sound very quickly. For example, Bank G has 128 GM compatible Programs and cight Programs using the Drum Kits, which are each divided into groups that consist of eight sounds. Remembering the group in which a sound is located will help you select a Program very quickly. ‘This is also helpful when comparing similar types of Program sounds. Itis very convenient to have Bank A Programs and Combinations that are divided into groups and sorted in a desirable order. The default Programs in Bank A have already been divided into groups based on the unit's digit. For example, *1 contains piano and organ sounds, and *9 contains drum and percussion sounds. You can create customized sequences and groups to facilitate operations, Changing the Function of the Switch Pedal or Volume Pedal ‘You can change the function of the switch pedal or volume pedal connected to the ASSIGNABLE PEDAL/SWITCH connector using page 9A ASSIGN PDL or 9B ASSIGN SW, respectively, in Global mode. (see page 161.) A volume pedal and switch pedal can have one of the following functions. Chapter 5: Application Guide Volume Pedal oFF: (Off (Volume pedal operation does not affect sounds.) Volume: ‘Adjusting the volume level (Corresponds to MIDI Volume messages) Expression: ‘Adjusting the volume level (Corresponds to MID! Expression messages.) VOF cute: ‘Adjusting tonal brightness (Corresponds to MIDI Brightness messages.) Effect controt: ‘Adjusting the effects (Dynamic modulation source) Data entry: Corresponds to the VALUE sider operation. Switch Pedal Damper: Damper (Hold 1) Program Up: ‘Switches to the next Program or Combination number. Program Down: ‘Switches to the previous Program or Combination number. Etfect 1 on/ott Tuming Etflect 1 on and off Effect 2 onott: “Turning Etfect 2 on and of. Scale Switch Changes the scale, Combining Multiple Programs In order to play multiple Programs simultaneously, or play different Programs in different note ranges or with different key velocities, assign the Programs to the Timbres in Combination Edit mode and set the Key Window or Velocity Window parameters. (see page 94, 97, 98.) You can also combine multiple Programs in Multi mode. When you play these on the X5 keyboard, first set the MIDI Channel of the Tracks to the Global MIDI Channel. (see page 111.) ‘You can combine up to 8 Programs or 16 Multi setup track Programs for a Combination. The X3 can store up to 100 Combinations, but cannot store Multi setup Programs. If you wish to use Multi setup track Programs very often, store them in the Data filer or other storage. Using a Different Scale ‘The X5 has various scales as well as an Equal Temperament. You can also create your own scale on page 1A User Scale in Global mode. 1 Scale Type in Global mode is used to set up the main scale you usually use, and 1H Sub Scale is used to set up a sub scale. You can switch between the main scale and the sub scale using a switch pedal connected to the ASSIGNABLE SWITCH connector. (In this case, select “Scale Switch” for the assignable pedal switch function on 9B ASSIGN SW (see page 161). You may also select scales by sending the MIDI Control Change message (Controller #3: Foot Control). A value 0-63 will select the main scale, and a value 64-127 will select the sub scale. You can switch between the main scale and sub scale for each Timbre in Combination Play mode, and for each Track in Multi mode. Adjusting the Pitch Bend Wheel 10B BEND WHEEL CALIBRATION SET in Global mode allows you to adjust the effective range covered by the pitch bend wheel. (see page 162.) Adjusting the Modulation Wheel 10C MG WHEEL CALIBRATION SET in Global mode allows you to adjust the effective range of the modulation wheel. (see page 162.) Editing Applications Editing Applications Editing the Sounds Adjust the parameters in Program Edit mode to edit a Program (see page 37). Adjust the parameters in Combination Edit mode to edit a Combination (see page 46). To edit Programs used for Combination Timbres, and Programs used for Tracks in Multi setup, first select the Program. you wish to edit in Program Play mode, then enter Program Edit mode. Copying the Effect Settings You can copy the effect settings from Programs or Combinations for use in Multi mode or to apply the effect settings of a particular Program to a Combination. Use the Copy Effect function (see age 117) to perform this operation. Editing the Sound from the Computer ‘You may edit X5 sounds from a computer using sound editing software. Be certain to use sound editing software that is compatible with the XS (editing involves MIDI exclusive data in the transmission of sound data). You may also use a sound editor designed for OSR/W; its data is compatible with the X5, except for a few settings in Multi mode and Global mode. Restoring the Parameter Values to the Factory Settings To restore edited parameter values to factory default settings, load the default data on page SA PRESET DATA Load in Global mode (see page 156). It should be noted that this operation will erase all existing data, such as the data of Bank A Programs, Combinations, Drum Kits, and user scales. If necessary, first save the data elsewhere. (see page 155.) Saving Sound Data ‘Sound data and settings data can be transmitted as MIDI exclusive data from the X5 to an external sequencer or a data filer that is capable of writing the MIDI exclusive data. Use page 4A MIDI DUMP for transmission (sce page 155). You can also send data directly to the computer via the ‘TO HOST connector, The X5 data is compatible with the OSR/W, except for a few parameters. Set the EX parameter on page 2E MIDI FILTER in Global mode to “ENA” to receive MIDI exclusive data. Otherwise, set this parameter to “DIS.” Chapter 5: Application Guide MIDI Applications Playing Ensemble from a Sequencer Enter Multi mode to play ensemble from an external sequencer (that is, to play multiple parts ‘using different Programs simultaneously). (see page 28.) Multi mode of the XS is used for GM data. You can also use this mode to change the MIDI Channel for each Track, or to adjust the Key ‘Window or Velocity Window settings. ‘Multi mode is very handy for playing ensemble, although the X5 can play up to eight parts of an ensemble in Combination Play mode by changing the MIDI Channel for each Timbre. Itis also possible to copy the Combination parameters into Multi mode. (see page 111.) Using the X5 as a MIDI Keyboard to Input MIDI Data To use the X5 as a tone generator or data input keyboard along with a computer, connect the X5 to the computer using special cables or MIDI cables. Note data and Controller data input from the XS keyboard is output to either the MIDI OUT connector or the TO HOST connector. Select MIDI (MIDI OUT) or PCIF (TO HOST) for 2C EXT OUT SEL in Global mode. (see page 153.) Controlling the modulation wheel on the X5 transmits MIDI Control messages 0-127 and Aftertouch messages. These messages allow you to control aftertouch, modulation, volume, and pan on the external MIDI devices. Use 10A MG Wheel Select in Global mode to set the related parameters. Refer to the manual of your external MIDI devices for the MIDI information received on these devices. ‘When the sequencer’s echo back is ON (data received at MIDI IN is output from MIDI OUT), set the LOCAL parameter to OFF on page 2B MIDI GLOBAL in Global mode on the XS. This disconnects the X5 keyboard from its tone generator, preventing the X5 from sounding. * You cannot play the X5 as a stand-alone synthesizer when Local Off is set. Make sure Local is On to play the XS. Creating a GM Song ‘When you create a GM song (performance data for a GM-compatible tone generator) using the sequencer and a computer, use only the Programs in Bank G in Multi mode, and use the default settings of the Key Window, Velocity Window, and MIDI Channels (The default setting is obtained by turning the power off and on to the XS or by executing 23A SET TO GM.) Performance data that uses functions unique to the X5 (such as edits using the effects or Control ‘Change messages) may not be reproduced correctly on a different GM tone generator. Set and store the Program parameters and level settings on the sequencer. If you wish to set these parameters on the X5 and play back the performance on another X5, you can send the Multi setup data using 4A MIDI Data DUMP in Global mode to the sequencer, and send it back to the X5 to play the data in live performance. (see page 155.) Useful Tips Useful Tips The XS provides you with several useful tips for quicker operation and smoother editing, Page Memory ‘The Page Memory function memorizes the most-recently selected page in every mode. Set the Page Memory parameter (3C PAGE MEMORY) in Global mode to ON, and the most-recently selected page in a particular mode will be displayed when you return to that mode (see page 154). This is useful when you wish to return to a different mode during an edit operation, or when you change modes frequently. (The factory default setting is “ON”.) Numeric Keypad You can use the numeric keypad to specify the value for a parameter directly, as well as to select Programs or Combinations. Enter the number using the numeric keypad, then press the [ENTER] button to enter the parameter value. There are also some parameters for which you can enter a value using only the keypad without pressing the [ENTER] button. Pressing the [10’s HOLD/-] button will reverse the sign of the parameter value (minus becomes plus, and vice versa). You can also use the keypad to select a page to edit. Enter the number using the numeric keypad while holding down the {EDIT] button, [BANK] button Pressing the [BANK] button in Program Play mode toggles between Banks A and G. If a particular parameter of OSC] or OSC2 has been selected in Program Edit mode (OSC is set to DOUBLE), pressing the [BANK] button toggles between the same parameters for OSC1 and OSC2. If the Key Window Top, Key Window Bottom, Velocity Window Top, Velocity Window Bottom, Transpose, Detune, or MIDI filter (PROG CHANGE, DAMPER, AFTER TOUCH, CONTROL CHG) parameter has been selected, pressing the [BANK button will allow you to select its counterpart or related parameter of the same Timbre. Keyboard Input Playing a key on the keyboard while pressing and holding the [ENTER] button will allow you to enter the key name parameter (such as Key Window) directly. ‘When you edit a Drum Kit in Global mode, playing a key while pressing and holding down the [ENTER] button will automatically select the index that is assigned to the corresponding key. However, it should be noted that the key position shifts when the transpose setting is effective or when the Octave parameter is not set t0 8" Undo Pressing the (A/YES] and {¥/NO] buttons simultaneously will undo an edit (that is, it will restore. the value of the parameter when it was first selected). + The Undo function is effective only for the parameter currently selected. When you move the ‘cursor to another parameter, you can no longer restore the previous value. 67 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide Chapter 6: Parameter Guide About This chapter ‘The following chart shows how the explanations in this chapter are organized. Related LCD screen group Section title ' x 0A-0B Global Oscillator Setup Section summary LCD screens in the group Press the [4], [>] cursor buttons to move to the previous and next screens, respectively. ‘These parameters are used to set the type of Program. OA OSC Nox DOUBLE ta 08 ico [Parameter | Range Description Snae Oaslatort oon [osetaiornowo | Bevate satan and sctowre Baus Rerun - BOW Patrons os | A889" (ASN) MONO ‘Monophonic _ Fa) ONOFF Tcl af ay ce (ato ON fr RUNS 6d) LCD screen or fisnction button numbers. Paramete?s on each LCD screen ‘The characters in parentheses() are shown on the screen. Parameter range or available settings The left-most value or the value on the upper {ine is obtained when Brief description. A full description is provided in the text below each parameter table. you lower the VALUE, slider to the bottom or when you press and hold down the (¥/NO] button. MIDI Data Values In general, decimal values are used throughout this Owner's Manual. Numbers that are enclosed by square brackets are hexadecimal. Program Parameters Program Parameters Functions in Program Mode To select a page, use the [PAGE+] or [PAGE-] button, or enter the page number directly from the numeric keypad while holding down the EDIT] button. To select a parameter, use the [4], (>] cursor buttons. To set a parameter value, use the [A/YES) and {W/NO} buttons, or the [VALUE] slider, or enter the value directly from the numeric keypad while holding down the [ENTER) button. For some parameters, you can enter the number only from the number keypad to set the value. To enter a note value, play the corresponding key while pressing the [ENTER] button. Ifa parameter of OSC1 or OSC2 has been selected (OSC is set to DOUBLE), pressing the [BANK] button toggles between the same parameters for OSC1 and OSC2. Page numbers shown in the upper left corner of the screens in Single or Drums mode are different from those in Double mode. This manual uses the page examples in Double mode. eo ee ase reas) Faetion Poramders DRUMS | POUBLE [onus |e OSC Mode Oscillator mode erie | aeieae | aT Number of voices to sound, and Hold settings sci i Saundra | Oscar | wavtorn WD | 11D LevelOctave Level, Octave Double mode only Za richard | Devt ane ph chang oor re ouput destaton ‘Multi Sound 7 | teva Fert OSC parameters — | anar Josce eSimersinrransens trowelouro "| tana emton) and tune oy cnt sl to O81 Dear Deny in surdng Ge lle s OSS Re | TRE | wRES ‘st anges ich vee Gi case | anae [vor Ea Caer 7 Vetely Sense | Hw ey vlc aot VOFY EG aso fqn andi 4A-4E | SA-SE | VDF! Keypoard Tracking _ | How key position affects VOF1 EG cutolf frequency and time — | ease | vore Felero the VF parameter. = [ere [vara ylesy Sees TRE] GARE] ORT Change h VOR Tovar ine Veloiy eree How key voy alocts OAT EG cl quan and ime ed | Gees Keyboard Tracking How key position affects VDA1 EG cutoff frequency and time = 40A-10C | VOA2 EG Refer to VDAt parameters. } Voboiy Sarco = [race [von SORSD S| io VON panne TATE | 12A-12€ | Pitcht NG ‘Oscillator 1 pitch MG (vibrato) —_| 190-196 | Pitche MG Oscillator 2 pitch MG (vibrato) @A-8C | 14A-14C | VOF NG VDF modulation (wah-wah effect) _ ‘Toth Cosi ‘te Teoh cone 8A-9D | T5A-18D | Joy Stic Control Pitch bend/modulation whee! TRTBA| T8ABDA [Eo Ett atngs Progran Wie Rosana | Wer «Program 18A-168 | 228-228 | Program Reenames a Program * ®Doubie mode only + For information on Effects, See “Effect Parameters” on page 113. Chapter 6: Parameter Guide 70 0A-OB Global Oscillator Setup 0A OB ‘These parameters are used to select a basic Program type—that is, whether the Program will use a single oscillator, two oscillators, or a drum kit. In addition, you can specify whether the Program will hold notes even after Note Off messages are received, and whether it will play monophonically or polyphonically. 0A O50 Mode > [oOB OSc1 4 DOUBLE ASN#POLY HLDSOFF oa rs Teo] Parameter Tenge Besson SHGcE Samet on | Cetin oe | Souate Oca! and Oxia » ORUMS: Adrum kit POLY Polyphonic (Chords) op | Asin (ASN) ‘MONO Monophonic (Single tone) Hold (HLD) ON/OFF Note hold after key release (set to ON for DRUMS mode) Oscillator mode: there are three Oscillator modes: Single, Double, and Drums. If you have changed Oscllator mode, go to page 1 to select a Multisound or Drum Kit. In Single mode, only Oscillator! is used, and 64-note polyphony is available on the XS, and 32-note polyphony on the X6. In Double mode, Oscillator] and Oscillator? are used, and different Multisounds can be selected for each oscillator, each with independent VDF and VDA. Polyphony is 32 notes on the X60, and 16 notes on the XB. Assign: this parameter sets the Program to either polyphonic or monophonic. In Polyphonic mode, a number of notes up to the maximum available can be played simultaneously. In Monophonic mode, one note only can be played at a time. Hold: this parameter determines whether or not notes continue to sound even after the corresponding MIDI Note Off message has been received. That is, even after keys are released. Typically, this parameter should be set to off, unless you want notes to drone on for eternity. However, when the Oscillator mode is set to DRUMS, this parameter should be set to ON. This will ensure that drum sounds are played in their entirety regardless of MIDI Note length or how Jong you hold down a key. Program Parameters 1A-1D Oscillator! Setup 1A 1B ‘These parameters are used to select the waveform for Oscillator! and to set up other parameters related to this oscillator. IF0A Oscillator Mode has been set to DOUBLE, pressing the (BANK] button will take you to parameters 2A~2D, win osc; some > [oie osci__ufeio osc oup cae W00eA.Piane 1 |tevelss. oct 2” [ecinteoo Panecit |e-D SEN tA 8 1c 160 | —Paareter fa Description oa G50) “Multisounds (Single/Double mode) 1A | Multisound (SOUND) on {f Oscillator mode is DRUMS, select a drum kit | Oscillator Level ~~ —_ (Lever) ose Level D = Tomes down ie ‘cme down Octave (OCT) e ‘Normal pitch ‘ oveup Rien EG riensty | op. 59 The anoun’ of conta ha the Pich EG exes ovr peh 1c eee | ronan Grr me cnr oe | SEER DH KARTE ORONO HS > [sents rr Outptiovlto nus Send 9 Oatpatiovtto bus © | Multisound: this parameter is used to select an internal Multisounds for Oscillator. The X has 430 Multisounds and the XS has 340 Multisounds. Multisounds are the basic sound elements that make up a Program and provide the basic characteristics of a Program. Multisounds with NT (No Transpose) at the end of their names, for example, 187 Stadium NT, produce the same pitch regardless of what note is played. Note: Since each Multisound has an upper limit to its pitch range, some Multisounds may not produce sound when high notes ate played In Drum mode, a drum kit is used instead of a Multisound. If the Oscillator mode OA is set to DRUMS, you can select a drum kit from the following table.Drum kits are set up in Global mode. “6A-6D Drum Kitl Setup” on page 158 and “7A~7D Drum Kit2 Setup” on page 160. Fange [Brum xt Bank] | Bam [- Iiomal RAM 7 | Onur 2 | Rom Dk Rom o [Rom ie Drum maps for drum kits 0, land 2-9 are provided at the back of this Owner's Manual. Oscillator Level: this parameter is used to set the volume level of Oscillator. Note: For some Multisounds, a high Oscillator Level may result in distortion when playing chords. If this occurs, reduce the Oscillator Level. n Chapter 6: Parameter Guide 72 1c 1D Octave: this parameter allows you to shift a Multisound up or down in one octave steps. If the Oscillator mode OA is set to DRUMS, this parameter should be set to 8’, otherwise some drum sounds will be moved out of their playable range. If this parameter is set to anything other than 8", take care when setting the VDA and VDF Keyboard Tracking parameters. Pitch EG Intensity: this parameter determines the amount of control that the Pitch EG exerts over the pitch of Oscillatorl. A negative value inverts the pitch levels set for the Pitch EG (Refer to 3A-3C Pitch EG.). Pan: this parameter is used to pan the output of Oscillator! between buses A and B. These buses feed the effects processors, See “20A~20B Effect Placement” on page 115. When OFF is selected, no signals are sent on buses A and B. The CNT setting means center; signals of equal level are fed to buses A and B. Note: When the Oscillator mode OA is set t0 DRUMS, the pan settings for each drum in the kit are used, and this parameter does not appear. See "6A-6D Drum KitI Setup” on page 158 and “7A-7D Drum Kit2 Setup” on page 160. Note: Some Multisounds on the XSD have their own Pan settings and will ignore the Pan settings here, indicating “Pan=--.” Send C, Send D: these parameters are used to set the level of the Oscillatorl signals sent to buses C and D. These buses feed the effects processors. See “20A-20B Effect Placement” on page 115. Note: [f 0A Oscillator mode is set to DRUMS, these parameters are multiplied by the settings for each drum in the kit, then output to Send C and Send D. See “6A~6D Drum Kit] Setup” on page 158 and “74-7D Drum Kit2 Setup” on page 160. Program Parameters 2A-2F Oscillator2 Setup ‘These parameters are used to select the waveform for Oscillator2 and to set up other parameters, related to this oscillator. These parameters are available only when the Oscillator mode it set to DOUBLE. See “1A~1D Oscillator! Setup” on page 71. ‘2m osc2 SOND > [ace Osce [eae osc2 __i]ezd asce | eae 0502 soup B0arA.Piano 1 |Level99_oct16" |Ebint+G0 PancowT | C/O SEND= St 5 | Intul+05 DetneOs 2A 28 20 2 2 Gar Oscz ‘ Oelave00 oF Leo Parameter Range I Description (0-429 (ED) | 2A | Mutcoune (SOUND) Selet Muttaounds 0-320 08) | ‘Oscliter Level on 0-09 | eset ievel 2 % | octaves down cemveiocn | 38 ae a | 1 octave up ich EG interly y Saat a mess 09.008 ‘The amount of conta thatthe Pich EG exer over teh Pan (Pan) OFEATS-CNT-BIS [Guba pan to buses hand a ao | Senae [ Output evel to bus C | Sena Guputioveltobus D oe ioral itch ait relave to Ossian Betune (Gan) ‘relator and Osclatord aetune 2F | Delay Stan (Dey Oselator? sound ouput delay relate wo Oxalaorh ‘Apart from the fact that they control Oscillator2, parameters 2A~2D work the same as they do for Oscillatorl. See “1A-1D Oscillator Setup” on page 71. The following parameters, however, 2E and 2F, apply to Oscillator? only. 2E Interval: this parameter pitch shifis Oscillator? relative to Oscillator] in semitone steps. This can be used, for example, to form simple 2-note chords. Detune: this parameter de-tunes oscillators | and 2. This is useful for creating a thicker, richer sound, For a positive (+) Detune value, the pitch of Oscillator! is lowered and the pitch of Oscillator? is raised. For a negative (-) Detune value, the pitch of Oscillator! is raised and the pitch of Oscillator2 is lowered. In other words, as the Detune value is increased, both oscillators are detuned by the same amount, but in opposite directions. Odd Detune values will lower and raise oscillator pitches in half cent steps. [osetia Oscitator? 2F Delay Start: this parameter allows you to set Oscillator? so that it starts producing sound after Oscillator1. A setting of 0 means no delay. This is normally set to 0. 73 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide 3A-3C Pitch EG 3c 74 ‘These parameters determine how the pitches of Oscillator! and Oscillator2 vary over time. @5a PITCH EG) [OSB PITCH ES _W] O50 PTCH.EG Vel4 SL+60 ATBO AL+90 | DTO® ATCO RL1GO |Lev1=99 TineeD 3A 38 36 ico | Parameter | Range Description Tar Level SU) | 98.99 “Amount of pich change when key is a pressed 34 [Attack Time (aT) [0-68 Time to reach Atak love pich when Key pressed ‘tack Level AL) _|-69..098 “Amount of pch change when attack tine ends Decay Time (OT) 0-99 Time to reach normal pitch once attack time ends 3B | Release Time (RT) | 0-99 _Time to reach Release level pitch when key is released Release Level (RL) _| 98.108 “Amount of poh change when key is released EG Level Voiociy evel elocty | 9.99 Pitch EG love sensitiv 1 keyboard velocty so | Senstiy (ov) EG Time Velocity | 99.4 Pi sit ard veloc Senstvty (Tm) 38 ich EG te senstvily to keyboard velocity ‘The Pitch EG can change the oscillator pitch by up to + 1 octave. A level setting of 99 is approximately 1 octave. The extent to which the Pitch EG affects the oscillator pitch is set, independently for each oscillator using the Pitch EG Intensity (EGint) parameters. See “1A-1D Oscillator! Setup” on page 71 and “2A~2F Oscillator2 Setup” on page 73. ‘The main thing to remember is that the Level parameters specify the amount of pitch change, and the time parameters specify the time it takes to reach pitch changes relative to note on and note off. Negative (-) levels mean lowered pitch and positive (+) levels mean raised pitch. Pich decrease (-) Time EG Level Velocity Sensitivity: this parameter allows you to control the Pitch EG pitch levels using note velocity. For a positive value (+), the amount of pitch change will increase as note velocity increases. A negative value (-) will have the opposite effect. Pitch EG change (level) Pitch EG parameter ‘Soft playing Strong playing settings (al positive +) Program Parameters his parameter allows you to control the Pitch EG Time parameters using note velocity. For a positive value (+), time parameters will become shorter as note velocity increases. A negative value (-) will have the opposite effect. Pitch EG change (time) Pitch EG parameter Settings (all positive +) —— Sott playing ‘Strong playing Chapter 6: Parameter Guide 76 4A-4E VDF1 Cutoff, EG & Color 4a ‘These parameters are used to set up the VDF (Variable Digital Filter) for Oscillator. 848 UDF 1 rfede voi £6 N]asc UOFI EB [os WOFI €6 [ose COLORI 4 Fea19 EGint=és |ATAS AL+9S DTV |EP+0 STO0 sL+oa| RTO RL+O9 Int200 Vel=+00 a 4B ac 4D cs Leo] Parameter | Range Description VDF Cutof Frequency| a [oo 0-99 (Cutoft fequency “The amount of contol that the following EG parameters exert | over the VDF Cutoff Frequency parameter EG Intensity (EGint) ‘tack Tie AT 4p | Aiack Level (AL) Bacay Tne Bioko (Ge) — | 0.008 Tne ua Fgueny cnge when Desay Te se [Soe tie ot) [0-00 Tie ech Suh Uva ote Decay Tire nae Sustain Laver (St) — | 9.080 cunt of Gat Frequerey erange uke rated Bs Tine ied Relea Level wien ay eased Frege change oe € a ane a —| Color Velocity (Vel) | -99...+99 Color sensitivity to keyboard velocity This VDF is basically a low-pass filter with a variable Cutoff Frequency parameter. It can be used to change the tonal quality of a Program. The VDF EG (Variable Digital Filter Envelope Generator) parameters allow you to determine how the Cutoff Frequency changes over time. VDF Cutoff Frequency: the Cutoff Frequency can be set from 0 to 99. As the value is reduced, high frequencies are filtered, thus producing a duller (softer) tone, his parameter determines the amount of control that the VDF EG exerts over the VDF Cutoff Frequency parameter. Basically, it sets the overall level of the VDF EG. Program Parameters 48-4D VDF EG: the eight parameters on LCD screens 4B to 4D are used to set up the VDF EG. Level 4E Parameters specify the amount of VDF Cutoff Frequency change, and time parameters specify the time it takes to reach Cutoff Frequency changes relative to note on and note off. Positive values cause the Cutoff Frequency to increase, negative values cause it to decrease. ‘Overall EG level st by Note of EG Intensity parameter, Atack eval —_, Susan Value st using the VDF Cutot Frequency Parameter By boosting the level around the Cutoff Frequency, the Color parameter adds character to a sound, Color Velocity: this parameter determines how the color parameter responds to note velocity. For Positive values, stronger playing will increase the amount of color. Negative values will have the opposite effect. 7 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide 78 5A-5E VDF1 Velocity Sensitivity & Keyboard Tracking 5A ‘VDFI Velocity Sensitivity parameters determine how VDF! EG responds to note velocity. The Keyboard Tracking parameters determine how different areas of the keyboard affect VDF1 5A UOFi U.SENSr [O58 UOF1_V.SeNSH[ OSC UDFI K.TRK H[@SD UDFI_K.TRK OSE UDFI_K.TRK < EGinte7? EGind0 [ATO OTE STO RTA [KesrA4 ModesALL | Int=+09 EGtn=e0 [ATO DTO STO RTO A rs 6 % rs “Leo | Parameiey —[_Range Desaion ] Waco $ersivV ES) ap .09 VOFY EG nay parame onstiviy io oyboad vty sa _— | Ty Serie —— -_ Velo Sri ES op \VOF1 EG Tino pararaorsontvly fo keyboard velacy ‘tack Tne 5B Decay Time (OT) ‘The direction in which VDF1 EG Time parameters are attected Zope Te (ST) Dytayboo wey Aaease Tino (7 Fav Low ad igh tayboura aching nodes, oKoy on wh KeypoarsT2chhg | 6 so o9 Teypcurstactayitie, Focal oe oy each VO Koen Ciuc Freqaney and VOF EG Tine pratt sc stot oF Nokoypoan vane | Keypous Tackng | Low! Koyo wating bow be pect kay Wosetiesn | an Kefoerdvactng coo fw epectog ky iran Kefoer vckng oe te ote keyoosr Taybeard Tacking oe eee | see VDF" ut keyboard racking Kepoars 2SiGES| op OF! EG Tine parte conti koyboard vackng e The drcton in which VOF1 EG Tie parameter ae tected Siope Time (ST) by keyboard tracking Faas Tne 7) Note: Some of the parameters mentioned in this section operate in conjunction with parameters in “4A-4E VDFI Cutoff, EG & Color” on page 76, so refer to that section also. Velocity Sensitivity EG Intensity: this parameter determines how the VDF EG Intensity parameter is affected by note velocity. For positive values, soft playing will reduce the value of the VDF1 EG Intensity parameter, strong playing will increase the value. Negative values will have the opposite effect. VOF EG Intensity Noto ott C e rc ra tr Y EG intensity ‘Sof playing ‘Song paying ‘parameter Soting {all parametors +) Program Parameters 5B 5c ‘Many acoustic instruments often produce less high-frequency energy when played softly, Soft playing produces a darker sound, while strong playing creates many high frequency harmonics that brighten the sound. This natural phenomenon can be simulated by setting the VDF Cutoff Frequency parameter to a fairly low value, and the VDF EG Intensity, VDF EG Sustain Level, and Velocity Sensitivity EG Intensity parameters to positive values, Note: This parameter does not affect the VDF Cutoff Frequency parameter directly, it affects the EG Intensity parameter. So if the EG Intensity parameter, or all other VDF EG parameters are set to 0, it will have no effect. Velocity Sensitivity EG Time: this parameter determines how the VDF1 EG Time parameters are affected by note velocity. It affects the VDFI EG Attack, Decay, Slope, and Release Time parameters equally. Although, the direction of change can be set independently for each parameter. Attack, Decay, Slope, Release Times: these parameters determine whether the VDFI EG Time parameters are reduced or increased with changing note velocity. For a negative (-) value, they are increased, for a positive (+) value reduced. A setting of 0 means no effect. In the following illustration, each parameter is set to positive Time change (all parameters +) " a Noteon Note off rm a C i . VOF EG Soft playing ‘Strong playing Keyboard Tracking Key: for Low and High keyboard tracking modes, this parameter specifies the key from which keyboard tracking starts. For All mode, it specifies the key around which keyboard tracking will take place. At the specified key, keyboard tracking will have no effect. The tracking key can be set by pressing a keyboard key while holding down the [ENTER] button. Refer to “Keyboard Input” on page 67 Keyboard Tracking Modes: keyboard tracking determines how the VDF affects different areas of the keyboard. There are four Keyboard Tracking modes; Off, Low, High, and All. When Off is selected, there is no keyboard tracking and the Keyboard Tracking Intensity and Keyboard ‘Tracking EG Time parameters are disabled, When Low is selected, keyboard tracking is active on keys below the specified Keyboard Tracking Key. When High is selected, keyboard tracking is active on keys above the specified Keyboard Tracking Key. When All is selected, keyboard tracking will be active across the entire keyboard. ouot cust cut nat treqney frequency femency oqony i ye Pe eo meso | \ ‘ i= 20S, nt = 60 int=-50 d Space yi s0 es co to C1 Key ae cl Kay 68 cr Key co OFF NODE. Low moos HIGH MODE ALL MODE Chapter 6: Parameter Guide 5D 5E Keyboard Tracking Intensity: this parameter determines keyboard tracking intensity for the specified keyboard area, Positive values will make high notes brighter. Negative values have the opposite effect. For a value of O, the Cutoff Frequency changes linearly with regard to key pitch. For a value of ~50, the Cutoff Frequency is the same for all notes. Cutt requency Int 0 ea Int =0 Int = -80 t Int <-50 1 (keyboard tracking mode: ALL) ca key ‘Co (kayb< 0 ) Keyboard Tracking EG Time: this parameter determines how the VDF1 EG Time parameters are affected by keyboard tracking. It affects the VDF1 EG Attack, Decay, Slope, and Release Time parameters equally. Although, the direction of change can be set independently for each parameter. The Keyboard Tracking mode and Key parameters can be used to specify the keyboard area that is affected. Time When keyboard mode set to HIGH, EG Time changes (88-5 parameters set to-) Attack, Decay, Slope, Release Times: these parameters determine whether the VDF1 EG Time parameters are reduced or increased with keyboard tracking. For a negative (-) value, notes above the specified key will have their VDF EG times increased. For a positive (+) value, notes above the specified key will have their VDF EG times decreased. A setting of 0 means no effect. \VOF EG Time parameter settings (all parameters +) Note on Note off Note on Note off Note on Note off Effect on low notes Effect on high notes Program Parameters 6A-6E VDF2 Cutoff, EG & Color These parameters are used to set up the VDF (Variable Digital Filter) for Oscillator2. Operation is the same as for VDF1. See “4A-4E VDFI Cutoff, EG & Color” on page 76. 068 UDF 2 p [eee ure en foee urZ es [asp worZ Es [eee COLORZ Fes19 EGint=6s | ATe9 AL=0s DTOo | eF+a0 STaB sL¥ag|RTOG RL*OO Int=20 Vel=+29 6A 6B 6c. @D ee 7A-7E VDF2 Velocity Sense & Keyboard Tracking VDF2 Velocity Sensitivity parameters determine how VDF2 EG responds to note velocity. The Keyboard Tracking parameters determine how different areas of the keyboard affect VDF2. Operation is the same as for VDFI. See “SA-SE VDFI Velocity Sensitivity & Keyboard ‘Tracking” on page 78. 7A UOFZ Y.SENS [078 VOFZ U.SENS?[a7C UDF K.TRK si] 97D UOF2 K.TRK N [OPE UFZ K.TRK EGint+77 €Gtnea [ATO DT® STO RTO |KevF#4 Node=ALL 98 EGtneoo [ATA DTA STO RTO 7A 7 76 7D 7E a1 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide 82 8A-8C VDA1 EG DAI EG (Variable Digital Amplifier Envelope Generator) determines how the volume of Oscillator] varies over time. (cen UDA &6 066 UOAi EG wes vOAL EG Tae fuga pris | pr2a Stas sta [RTE 8A 8 ec Leo rameter Rang Desaription ‘tack Time (aT) [0-98 “Time 1 reach Alack Level ater Key pressed ea |AtackLevel(Al) [0-99 ___| Volumelevel when lack Time ends Decay Time (OT) [0-98 “Time o reach Break Poinl once Alack Time ends ‘Break Point (BP) | 0-89 ‘Volume level when Decay Time ends a5 | Siope Time (ST) | 0-99 “Time 0 reach Sustain Level once Decay Time ends Sustain Level (SL) [0-99 ‘Volume level wien Slope Time ends 80 | Release Time (AT) [0-99 Time o each z0ro volume when key released | Amplifier). The following illustration shows how the VDAI EG parameters affect the VDA (Variable Digital Volume ‘attack Tene Decay Slope Time Time Program Parameters 9A-9E VDA1 Velocity Sensitivity & Keyboard Tracking VDA\I Velocity Sensitivity parameters determine how VDA1 EG responds to note velocity. The Keyboard Tracking parameters determine how different areas of the keyboard affect VDA1. 9A UDAL_U.SeNS? [O96 VOAL U.SENS: [asc UOAL K.TRK Anps+-99 EGte=00 [ATG DT@ STO RTO 890 UAL K.TRK [09 UDA K.TRK 4 Ane=+08 EGinsoo | ATO DTA STA RTE oA ® 6 0 rs Description ccs VOAT EG sensitviy to ntevloty Waty Senay VAY EG Tino parma eatin ot valooty ‘ak Tne oq [Osa Tee (OT The drecion a hich VOAI EG Tine parameter arated Siope Tin (57) sieht Rena Tino (Fh ; For ow andighteyboad wading modes, toy fom whch Keyra ac69g | oso (yan nackby abe Focaltnee: tho tay a ohigh VDA y (Key) EG parameters are not affected sc ‘OFF 'No keyboard tracking Koypcara trating | LOW Kojeeaa vas bow the spectod key Mou tioss | ran Kejocrd tacking apo te peated Key ag Kefeers vectra over ie kaya eee - — so (ema as. e VDA EG seni o keyboard waking Keon ac |g og \VOATEG Tne parameter entity 1 keyboard wookng Attack Time (AT) O+ og [Decay Time (OT) |=. ‘The direction in which VDA1 EG Time parameters are aected Slope Tine (ST) | 10.4 Dy kayo’ ecg [Release Time (AT) |=0,+ Note: Some of the parameters mentioned in this section operate in conjunction with parameters in “8A-8C VDAI EG” on page 82, so refer to that section also. 9A _ Velocity Sensitivity Amplitude: this parameter determines how the overall level of VDA EG is affected by note velocity. For positive values, soft playing will reduce the volume. For negative values will increase the volume. In the following illustration, a positive value has been selected. VDA EG Amplitude Note off re we in rey i Y VDAEG Level Sot playing ‘Strong playing settings By setting the Velocity Sensitivity Amplitude parameter for VDA1 to a positive value and the Velocity Sensitivity Amplitude parameter for VDA2 to a negative value, a velocity crossfade effect can be achieved. This allows you to fade between two sounds as your playing changes from soft to strong and vice versa. Chapter 6: Parameter Guide 9B Velocity Sensitivity EG Time: this parameter determines how the overall level of VDAI EG time parameters are affected by note velocity. It affects the VDA1 EG Attack, Decay, Slope, and Release Time parameters equally. Although, the direction of change can be set independently for each parameter, Attack, Decay, Slope, Release Times: these parameters determine whether the VDA EG time parameters (9A) are reduced or increased with changing note velocity. For a negative (-) value, they are increased the stronger you play, for a positive (+) value they are reduced the stronger you play. In other words, for a positive setting, the stronger you play, the shorter the Attack, Decay, ‘Slope, and Release times become. This is especially effective on string type Programs. In the following illustration, all parameters are set to positive. Noteon —Noteoff, Note on Note off Note on Note off VDA EG Time Soft playing Strong playing settings Keyboard Tracking Key: for Low and High keyboard tracking modes, this parameter specifies the key from which keyboard tracking starts. For All mode, it specifies the key around which Keyboard tracking will take place. At the specified key, keyboard tracking will have no effect. ‘The tracking key can be set by pressing a key while holding down the X5 [ENTER] button. Refer to “Keyboard Input” on page 67.) ‘Keyboard tracking amplitude > 0 Keyboard tracking amplitude = 0 Keyboard tracking amplitude < 0 eo Keyboard Tracking Modes: keyboard tracking determines how the VDA EG applies to different areas of a keyboard. There are four Keyboard Tracking modes: Off, Low, High, and All. When Offfis selected, there is no keyboard tracking and the Keyboard Tracking Amplitude and Keyboard ‘Tracking EG Time parameters are disabled. When Low is selected, keyboard tracking is active on keys below the specified Keyboard Tracking Key. When High is selected, keyboard tracking is active on keys above the specified Keyboard Tracking Key. When All is selected, keyboard tracking is active across the entire keyboard (OFF MODE Wich ODE AL Mooe Program Parameters 9D Keyboard Tracking Amplitude: this parameter determines keyboard tracking amplitude for the 9E specified keyboard area. Positive values make high notes louder, Negative values have the opposite effect. Keyboard Tracking EG Time: this parameter determines how the overall level of the VDAI EG time parameters are affected by keyboard tracking. It affects the VDA1 EG Attack, Decay, Slope, and Release time parameters equally. Although, the direction of change can be set independently for each parameter. The Keyboard Tracking mode and Key parameters can be used to specify the keyboard area that is affected. Attack, Decay, Slope, Release Times: these parameters determine whether the VDA1 EG Time Parameters are reduced or increased with keyboard tracking. For a negative (~) value, notes above the specified key have their VDA EG times increased. For a positive (+) value, notes above the specified key have their VDA EG times decreased. In the following illustration, all parameters are set to positive. repay ey VDA EG Time Notes below the Notes above the settings Tracking Key Tracking Key Creating a Positional Crossfade ‘You can specify a keyboard position at which one oscillator will fade out and the other will fade in, Set VDAI (9C) and VDA2 (11C) to the same Keyboard Tracking Key, for example, C4, then set VDA1 (9D) to a positive Keyboard Tracking Amplitude value and VDA2 (11D) to a negative Keyboard Tracking Amplitude value. The following illustration shows this more clearly. Volume tovel _ VOAt keyboard VDA2 keyboard [vse amplitude <0 / wracking amplitude 0 oa! Oseiator level soting co Key co Chapter 6: Parameter Guide 10A-10C VDA2 EG VDA2 EG (Variable Digital Amplifier Envelope Generator) determines how the volume of Oscillator2 varies over time. Operation is the same as for VDA. See “8A-8C VDAI EG” on page 82. 10a Wome EG + |i08 vOR2 EG [toc wore EG argo AL39 oT1s]arza Sree Stee] RTEo 108 108 10s 11A-11E VDA2 Velocity Sensitivity & Keyboard Tracking VDA2 Velocity Sensitivity parameters determine how VDA2 EG responds to note velocity. The Keyboard Tracking parameters determine how different areas of the keyboard affect VDA2 EG. Operation is the same as for VDAI. See “9A-9E VDAI Velocity Sensitivity & Keyboard “Tracking” on page 83. TIA UDA U.SENS F] 118 UDAZ V.SENSH | 116 VORZ K.TRK #] 11D VDAC KIRK») 11E UORZ K.TRK Anp=+93 EGtn=09 |ATO TO STO RTA |Kevc#l Mode=0FF | Anp=+09 EGU Ate OTe sto RTA mA "8. 110 NE 12A-12E Pitch! Modulation These parameters allow you to modulate the pitch of Oscillator!. Modulation frequency and intensity can also be controlled using After Touch and MIDI controller!. If you wish to control the Pitch MG using the modulation wheel on X5, set 10A MG Wheel Select of Global mode to After Touch or JoyUp (Controller #1). (see 10A MG Wheel Select on page 162.) ia ivan 1 re) ]ice PrveH 1 ve uae Prvea 1 wa | ao erat FReOs] ice erL TT 1hI Frve® Into’ |Detavoe Fadetroa | kc senctOFF Art=80JouUP=00 2A 128 120 12 te Desdipion Triangle A eon ow Sowa ven ‘sari ‘Squaret tea RAND fandom ___ {Sane Squared Frequney fay [0-08 ‘Moduaton Speed — tens. = Modulation noniy “ge [Desy Doe) fo-ao Tine om ey prove fo oduatOn aA | Fade In Time (Fadeln)| 0-99 Rate at which modulation reaches specified Intensity | ‘20 | keourd Sine [OFF Monon wl coninu or sbecunn cos | © |e Sync) on Modkfaon wt rat or ecch raw note | Froquoney Keyboard -99...499 Modulation sensitivity to keyboard tracking | Teak soo | Heenan | Freaveny Aer Touch| 9g Mediation raquoncy contol by After Touch and Conor! ‘Aor Touch r— Noduston intensity. | 0-09 Modiaton intensity controled by Aer Touch 426 | (At) Joystick Modulation hoc erm a OS Modaton inten contd by ne Conroe 12A_ Waveform: this parameter selects the type of modulation waveform. 128 12C ‘Triangle AS ‘Squaret sawoont 74AA- random SE sawtooth 1 AK square2 FALE ‘When in Square! is selected, the pitch changes between normal pitch and high pitch. In other waveforms, it changes between high and low. Frequency: this parameter determines the modulation frequency (speed). Intensity: this parameter determines the modulation intensity (depth). VN WOM 0. 99 Frequency °. 99 Intensity Delay: this parameter determines how long after a key press modulation starts, Fade In time: this parameter specifies the time it takes modulation to reach maximum intensity. Modulation Intensity Time Delay Fade In Keyboard Syne: determines how subsequent notes are affected by modulation. For a setting of OFF, modulation is applied to subsequent notes in the same way that it is currently being applied to notes that are already held down, That is, subsequent notes will not be affected by the Delay and Fade In Time parameters. For a setting of ON, modulation restarts for each new note. 12D Frequency Keyboard Tracking: keyboard tracking determines how modulation affects different areas of the keyboard. For positive values, the modulation frequency will increase as higher notes are played. For negative values, the modulation frequency will decrease as higher notes are played. ‘When Keyboard Sync is set to OFF, the modulation speed is determined by the position of the first key pressed. When keyboard tracking is set to +99, playing a key 1 octave higher will double the modulation speed. When the oscillator Octave parameter is set to 8°, key C4 is the keyboard tracking center key. a7 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide 12E Frequency After Touch & Joystick: this parameter specifies how much the modulation frequency will be increased in response to After Touch and Pitch Modulation MIDI Controller1. After Touch Modulation Intensity: this parameter determines to what extent After Touch affects the modulation intensity. Joystick Modulation intensity: this parameter determines to what extent MIDI Controller! affects the modulation intensity. Moving forward Increase pitch modulation }trequency & intensity MODULATION 13A-13E Pitch2 Modulation ‘These parameters allow you to modulate the pitch of Oscillator2, Modulation frequency and intensity can also be controlled using After Touch and Pitch Modulation MIDI Controller! Operation is the same as for Pitch! Modulation. See “12A-12E Pitch! Modulation” on page 86, 13 PHS2 INT Art=0a JowuP=09 158 PITCH 2 HG > [138 PITCH 2 NG &]1SC PITCH 2 MG 9/130 PHZ FRED SRU Fr40 InToo |Delavae Fedelnad |K.SunctOFF KATRIHO8 A+J=0 10 138, 130 130 13E Program Parameters 14A-14C VDF Modulation 14A 14B 14 ‘These parameters allows you to modulate the Cutoff Frequency of VDF, VDF2, or both. 14a vor ne [148 UF MG [adc OF Me TRI_ Fr8a_Intao| Delavda Osc= OFF | K. SynctOFF 148 148 4c ep Parameter Range Description TAI Triangle un Sextoot t ‘SAW. ‘Sawtooth = ‘Sart Squaret 148 RAND | Random sare ‘Square? Frequenoy(Frq) | 0-98 | Moduiation Speed Intensity (Int) (0-89 [ Modulation intensity Delay 0-98 Time from key press to modulation start OFF, | Modulation off 14B | oscitator Select | OSC1 Modulation for VDF (osc) ‘osce Modulation for VOF2 BOTH ‘modulation for VOF1 and VDF2 “ac | Keyboard Syne ‘OFF ‘OFF: modulation will continue for subsequent notes [(KSync) ON ‘ON; modulation will restart for each new note ‘These parameters are the same as those for Pitch MG, except that the Fade In Time parameter is not included here. The fade in time changes according to the Delay setting. ‘Waveform: this parameter selects the type of modulation waveform. riage AG sua [1 vorcan |} : Beat ant Fo connant AA satan FRE fom ae EL eon sewoont NXE sane FEE pene Delay parameter Note: When Square 1 is selected and the filter is completely open, the Cutoff Frequency does not change. Frequency: This parameter sets the modulation speed. This parameter sets the modulation inten Delay: Determines time from note-on to modulation start. ‘Oscillator Select: This parameter allows you to apply modulation to VDF1, VDF2, or both. Keyboard Syne: Determines how subsequent notes are affected by modulation, For a setting of OFF, modulation is applied to subsequent notes in the same way it is currently being applied to notes that are already held down. That is, subsequent notes (or Note On message) will not be affected by the Delay parameter. For a setting of ON, modulation restarts for each new note. Chapter 6: Parameter Guide These parameters determine how a Program responds to After Touch, VDF Modulation MIDI Controller? and Pitch Bender. ‘You can use the modulation wheel or pitch bend wheel on the XS to control these parameters. To use the modulation wheel, set 10A MG Wheel Select in Global mode to After Touch or Joy Dw (Controller #2). (see “110A MG Wheel Select.” on page 162) 15A After Touch responds to After Touch, For pos 156 AFT CTRL MPI5C J.STK Down M] ISD BEND CTRL 4 UDF.noBe Ane+Eo | UDF 1G=99 P.Bend'00 UOF+8a 158 15 150 tco| Parameter Range Description "After Touch PishBend] > tout om ‘mn [roel 12.412 ‘Attar touch pitch bend range ‘Aftor Touch VOF Get Preconey (Fo | 22-88 \VOF Cutott Frequency sensitivity to Alter Touch ‘After Touch VOF MG ven {Imonstrvormay | 2° \VDF modulation sensitivity to After Touch ‘After Touch VDA Ampinade amp) [20-908 VDA! onstviytoAterTouch sso. | Jovstok VOF Ma [> 55 \VOF modulation sensitivity tothe VOF Modulation IDI Intensity (VDF. MG) Controler2 ‘Joystick Pitch Bend | 2 eee too |Panoe 5a 12.612 Pitch bend range and direction ‘Joystick VDF Sweep | “5999 \VDF modulation sensitivity to the VDF Modulation MIDI Intensity (VOR) Controller Pitch Bandor +h Bend: this parameter determines the After Touch pitch bend range (£1 octave). After Touch VDF Cutoff Frequ this parameter determines how the VDF Cutoff Frequency ive values, After Touch increases the Cutoff Frequency, thus’ making the sound brighter. Negative values have the opposite effect. For this parameter to have any affect, you must set the VDF Cutoff Frequency to something other than 99. 15B After Touch VDF MG Intensity: this parameter determines how VDF modulation responds to After Touch. When After Touch is applied, the VDF Cutoff Frequency is modulated. (see “14A-14C VDF Modulation” on page 89.) After Touch VDA Amplitude: this parameter determines how the VDA responds to After Touch. In other words, how After Touch affects the volume of Oscillator. For positive values, increasing After Touch (pre opposite effect. ing down on a held key) increases the volume. Negative settings have the 15C Joystick VDF MG Intensity: this parameter determines how VDF modulation responds to the joystick (Pitch Modulation MIDI Controller2). When the modulation wheel, for which the MG ‘Wheel Select parameter is set to “Joy Dw (Controller #2)” is moved forward as shown below, the VDF Cutoff Frequency is modulated. (see “14A-14C VDF Modulation” on page 89.) ‘Any value other than 0 Moving forward t MODULATION Increase VOF modulation Program Parameters 15D Joystick Pitch Bend Range: this parameter determines the pitch bend range (+1 octave) and pitch bend direction. For positive values, the pitch increases as the pitch bend wheel is moved forward. For negative values, the pitch decreases as the pitch bend wheel is moved forward. With a positive value Moving forward Pach up { PITCH BEND Pich down { Paling toward you Joystick VDF Sweep Intensity: this parameter determines how the VDF Cutoff Frequency responds to pitch bend. For positive values, the Cutoff Frequency increases as the pitch bend wheel is moved forward. For negative values, the Cutoff Frequency decreases as the joystick is moved forward, With a positive value ‘Novi forward cuotreqeney

] cursor buttons to position the cursor, and the [A/YES) CYANO] buttons, or VALUE slider to select characters. Available characters are shown in the table below, Program names can be up to 10 characters. This PTDPEEL Ler esse lrer fis 7 alelelclole Hii fotehi [tu folefete(strfulelule tele tele fay~ sleet hh hiet erie hehe EEO be COMBINATION Parameters COMBINATION Parameters Functions in COMBINATION mode ‘To select a page, use the [PAGE+] or [PAGE~] button, or enter the page number directly from the numeric keypad while holding down the (EDIT] button. To select a parameter, use the [-4], [>] ‘cursor buttons. To set a parameter value, use the (A/YES] and {¥/NO] buttons, or the VALUE slider, or enter the value directly from the numeric keypad while holding down the ENTER] button. For some parameters, you can enter the number only from the number keypad to set the value. To enter a note value, play the corresponding key while pressing the [ENTER] button. If the Key Window Top, Key Window Bottom, Velocity Window Top, Velocity Window Bottom, ‘Transpose, Detune, or MIDI filter (PROG CHANGE, DAMPER, AFTER TOUCH, CONTROL CHG) parameter has been selected, pressing the [BANK] button will allow you to select its ‘counterpart or related parameter of the same Timbre. age Function I Parameter EDIT on-08 | Progam The Program asupred'o cach Timbre TA=18 [Level Volume of each Timbre 24-28 | MIDI Channel The MIDI receive channel ofeach Tene Bacay | Key Window Top Top tay ot kayooard range played by each Tre Key Window Batom Botom key of keyocard range play by each Timbre TAnap | Yel Window Top Maxum vate of vl foreach Timbre | Vel window Bottom Minimum value ot veloc foreach Toe 5A~50 | Tanspose “Transpose setting of each Timbre “| otune Satan seting ofeach Timbre rogram Ohange Fier Program Change message recive svich foreach Tne cass | Damper Sten Fter Damper Swich message rece sch foreach Tere Aer tous Fier ‘atetouch message receive switch foreach Timbre Genito! Change Fitor Contol Change message ecole sich for each Timbre TA=TB | Panpot Panpt between Aand @ of each Tnbre @A=68 [Send C.D utp vel ofeach Tie ga 4A ect etings Ty58 | Wit Combination Wie a Combination no wamony ‘184-188 | Rename Combination Rename a Combination On pages 0 to 8, if you move to a different page while a Timbre is selected, the same Timbre will be selected again. See “Effect Parameters” on page 113. Chapter 6: Parameter Guide 0A, OB Program Select ‘These parameters allow you to assign Programs to Timbres. Timbres 1-4 Timbres 6-8 GOR PROGRAM 1-4: [GOB PROGRAN 5-84 ao AGL ABZ AGS [ABS GOI GED 128 0A 08 eo Parameter Timbre 1 Program Select Timbre 2 Program Select [ Timbre 3 Program Select oA Timbro 4 Program Select | OFF ‘A00-A99 [Assign a Program to a Timbre Timbre 5 Program Select | Got136 “Timbre 6 Program Select “Timbre 7 Program Select ‘Timbre 8 Program Select Here you can select a Program for each Timbre. ‘The Timbre that is set to “OFF” will not sound. A Program must be selected from Bank A and G. Incoming Program Change messages will select Programs for Timbres of the corresponding channel. However, if the MIDI channel of the received Program Change is the same as the Global MIDI channel of the X5, the Combination will change. To avoid changing the Combination via MIDI, set the 2D MIDI FILTER PRG in the Global Mode to “PRG”. To change only the number, without changing the bank, set the Program to “NUM”. To see how the various timbres correspond to the MIDI Bank Select and Program Change functions, please refer to “Selecting Programs” on page 24. The user should be aware that these are not received for timbres which have been tumed off. Programs available {ternal Bank A 300 Comb ‘Bark we t=) COMBINATION Parameters 1A, 1B Level ‘These parameters allow you to set the volume level of each Timbre in a Combination. Timores 1-4 Tinbres 5-8 81 LeveL 1-4 + [oie LEVEL 5-8 127 099 011 127 [oss 127 127 1 27 1A 18 1" Parameter Description Timbre Level Timbre 2 Level Timbre 3 Level [Timbre 4 Level 18 Tinbre 6 Level “Tumbro 6 Level “Tibre 7 Level Timbre 8 Level oar ‘Seis the volume level of each Timbre With a value of 127, the volume uses the level setting of the Timbre program parameter. With a value of 0, no sound is output. The volume level is determined by this parameter multiplied by the value set for MIDI Volume Controller No. 7, or Expression Controller No. 11. Chapter 6: Parameter Guide 96 2A, 2B MIDI Channel ‘These parameters allow you to set the MIDI Channel that each Timbre uses to receive MIDI data. Timbres 1-4 Timbros 5-8 @2A MIDI CH 1-4 [2 WIOI cH 5-2 162 3 4 |5 6 7 8 A 2B Le Parameter Range Description Timbre 1 MIDI Channel Timbre 2 MIDI Channol 2a Timbre 3 MIDI Channa Timbre 4 MIDI Channel a Sets the MIDI Channel tet each Tinbre uses to Timbre 5 MIDI Channel receive MIDI data Timbre 6 MIDI Channel 28 Timbre 7 MIDI Channel Timbre 8 MIDI Channel If you want to play a Combination from the keyboard, you should set each Timbre’s MIDI Channel so that it matches the Global MIDI Channel. If you are using an external MIDI sequencer, set each Timbre’s MIDI Channel so that it matches the corresponding sequencer track’s MIDI channel. This allows you to use the X5 as an 8-part multitimbral tone generator. Ifthe selected MIDI Channel is the same as the Global MIDI Channel, a G will appear next to the selected channel number. MIDI Program Change messages received on the corresponding MIDI channel can be used to select Programs. However, if the Timbre’s MIDI Channel is the same as the Global MIDI Channel, a program change sent on it’s channel will change the Combination. If you do not wish to change the Combination, set the Global MIDI Channel to any channel that is not used for the Timbre, or set the 2D MIDI FILTER PRG parameter in Global mode to “PRG”. (see page 153.) COMBINATION Parameters 3A-3D Key Window Top & Bottom ‘These parameters allow you to set the top and bottom notes for each Timbre’s key window. Timbros 14 Timbres 5-8 Timbres 1-4 Tinbres 5-8 O3A Ku TOP 1-4 + ]@38 KW TOP S-@ w]a3c Ku ETM 1-4 H]OsD Ku BIH Se | s9 69 G9 a9 je a9 a9 a9 fo-tc1ci1ed fororc1cr 3A 8 3c 3D [eo Parameter Range: Description Timbre 1 Key Window Top Timbre 2 Key Window Top Timbre 8 Key Window Top —|aeee ie aS 6-10.69 | Spectios the top nato for each Timbro's key window Timbre 6 Key Window Top “Timbre 7 Key Window Top “Timbra 6 Key Window Top Timbre 1 Key Window Botiomn TTinbre 2 Key Window Botiom Timbre 9 Key Window Botiom Timbre 4 Key Window Bottom cettoqo | SPedtfes the bottom nate foreach Timbre's key “Timbre § Key Window Bottom window “Timbre 6 Key Window Bottom “Timbre 7 Key Window Botiom “Timbro 8 Kay Window Bator 3A, Ackey window is the range of keys (notes) that can be used to play a Timbre. Used in conjunction with the Key Window Bottom parameters, you can designate sections of a keyboard to certain ‘Timbres. For example, you could designate the bottom half of a keyboard to a bass Timbre, and the top half to a piano Timbre. In the example shown below, Timbres I and 2 have been designated their own key windows, while the key window for Timbres 3 and 4 have been set the same. fa | Mt c2-B2 c3~B3 Timbre 1 Timbre 2 Timbres 3 and 4 Key window Key window Key window You can enter a note name from the keyboard. Press the desired key while holding down the [ENTER] button. (Refer to “Keyboard Input” on page 67.) ‘You can not set the top key to lower than the bottom key. Otherwise, the bottom key will be set to the same value as the top key. The same thing applies to the bottom Key. 7 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide 4A-4D Velocity Window Top & Bottom ‘These parameters allow you to set the maximum and minimum velocities for each Timbre's velocity window, Timbres 1-4 Timbres 5-8 Timbros 1-4 Timbres 5-8 G48 UW TOP 1-3 > [ade Wy TOP $8 [osc WW BTM 1-¢ [4D ww ETH 5-8 427 127 127 127 |127 127 127 127 |@01 81 oB1 e91 |oo1 O1 Get OL aA e 4c 40 ico. Parameter Range Description Tine 1 Velociy Window Top Timbre 2 Velocity Window Top “Timbre 3 Voloily Window Top Timbre 4 Velocity Window Top ‘ter Species the maximum veloiy for each Timbre Tine 5 Velocity Window Top Veloety window Timbre 6 Velocity Window Top Timbre 7 Veloty Window Top Timbre 8 Velocity Window Top Timbre 1 Veloty Window Bottom Tbe 2 Veloty Window Botiom | Timbre 3 Velocity Window Bottom Timbre 4 Velocity Window Bottom | ‘Specs the minimum velocity for each Timbre Timbre 5 Velocity Window Bottom ‘Velocity window [Timbre 6 Velocity Window Botiom | “Timbre 7 Velocity Window Bottom Timbre 8 Voloity Window Batim 4B A velocity window determines the note velocity range that can be used to play a Timbre. COMBINATION Parameters 5A-5D Transpose & Detune ‘These parameters allow you to transpose and detune Timbres. Timbres 1—4 Timbres 5-8 Tenbres 1-4 Timbres 5-8 O5A TRANS 1-4 + [OSB TRANS 5-8 W) +00 +97 +00 +00 | +20 +00 +0 +00 (05C DETUNE 1-4 @5D DETUNE 5-8 +00 +23 +09 +00 [+09 +00 +00 +00 5A 58 8c 5D i5] Parameter Range ‘Description Timbre 1 Wanspose Timbre 2 Transpose imbre 3 Transpose Timbre 4 Transpose Timbre 6 Transpose -24...424 | Transpose Timbre in semitone steps Timbre 6 Tanspose 5B = Timbre 7 Tanspose Timbre 6 Transpose Timbre 1 Detune TTinbre 2 Detune sc Timbre 3 Detune Tiibre 4 Detune Timbre § Detune ~$0...450 | Detune each Timbre in one cent steps Timbre 6 Detune 5D | Tibre 7 Detune L__[Tinbre s Downe 5A, 5B Transpose: it adjusts each Timbre’s pitch in the range of -24,..+-24 in semitone steps. (12 = octave). 5C, 5DDetune: it sets teach Timbre’s pitch in cent steps in the range of -50. ..+50 (100 cents = semitone). Chapter 6: Parameter Guide 6A-6D MIDI Filter ‘These parameters allow you to control how the XS will handle MIDI data, Timbres 1-8 Timores 1-8 Timbres 1-8 Timbres 1-8 6A PROG CHANGE? [068 DAMPER EEDDEEEE |EEEEEEE ‘860 AFTER TOUCHH] O60 CONTROL CHS EEEEEEEE |EFEFEEEE 6A 8 6c 6D Parameter Description “Timbre 1 Program Change Filter Timbre 2 Program Change Filter ‘Timbre 3 Program Change Fiter Timbre 4 Program Change Fiter “Timbre 5 Program Change Fiter Timbre 6 Program Change Filter Timbre 7 Program Change Filter Timbre @ Program Change Fiter D: Disable E: Enable Program Change messages ignored rogram Change messages can be received and sent 6B “Timbre 1 Damper Pedal Fiter ‘Timbre 2 Damper Podal Filter ‘Timbre 3 Damper Pedal Filter Timbre 4 Damper Pedal Filter Timbre 5 Damper Pedal Fiter Timbre 6 Damper Pedal Fiter Timbre 7 Damper Pedal Filter Timbre 8 Damper Pedal Filter D: Disable E: Enable ‘Timbre wil ignore the damper pedal ‘Timbre wil respond to the damper pedal 6c. Timbre 1 After Touch Fiter Timbre 2 After Touoh Fiter Timbre 3 After Touch Fier Timbre 4 After Touch Filter “Timbre 6 After Touch Fiter “Timbre 6 After Touch Fiter Timbre 7 After Touch Fiter Timbre 8 After Touch Filer D: Disable E: Enable ‘Timbre will ignore After Touch ‘Timbre will respond to After Touch 60 Timbre 1 Control Change Filter “Timbre 2 Control Change Fiker Timbre 3 Gontral Change Fike ‘Timbre 4 Control Change Fi Timbre 8 Gontral Change Fiter Timbre 6 Control Change Fiter Timbre 7 Contra Change Fiter ‘Timbre @ Control Change Fiter ©: Disable E: Enable Timbre will ignore controiors ‘Timbre will respond to controliers 6A Program Change Filter: These parameters determine how EXT mode Timbres work with MIDI Program Change messages. Enabl ith this setting, received Program Change messages select Programs for a Timbre. Use 2D MIDI FILTER PRG in Global mode to set the global X5 Program Change filter. (see 2D Program Change Filter on page 153.) 100 COMBINATION Parameters 6B 6c 6D If this is set to D (Disable), the Program Change messages will be ignored. Note: If the Global mode MIDI Program Change Filter] is set to DIS (“PRG of 2D MIDI FILTER” on page 153), Program Change messages are completely disabled. This setting overrides the above settings. Furthermore, if the Global mode MIDI Program Change Filter! is set 10 ENA, Program Change messages received on the channel that matches the Global MIDI Channel will select Combinations. If itis set to PRG, the messages will not select Combinations. Instead, they will select Programs for the timbre on the channel that matches the Global MIDI Channel according to the setting here. (See page 153, 2D Program Change Filter) Damper Pedal Filter: These parameters determine how Timbres respond to damper pedal movements. Enable: with this setting, INT mode Timbres respond to damper pedal movements. Disable: with this setting, damper pedal effect is not applied. After Touch Filter: These parameters determine how Timbres respond to After Touch. Enable: with this setting, INT mode Timbres respond to After Touch. Ext mode Timbres using keyboard After Touch output the corresponding MIDI data. Disable: with this setting, After Touch effect is not applied. You can use After Touch for the modulation wheel functions, See 10A MG Wheel Select on page 162. Control Change Filter: These parameters determine whether Timbres respond to MIDI Controllers. Enable: with this setting, INT mode Timbres respond to controllers. Disable: with this setting, controllers are ignored. 101 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide 7A, 7B Panpot 102 These parameters allow you to pan the output of each Timbre between buses A and B. These buses feed the effects processors. See “20A~20B Effect Placement” on page 115. Timbres 1-4 Timbres 5-8 ‘8A PRNPOT 1-4 > [O7B PANPOT 5-8 «4 1B CHT CNT | 10 108 CHT PRG 7A 78 Leo Description Timbre 2 Panpat 7: Timbre 8 Panpot ‘Timbre 4 Panpot OFF, A1S-CNT-B16, | Pans the outputs of each Timbre between buses A Timbre 5 Panpot uli) Timbre 6 Panpat "Timbre 7 Panpot Timbre 8 Panpot 78 OFF: nothing is output to buses A and B. A15-CNT-B15:You can set different output levels for buses A and B with settings A15 to BIS. For a setting of A15, Timbre output is to bus A only. For a setting of B15, to bus B only. And for a setting of CNT, equally to buses A and B. PRG: when this setting is selected, the pan settings that have been set for a Program in Program Edit mode are used. See “1A-1D Oscillator Setup” on page 71 and “2A~2F Oscillator? Setup” on page 73. Ifa Program is using a drum kit, the pan settings for each drum sound will be used when PRG is selected. See “6A-6D Drum Kitl Setup” on page 158 and “7A-7D Drum Kit2 Setup” on page 160. For a setting other than OFF or PRG, these parameters can be controlled using MIDI Pan Controller No. 10. See “MIDI Panpot, Send Data" on page 165 for details about the relationship between pan value and MIDI Controller value. COMBINATION Parameters 8A, 8B Send C & Send D ‘These parameters allow you to set the output level of each Timbre sent to buses C and D. These buses feed the effects processors, See “20A-20B Effect Placement” on page 115. Timbros 14 Timbres 5-8 8A SENDCO 1-4 + [O82 SENDCD $-8 @ 2B O19 $5 S25 [S25 St 8A 8 Parameter imbre 1 Send Timnbeo 1 Send D Timbre 2 Send Timbre 2 Sond D Timbre 3 Sendo Timbre 3 Send D Timbre 4 Send Timbre 4 Send D Timbre § Send Timbre 5 Send D Timbre 6 Send © Timbre 6 Send D Timbre 7 Send Timbre 7 Send D Timbre 8 Send © Timbre 8 Send D Description ‘Sets the output level of each Timbre sent to buses C ‘and D 8B 0-9: when a Program is used in a Combination, its Send C and Send D parameters are ignored, and these settings are active. Oscillators 1 and 2 use the same settings. Likewise, when the Program is set to DRUM mode, the Send C and Send D settings of the individual drums within the kit are ignored, and these settings are active. P: when this setting is selected, the Send C and Send D settings that have been set for a Program in Program Edit mode are used. See “1A-1D Oscillator! Setup” on page 71 and “2A-2F Oscillator2 Setup” on page 73. Ifa Program is using a drum kit, the settings for each drum sound will be used. See “6A-6D Drum Kit] Setup" on page 158 and “7A~7D Drum Kit2 Setup” on page 160. For settings from 0-9, the Send C parameters can be controlled using MIDI Reverb Level Controller No. 91. MIDI Chorus Level Controller No. 93 can be used to control Send D. See “MIDI Panpot, Send Data” on page 165 for details about the relationship between send value and MIDI Controller value. 103 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide 9A-14A Effects Ina Combination the individual effect settings of each Program are ignored, and the settings for that Combination are used. If you want (o use a Program's effect settings for a Combination, use Effects Copy 14 COPY EFF. See “21A Copy Effects” on page 117. Effects are explained in “Effect Parameters” on page 113. Combination parameters Pan A, Pan B, Send C, and Send D are used to control the levels of the Timbres sent to the effects. ‘When you’ ve edited a Combination’s effects settings, always remember to write the Combination, Otherwise, the settings will be lost when you select another Combination. 15A, 15B Combination Write & Rename 15A, 15B 104 This function allows you to write a Combination to the internal memory. This function can also be used to reorganize Combination numbering by writing Combinations to different destinations, (The Combination that exists at destination will be lost when another Combination overwrites it.) ‘The Rename function allows you to name the Combination. = 7 a Sa RT oni —— foe areas [|e Sep OEE perae a Cnt Combination Write: Note: To write a Combination, the Combination Memory Protection function must be set to OFF. See “3B Combination Memory Protect” on page 154. ‘To write a Combination, specify the write destination, position the cursor on OK2, then press the [A/YES] button. The message “Are You Sure OK?" will appear, Press the [4/YES] button to write the Combination, or the [W/NO] button to cancel. If you write the Combination, the destination Combination will be selected automatically. When the write operation is completed, the display shows “Completed.” Press the (/YES] button or the (‘W/NO] button to retum to the previous screen, Note: The Combination that already exists at the selected write destination will be lost when you execute this function. Rename:This function allows you to rename Combination. Move the cursor to the desired character using the [<4] and [>] buttons, and use the VALUE slider or the [/YES] and [W/NO] buttons to enter the character. Use the number keypad to insert numbers. You can use the characters listed below. Up to 10 characters can be used for a Combination name. TRE ERT Ee pPEL EL Panes stele et b Rh EDE afafelclolelrlelHl rt sicteiniwfolefelelsirulupuleyizlelep |. Sele leTaletefota fateh Tetoleleldelelefuloleltolelchi bp Pte Multi Setup Parameters Multi Setup Parameters Multi Setup Functions Toselect a page, use the [PAGE+] or [PAGE-] button, or enter the page number directly from the numeric keypad while holding down the [EDIT] button. To select a parameter, use the {4}, [>} cursor buttons. To set a parameter value, use the [A/YES] and {'W/NO] buttons, or the VALUE slider, or enter the value directly from the numeric keypad while holding down the [ENTER] button. For some parameters, you can enter the number only from the numeric keypad to set the value. To enter a note value, play the corresponding key while pressing the [ENTER] button. Refer to “Effect Parameters” on page 113 for detailed information on effects. Page Function rameter to edit ais =A_| Progam ‘Program of each Track (Track 1 setting) Level Volume of each Track xp | Panpot an setting (A/B output balance) of each Track Send ¢ Track level at cutput C ‘Send D ‘Track level at output D Transpose “Transpose setting of each Track +c | Dotune Detune setting of each Track Pitch Bond Range Pic bend range of each Track ‘Program Change Fiter | Program Change messages reception switch for each Track ‘sp | Damper Switch Fiter | Damper switch for each Track Aitor Touch iter ‘tor Touch switch foreach Track Control Change Fiter | Control Change switch for ech Track “se | Key Window Top "Top Key ofthe Track note range Key Window Bottom | Bottom key ofthe Track note range ep | Vel Window Top ‘aximum velocity ofeach Track 150150 Vel Window Bottom __| Minimum velocty of each Track (Track 16 setting) [rg [ MIDI Channel ‘MIDI receive channel of each Track TARIA Ett Elect seting 22a (Copy trom Combination | Copy trom Combinations 2A ‘Seto GM Inialze for GM » 0-15 correspond to Tracks 1-16. In Multi mode, pages 0-15 correspond to Tracks 1-16; pages 16-21 handle effect settings; page 22 enables you to copy parameters from Combinations; page 23 is used to initialize the X5 for GM setting. ‘When you select a different Track while editing a particular parameter (for one of the 16 Tracks in pages 0-15), the same parameter of the new Track is automatically selected, ‘+ Multi mode settings are lost when you turn off the power to the X5. When you tum on the power to the XS, all settings in Multi mode are reset to GM-compatible data. (see page 112.) + Save Multi mode settings to an external storage device such as a MIDI data filter using 4A MIDI DUMP in Global mode (see page 155). In Multi mode, only effect data is compatible between the X5 and the XSDR. 105 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide +A Program This page allows you to select a Program for each Track. eon MULTE TOI > 6a1:Piane A Leo [Parameter Range Deveription | eg nhs en ee NN +4 | Program 1A00-A99 | Selecting a Program, 106 ‘Tracks set to “***" do not produce sound. ‘You may select Programs from only Bank A or Bank G. ‘The Programs are changed when the MIDI channel of the Bank Select or Program Change messages received on the Tracks matches the MIDI Channel assigned to the Tracks in Multi mode. However, this may not apply depending on the seitings of *D MIDI FILTER (page 109) and 2D MIDI FILTER PRG in Global mode (see page 153). ‘When the power is tured on, when 23A SET TO GM is executed, or when a GM ON message is received via MIDI, GM-compatible drum Program G129 will be automatically selected for Track 10, and Program GO1 will be selected for all other Tracks. ‘You may also select a Bank using the MIDI Bank Select messages as shown in the table, These messages will change the Bank only when subsequent Program Change messages are received, ‘You do not send MIDI Bank Select messages to switch Programs within a Bank, Therefore, send the MIDI Bank Select messages only when you wish to change the Bank, or set 2D MIDI FILTER PRG of Global mode to “NUM” (10 ignore MIDI Bank Select) after you switch the Bank by sending the MIDI Bank Select messages. To receive MIDI Bank Select messages, set this value to “ENA” or “PRG.” MIDI Bank Select use) (se) Banka Bank G (01-128) Bank G (129-136) (Timbre OFF) ‘se: any number Refer to the table for how to select a Program in Bank G (129-136). In the GM standard, MIDI Channel 10 is used for a drum (or percussion) sound, the Instruments (Percussion names) are already specified for each note number (refer to “Drum Kit Map."). ROM Drum Kit 1 on the XS is the GM-compatible Drum Kit which serves as a sound source for Bank G Program 129. Use this Program for GM songs. The XS also provides other drum Programs 130-136 in Bank G that use ROM Drum Kits 2-8, respectively, for commercially-available non-GM song data. As shown in the table below, incoming MIDI Program Change messages will select a corresponding drum Program, if the Bank Select messages [Bn, 00, 3E, 20, 00} (n: MIDI Channel) have already been sent. (The Bank for drum sounds has already been selected for Track 10 in Muti mode when the power was turned on to the XS.) MIDI Prog Change No. (00-15, 66-69, 72-127 0) 16-23 18) 25 @) 32-39 2) 40-47 (40) e471 (6) 24, 26-31 (24) 48-55 48) XS Program No. Multi Setup Parameters For Channels other than Channel 10, you can select any of 128 Programs (see the GM Program List) that are already assigned by GM to corresponding Program Change numbers. On the X5, Programs 01-128 in Bank G are available for GM songs. You can also send MIDI Bank Select ‘messages (Bn, 00, (MSB), 20, (LSB)] to select a Program in Bank A, or to select a drum Program as on Channel 10. In the same manner, you can select a non-drum Program for Channel 10 by sending the MIDI Bank Select messages on that channel. (see page 111.) *B Level, Pan, Send This page lets you adjust the volume level and output settings for each Track. 08 Lev Pan Sent Tor 10 eNT 212 +8 Le | Parameter Flange Deseription Level (Lev) o-1a7 Volume level xg | Panpot (Pan) | OFF,A15-CNT-B15, PRG | Panpot (betwoon A and 8) setting Send (Sen) | 0-8, Level Cseting Send D (Sen) LovelD setting J Level: Adjusts the volume level output setting for each Track. ‘The resultant volume level for each track is obtained by multiplying the MIDI Volume data [Bn, 07, xx] (Controller #7), =» ————— ‘MIDI Expression data [Bn, 0B, xx] (Controller #11), and the Love voume value displayed on the screen. The level parameter value aa indication is not affected by MIDI Control Change messages. = ———— MIDI Volume data is set to 100 when Multi mode is entered, when 23A SET TO GM is executed, or when a GM ON message is received. Mio! Expresion Panpot: Adjusts the A and B output balance of each Track. Setting OFF outputs no signal at A or B. Setting A15 outputs signal only from A; setting B15 outputs signal only from B; and setting CNT (Center) outputs the same signal level from A and B. With the PRG setting, the panpot setting of the Program selected for the Track is used. (You can specify the panpot setting for each oscillator in Program Edit mode.) With settings other than “PRG” (A15-B15), both Oscillator 1 and 2 of the Program use the same panpot setting. If you have already selected a Program using a Drum Kit (OSC mode set to DRUMS) and you select “PRG” here, the panpot setting for each Instrument of the Drum kit will be used. If you set this parameter to A15 — B15, the panpot setting of each Instrument is ignored, and the parameter setting here becomes effective. You can control the panpot setting of each Track by sending MIDI Pan Change data [Bn, OA, xx] (Controller #10). (With a setting of OFF or PRG, the MIDI Pan Change data is ignored.) When you specify [00] for [xx], the parameter value is set to A15, and when you specify 127 (7F] for ix], the parameter value is set to B15. You need to specify 64 [40] for the CNT setting. Refer to “MIDI Panpot, Send Data” on page 165 for MIDI data corresponding to the panpot settings. + When the power is turned on, when 23A SET TO GM is executed, or when a GMON message is received, Track 10 will use the PRG setting, and other Tracks will use the CNT setting. Send: Sets the C and D output level of each Track. Setting “P (Program)” selects the Send setting of the Program selected for the Track. (You can set Send for each oscillator in Program Edit mode.) Specifying a value other than “P” sets the output of Oscillator 1 and 2 to the same level. 107 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide When a Track uses a Program that uses a Drum Kit (OSC mode set to DRUMS), and you set this parameter to “P”, the Send setting of each Index in the Drum kit takes effect. In this case, the value of Send C and D of the Program will be applied to the Send setting value of each Instrument. With a value of 0 9, the setting of each Index is ignored, and the value specified here becomes effective. ‘You can also change the setting using the MIDI messages, Send C [Bn, 5B, xx] (Controller #91) Send D (Bn, SD, xx] (Controller #93) Generally, {Bn, 5B, xx] is used to control the Reverb Depth and (Bn, SD, xx] is used to control the Chorus Depth, Refer to “MIDI Panpot, Send Data” on page 165 for the MIDI data corresponding to the send settings ‘+ When the power is turned on, when 23A SET TO GM is executed, or when a GM ON message is received, Track 10 will use the P:0 setting, and other Tracks will use the 2:2 setting, *C Transpose, Detune, Bend Range This page allows you to adjust the pitch-related settings. 000 Tra Det Sra Toi +93 +09 +22 ¥o 10 [Parameter | Range Descipton Transpose (ray |B 20 Tea te plana ciara eps (itn 22 ora) xc |Doure oy |"$0..480 ‘jason top oft cont (in 250 cont). Bend Range (@na) [12.212 Few he plchs moat bythe pc bee wh Transpose: Transpose adjusts the pitch of each Track in chromatic steps over a range of ~24 to +24. (Twelve chromatic steps equal one octave). You can also change the setting by sending MIDI Coarse Tune messages. Refer to “Controller Event Edit Notes” on page 163 for details. ‘+ When the power is turned on to the XS or when a GM ON message is received, this parameter is automatically reset to 00. Detune: Detune is a fine pitch adjustment for each Track that moves in steps of one cent, over a range of 50 to +50 (100 steps equal one chromatic step). You can also change the setting by sending MIDI Fine Tune messages. Refer to “Controller Event Edit Notes” on page 163 for details. + When the power is turned on to the X5, when 23A SET TO GM is executed, or when a GM ON message is received, this parameter is automatically reset to 00. Bend Range: The Bend Range for the Pitch Bend messages adjusts the pitch direction and variation of each Track produced by the pitch bend wheel in chromatic steps. ‘The pitch bend range specified in a Track’s Program (set on 15D in Program Edit mode) is ignored, and this setting takes effect. (The setting here does not affect the Program setting.) A maximum of 12 chromatic steps forms a single octave. With a positive value, the farther the pitch bend wheel is moved forward, the higher the pitch. A negative value produces the opposite effect, You can change the setting by sending MIDI Pitch Bend Range data, but the value is limited toa range of 0 - +12, Refer to “Controller Event Edit Notes” on page 163. * When the power is tumed on to the X5, when 23A SET TO GM is executed, or when a GM ON message is received, this parameter is automatically reset to 00 for Track 10, and to +2 for other Tracks. 108 Multi Setup Parameters *D MIDI Filter This page determines whether or not each Track will receive the MIDI Program Change and whether or not Damper effect, After Touch effect, and Control effect are applied. 8D PF DF AP CPi To1_EN EN DI EN *D icp | Parameter Program Change Fiter (PD) Program Change message is received. Damper Pedal Fiter_ | Dk Disable ‘Damper Pedal message is ignored. wp {OD EN: Enable Damper Pedal is effective, . + (an | DE Disable ‘Afi Touch message is ignored. ‘Ator Touch Fite (AN | en: Enable Aer Touch is effective. Conirel Change Fite | Di: Disable MIDI Gontrllers are ignored. © EN: En MIDI Cont roetfecive. Program Change Filter: Determines whether or not each ‘Track receives the MIDI Program Change messages. EN: Tracks with the EN (Enable) setting receive the Program Change messages and switch the Programs. Set the overall X5 Program Change Filter on 2D MIDI FILTER PRG in Global mode. (see “2D Program Change Filter” on page 153.) Note: Ifthe Global mode 2D MIDI FILTER PRG is set to “DIS”, the Program Change messages are completely disabled. Furthermore, if you set it to ENA or PRG, Bank Select and Program Change messages will select Bank and Program. If you set it io “NUM”, only the Program is changed. (see “2D Program Change Filter on page 153) Damper Pedal Filter: Determines whether or not the Damper Pedal messages will affect the Track sound. EN: The Damper Pedal messages affect the sound of the Track for which “EN (Enable)” is selected. DI: The Damper Pedal effects are not applied to the Tracks for which “DI (Disable)” is selected. After Touch Filter: Determines whether or not the After Touch messages will affect the Track sound. EN: After Touch messages affect the sound of the Track for which “EN (Enable)” is selected. DI: After Touch effects are not applied to the Tracks for which “DI (Disable)” is selected. Control Change Filter: Determines whether or not the controllers (e.g., pitch bend, pitch modulation, etc.) or the Volume Change messages affect the sound of each Track. EN: The Controller messages affect the sound of the Track for which “EN (Enable)” is selected. Di: The Controller messages are ignored on the Tracks for which “DI (Disable)" is selected. ‘+ When the power is turned on to the X5/XSD, when 23A SET TO GM is executed, or when a GM ON message is received, these parameters are set to EN for all the tracks. 109 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide *E Key Window Top & Bottom ‘These parameters allow you to set the top note and bottom note for each Track. RE kitor BUR foi en cot = ro ange Bescon TeyWinow Top [oac9 Spates op oa ora Tk window Kay Wow Bom | e909 pects te btm tor each Ta kay wow A key window is the range of keys (notes) that you can use to play a Track. Used in conjunction with the Key Window Bottom parameters, you can assign sections of the keyboard to specific ‘Tracks. For example, you could designate the bottom half of the keyboard to a bass Track, and the top half to a piano Track. ‘You can use the VALUE slider and the [A/YES} and ['¥/NO) buttons to set the Key Window Top and Bottom parameters, You can also use the X5 keyboard for the same purpose, as follows: select a Key Window parameter; press and hold down the [ENTER] button; then press the desired key. ‘The setting range is from C2 to C7 (if the Global mode Transpose parameter is set to +00). ‘You can not set the top key to lower than the bottom key. Otherwise, the bottom key will be set to the same value as the top key. The same thing applies to the bottom Key. ‘© When the power is turned on to the X5, when 23A SET TO GM is being executed, or when a GM System ON message is received, the top key of each track is set to G9, and the bottom key of each track is set to C-1, *F Velocity Window Top & Bottom 140 ‘These parameters allow you to set the may window. \um and minimum velocity for each Track’s velocity OF UuTor UWBEH! Tar 127 901 +F 160 | Parameter Range | ______Baseription Voteiy Window Top |, aren vec 1127 Specs the jy foreach Track * Velocity Window Boron (viva | 1127 ‘Specifies the minimum velocity for each Track. A velocity window determines the note velocity range that can be used to play a Track. Used in conjunction with the Velocity Window Bottom parameters, you can specify a note velocity range for each Track. For example, you could set a soft strings Track to a low velocity window, and a hard strings Timbre to a high Velocity window. Then, playing softly will trigger the soft strings, and playing strongly will trigger the hard strings. This technique is called a velocity switch. You can also set the velocity windows so that their ranges overlap. * When the power is turned on to the X5, when 23A SET TO GM is being executed, or when a GM System ON message is received, the maximum velocity of each track is set to 127, and the minimum velocity is set to 1. Matti Setup Parameters *G MIDI Channel ‘These parameters allow you to set the MIDI Channel that each Track uses to receive MIDI data. 806 MIDI Ch Ter 16 46 tep | Parameter Range Description +6 |sbichana an | Sets the MIDI Channel thal each Track uses Wo receive MIDI — | cata _— If you want to play a Track from the keyboard, you should set each Track’s MIDI Channel so that itmatches the Global MIDI Channel. If you are using a sequencer, set each Track’s MIDI Channel so that it matches the corresponding sequencer track's MIDI Channel. If the selected MIDI Channel is the same as the Global MIDI Channel, a G will appear next to the selected channel number. ‘* When the power is tumed on to the X5, when 23 SET TO GM is being executed, or when a GM System ON message is received, the MIDI Channel of Traks 1-16 is set to 1-16. 16A - 21A Effect Effects are explained in “Effect Parameters” on page 113. ‘The individual effect settings of each Program are ignored, and these settings are used. If you want to use a Program's or a Combination’s effect settings, use the 21A COPY EFF function to copy effects. ‘Track parameters Pan A, Pan B, Send C, and Send D are used to control the level of the Tracks sent to the effects in Multi mode. Effects can be controlled via MIDI on the Global MIDI Channel. You can control the level of each ‘Track to the effects using the Track parameters Pan A, Pan B, Send C, and Send D. + When the power is turned on to the X5, when 23 SET TO GM is being executed, or when a GM System ON message is received, Effect I selects Hall, Effect 2 selects Chorus], Placement selects Parallel3, and the effect return level is set to 4. 22A Copy from Combination This function allows you to copy Combination Timbre settings to Tracks 1 to 8 or Tracks 9 to 16 22a COPY COMBE Come @2 1-3 OK? Loo Ran, Description —_ Sapa ea [a aaa oR azn [Dusan Ts ra 016 Sosa ns og dems ap Fon ; |” [assez oe Besos Contain The following parameter settings are copied: Program, Volume, Transpose, Detune, Pan, Send C, Send D, Key Window, Velocity Window, MIDI Channel, and Filters (Program Change, Damper Pedal, After Touch, Control Change). ‘The Combination’s effect settings are not copied. Use 21 A Copy Effect to copy the effect settings. (ee page 117.) For *C Bend Range parameters that are not included in Combinations, the value of Program’s Joystick Pitch Bend Range (15D in Program Edit mode) of each Track will be copied. 1 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide 234A Set To GM (Initialize for GM) 112 ‘This function conforms a track to the GM (General MIDI) settings. It should be used when you ‘want to make new GM data, or when you want to play back GM song data, 23a SET TO GH Mode 0K? 23A Teo | Parameter Range Deseription Boa [OK set TracktoGM | oxy Sets song to GM mode. Each track's parameters are set as follows. Track 10 is set for drums. Parameter Tockt=oa 1-18] Wack 10 Progam (GOT: PIANO ids (Guid) |" Ghangosbio sing MDI ova 127 a7 Pan ONT PRG: 7 Ghangeabie using MDI Bond, B 22 RO * Changeable using MIDI Transpose o o * Changeable using MIDI Deiune ° 0 = Changeable using MIDI ich Bond Range 2 ° = Changeable using MIDI Program Change Fier | ENA ENA ‘Damper Pedal Fiter ENA. ENA [Aor Touen Fier ENA ENA. Contot Change Fier ENA ENA Key Window [oxao Veloty Window [i127 | Etfect + = = Effect 2 — =— Eos Placement = Paral MIDE Channel ra ti6 70 ‘+ When a GM System On message (FO, 7E, nn, 09, 01, F7) is received, Multi 1 mode is selected and these parameters are set automatically. ‘These parameters are also set automatically when you turn the power on to the X5. Effect Parameters Effect Parameters ‘The XS contains two digital multi-effects processors. Each processor can be set to produce one of 47 effects (they are called “Effect type"). The effects section consists of four inputs (A, B, C, D), two effects processors (Effect1, Effect2), two panpots (pan 3, 4) and two outputs (L/MONO, R). ‘The XS effects processors can be assigned any one of four placements. See “20A~20B Effect Placement” on page 115. Effects 1 to 37 are single effects, 38 and 39 are serial effects, and 40 to 47 are parallel effects. The parallel type effects allow you to use up to four independent effects simultaneously. 37 Sera: 8 & 99 Parle: 40-47 ia + SeTE =e HORE bee Singl Effect parameters can be edited and stored with individual Programs, and Combinations. Effect parameters for a Program should be edited in Program Edit mode, and for Combination in Combination Edit mode. ‘When you play a Combination, the individual effect settings for each Program in that Combination are ignored, and the effect settings for that Combination are used. Likewise, for Multi setup, the individual Program effect settings are ignored and the effect settings for that particular Multi setup are used. ‘The page which the effect setting is made, is different with each mode. * Program Edit mode (Single, Drums).. 10A-15A + Program Edit mode (Double) . 16A-21A * Combination Edit mode... A144 + Multi mode... 16A-21A, Here, we use Program Edit mode (Double) as an example. ‘When the power is tuned on, when 23A SET TO GM in Multi mode is executed, or when a GM ‘System On message is received. The following effect settings are made: Placement—Parallel3. Effect!—Hall. Effect2—Chorus. 113 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide 16A-16C Effecti Setup 16A 16B 16C 114 ‘These parameters are used (0 set up Effect. Taerect monet [eon fal ter | onset EeaBow rd ve 168 ve ied | Parameter Range Description 1 yon [tee Type (eect) [o-a7 ‘Seiectan afect ype Sieh OFF ON Tune ot nor a ORY Bryala ory too |Dyeetectarce |S a9 Bova « FX Effect signal only NONE ‘Dynamic modulation off JS(+Y) JoyUp Dynamic odaton | YSN) ROH rec | Conte! Source (Src) | peDaLt Foot pedalt| PEDAL2 Foot pedal2 (MIDI Controller No. 13) Vonea Sumotall&2 DAEGs Dynamic Modulation | 45, 7 Syren 15.018 ete depth of namie maton Effect type: each time a different effect is selected, parameters that you set for the previously selected effect are reset to their initial values. * When effect 24:Symphonic Ensemble is selected for one processor, certain effects cannot be selected for the other processor. See “Symphonic Ensemble” on page 127. Switch: is used to turn the effects processors on and off. Effects processors can also be turned on and off using a foot pedal that is connected to the ASSIGNABLE PEDAL/SW connector. In Global mode, set the ASSIGNABLE PEDAL/SW parameter to “Effect I (2) on/off”. See “QA-9C Assignable Pedal/Switch & Polarity Setup” on page 161. By sending MIDI Controller 92 for Effect, and MIDI Controller 94 for Effect2, effects can be switched on and off by an external sequencer, or other MIDI device. Each time a Controller ‘message is sent, the corresponding effect is switched on or off. Note: The high and low EQ for the following effects is valid even when the effect is set to OFF: 13:Stereo Delay, 14:Cross Delay, 19:Chorus 1, 20:Chorus 2, 28:Exciter, 35:Autopan, 36:Tremolo. To bypass these effects completely select 0: No Effect. Dry:Effect balance: this parameter allows you to set the level balance between the dry signal and effected signal. A setting of DRY means no affected signal. A setting of FX means all effect signal. Dynamic modulation control source: allows you to adjust certain effect parameters, such as. mix balance and modulation speed, while you piay. This provides greater control for musical expression during a performance. The modulation source can be set to any one of six controls, such as a modulation wheel and foot pedal. You can control only one effect parameter using dynamic modulation, but the modulation source and intensity can be set independently for Effect! and Effect2. See “Effects Types & Parameters” on page 118. ‘To control dynamic modulation using a foot pedal, set Pedal Assign in Global mode to Effect Control, See “9A-9C Assignable Pedal/Switch & Polarity Setup” on page 161. When a foot pedal that is connected to the ASSIGNABLE PEDAL connector is operated, MIDI Effect Control [Bn, OC, vv] Controller 12 is output. This controls the effect whose dynamic modulation source is set to PEDALI. MIDI Effect Control [Bn, OD, vv] Controller 13 is transmitted when the dynamic modulation source is set to PEDAL2. To control dynamic modulation via MIDI, set the MIDI Channel of the control source to that of the Global MIDI Channel, Effect Parameters Dynamic Modulation Intensity: the dynamic modulation intensity can be set from ~15 to +15. Positive values cause dynamic modulation to increase the valve of the effect parameter being controlled. Negative values have the opposite effect. 17A-17D Effect! Parameters Effect parameters are explained in detail from page 118 onwards. 18A-18C Effect2 Setup ‘These parameters are used to set up Effect2. Operation is the same as for “16A-16C Effect] Setup” on page 114. 19A-19D Effect2 Parameters Effect parameters are explained in detail from page 118 onwards, 20A-20B Effect Placement 208 PLACEMENT 286 EFF2 PRNPOT® | 208 E1762 LEVEL’ Serial 42 R_[L5 RS LoS RS 208 208 208" ro) ar Description Serial (Seria) Parallel 1 (Paral) a 200 Parallel Carat) | etc routing contgurati Parallel 3 (Paralls) OFF ~ |e signal oxipat Panpot 3 L Signals panned hard lot ee 89:1-1:99 Panned between Land R (60:50 pan cents) R Signalis panned hard ght Panpot 4 (this LCD screen appears when Soria, Parallel 1, or Parallel 2 is selectec) Level 10 Set the output lvel ofeach effect when Paral 3is Level 1R (A) Ca roe PEO tog Level 200) {this LCD's availabe only when Paral placements Level 28 (A) selected) XS effects processors can be used in any one of four placements. Placements affect the way in which the four input buses (A, B, C, D) are routed through the effects. ‘The Panpot, Send C Level, and Send D Level parameters are set as part of an individual Program, Combination, or Multi setup. If 20A Placement is set to serial, Parallel 1, or Parallel 2, Page 20B is displayed. In this page, you can set the L/R output balance of Pan 3 nad Pan 4. If 20A is set to Parallel 3, Page 20B" appears. In this page, pan 3 and pan 4 are replaced by four independent level controls. The XS has two outputs (L/MONO, R). Serial Placement pynoro Pan_}8 Eee Send_fo—>[ Pans rth Send_}o—>[ Pane 115 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide ‘With the Serial placement, buses A and B are sent to Effect, Effect2, then output from L/MONO and R. Buses C and D are mixed with the output of Effect|, sent to Effect2, and then output. Buses C and D allow you to avoid applying Effect! to a sound, or to apply Effectl to a specific sound and then apply Effect? to all sounds. Parallel 1 Placement yon t a4 n Pan} Se Program, ‘Combination, ‘Send_fc Pan3 [ot oF Mult 1 ml Soa }o] Loran With the Parallel 1 placement, buses A and B are sent to Effectl, then output from LIMONO and R. Buses C and D are sent to Effect2, mixed with the output of Effect1, then output. Parallel 2 Placement JyMONO Pan te a With the Parallel 2 placement, buses A and B are sent to Effect! then output from L/MONO and R, Buses C and D are sent to Effect2, mixed with the input to Effect, then output, Parallel 3 Placement Pan [Levelt Send_fo = 1—>[ Level 1-F ea of] >{Lever2t }—p[ Level 2 With the Parallel 3 placement, buses A and B are sent straight to the outputs. Bus C signal is sent to Effect! and bus D signal is sent to Effect2. The effect outputs, each with independent level control, are then mixed down to the LIMONO and R outputs. This placement works well when playing GM compatible songs. Note: For Serial, Parallel 1, and Parallel 2 placements, if Pan 3 or Pan 4 is set to off, signals sent to bus C and bus Dare not output. 116 Effect Parameters 21A Copy Effects This function allows you to copy the effect parameter settings from a Program, Combination, or song to the currently selected Program, Combination, or Multi setup. 218 COPY EFF PROG AGO OK? ata Leo Parameter Range Description PROG tect Copy Source | COMBI Select the effect copy source MULTI 21a Programs | AD-A2S Source Number 601-138 _| selectthe source number Combinations | 00-09 OK to copy OK? Executos ofect copy To copy effect parameters, select the effect copy source, the source number, position the cursor on ‘OK?, then press the (A/YES] button. The message “Are You Sure OK?" appears. Press the [A/YES] button to continue, or the [‘W/NO} bution to cancel. The effect parameters are copied to the currently selected Program, Combination, or Multi. Pan, Send C, and Send D settings, which are set for oscillators, Timbres, and tracks, are not copied. 17 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide Effects Types & Parameters Different parameters are available for different effects. Effect 0 (No Effect) through effect 47 (Delay/Rotary Speaker) can be selected for Effect! and Effect2. Effect! LCD screens are numbered 16A through 16D. Effect? LCD screens are numbered 18A through 19D. Effect! LCD screen numbers are used in this Reference Guide, No Effect 0: No Effect ‘When NO EFFECT is selected, the effect processors are bypassed. Effects can be turned off using “16A~16C Effect] Setup” and “18A~18C Effect2 Setup”. However, for some effects, the high and low EQ are stil! active. Selecting 0:No Effect allows you to bypass these effects completely. Reverb These effects simulate reverberant acoustics, adding ambience to the sound. ov ER tne! be Rev ime —2> Pinbeny : Hall This effect simulates the reverb characteristics and natural ambience of a medium size hall. Ensemble Hall This effect simulates the reverb characteristics and natural ambience of an ensemble hall. Idea for string and brass ensembles. 3: Concert Hall This effect simulates the reverb characteristics and natural ambience of a large hall with pronounced early reflections. 4; Room ‘This effect simulates the reverb characteristics and natural ambience of a small room. 5: Large Room This effect simulates the reverb characteristics and natural ambience of a large room with pronounced reverb density. Reverb time settings of about 0.5 seconds produce an effect similar to gated reverb, 118 Effect Parameters 6: Live Stage ‘This effect simulates the reverb characteristics and natural ambience of a large, live-performance space. 7: Wet Plate This effect simulates the reverb characteristics of a steel-plate reverb, with pronounced density. 8: Dry Plate This effect simulates the reverb characteristics of a steel-plate reverb, with a light density. 9: Spring Reverb ‘This effect simulates the reverb characteristics of a spring reverb. 178 Hall 178 Hall x] ize Halt 4 TineS.2_H.0ap30|P.D1ve6ons E.R62 {E0.L+09d8 HeOOSB 17 178 170 Leo rameter Revers Time (Time) | 0.2-0.8 sec Hall ype 0.2-4.9 sec oom type vA 00-99 Piate/spring type High frequency decay High Damp (H.0mp) | 0-99% = bright reverb 99 = dark reverb “The delay between the original sound and the early Pre Delay (Diy) | 0-200 ms preoser| 178 “The level ofthe early reiections Early Reflection Level (ER) 0-99 HalvRoom type 110 Plate/spring type vo [EOLwiEay) 2.912 6B Low EO cut and boost [earn oY 208 High EO cut and bo = For effects 1 to 9, dynamic modulation (16C) can be used to control the DRY:EFF balance. 119 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide Early Reflection The Early Reflection effects create the early reflections that are an important element in determining the qualities of an acoustic environment. Using the Early Reflection Time parameter you can create a variety of effects, such as sound thickening and echo-like reflections. Let Me w To Dry Signa! £Q_}->| Pre Delay |->| Early Ret el 10: Early Reflection 1 Early reverb reflections are a crucial element of naturally occurring reverb. They transmit details such as room size, distance, acoustic damping, etc. This effect emphasizes the low frequency range, and is ideal for percussive sounds such as drums. }<— ER Tim —>| ‘re Delay 11: Early Reflection 2 This effect is similar to Early Reflection 1, although, the level of the early reflections change over time in a different way. 12: Early Reflection 3 This effect applies a reverse envelope to the early reflections. This produces an effect that is similar to playing a tape backwards, and itis ideally to sounds that have a fast attack such as crash cymbals. 7a Eorivkeri_) 78 eariveeri_] 170 Earishert__« EXR Tineeaatns | |re Delave OlSns [en.LeOSdD OSCE 7A 178 7e co Parameter Range [Description a7a_[ Ean Ratecton Ts | 05 eon ine Eat rotecton ime in 10 ms stops | 3 The diy boween tho orginal sound and he ea 178. | Pre Doty (Pro Deny] 0-200 me Te cay | vo [EotowEGn_[=2.si8as Low EQ out and boost i EQ High (H) =12...412 48 High EQ cut and boost } For effects 10 to 12, dynamic modulation (16C) can be used to control the DRY:EFF balance, 120 Stereo Delay Effect Parameters These effects create stereo delay patterns in which you can set the left and right delay times independently. Using the High Damp parameter, you can make delays decay in a natural way. 13: Stereo Delay This is a stereo delay effect with feedback. ‘The delay time can be set independently for the left and right channels. ‘The high damp parameter can be used to produce a more natural echo effect by gradually attenuating the high frequencies of successive delay repeats. 14: Cross Delay This is a stereo delay effect with independent delay parameters for the left and right channels. The delay outputs are crossed over, and each delay receives the other delay’s feedback signal. Thus, the delay repeats appear to move between the left and right outputs, = i ~ Delay L Delay R ngs a | Lise O-LEQ. 47A Stereodly + [178 Stereodly UT I7C StererDly 4 D.TineL=250 R260 |FB+40 —H.Dne32 |EC.L+00UB H=OOdE 174, 178. 170 ro) Paramote Range: Description peeunimele m ime forthe let channel tm [Otmet) 0-600 ms Dotay Delay Time Right (R) | 0-600 ms ‘lay time forthe right channel Feedback (FB) -99...499% Minus val delay signal that is fod back into the effect. invert the feedback signal phase 178 High Damp (H.0mp) | 0-99% High frequency decay EQLow (QL) T2412 dB 170 Low E@ cut and boost EQ High (H) 2.412 dB ‘High EQ cut and boost For effects 13 and 14, dynamic modulation (16C) can be used to control the DRY:EFF balance. ‘The EQ part of these effects is active even when the Effect is switched off (16A). To bypass these. effects completely, select 0:No Effect. 121 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide Dual Mono Delay 15: Dual Mono Delay This effect consists of two mono delays with independent delay time, feedback, and high damp parameters for each channel. 17h B.H Biv) 9] 78 bh Bisel) a] 0 bon biw®) w|i ww BIB Dctiner2odns"” | FO¥S0"”HeOnet0[D-Tinewcsens” | FBeso" Hebrete WA 778 76 17 uco Parameter Range Description waa [Bama Tine To sc0 me Delay ie forthe et chanel Te acrid al at fd back te wt Feedback Lot (FB) | -90..00% hanna eet ince alte iver ooteck ca 1 oy Tigh Damp Lal th Dame o-a0% igh requeney damping or the at channel sre [Bay Tre FRY me Delay tie forte rah chanel ho aroun dela inal ral fod back oo wt Foechack Right (F8) | -20..180% han aflec Ms vlts Pert aocbck apa eee ee —prase Tigh Damp Rt ee |__| Rape oo oh eco gees) Multi-Tap Delay For effect 15, dynamic modulation (16C) can be used to control the DRY:EFF balance. In these effects, an equalizer is applied to each effect input, then the signals are fed to two independent series-connected delays. The output of one delay is fed back to the input. nen 011 las tan O72 on et tee MNROTH gee tan ore by 122 Effect Parameters 16: Multi-Tap Delay 1 This is a two-channel multi-repeat delay. It consists of two parallel delays for each channel. The delay time for each delay can be set independently. The output of delay 2is fed back to the inputs of delay 1 and delay 2. 17: Multi-Tap Delay 2 This is a two-channel multi-repeat delay with cross panning. 18: Multi-Tap Delay 3 This is a two-channel multi-repeat delay with crossed feedback. 17 M.TarDIvi_ + [178 4. TarDlvt uy) i70 W.Tardivt « piTsee — 2T4ea | Fe+se ED. L+09a8 HeDeKe 17a, 178 170 LoD. Parameter Range Description a [DeayTine 1(077) [0-600 ms Delay time fordelay 1 " [BeiayTine2 (Ger) [0-800 ms ‘Delay time for delay 2 “The amount of delay signal that is fed back into the effect. Dad | occurs ad ‘Minus values invert the feedback signal phase ro (EOtow Ea =12.412 oB Low EQ eut and boost EQ High (H) 2.412 6B ‘High EO cut and boost For effects 16, 17, and 18, dynamic modulation (16C) can be used to control the DRY: EFF balance. 123 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide Chorus ‘These are stereo-type effects that use two chorus units. They're an effective way to add spaciousness and depth to any type of sound: piano, strings, brass, etc. 19: Chorus 1 In this chorus effect, the left channel modulation signal is out of phase with the right channel! modulation signal. This produces a wide stereo chorus effect. 20: Chorus 2 In this chorus effect, left and right channel modulation signals are in phase. eh c horus Se. Tes Chorus at O-+_£Q a = See \ Let ores Ny Chorus, _ srl aly 17a Chorus 1+ 7178 Chorus 1H] 170 Cherus 1 < D.Tineso1dns TRI | Modéo M.SPO. 30Hz | EG. L+00de H+dBdE a 7% 77 anos Bescon Day Tin (Tay [050s Deane 1 Veswavtom — | Sn8SH Moston wevetorn pe Triangle (TRI) 1B Mod Depth (Mod) 0-99 ‘Modulation intensity feet boa —_ ee [yp [estoweai) |e ntza8 [awe atta [Foren reer Tigh EQ out and boost 1 For effects 19 and 20, dynamic modulation (16C) can be used to control the DRY:EFF balance, ‘The EQ part of these effects is active even when the Effect is switched off (16A). To bypass these effects completely, select 0:No Effect. 124 Effect Parameters 21: Quadrature Chorus ‘The modulation signals fed to each channel ~] of this stereo chorus effect are 90 degrees out io of phase with each other, EQ > A sf eons} Cea V please >——| ight £0 ig 22: Crossover Chorus The modulation signals fed to each channel of this stereo chorus effect are 90 degrees out | \S* Mi of phase with each other. The chorused EQ signals are mixed with the other channels output. N ‘Chorus L Cited Chorus R Vo gt =O ep 178 Guad.Cho + ]17B Guad.che = [170 @uad.cho n] 17D eusa.cho D.Ting LOLI ROZS | NedS0 Hos NedShare=T+00 | E0.L+08e Ho0Ue 7A 78 we 170 Lco Parameter Range Description —__ Delay Time L a” oe 0-250 ms Lett channel delay time Delay Time A(R) | 0-250ms Fight channel delay ime pe | Mod Depin (oo) [0-08 | Modulation depth Mod Speed (Mod) | 1-28 Modulation speed 70 | Mod Shape Tei0,. 7-10, Modulation wavelorm shape. T-Trangle, Sine, The range (Moxshape) Su10.8+10 {tom +10 t0=10 effets the wavetorm symmalty vo [ESLow(EQu) [1.11208 Low EQ cut and boost EQ High (H) Te. 8 igh EO cut and boost For effects 21 and 22, dynamic modulation (16C) can be used to control the Mod Speed. 125 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide 126 23: Harmonic Chorus This effect splits the signal into two bands: HF (high frequency) and LF (low frequency). The HF band is then fed to the quadrature type chorus, and the LF band is fed directly to the output. This effect is useful for low frequency instruments such as bass. ]178 Harno.cho [170 Herno.cho < 2 |Mode9 NodesP=3s | F.Selit Point=al 17a 178 170 ro) Parameter Range Description i va [Deaytinet (OTT) [0-800;n8 Channel 1 delay ume i Delay Timea (027) | 0-500 ms ‘Channel 2 delay time zi ] tye | Mod Depth (tod) Modulation depth ‘Wod Speed (th Modulation speed Frequency Spit Point “The irequency al which te input signalis spit into HF and LF] 170 | (espit Pont) one bands For effect 23, dynamic modulation (16C) can be used to control the Mod Speed. Symphonic Ensemble 24: Symphonic Ensemble Effect Parameters This effect is basically amultiple chorus type [7 effect. It produces a rich, thickening effect, ideal for strings. tet fr ‘Symphonic EQ >| Ensemble Fight ie 178 Sonp.Ene. > [178 Suns teaea E0,L+0008 HeE0 7A 178 {tco rameter ‘Range Description Oo ‘Wedutaion depth | yp. [EOtow (E08) |-re.2 a8 Low EQ out and boost | EQ High Tie. 2 8 High EQ eut and boost For effect 24, dynamic modulation (16C) can be used to control the DRY:EFF balance. Not When this effect is selected, the following effect types cannot be selected for the other effect: Choruses 19-23, Symphonic Ensemble 24, Flangers 25-27, Phasers 32-33, Rotary Speaker 34, Tremolos 35-36, Chorus Flanger/Delay 38-39, Delay/Chorus 42, Delay/Flanger 43, Delay/Phaser 46, and Delay/Rotary Speaker 47. 127 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide Flanger ‘These effects add feedback to a chorus effect. When used on sounds that contain a lot of high-frequency energy, such as cymbals, they not only create modulation effects, they add a sense of pitch to non-pitched sounds, too. 25: Flanger 1 In this effect, inphase modulation is fed to both flanger channels. vm Mi Feedback Flanger (Gon Fi AL langer aK Fight Feedback — yi, } 26: Flanger 2 In this effect, the left channel modulation ] signal is in phase and the right channel tot Ms | modulation signal is out of phase. This Feedback produces a wide, stereo flange effect. 8 AS Flanger F am pH ely ae POH ee, : Crossover Flanger Inthis effect, two flangers are modulated out of phase. The flanged output signals are mixed with the other channels output. 47a Flangert > [1?8 Flangert =) 170 Flangert D.TineB65 Res+95 |Nod99 NodSP=zo | EO. L+00d8 Hens 7A 178 176 ep Parameter Range Description Delay Time (O.Time) [0-200 ms Delay time "7A [Resonance (Aes) [50.08 “Amount of uit signal fed back o he pu (eecback) ye [ea Bopin oy — [0-90 Modan depth | "7° | hod Speed eeSP) | 1-99 Modan speed re [EQUMEOH [ieee Low EQ eut and boost EQHGN() | -1e..12 a8 Tigh EO cut and boost For effects 25 10 27, dynamic modulation (16C) can be used to control the Mod Speed. 128 Exciter 28: Exciter This effect increases the clarity of a sound and gives it greater definition. Effect Parameters Exciter Exeter 7/6 excite |e Ect neh Pointcos | eocLroseHeood® TA 1 7 Te [Fare ange Tension TA_[ Bena ing [aa 00 Ti oy and aoa 7p. | Erehatieran re 4g The conta equenoy around wih sours ae exod We [EQLow (Ea) 2...412 6B Low EQ cut and boost eargh o)—|-12..12 68 | Wah et ana boct For effect 28, dynamic modulation (16C) can be used to control the DRY:EFF mix level. The EQ sections of this effect are active even when the effect is switched OFF. To bypass this effect completely, select 0:No Effect. Enhancer 29: Enhancer Thisis a two-channel enhancer that includes a delay to give a sound more spaciousness. ‘An enhancer makes the sound clearer and more defined, giving the sound more presence and bringing it up front in the mix. - es EQ Enhancer [Ef Delay rig LEQ. ul A Enhancer + [178 Enhancer ‘| 470 Enhancer H[17D Enhancer Harn Densityso [Hot Sra SvlieS0 D, Tinas25 |ED,L+01dB H¥O1oe 17a 178 176 170 ico [Parameter Range Description T7A_| Harmonie Density | 1-98 Tevet ofthe enhanced signal [176 [Hot Spot 1-20 “The central requency round which sounds are enhanced ro [Secown (Swi [0-00 The width ofthe stereo image thats opened up bythe delay Tine (O-Time) | 1-99 Delay tine ow (EQ) | -12..+12aB Low EO cut end boost 0 Teawign ( Hi2..12d8___| High EO cut and boost ~ For effect 29, dynamic modulation (16C) can be used to control the DRY:EFF balance. 129 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide Distortion 130 30: Distortion This effect can provide everything from subtle distortion through to mega-power distortion—ideal for ripping solos. The Hot Spot and Resonance parameters allow you to tune in for a wah type effect, and the Hot Spot parameter can be controlled in real time using dynamic modulation. EQ_}>[_Distortion’ Mp 31; Overdrive This effect produces a smooth overdrive. As with the previous distortion effect, dynamic modulation allows real-time control of the wah filter's Hot Spot parameter. Thoin > ]veom a] me oat betes Spot Levet1o | EO, Lsaes9 vA We eo _[—Pararater Range Destin va [Be One) [i [DisooiOveraive we! Rasonance fies) [0-09 Gn fe rsorant wa ter ye. [tetSeaHspoy [0-09 Wah iter cote req Out evel (eve) [0-89 Dtoion aut ivet “yo [ESLOWIEGL) —_[-12..iBa | Low €0 ot end boos cane) —_[=12...120 | Hgh EO ait and oot For effects 30 and 31, dynamic modulation (16C) can be used to contro! the Hot Spot parameter. This is useful for creating a wah-wah type effect. Phaser Effect Parameters These are two-channel stereo phase shifters. Using delay and phase changes, they produce a ‘modulation effect that is clearer than chorus or flanger. These effects are especially suitable for electric piano and guitar. Chorus and flanger produce their effects by modulating the delay time. However, phasers, modulate the phase of the input signal, creating an effect that has a different character to that of chorus or flanger. 32: Stereo Phaser 1 In Phaser 1, the left channel modulation signal is in phase and the right channel ‘modulation signal is out of phase. This produces a wide stereo phaser effect. 33: Stereo Phaser 2 This stereo effect contains two phasers. tn wag N Phaser Citeg’ Wer oo || uh In-phase modulation is fed to both channels. ben Mi Ny Phaser (Cites A yp Pra Fig re ri >] i?6 Phaser 1 =|7e Phaser 2 Hogso N.SPO.6sHz [FE475"—— SIN 7A 178 170 ied [Parameter Range Description The coral roqueney around whion phase siting 417A | Manwal(Manualy | 0-99 eon 7p |MedBenth ec) [0-80 Modulation depth Mod Speed (MS°O) | 008-30 He Modaton speed ho amount of phosed signa! hat ls fed back nfo the ele. - Feedback (FB) oe Minus values invert the feedback signal phase " ‘Sine (SIN) MeaWevetom | Sine GI Modulation wavetom For effects 32 and 33, dynamic modulation (16C) can be used'to control the Mod Speed. 131 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide Rotary Speaker This effect simulates the rotary speaker effect that is popular for organs. 132 34: Rotary Speaker ‘The effect is popular with organ type sounds. The rotation speed continuously cycles between the two speed settings at a rate determined by the Acceleration parameter. Dynamic modulation can be used to switch from slow to fast speed. The rotor speed will change ata rate specified by the Acceleration parameter regardless of how rapidly you move the dynamic modulation controller. Rotary Speaker 7A Rotssek >] 70 otasek vive Rot.cek Vibrate Bertha) | Acceteration=o4 7A 178 176 teo_[ Parameter Range Doser on a Vivato Desh (Vibra : oo ots Elec depth Accelraien te | Acerton Tas Time taken o change rom one speed to the ater yo [Sew Sees 8) | 80 Siow tation speed Fast Speed (F) [1-00 Fast rotation speed For effect 34, dynamic modulation (16C) can be used to switch from slow to fast speed, ically varies the volume. 35: Auto Pan ‘This effect pans the signal continuously actoss the stereo image. The speed of panning (Mod Speed) can be set relative to song tempo, or left to produce a natural drift across the stereo image. 36: Tremolo The tremolo effect modulates the signal amplitude to produce regular variations in volume level. oF EQ Effect Parameters Tremolo 17R Auto Pan [17B Auto Pan = 170 uto Pan SIN HodSharet39.|Nod3a M.5P1, 59Hz | E9.L+0008 H+C0ce RS eam ql ay 7A 78 170 i: Parameter Range Description jod Waveorm Sine (SIN) lodulation waveform Mod Wavetor ane CR Modulation wavetor Slant Mods onal Love pee eee 7A ModShape =0 ‘Mod Shape (Mod , edohepe 268 ; -289...499 [7p [Ned Depth woo) [0-28 ‘Modulation dopth ‘Mod Speed (MSP) | 0.08-00 Hz Modulation speed [ie [EO towiean 2912 dB Low EO cut and boost EQ High (H) 2.412 6B High EQ eut and boost For effects 35 and 36, dynamic modulation (16C) can be used to control the DRY:EFF balance. ‘The EQ sections of this effect are active even when the effect is switched OFF. To bypass this effect completely, select 0:No Effect. 133 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide Parametric EQ 37: Parametric EQ ‘This is a 3-band parametric equalizer, with independent gain and frequency controls for each band, The width of the mid-frequency band is variable. et ie L, ‘3-Band EQ 7 ‘3Band EQ Fight nh ii Fora. £0) [\7o fara, Gow] ive paras eo] 70 Para, 0 oterata’ caine | Mrrade Gainex2 | Moaviahnsss vA ve te ar Deseipion soa Learea(towFray [6-70 Tre ragney Tow Gln (Gain}_—[=12..012d8 | tow EO cot ane boos “ye. |i Freaitaarey—[o-00 Wi cao foqueny Mid Gain (Gain) |-t2.-v12g6 | MA EO i an ost 17C_| Mid Width (MicWviaih) | 0-99 ‘Mid band width 0 High Freq (Hi Frq) 0-29 High cutotf frequency Yigh Gain (Gan) —[-¥2. v1208_ | Heh EO eat nto For effect 37, dynamic modulation (16C) can be used to control the Mid Freq parameter. This is useful for creating a wah type effect. 134 Combination Effects: Serial Etfect Parameters Effects 38 and 39 use mono input-stereo output chorus/flangers in series with stereo delays. 38: Chorus—Delay This effect consists of a chorus and delay in series, The input signals are summed, then fed to two chorus units. The modulation signals fed to each chorus are 90 degrees out of phase with each other. Feedback parameters are available for both chorus and delay. 39: Flanger-Delay This effect consists of a flanger and delay in series. The input signals are summed, then fed to two flanger units. The modulation signals fed to each flanger are 90 degrees out of phase with each other. Feedback parameters are available for both flanger and delay. ——------- earns Se Ve = Aaa pe eel ensal e aoa eee =e = — om een 17A Chor-Dlv +] 178 Char-Dly =| 170 Chor-Dly «| Cho.DT1ins F8+19 | Cho.Mod5@ H.sP30|D1s.0T110 F810 17 178 17 Chorus, Flanger _ - —— Leo Parameter Range Description Delay Time (Che 0-50 ms ChorusiFianger delay imme 17a The amount of effected signa that is fed back into the ect. ea) 798.4 999% Minus values invert the feedback signal phase _ ‘Mod Depth (Cho.Mod)| 0-89 ‘Modulation depth Mod Speed (MSP) _ | 1-09 Modulation speed Delay ee top Parameter Range Description Delay Time (WD) | O-450™ms Delay time (Setin2 ms seps) [i 7 170 = “The amount of delay signal that is fed back into the effect ped poorer (ge) coerce ‘Minus values invert tho feedback signal phaso Foreeffects 38 and 39, dynamic modulation (16C) can be used to control the DRY:EFF balance 135 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide Combined Effects: Parallel Effects 40 to 47 are arranged in parallel. This means that two signals can be fed independently to two separate effects, For Example, with effect 40 (Delay/Hall Reverb), the left channel feeds a delay, while the right channel feeds a hall reverb. FXA UMONO: A—>| Delay -—————,—_> s—>|_ Hall > FX o—>| Delay PANS [tT For details about the individual effects used in these combined effects, refer to the descriptions for effects 1 to 34, 136 Mono Delay/Reverb 40: Delay/Hall Reverb This effect consists of two independent effects: delay on the left channel and hail type reverb on the right, 41: Delay/Room Reverb This effect consists of two independent effects: delay on the left channel and room: type reverb on the right. Effect Parameters TA belavid [We bei e] ie alr TineeSons FeSO | Hcbne to Tied 5s Neoned0 | P-D1s055ne WA 78 me 170 Dey (Ceo [Parameter Tange Doserpton 7 Daly Tine (Tine) [O-S0O RS Doay ime 1A “The amount of delay signal that is fed back into the eff Feedback (FB) -99...4 99% Minus values invert the feedback signal phase 73 [en Dan Goomay [o-oo% oh fequey decay tat, Room too | Parameter Tane Reverb Time (Time) Coa) The ti ‘which the reverb effect will last ever Te (ime tne over which he ever eect wi 0.2-4.9 sec (Room) we ‘High frequency decay High Oamp (40mp) | 0-06% Oobrghtrevero 0 = ark rovers wo |noouay pow loncome Thala beoen he ga sur an ay For effects 40 and 41, dynamic modulation (16C)'can be used to control the DRY:EFF balance. 137 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide Mono Delay/Modulated Delay 42: Delay/Chorus This effect consists of two independent effects: delay on the left channel and chorus on the right. 147A DelastL> >] 17B DelasL) 1] 176 Chorusk>_ #].170 CheruscR) TineZSdns _F8+56| H.Dne1G Hodé@ N.SPO, 30H2 | TRI 17a ve 170 7 Description Delay time WA “The amount of delay signal thats fed back into tho effoct. escent a Seid us values Invert the feedback signal phase 178 [High Damp (HOmp) [0-09% High frequency decay Chorus ico Parameter, Range Description 1z¢ [Mod Beptn (Moa) [0-295 ‘Modulation depth Mod Speed (MSP) tee Hz “Modulation speed = Sine (SIN) =] 170 | Mod Wavetorm TeeOED Modulation waveform For effect 42, dynamic modulation (16C) can be used to control the DRY:EFF balance. 138 43: Delay/Flanger This effect consists of two effects: delay on the left channel and flanger on the right. Effect Parameters Mo Feedback — Delay Mod Fianger Fight eee antee a 178 DelawL) 17C Flanger(R) #4] 17D FlangertR> 4 Tine2Sons FB+50|4.Dne10 Nod?a SPQ. tah | FE-75 178 178 170 170 Delay too Parameter Ran Description ‘Delay Time (Time) | 0-600 me Delay time oa) ‘The amount of delay signal thats fed back into the effect. cose ecussaees Minus values invert the feedback signal phase 178 _[ High Damp (#.0mp) | 0-99% High trequoncy decay Fianger Leo Parameter Range Description ze | MosDesih (wo) [0-26% Modulation depth ‘Mod Speed (MSP) | 0.03-80 Hz Modulation speed a ree The amu of feciod gn ats tod bak note ec, For effect 43, dynamic modulation (16C) can be used to control the DRY:EFF balance. 139 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide Mono Delay/Distortion, Overdrive 44: Delay/Distortion This effect consists of two effects: delay on the left channel and distortion on the right. Lott Mi Foothack — Delay ight Distortion > 45: Delay/Overdrive This effect consists of two effects: delay on =a the left channel and overdrive on the right. en in ea {|__ Delay Pat Overdrive > 17a Delssl> 7/178 Dist) epITO DISK Tinezsons Feo 11 Res=75 [H,SeotS0 Levels 7A 178 176 Delay Parameter Range Deseription Daay Time (ime) —_[ 0-600 ms aay ti us “The amount of delay signal that is fed back into the effect. Feodoack(ro) | -20..000% Minus values invert ne fedback signal phase Distortion, Overdrive i) Parameter Range Description ze [me Bina) Ta DisorionvOverdve evel TT [Resonance (Res) [0-89 Gah ofthe resonant wah filer wre [PetSot(H.spoy [1-99 The wah titer requency where fall happens Level (Level) 1-99 Distortion output level 140 Mono Delay/Phaser 46: Delay/Phaser This effect consists of two effects: delay on the left channel and phaser on the right. Effect Parameters Mod Phaser otc — rage fs Tia DelawdL) 5 17@ Delavtl> =] ire Phasenib)_ si] PraverdP> Tine@Sons-FBeS0 | Hebvedd Hoaee He sP0c 05h | Fo-75 7A ve We 7 Day eo_[ Paar haaoe DBescipion ee ee Dany ™ wena | The amt dy slg ati fd Bacio ok Feodace(rs) — |-0..180% | mevelus tov tn eeback shal pose ‘7a | Hioh Danp tabao) | o-06% Tigh Feqncy Sony | racer ‘eo [Parana Deseiion ro. [a Dep od Toten doh Mod Speed (M.SP) Modulation speed “re aroun cl phased signal alls ed bak ho toad 170 | Feedback (FB) ‘Minus values invert the feedback signal phase For effect 46, dynamic modulation (16C) can be used to control the DRY:EFF balance, 141 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide Mono Delay/Rotary 47: Delay/Rotary Speaker This effect consists of two effects: delay on the left channel and rotary speaker on the ™ right. Feedback — Delay Rotary Speakor Fight Ms 17A DelawcL) [178 Rot.SPdL> 170 Rob.SPCR) Tine250ns F+4a|Accelerstion=04 |Sreed S#25 Fe70 A 178 170 Delay i) Parameter Range. Delay Time (Time) [0-600 ms aay ime 17a “Tho amount of delay signal Feodback (F8) 89... 4 99% im maura ot Goat pel i Rotary Speaker ten meter Range Description “Receloralion 178 | fearon 18 “Time taken to change from one speed tothe ther 7 ‘Siow rotation 6 wo | Siw Speed (S) 98 rotation speed =) Fast Speed (F) 198 Fast rotation speed For effect 47, dynamic modulation (16C) can be used to switch the speed change direction, 142 Effect Parameters 143 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide Effect Parameter Table REVERS. Fever Tine Pre Delay | ____ ER Lave i Hall T2358 Gal | o200 Teo) | a9 TT 2 Ensemble Hal = Gal = ts) = (zs) 3 ‘Goncor Hal : (331 o (sor = (Ge) 4 oom Wa=a3__ 113) a (Bl = (es) 5 Large Rom a (zal z Te) = isi) 6 Live Stage = (al a Cal = (at) 7, Wer Pate =a bal * tea) 10 7 2 Dy Pits = (sol a ei 2 ts] 2 Sping Aaa z (es) = (ol = ial EARLY REFLECTION ER Tine Pre Delay 0 Early Fistecion 1 a= 600 (320T T2001) 1 amen a Teo! a {so} 12 zea) < {00} = (so) STEREO DELAY Deiay Time Delay Tene Feedback is Stereo Delay =s00___(168]_[ —o~500a7oT | = aem-toe a] 14 Gross Delay a iso} (380) = {a0} ‘DUAL MONO DELAY Delay Tins Feodbackt, Tight Damp 7S-[ Dual Mono Deiay [CO AO co MULTI TAP DELAY Delay Tne Delay Tine @ 76 Muli Tap Dalay 1 T5005] 3-500 (5607 17 2 * (200) * oo] 18 7s = (esa) = soo] SHORE Deiay Tine Mod Speed Mod Depth 7s Stereo Choe 7 T=200 BT | Goa~s0 oe | 0988) 20 _ 8 a tal (oa) a (eal ‘GHORUS, Delay Tne Daly Tine F Mod Speed zi Quadraura Crone 250A [ons a | eis TS) 2 Cross Over Choris ° at al [ > is) HARMONIC” CHORUS ‘Belay Tne 1 olay Tie A [Harmen Chous 500 Tal] 0500 ad SYMPHONIC ENSEMBLE ‘Mod Depth 24 [_symphone_Enseme, aC FLANGER, Delay Tine od Bepth od Speed, cz Fangert 200 ST] ons ToT 1=85_ 0 (Pes 2 a Be a ‘ool |e = (a2) 27 ‘Goss Over Flangor 1 = (co_|_ o> teal EXCITER, Blend Enphalls Point 2 [Ector =a5=490 (60) i=10__ (67) ENHANCER Hiarmenie Density Hat Spat Storwo Width 23_[___— Enhanose SC DISTORTION Dike Hot Spat Resonance w Disionon A a Over Dive a (esl |e = (70) a teal = PHASER Tana ‘od Speed [Mod apth z Stereo Phaser 7 O=39 Tes] | 9009-30 to |= 99 Te) 2 ~ 2 * (a6) [|e ~ —loze) = (eo) ROTARY SPEAKER Viraie Bepin Recsieraon ST Aolay Speaker O15: TH iis TREMOLO. Mod Waveform ~| Mod Wave” Shape. Mod 35603) = Auto Pan SW. TRL (TAY | —s9~400 (roe) | os~30 foi] 38 Tremolo. - Trai) = (=a) * Bal PARAMETRIC EG ow Frog, Low Gain id Fg 3t_[_— Parametric EO. m2 TS) | tee ee] | e~99_ST ‘COMBINATION SERIAL ig/ Cho Delay | Fig /Gho F'Back Mod Sp20d) ws ‘Chorus-Dotay (COSI ED Flange Delay > ur = (80) * {oa ‘COMBINATION PARALLEL Delay Timo Feedback “High Damp ro Delay Hal 500] | sem 99 ToT | om 98 ial a1 Delay [Room z (eo) a (0! a Tl Delay Time Fooaback High Damp eBay Chen D300 GT | em 408 FT| ome TT Detay Time Feeback High Danip @_[Baay Tanger F500 (OO | —so~ 400 Cree | oss Te Delay Time FeeaDadk a Detay Distortion [TZ ra Delay (Over Orv a (380) = (+50) Daley Tire Feedback High Damp [balay Phaser $500 [ooo] | = wo~F00_(Eis] | —o~98 Tea) Delay Tine Feedback a7_[_“ bay Ray Spear o=500 __(oa0] | —we~t90 CEST 144 Effect Parameter Table CE Etnitial Value @: Dynamic Mod Dest Tigh Damp EO High Dey FX Balance o~99 Tail ite T=i1[ ep ny~Fx__fen20) a (oz) = Est = [80201 - (ar) al (e020) : (Ge) ommeret ta = trez2} = (az) =) |e tra] a (sé) = =a) [@ + 17525] * (st) : a = (a7) 7a |e > _te0201 = (a) = Ia =~ trezal EO High Day FR Balance Ser a YF (68ST Z F To} =~ (e535) + fo) [0 > Tre] Tigh Dap EO High ‘yy: FX Balance 99 Tod SiH" To] [eo ny~Fx_ [60207 = (ia) = (ol [e > —tao20) oy: PX Balance t | —Datay Time A Tigh Bang A __—| “Dy Tx Balance A__| ‘ORY=FX_{s050] | 0~s00 [a0] | —o0~400 To] o~o0 (70) | @ORY~Fx (358) Feedback £0 Low ko igh Dry FX Balance wm 99 (50) See ee TT RY=FX (6020) = Tol z (ol = (o_[-@_ + (roso} = T#201 = {a} = (o_|_@ > (7525) Wed Wavefom, eltew | eo igh ‘Dy! FX Balance. SIT (TAI Satie Cra] | = ie~ 12 aT | @pav~FK_ (50507 = {SiN} eC 7 ta) = (6040) Mod Depth ew EO High ‘Oy FX Balance: 99 oT See | ee TT | onyx (5050) = (po) z (0) 2 [o) 15050: od Speed Mod Dapth Fiter Spit Boat Bay: FX Balance. O18 Gl a9 98 ois ST DAY=FX__(2575)_] £0 Low £0 Hah Dey FX Galance. =e) | aie tie | eave for] Fasonance, £0 tow EQ High Dry PX Balance: se~t99 (OO) [iat To) | ete To | a= ex (00) = 1+36) : (or = (or = (6030) = C60) ¢ [OF = fo} = ~{s050] c iow 0 High ‘Diy FX Balance Siete Cea) | aaa pe FS | @pay ex. (so) Dalay Tine £0 tow £0 High, ‘Dry : FX Balance 1-99] Sete) | aie pe Te] env (sce) £0 tow £0 High ‘Out Love Dry : FX Balance: Tate oy ete To) S29 18) DAY~FX (5050) = (or > (ol = (a) = (5050) Feedback Wed Waveform Diy FX Balance. SS~ +99) SIN TAL (TAT DAY~FK [500] a (20) = __ ISN] = (5030) Siow Speed Fast Speed Day FX Balance: i095] ixo9 165) | orv—rx — [ousel | ed Bagh EO tow £0 High Dy Fx Balance} d= Saha] ete Te | eony rx teat) a (99) z to) = {ol =~ (5050) Mid Gain Tid With igh Frog High Gain ‘Dry FX Balance Sete TP b~0s BT Daz Te ete | ORY =F T0501 Mod Desh Datay Tine Feedback ‘Dry: FX Balance 8 | onas0_ [1a] | a F00 FTE) @DRY=FK_ [60a] Fi (2) 300] = (#90) e+ —ts0s01 TA Balance Faver® Time Pre Delay i ‘Dey? FX Balance. eony—Fx (rx | o2~98 (307 160 Tes] | 0~ 99 Ga] | ery ~ex (70307 vex | 0299 faa) = Tor = (ee) = (6535) Day FX Balance Med Speed Mod Dap Mod. Waveforn ‘Diy? FX Balance: eoRy=Fx_(7030)_|003~30 [0.39] o~98_ [65] | Sin, TAI_(TA) | @DnY—FXTe00) Dry : FX Balonce Med Speed Mod Dapih Feedback Diy : FX Balance eony=Fx (70.90) | —003~30 [023] o~99 (68) | = 96~+09 (78) | —@DRY =X [5050] Dry: FX Balance rive Hot Spat Resonance Out Leva OnVNFK. (raat) | a1 Laos). Toa] [ 99 Toe [09 ToT 7 17525) *___{6s} * (eo) 2 (63) a (20) EEX Balance Med Speed Mod Depth Feedback Day: FX Balance. SonY=FX (6090) | 003~30 [0.68] o~99 150) | =oo~+99_ [FSS | “@DnY~ FX (257) Dry FX Balonce ‘Acceleration ‘Slow Speed Fast Speed Diy FX Balance DAY=Fx [rose] | i=15 (10) y=98 D086] tooo] « «: Dynamic Modulation allows you to switch between “Slow speed” and “Fast speed”. 145, Chapter 6: Parameter Guide Global Parameters + Settings made in this mode are memorized even when the power is turned off. It is not necessary to write these settings into memory. Functions In Global Mode To select a page, use the [PAGE+] or [PAGE~] button, or enter the page number directly from the numeric keypad while holding down the [EDIT] button. To select a parameter, use the [4], [>] cursor buttons. To set a parameter value, use the [4/YES} and [W/NO] buttons, or the VALUE slider, or enter the value directly from the numeric keypad while holding down the [ENTER] button. For some parameters, you can enter the number only from the number keypad to set the value. For the Drum kit 6B and 7B Key parameters, press a desirable key on the keyboard while pressing the [ENTER] button to select the index assigned to the corresponding key. “Transpose Parameters Description OA | Master Tune ‘Overall plich adjustment 8 ‘Overall transposition ‘06 _ | Position Position where transpose and velocity curve become effective ‘0D | Velocity Curve, After Touch Curve | Velocity curve and Aftr Touch curve settings OE | Computer Select ‘Sots PC UF clock. TA-1G_| Scale Typartser Scale ‘Sots the scale type and the usor scale 18, 11_[ Sub Seale Sots the sub scal 2A | Global MIDI Chane! Specifies MIDI Global Channel, and filers note data 28 | Local Gontrot Local OnvOF setting 20 __ | External Out Select ‘Selects MIDI OUT or TO HOST for data ansmission. [20,26 | MIDI Finer “Transmission/recoption switches for MIDI messages 3A, 38 | Prog Protect, Combi. Protect ‘Memory protect (Program, Combination) 30 [Page Memory ‘Sets the page memory function 4A [MIDI Data Dump “Transmits various parameters as MIDI exclusive messages 5A__| Preset Data Load [Loads preset data ‘GA-60_| Drum Kit ‘Assign drum sounds TA7D_ [Baum Kite ‘Assign drum sounds 8A__| Copy Dram Kit ‘Copy Drum Kit data ‘8A | Assignable Pedal Setup Sots assignable pedal function. ‘9B | Assignable Switch Setup ‘Sots assignable switch function 96 | Polarity ‘Sets polarity of assignable pedal switch 10A [MG Wheel Select ‘Sets modulation wheel function| 408 _ | Bend Wheel Calibration Set ‘Adjusts effect range of pitch bend whee! 106 _ [MG Wheel Calibration Set ‘Adjusts effect range of modulation wheel 146 Global Parameters Saving Global Setup Data All global settings are stored when the X5 is powered off. You do not need to use the Write function to save them. OA - OE Master Tune/Transpose/Position/Velocity Curve/After Touch Curve/Computer Select 0A. OB oc Here, you can tune the XS, and set the responses and baud rate for communication with a computer. te HaSTERTINE 1 Joce_TRRVEPOSE v]eoe FOstTION Joao cuRUE ui ]eoE POLE ALK Tena! 40-06% | “Transeo Arverted “|ustes artes" | stvzters 0A @ 5 © 5 160 [Parameter | Range Description | OA [Waser Tare (na) SO 50 Teed Tae Ha KE Heat pe 0B | Yansposo fans) —]-12. +12 sed vanepose he Xin sritone Hips 760 Gata bolo oo poner atlocedbytanapoc and 2c | Poston voto suv tort Keel ean afctdby ranspoae and volt cuve Velocity curve (Vel) | 1-8 Velocity response curve 0D | After Touch curve 7 Ai - ‘ter Touch espeneecuve 6 | computer sewa | 32255585 | ava ato satng or communication wit comput Master Tune: This function allows you to tune the X5. The selected tuning is indicated in steps and Hz. 0 cents is equal to 440Hz (A4). The X5 can also be tuned from external MIDI devices that can output MIDI RPN Fine Tune messages (the XS cannot output these messages). In Multi mode, these messages are received on the MIDI Channels specified for each track and control the Detune parameters. In all other modes, they are received on the Global MIDI Channel and control the Master Tune function. Refer to page 163 for MIDI RPN Fine Tune messages. Transpose: This function allows you to transpose the X5. This is useful when you want to play a song in a different key. The transpose function can be placed after the keyboard or before the X5 tone generator. (see below OC Position.) Position: Determines whether or not the settings of OB Transpose and 0D Velocity Curve in Global mode will affect the data transmitted to MIDI OUT or TO HOST, and the data received at MIDI IN or TO HOST. After KBD: with this setting, transposition takes place after the keyboard, so only the note numbers are changed. This setting affects the keyboard data recorded by a computer, the keyboard data played by the tone generator, and the keyboard data output via MIDI OUT. MIDI IN data and playback data from a computer is not affected. Use this setting when using the X5 as a MIDI master keyboard, 147 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide oD 148 ‘The X5 outputs note numbers 36-96 when transpose is set to 0, 24-84 when transpose is set to -12, and 48-108 when transpose is set to +12. Transpose Velocity curve 3 peonsou sa 6s Tone ™|_ generator Before TG: with this setting, transposition takes place before the tone generator, so the notes you play will be affected. This setting affects the keyboard data played by the tone generator and the data received at MIDI IN/TO HOST. Keyboard data and MIDI OUT/TO HOST data is not affected. Use this setting when using the X5 as a MIDI tone generator, Tranepose {Tone Velocty curve generator 6 extemal Ou Selet Velocity Curve: This parameter allows you to WX A a adjust the velocity response. A low setting. wen requires strong playing to achieve the maximum. value insensitive). Ahigh setting will achieve the | maximum value with soft playing (sensitive). Select one of the eight curves to suit your playing style. You can select whether this function affects data after the keyboard or before the tone generator (OC Position - see page 147.) The X5 transmits both note-on and note-off messages. ‘When the Position parameter is set to AfterK BD, both messages are affected. Curves 7 and 8 are suitable when you do not need velocity, or when you wish to make the intensity of the sound even, since changes are not obvious when playing moderately, However, Curves 7 and 8 are difficult to control, because even soft playing will generate significant changes. Vel. Curve . Strong playing produces an obvious effect. v . Standard curve Moderate playing produces an obvious effect. - Small changes and a constant effect with moderate playing 1 2 3, 4. sR 6. 1, 8, . Similar to Curve 7, but slightly flatter. OE Global Parameters After Touch Curve: This parameter allows you to Max adjust the response of After Touch applied by the (a7) X5 modulation wheel or sent from a sequencer. Select one of the eight curves. tor This function affects data generated by the tone Touch generator and data received at MIDI OUT/TO HOST. It does not affect output data, MIN (0) (Weak) (Pressure) (Strong) ‘0 MIDIARar Touch 127 Curves 6 and 7 change in steps of 24 and 12, respectively. Curve 7 changes in steps of 12, and allows the pitch to change in semitones when pitch shift width for After Touch is set to one octave. Curve 8 is random. You can use this when you wish to achieve a special effect or give an irregular pitch shift through After Touch. After Touch Curve 1. Strong playing produces an obvious effect. 2 2 3, Standard curve 44 5, Moderate playing produces an obvious effect. 6. A little bit coarse (24 steps) ‘1. More coarse (12 steps) 8. Random Computer Select: This parameter allows you to set the baud rate for communication with a personal computer connected to the TO HOST connector on the rear panel. + IBM PC compatible computers 38.4 KBPS * Apple Macintosh series computers 31,25 KBPS 149 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide 1A - 11 Keyboard Scale This function allows you to select scales. You can also create your own scale, 150 User Scale Kevec BIA SCALE TYPE > [O1B SCALE KEY Wi] OIC User Scale # [GID User Scale N]OIE User Seale W c+00 cH+0a +80 [D¥+eO E¥0a F400 [Fa+OO GrOD Head 1A 18 1c 1D 1E GIF User Scale ¥]O1G Cory SCALE IH SUB SCALE [ell SUB KEV 4 Equal Temperament As09 AHO B09 |Slendro OK? |Esual Ten ke 1F 16 1H 1 Range ‘Most commonly used equal temperament soale, Songs can easily be transposed into diferent keys Equal Temperament {Like equal temperament, bu with slight random pitch variations betwoen subsequent key presses. This is useful for simulating the unstable pitch of an acoustic instrument. Intervals such as third and fifth are perfectly in tune. Other Pure Major itera wi responding} be otf in, 6 youn spect a key. See LCD screen 18. Pare Minor ke the pute major ole, But minor Seale Key pee RAST GO /BAYATI RE RAST Fa/BAVATISOL F (quarter ono scales Sfertcad'narase [BASTSOL/BAVATILA 3 10 | Seale yp0 " msi) RAST RE/BAYAT Mi ° RAST SIb/ BAYATI DO Aeh Pyiiagorean [Anon Grok ning, well when laying moles ual tomporamon sv ha was vod in hear pa oho Wermater | Eel omperr Kimnborger Developed in the 18th Gentry used mainly for harpsichord. | Tadonsin gamelan tuning wi ots per otave, When oy Stono iseottoG, nls, D. FG, Aare wood. Oor notes ara sata cual temperament es Like the steno seal, bi i ole por octavo, When kay eo set to C, notes C, 0, E, FG, A. B are used. ra “This alowe yout create your own tuning, and et up wang eee LCD screens 1C to 1F. 78_[ Seno Key os Speatos he onc (ay nae fo sale | é 1c ce D oF © e User scale |" -29...490 Used to tune the individual notes for the user scale in 1 cent Fe stops 1 & oe a a 8 10 | =r Se Same as YA(excot | Copy a preset scale tothe sor scale (key not copied) [OK to Copy OK? Executes scale copy 1H _| Sub Scale Type. ‘Same as 1A ‘See 1A descriptions 1 [ So Seni Koy ey [o-B Specias to tone (ay naa oT he wb sale Global Parameters 1A Scale Type: as well as the usual equal temperament scale, 11 other scales including a user definable scale are available. 1B,11 Scale Key: In this case, specify a Scale key (C-B) except Equal Temperament. When Arabic is used and the Scale Key is “C,” the notes E and B are lowered by 52 cents (RAST DO/BAYATI RE). Changing the Scale Key allows you to select other scales. The following table shows the scales and keys frequently used in Arabic music. Seal RAST DOVBAYATIRE RAST FA/BAYATI SOL RAST SOUBAYATI LA RAST REIBAYATI MI [RAST Sib /BAYATI DO Note: The 1B Key and II Sub Scale Key parameters are affecied by the OB Transpose function, when the transpose position is set wo AfterKBD. They are not affected when it is set to BeforeTG. 1C-1F User Scale: this scale allows you to define your own personal tuning scale. The tuning of each Keyboard note can be adjusted +99 cents on LCD screens 1C to IF. To edit one of the preset scales, first copy it (1G), then edit it as a user scale. ‘The User Scale settings are used by both the main and the sub. 1G Copy Scale: This is used to create your own scale based on one of the preset scales. The scale selected here is copied to the user scale to enable you to edit it using pages 1C—1F. 1H Sub Scale: itis possible to switch between two scales, main and sub, using a pedal switch. 1) Connect an optional Korg PS-1 or PS-2 pedal switch to the ASSIGNABLE SWITCH connector. 2) InGlobal mode, assign the pedal to Scale Switching. See “9A-9C Assignable Pedal/Switch & Polarity Setup” on page 161. ‘When the pedal is pressed, the Sub Scale is selected and MIDI message (Bn, 04, 7F] is output. ‘When the main scale is selected, the message [Bn, 04, 00] is output. If MIDI message (Bn, 04, 00-3F] (Controller #04 is set to 0-63) is received, the main scale is selected. If the MIDI message (Bn, 04, 40-7F] (controller #04 is set to 64-127) is received, the sub scale is selected. In Combination mode, scales can be selected by any Timbre. In Multi mode, by any Track. So, for example, you could have one Timbre playing the melody with Arabic scale, ‘and another Timbre playing the backing with an Equal Temperament scale, + User scale settings are shared by the main scale and sub scale. 151 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide 2A — 2E Global MIDI Channel, Note Receive Filter, Local Control, External Out Select & MIDI Filter 2A, 152 These parameters allow you to set the Global MIDI Channel, note numbers, local on/off, MIDI data transmission destination, and MIDI filter. ‘2A NIDI_ GLOBAL? MIDI GLOBALN] O20 EXT OUT SEL] o2D MIDI FILTER] OzE IDI FILTER Geet wove Rea | LocaL:on vib [erevena arrienm[oTeLsehA ‘even aA 28 20 2 = [Teo [___ Parameter Range Description 7 Gea rear Vg Sate he Global MDI Channel a BEN Tesjonds te at nts ony. Noe Race Fier | Sop Fesponds to oad notes on. a Responds ol notes OFF XS tayboard and whoa sania liane goer Of ee | eee ON, XS keyboard and wheel controls of tone generator On wi 1X koybcard and whoo! contol datas outpt via WOTOUT 2C | Extemal Out Select | acig XS keyboard and wheel control data is output via TO HOST is Progian Charge epeaondeabid ENA Progam charge massages see! Combnatons and : Progen prognm cnr | pag Progra Obange metsaes select ony Prgms ot . Cobras) Num Hol Bak Select message are rt set or recived: oly Program Ghange mereaes se acelvd ar sot Trou Fir [BS Aer Touch sendrecove deabled (AFT) ENA Alter Touch send/receive enabled ‘MD Gone Fr | 0 TDI Conta erlocove dated 2 (CTRL) ENA MIDI Controllers send/receive ‘System Exclusive ‘O1S ‘System Exclusive operation disabled Phereo ea ee Global MIDI Channel: the Global MIDI Channel is used as follows: to receive MIDI data in Program mode, to select Combinations in Combination mode (when MIDI Filter PRG is set to ENA or NUM), to control effects, and to send System exclusive messages. All MIDI data on the XS is transmitted on the Global MIDI Channel. ‘MIDI data for individual Timbres in a Combination and tracks in a song is received on the MIDI Channels specified in Combination Edit mode (Timbres) and Multi mode (tracks), respectively. In Combination mode, when a Program Change message is received on the Global MIDI Channel, a Combination is selected. So, to play a Combination from an external MIDI device, set the Global MIDI Channel and the Timbre MIDI Channels differently. When you play a Combination using the X5 keyboard, set them the same, MIDI data on the Global MIDI channel is used to control the effects (ON/OFF and Dynamic Modulation). Note Receive Filter: normally, this should be set to ALL. However, if you want to increase the number of available notes by using another XS or tone generator simultaneously, feed data to both tone generators, and set one to ODD only odd-number notes will sound and the other to EVEN (only even-number notes will sound). MDI OUT wD XS, O5FIW ate. ‘000 (Phy) EVEN Global Parameters 2B 2c 2D Local Control: when set to OFF, the XS keyboard and wheels do not control the XS tone generator. However, MIDI data generated by the keyboard and wheels is still sent via MIDI or TO HOST. Normally, this parameter should be set to ON. However, to prevent a MIDI data loop when using the X5 with, for example, an external sequencer, set this to OFF. In this case, MIDI data from the XS keyboard is sent to the sequencer via the MIDI OUT, and if the sequencer’s MIDI thru or echo function is turned on, returned back to the XS via MIDI IN. © gene External Out Select: This parameter determines if the X5 keyboard and wheel control data is, transmitted from MIDI OUT or TO HOST connector. Select “MIDI” to play an external MIDI device with its MIDI IN connected to the MIDI OUT connector on the XS. Select “PCIF” to output data to a computer connected to the TO HOST connector on the XS. The XS receives data input at MIDI IN or TO HOST regardless of this parameter setting. Program Change Filter: ‘When DIS is selected, MIDI Program Change messages are neither sent nor received. ‘When ENA is selected, MIDI Program Change messages received on the Global MIDI Channel select Programs in Program mode, and Combinations in Combination mode. MIDI Bank Select messages select banks in the selected mode. In Combination mode, MIDI Program Change messages received on other channels select Programs for corresponding Timbres. If the Global MIDI Channel and a Timbre’s MIDI Channel are set the same, the Global MIDI Channel has priority. So a Combination is selected, and the Timbre’s Program remains the same. In Multi mode, MIDI Program Change messages select Programs on tracks set to the corresponding MIDI Channel. If you select a new Program or Combination on the XS, it will transmit the Program Change and Bank Select messages. When PRG is selected, MIDI Program Change messages received on the Global MIDI Channel select Programs in Program mode, but in Combination mode they select Timbre Programs. MIDI Bank Select messages select banks in the selected mode. When NUM is selected, operation is basically the same as for ENA except that MIDI Bank Select messages are ignored. (With ENA or PRG setting, the Bank Select messages will be received/transmitted.) ‘The following table shows the Program Change and Bank Select receive conditions. ede is [ EWA [ PRO [NOW Praga Pay Fraga No xpolela| Gombnaton Pay Combnaton No epepx fa] Gombinaton Pay Tinbre Progam No xe fe fa a) Track Poor Ne x pete fa X. —Not received ‘A. —Program Change received only (0 — Program Ghange and Bank Select received After Touch Filter: When this is set to DIS, After Touch messages are neither sent nor received. ‘The X5 uses Channel After Touch only, not Polyphonic After Touch. This setting does not affect the function of the XS controller onto the X5 tone generator. 153 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide 2E MIDI Controller filter: When the MIDI Controller filter is set to DIS, MIDI Controller messages such as Pitch Bend, Pitch modulation, and Volume are neither sent nor received by the XS. This setting does not affect the function of the XS controller onto the XS tone generator. MIDI System Exclusive Filter: When the MIDI System Exclusive Filter is set to DIS, System Exclusive data for parameter editing is neither sent nor received by the X5. Normally, this should be set to DIS, however, when using an XS editing program on a personal computer, set it to ENA. By connecting the MIDI OUT of one XS to the MIDI IN of another XS, and setting both System Exclusive filters to ENA, both XSs can be edited simultaneously. If 4A MIDI DUMP (see page 155) is selected and shown on the screen, the X5 sends and receives MIDI Dump data through MIDI System Exclusive messages even with this parameter set to “DIS.” 3A - 3C Program/Combination Memory Protect & Page Memory 3A, 3B 3c 154 ‘The Memory Protect functions allow you to protect Programs and Combinations, and the Page Memory function remembers the current LCD screen when you exit a mode. 3a PROTECT > [ue PROTECT _v/Os0 PAGE HENORY« CONBINATIONSOFF OFF aA 38 26 tco [Parameter Range Description aA | Proaram Protect [OFF Program memory rot protected (PROGRAM) oN Program memory is protected. ge | Combination Protect [OFF ‘Combination memory is not protected 1 (COMBINATION) | ON Combination memory i protected OFF age Memory function of 3 | Page Memory ‘ON age Memory function on Program Memory Protect: When this parameter is set to on, you cannot write Programs to Bank A. Set this OFF before you write the edited data, before you load the preset data, or before the XS receives MIDI Dump data, ‘ation Memory Protect: When this parameter is set to on, you cannot write Combinations on the XS. Set this OFF before you write the edited data, before you load the preset data, or before the X5 receives MIDI Dump data, Page Memory: The Page Memory function remembers the current LCD screen when you exit a mode. The next time you enter that particular mode, the same LCD screen is selected automatically. In Multi mode, however, this function will not take you to the following parameter pages: Damper Pedal Filter, After Touch Filter, Control Change Filter, Key Window Bottom, and Velocity ‘Window Bottom. Instead, a parameter page preceding these pages will be selected. Global Parameters 4A MIDI Data Dump This page allows you to transmit XS data via Exclusive data to an external MIDI device, such as a MIDI data filer, computer, Korg 0SR/W, XSDR, or another X3. When screen 4A is selected, MIDI Dump data can be sent and received even when the MIDI System Exclusive filter on 2E MIDI Filter is set to DIS. 4A HIDT DUN PROS MIDI OK? aA ico Parameter PROG const oe MutT Dump Mul setup data a GLOBAL ‘Sump Global setup data(OA-t) nN Dxit Dump 2 drum kits ALL Dump all tho above data Exiemal Ou ump | MIDI Exclusive daa is tranemited rom MIDI OUT. Select Por Exelusive data is transmitted from TO HOST. (OK to Data Dump | OK? Executes Data ump | Saving Data with MIDI Data Dump 1) To save XS data using MIDI Data Dump, you must connect a MIDI device capable of receiving MIDI Data Dump to the X5 MIDI OUT, of connect a computer's serial port to the X5's TO HOST. If you are saving the data toa MIDI data filer, you do not need to set the MIDI Channels. However, if you are transferring the data to an X5, XSDR, or OSR/W, the Global MIDI Channel on both devices should be set the same. 2) Specify the XS data that you want to save. 3) "External Out Dump Select” on this page determines whether data is transmitted through MIDI OUT or through TO HOST. Set this to MIDI for transmission through MIDI OUT, and set it to PCIF through TO HOST. In this case, the setting of 2C External Out Select does not affect data transmission. 4) Position the cursor on OK2, then press the [A/YES] bution to dump ‘When transmission is completed, “Completed” appears on the screen, Press the [A/YES] or [¥/NO) button to return to the previous screen. Note: While dumping, do not press any buttons. The following table lists the data size and dump time for each Data Dump. [Type of Data Dump Approx. Data Size | Approx. Dump Time (Seconds) mo TB TKGye 3 {(eonbinaon TSEKBy0 50) [eee ‘setup ‘S9Byte oF Dru kt 0K ye 03 San O.3KBVe Zeea0 (Avaata 35.5KBV.e 4 If Multi or All data is selected for data dump, each data dump operation transmits dump data, followed by “Multi Setup Data (exp),” and two types of data is sent to the data filer. ‘You need to send these two types of data to set the parameters in Multi mode. ‘If Multi or ALL data is selected for data dump, only the effect settings in Multi mode data are sent. For MULTI SETUP DATA (exp), Multi mode track setup data (excluding the effect data) is sent. 155 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide When you switch from Program Play mode to Program Edit mode while 2E MIDI System Exclusive is set to ENA, the parameters of the Program selected in Program Play mode are transmitted. If you select a Combination in Combination Play mode, the parameters of that Combination are transmitted. Loading Data with MIDI Data Dump 1) Toload the MIDI data back into the X5, connect the external MIDI device to the X5 MIDI IN or a computer's serial port to the X5's TO HOST, and make sure that the external devices MIDI Channel matches the X5 Global MIDI Channel. 2) If you are loading Program or Combination data, make sure that the respective memory protect function is set to off. See “3A ~ 3C Program/Combination Memory Protect & Page Memory” on page 154, 3) To transfer data from the external MIDI device, make sure that the channel on the transmit device is set to the Global MIDI Channel (If you send data saved in the data filer, set the Global MIDI Channel to the Global MIDI Channel on the transmit device that was selected when you saved the data.), See “MIDI Data Format” on page 169 for the data dump format. Dump data is compatible between the XSDR, X5, and OSR/W although the following parameters are incompatible: Global mode parameters for the X5 keyboard (Position, Local Control), Damper Pedal Polarity, Pedal Assign are not applicable on the XSDR or OSR/W. All the parameters in Multi mode except for the effect settings are incompatible with the OSR/W. When you send any of Programs that use Multisounds 340-429, and Drum Kits that use drum sounds 164-214 from the XSDR to the X5 or 0SR/W, they are not assigned to Programs, or Drum Kits on the X5 or OSR/W. Therefore, no sound is produced. The same thing applies to the XSD. Note: Do not touch any switches on the X5 during the data dump operation. If you wish to transmit multiple MIDI dump data files to the X5, send them one at a time. Do not try to send them all at once. 5A Preset Data Load 156 This function loads all factory preset data (Combinations, Programs, Drum kits, Multi setup data, Global data) into the internal memory. 5 PRESET DATA 8 |Loao ok? 5A Leo | Parameter Range Description Toads preset data (Program, Combination, Drum Ki, Mus sa | Preset Data Load setup data, Global data). Okto Load OK? Exocutes the load operation. The following data is loaded. * 100 Programs: Programs listed on the Preset Program Name list (Bank A) ‘+ 100 Combinations: Combinations listed on the Preset Combination Name list ‘+ 2.Drum kits: Drum kits listed on the Preset Drum Kit 1&2 list ‘+ Multi setup: Default settings obtained when the power is tured on * Global data: Master tuned Global MIDI Channel... 1 Transpose.. see eseeseeee O Note Receive SAL Position So) AfierKBD Local Control. on Velocity Curve. ...01.2 3 External Out Select... 2... MIDL ‘After Touch Curve. 2.22 3 MIDI Filter.. IU PRG:NUM, Ex:DIS, Seale Type «+... Equal Temp others:ENA Scale ay enone c) ‘Assignable Pedal Assign. ... OFF User Scale . 1 Band B are-52, others Assignable Switch Assign ., Damper axe al 0 Assignable Switch Poli. Sub Scale Type. ses User Seale Modulation Wheel ......., JoyUp (Controller#1) Sub Seale Key ne Global Parameters * Global Chane! and MIDI Filter are also initialized. PC IF CLK and Page Memory settings are not initialized. Note: Data cannot be loaded when the memory protect is set to ON. Use pages 3A and 3B to cancel the memory protect. 058 PRESET oATA XBD faut PRE-b OK? EN [Teo Faremetr tang] Description aL ‘Select a preset data source to load. | Preset DatLoad | Combination owe) | LeRd l ca of Peta orb, Mult dia, and Global data, Source Program (PRG) | Aes one Program Prose ar cone Loads one Drum Kitof Preset aorb, on (When ALL i selected) ocean eee Loads either Preset a or b, Multi Setup data, and Global data. (When CMB or PRG fs eslectoc) eee ems Selects Preset a orb as a source. Souree No. cose (When CMB or PAG fs selecied) sa | PROCME Solects a source Program/Combination number. Destination NO. |g ag (When GMB or PRG is selected) PRGICMB Selects a destination Program/Combination number. (When KITie selected) eae ab Selects Preset a or b as @ source, (When KITie selected) aad Kt he ‘Selects a source Drum Kit number. (When KIT is selected:) Destination No, KIT | K1, K2 ‘Selects a destination Drum Kit number. OK io Load ‘OK? Exocutos the Preset Dala Load operation The following data can be loaded: Preset a: Preset b (Same as the sound data of X5 and OSR/W): 100 Programs of Preset a 100 Programs of Preset b 100 Combinations of Preset a 100 Combinations of Preset b Drum Kits 1, 2 of Preset a Drum Kits 1, 2 of Preset b Multi Setup data: Default settings when the power is turned on (see page 114) Source ALL: This allows all the data in PRE-a or PRE-b, Multi Setup data, and Global data to be loaded. Source CMB : This allows one of 100 Combinations of Preset a or bto be loaded into a specified Combination number in the internal memory. Source PRG : This allows one of 100 Programs of Preset a or b to be loaded into a specified Program number in the internal memory. Source KIT; This allows one of Drum Kits 1 and 2 of Preset a or b to be loaded to Drum Kit 1 or 2 in the internal memory. ‘+ When you load data using Source CMB, Source PRG, or Source KIT, the XSDR may produce Program sound that is different from the sound of Programs loaded using Source ALL. + This happens when the same Preset a orb data is not used for the Combination and its Timbre’s Programs (and the Drum Kit if a Drum Program is being used), or when the load destination Program number does not match the Timbre’s number used by the Timbre. 157 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide 6A-6D Drum Kit1 Setup These parameters allow you to set up Drum kit]. Before editing a drum kit, you must select a Program in Program Play mode that is using that drum kit (that is, a Program whose oscillator mode is set to DRUMS). Drum Kits are affected by the VDE, VDA, and effect settings like Multisounds in a Program. They use the parameter settings of the Program selected in Program Play mode. After editing a drum kit, select a Drum Kit in Program Edit mode Page 1A, and write the edit to the number of the Program to be used on page 16A. Internal RAM has two Drum kits, You cannot edit the Drum kits in the ROM. To edit them, first copy them into RAM. (see “8A Drum Kit Copy” on page 160) GEA DRUM #01) [OSB KEV/TUNEZL » [B60 DECAVAASGN bad T+019 L+e5 | DeweOd AssntEX 6A 8 6c 60 Lep| Parameter Range Description [index 0-59 ‘Select an index © rum Sound Goo 106 Gxay | Select rum sound for an index Key Co-a8 ‘Selecta Key (ote) for an index 68 [Tune 120.9180 “Tune an index (1 = 10 cents) Level) 08,98 Sel the index volume level Co) =99..998 [ Set the index decay ‘Group Assign (Asga) | ~, EX1...EX6, SLF _| Assign an index to an exclusive group Pan (Pan) (OFF ATS-CNT-B15 | Output pan to buses Aand 8 60 | Senae() =) ‘Output level to bus C __ Send D (0) o8 ‘Output evel to bus © 6A Index: XS drum kits consist of indexes. Think of an index as an empty drum case, into which you put a drum sound, select a keyboard note, set a volume level, and pan. Parameters 6A to 6D affect the selected index. ‘As well as using the VALUE slider and the [/YES] and [¥/NO] buttons to select indexes, you can also use the X5 keyboard. Position the cursor on the index parameter, press and hold down the [ENTER] button, then press a key. The index assigned to that key is selected. Indexes that have not been assigned a drum sound display the message “No Assign” when selected. Drum kit AT ~ [index 0 Drum sound ‘Drum kit A2 [| Index 4 Key L Decay rae) ae =s Drum Sound: this parameter allows you to select a drum sound for the currently selected index. Asetting of sounds, 158 means that no drum sound is selected. See “Voice Name List” for available drum Global Parameters 6B 6c 6D Key; this parameter allows you to select the note that will trigger the index. It is not possible to select the same key for two indexes. So, if you want to select a key that is being used by another index, set the other index to a different key first. ‘As well as using the VALUE slider and the (A/YES] and [W/NO] buttons to select keys, you can also use a MIDI keyboard. Select the Key parameter, press and hold down the [ENTER] button, then press a key. If a key is selected for an index, but no drum sound is assigned to that index, the drum sound assigned to the next key up plays when that key is pressed. The pitch of the drum sound is lowered one semitone, This can be corrected using the Tune parameter. Snare Tom ‘Those keys wil play the Tom sound at lower pichos Tune: this parameter allows you to tune individual indexes +120 (10 = 1 semitone, 120 = octave). For example, you may use the same snare drum sound for two indexes, but tune them differently. Use this parameter to make hi, mid, and low tom-toms from one tom drum sound, Level: this parameter allows you to set the level of individual indexes. You can use this parameter to set up your drum mix. The overall volume level is determined by the current Program's Oscillator Level parameter. Decay: this parameter allows you to set the decay time of individual indexes. This parameter works in conjunction with the Program’s VDA BG Decay Time parameter. So, depending on that parameter setting, you may find that increasing or decreasing this value has little or no affect. Group As this parameter determines how an index is played in relation to other indexes. In an exclusive group (EX1 to EX6), only one index can play ata time (monophonic). If, while an index is playing, another index in that group is triggered, the first index stops and the new index plays. This is useful for creating realistic hi-hats. By assigning an open hi-hat and a closed hi-hat to the same exclusive group, the sound of the open hi-hat can be cut short by triggering the closed hi-hat. Just like pressing a real hi-hat pedal. When SLF is selected, the index will be monophonic. In other words, while a long drum sound such as a crash cymbal is playing, if it is re-triggered, the original cymbal sound is cut short, and the drum sound plays again from the beginning. Pan: this parameter is used to pan the index between buses A and B. These buses feed the effects processors. See “20A-20B Effect Placement” on page 115. ‘When OFF is selected, no signal is sent on buses A and B. The CNT setting means center: signals of equal level are fed buses A and B. This parameter can be-used to simulate the stereo spread of areal drum kit with, for example, tom toms panned between the stereo outputs. Note: The Program's Pan parameter is ignored when its Oscillator mode is set to DRUMS. In this case, the drum kit Pan parameter specified on LCD screen 6D is used. Send C, Send D: these parameters are used to set the level of the index sent to buses C and D. ‘These buses feed the effects processors. See “20A-20B Effect Placement” on page 115. Pan and Send functions are slightly different between Program Play mode and Combination Play mode or Multi mode as follows: 159 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide 7A-7D Drum 8A Drum Kit Copy 160 Program mode: The panpot setting in Global mode is used. (You cannot set the panpot in Program Edit mode.) The send value set in Program Edit mode is applied to the send value for each index in Global mode before outputs C and D. That is, the balance of the send level between indexes is not changed, but the entire send level is changed. You can edit the send value in Program Edit mode using MIDI Controllers 91 and 93. Combination/Multi mode: With a setting of “PRG (Program)”, the panpot setting in Global mode is used (like in Program Play mode). With other settings, the value of all the indexes are summarized. With a setting of “P”, the send function in Program Play mode is applied here. With another setting, the value of all indexes is summarized. In general, you should set the panpot to “PRG” and send to “P.” You can edit the panpot setting using MIDI Controllers 91 and 93 when “PRG” or “OFE” is not selected. (The value changes in Combination Edit mode and Multi mode.) You can also edit the send setting via MIDI. In this case, with a setting of “P”, the send function in Program Play mode is added here, (The send balance between indexes remains the same.) With a different setting, the values of all the indexes are summarized. 2 Setup These parameters allow you to set up Drum kit2. Operation is the same as for “6A-6D Drum Kit! Setup” on page 158. PR DRuN2 #0) [O7B KEV/TUNE”L H]O?D DECAV/ASGH NT O7D PANSEND + 15z:Tinpani _|d84 T#O19 L+65 | Dcw+00 AsgnsExt | Pan=CNT C= 7 78 7 7 This function allows you to copy a drum kit to an internal drum kit. 8A COPY D.KIT aL > AZ OK? 8A rc) Parameter Range Description ‘AT,A2,ROM1-8 | Select the source drum kit Ai Az Select the destination drum kit (OK? Executes the copy ‘To copy a drum kit, select the source and destination, position the cursor on OK2, then press the [A/YES) button. The message “Are You Sure OK?" will appear. (A1: Drum Kit1, A2: Drum Kit2) Press the [A/YES] button to copy, or the (W/NO] button to cancel. Note: The drum kit at the specified destination is overwritten when this function is executed. So be careful that you don't overwrite (lose) a valuable drum kit. Global Parameters 9A-9C Assignable Pedal/Switch & Polarity Setup ‘These parameters assign a function to the Assignable Pedal/Switch, and set the damper pedal polarity. 898 ASSIGN POL > OFF 96 ASSIGN SW Danrer 90 POLARITY oA LoD] Parameter Range Pedal Description OFF ‘No funetion Volume ‘Control the XS volume. When pressed, the corresponding MIDI Volume messages are output. (Controller #7) Expression ‘Operates the same as volime, Although, diferent MIDI message is output (Controller #11) Pedal Setup 8A | (ASSIGN PDL) VDF eutott Fe ‘Control the VDF Cutoff Frequency parameter. Prossing tho | {oot controler increases the Cutof! Frequency. Transmits MIDI brightness. Effect control ‘Control effect dynamic modulation. When pressed, MIDI Effect Control messages are output. (Controller #12) See “1BA~16C Effect! Setup" on page 114. Data entry ‘Adjusts the selected parameter in Program Edit mode and Combination Edit mode, just ike using the VALUE slider. Damper | Damper (susiain); Sound is sustained aftr you release the key. (Control Change #64) Program Up Ineremont Programs in ProgranvGombinalionm mode and ‘Combinations in Combination mode. When pressed, a ‘corresponding MIDI Program Change message is output. ‘Switch Setup | Program Down (ASSIGN SW) FS ‘Decrement Programs in Program/Combination mode and ‘Combinations in Combination mode. When pressed, a Corresponding MIDI Program Change message is output. Effect 1 ono ‘Switch Effect on and off. When prossed, the corresponding MIDI Efect 1 on or off message is output. (Controller #92) tect 2 onvott ‘Switch Effect 2 on and off. When pressed, the corresponding MIDI Eifect 2 on or off message is output (Controller #34) Scale Switch ‘Switch between the main and sub scales, Controller #4 Is Output. See “1A 11 Keyboard Scala" on page 150, 9c | Polarty Positive polaty foot pedal Negative polaty foot pedal ‘The Pedal column indicates the type of pedal needed for each function, For FS, use an on/off type footswitch such as the Korg PS-1 or PS-2 foot pedals. For EC, use a continuous foot controller such as the Korg EXP-2 or XVP-10. + When no assignable pedal is used, select OFF or Volume. Otherwise, Program settings may be changed when a pedal is removed. Ifyou are using a Korg PS-1 foot pedal, set this to (—) negative polarity. Be aware that some pedals require a (+) positive polarity setting. 161 Chapter 6: Parameter Guide 10A — 10C MG Wheel Select, MG Wheel Calibration Set & Pitch Bend Wheel Calibration Set These parameters allow you to set the modulation wheel function, and calibrate the modulation wheel and pitch bend wheel range. TOR MG WHEEL >| 108 BEND CALIB K]10C NG CALIB 4 Joule (HID €b11) | Leeessaneth OK? | Lemenenet OK? 704 108 *06 a oo Berson Type macy) ——] ita ot 10r | c wnestsoer [2zOuMHorcra) | anata Gt Ou s00-#127_| arent Contos Sard nea ao (ee * Catbaton of he ich bend whet ange Oko Calbaion | OR? Crties ie Gaba opin. 1 Vio! vee (gat . Catton he adsten wheel ange oko Cakaion [OR aaa ebro pean 10A_ MG Wheel Select: This parameter allows you to select the type of effect you wish to apply using the modulation wheel. Setting this to “JoyUp” applies vibrato effect to the sound via the modulation wheel, and the Modulation 1, Depth [Bn, 01, vv] (Controller #01) message is output. Setting this to “JoyDw” applies wah effect to the sound via the wheel, and the Modulation 2, Depth [Bn, 02, vv] (Controller #02) message is output. Selecting “After Touch” applies After Touch effect via the wheel (refer to “12A-12E Pitch Modulation” on page 86, “13A-13E Pitch? Modulation” on page 88, and “15A-1SD After Touch & Joystick Control” on page 90), and the ‘Channel After Touch message [Dn, vv] (vv is a value) is transmitted at the same time. When Ctl ‘Chg Out #000- #127 is selected, the corresponding Controller will be transmitted. The sound produced on the unit is not affected. ‘You can also control the effects via Dynamic Modulation when JoyUp, JoyDw, or After Touch is selected. (Refer to “16C Dynamic Modulation Control Source” on page 114.) 10B Pitch Bend Wheel Calibration Set: You may want to calibrate the pitch bend wheel if the pitch bend wheel does not cover the specified range when it is moved all the way forward or backward, or if the highest or lowest pitch specified is reached when you move the wheel part way. After calibration, the maximum or minimum value of the pitch bend range will be achieved when you move the wheel all the way forward or backward, 1) Select page 10B BEND CALIB. 2) Move the pitch bend wheel all the way forward or backward, The LCD screen shows “*****#.” 3) Press the [A/YES] button. 4) The screen shows “Are You Sure OK?”, Press the [A/YES) button if the setting is acceptable and you wish to execute the calibration operation. Press the [W/NO} button to cancel the operation. When the operation is complete, the screen shows “Completed.” If the setting is incorrect, the screen shows “Invalid Data.” In this case, repeat the procedure from Step 2. 10C MG Wheel Calibration Set: This allows you to adjust the effective range of the modulation 162 wheel in the same manner as 10B. Select page 10C MG CALIB, and follow the procedure for 10B from Step 2 using the modulation wheel. Appendix Appendix : Controller Event Edit Notes ‘The following table shows which Controllers the X5 supports. Gontoler | Conraner | va Note : 0 | Bank Sec SB) [0-127 [SB aD Ban Sse manage 1 ih Wdaton [0-127 | Wore pick moun wes up | vor cvor 2 | yoRcaor 0-127 | Move the VOF modulation whee! up 5 pan) «| rectcanroer —_[&°3.AR), | cose an st [aia Ey ter | ForRPWERE WS) "Wie 3 Volume oie? | Vane "Not? 10 [Part 0-127 | AB pan (wo "IDI Pano, Soa Ola on page 165) 1 [Bresson C-1et [Sure as volume "te 2 12 [Etec Conte [0-1a7 | Ee aie moauanon {8 | tect onto” [ 0-127 | Ee ynaic moaaion2 22 [Bank eet 88) 0-127 L56 of MOI Bank Stet massage "aio 28 [Data En 85) — | 0-127 [ror PW Ear 56) "Nous + | aneerswacn 8,69. | pamper nc 72 Release Time 0-127 VDF and VDA EG release time “Note 4 76 [tack Tne [0-127 [ VOAE atk tr Note 74 [Bghnes o-1ar [Vor cw s 31 | Reverb vel [ 0-127 | Send Love (00 MIO Panipat Sond Baa" on pe 16) oom c ce ferecnoner [2B ig [eter ono | Gronstovet [o-ter ~~ | Send Lovo ane Parpt Send Dao age 165) 0 (off) ot [esece onc [8 | execzonot 6 [Bata eronant [00 Pil daa peor Wale 7 o7 [pata bocronent | 09 TPH dia ccroment "Note 3 0 Pret Berd Sens 100 | rpwasey * Fhe tow A Gaus Tne or” [Ren ossy foo Fegtre pare He (SB) Noe Controllers 12, 13, 92, 94 (Effect Control 1 and 2, and Effect 1 and 2 On/Off) are received only on the Global MIDI Channel Note 1: Usually, Bank Select is set as part of a Program Change event, However, if you wish to select more than 128 Programs, specify the MSB (first pair of digits) using Controller 0 and specify the LSB (second pair of digits) using Controller 32. This allows you to select a Bank from 16385 Program Banks. Receiving the Program Change messages following these Bank Select messages will switch the Programs. When the PRG filter in Global mode is set to "ENA" or "PRG," you can select Programs as follows: 163 Appendix 164 + You can select any Program in Bank A. anki = You can select any Program in Bank 1s ‘Scr 01-128. los encom eoenes * You can select any drum sound in [22 ‘10038 00000] Bank G129-136. jo) (800 3E 2000 Crp] ‘+ Any Channel can be set to not produce sound. a fame por "a Ay et ‘When you use an external MIDI sequencer, send MSB for Controller 0 and LSB for Controller 32 (see the table), then send the Program Change messages. Parameter response varies depending on the setting of the PRG filter. ‘When the setting is “OFF”, the XS responds to the messages only in Multi mode. Note 2: The X5 volume is determined by multiplying Volume Controller No. 7 and Expression Controller No.1. Note 3: Use RPN 10 select a parameter for editing, then use the Data Entry parameter to set the selected parameter. Control number 100 (value: 00-02) and 101 (value: 00 fixed) will select a Parameter. The following tables show the various parameters that respond to Data Entry Controllers No. 6 and No. 38. Controller No. Contotier No. 08 [38 | _ Pach Bend feoitons) 0 [36 Fino Tuno (ean 0 [00 0 2 | “50 a | 0% “ p : : : ar) bs 2 | 6 sia : : ar) ° ‘Control 86 oo +50 06 Coarse Tune eemtone) 0 24 se | co a2 eo | Go 0 és | 0 a For example, if you wish to set Transpose (Coarse Tune) of a track on MIDI Channel | to -12, transmit [Bn, 64, 02, 65, 00) to the XS to select Coarse Tune RPN. Then send [Bn, 06, 34, 26, 00] to set the value to ~12. To select Coarse Tune RPN on most sequencers, set Controller 100 to 02, and Controller 101 to 00. To set the value to -12, set Controller 6 to 52 (which corresponds to -12) and Controller 38 to 00. Note 4: When the value is 64, the Program setting will be used. Settings below 63 reduce the time, and settings above 65 increase the time. Note S: When the value is 64, the Program setting will be used. Settings below 63 make the sound darker, while settings above 65 make the sound brighter. MIDI Panpot, Send Data Sending Control Change messages (0-127) via the modulation wheel of the X5 allows you to control the external MIDI devices (page 162). Refer to the manual of the MIDI device you wish to control. MIDI Panpot, Send Data ‘The following tables show MIDI panpotand On the XS, use Send Level C controller #91 send data, to control Reverb Depth (Bn, 5B, vv}, and MIDI Panpot Messages [Bn, 0A, v1 Send Level D controller #93 to control (Controller #10) Chorus Depth (Bn, 5D, w1. [Panos ‘Send ‘MIDI In Pan data (vv) XS Pi ‘MIDI IN Send data (vv) Se ae] 0-13 0 3-6 STAs 14-26 1 7-10 AIS 27-40 2 1-15 [ae 44-53 3 18-19 at 34-67 3 20-28 m0 68-80 5 ener 78 e194 é zea 28 95 — 107 7 39-86 a7 108= 121 8 w7=40 28 22127 3 aa a5 45-49 a 30-59 a3 ‘Ba-s7 2 a= a2 At 63-66 ont 67-70 81 7 Be 75-79 33 30-03 Be | aa-e7 85 38-91 86 22-96 7 7-10 3 101 108 89 105-108 B10 109-113 Bt a=? Biz 8-121 oA 122-125 Bra "26-127 BIS 165 Appendix 168 Troubleshooting Problem ‘Nothing is displayed on the LOD when the Solution “Chock thatthe power cable Is connected Io sullable AC. made correctly. POWER switch is turned on. outlet. J ‘Check the connections to your amplifier, mixer, 5 headphones, et. CChock that your ampifior, mixer, etc, is switched on, and. the corect setings have been made. 7 ‘Check that the X5 MASTER VOLUME slider is up. 3 ‘The XS does not produce any sound, 's Local Control tumed of? It should be on. 153 ‘Check that the MIDI Channel of incoming data matches the | 153, Global MIDI Channel on tha XS in Program Play mode. CCheck that you play keys within the specified noterangeon | 97 the keyboard, ‘Did you save the edit using the Wits function? (You dont | 104 ‘need to write your edits for a Drum kit) Have you selected the Program that was selected when n “The wrong sounds are produced. ene Did you edit he Program atter you selected it for the Combination? ‘Mako sure thatthe current Program's Hold parametoris nat | 70 ‘Sound cannot be stopped, set fo ON, |s the Damper Polarity parameter set incorrectly? 161 ‘Make ure that all MIDI cables are connected correctly 7-10 ‘Make sure thatthe XS is sat to receive MIDI data on the | 96, 111, ‘channel thatthe sending device is using. 152 ‘When you control from an extemal MIDI device, make sure | 11 “Tho XS does not respond to incoming MIDI_| the External Out Select parameter in Global mode is set to data. MIDI (or controling via MIDI) or to “PCIF (fr controling via TO HOST). ‘Make gure thatthe XS isnot set to filer out the incoming | 159, MIDI data. The MIDI fiter parameter in Global mode should ot be set to "DIS." ‘Mako sure thal the computer cable is connected eorrectiy. | 8, 10 tee ee ero ‘Mako sure that the External Out Select parameter in Global | 154 epasraan oe ‘mode is set to POF, Make sure that the Computer Select in Global mode is set | 11 correctly. ‘Cannot write a Program or Combination. | Is the Program memory protect function sat to ON? 154 eT Ts the Transpose function set to something otherthan +007 | 147 keys do not play the specified drum sounds. | is ine oscillator octave parameter set to 87 m1 Tn Combination Play mode, Combinations Cannotbo soloed ng Poy | Make su hate Program Change Fiteris otto ENAor | 159 ‘Change messt ‘Make sure that each Timbre/Track’s Program Change Filter { 100, 108 {n Combination Play mode or Multimode, | parameter is set to E. Programs cannot be selected using MID! | Make sure that the Bank of the Program to be selected 163 Program Change messages. ‘matches the Bank specified by MIDI Bank Select messages. {fh Combination Play mode or Multimode, are | Pethaps some Timbres' Key Window parameters are setto soundis only whan cer Lr area loamnciaas Peererrttntn 97,110 Cannot select VDF2, VOA2 or Pitch Modulation paramore ‘The currently-selected Program is not Double mode. 70 ‘Make sure thatthe song dala is GM compalbie Cannot play GM compatible song data ‘You must conform the selected X5 song to GM using Multi | 91 coneate setup parameters. Make sure thatthe settings in Global mode have been 32 “Transpose data or Velocity Curve data ls not received oF transmitied correctly. ‘Make sure that the Trans posilion in Global mode has been sot correctly. General Error Messages General Error Messages Error Message Battery Low (Intemal) ‘The volage of the iniemnal battery Is low, Please contact your Korg dealer to have the battery replaced. Do nol attempt to replace the battery yourself Program Edit Mode & Combination Edit Mode Error Messages Error Message Memory Protected “The Program or Gombinalion memory into which you are lying to wie Gata ts protected. Global Mode Error Messages Error Nessaye Meaning You have ied o sot a narrow range Modulation Wheel Calbaton Set Invalid Data parameter. Pease contact your Korg dealer If tis message appears Tepeatoi ator you take corrective ack Specifications xo a ‘Tone Generation System ‘AF (Aavanced integrated) Syriheas oe ee Keyboard Bi key GM Wavelorm Memory Powe POM ewe Etecte Two digital mut fecs processors, 7 eens Programs 236 (100 internal RAM, 136 intemal ROM) Combinations 7100 internal RAW, l Program, Combination; 200 each | Program, Combination: 100 each Number or Preset Data (100 in PRE“, 100 n PRE) Drum Kits: «(2 in PRE-a, 2 in PRE-b) | Drum Kits: 2 Control inputs —_ ‘Assignable pedal/switch Outputs: TMONO, R, PHONES (stereo mini jack) MIDI Connections IN, OUT, THRU Communication port TOHOST 10 162 LOD wit backight Power Supply Dew | Dimenetone (W xD x H) = 800 W) x 254.2 (0) x 89.4 (H) mm Weight 4.5kg aaa ‘Accessory ~ AC adapter ‘Appearance and specifications subject to change without notice. Options AG-001 IBM-PC connection kit (Cable, “KORG MIDI Driver” software) AG-002 Macintosh connection kit (Cable, “KORG MIDI Driver” software) AG-004 9-pin/25-pin adapter for IBM-PC PS-1, PS-2 Pedal switch DS-1 Damper padal EXP-2, XVP-10 Expression pedal 167 Appendix 168 Using MIDI exclusive messages Each manufacture is free to use exciusive massages in whatever way they dosire, unike other types of MIDI message ‘whore the function of each message is xed by the MIDI specification. Exclusive messages are used mainly to transmit patch data, ‘Atthough the format of exclusive messages is different for each manufacturer, the format of Korg exclusive messages is ‘as shown below. ‘STRUCTURE OF KORG XS SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE MESSAGES st Byte = 1111 0000 (Fo): Exclusive Status 2nd Byte = 0100 0010 (42): Korg ID oo 3rd Byte = 0011 gggq (3a): Format ID g: Global ch. ch ayte = 0011 0101 (36): x5 ID. Sth Byte = Offf fff (FE) Function Code (See Punc Code List) 6th Byte = Oadd Gadd (da): Data lastByte = 1111 0111 (F7) End of Exclusive = 50x ‘Tho ith byte (the function 1D) determines what the exclusive message will do. For the various types, refer tothe function code list (1-4, 2-5) ‘The action of sending a set of sound data etc. is called Data Dump, and this can be initiated in the Data Dump page of GLOBAL mode, or by receiving an appropriate dump request message. ‘Since the madel ID of the 5D is the same as that ofthe XB, these two models can exchange exclusive data each other. However, when the I receives any of Mullsounds 340-629 and Drum Sounds 164-214, "No Assign” message wil ‘appear. ‘Also the mode! ID ofthe XS isthe same as that ofthe OSR/W, and the XS Is able to exchange exclusive data withthe OSAUW. However, be aware that for Multi Setup data and Global data, Notes on each type of message 'No.11 Program Wite Request When you enter Program Et mode, the data o that program willbe written info the Ext Buller (the wit source), so writing should be done in Program Edit mode tis possible to wie whe in Program moe, butin this ease afer selecting ' program, you must go through Program Eclt mode once in order for wring to take place correctly. NNo.41 Parameter Change, No.53 Drum Parameter Change, No4E Mode Change Contol Change #06, 26, Data Entry #60, 61 Data increment, Decrement When you chango modes from the XS trot panel, a ‘Mode Change’ wil be iransmied, and each ime you select a parameter in Program Edit, Combination Edt or Mul modes, a Parameter Change’ wil be transmitted. When you move the sider, Data Entry wil be ransmiied, When you press [a] of], ‘Data increment or ‘Data Decrement wil be sent By sending these messages to the X5, the X's parameters can be edied indvialy, bul messages must be transmitted in succession stating with the fst Made Change. Even I the appropiate messages have been tensmitd to ed via MIDI, once he pane! keys or siders have been operated, edting via MIDI wil no longer be possible. In his case, you must ‘once again bgin transiting om the Mode Change’ (refer to Tables 7-10) Some ofthe parameters in Mul mode (ited below) do not respond o‘Parameter Change’ messages. To edit hese, you must use Mul Data Dump (exp). ‘The various MIDI data fiters (except Program) for each track Koy Window Bottom for each rack Velocty Window Bottom for each track MIDI channel or each track In Global mode, individual edting is possible only for dum kt parameters, and for this ype of ecitng you wil use ‘Drum Parameter Change! messagos. The procedure is the samo as for "Parameter Change’ messages, \When you send the Parameter Change messages for Mutsounds 240-429 and Drum Sounds 164-214 rom the X63 to the XE, the 38 wil select Mulisound 339 and Drum Sound 169 respectively. No.5 Global Data Oump parameters include some which are not found on the OSRAW (isted below). Since these parameters are transmitted using unused areas of OSAMW data ormal, hey cn be tranemited and received between Mo XS unis. When this data i ransmited from an XS i an OSA, willbe ignored, and when transite trom an OSRIW, the data wit have values of 0 ‘Damper polarity ‘Assignable pedal assign Assignable switch assign No.68 Mutt Setup Data (expansion) Dump is used to transmit settings for each Wack. No.5S Milt Setup Data Dump is Used fo transmit effect unit settings ofthe mull. By using these two messages, you can transmit Mul moda stings. The Muti Data dump operation in Giobal modo transmits these wo fypes of dala ina single operation. The ll Data dump operation als transmits No.68 immociatay folowing No.50 All ata Dump. However each ype of data wil be ransraited independently when the corresponding dump request i received. The OSRAV uses only No.6. ‘When excusive datas rceived and processing has been completed, i wil ranemit a ‘Data Load Completed (ACK) message. However the format of the received data was Incorect a meseago of Format Eror willbe iensmited andi the receiving X5 was not set eppropriataly (eg, memory protect was tumed on) a message of "Load Error (NAG) wil be transmitted Atthough not an exclusive message, when a Program Change Is received while the Exclusive Fier is set to ENA, message of ‘Data Load Completea' wil be transmiied after processing fs nished. While communicating with personal computer et. va the PC interface, MIDI transmission and receptionieaisabled. The opposite also apple. MIDI Data Format no) vv ans 12108) 1) vaya anas (Lam 7 ty 808 poe “EVLVE TD pee °C vaya auas 1210 7 ‘pom ayo #1 ‘P08 (LIN “LLG SOLLVKLONUD “116 MPBOOR pon a8 wate 40 (HULTTaR avOT Viva) 111 1TER “MK 08 #aResR ta 10H "2 995 9p08 omoe pone s por 5} 04 19 2pm £9 (sua'wa ovreniong on poses 409 ) as engin ty sBs88on en po TREAT caustanos 3 (on cakzunn avo Ht nai rmaoe anssan 213028 oc (14a ‘okatanes sana HET AGT ‘xn ive sms amo v0 Te amo (oxsvive unas ten 104 m0 1 anne ugnrI SOLUTIONS ‘ane eusmene prasoua 71 Fey ° ‘aod TAYE EDDA nO zea Walamara L1MaH0 HO Wn aaL3NVEVE HO owe oR aT SS wT sevssin (Cor sone) rae oD 101K efesay 0011109 toy srteig 1 eR1903 br ES ~ ASUnDSE_2OVSEIN_ANIADNT HOGA syyBWES = TN wo | TT s eel § ea ‘ 3 seme ane siesta on] 8 = (dR TT SPEER ITSTTOTE ETSTE WAHT Ft anwwe Fanateg Tesco mus = ogee esate He (Hen) tno atm eines Ciay a antes) (yiio 218) Coan 3) 169 ont xipuaddy ©: Ganied een Conceal FLL Pe ible 1 Enabled hen After Toueh Filter BE Baablod hen Exclusive Filter $9 GLOBAL a 74 lobal Chanel Bo. (0™18) a In GLOBAL oe ta ENE ltr In GLOBAL wade Le AK, UMP) fe is OA Eon Tater | oot | ied Tescripioa tee Tor T Te ss se oS e e i mii | col pe a ue we] x Gx) | Wore off ere oT Ta Ad te (an) | oo/vw (o0/ve) | Note Off/0n vvei~I127( Hote OFf/0n > la et aL (ed | ry Gm) | aogutationt depth ( riten Me) © ea ea op |v Gm | aoautationt papi (TOF HG) ¢ eee sano 24 (00) | sta/2ea(a2un) | Foot Fedak oft/On (Select Mala/Sub Seale} | ee eterna ocd BG | date tte O88)” Cn tare Sine) | tear uo orien] Ww tm | Notene Tolcre {‘c areas teu] ow tm | Eee wet Eldan res | € snaee ca | saseccenzay | tote otren Daseroftan} ¢ a 11 as) wd) tack Tine, WDA Attack Time) #2 | TFs Goma Wen |e ee | eee” {Seen ‘ 3 ee eee Lt babl . 42: rr =O; Bach Track’s Pitch Bend Sens ( Only in MULT! aode ). ad moo BX Fara Change ) | C/E ss Bach Track’ Detune (When Received Ch = Global ca, at ane eee ena . ‘Track’ s Transpose: ‘only in ‘node ).Aet as Master Tune ( Othe (60) | re (or) WN Param Seleet) 43] 4 ae 7 bal oa Lal ay | oo | ant souna ort ‘AN Sound off) c a eee 8) 90 (90) ALL Notes Off (AML Wotes oft ) a oe ee fo] @ ay | éutewer Chimney A | ta} [emem Caudinery | 4 2 ie ie to at Gi | Semweee Clnwiwery 14 tm] ‘mo | oreuser tanger | 4 sr tnt we (x8 ute (op) ( Prog. Comb Change) 41.4] P eee illafatid | Rrmroe ace tn cnt tt aoe. each tne trek cael ee] nt curr, " si 102 “ 20 0 wee omF if ere essiae eeeest eNERAL MIDE SYSTEM UE an ia urea ststoy EIELUSVE wesSGe (REALTIME [eprath eseententeer peripieeecrmne=s) oe | saline seuss | wiDT chs, “ we | tabersey o se | raueeose) " Ft_| suo of reuse OF OL: MASTER TOL ¢ Tats MASTER AMLACE ( © 0,06~7F. TF: inva } 25 susan exuusive wessuses ection Coe List 04 + O0,C040, (OTE. TF = L~Center~8 ) aa TT Tae ET Tereyoyor a PSOGRAM PARAMETER DUMP REQEEST ol la {Gre ete ris Joja|djo| « Chute Ste DP AEST 118]o19) & ‘Gh cvtaton PME DP EST 2[S{olo| & ‘WOLTI SETUP DATA DUMP REQUEST Jofaolola| ss SLT see prep bw est }9/S}ola) & Sto 21h oo eT elolaiol Sr ts vo weet }9/3/3|8) Ae bmGual am. co.rwewaroewe we |8]9/0]0) Pct nt gest 8]°] a countries | Jol?} ja rovu rat 200 9) | a “ALL PROGRAM PARAMETER DUMP lo si Oj a Coutitey Att a ALL COMBEATION PARAMETER DUMP leldlojo} a ver ae os oe (9|819|9| = i ire athe) one /3/3/8/8] & to 8 oe 8}0 [9/9] 2 Sto tne 8]/8/8|8| = ran owe [0/0/01] 3 vos caer ofo}ojo} » Pater case a baat aura cases 2 i ‘G GOBML note (Gros ot rerond to Exeter EK, OIS in OKTA BOW Paes) = co, Econ ote 2 PhoG, & MOE aoe 1A: ANT OTHER ote Hout MIO Out Feneton (Crazenitiog after ite eeasate as teen tazeivad) S. MIDI EXCLUSIVE FORMAT (RtRestive, Ts Transat) See °STNUCTINE OF LOG 18 SYSTEN ECLISIVE MESEAGES( Top oni BXCLESNE aEADRC CF), (26D) woe tues 8 Beli ef eeeeora] ih | wae west a | for i encore pat est Pas rac Het Ha RET ——Ta] |r iver iis savage and Tansy Funes oF Fane LL rogpae eases 2 TC] ALL PRGA PARAMETER DO GEGUEST Io i B_| wn Taotved Tale maga, aad Wasaiee Paneer Pane (4 cosas paeaneen pow ssc 8 ONATION FEMMES OOP ROTEST r_| op ageves Tale aoneaga ted Taney Paneth oF Fe () ue couMATION paRAveeD von sseeasT R ‘RL Cvsi NATION PARUTGR DOM EGUEST TE «0 s_| eo Receive tie 7 MUTT sere Outen HRTEST 7 % | ow aca le acting tnd Wane Fete oe Fane MILE SETUP auTAoepseion Op apotEST a Sh] MATL SGP DATACexp) DM? A6@0EST 8 a r_| on ace] Ws aebage and tranaly Fusslh or Fons posse, Lob. pute we eeqest 8 OE] SOR Btth SOF REET ian i _| sor eelvor tls sets tad Wnty Fare seeease ) OOS HAH be aBAEESE 8 to [ORS BATA DE REG i ny | eo yeu04 eC IGIN zat (00) Au xT oH comt os OLY SEE AEEST ap Ln ser nck be at GF AL BAGH BRP TDD HED So] LTT SETUP BOT DO a % o | A | om ate 0) Fecal Wie oveges aod WOTaTT0 Fane oy Fd esas i ia eee cea we Seccives Panes td ‘rannite thi aennge baat {row Et effo | ge | Write Destination Foto (48) ee en DAA DMT Is nec, teaanty this mcrae data Pees seca Teo Et Ester | f_| te 19) WLU SETUP ATA Cpasion) RT Than assay bats are sot evn tle saveiny We Ov ate wed TeGATN once Feet? aera. i] WT SEVP aiiCernnind DOP] ins couqustgn mvt Reet & & | te ‘oot 1.0 he Pat nie : bp | Write dati i pote Besier wie teas Tn THOTET wed Tea Fence or Font ates esives Feels anette this setate A ate f0on ffi Bofor Lt baton pet ena there ee neat tent Frets pentane sodas nesnge beat fon Et Batter (quae 2 at suo aT gem at | Fee FATE BaP ‘a Si) sO ie Se i oo sore 2 % i a | oa (oo 1.) s_| eat ma Ticivon ible somage WG ove WER To TOTTWOPTST a teanite Fance of Faneete a_i feceivn Fnceb aarae, sd tramnite this tsnae 4 Gute Con fs Ber. Tania We Tara sor tt rane ‘hen Ener the POGLM EDIT Bode antl te thin avenge det row Bit Butfr fcelves face noeate and trate le asteate va rroeat Punt DOP : hen DATA UMP fa eect, trannita this neeate ste Cron Ta ao ALL PROGR Pa DP ‘er ata 474 oo Rt a“ Sr] BROS DATE iar tar a | on oote 1.9) «| 14 | one coor.) i_| eo ry Tecnivv ile savage TGS, ave To TO THGTIT Wooer and transite Fens ot Fane see | wr teceives Fanese earate, aod tranaite thls assage& data Con Internal Noy ashen Bie en Gave ts Tara Wem Sed transmit Face or Font satan. ‘hon BAH DMP a enced. coon tha eseage hat fro Internal Hewey Recetas fared Teusnlte ible aeanee& date Tren laters Mot. 5 comrsarios sper pow iat en DATA BR thence dats fron Inert Hoy Te) COTTON FRET De ‘ar 2) ALL TALE DES, cM GUT SP tate soto So) AL BTA, a, 20, ADT) AFH | eo ew vhs easage @ Gata, tve To EAT WufTOr i Weasnlca Funds of Pest ssa. fen the oobi Hein cheng by Sh tranette thie aeesate kata foe alt Ber, (Wore 1.10) al Wwary ta tranche Fance on Funes aetane teage, and trannite tha aessete A data fron Internal Henry 1) AL cewepnTiON pAUNETEE DO Rat [MOH DOD ie erected, transnite the seocageU data oon Intersal Meory ané Funes esse, a8] ALL CMGTHATIONPaeweTEE BOP ie ee ae : we 2) woue cA at “ wore 1.8) We) soe Gane in i te | ade bate ore) 1} ton 0 er ie Teaery and tcaneas Funct ox Feeotl nesass, | oe ve FeneoD nessage, ané teats this tessage Bde fron teres) aor. ‘ecaiven thle eevee © Sata, chang the Mola tad Uraveats Funes or Funes2¢ DATA IMG fe eecated.ivanenis Tale eesane bata fron Internal Mewor Ther the Hote [a ehanged Oy Sf) trasueite Che aeseage 8 ta sapuaddy elt 2) nazar aan aot be | Paranter So (38 bits~0) (tant =) pp | Paraneter do. O88 BIs1I~7) (ABLE 2~9) | tatue Usb atee~o) we | vito a ates nl ‘ocelvon Wis nosmge Tata sleet U unge @Pataeter and tranents FuneetS ot Fone hon the Perncior No. Is changed y Sf, traneeite (ale aenage Fate, A) DEO LIT PARMETER cease aT S| SRow tT PaeaeTEy COREE ‘ti « ss | Inder Yo. ( sense ) th | racecar, caasueio) vw | tate (semen ore 12) wf ise (asp sieu=n) (OTE 12) | on Feceivor Wis sannage Weis, soles 1 ohngs 6 Para he Paraneter Ho. ie change BY SM, teannite te bite runee28 or Fanertt 5) one pT z | WE We Tt te | ode Data ore tn) 1 | oe ‘acevo Panel potsoge oad razenta Tile aeons Dnt aD DATA FOBMAT neo t CEIVED BAT FORM ERROT i lap found-an efor Te The Tevived wovengy er Ge Teeth), teannite thie OATH Lo CEWTLETED (Ac) t 21] BATA LAND COLETED or r_| oy "pe ATH COA, PREESSNG Dave Woah tonplated rane Te 2) tats Loud penn Cae 2 2] BATA aD BRE Tt "ion ATK Co, FRCESSTI bev fot oan cvpToved ourProtested), teanenite thie weeage 8) NTE con A aL) Te cORPLETED at ‘hex ONE MELTE WIOT a band completed raaal te WP we) mE exon 1 wt eae Tit la ‘on RTH HRITEWIDT as fot beak cnplaved, rani Fae aeevage. fone 1 Poa ona coWERT eed~ for sore r=i8 Fb Cees eta tie) 2 aera 8 f= { To r= TH TH rr wt = tt ms Dona ae « e sunny a eT) ” all rove 2» prot xtuerat ci camer rst) ome rn (sm (ParaneterHo20), =. (Paraanter Ho. 168) Hlaytee © a20ed — bxE06088) © 1yte8 uve 3 ALL Poostawaanaveren (UN 1ATERMAL sewer) ooWe Format (Pron t 09 (26ten))on (Prog AB (4ABy 00D) Wbeleobioe = Nabdzee — HaEN42eCV4) © 1874RByCe8 OTE + COMBMATION ASAE (16 cURRERT BUFFER) IMP FORMAT cs (araneter Ho. 00).-~, (Parameter Wo 128) 10eyoee + Halted ~ Balseed) © 1S6Byeer OTE 5 + ALL COMBINATION PARIETER IN IRTERIAL MEORY) 90K PonatT [eonbi 06 C36Byee)). 2 (oabt 4 (186rtes)] bel0oyloe = Dunease = BnI¥Aze CD) © 184bBptes NOTE 6: WLTL SETEPowTA (4 TNTERML WERE) Ove FoRWAT (se Duatt peraneteettecte)(248yte)] Bytes» Teeth + W(U61) = BABytee NOTE 1 + AIL SETUP DATACxpateton} (8 IATEREAL MNOEYD OWE FoRUAT ttt pee i SOTE 4 = CLOBKL TA (OW ATERRLL MENON) oEMP RMT Cs tot nota otbyes! BeTie aad 8280s soe ROWS OHTA (IN NTERYAL ERY) De FonwT (see (bron tie ts (Daon28pt0)] Wbriee *at28e0 — Aet20 o44eByter NOTE 10 : ALLDATA Gu0BA, pS, coves PG, 48.91) ow? FORMAT (atobal bas). (ors ost [ALI Combination Pa (GI Progra Far Dist setp oat snug 2 Dat] er Dat. eveaovzenyes » TeUCLs = BUEe (18) astHByee Ue 1, nore 1) (se ore 1 (hesee) ape 2, sore 1) wore) (s.tsee) ume 3, sone 1) wre.) BLE &, sore 1) Cinasee yeuL104 P&C IW vlt ove 11: anne = 6 + cone1sit1On PROGRAM PARAMETER Cums) 1 EOI cot PARMETERS TATA) = VRE zn 1 mae PROGR swe Ciel) | 20—1F | = ceTOPe ALE waa te tfeninen| ne ome =o fiir oct ve Cai) orore eb Ter | s0~ a1 = 98 ieciocon LATE AE TENSETE oats 00H | oscuatie wae “TT [keine een nek [ones oom os sone 12 nae J [98 Bie-FaL, EE TIME WEL gest | _oo—s300=w0 7 12 NHLEEOMTA FORMAT Use at PARAMETER CRIME OR KIT PARIMETER CHANG) ee eS TEL SENSE HBA SILIS~18 of Yatuw nate Ge the Sign Flag and ech DIL ha tte sane value 1 Ti mae vatee Has ‘TAC UNE =e 88-1 MT SOUNDS Deck TE Cara sc-1 MT S008) BREAK POUT i=: D562 OCT SLOPE TE ost OO woos Le . INTERV SUSTATEUBYEL——|9P=en = -¥8— 15 aT HELEASE ME oss: come 20_[onuy star HELEASELENEE [048 = =O Piro a | ser aa esi Levee [=a ane Le Hop Itch. fet__—_[oo= Tet (22 (ammen usm ‘ap 16) HACE | $0~ 4 9=08 a owen me ‘ue VERITY See | o~ a -99= 48 | anne ha fe Tue ago tance | 043 26 | RELEASE LEYEL, ecu wisest Toisas as | | tine vance eee aa Timves nocity see are ThE, aaa et [error i. TAC LANE tet 00H A FRR emt oss | | a [occur te ert 06 ay [ose we thie | ehetoone, son] [ae aan ron 0m 056-7 aa EMAaLE | ues-0-0FF=1-08) | 78 Hey a 2 3 | sestaie weve coms [rae fawes soos | at ease te ome a tea comes 0am 0 EL ET 100 TAG, Vest ainsi a= 00 Pein LT snn[ wa=1 TER 100 E20 1ME Ye, sor | | plies esi wanes [reer am Ace0 TET Sr fa_|- vor cre saa 286 TMe WB, saPOL [oF eT can =1 SE i, p= ve [se 0 cee 7 Fen M0 Weel 7-WODELATION BL SN © LEVEL oe a7 | rivee aii qe | ve=ac + -1=id ay wr ssterinn. 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Catsaee sia —[— han teat — | ereecr papamerens (ura) iat uw amr rizee| ail sre EAA Canna an Si ea ate eet fcr — le ea ame fea tm sie sa eit ee ae eee ra Heese far coo tifa tg —— fai tier rar en Hes ip tk —— nt Hiri eee Gera] icant Hier Hur ame fimerceec feat aT Bitar biebarerame aaa) a Eitri | Ce sa weer : see aat ae et | (ie [om ae aimee fe Tn iselesis a 2 MULTI PARAMETERS uu Yon or PARAM CHMMGE Pose 40+) TABLE ®) pe twis (Taek iit as [aes ihe per ~natis | ‘advn | SEND C LEVEL, evan a7 Stie_| SO 9 aye, [ese ae aoes_[ Tensrese Tonite nT eT ee pute sim tance [ten s_| aoe Cuan F1LtEH | site 06] mot ™ raxaen se Fach DAMME = 7 inte = Tops io ne Crs rt) | oor ca tie [mc Site ba a Tie wm 7 brews ase fap ost #7 so ve bet 1 $500 YE 3 xipuaddy BLL Program Change and Bank Select Reception in Combination Play Mode Combi Change MIDI Fiter Timb1 Prog Bank Change —— Tibi Prog Change Timb 2 ~_ Timb 8 PC Interface Technical Information Chart PC Intertace Technical Notes FRs@S——_Aomcrenan 3128075 sop ety ot 007s Aetrnn S848? RL Top, Nope ts utarocoedton Cine. aston tne at Octo {IAG ge Cos OF Pao mode IAT Ln Greet On Rajon a) Fw EPO TG mt FsPS Tremont DLT Nocera ncaa stmeaanges a PCI erated ye 75 te genaran) rae XS. Ate taco ‘roaming manage wba gry FO. Onde amen fom PCF eg FF nd: Fez aetna menage loot ot 6 Tow sonal: us on 9 (etn on, ana ‘en menngen er OE) wd Es Nom OFT. Abeer ON ae ays rat PC {F Once et mocges rom MON Ne cage bye met Ate erecpon 400780 fcc Somctom tom Pir mony Menges none N teipontiy TO 8O7ATF wre On |.Noanatate nears a roo en XS rte teat. tianot pry recut "i ht may ur any FF menage wy 42, ‘hone nana Fon MID OUT 411s Gama wedine epteion regan, Led ‘armetsnmaee wh FS09/80 747 nome 4. TFS manga ot rat ns pote Separator ty wr ntops MDI neues ‘5 Korg Oer nwt erage means cod Jeuuoy e1eG IGIW 3 Wiring Diagram of Dedicated Connecting Cables (1) AG-001 (for IBM PC or Compatible) Mini DIN 8-pin D-SUB 9-pin Em = 3 (2) AG-002 (for Macintosh) Mini DIN 8-pin Mini DIN 8-pin (3) AG-004 (Adapter for IBM PC or Compatible) D-SUB 9-pin male D-SUB 25-pin female xipuaddy Installing and Setting Up the KORG MIDI Driver Installing and Setting Up the KORG MIDI Driver * KORG MIDI Driver is included in the disk that comes with AG-001. Installing the KORG MIDI Driver in MS Windows Ifthe application (sequencer, etc.) being used supports Windows MME (Multimedia Extensions), the KORG MIDI Driver program, provided as an accessory, can be used to drive the X5 connected to the serial port (COM port) as a MIDI device. * MIDI In data may not be received correctly if the processing speed of your computer is inadequate. TOHOST THRU OUT IN 1. Double-click on the Driver icon in the Control Panel, Seuinge Help = nd cl ee Cor Fonls, «== Pats, «== Maute ‘Desktop Keyboard fie, ae a Installs, removes, and configures drivers 2. Select “Add”. 181 Appendix 3. On the “List Drivers” menu, select “Unlisted or Driver”, and click on “OK”. 4, If a floppy disk containing the Driver program has bee disk is in Drive B, type “B: \"). Then click on “OK” Insert the disk with the unlisted, ‘vendor-provided driver in: 5. Select “Korg PC VF Driver”, and click on “OK”. The setup screen appears. Follow the instructions listed under “Setting Up the KORG MIDI Driver (Windows)” on page 183 Synth Out Messages) [MIDI Out Messages] Bi Program Change & Program Change © Contiot Change [Bank Select 1 Channel Pressure Bi Poly Key Pressure | | Dd Poly Key Pressure Exclusive Exclusive Li independent Synth / MIDI Out ‘The KORG PC I/F Driver diiver has been added, For the new diiver to take effect, you must quit and ‘restart Windows. Data 182 Installing and Setting Up the KORG MIDI Driver Setting Up the KORG MIDI Driver (Windows) 1. Double-click on the Driver icon in the Control Panel, and select “KORG PC I/F Driver”. Then click on the specified button to display the setup screen. Under “Serial Port”, select the serial port to which the X5 is connected (COMI to COM4), If you wish to use the serial port for another purpose after you have already installed the KORG MIDI Driver, delete the Driver or turn the Driver off by selecting “None”. ‘When the “Independent Synth/MIDI Out” box is checked, data output to the Synth Out port will produce sound from the tone generator of the X5, while data output to the MIDI Out port of the XS will be output as MIDI data from the XS. If the “Independent Synth/MIDI Out” box is not checked, data output to the MIDI Out port will be sent to both the tone generator of the X5 and the MIDI Out port. |. The items listed under “Synth Out Messages” can be used to select messages to be sent to the XS. ‘The items listed under “MIDI Out Messages” can be used to select messages to be output from the MIDI Out port on the XS. If the check mark in the box next to “Independent Synth/MIDI Out” is erased, the same messages will be sent to the X5 and output from the MIDI Out port of the XS. . When all of the selections have been completed, click on “OK”. To cancel the selections without changing anything, click on “Cancel” + When playing back MS Extended MIDI data, either mute channels 13-16 on the sequencer or whatever instrument is being used, or use the MIDI Mapper provided with the Windows MME program to enter the settings for the Extended MIDI application. ea ‘Synth Out Messages) [MIDI Out Messages Program Change | | Bd] Program Change Control Change & Contr! Change Bank Select Gl Bank Setect Channel Pressure | | Dd Channel Pressure Poly Key Pressure | | DX] Poly Key Pressure Exclusive exclusive Ctndependant Synth IDK Out 183 Appendix Installing the KORG MIDI Driver on a Macintosh Computer + KORG MIDI Driver is included in the disk that comes with AG-002. If the application (sequencer) being used supports the Apple MIDI Manager, the KORG MIDI Driver can be used to provide separate MIDI output for the X5 tone generator and the MIDI Out port. * When the KORG MIDI Driver is not used * When the KORG MIDI Driver is used Tone generator Tone generator ‘section section TOHOST THRU OUT IN TOHOST THRU OUT IN * In order to use the KORG MIDI Driver, the Apple MIDI Manager and PatchBay must be installed. ‘€ File Edit View Label Special Macintosh HD T79NB in dgk 20.1 MB avaiad == KORG MIDI Oriver ESCs} es 1. Copy the KORG MIDI Driver on the accessory disk into the System Folder on the startup disk. 2. If the Apple MIDI Driver is already in the System Folder, either erase it or move it into another folder. The KORG MIDI Driver includes the functions of the Apple MIDI Driver. Be careful not to erase or move the Apple MIDI Manager. 184 Installing and Setting Up the KORG MIDI Driver Setting Up the KORG MIDI Driver for the Macintosh TimePon — MIDIInPon Synth Out Pont MIDI OutPon { PatchBay Meer Port Printer Post 1, Start up the PatchBay program. Ifthe program has been installed correctly, the KORG MIDI Driver icon will be displayed inside the PatchBay window, as shown above. (The display may differ slightly from the illustration, depending on how the modem and printer ports are set up.) 2. Double-click on the KORG MIDI Driver icon. The setup dialog box is displayed. == Kons M0) over settings ———] Ver. 1.0.0 (Cabout.) Port Enabl Interface Type: Time Code In: Time Code Out: Filter Time Code In: Gut port setting: When “KORG PC IF" is selected as the Interface Type, data sent to the Synth Out Port will produce sound from the X5 tone generator, while data sent to the MIDI Out Port will be sent out through the MIDI Out jack on the back panel of the XS. If “IMHz” is selected as the Interface Type, the Synth Out Port will disappear. Messages sent to the MIDI Out Port will produce sound from the X5 tone generator and also be sent to the MIDI Out Jack on the back panel of the XS 3. Set the “Interface Type” for the port to which the XS is connected to “KORG PCIF" (or to “|MHz"). If the X5 is connected to an ordinary MIDI interface, select a clock rate that matches the interface (usually this will be | MHz). 4, In order to use the Modem or Printer ports, the Corresponding “Port Enabled” box(s) must be checked. The “Synth Out Port” is available only if “KORG PCIF” has been selected for the interface type. 185 Appendix 5. Pressing the “Out Port Setting” button displays the dialog box shown below. In this box, you can select the MIDI channels/messages to be output to each of the ports. Only channels/messages which have been checked will be output. Modem Synth Out Port setting Enable MIDICh. Enable MIDI Status Bi wo Program Change B2 Bio Bi controt change Bs wu Bank Setect 4 wiz ‘Channel Pressure Qs wis (Poly Key Pressure Be wi Benctusive 7? wis we Bie 6. Drag the mouse from the arrow on the Out Port of the MIDI application (sequencer, etc.) and connect it to the “Synth Out Port” of the Korg MIDI Driver. Other ports can be connected in the same way if necessary. + For information on using the PatchBay program, please refer to the application instruction manual included with the PatchBay program, or see the description under “About PatchBay...” in the Apple menu. MIDI File Translator 186 MIDI File Translator is an Apple File Exchange translation program that allows Macintosh MIDI application programs to recognize an MS-DOS standard MIDI file as an SMF (Standard MIDI File). + You do not need this application program to operate the KORG MIDI driver. Make a copy of MIDI file translator in the folder that contains Apple File Exchange. Select “MIDI File Translation” in the “MS-DOS —> Mac” menu that is displayed when you activate Apple File Exchange and insert an MS-DOS disk. If “MIDI File Translation” is not displayed, first select “Other Conversion Program,” then add “MIDI File Translation”. + For details, see the Apple File Exchange documentation in your Apple manual. Installing and Setting Up the KORG MIDI Driver 187 X5D, X5 MIDI Implementation Chart ‘Transmitted Recognized Remarks Basic channel Default 1-16 Memorized Changed ~ 1-16 Default 3 Mode Messages x Altered RR RK Note 24~108 0-127 61 Keys (36-96) Number: True voice RRR RR RK 0-127 + transpose (1 octave) Velocity Note ON O 9n, V=8~127 | © 9n, V=1~127 | Note OFF velocity is applicable Note OFF x only when it is transmitted. After Key's x x Touch Ch’s Oo Oo Applied via modulation wheel. *A Pitch Bender Oo oO *C 0, 32 oO Oo Bank Select (MSB,LSB) *P 1, 2,4, 64 oO Oo PitchMG, CutoffMG, Scale, Damper C 6,38 ° oO Data Entry (MSB, LSB) #1 Control 7M oO O° Volume, Expression *C 10, 91, 93 x oO A:B Pan Pot, Send C, D *C 12,13 Oo oO FX1,2 Ctrl #C 72, 73 x ° EG Time (Release, Attack) *C 4 ° ° Brigthness *C yueyD uonejuauajduy |GIW xipuaddy Change 92,94 ° FX1, 2 On, Off *C 96,97 Oo Data Increment/Decrement *1 100, 101 Oo RPN (LSB, MSB) #2 120, 121 O° Alll Sound Off, Reset All Cntrls 0~127 - Mod Wheel *C Program O 0-127 *P Change: True# ARR AR He a ae ae 0-127 0-99 except for Bank G System Exclusive oO HOKE | x x x System Real Time : Clock x : Commands x : Local ON/OFF Oo ‘Aux Messages: All Notes OFF © 123-127 : Active Sense oO : Reset x Notes *C, *P, *A, *E: Transmitted and received when MIDI Filter (Control, Program, After Touch, Exclusive) = ENA in global mode. +1 Used for editing with RPN and Exclusive. Transmitted via slider when EX is set to ENA. 2 LSB, MSB =00,00: Pitch Bendrange, =01,00: Fineture, =02,00: Coarse tune +3 Applies to Inquire Message, GM System On, Master Balance, and Master Volume, not Korg exclusive. eat Mode 1 : OMNI ON, POLY Mode 3 : OMNI OFF, POLY Mode 2 : OMNI ON, MONO. Mode 4 : OMNI OFF, MONO O: Yes x :No rey wonewuowoydany GI VOICE NAME LIST PROGRAM (teset-a X50 only) Preset-a # Name FX1/2D.ModSre ‘A00* PipeDreams JS(+¥)/US(+¥) A10* Transforms ---/--~ A20* Wave Sweep JS(+Y)JS(+Y) A30* Sputnik JS(+Y)/US(+Y) A40* LandingPad JS(+Y\US(-Y) A50* Vortex JS(YVAT AG0* TimeClocks JS(+Y)JS(+Y) A70* SynTronic ~~~ WS(+¥) A80* Quarks JS(+Y)/AT A90* Universe X JS(+Y)US(+Y) 01 X Piano AM1* Killer B 21 * FunkyRoads A3i * Super Perc Aat_ M1 Piano ASt1 * ClickOrgan ‘A61* Classic EP JS(+Y)/US(+Y) ATI Super BX - 3 JS(+Y)/ ~ A8t* Dyno Tines JS(+Y)/S(+Y) ASt* Big Organ JS(+YV/AT --- NS(+Y) JS(+YVAT JS(+Y)VDA JS(+Y) ~~~ --- NS(+Y) IS(HY) === A02* BigStrings A12* Pop Brass ‘A22* AnaStrings A32* BrassSwell ‘42 * DynoString A52* StereoHorn A62* Cello Ens. A72* Trump Ens. A82* VeloFlugel A82* EthnoVioin HS(+Y) NOA JS(+YVIS(-Y) === SCY) JS(+YYVDA --- WS(#Y) ‘A03 * Asian Jung A13* Harp Gliss A23* Euro Pipe 33 *Lore JSUYWS(+Y) NDA JSEYISHY) VDAVDA 43 Tamboura JS(-Y)/JS(-Y) 53 MalletLoop --- /JS(+Y) A63* Godfather JS(+Y\IS(+Y) A73_ Jaw Harp JS(+YUS(+Y) A83* Polka Box AT/--- AQ3* Real Sitar JS(-Y)US(-Y) # Name FX12D.ModSre ‘AQ4 * Rock Onl! Ai4* BriteSteel A24* Stratified A34* Follow Me ‘A44* Chruncher A54* Flamenco Ae4 Funk Guitr A74* Rock Chuga AB4* FeedbackGt A94 * Greek Gtr. JSUY SEY) NDA e- JS(+Y/SS(-Y) VDANS(+Y) --- WS(-Y) JSCYYNDA IS(-YIS(-Y) VDAVDA anefon A05 * GlockBells A15* PingMallet A25* Crystalice A35* Logs&Bells ‘A45* Star Fire ASS * MetalGhost ‘A65* RealGamion A75* ThelceMan A85* Swiss Box A95 * Midi Bells IS(YIS(+¥) ISEYSCY) ISU) --- JSEYISHHY) ISEYWSHY) ATNDA === HS(+Y) VDAWS(+Y) ISSEY) IS(Y) === JS-YYSCY) SCY) je A06 * FatRezBass 16 * Upright ‘A26* Dance Bass A36* 90's Bass A46* SynthBass3 JS(+Y)/US(+Y) AS6* Velo Pick --- VDA A66 * ChromeBass JS(+Y)/ --- WSCY) A76* Velo Slap JS(-Y)/IS(-Y) A86* Big Mini JS(+Y)/--~ A96* Stick Bass JS(-Y)/JS(-Y) AO7* BreathyVox --- /JS(-Y) AI7 * Velo Flute 27 * Ghost Vox A37 * FreshWaves ‘47 * Woodwinds AS7 * 0000000028 A67 * Real Shaku ATT Flutter VDANIS(+Y) A87* Arabesque --- /JS(-Y) A97* SopranoVox --- S(+Y) VDA IS(YISS(+Y) JSC-YSC-Y) ISHYIS(+Y) wiry # ~ Name A08 * Xanalog A18 LA Synth ‘A28 * FatFilterz A38 * MIDI Grand ‘48 * Reso Waves ‘A58 * Dr. Tapp ‘A68* Split Syne ‘A78* Swell Pad ABB * Syn Brass A98 * Solo Synth A08 @[KrazyKit] 19 @[Combokit} ‘A29_ [Down Low] 39° [Mr. Gong) 49. [Manimals} 59 [Loop SFX] A69 [Nature } A79_[Natives!] A89* [DrillMel] A99* (Jet Star] FX1/2DModSre JSCYY =~ === WS(+Y) JS(+YVAT VOAS(+Y) pete JS(+Y)US(+Y) JS(YIS(+Y) rt) - NDA ATNS(+Y) JS(+Y)US(+¥) JSEYWS(Y) === WS(+Y) = 1SS(4Y) = WS(4Y) --=/SS(+Y) VDAVDA ---JS(+Y) JS(+Y)/ -=- ~- WS(Y) Preset-b # Name FX1/2 D.Mod.Sre ‘AQO* Sunrise A10* MachineAge A20* GlideSweep VAT A30* Space Wing [--> A40_ Neutron aan) o-- ASO" DreamWorld JS(-Y)/JS(-Y) AGO Spectrum — JS(-YVJS(-Y) A70* InTheTrees --- /--- ‘80 Halifax NS A90. SteamCloud AT/AT ‘A01 Piano 16" = A11* Hot Keys A21* LastTango - ~ A31* Gospel Org JS(-Y)/AT A41* PianoHaven JS(-Y)/JS(-Y) AS1* HarpsiFunk - = A61* Full Pipes A71* SantaClav A81*Drawbars A91* Bouzouki A02* AltoBreath A12* Brass Band A22* MagicFlute A32* Trumpets A42* Shaku Bend A52~ FlugelHorn 7 A62" Woodwinds JS(-Y)/JS(-Y) A72* Size Brass --- JJS(-Y) A82 Fanfare (- A92 BriteBrass ‘A03* TinyDancer A13* MaxiTine JS(-Y)JS(-Y) A23* Operators --- JJS(-Y) ‘A33* Fresh Air VDANVDA ‘A43* BowenWave JS(-Y)/JS(-Y) AS3* Elec. Tap === [=== A63* Whirly JS(-Y)/ ~~~ A73_ Tine Pad JS(+YVIS(-Y) A83" Hard Tines VDA/VDA A93 DWGSEP VDAVDA A04* Spruce Gtr JS(-Y)/JS(-Y) A14" Power Rock AT/ A24" E.Guitars. JS(-Y/JS(-Y) A34* Rock Mutes JS(-Y)/JS(-Y) ‘A4a* Clean Funk JS(-Y)JS(-Y) AS4 Harmonics --- JISCY) A64* LeadGuitar JS(-Y)/- A74 PedalSteel JS(-Y)/JS(-Y) Ag4* Dr.Guitar — JS(-Y)/JS(-Y) A94* JoyStickUp JS(+Y)/--~ # Name Fx2DModSre # A0S* Vibra Bell JS(-Y)/JS(-Y) A15* Tabla Talk JS(-Y)/US(-Y) A25 Gamelan — JS(-Y)/ --- 3S" Dustette — ATIAT ‘A45 SpiitBell —JS(-Y)/ --- ‘ASS* Africana plieeel ‘AGS. Isabelle - NDA A75 Log Drums = --- /JS(-Y) A85 EtherBells JS(-Y)JS(-Y) A95 WaveCycles JS(+Y)JSCY) AQ6t XFade Bass --- /JS(-Y) A16* FingerBass --- /JS(-Y) A26* ZapBass —JS(-Y)/ A36 PickedBass JS(-Y)/JS(-Y) ‘A46* Slap It YSCYSCY) AS6* TechnoBass AT/--- ‘A66* Fat Fretty AT6* HouseBass1 A86 Bass/Harm JS(-Y)\JS(-Y) Age" Rap Bass JS(-Y)/--- AO7* TheStrings --- /JS(-Y) A17* LiteVoices - IS(-Y) A27* DigitalAir — JS(-Y)JS(-Y) A37* ChamberEns JS(-Y)/AT Aa7* AnalogPad JS(-Y)JS(-Y) AS7* Airways ‘A67* Poppin’Pad A77* AmbiVoice --- lJSCY) AB7 Air Vox JS(-Y)/ AQ7* OoooohPad ---/ AB" PowerSynth JS(-Y)/JS(-Y) A18* ColorPad — JS(-Y)/ A28* Analogist. ---/ AaB" Wire Pad = VDAVDA. A4B* Residue JS(-Y)/JS(-Y) ASB* Busy Boy JS(-Y)JS(-Y) A68_ Soft Horns A78* MonoLead Ags DrumHit — ---/--~ A98 BrightPad --- VDA AogeTotal Kit —_JS(+Y)US(-Y) A19* Festivall — VDAWS(-Y) A29* MandoTrem ---/ A39* Industrial A4Q Orch Pere JS(+Y)US(-Y) ASQ* Heartbeat --- /--- AG9 @Producrkit JS(+Y)JS(-Y) AT9* Hackbrett ~~~ /--- A89 50's SciFi JS(-Y)/US(-Y) AQ9* HarpPluck —JS(-Y)/JS(-Y) Gor G02 Gos* Go4* Gos G06 G07 G08 Goo G10 oi Gi2 G13 G14 ais Gi6 G17 Gist Gig G20 Gat G22 G23 G24 G25 G26 @37 G38 Gao Gao Gat G42 G43 G44 Gas, Gas Ga7 Gas aaa G50 Name FX1/2D.ModSre Piano VDANDA BritePiano | VDA/VDA HammerPno ---/--~ HonkeyTonk VDAVDA, New Tines --- VDA Digi Piano JS(-Y)/ --- Harpsicord --- VDA Clav ATNDA Celesta JSCYVDA Glocken —JS(-Y\IS(+¥) Music Box - Vibes - Marimba VDA/ Xylophon — JS(-Y)/JS(- Y) Tubular NDA Santur - Full Organ AT/VDA Pere Organ VDAVDA BX - 3 Organ VDA/ --- ChurchPipe --- JS(- Y) Positive IAT Musette NDA Harmonica NDA Tango leas ClassicGtr JS(-Y)/JS(- Y) AGuitar NDA JazzGuitar NDA CleanGtr —JS(-Y)US(- Y) MuteGuitar JS(-Y)/--~ Over Drive JS(-Y)/JS(- Y) DistGuitar JS(-Y)/US(- Y) RockMonics JS(-Y)/JS(- ¥) JazzBass JS(-Y)/JS(- Y) Deep Bass NS(-Y) Pick Bass WS(- Y) Fretiess —JS(-Y)/NS(- Y) SlapBass 1 --- /- SlapBass 2. AT/ SynthBasst SynthBass2_ VDA/ Violin Viola Cello ContraBass TremoloStr Pizzicato Harp Timpani Marcato SlowString NDA # Name FX2DModSre # = Name FX12D.Modsre G51* Analog Pad AT/VDA 101* Brightness VDA/VDA G52 StringPad ---JS(-Y) 102" Goblin G53 Choir NODA 103 Echo Drop G54 Doo Voice - 104* Star Theme G55. Voices 105* Sitar G56 Orch Hit 106 Banjo G57 Trumpet 107 Shamisen G58 Trombone 108 Koto G59 Tuba 109. Kalimba G60 Muted Trpt --- /VDA 110* Scotland G61* FrenchHorn VDA/VDA 111" Fiddle G62 Brass NDA 112 Shanai G63* SynBrass 1 113 Metal Bell Ge4* SynBrass 2 114 Agogo G65 SopranoSax 115 SteelDrums G66 Alto Sax 116 Woodblock G67 Tenor Sax 117* Talko Ges BariSax — --- VDA 118 Tom G69 Sweet Oboe AT/ AT 119 Synth Tom G70 EnglishHrn VDA/VDA 120 Rev Cymbal G71 BasoonOboe AT/--- 121 Fret Noise G72 Clarinet = --- DA 122 NoiseChiff G73 Piccolo 123" Seashore G74 Flute 124* Birds G75 Recorder AT/VDA 125* Telephone G76 Pan Flute 126* Helicopter G77 Bottle 127" Stadiumit G78 Shakuhachi --- VDA 128 GunShot G79 Whistle VDA --- 129 @GM Kit G80 Ocarina --- VDA 130 @ Power Kit Ge1* Squarewave VDA/VDA 131 @ Analog Kit G82" Saw Wave --- VDA 132 @ Jazz Kit G83* SynCaliope AT/VDA 133 @ Brush kit G84* Syn Chitf 134 @Pere Kit @85* Charang G86* AirChorus G87* Rezzo4ths G88" Bass&Lead G89" Fantasia G90 Warm Pad 135 @ Dance Kit 136 @ Orch Kit Effect 1/2 Dynamic Modulation Control Source G91" Poly Pad (FX1/2 D.Mod.Sre) G92_ Ghost Pad G93" BowedGlass --~ /--- JS = Joystick G94" Metal Pad = VDA/VDA AT = After Touch G95* Halo Pad i AEG gost cneas VDA = VDA EG 7" Ice Re a « » cae loamaeee marked programs are “Double Mode” Program. Gag* Crystal 100* Atmosphere @ marked programs are “Drum Mode" Program. COMBINATION rreset-a X80 only) Preset-a # 00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 01 " 24 34 41 51 61 7 8 91 02 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 03 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93 04 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 Name FX 1/2D.Mod.Ste Type SolarFlare Warriors AncientSun <> Megatron Crosstades New Worlds Galaxia The Abyss ‘StereoKeys ‘Super EP Fat Pianos Velo Roads: Rock Piano Bs/EP&str Superkeys. Digi Piano Bass/Piano Piano&Str X Strings Wind->Orch Sonata ‘Symphony ChamberOre Fanfare WoodWinds FullString Str/Oboe ChamberStr ‘Analogking Maxi Stab LayerSynth NeuroFunk Multi Rez Big Swell OctaveLead Rezzo Funk RezzoSpiit Hard Syne CrankitUp! 12 String WaveGuitar Slappin’ Chorus Gtr StickSplit Malaguena Guitar Man TheOldWest Gtr/Flute IS(YVUS(+Y) ISEYIS(+Y) pee JSCYIS(Y) ye JS(+YIS(-Y) JSUYWIS(+Y) JSOYIS(+Y) ISUYIS(+Y) yp -—NS(+Y) JSUYIS(+Y) JS(YUS(+Y) SS(+YUS(+Y) IS(YVIS(+Y) IS(4YVIS(+Y) JS(+Y)IS(+Y) JS(+¥)/--- ~-- WS(+Y) ---NS(+Y) ATIS(+Y) UStHYUS(+Y) IS(+Y)S(+Y) JS(-Y)/NS(-Y) ~-- NDA ATIDA VANDA LayerVsw Layer/vsw Layer Layer Layer/Vsw LayerVSw Layer Layer LayerlVSw Layer Layer/VSw Layer Layer Layervsw Layer Split Layer Layer Split Layer Layer Layervsw Layer Layer Layer Layer Layer/VSw Layer Split Layer Layer Layer Layer Layer/VSw Layer Layer Layer Layer Split Layer/VSw Layer/Vsw Layer Layer Layer/Vsw Layer/vsw Split Split Layer/VSw Split Split Name —-FX 1/2 D.Mod.Src Type HeadHunter EthnicOrch EastAtrica Zen Garden Indian Jam RhythmPipe Warm Koto Lost Tribe RainForest Rock Organ ChorusClav Cathedral Ultra Perc Accordion Harpsicord FullManual Rock Show! DualManual PipeOrgan X Brass Bass/Horn BrassSwell TheSaxMen ‘MutedHorns Bass/Brass Bows/Trot Big Band ‘Trpt&Bones Hot Salsa TheSingers Ice Bells Java Bells LunarBells PizzoSynth Moon Stone Airiana Vox Bells: Bellendra Prisms Wild Drums Wild Split PhantomSax <>> RapToolkit Torquemada ‘SpaceZones MenatWork Star Lense TheDentist IS(Y)/ JS(+YYIS(+Y) JS(+Y)/IS(+Y) JSHYIS(+Y) WS(+Y) USHYUSHY) JS(+Y)/-~- IS(+Y)US(+Y) === /NS(+Y) ISU+Y)/ === VDAVDA VDAVDA JSu-YY/--— JSHYWIS(+Y) ISOS) JSG) --= oI --) ISGYWIS(+Y) JS(+¥)/-=~ ISEYYS(HY) wan faen aan ISGYIS(+Y) VDAUS(+Y) Layersw LayerVSw LayerVSw LayerVSw Layer/VSw Layer/VSw LayerVSw Layer Layer/vsw Layer/vsw Layer Layerlvsw Layer Layer Layer Layer Layer Layer Split Layer Layer SplivVSw Layer Layer Layer Layer/VSw Split Layer Layer Layer/Vsw Layer Layer Layer Layer Layer Layer Layer Layer LayervSw Layer Layer Layer Layersw Layer Layervsw Layer Split Layer Layer Laye Effect 1/2 Dynamic Modulation Control Source (FX1/2 D.Mod.Src): JS = Joystick Type : VSw = Velocity Switch Preset-b # 00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 01 " 24 3 4 5 61 71 81 a1 02 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 03 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93 04 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 Name —- FX 1/2 D.Mod.Sre Type Stars Burst Firsts Snow Rezolution Stormof3o Bell Come! Beach Walk ‘Autumn Chitd Song ‘SunOfTron FreeTime LayerPiano Bass&Piano The Gospel Stak’oMidi EP&String DynoPiano ElecPno&Bs Pontette ‘SamAntic Layer Cake Synth Fat Full Brass New Rave ‘SmokyHorn Latin Band Centerfold MasterFunk GoToSweep SweetMutes Biggeridea Satellite ‘Sing To Me FlutterPad VeloVoxBel HumanBeam InTheLight VeloVoices SilkRoad33 Nebulae Satari Mr. Tone Mr.Chorus ShoeString Slap & Pop 12 Stereo Velo Chord Split Bass Nashville Dole Bee Guitar&Pad ATIAT VDANVDA JS(-YVDA === NDA YSC-YWISCY) ATISS(-Y) ATIAT JSC-YSCY) ISCYIISCY) ---DA SSCYVAT ===/SS(-¥) JS-YWISCY) nnn eee ISCYSCY) ISEYSCY) IS(YNSCY) JSCYNSCY) ATIAT SSEYWS(-Y) ISEYS(-Y) JSE-YUS(-Y) NDA JSCYWS(-Y) Splitwsw Split Layer Layer Layer Layer Layer Split Splitwvsw Split Layer Splitivsw Layervsw Layer Layer Split Splitvsw Layer Splitvsw Layer Layer Splitvsw Splittvsw Split Splitwsw Layer Splitvsw Layer Layer Split Layer Split Layer Layerivsw Splivwsw Split Layervsw Split Layer Split Split Splitvsw Split Layervsw Splitvsw Splitvsw Spliwvsw Split Spliivsw Split ‘AT = After Touch VDA=VDAEG Name FX 1/2D.Mod.Src Type Calcutta Javanese Tethnical Bass&Vibes Instanbul ‘SugarBells Ethno Geo Bolshoi ‘The Sphinx ChinaBell FunkySpice LilBit O° Full Pipe Super Perc Busy Split Blues Harp RuftaReady Wasp Sting Deep Organ Sky Cat Layer Str Philarmony Overture Piz & Bow Orchestral Grandioso Madrigal AnaStrings StringsAtk HarpString Sax Heaven Half Moons Lead Pad Aquarium Cymballite Osaka Jazz ChiftSpiit ChrisTall Lassie&Tim Night Taps Celebrate! HereltComz Dulcimer HouseParty Space Port Masterfisa Dagobar Rave Hits DeathStars ‘Slammin’ ISeYy- JSCYS-Y) AT JSCYSCY) ISEYS-Y) ISEYSEY) ATI YSeY) JSCEY)IS(-Y) AT/--- ATIUSCY) ---NS(-Y) ISC-YSCY) JSCY)SCY) JS(-Y)ISCY) JS(-Y)IS(-Y) JS(Y)NDA ISCY)SC-Y) === DA JS(-YISC-Y) YSEYISCY) VDAVOA ATIAT JS(-YIS(-Y) NDA JS(-Y)WDA JSEYSCY) JS-YYIS(-Y) JS(-Y)NDA JSEYWISCY) AT/--~ JS(-YY/--- ATIAT JS(-YYMS(-Y) ISCYIS(-Y) JS-Y)VDA === JS(-Y) JS-YUSCY) Splitiwsw Layer Splitwvsw Splitvsw Splitivsw Splittvsw Split Layer Splittvsw Splittvsw Layer Layer Layer Layer Splitivsw Layer Layer Layer Layer Layer Layer Splittvsw Splitwsw Layer Split Split Layer Layer Layer Layer Split Layer Split Split Layer Split Split Splivwsw Split Layer Splitvsw Splitvsw Layer Spliwvsw Split Layer Layer Layer Spliwvsw Splitivsw Drum Kit Map ¢rreset-a x80 ony) Preset-a NOT ae a6 Grek Crash [ca] 36 0 K9 001 ‘Rock Kick 38 602" Ambi Kick 012"Syn Kick 3 a0 007" Gated Kik ai oi 43 45 47 cal] 48 a0 50 52 53 55 87 049" Open HN 083 Tambourine 0 59 030" Bedal HEA [cal] 60 62 0 Ride Edge 085 Ride Cup 64 82" SynMaracss 65 081 Cabasa 094 Fiand Claps 67 Sisp Bongo. i 967. Hi Bong. 086" Cowbell 1 1071 Open Conga Ride Cym 1: Rev Snare ‘Windbell ‘Open Conga Ride Cyr 2 China Cyan! ‘Ambi Snare. Preset-a eff] 196 Hareb sit” |196 Handi sit” [189"Unthi oH 188" Uhh 182 Monkey 193 Monkey 2 169 Meats | is Meus? 6 Gi Slide Gong bo Ga Rol 161 “Orch Hie” i Mouhiia Mout Toft, YSLE SLE. none SEE, Ext é io, oa 02 Open HH 8S Tambourine: Bedal HH. ‘Geash Cym = 58 Slap Bongo. rch Crask Fat Kick Real Kick ‘Ambi Kick 0. Procession Tom Lo 54 Ride Edge Ride Cup SyrNaraces! Cabase Bongo Cowbell ‘Qpen Conga? iI Open Conga’ Lo Timbal ne. HiTimbal 84. OpenTriang Scratch Hi Scratch Lo ‘SeratchDoi: BS] Rev Snare Bell Tree E off off Soff off EXi off off off ott” off colt iol off off cif oft. xi Poff Exe Be PBg Be Pott “008 Real Kick G1 Rock Kick ot “| Beh ii (003 Crisp Kick, (000 Fat Kiel | 002" Ambi Kick: ‘OL Syn Kick 2: (013 Orch B Dem” O14" Snare l | ‘019. Soft Snare ‘G32"Ambi Snare’ (23°Rev Snare | 026’ Rock Snare | (24 RoiiSnarel | (028 "RoliSnare? 1636. Side Stick Syn (030” Syn Sn ‘GBI Gun Shot 038" VocalSnr i! 033. BrushSwish 035" Brush G32" Brsh Slap ‘051 CloseSynbilt: (052. Open SynHlt 040, Crash Cym i Splash Cyr? 88 Seton O64 Brush Tom.” (064 “Brush Tom otf, off. E off oft off off oft. olf off. off off off off off cif EM Be alt ‘if ROMOKRT ROMDKN? |, ROMDKna ROMDKIA me Kame) EX #8") Power kin _E* tana pe Gazkiy 28 oi Rock KiGe” Off JOOH-Amb Rick “OHT”OT2Spn Riek IS GH |OORCp Kick Si a Ol6Snare3 |” Off |026.Rock Snare’ Off.” |630'Syn Shared, Off” |017'Snare 4 Off. [049:Open Hit” EXT” [049-0 “| EX1|052:0pen [089:Open HHT” “EX! 31 [000:Fat Kick”? Off, "|007-Gated Kik "Off 006 Dance Ki oor: off 109:Timbales | Off |109:Timbales |" Off |109Timbaies | Off [10 Off 33 loid'Snare i” EX6 [022:Ambi Snare) “OFF are’ EX6 (O24:RollSnarel |” EX6, { [023:Rey Snare |” Off |O24:RollSnarel EX ud (005:Real Kick "| Off ”|007:Gated Kik | Off |003:Cnsp Kick | Off |004:Punch Kick Off 008:ProcesKick, Off "|009:Metal Kick |” Off ”|O10Syn Kick I)” Off |OOI:Rock Kick | Off O36 Side Sick "| Of””[0B6Side Sick" Off”[007Syn Rim | OFT |036:Sde Suck ” OTT oisSot Snare” Off [026:Rock Snare’ Off”"|028:PowerSnare!” Of |029Syn Snarei | [094:Hiand Claps, Off. |094:Hand Claps | Off 1095'Syn Claps Off (020: LightSnare |” Off l020:LightSnare_| Off 058:Tom Lo” Off |060-ProcessTo “Jo62Syntomi 48: Tite HH cea [oss Tite HH EXI (089:Tom Lo” |” Off "|060-ProcessTom|_ Off _| ‘Pedal HH" EX1”[050-Pedal HH |” EXT 1058:Tom Lo |” Off Open HH EXT Tom Hi | Off (COW |060:Processtom O TCOH Jod0-Crash Cym_ “OFF 1052 Open “Off” |060:ProcessTom, Off” |062:Syntomi_? eseRieete “oft Os0:Pedal Hi [062:SynTomi [052:Open [040:Crash Gym :Ride Edge O [042:China Cym Off ieCup |” Off [085:Tambourine Off (044:Splash Cym Off (086:Cowbell. | Off [040:Crash Cy |” Off [104:Vibrasiap. |” Off 0S5:Ride Cup [085Tambourine! 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[071 Open Conga on Open Cong 6s 67 n 4 L nn “Off.” |083:MuteTriang | EX3 ‘orameny 2801 “perekny, &*8"| ‘Oncey x aan aoa omer ere = TEXT ]003:Crisp Kick | “Off |067:Hi Bongo Off |003:Crisp Kick-Off DEX! 108:FingerSnap | Off |066:L0 Bongo Off |018:PicloSnare Off [049:Open HH EXi”|085:Tambourine, Off |049:Open HH EX! JO02:Ambi.Kick | Off |065:Agogo Off. |O11:Syn Kick 2” 109:Timbales | “Off |038:VocalSnr i” Off _|036:Side Stick [032:Brush Slap | EX6 |065:Agogo Off |02I:TightSnare | ai [024 RollSnarel , EX6 |068:Slap Bongo , Off [023:Rev Snare, . }004:Punch Kick | Off |023:WoodBlock3 Off |002:Ambi.Kick Real Kick | Off. JOO1:Rock Kick | Off” |069:Ciaves Off _|006:Dance Kick Off _}13-Oreh B. Drm Off ”| (Off. |082.Woodlock2. | Off [036:Side Stick Oi 036;Side Stick | Off | Git” J0s6:Cowbell | “Off” J030:Sya Snared | Ott fo25:RollSnared. |” Off Off” Jovi Woodsiocki” “Off [094:Hand Ciaps Off |107-Castanet_ "Off [033 BrushSwish, OH |107-Casanet, | O¥f Jozz:ambiSnare Off p25 RollSnared Off [064 Brush Tom, Off |076:Baya 2 | Off [060:ProcessTom [O48:Tite HH) EXI. |081.Cabase "Off ~ [O64:Brush Tom |” Off” |07S:Baya |” Off J0o0:ProcessTom, [0S0:Pedal HH [080:Maracas Off |050:Pedal HH 064:Brush Tor [076:Baya 2 7 [048:Open HH 081:Cabasa [064:Brush Tom 7 064 Brush Te [o78:Tabla 2 z (040:Crash Cy” 104-Vibrasiap [064Brush Tom’? Off [077 Tabla t o42Chi Off "|0130rch Bem Off [056 Ride Cym 1) Off |0840penTriang | EX3 [085 Tambourine!” Off |105:GuiroS | EX2 J044Spiash Cy. Off _|149:JingleBell | Off [086 Cowbell. “Off |i06-Guiro LEX?” voit |1a7bell tree” | Off or join Off ont Joso Maracas off [067 Hi Bongo Off |094 Hand Claps | Off ‘Off |095:Syn Claps Off ‘Git. [089 Scratch Lo” |“ Off Off j098 Scratch Hi |” OFF 1071: Open Con 100ScratchDbl” Off [089:Hi Timbat 130 Whistle S")EX4 [090:Lo Timbal 1SL-Whistle L7EXa 065:Agogo 072 Siap Conga Off 065:Agogo [074 Mute Conga, Off O8i-Cabasa (071. Open Conge, Off 080: Maraces O71 Open Conga! Off 150-Whistle § 102:Mute Cuica | Off i51-WhistieL.””/” EX2_[i03:Open Cuica’” Off 105:GuiroS EX3_|109Timbales Off 106:Guiro LEX3 /088R-Timbal__ OFF (069:Ciaves "OFF "|0a9:HiTimbal Off 092:WoodBieci? Off |090:L0 Timbal Off 083:WeodBiecks | Off [070:SynClaves Off 102 Mute CuicaEX4 |087'SyaCowbell, Off 103,Open Cuica, EX4|108FingerSnap | Off (083: MuteTniang! EXS [153:Taiko Hi Off J084:OpenTriang EXS |154Taiko lo. Off [08i-Cabasa Off 097 Zap? Off {49:JingleBell’ “OFF Jo24-RollSnarei —EXS 147:Bell Tree Off. [025:RoliSnare2” ” EXS [107-Castanet | Off ]046-Orch Crash | EX6, 1036:Side Stick Off [046 Orch Crash EX6 184 Taiko Lo. Off : . $ s i 16i-Grch Hi “OT 0s5:Ride Cup.” Off f85:Tambourine|” Off J44Splash Cym Off os6:Combell. Off lso;Crash Cym_ Off 104 Vibraslap “Off aS4Ride Edge” Off 67 Hi Bongo Off 6:L0 Bongo.” Off G74;Mute Conga” Off G71:Open Conga” Off 071: Open Conga Off 039i Timbal Off 090:L0 Timbal Off loss:Agogo Off 65:Agogo Off (08 1:Cabasa Off los0:Maracss” Off 150:WhistleS”,EXZ 151:Whisle | EX? i Bo 106-Guiro LEXS los9:Claves "Off lore Woodbicc Ott ]093:WoodBlock3 Off 102 Mute Cuics , EX4 103:Open Cuica_EXa joss: MuteTringEXS '684:Opentriang.EXs |081:Cabasa_ Off |149:JingleBell Off 147-Bell Tree | Off 107-Castanet | Off [036:Side Stick |” Off Off. }152:Timpani_ Off. ‘Tambourine | Off 144 Splash Cym Off B6:Cowbell Off :Crash Cy Off 1104:Vibraslap Off, ‘Orch Crash ft | 7: Hi Bongo Off 6:Lo Bongo Off 7 OF 71: Open Conga!” Off M71:Open Conga, Ot 88-Hi Timbal | Off 90: Lo Timbal | Off ‘Agogo. Off 65: Agogo 81: Cabase 0 Maracas | Off 150: Whistle SEX? 151: Whistle L”EX2 105 GuiroS.EX3. 106:GuiroEX3 69: Claves Off 1092: WoodBiock? |” Off 093: WoodBiocks Off {102:Mute Cuiea , EX4 103. Open Cuice "EX4 MuteTriang EXS 4‘OpenTriang _EXS 1Cabasa Off H49:JingleBell Off I147:Bell Tree Off, o7-Castanet Off 136Side Stick Off _ iS4Taiko Lo OFF Multisound Name (340-429 xsp only) 000 A.Piano1 © 054FunkyGtr 108 MusicBoxLP 162StringEns. 216 Surty 270 FingerSnap 001 APianotLP 055 FunkyGrrV 109LogDrum 163StrEns.V1_ 217 SleighBell_ 271 FingSnapNT 002 APiano2 OS6E.GtrHarm 110Marimba = 164StrEns. V2 218 Elec Beat 272 Tambourine 003 E.Piano1 087 DistGuitar 111 Xylophone 165 StrEns.V3.__ 219 Idling 273 Hand Clap 004 E.PianoiLP 058 DistGtLP 112 Vibe 166 AnaStrings 220 EthnicBeat 274 HandClapNT 005 E.Piano2 059 DistGuitrv 113 Celesta 167 PWM 221 Taps 275 Gun Shot 006 E.Piano2LP 060 Over Drive 114Glocken —168 Violin 222 Tap 1 276 Castanet 007 Soft EP 061 OverDrv LP 115 BrightBell 169 Cello. 223 Tap 2 27 CastanetNT 008 Soft EPLP 062 OverDivF4 116B.BellLP 170Cello LP 224 Tap 3 278 Snap 009HardEP 063 MuteDstGtr 117Metal Bell 171 Pizzicato 225 Tap 4 279 Snap NT O10 Hard EP LP O64 MtDstGtr VV 118M.Bell LP 172 Voice 226 Tap § 280 Gt Scratch 011 PianoPad1 065 PowerChord 119Gamelan 173 Choir 227 Orch Hit 281 Side Stick 012 PianoPad 2 066 PowerChd V 120 Pole 174 Soft Choir 228 SnareRVHt 282 SideStikNT 013 Clav 067 OverDvChrd_ 121 Pole LP 175 Air Vox 229 Syn Snare 283 TimbleSide 014 Clav LP 068Gtr Slide 122 Tubular 176 Doo Voice 230 Rev Snare 284 TimbISidNT 015 Harpsicord + 069GtrSlide V 123 Split Drum 177 DooVoiceLP 231 PowerSnare 285 Syn Rim 016 HarpsicdLP 070 Sitar 1 124 Split Bell © 178SynVox 232 Orch Perc 286 Syn Rim NT 017 PercOrgant 071 Sitar 2 125 Flute 179 Syn Vox LP 233CrashCym 287 Open HH 018 PercOrgiLP 072Sitar2LP 126 PanFlute 180 White Pad 234 CrashCymLP 288 OpenSyn HH 019 PercOrgan2 073 Santur 127 PanFluteLP 181 Ether Bell 235 CrashLP NT 289 CloseSynHH 020 PercOrg2LP 074 Bouzouki © 128Shakuhachi 182E.BellLP 236 ChinaCym 290 Sagat 021 Organ 1 (075 BouzoukiLP 129 ShakhachLP 183MegaPad 237 Splash Cym 291 Sagat NT 022 Organ LP 076 Banjoe 130 Bottle 184 Spectrum 1 238 Orch Crash 292 Sagatty 0230rgan2 077Shamisen 131 Recorder 185 Spectrum2 239 Tite HH 293 Sagatty NT 024 Organ 2. LP 078 Koto 132Ocarina «186 Stadium 240 Tite HH NT 294 JingleBell 025 Organ3 079 Uood 133 Oboe 187 Stadium NT 241 Bell Ride 295 Taiko 026 Organ4 080 Harp 134 EnglishHim 188 BrushNoise 242 Ping Ride 296 Slap Bongo 027 OrganS 081 MandlinTrm 135 Eng.HomLP 189BruNoiseNT 243 Timpani 297 Open Conga 028 RotaryOrg! 082A.Bass1 136 BasoonOboe 190 Steel Drum 244 Timpani LP 298 Slap Conga 029 RotaryOrg2 083 A.Bass1 LP 137 BsonOboeLP 191 SteelDrmLP 245 Cabasa 299 Palm Conga 030 PipeOrgan1 084A.Bass2 138 Clarinet 192 BrushSwir 246 CabasaNT 300 Mute Conga 031 PipeOrgiLP 085 A.Bass2LP 139ClarinetLP 193 Belltree 247 Agogo 301 Tabla 1 032 PipeOrgan2 086E.Bass1 140BariSax 194BelltreeNT 248 Cow Bell 302 Tabla2 033 PipeOrg2LP 087 E.Bass1 LP 141 Bari.SaxLP 195 BeltreVNT 249 Low Bongo 303 Maracas 034 PipeOrgan3 088 E.Bass2 142 Tenor Sax 196 Tri Roll 250 Claves 304 SynMaracas 035 PipeOrg3LP 089E.Bass2LP 143T.SaxLP 197 TriRollNT 251 Timbale 305 SyrMarcsNT 036 Musette «090 Pick Bass 144 AltoSax 198 Telephon 252 WoodBlockt 306 MuteTriang 037 Musette V_ 091 PicBass1LP 145ASaxLP 199 TelephonNT 253 WoodBlock2 307 OpenTriang 038 Bandneon 092 Pick Bass2_ 146 SopranoSax 200 Clicker 254 WoodBlock3 308 Guiro 039 BandneonLP 093 Fretless 147 S.SaxLP 201 Clicker NT 255 Taiko Hit 309 Guiro LP 040 Accordion 094 FretlessLP 148 Tuba 202 Crickets 1 256 Syn Claves 310 Scratch Hi 041 AcordionLP 095 Slap Bass! 149TubaLP 203Crickts1NT 257 Melo Tom 311 ScratcHiNT 042 Harmonica 096 Slap Bass2__150 Horn 204 Crickets 2. 258 ProccesTom 312 Scratch Lo 043G.Guitar 097 SipBass2LP 151 FlugelHom 205 Crickts2NT 259SynTom1 313 ScratcLoNT 044 G.GuitarLP 098 Slap Bass3._ 152 Trombone 1 206 Magic Bell 260SynTom2 314 ScratchDb! 045 F.Guitar 099 SynthBass1 153 Trombone 2 207 Sporing 261 VocalSnare 315 ScratDbINT 046 F.GuitarLP 100 SynBass1LP 154 Trumpet 208 Rattle 262 Zap 1 316 Mini 1a 047 F.GuitarV 101 SynthBass2_ 155 Trumpet LP 209 Kava 1 263 Zap 2 317 Digital 1 048 A.Gtr Harm 102 SynBass2LP 156MuteTP 210 Kava 2 264 FretZap1 318 VS 102 049 E.Guitar1 103House Bass 157 Mute TPLP 211 Fever 1 265 FretZap2 319 VS 48 OSOE.Guitri V 104FMBass 158 Brass 1 212 Fever 2 266 Vibla Slap 320 VS 52 051 E.Guitar2 105 FM BassLP 159Brass1LP 213 Zappers1 267 Indust 321 VS 58 052E.Guitar3 106 Kalimba 160 Brass 2 214 Zappers 2 268 Thing 322 VS71 053 MuteGuitar 107 Music Box 161.Brass2LP 215 Bugs 269ThingNT 323. VS 72 324 VS 88 342 Organ6LP 360 Tin Flute 378 WaveSweepB 396 Boogeta 414 Pull 2NT 325 VS 89 343 Super BX-3 361 TinFluteLP 379 Lore 397 MouthHarp1 415 SolidHit 32613 - 35 344 SuperBX3LP 362 BrightHorn 380 Lore NT 398 MouthHrp1A 416 HandDrill 327 DWGSOrgan1 345 Stick 363 Glass Vox 381 Tron Up 399 MouthHarp2 417 HandDrilNT 328 DWGSOrgan2346 Tambura 364 Synth Pad 382 Tron Up LP 400 MouthHrp2A 418 Scratch a 329DWGS E.P. 347 TamburaLP 365SynthPadA 383TronUpNT 401ChromRes 419 Samurai! 330 Saw 348 SynthBass3 366 Ghostly 384 Flute FX 402 WahFuzz 420 Growl! 331 Square 349 RezBass 1 367 WhiteNoise 385 FluteFX LP 403 OllDrum_ 421 Growl! NT 332 Ramp 350 RezBass2 368WhiteNoiNT 386 Flutter 404 Fist 422 Monkey 1 333 Pulse 25% 351 MiniBass 369 Jetstar 387 Flutter LP 405 Stick Hit 423 Monkey 2 334 Pulse 8% 352 SynMallet 370 Jetstar LP 388 Cast Roll 406 Metal Hit 424 MouthHarps: 335 Pulse 4% 353 Glocken 2 371 JetstrLPNT 389CastRolINT 407 GlassBreak 425 Loopey 336 Syn Sine 354 FingCymbal 372 Windbell 390 Harp Up 408 Baya 426 ClockWorks ® 337 Sine 355 FingCymbNT 373 WindbellLP 391Harp Up LP 409 Drop. 427 Musicaloop ©) 338 DJ Kit 1 356 Gong 374 WindbelINT 392JungGliss | 410 CorkPop 428 Manimals ® 339 DJ Kit 2 357 Gong LP 375 Waterphone 393 JungGlisLP 411 Pull 1 429 Down Lo ® 340 M1 Piano 358 HardFiute1 376WaveSweep 394 MalletLoop 412 Pull 1 NT 341 Organ 6 359 HardFlute2 377 WaveSweepA 395 MalletLpNT 413 Pull 2 @®: with Pan Drum Sound Name (164-214 xs0 only) 000 Fat Kick 036 Side Stick 072 Slap Conga 108FingerSnap 144 Stadium 180 Sword 001 Rock Kick 037 Syn Rim 073 PalmConga 109 Timbales 145 BrushNoise 181 BISS 002 Ambi.Kick 038 VocalSnr1 074 Mute Conga 110 Kalimba 1 146 Gt Slide 182 BOOFN 003 Kick 039 VocalSnr2 075 Baya 111 Kalimba 2 147 Bell Tree 183 BOOGETA 004 Punch Kick 040CrashCym 076 Baya2 112 Marimba 1 148 Tri Roll 184 CHLACK 005 Real Kick 041 Crash LP 077 Tabla 1 113 Marimba 2 149 JingleBell 185 COOSH 006 Dance Kick 042ChinaCym 078 Tabla2 114 Marimba 3 150 Whistle S 186 COUGH 007 Gated Kik 043 China LP 079 Tabla 3 115 Marimba 4 151 Whistle L 187 ISSH 008 ProcesKick 044 Splash Cym 080 Maracas 116 Xylofon 1 152 Timpani 188 POOM 009 Metal Kick 045 Splash LP 081 Cabasa 117 Xylofon 2 153 Taiko Hi 189 Uhhh! 010 Syn Kick 1 046 Orch Crash 082 SynMaracas 118 Xylofon 3 154 Taiko Lo 190 Samurai! 011 Syn Kick 2 047 OrchCym LP 083 MuteTriang 119LogDrum1 155 Music Box! 191 Growl! 012 Syn Kick 3 048 Tite HH 084 OpenTriang 120LogDrum2 156 Music Box2 192 Monkey 1 013. Orch B.Drm 049OpenHH 085 Tambourine 121LogDrum3_ 157 Clicker 1 193 Monkey 2 014 Snare 1 050 Pedal HH 086 Cowbell 122 Log Drum 4 158 Clicker 2 194 Glocken 2 015 Snare 2 051 CloseSynHH 087 SynCowbell 123LogDrum5 159 Clicker 3 195 Glocken 3 016 Snare 3 052 Open SynHH 088R - Timbal 124 Snap 160 Crickets 196 FingCymbal 017 Snare 4 053 Sagat 089 Hi Timbal 125 BrightBell 161 Orch Hit 197 Gong Hi 018 PicloSnare 054RideEdge 090 Lo Timbal 126 Metal Bell 162 Metronome1 198 Gong Lo 019 Soft Snare 055 Ride Cup 091 WoodBlocki 127 Gamelan 1 163 Metronome2 199 WhiteNoise 020 LightSnare 056 Ride Cym1 092 WoodBlock2 128Gamelan2 164 OilDrum 200 Jetstar 021 TightSnare 057 Ride Cym2 093 WoodBlock3 129 Celeste 165 Fist 201 Windbell 022 Ambi.Snare 058 Tom Hi 094 HandClaps 9130 Glocken 166 Close HH 202 Waterphone 023 Rev Snare 059 Tom Lo 095 Syn Claps 131 Vibe 1 167 Stick Hit 203 Lore 024 RollSnare1 060ProcessTom 096 Zap 1 132 Vibe 2 168 MetalHitHi 204 Tron Up 025 RollSnare2 061 SynTom1 Hi 097 Zap 2 133 Vibe 3 169 MetalHitLo 205 Flute FX 026 Rock Snare 062 SynTom1 Lo 098 Scratch Hi 134 Vibe 4 170 GlassBreak 206 Flutter 027 GatedSnare 063SynTom2 099ScratchLo 135 Pole 171 Drop 207 Cast Roll 028 PowerSnare 064Brush Tom 100ScratchDbl 136 TubulBell1 172 CorkPop: 208 Harp Up 029 Syn Snare1 065 Agogo 101 Thing 137 TubulBell2 173 Pull 1 209 Jung Gliss 030 Syn Snare2 066 Lo Bongo 102 Mute Cuica 138 TubulBell3. 174 Pull 2 210 MalletLoop 031 Gun Shot 067 Hi Bongo 103 Open Cuica 139 Gt Scratch 175 SolidHit 211 MouthHarp1 032 Brush Slap 068 Slap Bongo 104 Vibraslap 140 Chic 1 176 HandDrill 212 MouthHrp1A 033 BrushSwish 069 Claves 105 Guiro S 141 Chic 2 177 Scratch a 213 MouthHarp2- 034 BrushSwirl 070SynClaves 106 GuiroL 142 Spectrum 1 178 Scratch b 214 MouthHrp2 035 Brush Tap 071 Open Conga 107 Castanet 143 Spectrum 2 179 Scratch c INDEX A After KBD. After Touch .. Curve Filter, Global . Filter, Mul amplifer ‘Apple Macintosh Arabic, Scale . Assignable Pedal .. Assignable Switch Auto Pan, Effect... B [BANK] button 2,67 Bank Bank Select Before TG Cc Calibration ‘Chorus-Delay, Effect ‘Chorus1/2, Effect... ‘Combination Edit = COMBINATION Paramaters .. ‘Combination Pla 15,22 Combination Types 2B Computer Select... 11,149 Concert Hall, Effect 18 Control Change . Control Change Filter Combination. Global Mult Copy Combination . Drum Kit Effects .. SCALE worn Color Intensity. Color Velocity Cross Delay, Effect Crossover Chorus, Effect Crossover Flanger, Effect D Damper, Assignable Switch 161 Damper Pedal Filter ‘Combination 63,101 Malti Data Dump Data entry, Assignable Pedal «snes 161 Default Settings in Multi Mode .. 31 Delay/Chorus, Effect 138 Delay/Distortion, Eft 140 Delay/Flanger, Effect 139 Delay/Hall Reverb, Effect... 137 Delay/Overdrive, Effect 140 Delay/Phaser, Effect. 141 Delay/Room Reverb, Effect Delay/Rotary Speaker, Effect Delay Start, Program Demo Song Detune Combination Multi Program 137 142 Distortion, Effect... 130 DOUBLE, OSC 2,70 Drum Kit 21, 48, 158-160 Index 158 Copy Drum Kit Setup Drum Kit2 Setup .. DRUMS, OSC... Drum Sound .. : Dry Plate, Effect nine Dual Mono Delay, Effect... Dynamic modulation control source E Early Reflection 1/2/3, Effect Editing [EDIT] button: Effects ‘Combination Multi Program Effect 1/2, Assignable Switch Effect Dynamic Modulation Effect Placement .. Effect Types Effect Paramaters.. EG. Enhancer, Effect Ensemble Hall, Effect Equal Temperament, Scale Equal Temperament2, Scale 150 Error Messages : Exciter, Effect... Expression . ee 31, 107 Expression, Assignable Pedal . 161 External Out Select... 11, 153 F filter. Franger 1/2, Effect Franger-Delay, Effect. G GLOBAL GLOBAL MIDI Channel GLOBAL Paramaters GM (General MIDI System Level 1) oni 16, Group Assign, Drum Kit..... H Harmonic Chorus, Effect 126 Hall, Effect. Hold, Program... 1 IBM PC (Compatible)... Index, Drum Kit Interval, OSC2 J Joystick ‘Modulation Intensity VDF MG Intensity .. VDF Sweep Intensity. Pitch Bend Range. K Keyboard Input .. Keyboard Sync VDF Modulation... Pitch Modulation Keyboard Tracking ‘Amplitude EG Time, VDF EG Time, VDA Intensity, VDF... Key, VDA Key, VDF. Modes, VDA. Modes, VDF. Keyboard Velocity Key Window Top & Bottom Combination Multi... Kimberger, Scale 181-186 118 23 Large Room, Effect. Layer Level Combination Mult. Program Live Stage, Effect Local Control M ‘main Scale .. Master Tune Memory Protect MG esses MG Wheel Calibration Set.. MG Wheel Select MIDI Data Format MIDI Controller Filter MIDI Connectors . MIDI Channel Global... Combination Multi. MIDI Data Dump MIDI Filter Global Combination Malt... MIDI Implementation Chart... MIDI System Exclusive Filter .... Multi : MULTI Setup Paramaters Multisound Multi-Tap Delay 1/2/3, Effect... smulti-timbre .. N No Effect Note Receive Filter .. NT (No Transpose) ... Number Keypad .. oO Octave, Program... Options .. OSC (Oscillator) Oscillator mode Overdrive, Effect... P Page Memory Pan (Panpot} Combination... Pan 3/4, Effect. Parallel 1/2/3 Placement... Parametric EQ, Effect. Pelog, Scale... Performance Technique ... Pitch Bend Range, Multi Pitch EG... Pitch Modulation Pitch2 Modulation Placement. Polarity Positional Crossfade. Preset Data Load .. Program Change. Program Change Filter ‘Combination Global..... Multi. Program Down. PROGRAM EDIT........ PROGRAM PLAY ...... PROGRAM Parameters Program Select, Combination .. Program Up Pure Major, Scale. Pure Minor, Scale. Pythagorean, Scale Q Quadrature Chorus, Effect 125 R Rename Combinati 104 Progarm 92 Room, Effect 118 Rotary Speaker, Effect Use sessnnntann Scale Switch, Assignable Switch Send CD Combination Drum Kit Mul Program... Serial Placement Setting Up .. SINGLE, OSC. Slendro, Scale 150 Specifications 167 Stereo Delay, Effect 121 Stereo Phaser 1/2, Effect 131 Spring Reverb, Effect. 19 Split... 23, 63 ‘Symphonic Ensemble, Effect. 127 T Timber... 15,22 TO HOST 9,10, 34, 149, 153, 155 Track ... == Transpose Combination 99 Global... 147 Multi sone 108 Tremolo, Effect 133 Troubleshooting 166 Tuning .. 62,147 u Undo. 1,38, 67 User Scale 151 Vv VDA on VDALEG DAI Velocity Sensitivity 3 VDA2 EG... 86 VDA2 Velocity Sensitivity VDF... VDF Modulation YDFI Cutoff Frequency VDF I Velocity Sensitivity . VDF2 Cutoff... VDF? Velocity Sensitivity . VDF EG : 77 VDF cutoff, Assignable Pedal ... 161 Velocity Curve 148 Velocity Sensitivity EG Time Velocity Sensitivity EG Intensity Velocity Switch .. Velocity Window Top & Bottom ‘Combination. Multi Volume, Assignable Pedal .. w Werkmeister, Scale Wet Plate, Effect... Write ‘Combination Program 0 OSRIW oss 98. M0 161 150 19 65, 155 NOTICE KORG products are manufactured under strict specifications and voltages required by each county. These products are warranted by the KORG distributor only in each country. Any KORG product not sold with a warranty card or carrying a serial number disqualifies the product sold from the manulacturer's/distributor's warranty and liability. This requirement is for your ‘own protection and safety. KO R KORG INC. 15 - 12, Shimotakaido 1 - chome, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan. © 1995 KORG INC. 1005 DTH Printed in Japan

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